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Topic/Lesson: The Discipline of Counseling (Q1 – UNIT 1- WEEK 2)

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding about disciplines of counseling.
Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to demonstrate a high level of understanding of the
basic concepts of counseling through a group/individual presentation of a situation in which practitioners
of counseling work to assist individuals, groups or communities involved in difficult situations (e.g.,
post disaster, court hearing about separation of celebrity couple, cyber bullying)
Most Essential Competencies:
1. Identify the goals and scope of counseling.
2. Demonstrate comprehension of the principles of counseling
3. Discuss the core values of counseling.

Time Allotment: 5 Hours (1 week)


 Copy the format of the given activities then answer it on one (1) whole sheet of paper.
 Part of answering these activities are the instructions, so you must follow all of the given


The discipline of counseling is a relationship characterized by the application of one or more

psychological theories and a recognized set of communication skills appropriate to a client’s intimate
concerns, problems, or aspirations (Feltham & Dryden 1993). Counseling as a specialty has grown out of
the need for institutionalized resources to support and help people in circumstances of difficulty in their
lives. Professionals in this field, called counselors, support those in need of clinical assistance in finding
meaning, dealing with the difficulty of life and adjusting to new environments. This chapter introduces
you to the practice of counseling. If you are interested in knowing this profession, this is your chance to
feel what it is.


1. Is there something bothering about your life? It may be your academics, your family relations,
your career, your peers, your co-workers, your self-identity, or your financial concerns, with
whom do you share your problem? Why do you share your difficulties/struggles to that
person/people? Explain your answer.

Nystul (2003) defined counseling as essentially an art and a science in which you seek to
weigh the objective and subjective aspects of the counseling process. Counseling as an art is the
subjective dimension of advice. It maintains a flexible and creative process by which the counselor
modifies the approach in order to meet the growing needs of clients. It is also related to the act of
giving oneself and being compassionate in therapy processes.
 Please open your book on page 11 and read onwards to page 14 for additional

ACTIVITY 2. Kailangan Ko’y Ikaw

Make a concept map showing the person you turn to in times of troubles and uncertainties.


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Process Questions:

 In trying to solve the problem, how did the both of you handle the situation?

 In your own opinion, how does counseling help individuals, groups, or communities?

In practical terms, counseling happens when a person is in distress asks for help and encourages
another person to enter a kind of relationship with him / her. It is indicative of someone seeking
counseling requests for time and attention from a person who will listen, who will allow him / her to
speak and who will not condemn and criticize him / her. This type of relationship is a formal aid in which
a counselor-counselee relationship is established.


The goal setting is a key component of individual, group, organizational and community success.
Counseling, like any form of assistance, must be motivated by objectives. It will be more difficult to
achieve the desired target if you do not or are not conscious of the objectives. The primary objective of
counseling is to help people use their prevailing social skills and problem-solving skills more functionally
or to develop new survival and coping skills. The comprehensive and broad therapy goals defined by
Gibson and Mitchell (2003) are as follows:

1. Development Goals – assist in meeting or advancing the client’s human growth and development
including social, personal, emotional, cognitive and physical wellness
2. Preventive Goals – helps the client avoid some undesired outcome
3. Enhancement Goals – enhance special skills and abilities
4. Remedial Goals – assisting client to overcome and treat an undesirable development
5. Exploratory Goals – examining options, testing of skills, trying new and different activities, etc.
6. Reinforcement Goals – helps client in recognizing that what they are doing, thinking and feeling is
7. Cognitive Goals – involves acquiring the basic foundation of learning and cognitive skills
8. Physiological Goals – involves acquiring the basic understanding and habits for good health
9. Psychological Goals – aids in developing good social interaction skills, learning emotional control and
developing positive self-concept


Counseling is a specific term with diverse definitions and objectives. It is important in nearly
every area of a person's life — cognitive, mental, economic, financial, psychological, and others. It is also
applied to individuals, families and groups.
There are several topics related to individual therapy, such as depression, sexual harassment,
anxiety, class, relationships, faith, philosophy, teenage problems, loss, frustration, tension, vocation,
studies, and others. In terms of family therapy, problems include divorce, family dynamics, life changes,
miscommunication, envy, money issues, parenting, remarriage, and others.
The scope of counseling is wide. Essentially, it involves application of some psychological
theories and recognized communication skills. It does not deal with clinical cases such as mental illness.
It is a professional relationship that requires an eventual closure and termination of the counselee-
counselor relationship.b

You have already read the Goals, Scope and Principles of Counseling. Now, try to
answer in your book pages 20-21 (Test Your Knowledge – D – and Check Your

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ACTIVITY 3. “Prinsipyo Mo, Isulat Mo”

Write your principle in life on one (1) whole sheet of paper.

Process Question:
1. How do these principles affect your life as a student?

 For additional idea, please read pages 16-17 in your book – Core Values of Counseling and
answer the question below.

Example: Below is a sample of an organization with its core values.

1. Chowking
 Appreciate other people’s interest beyond work

2. Cebu Institute of Technology University

 S-pirit of altruism
 P-assion for excellence
 I-ntegrity
 R-esponsibility
 I-nnovativeness
 T-eamwork
 T-enacity

Process Question:

 Based from the example above, why does an organization need to establish its core values?

ACTIVITY 4. Journal Writing

On a one (1) whole sheet of paper, write an essay elucidating how the principles of counseling
can be applied to daily dealings.


Consistency of Idea 10

Organization 5

Content 10

Counseling is defined as a process, as a relationship, as an art, as a science, and as an emerging
profession. The purposes and goals of counseling can be categorized into major and specific goals. The
crucial element in the establishment of goals in the counseling process is the party who sets these goals.
The client takes the lead while the counselor assists.


INSTRUCTION: Read and answer the following questions. Write your answer on a one (1) whole sheet
of paper.

A. Simple Recall

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of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copy right law.
_____1. Aimed at empowering client.
_____2. This means fostering action to achieve set goals.
_____3. Involves providing trust warmth, genuineness, and empathy.
_____4. The heart of guidance.
_____5. Everything that a client brings to the counseling context.

B. Modified True or False.

Write T if the sentence is true. If your answer is false, write a brief explanation why the statement is
______ 1. Goals in the counseling process are determined solely by the counselors.
______ 2. Counseling is for curing serious mental disorders
_______3. Counseling targets the development of the client’s emotional, social, mental, and moral
_______4. Counseling counselors the personal as well as the social environment where the client is
_______5. Counseling means giving advice, recommendations, and suggestions.

C. Essay
Explain your answer at least in 3-5 sentences.

1. In your own understanding, how will you define counseling?

2. What can you say about counseling in the Philippines?
3. Why should counselors imbibe the core values of counseling?


The content was well –thought of
Content guide questions were thoroughly 2
The paper was well written with
Organization ideas easily conveyed to readers 1
Analysis was clear and concise
Analysis based on the data presented 2

Congratulations! And thank you for answering your activities honestly.


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