Recipe Card Idea Development

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Recipe Card Idea Development

Recipe Card Design Evaluation

Recipe Card 1 I like this recipe card as it is simple and

has a clear format. I also like this recipe
card because it has sufficient space for
each part of the recipe card. One thing
that I dislike about this recipe card is the
colour scheme and the fact that there is
no space for my logo. Even though I like
this recipe card I do not believe that it
suits my logo and my company as my
company revolves around healthyfood
while this card is yellow and gives the
wrong idea about my company.

Recipe Card 2 I like this recipe card because it has a

nice format and is simplistic. Some
things that I dislike about this design is
the fact that it does not have space for
the utensils used which is important in a
recipe card. This card also does not suit
my company as it is yellow and shows
bacon and eggs which gives the wrong
impression of my logo and company
which revolves around healthy vegan

Recipe Card 3 This recipe card clearly shows all the

information needed for a recipe card
including the equipment, method and
ingredients as well as serves and cook
time. This recipe card also suits my logo
and company theme as it is green and
shows an image of grass. Unlike the
other recipe cards this card has room
for my logo and an image of the
completed dish. A problem with this
recipe card is that it can get crowded on
the page and can look messy.I like this
recipe card the most out of the three
and think that i will use this a my recipe
card for my dishes as it shows the most
information and suites my logo the best.

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