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(A Classroom Action Research at the Twelfth Grade Students
of SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang Selatan)

A “Skripsi”
Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training
in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of S.Pd. in the Department of English Education

Agus Sufyan
NIM. 1110014000060


(A Classroom Action Research at the Twelfth Grade Students
of SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang Selatan)

A “Skripsi”
Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training
in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of S.Pd. in the Department of English Education

Agus Sufyan
NIM. 1110014000060

Approved by:




The examination committee of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training

certifies that the “Skripsi” scientific paper entitled, Improving Students'
Discussion Text Writing Skills through Teacher Indirect Feedback Technique
(A Classroom Action Research at the Twelfth Grade Students of SMAN 8 Kota
Tangerang Selatan) written by Agus Sufyan, student’s registration number:
1110014000060, was examined by committee on March 24, 2015 and was declared
to have passed and have fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd. in
English language Education at the Department of English Education.

Jakarta, March 24, 2015


Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini,

nama : Agus Sufyan
nomor induk mahasiswa : 11100140000460
jurusan/prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
alamat : Jl. Ketimun No. 40 RT. 005/009, Kel. Pd. Cabe Ilir,
Kec. Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten,


bahwa skripsi yang berjudul Improving Students' Discussion Text Writing Skills
through Teacher Indirect Feedback Technique (A Classroom Action Research
at the Twelfth Grade Students of SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang Selatan) adalah benar
hasil karya sendiri di bawah bimbingan dosen:

nama pembimbing I : 1. Dr. Alek, M.Pd.

NIP. : 19690912 200901 1 008
jurusan/ prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
nama pembimbing II : Ummi Kultsum, M.Pd.
NIP. : 19790811 200912 2 001
jurusan/ prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Demikian surat peryataan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya dan saya siap
menerima segala konsekuensi apabila terbukti skripsi ini bukan hasil karya saya
Jakarta, April 2015
Yang Menyatakan

Agus Sufyan


AGUS SUFYAN (1110014000060). Improving Students' Discussion Text

Writing Skills through Teacher Indirect Feedback Technique: A Classroom
Action Research at the Twelfth Grade Students of SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang
Selatan. A Skripsi of Department of English Education at Faculty of Tarbiyah and
Teachers’ Training of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, 2015.

Advisors: Dr. Alek, M.Pd. and Ummi Kultsum, M.Pd.

Keywords: Teacher Indirect Feedback, Writing, Discussion Text.

The aim of this research was to find out whether teacher indirect feedback improve
students of XII IPA 4’s writing skills of discussion texts. The subjects of this
research were 31 students. The method used in this research was Classroom Action
Research (CAR). This research was conducted by following procedures of the
action research: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. This research was
conducted in two cycles consisted of three meetings per each. The data were gained
through qualitative and quantitative methods. Research instruments used in this
research were pre-interview guide, observation sheets, observation journals,
questionnaire sheets, and tests. The results of the research showed that there was
improvement on the students’ discussion text writing skills. Gradually, students’
achievement and attitude towards the implementation of the research increased. In
pre-action, students’ mean score was only 72.1 and only 11 students who could pass
the minimum mastery criterion (75). However, there was significant improvement
that in the first cycle, the mean score was 84.74, and that of the second cycle was
87.19. Moreover, the number of students who could pass the minimum mastery
criterion also increased that all students could pass it. Besides of that, based on the
result of observation, the class condition in first cycle was still categorized as Good.
However, it meant that there had to be some aspects that had not yet been solved.
Then, in the next cycle, the aspects that needed solving could be solved and the
class condition could be categorized as Very Good. In conclusion, the classroom
action research and teacher indirect feedback technique could improve both
students’ achievement and participation in the classroom.


AGUS SUFYAN (1110014000060). Improving Students' Discussion Text

Writing Skills through Teacher Indirect Feedback Technique: A Classroom
Action Research at the Twelfth Grade Students of SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang Selatan.
Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan,
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.

Pembimbing: Dr. Alek, M.Pd. and Ummi Kultsum, M.Pd.

Kata Kunci: Teacher Indirect Feedback, Menulis, Teks Diskusi.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah teacher indirect
feedback meningkatkan kemampuan menulis teks diskusi siswa kelas XII IPA 4.
Subjek penelitian ini adalah 31 siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini
adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan
mengikuti prosedur dalam penelitian tindakan, seperti: perencanaan, pelaksanaan
tindakan, pengamatan, dan perefleksian. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus
yang terdiri dari tiga pertemuan untuk tiap siklusnya. Data-data dikumpulkan
melalui metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Instrument penelitian yang digunakan
dalam penelitian ini adalah pedoman wawancara, lembar observasi, jurnal
observasi, lembar kuesioner, dan tes. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa
terdapat peningkatan pada kemampuan menulis teks diskusi siswa. Secara bertahap,
raihan dan perilaku siswa terhadap pelaksanaan penelitian meningkat. Pada tahap
pre-action, rata-rata nilai siswa adalah 72,1 dan hanya 11 siswa saja yang mampu
melewati kriteria ketuntasan minimal (75). Akan tetapi, pada siklus pertama dan
kedua terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan, rata-rata nilai siswa pada siklus
pertama adalah 84,74, dan pada siklus kedua adalah 87,19. Selain itu, jumlah siswa
yang dapat melewati kriteria ketuntasan minimal juga meningkat, semua siswa
berhasil melewati kriteria tersebut. Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil observasi, kondisi
kelas pada siklus pertama dapat dikategorikan sebagai Baik. Akan tetapi, ada
beberapa aspek yang belum dapat diatasi. Kemudian, pada siklus kedua, aspek-
aspek tersebut dapat diatasi dan keadaan kelas pun dapat dikategorikan sebagai
Sangat Baik. Sebagai kesimpulan, penelitian tindakan kelas dan teknik teacher
indirect feedback dapat meningkatkan pencapaian dan juga partisipasi siswa di
dalam kelas.


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

All Praise be to Allah, who has blessed the writer in completing this paper.
Sholawat and Salam are given upon our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided
us to the truth way and brought us to the real light of life.
The writer is extremely grateful to the Almighty ALLAH. He has blessed
her with his power and strength at all times until he can accomplish this Skripsi.
Without his blessing, the writer realises that he is not able to accomplish this
His special gratitude goes to his beloved parents, Satori and Suniah, for their
all everlasting support and help all the time. Besides of that, he would like to express
his gratitude and give his best appreciation to:
1. All lecturers of the Department of English Education at Syarif Hidayatullah

State Islamic University Jakarta.

2. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd., and Nida Husna, M.Pd., M.A., TESOL. as the

advisors, for the guidance and advice.

3. Dr. Alek, M.Pd. and Ummi Kultsum, M.Pd. for their time, guidance,

correction, and suggestion.

4. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. as the chairman of the Department of English Education.

5. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum. as the secretary of the Department of English

Education, and also as the academic advisor.

6. Nurlena Rifa’i, MA., Ph.D., as the previous Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah

and Teachers’ Training.

7. Prof. Dr. A. Thib Raya, MA, as the newest Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah

and Teachers’ Training.

8. Imam Supingi, S.Pd., MM., as the headmaster of SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang


9. Irmawati, S.Ag., as the English teacher at SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang Selatan

for her help help during the research.

10. Other parties that have given helps, supports, and suggestions in finishing

this paper.

May this paper be useful to the readers, particularly to the writer. Also, the
writer realizes that this paper is far from being perfect. It is a pleasure for him to
receive constructive criticism and suggestion from anyone who reads his Skripsi.

Jakarta, April 2015

Agus Sufyan


APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................................ i

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ............................................................................... ii
STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY............................................................. iii
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ vi
TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................... viii
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................ xi
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................... xii
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. xiii
A. Background of the Research ................................................... 1
B. Identification of the Problem .................................................. 4
C. Limitation of the Research ...................................................... 4
D. Formulation of the Research................................................... 5
E. Objective of the Research ....................................................... 5
F. Significance of the Research ................................................... 5


A. Discussion Text Writing ....................................................... 6
1. Definition of Discussion Text ........................................... 6
2. Purpose of Discussion Text ............................................... 7
3. Generic Structure of Discussion Text................................ 7
4. Language Features of Discussion Text.............................. 8
5. Points to note in writing discussion text ............................ 8
B. Teacher Indirect Feedback .................................................. 10
1. Definition of Teacher Feedback ...................................... 10
2. Indirect Feedback ............................................................ 11
3. Benefits of Teacher Indirect Feedback ............................ 11
4. How to Give Indirect Feedback ....................................... 12

C. Procedure in Applying Teacher Indirect Feedback Technique
in Teaching Discussion Text Writing to XII IPA 4 Students of
SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang Selatan ...................................... 14


A. Place and Time of the Research ........................................ 16
B. Method of the Research ..................................................... 16
1. Planning Phase ............................................................... 17
2. Acting Phase .................................................................. 17
3. Observing Phase............................................................. 18
4. Reflecting Phase ............................................................. 18
C. Subject of the Research...................................................... 18
D. Researcher’s Role in the Research .................................... 19
E. Instrument of the Research ................................................ 19
1. Pre-Interview Guide ....................................................... 19
2. Observation Sheets ......................................................... 19
3. Observation Journals ...................................................... 20
4. Questionnaire Sheets ...................................................... 20
5. Tests ............................................................................... 21
F. Data Collecting Technique ................................................. 21
1. Interview ........................................................................ 21
2. Observation .................................................................... 21
3. Questionnaire ................................................................. 22
4. Test ................................................................................. 22
G. Data Analysing Technique ................................................ 22
H. Trustworthiness ................................................................. 26
I. Criteria of Success............................................................... 27


A. Research Findings .............................................................. 28
1. Findings before the Implementation of CAR................. 28

a. Result of Interview .................................................... 28
b. Result of Pre-Observation ......................................... 29
c. Pre-Action Test .......................................................... 31

2. Findings during the Implementation of CAR ................ 33

a. Cycle 1 ....................................................................... 33
1) Planning ................................................................ 33
2) Acting ................................................................... 33
3) Observing.............................................................. 34
4) Reflecting.............................................................. 40
b. Cycle 2 ....................................................................... 41
1) Planning ................................................................ 41
2) Acting ................................................................... 41
3) Observing.............................................................. 42
4) Reflecting.............................................................. 48
3. Findings after the Implementation of CAR.................... 48
a. Result of Questionnaire Sheets .................................. 49
b. Result of Writing Tests Score.................................... 50
B. Interpretation of the Results ............................................... 52


A. Conclusion ............................................................................ 54
B. Suggestion ............................................................................. 54

REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 55
APPENDICES ................................................................................................... 58


Table 3.1: Blueprint of Observation Journal ..................................................... 20

Table 3.2: Specification of Questionnaire......................................................... 20
Table 3.3: Likert Rating Score, Adapted from Sugiono ................................... 23
Table 3.4: Rubric of Observation Sheets .......................................................... 23
Table 3.5: Score Interpretation Criteria, Adapted from Riduwan and
Sunarto ............................................................................................. 24
Table 3.6: Analytical Scoring Rubric ............................................................... 25
Table 4.1: Results of Pre-Observation Sheets ................................................... 29
Table 4.2: Students’ Pre-Action Writing Test Scores ....................................... 31
Table 4.3: Results of Observation Sheets of Cycle I ........................................ 36
Table 4.4: Description of the Codes in Table 4.3 ............................................. 38
Table 4.5: Students’ Post-Action I Writing Test Scores ................................... 39
Table 4.6: Results of Observation Sheets of Cycle II ....................................... 44
Table 4.7: Description of the Codes in Table 4.6 ............................................. 46
Table 4.8: Students’ Post-Action II Writing Test Scores ................................. 47
Table 4.9: Results of Questionnaire Sheets about Students’ Responses
toward the Implementation of Teacher Indirect Feedback .............. 49
Table 4.10: The Comparison of Students’ Writing Scores of Pre-Action Test,
Post-Action Test I, and Post-Action Test II .................................... 50


Figure 2.1: Underlining Errors .......................................................................... 12

Figure 2.2: Describing Errors ........................................................................... 13
Figure 2.3: Underlining and Describing Errors ................................................ 13
Figure 2.4: Correction Symbols ........................................................................ 14
Figure 3.1: A Modified Kurt Lewin’s Classroom Action Research Design ..... 17


Appendix 1: Students’ Name ............................................................................ 58

Appendix 2: Interview Guide and Results ........................................................ 59
Appendix 3: Observation Sheets of Pre-Action ................................................ 64
Appendix 4: Observation Journal of Pre-Action .............................................. 67
Appendix 5: Pre-Action Test Scores ................................................................. 68
Appendix 6: Lesson Plan of Cycle 1 ................................................................. 70
Appendix 7: Observation Sheets of Post-Action 1 ........................................... 91
Appendix 8: Observation Journal of Post-Action 1 .......................................... 100
Appendix 9: Post-Action 1 Test Scores ............................................................ 103
Appendix 10: Lesson Plan of Cycle 2 ................................................................. 105
Appendix 11: Observation Sheets of Post-Action 2 ........................................... 121
Appendix 12: Observation Journal of Post-Action 2 .......................................... 130
Appendix 13: Post-Action 2 Test Scores ............................................................ 134
Appendix 14: Grid of Questionnaire Items ......................................................... 136
Appendix 15: Results of Questionnaire .............................................................. 139
Appendix 16: Documentation (Photos) .............................................................. 140
Appendix 17: Surat Bimbingan Skripsi .............................................................. 142
Appendix 18: Surat Keterangan Penelitian dari Sekolah ................................... 144
Appendix 19: Correction Symbols ...................................................................... 145


This chapter presents and discusses background of the research,

identification of the problem, limitation of the research, formulation of the research,
objective of the research, and significance of the research.
A. Background of the Research
As one of language skills taught, learnt, and specifically categorized as one of
productive skills, writing is described as a skill including many exercises to develop
and not as a completely gifted skill.1 It means that the ability to write well can
actually be achieved through many repetitions, trials and errors, and also
However, writing does not seem to be as easy as it is said. When we speak,
using our body movements or managing our voices may easily help us explain what
we are intended to say. However, though we would like to say the same words we
produce orally, we need some practices in writing as we can only use some
mechanisms, such as punctuation, word order, etc., to help us deliver what we
mean.2 Thus, our ability to use those mechanisms can be very important as we do
not want our readers to misinterpret what we write.
In Indonesia, there are several types of writing that should be learnt by senior
high students, such as, procedure, descriptive, narrative, recount, report, review,
news item, analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, spoof, explanation, and
discussion.3 It means that there are so many kinds of text that should be taught in
senior high level. Specifically, from four types of text (narrative, explanation,
review, and discussion) taught in the third grade, discussion text is one of the types
that should be learnt. Discussion text is a kind of texts that provides two contrastive

Alan Meyers, Gateways to Academic Writing, (New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 2003),
p. 2.
James C. Raymond, Writing is an Unnatural Act, (New York: Harper & Row Publishers, Inc.,
1980), p. 3.
Standar Isi Untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah: Standar Kompetensi dan
Kompetensi Dasar SMA/MA, (Jakarta: BSNP, 2006), p. 126.


arguments about the topic and allows reader to have two contrastive viewpoints.4
Thus, readers will not be persuaded to be at one side before informed about another
However, discussion text is a difficult material to learn. The results of interview
with the teacher showed that in writing discussion text5, the first problem mentioned
by the teacher was that the students sometimes had not yet been interested to find
out the data to support the arguments soon; they preferred talking and joking with
their friends until the class ended. They argued that they were depressed while
working under pressure, and needed a lot of time to get the inspiration and the data
needed. Those are why they found it hard to collect their work in the end of the
meeting. Thus, the teacher sometimes were sometimes hard to directly correct their
work. Secondly, after the writing tasks became a homework, the teacher found that
the students had not yet put their best performance in their writing. They put little
attention about what they wrote which led to some problems such as, grammatical
errors. It is true that they had not yet interested in writing because of its complexity.
Thus, there were so many students that were hard to achieve Minimum Mastery
Criterion (KKM) made by the teacher. Lastly, the teacher said that it had been so
hard when her students asked her to give them reasons for their score since she just
gave them the score without any comments or feedback. Moreover, she argued that
it took a lot of time to give them comments to each work since she taught more than
three class a week. As a result, students became unmotivated since some of them
felt like they were hard to have clear direction about how to write well, and some
others felt like their teacher had not yet found appropriate techniques to improve
their skills.
Moreover, while doing pre-observation, findings showed that some students
sitting in the first two front rows seriously did the test. However, those sitting in the
next rows should always be supervised. Besides of that, four students in the right
corner preferred to play games on their smartphone than to do the test. Moreover,

Th. M. Sudarwati and Eudia Grace, Look Ahead: An English Course for Senior High
School Students Year XII, (Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga, 2007), p. 122.
See Appendix 2.

five female students sitting in the third and fourth row near the door liked to chat
during the test. Lastly, some students tended to do the test with their friends in group
rather than work individually. In conclusion, generally, they are diligent enough in
doing the test though some of them really needed supervising.6
In addition, after conducting pre-action test, twenty students failed to meet the
KKM.7 It means that students’ achievement in writing needed increasing. For all
those findings, the writer considered that students’ writing skills should be
increased through appropriate techniques.
As teacher said that she did not provide students revising activities, then
students did not have chance to enhance their writing. Thus, providing feedback is
hoped that it may help students improve their skills. A study by Ferris also proved
that, in helping students enhance their writing skills, almost all students believe that
teacher feedback is really helpful as it provides information related to their writing.8
However, giving feedback by putting comments to writing assignment is
seemed to be so hard for the teacher since it is going to consume time as she teaches
more than two classes which consist of, at least, 30 students per each. Thus, teacher
indirect feedback can be one of the solutions to solve the problems of, firstly, the
teacher as it takes less time, and of, secondly, students’ writing skills.
To make it clear, some previous studies have proven the benefits of teacher
indirect feedback. For example, Lalande’s study shows that the number of students
from experimental group, who believes that the technique enhances their writing
skill, is more than those of control group provided direct correction. Besides more
than fifty percent of the students in experimental group agree that revising their
writing increase their writing skills.9 Moreover, Chandler’s study, using the terms
of “Correcting” as direct correction and “Underlining” as indirect correction, shows
that indirect correction is useful to improve more to students’ accuracy, benefits
teacher for the time to provide feedback, and makes students be more engaged in

See Appendix 4
See Appendix 5
Dana R. Ferris, Student Reactions to Teacher Response in Multiple-Draft Composition
Classrooms, TESOL QUARTERLY, 29(1), 1995, p. 46.
J. F. Lalande, Reducing composition errors: An experiment, Modern Language Journal,
66(2), 1982, p. 145.

learning.10 Lastly, the study, conducted by Ferris as cited in Purnawarman shows

that students’ success in revising their essays is greatly influenced by the feedback
indirectly given by the teacher.11
Based on the preceding studies above, the writer believed that teacher indirect
feedback could help students solve the problems in writing discussion text. Thus,
from all the explanation above, the writer conducted research on the title: Improving
Students' Discussion Text Writing Skills through Teacher Indirect Feedback

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background above, the identified problems were:
1. Students were hard to finish the writing tasks given by the teacher in a short
2. Students preferred talking and joking with their peers than showing their
effort to do the task given by the teacher.
3. Students had not yet interested in writing.
4. The teacher had not yet found appropriate techniques to improve students'
writing skills.
5. The teacher found it difficult to give students feedback whenever she
assessed their work.
6. The teacher only focused on scoring, but set aside feedback.

C. Limitation of the Research

This study was focused on the improvement on students’ writing of discussion
text by applying teacher indirect feedback technique in the class of XII IPA 4 at
SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten.

J. Chandler, The efficacy of various kinds of error feedback for improvement in the
accuracy and fluency of L2 student writing, Journal of Second Language Writing, 12, 2003, p. 293.
Pupung Purnawarman, “Impacts of Different Types of Teacher Corrective Feedback in
Reducing Grammatical Errors on ESL/EFL Students’ Writing”, Dissertation in Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University, Virginia, 2011, p. 28, published.

D. Formulation of the Research

Based on the research focus above, the questions of the research formulated was
“Does teacher indirect feedback improve students of XII IPA 4’s writing skills of
discussion text?”

E. Objective of the Research

The objective of this research was to find out whether teacher indirect feedback
improve students of XII IPA 4’s writing skills of discussion texts.

F. Significance of the Research

Some significances of this research, not only theoretically but also
practically, go to:
1. Teacher, it helps the English teacher to solve the problems in teaching
writing of discussion text, to choose appropriate technique in teaching
writing discussion text, and also to improve students' skills in writing,
especially in writing of discussion text.
2. Students, it helps them to improve their writing skills, to achieve standard
minimum score at least, and to give them clear reasons about their
3. SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang Selatan, it can be beneficial regarding to improve
the education quality.

This chapter discusses definition of discussion text, purpose of discussion text,

generic structure of discussion text, language features of discussion text, points to
note in writing discussion text, definition of teacher feedback, indirect feedback,
benefits of teacher indirect feedback, how to give indirect feedback, procedure in
applying teacher indirect feedback technique in teaching discussion text writing to
XII IPA 4 students of SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang Selatan.
A. Discussion Text Writing
1. Definition of Discussion Text
Generally, discussion text can be defined as a text that provides two contrastive
arguments on issue to inform readers about what is being discussed. It supported by
Mulya who defines discussion text as “a text which presents a problematic
discourse discussed from different viewpoints.”1
Unlike a persuasive text designed to convey reasons of a subject and get
audiences' acceptance about those reasons,2 in writing discussion text, writers are
required to be fair in presenting arguments or, in other words, the writer should
cover the arguments of the problems on both sides. The arguments in this kind of
text usually show each strength and weakness of a subject to give readers broader
insights before they make any decisions. However, not only strengths and
weaknesses, Anderson and Anderson also show other contrastive views in this kind
of text, for example: the positive and the negative, etc.3
Thus, the writer should be balance when providing their contrastive arguments
though, in the end, she or he would decide at one side. Moreover, if so, then, as
Crusius and Channell states that, for all those arguments, it allows both side to get

Eka Mulya Astuti, English Zone for Senior High School Students Year XII, (Jakarta:
Penerbit Erlangga, 2010), p. 81
Betty Mattix Dietsch, Reasoning & Writing Well: A Rhetoric, Research Guide, Reader,
and Handbook, (Ohio: Marion Technical College, 2006), Fourth Edition, p. 7.
Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English, (Melbourne: MacMillan
Education Australia PTY LTD., 1998), Third Edition, p. 19.


acceptance about other side’s view and to make a general agreement about the issue
which is shared to all the parties.4

2. Purpose of Discussion Text

The main purpose of discussion text is, indeed, to discuss about the two different
arguments on an issue. As stated by Anderson and Anderson that showing readers
an issue with two contrastive points of view is the main purpose of discussion text.5
Besides, another purpose of this text stated by Sudarwati and Grace is that, in
making reasonable decision, readers are firstly provided many information related
to some points of view about the issue debated.6
Thus, for all those purposes, it can be concluded that the main purpose of
discussion text is to providing different viewpoints to enable readers to be informed
about the issue discussed.

3. Generic Structure of Discussion Text

According to Warner, discussion text has three main parts, they are:
a. Statement: in this part, outlining the subject should be done by the writers in
order to give readers boundaries about what is going to discuss.
b. Arguments: while providing or listing the arguments, writers should put the
arguments of both sides. Thus, to make it balance, writers are not allowed to
take his position on the arguments.
c. Conclusion: in this part, the writers are required to sum up all the arguments
and are allowed to choose his/her preference. 7

Though Anderson and Anderson’s generic structure is the same as Warner’s,

they differ only in conclusion that it allows writer to decide his/her position in the

Timothy W. Crusius and Carolyn E. Channel, The Aims of Argument: A Text and Reader,
(New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006), p. 17.
Anderson and Anderson, loc. cit.
Th. M. Sudarwati and Eudia Grace, Look Ahead: An English Course for Senior High
School Students Year XII, (Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga, 2007), p. 122
Margaret Warner, More Easy Text Types: Text Types for Students who Have Little or No
Experience of English, (Perth: Ready-Ed Publications, 2009), p. 6

subject.8 Moreover, Mulya’s is also different as she states that the last paragraph
can be used to give readers suggestion from the writers’ view.9

4. Language Features of Discussion Text

Accrording to Sudarwati and Grace, below are the features in a discussion
a. We may use general nouns to discuss, such as, smoking, abortion, etc.;
b. Thinking verbs may also help us show our emotion, such as, think, believe,
hope, etc. (For example: ‘I believe that….’);
c. To make a good transition, me may use some connectives, such as in addition,
furthermore, although, however, on contrary, because, because of, etc. (For
example: ‘However, there are also disadvantages such as the cost.’);
d. Using modalities, such as, must, should, etc., can also strengthen our points (For
example: ‘For all those reasons, we must do some action.’)

5. Points to Note in Writing Discussion Text

In writing discussion text, we have to consider these following considerations:11
a. When deciding what the title is, we can use a question to be the title of the essay;
b. Before going further to the discussion, we should lead readers to the discussion,
for example, by providing the background of the issue;
c. When providing arguments, we should support them with reasons and evidence;
d. We are not supposed to see the arguments only on one side;
e. By using modal verbs, we can make our reason stronger;
f. If we would like to favour one side in this discussion, reasons should also be provided;
g. Or if we would like to be fair, ensure that we are fair enough to both sides.

Anderson and Anderson, op. cit., p. 20.
Mulya, loc. cit.
Sudarwati and Grace, loc. cit.
Progression in Discussion Texts, https://www.babcock-, retrieved on March 2015.

Below is the example of discussion text about the pros and cons:12

Write the
of the essay/
Mobile Phones: Good or Bad?

Everywhere you go nowadays, you see people

First, write a
general using mobile phones. From school children to retired
introduction people, you see them talking in the supermarket, on
to the subject
of the trains, in the street, everywhere! So what are the
advantages of mobile phones?

First of all, they are very convenient because

Use linking
words like you can phone from nearly anywhere. Another
First of all to
present the
advantage is that they are really useful in emergency
advantage/ situations. For example, if you are alone in your car
and it breaks down, you can get help quickly. In In the second
and third
addition, you can also use your mobile to text your
friends or connect to the Net. introduce and
present the
advantage and
However, there are also disadvantages such as
Try to give
the cost. Mobile phone calls cost more than normal examples.
Use words calls. Furthermore, it can be annoying if you are on a
However to train or a bus and you have to listen to someone else’s
introduce a boring conversation. Finally, people can contact you
contrast and
In anywhere, at any time, unless you switch your phone
to introduce off!
In conclusion, there are both advantages and
disadvantages. Personally, I feel mobile phones are a
good thing because they give us more freedom and
make communication easier.

Achmad Doddy, Ahmad Sugeng, and Effendi, Developing English Competencies for
Senior High School (SMA/MA), (Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional,
2008), p. 74.

B. Teacher Indirect Feedback

1. Definition of Teacher Feedback
In the teaching and learning of language, feedback, indeed, takes an important
role related to the improvement of students' language learning process. Thus,
teachers can use feedback to give their students clear directions of what they have
to improve, of why they have to improve, and of how to improve their skills. The
statement is supported by Lewis who defines feedback in two perspectives. Firstly,
teacher may define feedback as a tool to provide them information about students’
progress and also evaluation of their own teaching. Secondly, Lewis states that
students see feedback as the comments giving them information what their strength
and weakness are, why they are wrong, and what to improve.13 It can be concluded
that both teacher and students need feedback as the bridge for informing the
ongoing process to achieve the learning goals.
In addition, Lewis’ statement about defining feedback based on students’ view
is also supported by Ur as cited in Srichanyachon who defines feedback as the way
teacher provides learner the information related to their learning activities in order
to develop their skills.14 Moreover, Brookhart adds that feedback is a component in
formative assessment informing students’ activities they are doing and helping
students decide fresh targets and plans to achieve their goals.15 It means that by
getting feedback, students can be more evaluative about their effort in achieving
their goals of learning.
It can be concluded that, generally, feedback is a mean or tool used by the
teacher to inform students’ learning performances, process, and progress in
achieving the goal of the learning.

Marilyn Lewis, Giving Feedback in Language Classes, (Singapore: SEAMEO Regional
Language Centre, 2002), p. 3.
Napaporn Srichanyachon, Teacher Written Feedback for L2 Learners’ Writing
Development, Silpakorn University Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts, 12 (1), 2012,
p. 8.
Susan M. Brookhart, How to Give Effective Feedback to Your Students, (Virginia:
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), 2008), pp. 1—2.

2. Indirect Feedback
Based on the form of feedback, Lee divides feedback into two kinds; direct and
indirect. Direct error feedback or overt correction is provided when the teacher
writes the correct form on the student’s paper, while indirect error feedback is
provided when the teacher indicates the location of the error on the paper without
providing the correct form.16 In other words, Ferris adds that indirect feedback is
only “letting the writer know that there is a problem but leaving it for students to
solve it.”17 Napaporn also states that when giving indirect feedback, errors are
underlined and codes or symbols are used to indicate the type of errors. 18 It means
that indirect feedback can be done by using codes representing a specific kind of
For all those explanations, it can be concluded that teacher indirect feedback is
one of corrective feedbacks providing indications of errors students make by using
codes but leaving no correct answer in order to let students correct by themselves.

3. Benefits of Teacher Indirect Feedback

As one of written corrective feedback, indirect feedback is assumed that it can
bring more benefits to students’ writing development. Results from Chandler study
show that indirect correction is useful to improve more to students’ accuracy,
benefits teacher for the time to provide feedback, and makes students be more
engaged in learning.19 It means that indirect feedback can involve students from the
writing process until finishing process, besides it saves teachers’ time, too.
Moreover, indirect feedback may also bring an effect to students’ long-term
memory and decrease the number of errors as supported by Purnawarman in his
study who states that indirect feedback strengthens students’ memory for longer

Icy Lee, Error Correction in L2 Secondary Writing Classrooms: The case of Hong Kong,
Journal of Second Language Writing, 13, 2004, p. 286.
Dana Ferris and Barrie Roberts, (2001), “Error Feedback in L2 Writing Classes: How
Explicit Does It Need to Be?”, in Paul Kei Matsuda, et al., Second-Language Writing in the
Composition Classroom, (Boston: Bredford/St. Martin’s, 2006), p. 382..
Srichanyachon, op. cit., p. 10.
J. Chandler, The efficacy of various kinds of error feedback for improvement in the
accuracy and fluency of L2 student writing, Journal of Second Language Writing, 12, 2003, p. 293.

period of time and brings greater opportunity to the desired result, such as
decreasing students’ errors.20 Moreover, by using the terms “guided learning” and
“problem solving”, Corder as cited in Lalande states that indirect feedback could
be more instructional for both learner and teacher as discovering the correct answer
is done by the learner.21

4. How to Give Indirect Feedback

In giving indirect feedback to the errors students make, as in Chandler’s study,
there are three kinds of teacher indirect feedback that can be used. They are
underlining, describing, or underlining and describing, such as the figures below:22

Figure 2.1
Underlining Errors

Pupung Purnawarman, “Impacts of Different Types of Teacher Corrective Feedback in
Reducing Grammatical Errors on ESL/EFL Students’ Writing”, Dissertation in Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University, Virginia, 2011, p. ii—iii, published.
J. F. Lalande, Reducing composition errors: An experiment, Modern Language Journal,
66(2), 1982, p. 140.
J. Chandler, op.cit., p. 282—283.

Figure 2.2
Describing Errors

Figure 2.3
Underlining and Describing Errors

Moreover, Oshima and Hogue add by providing correction symbols which

consist of underlines and codes, such as the figure below:23

Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, Introduction to Academic Writing, (New York: Addison
Wesley Longman, 1997), Second Edition, p. 217—218.

Figure 2.4
Correction Symbols

C. Procedure in Applying Teacher Indirect Feedback Technique in

Teaching Discussion Text Writing to XII IPA 4 Students of
SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang Selatan
In this study, teacher indirect feedback technique to improve students’
discussion text writing achievement by following the procedures below. The
researcher, as the teacher:
1. Delivers the materials about discussion text and how to make the
framework. The teacher teaches the materials related to the definition,
purposes, structure of discussion text. Moreover, students are also taught to
make the framework of discussion essay.

2. Introduces teacher indirect feedback technique. Teacher explains what

teacher indirect feedback technique is, how to do the technique, and also what
the codes mean.
3. Provides students topics to write: teacher provides students some topics that
whether they may choose themselves or are chosen by the teacher.
4. Asks students to make a framework of their own writing. Students are asked
to make a framework in order to help them elaborate their writing. Students
does not have to submit the framework but should have it when they want to
elaborate their writing.
5. Provides students the writing sheets. The writing sheets are provided by the
teacher in order to make it simple to correct and to score students’ writing.
6. Asks students to elaborate their writing. After they have got their paper, then
they should elaborate their framework into a four-paragraph discussion essay.
7. Asks them to confirm or recheck their writing. Before students submit their
writing, teacher allows students to ensure that their writing is good enough
8. Asks them to submit their writing. After they have rechecked their writing,
students should submit their writing. It is supposed to be on the same day.
9. Provides them feedback by underlining and giving codes. After they have
submitted their writing, then teacher provides them the indirect feedback by
putting underlines and codes to wrong or inappropriate words.
10. Explains the codes to the students. In the next meeting, teacher gives students’
paper back and then explain what codes mean and what to do.
11. Asks them to revise their paper. After explaining the codes, teacher asks
students to revise their writing. In this part, students are still allowed to elaborate
their writing besides revise their writing.
12. Provides them suggestion and explanation. While revising, teacher also
provides them some suggestion about what they have to do.
13. Asks them to submit their revision. Students are asked to submit their revised
14. Scores and evaluates their writing. Teacher scores students’ writing by using
analytical scoring rubric.

This chapter presents the description of the research method used in this study,
including place and time of the research, method and design of the research, subject
of the research, researcher’s role in the research, , instrument of the research, data
collecting technique, data analysing technique, trustworthiness, and criteria of
A. Place and Time of the Research
The research took place in SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang Selatan, located at Jl.
Cirendeu Raya No. 5, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten, 15419. Moreover, the
research was conducted only on Tuesday and Wednesday for approximately a
month, which was started from January 6th until February 10th, 2015.

B. Method of the Research

The method used in this research was Classroom Action Research (CAR). The
rationale behind the application of this method is because, firstly, there were
problems in the classroom, and it should be solved. Secondly, students’
improvement was also needed to succeed the learning process. Lastly, the teacher’s
ability in teaching this subject needed improving.
The Classroom Action Research (CAR) procedures used in this research was
Kurt Lewin's design. Among several designs that could be used in classroom action
research, Lewin’s design was more comprehensible and understandable for the
researcher. Moreover, generally, Kurt Lewin's design consists of cycles having four
phases per each. The phases are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The
figure below represents the cycles of Kurt Lewin's design:


Planning Acting


Reflecting Observing

Figure 3.1
A Modified Kurt Lewin’s Classroom Action Research Design1

To make them clear about what happens in each phase, below is the explanation
about each phase:
1. Planning Phase
In the beginning, after identifying and diagnosing students’ writing problems
occurred in the class proven by interviewing the teacher, observing the class, and
conducting the test, some plans related to how to solve the problems in the
classroom were made. The plans in this planning phase included designing lesson
plan, determining technique, preparing materials and media, and determining
criteria of success.
The organized planning was formed into lesson plan which was, then,
implemented to the students. Post-action tests were also prepared in order to know
whether there were some improvements on the students’ score achievement from
each test.

2. Acting Phase
This phase was the implementation of planning phase contents. In this phase,
the lesson plan made was implemented. In the first meeting, pre-action test was
conducted to know students’ writing skills before teacher indirect feedback was
implemented. Besides of that, it was also used to analyse the average number of

M. Djunaidi Ghony, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Malang: UIN-Malang Press, 2008), p.

words students could produce. Moreover, after the average number of words had
been counted, then the range number of words students should be produced in the
next tests were standardised.
In each cycle, three meetings were needed. The first cycle was conducted to
deliver some materials needing achieving. Then, the second meeting was used to
conduct the tests. After the data had been collected, then feedback was given on
students’ paper. Lastly, the third meeting was used to revise their writing that
teacher had put feedback on.

3. Observing Phase
In this phase, observation toward implementation of the action was carried out
by using observation sheets and observation journals. In this phase, the data derived
from evaluation or post-action tests were also collected in order to know the
changes made by the implementation of the action toward the subject of the

4. Reflecting Phase
This phase was aimed to reflect the completely-done action in one cycle based
on collected data. It is necessary to hold evaluation to discuss further about what
had and had not yet been achieved. Thus, the scope of reflection in this research
involve analysing, synthesising, and assessing collected data. This phase, then,
determined the next plan, including what to do in the next cycle. Furthermore, when
one cycle had not yet met the requirements of what to achieve, the next cycle should
be able to cover them.

C. Subject of the Research

The subject of the research was the students at XII IPA 4 class of SMA Negeri
8 Kota Tangerang Selatan, academic year 2014/2015. There were 14 male students
and 17 female students in the classroom.

D. Researcher’s Role in the Research

In this research, the role of researcher was not only as the researcher, but also
as a lesson planner, a teacher, and a test maker collecting, analysing, and reporting
the results of the study.

E. Instruments of the Research

The instruments of this research were divided into two kinds. The first was non-
test instrument including pre-interview guide, observation sheets, observation
journals, and questionnaire sheets. Then, the rest was test.
1. Pre-Interview Guide
The unstructured interview was done before implementing the CAR in order to
deeply analyse the problems faced by the teachers and related to the class situation,
students’ achievement, and also students’ and teachers’ attitude toward the teaching
and learning process of writing.

2. Observation Sheets
To describe students' activities in the classroom while learning discussion text,
four main aspects were observed. Those aspects were related to teacher's problems
when she taught discussion text. They were students' preparation (preparing the data
needed), diligence, involvement in the learning process, and submission
The first aspect, students' preparation, considered about whether students
prepared the data needed for their writing. In the end of each meeting, students were
asked to find the data related to the next topic in the next meeting. Generally, the
teacher and the writer checked their readiness in the beginning of the class. The
second aspect, students' diligence, was related to students' effort to do their writing.
The effort could be seen when they focused and spent more time doing the tasks,
rather than talking to and disturbing others. Moreover, the third aspect, students'
involvement in the learning process, was related to whether they are active in the
learning process. Asking question, giving ideas, or sharing experience were some

of the indicators in this aspect. The last aspect, submission punctuality, actually
took important role in order to give the teacher and the writer opportunity to give
feedback. Thus, students should submit their work in the end of the class. However,
in order to give them more chance, the submission could also be done outside the
class, but it was on the same day.

3. Observation Journals
Observation journals were used in order to generally capture the situation in the
teaching and learning process and also to add any information which were not
included in the observation sheets. Besides of that, the journal was also used in the
reflection process by the end of the cycle. Below is the blueprint of observation
Table 3.1
Blueprint of Observation Journal
Cycle Meeting Date Activities Findings

4. Questionnaire Sheets
After the implementation of CAR, questionnaire sheets were distributed to add
information related students’ opinion and thoughts about the learning of writing
discussion text by applying teacher indirect feedback. Students’ response was
divided into three answers; Agree, Not Sure, and Disagree. Indicators used in this
questionnaire were as follow:
Table 3.2
Specification of Questionnaire
No. Indicators Items Number
Positive Negative
1 Guidance 3 2 1, 4, 5, 6, 7

No. Indicators Items Number
Positive Negative
2 Help 5 8, 9, 10, 14, 15
3 Information 2 2, 3
4 Knowledge 3 11, 12, 13
Total 13 2

5. Tests
In this research, tests were conducted to measure students' writing skills
improvement. The tests were essay tests for each and were divided into three steps;
pre-action, post-action I, and post-action II. In pre-action test, students were asked
to have freewriting, then the number of words produced would be used to
standardise the range of number of words students had to produce.

F. Data Collecting Technique

In this research, the data were collected from both qualitative and quantitative
data to illustrate the improvement in teaching and learning process. Qualitative data
were collected through interview, observation, and questionnaire to capture
description about the implementation of teacher indirect feedback technique. Then,
quantitative data were collected through test which was divided into two kinds; pre-
test and post-test.
1. Interview
The unstructured interview was done before implementing the CAR in order to
deeply analyse the problems faced by the teachers and related to the class situation,
students’ achievement, and also students’ and teachers’ attitude toward the teaching
and learning process of writing.

2. Observation
During teaching and learning process in the classroom, the observation was
done by using structural and open observation. Structural observation was carried

out by using observation sheets in order to notice the four aspects that needs
observing. Besides of that, observation journals were also used as open observation
in order to have further information about the other aspects that were not provided
in the observation sheets.

3. Questionnaire
Post-action questionnaire was conducted know students’ responses about the
implementation of teacher indirect feedback. The result of questionnaire, then, was
used to help strengthen the data used in this research.

4. Test
To measure students' writing skills, essay tests were conducted. They were
divided into two kinds; pre-action test and post-action tests. Pre-action test was
conducted before the implementation of teacher indirect feedback. Then, post-
action tests were conducted in order to measure students' improvement after the
technique had been applied. In each test, students were asked to write an essay about
the chosen topic. The topic had been informed before the post-action test to let them
find things they needed.

G. Data Analysing Technique

Analysing data was done to simplify data to be readable and interpretable data
which, later, would be used to draw conclusion. In analysing data gained from
questionnaire sheets, the researcher tabulated the frequency of students’ responses,
to transform the data into percentage and then the data were analysed. The highest
percentage could be interpreted as respondents’ tendency about the subjects, while
the lowest percentage could be interpreted as a tendency that did not describe
respondents’ opinions.2 Likert scale was used in tabulating the score as it gave a
gradation about the responses, for example, Always, Often, Sometimes, Never.3 In

Nana Sudjana, Penilaian Hasil Proses Belajar Mengajar, (Bandung: PT. Remaja
Rosdakarya, 2009), p. 128.
Sugiono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2010), p. 135.

this research, the researcher modified the scale by using Agree, Not Sure, and
Disagree to know students’ responses toward the implementation of teacher indirect
Table 3.3
Likert Rating Score, Adapted from Sugiono4
Positive responses Negative Responses
Agree 3 1
Not Sure 2 2
Disagree 1 3

Besides of that, in analysing the data from observation sheets, the researcher
firstly tabulated the score for each aspect by using the rubric below:
Table 3.4
Rubric of Observation Sheets
No Aspects Sub-Aspects Score Assessment Criteria
3 Seriously doing the task
Seriously doing the task if
1 Diligence 2
1 Not seriously doing the task
Actively paying attention to
teacher’s explanation
Response to
Not really actively paying attention
teacher’s 2
teacher’s explanation, sometimes
Involvement explanation
Not paying attention to teacher’s
2 in learning 1
Actively involved in group
Involvement discussion
in group Not really actively involved in
group discussion, sometimes


No Aspects Sub-Aspects Score Assessment Criteria

Involvement Not actively involved in group
Involvement in group discussion
2 in learning Interaction 3 Often or Actively interact
process with the 2 Sometimes
teacher 1 Never
Bring the framework and has met
the criteria
3 Preparation Bring the framework but has not
met the criteria
1 Do not bring the framework
3 On time/On the day
4 2 On the next day
1 On the next two days or more

Separately, data gained from observation and questionnaire were tabulated,

formed into percentage, and then analysed. Below is the formula to form the data
into percentage:5
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 = 𝑥 100%
𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒

After the data had been formed into percentage, they were, then, analysed and
interpreted according to the following table:
Table 3.5
Score Interpretation Criteria, Adapted from Riduwan and Sunarto6
Percentage Interval Description
81% - 100% Very Good
61% - 80% Good

Riduwan and Sunarto, Pengantar Statistika untuk Penelitian Pendidikan, Sosial,
Ekonomi, Komunikasi dan Bisnis, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2013), p. 23.

Percentage Interval Description

41% - 60% Enough
21% - 40% Bad
0% - 20% Very Bad

Moreover, students' tests writing ability, analytical scoring rubric adapted from
J. B. Heaton was used. There are five aspects in the analytical scoring rubric, i.e.,
content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics. The table below is
the analytical scoring rubric:
Table 3.6
Analytical Scoring Rubric7
Aspects Score Judgement
30–27 knowledgeable, substantive
26–22 some knowledge of subject, adequate range
21–17 limited knowledge of subject, little substance
16–13 does not show knowledge of subject, non-substantive
20–18 fluent expression, ideas clearly stated
17–14 somewhat choppy, but main ideas stand out
13–10 non-fluent, ideas confused or disconnected
9–7 does not communicate, no organization
20–18 sophisticated range, effective word choice and usage
adequate range, occasional errors, but meaning not
Vocabulary obscured
13–10 limited range, frequent errors
9–7 little knowledge of English vocabulary
25–22 effective complex construction
Language 21–19 effective but simple construction
Use 17–11 major problems in simple/complex construction
10–5 virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules

J. B. Heaton, Writing English Language Tests, (UK: Longman, 1988), p. 146.

Aspects Score Judgement

5 demonstrates mastery of conventions
4 occasional errors of spelling, punctuation
3 frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization
2 dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation, etc.

In tabulating the score, each aspect in the rubric was counted. Then, to get the
mean of students' writing score in each test, the formula below was used:8
Mx = Σx
Mx = mean
𝛴x = individual score
N = number of students

To know the class percentage that could pass the minimum mastery criteria,
the formula used was:9
𝑃= 𝑥 100 %
P = the class percentage
F = total percentage score
N = number of students

H. Trustworthiness
To check the validity of the data, one of triangulation methods was used.
Triangulation is a technique in collecting data by combining various techniques in
collecting data in order to check the credibility of data.10 Thus, as supported by

Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta, PT Raja Grafindo Persada,
2011), p. 81
Ibid., p. 43.
Sugiono, op. cit., p. 330.

Mills, both qualitative and quantitative data may be involved and strengthen each
other. To make it simple, triangulation is a mean to support both data as it may
collaborate the strength of each data, besides it may also cover the weaknesses of
each data.11 Moreover, Stainback as cited in Sugiono explains that enhancing a
person’s understanding about what she or he is looking for, rather than just learning
the fact of phenomena, is what triangulation for.12
Among kinds of triangulation, methodological triangulation referring to the use
of more than one method for gathering data was applied in order to strengthen the
data since the validity of data is established only if the conclusions from each of the
methods reaches the same point. Furthermore, to do this triangulation method, the
data taken from observation and questionnaire was collaborated with the results of
the tests.

I. Criteria of Success
To determine the criteria of success in each cycle, the English teacher and also
the researcher decided to make requirements that the cycle would be concluded as
success only if both the result of observation was categorised as very good (81%—
100%) and the Minimum Mastery Criterion could be passed by, at least, 75% of the
students. In conclusion, if one of both aspects had not yet met the requirements,
then the next cycle should be conducted to solve the problems having not yet been
solved in the previous cycle.

Geoffrey E. Mills, Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, (Boston:
Pearson Education, Inc., 2011), Fourth Edition, p. 93.
Sugiono, loc. cit.

This chapter presents research findings before, during, and after the
implementation of classroom action research to improve students' discussion text
writing skills through teacher indirect feedback technique and also interpretation of
the results.
A. Research Findings
1. Findings before the Implementation of CAR
Before implementing the research, any kinds of information were gathered
through teacher pre-interview, pre-questionnaire, pre-observation, and also pre-
action test.
a. Result of Interview
The English teacher was interviewed on Tuesday, June 24, 2014 at 10 am. It
was done to know generally the class situation, students’ achievement, and also
students’ and teachers’ attitude toward the teaching and learning process of writing.
Three problems were pointed out based on teacher’s interview. Firstly, problem
mentioned was that the students sometimes had not yet been interested to prepare
what they were going to write; they preferred talking and joking with their friends
until the class ended. They argued that they were depressed while working under
pressure, and needed a lot of time to get the inspiration and the data needed. Thus,
it was hard for them to collect their work in the end of the meeting and for the
teacher to directly correct their work. Secondly, after the writing tasks became a
homework, the teacher found that the students had not yet put their best
performance in their writing. They just wrote what they wanted to write, neglected
the text structure, and put little attention about what they wrote which led to some
problems, for example, grammatical errors. It is true that they had not yet interested
in writing because of its complexity. Thus, there were so many students that were
hard to achieve minimum mastery criterion (KKM) made by the teacher. Lastly, the
teacher said that it had been so hard when her students asked her to give them


reasons for their score since she just gave them the score without any comments or
feedback. Moreover, she argued that it took a lot of time to give them comments to
each work since she taught more than three class per week. As a result, students
became unmotivated since some of them felt like they were hard to have clear
direction about how to write well, and some others felt like their teacher had not yet
found appropriate techniques to improve their skills.
It could be concluded that four aspects need considering; they are students’
preparation to write, diligence in doing writing tasks, involvement while learning
writing skills, submission punctuality.

b. Result of Pre-Observation
Pre-observation was conducted to observe the process of pre-action writing test
before implementing the action. It was held on Tuesday, January 6th, 2015, and
started from 07.00—08.30 a.m. The class consisted of 31 students; 17 male students
and 14 female students. Below is the result of pre-observation.
Table 4.1
Results of Pre-Observation Sheets
Students’ Number Diligence Submission Punctuality
S1 2 3
S2 2 3
S3 3 3
S4 2 3
S5 2 3
S6 2 3
S7 2 3
S8 2 3
S9 1 3
S10 2 3
S11 2 3
S12 2 3

Students’ Number Diligence Submission Punctuality

S13 2 3
S14 1 3
S15 1 3
S16 3 3
S17 2 3
S18 2 3
S19 2 3
S20 2 3
S21 2 3
S22 2 3
S23 2 3
S24 1 3
S25 3 3
S26 1 3
S27 1 3
S28 2 3
S29 3 3
S30 2 3
S31 2 3
Each Aspect’s Score
Total 60 93
Percentage 64.52% 100%
Overall Aspects’ Score
Total 153
Percentage 82.26%

Based on the result of pre-observation above, generally, it could be concluded

that the teaching and learning process was Very Good. However, the description
could be seen in one aspect, submission punctuality. Another aspect, students’

diligence, could actually be concluded that they are diligent enough. Most students
seriously did the test though teacher should always supervise what they were doing.
Moreover, based on teacher’s observation journal, some students sitting in the
first two front rows seriously did the test. However, those sitting in the next rows
should always be supervised. Then if the teacher did not pay attention or supervise
them, some students preferred to play games on their smartphone than to do the
test. For example, four students in the right corner preferred to play games on their
smartphone than to do the test. Besides of that, they also liked to chat with their
friends during the test. For example, five female students sitting in the third and
fourth row near the door liked to chat during the test. Lastly, some students tended
to do the test with their friends in group rather than work individually. In
conclusion, generally, they are diligent enough in doing the test though some of
them really needed supervising.

c. Pre-Action Test
Lastly, pre-action test was done in January 6, 2015 at 07.00—8.30 a.m. This
test was actually conducted in order to mainly prove what the teacher had said about
the class situation when writing test being conducted and about students’
achievement which were found below the standard. Findings showed that almost
half of the class could not reach the Minimum Mastery Criterion (75). Below is the
students’ pre-action writing test scores:
Table 4.2
Students’ Pre-Action Writing Test Scores
Students’ Number Scores Number of Words
S1 73 231
S2 76* 247
S3 86* 297
S4 61 253
S5 79* 289
S6 78* 247

Students’ Number Scores Number of Words

S7 77* 260
S8 75* 257
S9 57 225
S10 72 290
S11 73 220
S12 71 283
S13 73 281
S14 53 254
S15 68 280
S16 86* 226
S17 74 292
S18 72 267
S19 72 239
S20 77* 245
S21 74 241
S22 72 251
S23 78* 289
S24 63 262
S25 82* 243
S26 59 288
S27 57 294
S28 69 242
S29 81* 296
S30 73 235
S31 74 287
Mean: 72.1 261.65
*Students who could pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion (75)

Based the result of pre-action test, it could be concluded that there were still 20
students having not yet met the Minimum Mastery Criterion (75). The minimum
score gained was 53, while the highest was 86. From the data above, it could be
concluded that students of XII IPA 4 needed to improve their writing skills. Besides
of that, the range number of words students could write was between 220—297
words, with the average number of words students could produce was 262 (261.65).
Then, as the test was also designed to standardise the range number of words for
the next cycles, the researcher decided the range number of words between 200—
300 words.

2. Findings during the Implementation of CAR

a. Cycle 1
1) Planning
In this phase, a lesson plan was designed to try solving problems in the teaching
and learning process of writing skills. The problems needed solving were not only
about the students’ achievement but also students’ attitude in the classroom. It was
started from making a lesson plan consisted of standard competence, basic
competence, and indicators that will be reached by the students. In addition, the
selected material and exercises were also determined into a lesson plan. Besides of
that, based on the findings in the pre-observation, as students liked to chat with their
friends during the test and tended to do the test with their friends in group rather
than work individually, then they would be divided into some groups in order to
make the learning process be more active. Lastly, the teacher decided to take three
meetings in this cycle. The first one is for teaching and learning about discussion
text, the second one was for conducting the test, and the last day was used for
students to revise their writing the teacher had given feedback on.

2) Acting
The action in the first cycle was completely done in three meetings; January 7th,
13th, and 20th, 2015. The teaching and learning process was done based on the lesson

plan having been made. The first one was the introduction to the materials. Students
were introduced with the schematic structure which they should also made.
Moreover, based on the findings in the pre-observation, as students liked to chat
with their friends during the test and tended to do the test with their friends in group
rather than work individually, then they were divided into some groups in order to
make the learning process be more active. The groups consisted of five students per
each and were freely chosen by students. Then, three topics to discuss were also
distributed. After that, they were asked to make a framework of the text and then
presented it by choosing one representative person. After all, the teacher provided
five topics for students to choose. Then, as a homework, they were asked to make
a framework based on the topics students chose. In this meeting, three aspects were
observed, they were students’ response to teacher’s explanation, active discussion
in group, and active interaction with the teacher.
In the second meeting, firstly students were asked to submit their own
framework they would use for their own writing. While teacher was examining the
frameworks, students were preparing for everything they needed for the writing
test. After that, the frameworks were given back to students and then they were
asked to exemplify the framework they had made into a four-paragraph discussion
text. After this meeting, students’ writing was corrected and feedback was given by
the teacher outside the classroom. In this meeting, three aspects were observed, they
were students’ preparation, diligence in doing the test, and submission punctuality.
In the third meeting, students’ writing was distributed. Then, teacher explained
the codes given on their paper in order to make students understand the meaning of
all codes. Then, they were asked to directly revise their own writing. In this
meeting, three aspects were observed, they were students’ response to teacher’s
explanation, diligence, and submission punctuality.

3) Observing
In this phase, the teacher observed the four aspects that should be improved in
the teaching and learning process. In the first meeting, findings showed that most
students paid little attention to teacher’s explanation. Though they listened to

teacher’s explanation, sometimes they preferred talking to their friends, playing

games on their gadgets. Even, some students paid no attention at all on teacher’s
explanation. Two students were sleeping. Others went outside for the number one,
but went back to class very late. Besides of that, students’ interaction with the
teacher was also still low. Though some of them had tried to ask the teacher, the
frequency was still rare. After that, when they were grouped, some students liked
to be in group with those who have sufficient knowledge about English, for
example, Students 3, 5, and 16. However, when they had been in group, they did
not want to be involved in the group and spent more time joking and chatting with
their friends. Besides, after observing some students, students 17 and 21 could be
classified as silent students. The positive thing was that they still did what teacher
asked. In addition, while they presented the results of their discussion, the situation
were conducive and students paid full attention.
In the second meeting, generally overall activities could be categorised as Very
Good. All students could submit their work on time. When the bell rang as a sign
that the subject was over, the submitted their work. However, while checking
students’ homework, teacher found that most students had a trouble making
framework of the text. It could be seen as some of them actually brought their
framework but did not meet the criteria and some others, even, did not bring and
make the framework. However, there were still some students bringing and making
a good framework. After that, generally, students did the test seriously though some
of them should be supervised by the teacher. An important thing that should be
noted was that some students who did not bring or make the framework found
difficulties in doing the test as they were confused about what they had to write.
This problem should be solved in the next cycle.
In the third meeting, generally, students were very diligent in revising their
work though some of them still needed supervising. While teacher was explaining
the codes or feedback codes on students’ paper, most students were seriously
listening to teacher’s explanation. However, teacher also noticed that some students
felt confused about the codes given by the teacher, then they prefer asking their peer
than asking the teacher though sometimes they had to ask the teacher too. Lastly,

students’ submission punctuality still needed to be considered. There were still

some students who could not submit their revised writing on time; they took two or
more than two days to revise their writing. To observe this aspect, observation was
not only done in the classroom, but also outside classroom. To make it clear, below
is the results of observation sheets of the first cycle:
Table 4.3
Results of Observation Sheets of Cycle I

Students’ Meeting I Meeting II Meeting III

Number A B C A B C A B C

S1 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
S2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2
S3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2
S4 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 2
S5 2 2 1 3 2 3 3 2 3
S6 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 2 3
S7 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 3
S8 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 2 2
S9 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 1
S10 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 1
S11 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2
S12 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 3
S13 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 1
S14 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 3
S15 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 3
S16 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
S17 3 2 3 1 3 3 2 2 1
S18 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3
S19 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 3
S20 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 1

Students’ Meeting I Meeting II Meeting III

Number A B C A B C A B C
S21 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
S22 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1
S23 2 2 1 3 3 3 2 2 3
S24 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 1
S25 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3
S26 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1
S27 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3
S28 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
S29 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3
S30 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
S31 2 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3
Each Aspect’s Score in Each Meeting
Total 64 66 54 64 73 93 79 72 72
68.82 70.97 58.06 68.82 78.49 100 84.95 77.42 77.42
Overall Aspects’ Score in Each Meeting
Total 184 230 223
65.95% 82.44% 79.93%
Overall Aspects’ Score for Overall Meetings

Table 4.4
Description of the Codes in Table 4.3
Codes Meeting I Meeting II Meeting III
Students’ response to Students’ Students’ response to
teacher’s explanation preparation teacher’s explanation
Codes Meeting I Meeting II Meeting III
Discuss actively in Students’ diligence Students’ diligence
Active interaction with Students’ Students’ submission
C the teacher submission punctuality

Based on the data analysis of table 4.3 above, it could be concluded that
students’ overall activities in the first cycle was 76.12% which could be categorised
as Good. In the first meeting, students’ overall activities was 65.95 which could be
categorised as Enough. The first aspect, students’ response to teacher’s explanation
was 68.82% could be categorised as Enough, the second aspect was 70.97% which
could be categorised as Good, however, the third aspects was only 58.06% which
could be categorised as Bad.
Moreover, in the second meeting, students’ overall activities was 82.44 which
could be categorised as Very Good. The first aspect, students’ response to teacher’s
explanation was 68.82% which could be categorised as Enough, the second aspect
was 78.49% which could be categorised as Good, and the third aspects was only
100% which could be categorised as Very Good. Lastly, in the third meeting,
students’ overall activities was 79.93% which could be categorised as Good. The
first aspect, students’ response to teacher’s explanation was 84.95% which could
be categorised as Very Good, the second aspect was 77.42% which could be
categorised as Good, and the third aspects was only 77.42% which could be
categorised as Good.

Besides data from observation sheets, students’ post-action writing test I scores
were also used to observe students’ writing improvement. Below is the students’
post-action writing test I scores:
Table 4.5
Students’ Post-Action I Writing Test Scores

Students’ Number Post-Action I Scores

S1 87*
S2 78*
S3 93*
S4 92*
S5 89*
S6 79*
S7 85*
S8 77*
S9 94*
S10 82*
S11 89*
S12 76*
S13 86*
S14 81*
S15 78*
S16 93*
S17 76*
S18 89*
S19 82*
S20 92*
S21 84*
S22 76*
S23 86*
S24 93*

Students’ Number Post-Action I Scores

S25 91*
S26 79*
S27 90*
S28 85*
S29 81*
S30 78*
S31 86*
Total 2627
Mean: 84.74
*Students who could pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion (75)

Based on the result of Students’ Post-Action I Writing Test Scores above, it

could be concluded that after revising their writing, all students could pass the
Minimum Mastery Criterion (75). Besides of that, the average score was also
increased to 84.74 while in pre-action test, the average was only 72.1 which meant
that it was still under the Minimum Mastery Criterion.

4) Reflecting
After the first cycle had been conducted, the conclusion of this cycle was drawn.
It could be seen that students’ writing score in this cycle actually could be improved.
However, there were still many things that should be improved. In the first meeting,
all of the aspects observed needed to be observed as they had not yet meet the
criteria of success. Moreover, in the second meeting, students’ preparation should
be improved in the next cycle. Lastly, in the last meeting, students’ submission
punctuality should be noted to get improved. After reflecting the teaching and
learning process in the first cycle, it could be concluded that next cycle needed to
be conducted to solve the problems having not yet been solved in the first cycle.

b. Cycle 2
1) Planning
In this phase, a lesson plan was designed to try solving problems having not
been solved in the first cycle. Though students’ achievement had met the
requirement for criteria of success, there were still students’ response to teacher’s
explanation, students’ participation in group, students’ interaction with the teacher,
students’ preparation, and students’ submission punctuality after revising their
work that still needed to be improved. Thus, the next cycle should be done to solve
those problems.
Generally, the second cycle was almost the same as the previous one. However,
some changes were planned and had been inserted in the lesson plan of the second
cycle in order to enhance students’ activities. Firstly, as students did not prepare
well for the test, then in the second cycle the teaching process was focussed on
making the framework of what they wanted to elaborate. It was hoped that it might
solve the problems of students’ preparation and submission punctuality as they
might be more prepared. Secondly, as students were tended to be more passive and
to spend their time talking, joking, and chatting with their close friends in group,
the teacher himself divided the students to prevent students being with their close
friend. It was hoped that it might solve the problems of students’ participation in
their group and also interaction with the teacher. Lastly, the teacher decided to take
three meetings in this cycle. The first one is for teaching and learning about making
a good framework, the second one was for conducting the test, and the last day was
used for students to revise their writing the teacher had given feedback on.

2) Acting
The action in the second cycle was completely done in three meetings; January
27th, January 28th, and February 10th, 2015. The teaching and learning process was
done based on the lesson plan having been made. The first meeting was about
making a good framework. Students were taught about how to make a good
framework step by step. Moreover, based on the findings in the first cycle, as

students liked to chat with their friends in group they chose, then teacher himself
divided the students into five group consisted of six students per each and each
group was given a chosen topic which they had to make the framework of. To make
it clear, each students should make their own framework though they might discuss
their ideas with their peers.
After they had done making the framework, students were asked to collect their
framework collectively per group. Then, they were asked to exchange their work to
another group in order to get feedback or suggestion from their friends from another
group. While doing that activity, students were free to give their suggestion. After
all, the teacher asked students to give their peers’ work back. Then, as a homework,
they were asked to revise their framework and reminded that they had to bring the
framework on the next day. In this meeting, three aspects were observed, they were
students’ response to teacher’s explanation, active discussion in group, and active
interaction with the teacher.
In the second meeting, firstly students were asked to submit their own
framework they would use for their own writing. While teacher was examining the
frameworks, students were preparing for everything they needed for the writing
test. After that, the frameworks were given back to students and then they were
asked to elaborate the framework they had made into a four-paragraph discussion
text. After this meeting, students’ writing was corrected and feedback was given by
the teacher outside the classroom. In this meeting, three aspects were observed, they
were students’ preparation, diligence in doing the test, and submission punctuality.
In the third meeting, students’ writing was distributed. Then, teacher explained
the codes given on their paper in order to do some review and to make students
deeply understand the meaning of all codes. Then, they were asked to directly revise
their own writing. In this meeting, three aspects were observed, they were students’
response to teacher’s explanation, diligence, and submission punctuality.

3) Observing
In this phase, the teacher observed the four aspects that should be improved in
the teaching and learning process. In the first meeting, findings showed that almost

all students paid full attention to teacher’s explanation because they were required
to make a good framework that they would use in elaborating their writing. Though
some of them still did not show their full attention, they clearly listened to teacher’s
explanation. Besides of that, while explaining the materials, it could be found that
all students had stopped playing their gadgets. Changes could also be seen on
another aspect to observe, students’ participation in the group. As the group and
theme for each group had been chosen by the teacher, students seemed to be more
active in their group. They shared their own ideas, thoughts, and opinion about the
theme. Even, the teacher found that one of the groups tried to debate whether some
materials or ideas they had were relevant, good, or acceptable. Interaction with the
teacher was also improved. It could also be seen that, in this activity, students
mostly preferred to focus on the contents than the form. Lastly, when students gave
feedback to their friends’ work, some students were confused with their friends’
idea. However, they also gave any suggestion to their friends about what their
friends should enhance and what to improve.
In the second meeting, good changes could also be found on students’
preparation. While checking students’ homework, teacher were surprised that all
students brought all their framework and they showed a good effort to make a good
one. Besides of that, while doing the writing test, they seemed to be more focus.
The condition of the class was also so quiet that almost all students focussed on
their own paper. Though some students tried to use their gadgets, teacher found that
they used it to look up some words in English they did not know rather than used it
for unimportant thing. Lastly, all students could submit their work on time. When
the bell rang as a sign that the subject was over, the submitted their work.
In the third meeting, some positive changes could also be found. Firstly, while
the teacher reviewed and gave deeper explanation about the feedback codes,
students were paying full attention. Most students were seriously listening to
teacher’s explanation. Though some of them did not really pay attention, they still
caught what teacher said. Besides of that, while they were given chance to ask,
some students seemed like they wanted to confirm their own opinion rather than
asked about the meaning of the symbols or codes. Moreover, while doing the

revision, almost all students were very diligent and serious as they wanted to finish
their work on time. Lastly, students’ submission punctuality was increased. Many
students could finish their work on that day. Though some students could not submit
their revised writing on time, but they directly submitted their writing on the next
day. Below is the results of observation sheets of the second cycle:
Table 4.6
Results of Observation Sheets of Cycle II
Students’ Meeting I Meeting II Meeting III
Number A B C A B C A B C
S1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
S2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3
S3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
S4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
S5 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3
S6 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3
S7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2
S8 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 2
S9 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
S10 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2
S11 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
S12 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3
S13 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
S14 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2
S15 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3
S16 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
S17 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
S18 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 2
S19 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 3
S20 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2
S21 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Students’ Meeting I Meeting II Meeting III

Number A B C A B C A B C
S22 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3
S23 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 3
S24 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
S25 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2
S26 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
S27 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3
S28 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
S29 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
S30 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2
S31 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Each Aspect’s Score in Each Meeting
Total 86 85 79 93 89 93 85 85 84
Max. 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93
92.47 91.40 84.95 100 95.70 100 91.40 91.40 90.32
Overall Aspects’ Score in Each Meeting
Total 250 275 254
89.61% 98.57% 91.01%
Overall Aspects’ Score for Overall Meetings

Table 4.7
Description of the Codes in Table 4.6
Codes Meeting I Meeting II Meeting III
Students’ response to Students’ Students’ response to
teacher’s explanation preparation teacher’s explanation
B Discuss actively in group Students’ diligence Students’ diligence
Active interaction with Students’ Students’ submission
C the teacher submission punctuality

Based on the data analysis of table 4.6 above, it could be concluded that
students’ overall activities in the second cycle was 93.07% which could be
categorised as Very Good. In the first meeting, students’ overall activities was
89.61% which could be categorised as Very Good. The first aspect, students’
response to teacher’s explanation was 92.47% which could be categorised as Very
Good, the second aspect was 91.40% which could be categorised as Very Good,
and the third aspects was 84.95% which could be categorised as Very Good.
Moreover, in the second meeting, students’ overall activities was 98.57% which
could be categorised as Very Good. The first aspect, students’ response to teacher’s
explanation was 100% which could be categorised as Very Good, the second aspect
was 95.70% which could be categorised as Very Good, and the third aspects was
100% which could be categorised as Very Good. Lastly, in the third meeting,
students’ overall activities was 91.01% which could be categorised as Very Good.
The first aspect, students’ response to teacher’s explanation was 91.40% could be
categorised as Very Good, the second aspect was 91.40% which could be
categorised as Very Good, and the third aspects was 90.32% which could be
categorised as Very Good.
Besides data from observation sheets, students’ post-action writing test II scores
were also used to observe students’ writing improvement. Below is the students’
post-action writing test II scores:

Table 4.8
Students’ Post-Action II Writing Test Scores
Students’ Number Post-Action II Scores

S1 83*
S2 87*
S3 95*
S4 92*
S5 96*
S6 83*
S7 87*
S8 85*
S9 95*
S10 82*
S11 79*
S12 84*
S13 93*
S14 86*
S15 84*
S16 93*
S17 78*
S18 87*
S19 84*
S20 87*
S21 90*
S22 76*
S23 90*
S24 92*
S25 93*
S26 84*
S27 86*

Students’ Number Post-Action II Scores

S28 88*
S29 88*
S30 86*
S31 90*
Total 2703
Mean: 87.19
*Students who could pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion (75)

Based on the result of Students’ Post-Action II Writing Test Scores above, it

could be concluded that after revising their writing, all students could pass the
Minimum Mastery Criterion (75). Besides of that, the average score was also
increased to 87.19.

4) Reflecting
After the second cycle had been conducted, the conclusion of this cycle was
drawn. It could be seen that students’ activities and achievement had met the
requirements that the result of observation was categorised as very good (93.07%)
and the Minimum Mastery Criterion could be passed by all of the students (100%).
Besides of that, the problems having not yet been solved in the previous cycle could
be solved in this cycle. Thus, after reflecting the teaching and learning process in
the second cycle and based on the data gained from this cycle, it could be concluded
that the next cycle did not need to be conducted.

3. Findings after the Implementation of CAR

After implementing the research, there are two data that needed discussing.
Those were the result of teacher interview, the comparison of observation sheet
results, and the comparison of the students’ scores of pre-action test, post-action I
test, and post-action II test.

a. Result of Questionnaire Sheets

The post-questionnaire sheets was distributed on Tuesday, February 10th, 2015
after the implementation of the research. Each sheet consisted of fifteen questions
which were used to know students’ responses about the implementation of teacher
indirect feedback. The following table was the results of post-questionnaire sheets:
Table 4.9
Results of Questionnaire Sheets about Students’ Responses toward the
Implementation of Teacher Indirect Feedback
Items Percentage
No. Indicators per Criteria
Number per Item
1 90.3%
4 86%
1. Guidance 5 92.5% 91.61% Very Good
6 100%
7 89.2%
8 100%
9 79.6%
2. Help 10 86% 88.60% Very Good
14 77.4%
15 100%
2 96.8%
3. Information 92.47% Very Good
3 88.2%
11 83.9%
4. Knowledge 12 100% 88.17% Very Good
13 80.6%
Overall Percentage 90.22% Very Good

Based on table 4.9, it could be concluded that students’ response towards the
implementation of teacher indirect feedback was Very Good (90.22%). Firstly,

students’ response toward the use of teacher indirect feedback as guidance gained
91.61%. It could be concluded that by getting teacher indirect feedback, most
students agreed that they were well-guided in revising their writing. Moreover, the
use of teacher indirect feedback as help in their learning process gained 88.60%. It
could be concluded that most students felt that teacher indirect feedback was helpful
in enhancing their skills and participation in learning process. In addition, the
function of teacher indirect feedback which could be used as a tool of information
for students gained 92.47%. Most students felt that feedback provided by the
teacher could inform their strengths and weaknesses. Lastly, the use of teacher
indirect feedback as a tool to increase students’ knowledge in writing skills gained
88.17%. It could be concluded that this kind of feedback could increase students’
knowledge related to their own writing skills and help them understand what errors
they made so that they would not do the same errors later.

b. Result of Writing Tests Score

Besides distributing the questionnaire sheets, it could also be important to show
students’ overall score started from pre-action writing test scores until post-action
II writing test scores. The table below presented the comparison of the scores:
Table 4.10
The Comparison of Students’ Writing Scores of Pre-Action Test, Post-Action
Test I, and Post-Action Test II
Students’ Pre-Action Post-Action I Post-Action II
Number Test Scores Test Scores Test Scores
S1 73 87* 83*
S2 76* 78* 87*
S3 86* 93* 95*
S4 61 92* 92*
S5 79* 89* 96*
S6 78* 79* 83*
S7 77* 85* 87*

Students’ Pre-Action Post-Action I Post-Action II

Number Test Scores Test Scores Test Scores
S8 75* 77* 85*
S9 57 94* 95*
S10 72 82* 82*
S11 73 89* 79*
S12 71 76* 84*
S13 73 86* 93*
S14 53 81* 86*
S15 68 78* 84*
S16 86* 93* 93*
S17 74 76* 78*
S18 72 89* 87*
S19 72 82* 84*
S20 77* 92* 87*
S21 74 84* 90*
S22 72 76* 76*
S23 78* 86* 90*
S24 63 93* 92*
S25 82* 91* 93*
S26 59 79* 84*
S27 57 90* 86*
S28 69 85* 88*
S29 81* 81* 88*
S30 73 78* 86*
S31 74 86* 90*
Mean: 72.1 84.74 87.19
*Students who could pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion (75)

In analysing data gained from students’ writing score, the researcher firstly tried
to find the mean score of each test by calculating the score. Then, based on the table
above, it could be seen that the mean score of pre-action was 72.1, of post-action I
was 84.74, and of post-action II was 87.19. It could be concluded that students’
mean score of pre-action to post-action I was improved 12.64 points and students’
mean score of post-action I to post-action II was also improved 2.45 points.
In addition, after getting the mean score of each test, the number of students
who could pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion was also calculated. Then, based
on the table above, it could be seen that 11 students (35%) could meet the Minimum
Mastery Criterion but 20 students (65%) could not in the pre-action test. However,
in the first and second cycle, it could be seen that all students (100%) could pass
the Minimum Mastery Criterion.

B. Interpretation of the Results

After calculating the data above, the result was interpreted. In the pre-action,
the mean score of pre-action writing test before implementing Classroom Action
Research (CAR) was 72.1 which meant that there were still some students who
could not pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion. It was proved that 20 students
(65%) could not meet the Minimum Mastery Criterion in the test.
However, the mean score of post-action I writing test scores were increased up
to 84.74 (17.53%). It meant that, by applying teacher indirect feedback, students
got improvement on their writing skills. Moreover, the percentage of students who
could pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion was also increased. While in the pre-
action test, there were only eleven students who could pass the Minimum Mastery
Criterion, in the post-action test I, all students could pass the Minimum Mastery
Criterion. Therefore, it could be concluded that after applying teacher indirect
feedback in the learning of writing discussion text, the mean score and the
percentage of the students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion was
improved. However, the overall improvement had not achieved the target yet as the
results of observation showed that students’ attitudes in the classroom still needed
to be improved. It could be seen as the overall students’ activities was categorised

as “Good” which meant that there were still some aspects that needed to be
improved. To sum up, the next cycle should be conducted to cover the problems
having not yet been solved.
After the second cycle had been conducted, based on table 4.6 and 4.8, it could
be concluded that there were a huge improvement on students’ overall activities
and achievement. Firstly, the result of observation showed that students’ attitudes
in the classroom improved as it could be categorised as “Very Good” (93.07%).
Some aspects that needed to be improved could be improved in this cycle.
Moreover, the mean score of the students’ post-action test II also gained
improvement about 2.13%. While the mean score of post-action test I was 94, that
of the post action test II was 96. Lastly, again, all students could also pass the
Minimum Mastery Criterion. Thus, based on the results of the second cycle that had
met all the criteria of success requirements, it could be concluded that the next cycle
did not need to be conducted.
Lastly, to get more information about students’ responses after implementing
the teacher indirect feedback, questionnaire sheets were distributed. Then, the result
of which could be concluded that students’ response was “Very Good”. They agreed
that teacher indirect feedback could guide them in revising their writing, broaden
their knowledge, be used to monitor their improvement during the writing process,
and help them evaluate their writing skill.

This chapter presents conclusion and suggestion. The conclusion and

suggestion is drawn based on the findings of the research.
A. Conclusion
The result of this research shows that the use of teacher indirect feedback
technique improves students of XII IPA 4’s writing skills of discussion text. The
conclusion is drawn as the results of the tests increase. Firstly, the average of
students score in pre-action test is only 72.1 which can be concluded that generally
students have not yet met the KKM. However, secondly, that in the post-action I
drastically increases until 84.74 (17.53%). Then, that in the post-action II also
increases until 87.19 (20.93% from the pre-action result)

B. Suggestion
Based on this completely-done research, there are some suggestion for other
English teachers and researchers.
1. Firstly, teachers might apply teacher indirect feedback to help students increase
students’ writing achievement, besides their long-term memory, and self-
2. Moreover, as this research only focused on one writing material, one class and
one level of study, it is hoped that other teachers or researchers might conduct
teacher indirect feedback for other kinds of writing, classes, and any education
levels to enhance their students’ writing achievement.
3. In addition, based on the findings of the research, students’ attention,
involvement, and engagement in learning process should always be supervised
as they are other essential aspects supporting the success of the teaching and
learning of writing.


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Appendix 1. Students’ Name

List of Students’ Name

No. Students’ Name Sex

1. Arga Pratama Putra Male
2. Ahmad Pebian Male
3. Azizah Pamugarwati Female
4. Debby Puji Lestari Female
5. Delvi Rawati Siregar Female
6. Desi Yusman Female
7. Dwaraka Daru Bisma Male
8. Eki Wulandari Female
9. Elen Fitria Female
10. Elrico Azhari Male
11. Fikri Huda Falah Male
12. Fitria Widiastuti Female
13. Franz Azarya Parasian Male
14. Garry Anggoro Maajid Male
15. Lulu Widianingsih Female
16. Maharani Reza Female
17. Muhammad Naufal Heriza Male
18. Muhammad Ridwan Miftahul Hidayat Male
19. Mochammad Fierhan Male
20. Noverly Female
21. Qisthi Amalia Female
22. Ricky Chandra Dimuka Male
23. Roiyatul Jannah Female
24. Ryan Hermawan Male
25. Sahdon Fernando Male
26. Satria Parama Adithya Male
27. Siti Nur Chamidah Female
28. Thassya Octavia Adella Female
29. Tri Susanti Female
30. Virgita Puspasari Female
31. Zagina Salsabila Firdaus Female

Appendix 2. Interview Guide and Results

Pedoman Wawancara Guru Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMAN 8 Kota

Tangerang Selatan Sebelum Pelaksanaan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas

1. Menurut ibu, selama proses KBM di kelas, bagaimana sikap belajar siswa saat
pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?
2. Berapa standar nilai KKM yang ibu tentukan dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?
3. Secara spesifik pada pembelajaran tentang kemampuan menulis atau writing,
bagaimana tanggapan atau pengalaman yang Ibu miliki mengenai kemampuan siswa/i
Ibu dalam menulis?
4. Strategi, atau metode, atau teknik apa yang ibu gunakan dalam mengajarkan
kemampuan tersebut?
5. Pada pembahasan materi apa ibu menghadapi kesulitan?
6. Menurut pendapat Ibu, kelas mana yang membuat Ibu paling sulit mengajarkan
7. Apa saja kesulitan yang Ibu temui saat mengajarkan skill tersebut?
8. Saat melakukan penilaian, apakah Ibu memberikan alasan, komentar, atau masukan
tentang hasil penulisan siswa? Bagaimana respon siswa terhadap hal tersebut?
9. Apakah Ibu pernah mendengar atau mengetahui teknik Teacher Indirect Feedback?
Bagaimana pendapat ibu tentang teknik tersebut?
10. Menurut Ibu, apa kelas XII IPA 4 bisa kita gunakan untuk menerapkan teknik tersebut?

Hasil Wawancara Guru Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang
Selatan Sebelum Pelaksanaan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas

Pewawancara : Agus Sufyan

Guru : Irmawati, S.Ag.
Hari/ Tanggal : 24 Juni 2014
Tempat : Ruang Guru SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang Selatan

1. Pewawancara = Menurut ibu, selama proses KBM di kelas, bagaimana

sikap belajar siswa saat pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?
Guru = Cukup variatif ya, Mas. Ada yang antusias, ada yang biasa
saja, ada juga yang cuek dan tidak peduli. Tapi kebanyakan
dari mereka sepertinya kurang memiliki ketertarikan.
Banyak dari mereka yang mengeluh soal kesusahan belajar
Bahasa Inggris dan masih banyak deh, Mas.

2. Pewawancara = Berapa standar nilai KKM yang ibu tentukan dalam

mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?
Guru = Kalau KKM, saya gak terlalu pasang harga tinggi, Mas.
Saya minimalkan 75 saja sepertinya sudah cukup.

3. Pewawancara = Secara spesifik pada pembelajaran tentang

kemampuan menulis atau writing, bagaimana
tanggapan atau pengalaman yang Ibu miliki mengenai
kemampuan siswa/i Ibu dalam menulis?
Guru = Ini dia yang sepertinya penting dibahas, Mas. Saya rasa
berdasarkan pengalaman saya mengajar mata pelajaran
Bahasa Inggris, writing ini sepertinya agak sulit sekali
diajarkan ke siswanya. Seperti yang saya bilang tadi, karena
mereka kesusahan dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris,
seperti vocab-nya, dan lainnya. Jadi, agak sedikit sulit kalau
memberi siswa penugasan untuk membuat sebuah tulisan.

4. Pewawancara = Strategi, atau metode, atau teknik apa yang ibu

gunakan dalam mengajarkan kemampuan menulis?
Guru = Seperti umumnya saja, Mas. Paling ajarkan materi, lalu
diberi penugasan, dinilai, dan selesai materi tersebut.

5. Pewawancara = Pada pembahasan materi apa ibu menghadapi

Guru = Biasanya sih, saya sulit kalau mengajarkan teks diskusi,
kalau khusus mengajarkan writing ya, Mas. Alasannya
mungkin karena siswa kadang gak bisa seimbang

6. Pewawancara = Menurut pendapat Ibu, kelas mana yang membuat Ibu

paling sulit mengajarkan writing?
Guru = To be honest, sepertinya kelas yang saya bertindak sebagai
wali kelasnya, yaitu XII IPA 4, sepertinya cukup
menyulitkan saya kalau lagi mengajarkan skill writing.

7. Pewawancara = Apa saja kesulitan yang Ibu temui saat mengajarkan

skill tersebut?
Guru = Kalau boleh sebut semua, banyak Mas. Yang pertama,
siswa itu kadang sudah merasa pusing duluan kalau disuruh
nulis. Mereka kalau disuruh cari data-data buat mendukung
tulisannya, kadang suka males. Mereka lebih senang
becanda, main gadget-nya, asik sama dunianya dan
akhirnya sampe jam pelajarannya selesai, mereka gak
selesai tugasnya. Mereka sih alasannya pusing kalau
mengerjakan tugas di kelas, sebentar waktunya, mumet
katanya mereka sih. Akhirnya, saya juga kena imbasnya,
jadi gak bisa koreksi tugas mereka secepatnya. Harus nunda
beberapa hari baru bisa mulai koreksi. Tapi masalah
sebenarnya masih berlanjut, Mas. Kalau sudah jadi PR,
mereka asal aja tugasnya. Yang namanya grammar,

spelling, dan lainnya itu kadang bikin saya jadi pusing

waktu ngoreksi. Akhirnya, karena saya juga kadang capek
karena saya juga mengajar beberapa kelas, kadang saya
langsung aja kasih nilai dan kalau ditanya siswa kenapa
nilainya seperti itu, saya cuma bisa jawab, ya itu lah
kemampuan kamu.

8. Pewawancara = Saat melakukan penilaian, apakah Ibu memberikan

alasan, komentar, atau masukan tentang hasil
penulisan siswa? Bagaimana respon siswa terhadap hal
Guru = Seperti yang tadi saya katakan ya, Mas. Saya cuma nilai
saja tanpa kasih alasan atau komentar soal tulisan mereka.
Ya akhirnya, siswa juga kadang jadi bingung, bertanya-
tanya, kenapa nilai mereka sepeerti itu. Kadang mereka
seringnya langsung membahas itu sama teman-temannya

9. Pewawancara = Apakah Ibu pernah mendengar atau mengetahui teknik

Teacher Indirect Feedback? Bagaimana pendapat ibu
tentang teknik tersebut?
Guru = Itu seperti kasih feedback tapi menggunakan kode-kode itu
ya mas? Saya pernah baca tentang itu. Cukup menarik sih,
tapi saya belum pernah mencoba karena siswa juga
terkadang tidak terlalu mementingkan hal semacam itu.

10. Pewawancara = Menurut Ibu, apa kelas XII IPA 4 bisa kita gunakan
untuk menerapkan teknik tersebut?
Guru = Sepertinya mau, nanti saya akan kabari siswanya.

Ciputat Timur, 24 Juni 2014


Appendix 3. Observation Sheets of Pre-Action



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Siklus : -- (Pre Action)
Tanggal : 6 Januari 2015

No. Nama Siswa A B

1 Arga Pratama P. 2 3
2 Ahmad Pebian 2 3
3 Azizah Pamugarwati 3 3
4 Debby Puji L. 2 3
5 Delvi Rawati S. 2 3
6 Desi Yusman 2 3
7 Dwaraka Daru B. 2 3
8 Eki Wulandari 2 3
9 Elen Fitria 1 3
10 Elrico Azhari 2 3
11 Fikri Huda Falah 2 3
12 Fitria Widiastuti 2 3
13 Franz Azarya P. 2 3
14 Garry Anggoro M. 1 3
15 Lulu Widianingsih 1 3
16 Maharani Reza 3 3
17 M. Naufal Heriza 2 3
18 M. Ridwan M. H. 2 3
19 M. Fierhan 2 3
20 Noverly 2 3
21 Qisthi Amalia 2 3

No. Nama Siswa A B

22 Ricky Chandra D. 2 3
23 Roiyatul Jannah 2 3
24 Ryan Hermawan 1 3
25 Sahdon Fernando 3 3
26 Satria Parama A. 1 3
27 Siti Nur Chamidah 1 3
28 Thassya Octavia A. 2 3
29 Tri Susanti 3 3
30 Virgita Puspasari 2 3
31 Zagina Salsabila F. 2 3
Skor total 60 93
Skor maksimal 93 93
Persentase 64.52% 100%
Skor total keseluruhan aspek 153
Skor maksimal keseluruhan aspek 186
Persentase keseluruhan aspek 82.26%


1. A = Ketekunan
B = Ketepatan Waktu Pengumpulan Tugas

2. Mencari persentase:
𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑒 = 𝑥100%
𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙
3. Interpretasi persentase:
a. 81% - 100% : Sangat Baik
b. 61% - 80% : Baik
c. 41% - 60% : Cukup
d. 21% - 40% : Kurang
e. 0% - 20% : Sangat Kurang

Deskripsi hasil observasi: Secara keseluruhan, kegiatan belajar mengajar pada

pertemuan ini dapat dikategorikan “Sangat Baik.” Akan tetapi, itu hanya dapat dilihat pada
aspek ketepatan waktu dalam mengumpulkan tugas. Di aspek lainnya, secara keseluruhan,
hanya dapat dikatakan “Cukup Tekun.” Sebagian besar menunjukkan sikap tekun dan
serius dalam mengerjakan tugas, hanya bila guru melakukan pengawasan. Hal ini tentunya
dapat berakibat pada baik tidaknya tugas yang telah mereka hasilkan.

Ciputat Timur, 6 Januari 2015


Appendix 4. Observation Journal of Pre-Action

Observation Journal
Cycle Meeting Date Activities Findings
Some students sitting in the
first two front rows seriously
did the test. However, those
sitting in the next rows should
always be supervised.
Four students in the right
corner preferred to play games
Pre- Pre-Action on their smartphone than to do
I Jan 6, 2015
Action Test the test
Five female students sitting in
the third and fourth row near
the door liked to chat during
the test.
Some students tended to do the
test with their friends in group
rather than work individually

Ciputat Timur, January 6th, 2015


Appendix 5. Pre-Action Test Scores

Pre-Action Test Scores

Pre-Action Test
Number of
Number 1 2 3 4 5 Total
S1 24 13 13 20 3 73 231
S2 22 13 16 22 3 76 247
S3 27 19 15 22 3 86 297
S4 19 15 9 15 3 61 253
S5 22 18 13 22 4 79 289
S6 25 18 10 22 3 78 247
S7 23 15 13 22 4 77 260
S8 22 14 15 21 3 75 257
S9 18 13 9 14 3 57 225
S10 22 15 13 19 3 72 290
S11 21 15 15 19 3 73 220
S12 24 13 15 15 4 71 283
S13 25 15 13 16 4 73 281
S14 18 11 9 12 3 53 254
S15 23 11 15 15 4 68 280
S16 27 18 17 20 4 86 226
S17 22 14 16 19 3 74 292
S18 22 14 14 19 3 72 267
S19 21 15 14 19 3 72 239
S20 22 16 14 22 3 77 245
S21 20 14 16 20 4 74 241
S22 19 15 13 22 3 72 251
S23 23 15 16 20 4 78 289
S24 18 11 15 15 4 63 262
S25 23 18 17 20 4 82 243
S26 22 10 11 13 3 59 288

Pre-Action Test
Number of
Number 1 2 3 4 5 Total
S27 18 12 9 15 3 57 294
S28 19 15 12 20 3 69 242
S29 22 18 15 22 4 81 296
S30 22 15 15 17 4 73 235
S31 25 15 15 16 3 74 287

1 = Content
2 = Organization
3 = Vocabulary
4 = Language Use
5 = Mechanics

Appendix 6: Lesson Plan of Cycle 1


(Siklus Pertama)

Satuan Pendidikan : SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang Selatan
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XII (Dua Belas) / Genap
Aspek/Skill : Writing
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 Menit
Jenis Teks : Discussion Text
Tahun Pelajaran : 2014 / 2015

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana
berbentuk narrative, explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

6.2. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei dengan menggunakan
ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-
hari dalam teks berbentuk narrative, explanation, dan discussion

Kompetensi dasar tercapai bila siswa mampu:
1. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika (schematic structures) dan fitur kebahasaan
(language features) dalam discussion text.
2. Memahami langkah retorika dan fitur kebahasaan dalam discussion text dengan
3. Membuat kerangka berpikir dan menulis discussion text dengan baik.
4. Menggunakan tata bahasa yang baik dan benar dalam menulis discussion text.

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa diharapkan mampu:
1. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika (schematic structures) dan fitur kebahasaan
(language features) dalam discussion text.
2. Memahami langkah retorika dan fitur kebahasaan dalam discussion text dengan
3. Membuat kerangka berpikir dalam menulis esei.
4. Menulis discussion text dengan baik.
5. Menggunakan tata bahasa yang baik dan benar dalam menulis discussion text.

1. Discussion Text
a. Definition of Discussion Text
Discussion text is one of informative texts presenting two contrast arguments
or viewpoints on an issue raised.1 However, it is not a persuasive text allowing
writers to be at one side. Writers should be fair to both the arguments or, in other
words, the writers should take their position in the middle of both arguments. Thus,
the more writers can be balance, the better writers can make a good discussion text.
Besides of that, the arguments should also be supported by data, fact, and evidence.
Moreover, to avoid writers' subjectivity, the number of data should also be the
The arguments usually show each strength and weakness of a subject to give
readers broader insights before they make any decisions. However, not only
strengths and weaknesses, Anderson also stated that “a discussion text gives the
for and against, the positive and negative, or the good points and bad points.”2
From both definition, it can be concluded that in a discussion text, there will be
two different views presented to inform the readers about the issue discussed.

Discussion Texts, 2014, (
Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English, (Australia: MacMillan
Education Australia PTY LTD., 1998), Third Edition, p. 19.

b. Purpose of Discussion Text

The main purpose of discussion text is, indeed, to discuss about the two
different arguments on an issue. As stated by Anderson and Anderson, “the
purpose of a discussion text is to present to the audience different opinions on a
topic and, at the end, your opinion.”3 Moreover, it enables the readers to have
broader views before having decision about the issue since it is also supported by
the facts and evidence. Although both of them do not give deeper information, they
can give a short explanation about the arguments.

c. Structure and Language Features of Discussion Text

This table represents structure and language features of discussion text:4
Table 1
Structure and Language Features of Discussion Text
Structure Language Features

1. Statement of an issue 1. The use of general nouns

In this part, an issue is raised. e.g., machines, cars, etc.
2. The use of thinking verbs
2. Arguments for e.g., think, feel, hope, believe, etc.
Arguments that support the issue. 3. The use of connectives
e.g., in addition, besides, although, even
3. Arguments against if, nevertheless, etc.
Arguments that against the issue. 4. The use of varying degrees of certainty
e.g., perhaps, probably, should, could,
4. Closing statement etc.
This part consists of writer's balanced 5. The use of modalities
view about all the arguments. e.g., must, perhaps, should, etc.

Discussion Texts, 2014, (

d. Example of Discussion Text

Home Schooling

Opening Many people may have many different views about home schooling.

1. Provides better opportunities for kids to learn.

a. Be more focus
b. Have more chances to express their emotion in the
Arguments learning process
Pro c. Not wondering peer's comments.
2. Enables students to have broader knowledge
a. Learn outside the building, rather than in the square
1. Have no good abilities in socializing with their peers
a. Learn alone.
b. Have little chance to socialize, to work with others,
and to understand differentiation in each other.
2. Costs higher than public school.
a. The success of the children is the only thing that they
Although we have to consider about many advantageous and
disadvantageous of homeschooling, we still have to consider about
our children. We should be able to accommodate what they need
rather than to argue with our opinions and assumptions.

Have you ever heard about home schooling? Is it a good idea to take it as an alternative
of formal education? Since the practice of this kind of institutions have been mushrooming
in Indonesia, many people may have many different views about home schooling.
Some people believe that home schooling provides better opportunities for kids to learn
more than public schooling does. The fact shows that students can be more focus and have
more chances to express their emotion in the learning process without wondering peer's
comments. Moreover, home schooling also enables students to have broader knowledge
since they can learn outside the building, rather than in the square classroom. Are they true?

On the other side, although some people think that home schooling will bring positive
significances for the students, some other argue that students will not have good abilities
in socializing with their peers because they usually learn alone. When they learn alone,
they will actually have little chance to socialize, to work with others, and to understand
differentiation in each other. Moreover, this program may cost higher than public school.
is it true? It may be true since the success of the children is the only thing that they
guarantee. They have no idea to let their students become an ordinary one.
Although we have to consider about many advantageous and disadvantageous of
homeschooling, we still have to consider about our children. We should be able to
accommodate what they need rather than to argue with our opinions and assumptions.

Should Abortion be Legal?

The debate over whether or not abortion should be a legal option continues to divide
Americans long after the US Supreme Court’s 7-2 decision on Roe v. Wade declared the
procedure a “fundamental right” on Jan. 22, 1973.
Proponents, identifying themselves as pro-choice, contend that abortion is a right that
should not be limited by governmental or religious authority, and which outweighs any
right claimed for an embryo or fetus. They argue that pregnant women will resort to unsafe
illegal abortions if there is no legal option. A fetus is not a human being. Abortion is
terminating a pregnancy, not a baby. Personhood at conception is not a proven biological
fact. Personhood begins at birth. Fetuses are incapable of feeling pain when an abortion is
performed according to Stuart W. G. Derbyshire, PhD, Senior Lecturer at the University of
Birmingham (England). Access to legal, professionally-performed abortions reduces injury
and death caused by unsafe illegal abortions. The World Health Organization estimated in
2006 that “back-alley” abortions cause 68,000 maternal deaths each year in countries where
abortion is not legal. Modern abortion procedures are safe. The risk of a woman’s death
from abortion is less than one in 100,000. Whereas the risk of a woman dying from giving
birth is 13.3 deaths per 100,000 pregnancies.
Opponents, identifying themselves as pro-life, assert that personhood begins at
conception, and therefore abortion is the immoral killing of an innocent human being. They
say abortion inflicts suffering on the unborn child, and that it is unfair to allow abortion
when couples who cannot biologically conceive are waiting to adopt. Unborn babies are
innocent human beings from the moment of conception. They have a fundamental right to

life, which must be protected. Fetuses feel pain during an abortion according to Kanwaljeet
J. S. Anand, MBBS, DPhil, Professor of Pediatrics, Anesthesiology and Neurobiology at
the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Moreover the Declaration of
Independence states that “All men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
Happiness.” Allowing abortion directly contradicts the Founding Fathers’ intentions for an
inalienable right to life in this country.
Women should use contraceptives, not abortion, to prevent unwanted pregnancies. A
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study showed that 19-25% of women
who received abortions in 2006 had previously had one or more abortions. If abortion were
not available, women would not be so careless.
Taken from:

The Good and Bad Effects of TV for Children

By Maria Sembiring
Is TV good for children? Actually, TV is one of the most influential for society in two
different sides especially for children; it can be useful, educated, and also addictive, even
harmful. For children, it is hard to avoid television if people in the house are usually
watching TV. It is common for parents to use TV as a substitute babysitter. Also, many
parents buy videos that they think can make their kids are smart. But how does watching
TV really affect children?
In one side, TV is not all that bad; TV impact could give us some eases. First, all
programs on TV are basically designed to entertain and give information to people. They
help them relax and get to know about different news or information. They also make them
laugh because they are amusing. Next, some TV shows can educate, inform and inspire.
Many different programs have been to serve children good lessons through cartoon films,
games, music, sport, and local film series for children. It can be more effective than books
or audiotapes in teaching children about processes like how a plant grows or how to bake
a cake.
In contrast, TV exposes children to negative influences, and promotes negative
behavior. Some programs, however, are sometimes about the exhibition of violence,
sarcasm, crimes, murder, etc. For instance, twenty years of research has shown that children
who are more exposed to media violence behave more aggressively as kids and when they

are older. They are taught by TV that violence is the way to resolve conflict – as when a
TV hero beats up a bad guy to subdue him. Moreover, it has bad effect for their health.
Children who watch too much TV are usually overweight, according to the American
Medical Association. Children often snack on junk food while watching TV. They are also
influenced by commercials to consume unhealthy food. Also, they are not running,
jumping, or doing activities that burn calories and increase metabolism.
Well, as the consequences of these bad effects, many parents should realize about this
problem. It is better if they can start to follow the good effects by selecting the good
programs for their children today. Not only it, but also they need to control their children
by accompanying them when watching TV while educate them. Last but not least, many
parents should remember to limit time of watching TV for their children because it is bad
for their health and education if it takes a long time.
Taken from:

Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?

The popularity of social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter,
LinkedIn, and more than quadrupled from 2005 to 2009. Many users say
the sites are good for our society, but others contend that the dangers of social media
outweigh the benefits.
Proponents of social networking sites argue that these online communities promote
increased communication with friends and family, familiarize people with valuable
computer skills, and allow contact with people from around the world. Social networking
sites allow people to create new relationships and reconnect with friends and family.
Increased communication, even online, strengthens relationships. Social networking sites
allow for creative expression in a new medium. They provide free messaging, blogging,
photo storage, games, event invitations, and many other services to anyone with access to
a computer and the Internet. Social networking sites bring people with common interest
together, offer exposure to new ideas from around the world, and lower inhibitions to
overcome social anxiety. People who have a difficulty communicating in person are more
comfortable interacting via the Internet.
Meanwhile the opponents argue that social networking sites expose children to
predators, increase vulnerability to computer viruses, lower worker productivity, and

promote narcissism and short attention spans. Social networking sites entice people to
spend more time online and less time interacting face-to-face. The sites offer many time
wasting activities that supplant more productive activities. Teens spend an average of nine
hours per week on social networking sites. Teens growing up with these sites may not be
aware that the information they post is public and that photos and text can be retrieved even
after deletion. Consequences from over-sharing personal information include vulnerability
to sexual or financial predators and lost job opportunities from employers finding
embarrassing photos or comments. Social networking sites have no way to verify that
people are who they claim to be, leaving people vulnerable to solicitations from online
predators who are able to mask their true identities. In Feb. 2009, MySpace identified
90,000 registered sex offenders with profiles on the site, while Facebook declined to reveal
how many were present on its site. Even if the sites agree to remove sex offenders, they
cannot identify all of them or stop them from creating new accounts.
As social networking sites become more integrated in our modern culture, some people
think that the benefits outweigh any downsides, while others believe the dangers are more
pressing than any upsides.
Taken from:

1. Ceramah
2. Diskusi kelompok


1. Media Pembelajaran
a. Laptop
b. Proyektor
c. Papan tulis
d. Spidol

2. Sumber Pembelajaran
a. Buku teks yang relevan
b. Internet


1. Pertemuan Pertama (Rabu, 7 Januari 2015)
Kegiatan Aktifitas Guru Aktifitas Siswa
 Guru memberikan  Siswa merespon
salam untuk memulai salam dari guru
kegiatan pembelajaran.
 Ketua kelas
 Guru mempersilahkan memimpin doa
ketua kelas untuk sebelum memulai
memimpin do’a. pelajaran

 Guru memeriksa
kehadiran siswa
Pendahuluan 5 menit

 Guru mengajukan  Siswa merespon

pertanyaan pada siswa pertanyaan guru
mengenai issue-issue dengan
sosial yang sedang memberikan
diperdebatkan pada pernyataan tentang
saat ini. issue sosial yang
diperdebatkan pada
saat ini.
Dalam kegiatan ini, guru:
 Menyampaikan bahwa  Siswa
materi hari ini adalah mempersiapkan
discussion text. hal–hal yang
dibutuhkan dalam

seperti buku,
pulpen, dll.

 Mengarahkan siswa  Siswa

untuk mengungkapkan mengungkapkan
pengetahuan mereka pendapat mereka
yang terkait dengan mengenai
komponen – komponen komponen yang
dalam Discussion text terkait dengan
dalam konteks yang discussion texts
berterima dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari.

 Memberikan  Siswa
penjelasan kepada mendengarkan
peserta didik agar penjelasan guru
mampu memahami dengan saksama.
informasi tertulis
(definisi, tujuan,
bagian-bagian, dan ciri
kebahasaan dari
discussion text) yang
diberikan dalam
konteks kehidupan
Inti sehari-hari,
Dalam kegiatan ini, guru:
 Memberi siswa  Siswa memilih
kesempatan untuk kelompoknya dan 40
membuat kelompok duduk sesuai dengan menit
yang terdiri dari lima kelompok masing-
orang. masing.

 Meminta siswa  Secara

mengidentifikasi berkelompok, siswa
dengan tepat informasi mengidentifikasi
penting dalam teks esei informasi penting
tulis berbentuk dalam teks esei tulis
Discussion text yang berbentuk
diberikan oleh guru. Discussion text yang
diberikan oleh guru.

 Menginstruksikan  Secara
siswa untuk berkelompok, siswa
mengklasifikasi mengklasifikasi
dengan tepat informasi informasi penting
penting dalam teks esei dalam teks esei tulis
tulis berbentuk berbentuk
Discussion text yang Discussion text yang
diberikan oleh guru. diberikan oleh guru.

 Memberi kesempatan  Siswa menanyakan

bertanya bagi siswa hal-hal yang masih
apabila terdapat kosa belum dimengerti.
kata sulit.

 Meminta siswa untuk  Secara

membuat kerangka berkelompok, siswa
esei berbentuk membuat kerangka
discussion text esei berbentuk
berdasarkan teks yang discussion text
diberikan. berdasarkan teks
yang diberikan guru.
 Memberi kesempatan  Perwakilan
pada perwakilan kelompok

kelompok untuk mempresentasikan

mempresentasikan hasil diskusi
hasil diskusi kelompok mereka.

 Memberi apresiasi  Siswa memberikan

pada perwakilan apresiasi terhadap
kelompok yang telah presentasi dari
melakukan presentasi. masing-masing

 Menegaskan  Siswa mencatat

pemahaman tentang penjelasan guru
tujuan dari Discussion mengenai discussion
text yang sesuai text.
dengan konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari.
 Memberikan lima  Siswa memilih
topik untuk dipilih salah satu topik
salah satunya oleh untuk
siswa untuk tugas pada dikembangkan
pertemuan selanjutnya. menjadi satu teks

 Menjelaskan tugas  Siswa 10

untuk memperdalam mendengarkan menit
materi yang dipelajari penjelasan guru.
dengan membuat
kerangka penulisan
Discussion text dan
juga mencari data dan
informasi yang terkait

dengan topic yang

mereka pilih.

 Mengakhiri kegiatan  Ketua kelas

pembelajaran dengan memimpin doa dan
membaca doa dan mengucapkan
salam. salam.

2. Pertemuan Kedua (Selasa, 13 Januari 2015)

Kegiatan Aktifitas Guru Aktifitas Siswa
 Guru memberikan  Guru memberikan
salam untuk memulai salam untuk
kegiatan memulai kegiatan
pembelajaran. pembelajaran.

 Guru  Ketua kelas

menginstruksikan memimpin do’a.
ketua kelas untuk
Pendahuluan memimpin do’a. 10 menit

 Guru memeriksa
kehadiran siswa

 Guru meminta siswa  Siswa

mengumpulkan mengumpulkan
kerangka teks yang kerangka teks yang
telah dibuat. telah dibuat.
Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi,
Inti 15 menit

 Guru memeriksa  Siswa menyiapkan

kerangka tulisan yang alat tulis untuk
telah dibuat siswa. pembelajaran.
Dalam kegiatan elaborasi,
 Menginstruksikan  Siswa membuat teks
siswa untuk membuat diskusi sesuai
50 menit
teks diskusi yang dengan kerangka
sesuai dengan teks yang mereka
kerangka teks yang buat.
telah mereka buat.
 Meminta siswa  Siswa memeriksa
memeriksa ulang teks ulang teks diskusi
diskusi yang telah yang telah siswa
siswa buat. buat.
10 menit

 Memastikan siswa
mengikuti struktur
dalam penulisan
discussion text.
 Meminta siswa  Siswa
mengumpulkan tugas mengumpulkan
yang telah dibuat. tugas

Penutup  Mengakhiri kegiatan  Ketua kelas 5 menit

pembelajaran dengan memimpin do’a dan
membaca doa dan salam.

3. Pertemuan Ketiga (Selasa, 20 Januari 2015)

Kegiatan Aktifitas Guru Aktifitas Siswa
 Guru memberikan  Guru memberikan
salam untuk memulai salam untuk memulai
kegiatan pembelajaran. kegiatan

 Guru menginstruksikan  Ketua kelas

ketua kelas untuk memimpin do’a.
memimpin do’a.
Pendahuluan 10 menit
 Guru memeriksa
kehadiran siswa

 Guru membagikan teks  Siswa menerima teks

diskusi siswa yang diskusi yang telah
telah diperiksa dan juga diperiksa guru dan
lembar daftar kode juga lembar daftar
feedback kode feedback
Dalam kegiatan ini, guru:
 Guru memberikan  Siswa
penjelasan mengenai memperhatikan
feedback yang penjelasan dari guru,
Inti diberikan berupa kode- sambil melihat hasil 25 menit
kode yang digunakan kerja mereka.
untuk memeriksa teks
yang telah mereka

 Guru memberikan
kesempatan kepada
siswa untuk bertanya.
Dalam kegiatan ini, guru:
 Menginstruksikan  Siswa memperbaiki
siswa untuk teks diskusi yang 45 menit
memperbaiki teks telah diberikan
diskusi yang telah feedback.
diberikan feedback.

 Meminta siswa  Siswa memeriksa
memeriksa ulang teks ulang teks diskusi 5 menit
diskusi yang telah yang telah mereka
mereka perbaiki perbaiki.
 Meminta siswa  Siswa
mengumpulkan tugas mengumpulkan
yang telah dibuat. tugas yang yang
telah dibuat

Penutup 5 menit
 Mengakhiri kegiatan  Ketua kelas
pembelajaran dengan memimpin do’a dan
membaca doa dan salam.

1. Penilaian sikap
Instrumen : Lembar observasi
a. Pertemuan ke-1
No. Nama Siswa Keterlibatan Dalam Belajar
Respon Aktif Adanya
terhadap berdiskusi interaksi
penjelasan dalam aktif dengan
guru kelompok guru
1 Arga Pratama P.
2 ……
Skor total
Skor maksimal
Skor total keseluruhan aspek
Skor maksimal keseluruhan aspek
Persentase keseluruhan aspek

b. Pertemuan ke-2
No. Nama Siswa Kesiapan Ketekunan Ketepatan Waktu
Belajar Pengumpulan
1 Arga Pratama P.
2 Ahmad Pebian
3 ……
Skor total
Skor maksimal
Skor total keseluruhan aspek
Skor maksimal keseluruhan aspek
Persentase keseluruhan aspek

c. Pertemuan ke-3
No. Nama Siswa Ketekunan Ketepatan Waktu
Pengumpulan Tugas
1 Arga Pratama P.
2 Ahmad Pebian
3 ……
Skor total
Skor maksimal
Skor total keseluruhan aspek
Skor maksimal keseluruhan aspek
Persentase keseluruhan aspek

2. Penilaian Pengetahuan
Instrumen :
(Discussion text)

List of the Topics:

1. Teachers smoking in school
2. Having only one close friend is good
3. Single-sex school is good
4. Late comers, Go home!
5. Learning outside the classroom is much better than in the classroom
1. Make a four-paragraph essay discussing the topic you have chosen.
2. You are required to write, at least, 200 words. No more than 300 words.
3. Your work will not be taken as data if the number of words that you produce
meet the requirement.

1. Penilaian Sikap
No Aspek Sub Aspek Skor Kriteria Penilaian
Sungguh-sungguh dalam
mengerjakan tugas.
1 Ketekunan 2 mengerjakan tugas ketika
Tidak sungguh-sungguh
dalam mengerjakan tugas.
Aktif memperhatikan
penjelasan guru
Respon terhadap Kurang memperhatikan
penjelasan guru penjelasan guru
Tidak memperhatikan
penjelasan guru
3 Terlibat aktif berdiskusi
2 Kurang terlibat dalam
dalam belajar Keterlibatan dalam 2
Tidak terlibat aktif dalam
3 Aktif bertanya pada guru
Interaksi dengan 2 Sesekali bertanya pada guru
guru Tidak pernah bertanya pada
Membawa kerangka
3 penulisan, dan sesuai
kriteria yang ditentukan.
Membawa kerangka
3 Kesiapan belajar
2 penulisan, tetap belum
memenuhi kriteria.
Tidak membawa kerangka

No Aspek Sub Aspek Skor Kriteria Penilaian

Ketepatan waktu 3 Tepat Waktu
4 pengumpulan 2 Telat 1 hari
tugas 1 Telat 2 hari atau lebih

2. Penilaian Pengetahuan
Aspects Score Judgement
30—27 knowledgeable, substantive
26—22 some knowledge of subject, adequate range
21—17 limited knowledge of subject, little substance
16—13 does not show knowledge of subject, non-substantive
20—18 fluent expression, ideas clearly stated
17—14 somewhat choppy, but main ideas stand out
13—10 non-fluent, ideas confused or disconnected
9—7 does not communicate, no organization
20—18 sophisticated range, effective word choice and usage
adequate range, occasional errors, but meaning not
Vocabulary obscured
13—10 limited range, frequent errors
9—7 little knowledge of English vocabulary
25—22 effective complex construction
Language 21—19 effective but simple construction
Use 17—11 major problems in simple/complex construction
10—5 virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules
5 demonstrates mastery of conventions
4 occasional errors of spelling, punctuation
3 frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization
2 dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation, etc.


1. Persentase Hasil Observasi
𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑒 = 𝑥100%
𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙

Interpretasi persentase:

a. 81% - 100% : Sangat Baik

b. 61% - 80% : Baik
c. 41% - 60% : Cukup
d. 21% - 40% : Kurang
e. 0% - 20% : Sangat Kurang

2. Penghitungan Skor Nilai Tes

a. Skor Maksimum
No. Aspek Skor Total
1 Content 30
2 Organization 20
3 Vocabulary 20
4 Language Use 25
5 Mechanics 5

b. Skor Siswa
No. Aspek Skor Total
1 Content
2 Organization
3 Vocabulary
4 Language Use
5 Mechanics

Ciputat Timur, 6 Januari 2015


Appendix 7. Observation Sheets of Post-Action 1



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Siklus : 1 (Satu)
Pertemuan ke-/ Tanggal : 1 (Satu) / 7 Januari 2015

Keterlibatan Dalam Belajar

No. Nama Siswa
1 Arga Pratama P. 3 3 2
2 Ahmad Pebian 2 2 2
3 Azizah Pamugarwati 2 2 2
4 Debby Puji L. 3 3 2
5 Delvi Rawati S. 2 2 1
6 Desi Yusman 2 2 1
7 Dwaraka Daru B. 1 1 1
8 Eki Wulandari 2 2 1
9 Elen Fitria 3 3 2
10 Elrico Azhari 2 1 1
11 Fikri Huda Falah 2 3 2
12 Fitria Widiastuti 2 2 2
13 Franz Azarya P. 2 3 2
14 Garry Anggoro M. 1 2 1
15 Lulu Widianingsih 2 2 2
16 Maharani Reza 3 3 3
17 M. Naufal Heriza 3 2 3
18 M. Ridwan M. H. 1 1 1
19 M. Fierhan 1 1 1
20 Noverly 2 2 2
21 Qisthi Amalia 3 3 2

Keterlibatan Dalam Belajar

No. Nama Siswa
22 Ricky Chandra D. 1 1 1
23 Roiyatul Jannah 2 2 1
24 Ryan Hermawan 3 3 2
25 Sahdon Fernando 1 1 1
26 Satria Parama A. 1 1 1
27 Siti Nur Chamidah 3 3 2
28 Thassya Octavia A. 3 3 2
29 Tri Susanti 2 2 2
30 Virgita Puspasari 2 2 3
31 Zagina Salsabila F. 2 3 3
Skor total 64 66 54
Skor maksimal 93 93 93
Persentase 68.82% 70.97% 58.06%
Skor total keseluruhan aspek 184
Skor maksimal keseluruhan aspek 279
Persentase keseluruhan aspek 65.95%


1. A = Respon terhadap penjelasan guru

B = Aktif berdiskusi dalam kelompok
C = Adanya interaksi aktif dengan guru

2. Mencari persentase:
𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑒 = 𝑥100%
𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙

3. Interpretasi persentase:
a. 81% - 100% : Sangat Baik
b. 61% - 80% : Baik
c. 41% - 60% : Cukup
d. 21% - 40% : Buruk
e. 0% - 20% : Sangat Buruk

Deskripsi hasil observasi: Secara keseluruhan, dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar,

keterlibatan siswa/i kelas XII IPA 4 dapat dikategorikan “Baik”. Hanya saja, masih banyak
siswa yang kurang memperhatikan penjelasan dari guru. Selain itu, ketika mereka berada
dalam kelompok, sebagian besar siswa masih kurang aktif dalam berdiskusi, mereka lebih
senang bercanda gurau dengan teman sekelompok mereka. Selanjutnya, interaksi dengan
guru pun sangat kurang, sebagian siswa sudah mau bertanya, namun masih hanya sesekali

Ciputat Timur, 7 Januari 2015




Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Siklus : 1 (Satu)
Pertemuan ke-/ Tanggal : 2 (Dua) / 13 Januari 2015

No. Nama Siswa A B C

1 Arga Pratama P. 2 3 3
2 Ahmad Pebian 2 3 3
3 Azizah Pamugarwati 3 3 3
4 Debby Puji L. 2 2 3
5 Delvi Rawati S. 3 2 3
6 Desi Yusman 2 3 3
7 Dwaraka Daru B. 2 1 3
8 Eki Wulandari 2 3 3
9 Elen Fitria 3 3 3
10 Elrico Azhari 2 2 3
11 Fikri Huda Falah 3 3 3
12 Fitria Widiastuti 2 3 3
13 Franz Azarya P. 2 2 3
14 Garry Anggoro M. 1 2 3
15 Lulu Widianingsih 1 2 3
16 Maharani Reza 3 3 3
17 M. Naufal Heriza 1 3 3
18 M. Ridwan M. H. 1 1 3
19 M. Fierhan 1 1 3
20 Noverly 1 2 3
21 Qisthi Amalia 3 3 3
22 Ricky Chandra D. 1 1 3
23 Roiyatul Jannah 3 3 3
24 Ryan Hermawan 3 3 3

No. Nama Siswa A B C

25 Sahdon Fernando 1 1 3
26 Satria Parama A. 1 1 3
27 Siti Nur Chamidah 3 2 3
28 Thassya Octavia A. 3 3 3
29 Tri Susanti 3 3 3
30 Virgita Puspasari 3 3 3
31 Zagina Salsabila F. 1 3 3
Skor total 64 73 93
Skor maksimal 93 93 93
Persentase 68.82% 78.49% 100%
Skor total keseluruhan aspek 230
Skor maksimal keseluruhan aspek 279
Persentase keseluruhan aspek 82.44%

1. A = Kesiapan Belajar
B = Ketekunan
C = Ketepatan Waktu Pengumpulan Tugas

2. Mencari persentase:
𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑒 = 𝑥100%
𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙

3. Interpretasi persentase:
a. 81% - 100% : Sangat Baik
b. 61% - 80% : Baik
c. 41% - 60% : Cukup
d. 21% - 40% : Buruk
e. 0% - 20% : Sangat Buruk

Deskripsi hasil observasi: Secara keseluruhan, kegiatan belajar mengajar pada

pertemuan ini dapat dikategorikan “Sangat Baik”. Akan tetapi, sebagian besar siswa masih
belum melakukan persiapan dengan baik, dalam hal ini, membuat kerangka penulisan yang

akan mereka gunakan untuk kemudian dijabarkan menjadi sebuah teks diskusi. Masih
banyak yang tidak membawa/ tidak membuat kerangka tersebut. Selanjutnya, dalam hal
ketekunan atau keseriusan siswa dalam mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan, siswa sebagian
besar sudah cukup tekun, namun sebagian lainnya masih perlu diawasi. Hal terakhir yang
diamati adalah ketepatan waktu dalam mengumpulkan tugas. Pada pertemuan ini, seluruh
siswa mampu menyelesaikan dan mengumpulkan tugas mereka pada waktu yang
ditentukan, yaitu saat jam pelajaran bahasa Inggris berakhir.

Ciputat Timur, 13 Januari 2015




Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Siklus : 1 (Satu)
Pertemuan ke- / Tanggal : 3 (Tiga) / 20 Januari 2015

No. Nama Siswa A B C

1 Arga Pratama P. 3 3 3
2 Ahmad Pebian 3 2 2
3 Azizah Pamugarwati 3 3 2
4 Debby Puji L. 3 3 2
5 Delvi Rawati S. 3 2 3
6 Desi Yusman 2 2 3
7 Dwaraka Daru B. 2 2 3
8 Eki Wulandari 2 2 2
9 Elen Fitria 2 3 1
10 Elrico Azhari 2 3 1
11 Fikri Huda Falah 3 3 2
12 Fitria Widiastuti 2 3 3
13 Franz Azarya P. 3 3 1
14 Garry Anggoro M. 2 2 3
15 Lulu Widianingsih 2 2 3
16 Maharani Reza 3 3 3
17 M. Naufal Heriza 2 2 1
18 M. Ridwan M. H. 1 1 3
19 M. Fierhan 2 2 3
20 Noverly 3 2 1
21 Qisthi Amalia 3 3 3
22 Ricky Chandra D. 3 1 1
23 Roiyatul Jannah 2 2 3
24 Ryan Hermawan 3 3 1
25 Sahdon Fernando 3 1 1

No. Nama Siswa A B C

26 Satria Parama A. 2 1 1
27 Siti Nur Chamidah 3 2 3
28 Thassya Octavia A. 3 3 3
29 Tri Susanti 3 2 3
30 Virgita Puspasari 3 3 3
31 Zagina Salsabila F. 3 3 3
Skor total 79 72 72
Skor maksimal 93 93 93
Persentase 84.95% 77.42% 77.42%
Skor total keseluruhan aspek 223
Skor maksimal keseluruhan aspek 279
Persentase keseluruhan aspek 79.93%

1. A = Respon terhadap penjelasan guru
B = Ketekunan
C = Ketepatan Waktu Pengumpulan Tugas

2. Mencari persentase:

𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑒 = 𝑥100%
𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙

3. Interpretasi persentase:
a. 81% - 100% : Sangat Baik
b. 61% - 80% : Baik
c. 41% - 60% : Cukup
d. 21% - 40% : Buruk
e. 0% - 20% : Sangat Buruk

Deskripsi hasil observasi: Secara keseluruhan, kegiatan belajar mengajar pada

pertemuan ini dapat dikategorikan “Baik”. Ketika guru menerangkan, hampir semua siswa
memperhatikan dengan baik penjelasan yang diberikan oleh guru. Hanya beberapa siswa

saja yang masih kurang bahkan tidak memperhatikan penjelasan guru. Dalam hal
ketekunan atau keseriusan siswa dalam mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan, siswa sebagian
besar sudah cukup tekun, namun sebagian lainnya masih perlu diawasi da nada beberapa
siswa yang masih belum serius dalam melakukan revisi atau perbaikan tugas mereka.
Selain itu, pada aspek ketepatan waktu dalam mengumpulkan tugas, sebagian besar siswa
mengumpulkan tugas dihari yang sama. Akan tetapi, beberapa anak harus mengumpulkan
tugas mereka di keesokan harinya bahkan ada yang mengumpulkan di dua hari selanjutnya.
Pada aspek ketiga ini, observasi dilakukan tidak hanya di dalam kelas, namun juga di luar

Ciputat Timur, 20 Januari 2015


Appendix 8. Observation Journal of Post-Action 1

Observation Journal of Post-Action 1

Cycle Meeting Date Activities Findings
Most students paid little attention
to teacher’s explanation. Though
they listened to teacher’s
explanation, sometimes they
Introducing preferred talking to their friends,
discussion text to playing games on their gadgets.
students (Definition,
Purpose, Generic Some students, even, paid no
Structure, and attention on teacher’s explanation.
Language Features) Two students were sleeping.
Others went outside for the
number one, but went back to class
very late.

Jan 7,
Cycle I I All students liked to learn in

some students liked to be in group

In group, students with those who have sufficient
identified the aspects knowledge about English, for
in discussion texts, example, Students 3, 5, and 16.
made the framework However, when they had been in
of the texts, and then, group, they did not want to be
presented the results involved in the group and spent
to the class. more time joking and chatting
with their friends.
After observing, students 17 and
21 could be classified as silent

Cycle Meeting Date Activities Findings

In group, students The positive thing was that they
identified the aspects still did what teacher asked
in discussion texts,
Jan 7, While they presented the results of
I made the framework
2015 their discussion, the situation were
of the texts, and then,
conducive and students paid full
presented the results
to the class.
While checking students’
homework, teacher found that
most students had a trouble
making framework of the text. It
could be seen as some of them
actually brought their framework
but did not meet the criteria and
some others, even, did not bring
and make the framework.
Cycle I
However, there were still some
students bringing and making a
good framework.
Jan 13,
II Post-Action Test Generally, they did the test
seriously though some of them
should be supervised by the
teacher. Besides of that, some
students who did not bring or
make the framework found
difficulties in doing the test as they
were confused about what they
had to write.
Fortunately, all students submitted
their work on time. When the bell
rang as a sign that the subject was
over, the submitted their work.

Cycle Meeting Date Activities Findings

Generally, students were very
diligent in revising their work
though some of them still needed
Most students were seriously
listening to teacher’s explanation.
Some students felt confused about
Revision day. the codes given by the teacher,
Students had to revise then they prefer asking their peer
Jan 20,
III their writing which than asking the teacher though
feedback had been put sometimes they had to ask the
on. teacher too.
Lastly, students’ submission
punctuality was still low. There
were still some students who could
not submit their revised writing on
time, even it took two days or
more for them to submit their

Ciputat Timur, January 20th, 2015


Appendix 9. Post-Action 1 Test Scores

Post-Action 1 Test Scores

Students’ Post-Action Test 1
Number 1 2 3 4 5
S1 24 18 19 22 4 87
S2 22 15 17 20 4 78
S3 28 19 19 23 4 93
S4 27 19 19 22 5 92
S5 23 19 19 23 5 89
S6 23 18 15 19 4 79
S7 23 19 19 19 5 85
S8 21 15 17 20 4 77
S9 28 19 19 23 5 94
S10 23 17 18 19 5 82
S11 26 19 19 20 5 89
S12 23 13 14 22 4 76
S13 25 19 19 19 4 86
S14 22 16 18 20 5 81
S15 24 15 16 19 4 78
S16 28 19 20 21 5 93
S17 23 15 15 19 4 76
S18 27 19 17 22 4 89
S19 22 18 18 20 4 82
S20 28 19 18 23 4 92
S21 25 19 16 20 4 84
S22 23 15 15 19 4 76
S23 23 19 19 20 5 86
S24 27 19 19 23 5 93
S25 27 19 19 22 4 91
S26 25 15 15 20 4 79
S27 27 19 17 23 4 90

Students’ Post-Action Test 1

Number 1 2 3 4 5
S28 25 18 17 22 3 85
S29 23 16 18 19 5 81
S30 23 17 15 19 4 78
S31 23 19 19 20 5 86

1 = Content
2 = Organization
3 = Vocabulary
4 = Language Use
5 = Mechanics

Appendix 10: Lesson Plan of Cycle 2


(Siklus Kedua)

Satuan Pendidikan : SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang Selatan
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XII (Dua Belas) / Genap
Aspek/Skill : Writing
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 Menit
Jenis Teks : Teks diskusi
Tahun Pelajaran : 2014 / 2015

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana
berbentuk narrative, explanation, dan discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

6.2. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei dengan menggunakan
ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-
hari dalam teks berbentuk narrative, explanation, dan discussion

Kompetensi dasar tercapai bila siswa mampu:
1. Membuat kerangka berpikir dalam menulis esei.
2. Menulis teks diskusi dengan baik.
3. Menggunakan tata bahasa yang baik dan benar dalam menulis teks diskusi.

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa diharapkan mampu:
1. Membuat kerangka berpikir dalam menulis esei.
2. Menulis teks diskusi dengan baik.
3. Menggunakan tata bahasa yang baik dan benar dalam menulis teks diskusi.

1. Example of Discussion Text
Home Schooling
Many people may have many different views about home
1. Provides better opportunities for kids to learn.
a. Be more focus
b. Have more chances to express their emotion in the
learning process
Arguments Pro
c. Not wondering peer's comments.
2. Enables students to have broader knowledge
a. Learn outside the building, rather than in the square
1. Have no good abilities in socializing with their peers
a. Learn alone.
b. Have little chance to socialize, to work with others,
Arguments Contra and to understand differentiation in each other.
2. Costs higher than public school.
a. The success of the children is the only thing that
they guarantee.
Although we have to consider about many advantageous and
disadvantageous of homeschooling, we still have to consider
Closing about our children. We should be able to accommodate what
they need rather than to argue with our opinions and

Have you ever heard about home schooling? Is it a good idea to take it as an alternative
of formal education? Since the practice of this kind of institutions have been mushrooming
in Indonesia, many people may have many different views about home schooling.
Some people believe that home schooling provides better opportunities for kids to learn
more than public schooling does. The fact shows that students can be more focus and have
more chances to express their emotion in the learning process without wondering peer's
comments. Moreover, home schooling also enables students to have broader knowledge
since they can learn outside the building, rather than in the square classroom. Are they true?
On the other side, although some people think that home schooling will bring positive
significances for the students, some other argue that students will not have good abilities
in socializing with their peers because they usually learn alone. When they learn alone,
they will actually have little chance to socialize, to work with others, and to understand
differentiation in each other. Moreover, this program may cost higher than public school.
is it true? It may be true since the success of the children is the only thing that they
guarantee. They have no idea to let their students become an ordinary one.
Although we have to consider about many advantageous and disadvantageous of
homeschooling, we still have to consider about our children. We should be able to
accommodate what they need rather than to argue with our opinions and assumptions.

1. Ceramah
2. Diskusi kelompok


1. Media Pembelajaran
a. Laptop
b. Proyektor
c. Papan tulis
d. Spidol

2. Sumber Pembelajaran
a. Buku teks yang relevan
b. Internet
c. Kamus


1. Pertemuan Pertama (Selasa, 27 Januari 2015)
Kegiatan Aktifitas Guru Aktifitas Siswa
 Guru memberikan  Siswa merespon
salam untuk memulai salam dari guru
kegiatan pembelajaran.

 Guru mempersilahkan  Ketua kelas

ketua kelas untuk memimpin doa
memimpin do’a. sebelum memulai

 Guru memeriksa
Pendahuluan 5 menit
kehadiran siswa

 Guru mengajukan  Siswa merespon

pertanyaan pada siswa pertanyaan guru
mengenai dengan
pembelajaran minggu memberikan
lalu, terutama jawaban mengenai
mengenai kerangka kerangka berpikir
berpikir yang telah mereka
pelajari minggu lalu
Dalam kegiatan ini, guru:
 Menjelaskan kembali  Siswa
tentang cara membuat mendengarkan
kerangka berpikir penjelasan guru

 Memberi kesempatan  Siswa menanyakan

bertanya bagi siswa hal-hal yang masih
belum dimengerti.

 Membagi jumlah siswa  Siswa duduk

menjadi lima kelompok berkelompok sesuai
berdasarkan pilihan dengan perintah
siswa guru

 Memberikan tema teks  Siswa mencatat

diskusi pada masing – tema yang telah
masing kelompok ditentukan oleh
untuk selanjutnya guru untuk tiap
dijadikan topic yang kelompok
akan mereka
kembangkan dalam
membuat teks diskusi
esok hari.
Dalam kegiatan ini, guru:
 Memberikan tugas  Secara
untuk membuat berkelompok,
kerangka berpikir masing – masing
berdasarkan tema siswa membuat
masing – masing kerangka berpikir
kelompok berdasarkan tema
masing – masing
Inti kelompok
 Memberi kesempatan  Siswa menanyakan menit
bertanya bagi siswa hal-hal yang masih
belum dimengerti.

 Meminta siswa untuk  Siswa

mengumpulkan secara mengumpulkan
kolektif kerangka kerangka berpikir

berpikir yang telah mereka secara

dibuat kolektif

 Meminta siswa untuk  Secara

saling bertukar berkelompok, siswa
kerangka berpikir saling bertukar
dengan kelompok lain kerangka berpikir
yang telah dibuat

 Meminta siswa  Siswa memeriksa

memeriksa kerangka kerangka berpikir
berpikir siswa dari siswa dari kelompok
kelompok lain sesuai lain sesuai dengan
dengan arahan dari arahan dari guru

 Menginstruksikan  Siswa
siswa untuk mengembalikan
mengembalikan kerangka berpikir
kerangka berpikir sesuai dengan
sesuai dengan kelompok
Dalam kegiatan ini, guru:
 Meminta siswa untuk  Meminta siswa
memperbaiki kerangka untuk memperbaiki
berpikir yang telah kerangka berpikir
diperbaiki oleh yang telah
kelompok lain sebagai diperbaiki oleh
pekerjaan rumah kelompok lain
sebagai pekerjaan

 Mengulas kembali  Mendengarkan

pembelajaran pada penjelasan guru
pertemuan ini
mengenai pembuatan
kerangka berpikir.
 Memberikan motivasi  Siswa
pada siswa untuk memperhatikan
memperbaiki kerangka penjelasan guru.
berpikir yang telah

 Mengingatkan siswa
untuk membawa
kembali kerangka
berpikir yang telah
 Meminta siswa untuk menit
mencari data dan
informasi yang mereka
butuhkan yang terkait
dengan topic yang
akan mereka bahas

 Mengakhiri kegiatan  Ketua kelas

pembelajaran dengan memimpin doa dan
membaca doa dan mengucapkan
salam. salam.

2. Pertemuan Kedua (Rabu, 28 Januari 2015)

Kegiatan Aktifitas Guru Aktifitas Siswa
 Guru memberikan  Guru memberikan
salam untuk memulai salam untuk
kegiatan memulai kegiatan
pembelajaran. pembelajaran.

 Guru  Ketua kelas

menginstruksikan memimpin do’a.
ketua kelas untuk
Pendahuluan memimpin do’a. 10 menit

 Guru memeriksa
kehadiran siswa

 Guru meminta siswa  Siswa

mengumpulkan mengumpulkan
kerangka teks yang kerangka teks yang
telah dibuat. telah dibuat.
Dalam kegiatan ini, guru:
 Guru memeriksa  Siswa menyiapkan 15 menit
kerangka tulisan yang alat tulis untuk
telah dibuat siswa. pembelajaran.
Dalam kegiatan elaborasi,
 Menginstruksikan  Siswa membuat teks
50 menit
siswa untuk membuat diskusi sesuai
teks diskusi yang dengan kerangka
sesuai dengan teks yang mereka

Inti kerangka teks yang

telah mereka buat.
 Meminta siswa  Siswa memeriksa
memeriksa ulang teks ulang teks diskusi
diskusi yang telah yang telah siswa
siswa buat. buat.
10 menit

 Memastikan siswa
mengikuti struktur
dalam penulisan teks
 Meminta siswa  Siswa
mengumpulkan tugas mengumpulkan
yang telah dibuat. tugas

Penutup  Mengakhiri kegiatan  Ketua kelas 5 menit

pembelajaran dengan memimpin do’a dan
membaca doa dan salam.

3. Pertemuan Ketiga (Selasa, 10 Februari 2015)

Kegiatan Aktifitas Guru Aktifitas Siswa
 Guru memberikan  Guru memberikan
salam untuk memulai salam untuk memulai
kegiatan pembelajaran. kegiatan
Pendahuluan 10 menit
 Guru menginstruksikan  Ketua kelas
ketua kelas untuk memimpin do’a.
memimpin do’a.

 Guru memeriksa
kehadiran siswa
Dalam kegiatan ini, guru:
 Guru mengulas kembali  Siswa
penjelasan mengenai memperhatikan
feedback yang penjelasan dari guru,
diberikan berupa kode- sambil melihat hasil
kode yang digunakan kerja mereka.
untuk memeriksa teks 25 menit
yang telah mereka

 Guru memberikan
kesempatan kepada
siswa untuk bertanya.

Dalam kegiatan ini, guru:
 Meminta siswa untuk  Siswa memperbaiki
45 menit
memperbaiki teks teks diskusi yang
diskusi yang telah telah diberikan
diberikan feedback. feedback.
 Meminta siswa  Siswa memeriksa
memeriksa ulang teks ulang teks diskusi 5 menit
diskusi yang telah yang telah mereka
mereka perbaiki perbaiki.
 Meminta siswa  Siswa
mengumpulkan tugas mengumpulkan
yang telah dibuat. tugas yang yang
Penutup 5 menit
telah dibuat

 Mengakhiri kegiatan  Ketua kelas

pembelajaran dengan memimpin do’a dan
membaca doa dan salam.

1. Penilaian sikap
Instrumen : Lembar observasi
a. Pertemuan ke-1
Keterlibatan Dalam Belajar
Respon Aktif Adanya
No. Nama Siswa terhadap berdiskusi interaksi
penjelasan dalam aktif dengan
guru kelompok guru
1 Arga Pratama P.
Skor total
Skor maksimal
Skor total keseluruhan aspek
Skor maksimal keseluruhan aspek
Persentase keseluruhan aspek

b. Pertemuan ke-2
Kesiapan Waktu
No. Nama Siswa Ketekunan
Belajar Pengumpulan
1 Arga Pratama P.
2 …….
Skor total
Skor maksimal
Skor total keseluruhan aspek
Skor maksimal keseluruhan aspek
Persentase keseluruhan aspek

c. Pertemuan ke-3
Ketepatan Waktu
No. Nama Siswa Ketekunan
Pengumpulan Tugas
1 Arga Pratama P.
2 ………
Skor total
Skor maksimal
Skor total keseluruhan aspek
Skor maksimal keseluruhan aspek
Persentase keseluruhan aspek

2. Penilaian Pengetahuan
Instrumen :

(Teks diskusi)

List of the Topics:

1. In art, plagiarism is part of creativity
2. Raising the minimum driving age to twenty.
3. Moving the capital city to Pontianak.
4. Having at least one extracurricular is a must
5. Internet access at school.

1. Make a four-paragraph essay discussing the topic you have chosen.
2. You are required to write, 200—300 words.
3. Your work will not be taken as data if the number of words that you produce meet
the requirement.

1. Penilaian Sikap

No Aspek Sub Aspek Skor Kriteria Penilaian

Sungguh-sungguh dalam mengerjakan

Sungguh-sungguh mengerjakan tugas
1 Ketekunan 2
ketika diawas
Tidak sungguh-sungguh dalam
mengerjakan tugas.
Respon 3 Aktif memperhatikan penjelasan guru
Keterlibatan terhadap Kurang memperhatikan penjelasan
2 2
dalam belajar penjelasan guru
guru 1 Tidak memperhatikan penjelasan guru

No Aspek Sub Aspek Skor Kriteria Penilaian

Keterlibatan 3 Terlibat aktif berdiskusi

dalam 2 Kurang terlibat dalam berdiskusi
Keterlibatan kelompok 1 Tidak terlibat aktif dalam berdiskusi.
dalam belajar 3 Aktif bertanya pada guru
2 Sesekali bertanya pada guru
dengan guru
1 Tidak pernah bertanya pada guru
Membawa kerangka penulisan, dan
sesuai kriteria yang ditentukan.
3 Membawa kerangka penulisan, tetap
belajar 2
belum memenuhi kriteria.
1 Tidak membawa kerangka penulisan.
Ketepatan 3 Tepat Waktu
waktu 2 Telat 1 hari
1 Telat 2 hari atau lebih

2. Penilaian Pengetahuan
Aspects Score Judgement
30–27 knowledgeable, substantive
26–22 some knowledge of subject, adequate range
21–17 limited knowledge of subject, little substance
16–13 does not show knowledge of subject, non-substantive
20–18 fluent expression, ideas clearly stated
17–14 somewhat choppy, but main ideas stand out
13–10 non-fluent, ideas confused or disconnected
9–7 does not communicate, no organization
20–18 sophisticated range, effective word choice and usage
adequate range, occasional errors, but meaning not
Vocabulary obscured
13–10 limited range, frequent errors
9–7 little knowledge of English vocabulary

Aspects Score Judgement

25–22 effective complex construction
Language 21–19 effective but simple construction
Use 17–11 major problems in simple/complex construction
10–5 virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules
5 demonstrates mastery of conventions
4 occasional errors of spelling, punctuation
3 frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization
2 dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation, etc.


1. Persentase Hasil Observasi
𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑒 = 𝑥100%
𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙

Interpretasi persentase:

a. 81% - 100% : Sangat Baik

b. 61% - 80% : Baik
c. 41% - 60% : Cukup
d. 21% - 40% : Kurang
e. 0% - 20% : Sangat Kurang

2. Penghitungan Skor Nilai Tes

a. Skor Maksimum
No. Aspek Skor Total
1 Content 30
2 Organization 20
3 Vocabulary 20
4 Language Use 25
5 Mechanics 5

b. Skor Siswa
No. Aspek Skor Total
1 Content
2 Organization
3 Vocabulary
4 Language Use
5 Mechanics

Ciputat Timur, 26 Januari 2015


Appendix 11: Observation Sheets of Post-Action 2



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Siklus : 2 (Dua)
Pertemuan ke-/ Tanggal : 1 (Satu) / 27 Januari 2015

Keterlibatan Dalam Belajar

No. Nama Siswa
1 Arga Pratama P. 3 3 3
2 Ahmad Pebian 2 3 2
3 Azizah Pamugarwati 3 2 3
4 Debby Puji L. 3 3 3
5 Delvi Rawati S. 3 3 3
6 Desi Yusman 3 2 2
7 Dwaraka Daru B. 3 3 3
8 Eki Wulandari 2 2 2
9 Elen Fitria 3 3 2
10 Elrico Azhari 2 3 3
11 Fikri Huda Falah 3 3 3
12 Fitria Widiastuti 2 3 3
13 Franz Azarya P. 3 3 3
14 Garry Anggoro M. 3 2 2
15 Lulu Widianingsih 2 2 2
16 Maharani Reza 3 3 3
17 M. Naufal Heriza 3 3 3
18 M. Ridwan M. H. 2 2 2
19 M. Fierhan 3 3 2
20 Noverly 3 2 3
21 Qisthi Amalia 3 3 3

Keterlibatan Dalam Belajar

No. Nama Siswa
22 Ricky Chandra D. 3 3 3
23 Roiyatul Jannah 2 3 2
24 Ryan Hermawan 3 3 2
25 Sahdon Fernando 3 3 2
26 Satria Parama A. 3 3 2
27 Siti Nur Chamidah 3 3 2
28 Thassya Octavia A. 3 3 3
29 Tri Susanti 3 2 2
30 Virgita Puspasari 3 3 3
31 Zagina Salsabila F. 3 3 3
Skor total 86 85 79
Skor maksimal 93 93 93
Persentase 92.47% 91.40% 84.95%
Skor total keseluruhan aspek 250
Skor maksimal keseluruhan aspek 279
Persentase keseluruhan aspek 89.61%

1. A = Respon terhadap penjelasan guru C = Adanya interaksi aktif dengan guru
B = Aktif berdiskusi dalam kelompok
2. Mencari persentase:
𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑒 = 𝑥100%
𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙
3. Interpretasi persentase:
a. 81% - 100% : Sangat Baik
b. 61% - 80% : Baik
c. 41% - 60% : Cukup
d. 21% - 40% : Buruk
e. 0% - 20% : Sangat Buruk

Deskripsi hasil observasi: Secara keseluruhan, dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar,

keterlibatan siswa/i kelas XII IPA 4 dapat dikategorikan “Sangat Baik”. Hal ini dapat
dilihat dari sebagian besar siswa memberikan atensinya terhadap penjelasan dari guru.
Selain itu, ketika mereka berada dalam kelompok, hampir semua siswa sudah menunjukkan
keaktifannya dalam berdiskusi, mereka saling bertukar ide dan pikiran. Selanjutnya,
interaksi dengan guru pun sudah mulai sering terlihat, hampir semua siswa menunjukkan
interaksi dengan guru berupa tanya jawab, saling memberikan masukan, dan lainnya,
meskipun tidak semua siswa aktif berinteraksi dengan guru.

Ciputat Timur, 27 Januari 2015




Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Siklus : 2 (Dua)
Pertemuan ke-/ Tanggal : 2 (Dua) / 28 Januari 2015

No. Nama Siswa A B C

1 Arga Pratama P. 3 3 3
2 Ahmad Pebian 3 3 3
3 Azizah Pamugarwati 3 3 3
4 Debby Puji L. 3 3 3
5 Delvi Rawati S. 3 2 3
6 Desi Yusman 3 3 3
7 Dwaraka Daru B. 3 3 3
8 Eki Wulandari 3 3 3
9 Elen Fitria 3 3 3
10 Elrico Azhari 3 3 3
11 Fikri Huda Falah 3 3 3
12 Fitria Widiastuti 3 3 3
13 Franz Azarya P. 3 3 3
14 Garry Anggoro M. 3 3 3
15 Lulu Widianingsih 3 2 3
16 Maharani Reza 3 3 3
17 M. Naufal Heriza 3 3 3
18 M. Ridwan M. H. 3 2 3
19 M. Fierhan 3 3 3
20 Noverly 3 3 3
21 Qisthi Amalia 3 3 3
22 Ricky Chandra D. 3 3 3
23 Roiyatul Jannah 3 3 3
24 Ryan Hermawan 3 3 3
25 Sahdon Fernando 3 3 3

No. Nama Siswa A B C

26 Satria Parama A. 3 3 3
27 Siti Nur Chamidah 3 2 3
28 Thassya Octavia A. 3 3 3
29 Tri Susanti 3 3 3
30 Virgita Puspasari 3 3 3
31 Zagina Salsabila F. 3 3 3
Skor total 93 89 93
Skor maksimal 93 93 93
Persentase 100% 95.70% 100%
Skor total keseluruhan aspek 275
Skor maksimal keseluruhan aspek 279
Persentase keseluruhan aspek 98.57%

1. A = Kesiapan Belajar C = Ketepatan Waktu Pengumpulan Tugas
B = Ketekunan

2. Mencari persentase:
𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑒 = 𝑥100%
𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙

3. Interpretasi persentase:
a. 81% - 100% : Sangat Baik
b. 61% - 80% : Baik
c. 41% - 60% : Cukup
d. 21% - 40% : Buruk
e. 0% - 20% : Sangat Buruk

Deskripsi hasil observasi: Secara keseluruhan, kegiatan belajar mengajar pada

pertemuan ini dapat dikategorikan “Sangat Baik”. Seluruh siswa membawa kerangka
berpikir atau kerangka penulisan yang telah mereka perbaiki dan akan dijabarkan menjadi
sebuah teks diskusi. Selanjutnya, dalam hal ketekunan atau keseriusan siswa dalam
mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan, hampir seluruh siswa menunjukan ketekunannya,

suasana kelas begitu tenang dan kondusif. Hal terakhir yang diamati adalah ketepatan
waktu dalam mengumpulkan tugas. Pada pertemuan ini, seluruh siswa mampu
menyelesaikan dan mengumpulkan tugas mereka pada waktu yang ditentukan, yaitu saat
jam pelajaran bahasa Inggris berakhir.

Ciputat Timur, 28 Januari 2015




Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Siklus : 2 (Dua)
Pertemuan ke-/ Tanggal : 3 (Tiga) / 10 Februari 2015

No. Nama Siswa A B C

1 Arga Pratama P. 3 3 3
2 Ahmad Pebian 3 2 3
3 Azizah Pamugarwati 3 3 3
4 Debby Puji L. 3 3 3
5 Delvi Rawati S. 3 3 3
6 Desi Yusman 2 3 3
7 Dwaraka Daru B. 3 2 2
8 Eki Wulandari 2 3 2
9 Elen Fitria 3 3 3
10 Elrico Azhari 2 3 2
11 Fikri Huda Falah 3 3 3
12 Fitria Widiastuti 2 3 3
13 Franz Azarya P. 3 3 3
14 Garry Anggoro M. 3 3 2
15 Lulu Widianingsih 2 2 3
16 Maharani Reza 3 3 3
17 M. Naufal Heriza 2 2 2
18 M. Ridwan M. H. 3 3 2
19 M. Fierhan 2 2 3
20 Noverly 3 3 2
21 Qisthi Amalia 3 3 3
22 Ricky Chandra D. 3 2 3

No. Nama Siswa A B C

23 Roiyatul Jannah 2 2 3
24 Ryan Hermawan 3 3 3
25 Sahdon Fernando 3 2 2
26 Satria Parama A. 3 3 3
27 Siti Nur Chamidah 3 3 3
28 Thassya Octavia A. 3 3 3
29 Tri Susanti 3 3 3
30 Virgita Puspasari 3 3 2
31 Zagina Salsabila F. 3 3 3
Skor total 85 85 84
Skor maksimal 93 93 93
Persentase 91.40% 91.40% 90.32%
Skor total keseluruhan aspek 254
Skor maksimal keseluruhan aspek 279
Persentase keseluruhan aspek 91.01%

1. A = Respon terhadap penjelasan guru B = Ketekunan
C = Ketepatan Waktu Pengumpulan Tugas

2. Mencari persentase:
𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑒 = 𝑥100%
𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙

3. Interpretasi persentase:
a. 81% - 100% : Sangat Baik
b. 61% - 80% : Baik
c. 41% - 60% : Cukup
d. 21% - 40% : Buruk
e. 0% - 20% : Sangat Buruk

Deskripsi hasil observasi: Secara keseluruhan, kegiatan belajar mengajar pada

pertemuan ini dapat dikategorikan “Sangat Baik”. Saat guru memberikan ulasan tentang
kode-kode feedback yang diberikan, hampir seluruh siswa memberikan atensinya untuk
memahami kode-kode yang diberikan guru. Selanjutnya, saat siswa memperbaiki tugas
yang telah diberikan feedback oleh guru, hampir semua siswa cukup tekun dan serius
mengerjakannya. Selain itu, aspek terakhir, yakni pengumpulan tugas, juga mengalami
peningkatan, jumlah siswa yang mampu mengumpulkan tugas tepat waktu cukup
meningkat, selain itu, walaupun masih ada beberapa siswa yang mengumpulkan di
keesokan harinya, namun tidak ada satupun dari mereka yang mengumpulkan tugas pada
atau melewati hari kedua.

Ciputat Timur, 10 Februari 2015


Appendix 12. Observation Journal of Post-Action 2

Observation Journal of Post-Action 2

Cycle Meeting Date Activities Findings
Almost all students show
their attention to
teacher’s explanation
Reviewing and
because they were
providing deep
required to make a good
understanding about
framework that they
how to make a
would use in elaborating
their writing.
Students had stopped
playing their gadgets
As the theme for each
group had been chosen
by the teacher, students
became more active in
Cycle Jan 27,
I their group. They shared
II 2015
their own thoughts and
opinion about the theme.
One of the groups, even,
In group, students tried to debate whether
made the framework some materials they had
of the texts were relevant.
Interaction with the
teacher was improved. It
could also be seen that, in
this activity, students
mostly preferred to
confirm if their opinion
was good.

Cycle Meeting Date Activities Findings

While giving feedback,
some students were
confused with their
Exchanging the
friends’ idea.
Jan 27, framework made to
I They also gave any
2015 another group in order
suggestion to their
to get feedback
friends about what their
friends should enhance
and what to improve.
While checking students’
homework, teacher were
surprised that all students
brought all their
framework and they
showed a good effort to
Cycle make a good one.
II Generally, they did the
test seriously. The
condition of the class
was also so quiet that
Jan 28,
II Post-Action Test II almost all students
focussed on their own
Though some students
tried to use their gadgets,
teacher found that they
used it to look up some
words in English they did
not know.
All students submitted
their work on time.

Cycle Meeting Date Activities Findings

While teacher was
explaining the feedback
codes, students were
paying full attention.
Most students were
seriously listening to
teacher’s explanation.
Though some of them
did not really pay
attention, they still
caught what teacher
While they are given
chance to ask, some
Revision day.
students seemed like
Students had to
Cycle Feb 10, they wanted to confirm
III revise their writing
II 2015 their own opinion rather
which feedback had
than asked about the
been put on. meaning of the symbols
or codes.
While doing the
revision, almost all
students were very
diligent and serious as
they wanted to finish
their work on time.
Lastly, students’
submission punctuality
was increased. Though
some students could not
submit their revised
writing on time, but they

directly submitted their

writing on the next day.

Ciputat Timur, February 10th, 2015


Appendix 13. Post-Action 2 Test Scores

Post-Action 2 Test Scores

Students’ Post-Action Test 2
Number 1 2 3 4 5
S1 26 16 17 20 4 83
S2 25 18 18 21 5 87
S3 28 20 19 23 5 95
S4 26 20 20 21 5 92
S5 28 20 20 23 5 96
S6 24 16 17 22 4 83
S7 25 19 17 22 4 87
S8 23 19 16 23 4 85
S9 28 20 19 23 5 95
S10 23 18 15 22 4 82
S11 24 13 19 19 4 79
S12 23 15 19 22 5 84
S13 28 19 19 22 5 93
S14 25 19 19 19 4 86
S15 22 18 19 20 5 84
S16 27 19 19 23 5 93
S17 22 16 17 19 4 78
S18 27 19 16 22 3 87
S19 24 19 17 20 4 84
S20 24 18 18 23 4 87
S21 26 19 17 23 5 90
S22 21 18 13 21 3 76
S23 25 19 19 22 5 90
S24 28 19 17 24 4 92
S25 29 18 19 23 4 93
S26 23 17 18 22 4 84
S27 27 18 16 20 5 86

Students’ Post-Action Test 1

Number 1 2 3 4 5
S28 25 19 19 21 4 88
S29 27 19 16 22 4 88
S30 24 19 19 20 4 86
S31 24 19 19 23 5 90

1 = Content
2 = Organization
3 = Vocabulary
4 = Language Use
5 = Mechanics

Appendix 14. Grid of Questionnaire Items

Theory Components Indicators Items

The comments giving  informs  students are  The feedback
them information about strength and informed given by the
what their strength and weaknesses about the teacher
weakness are, why they strength and informs me
are wrong, and what to weaknesses my strengths
improve. and

 informs the  students

reason why understand
they are why they are
wrong wrong

 informs what  students  The feedback

to improve know what to given by the
improve teacher directs
me to

 The feedback
given by the
develops my
overall writing
Both teacher and  bridges  students are  The feedback
students need feedback students and bridged to the given by the
as the bridge for teacher teacher by teacher
informing the ongoing using bridges me
process to achieve the feedback and teacher
learning goals.

Feedback as the way  informs

teacher provides learner learner about
the information related their
to their learning activities
activities in order to
develop their skills.

Feedback is a  informs what

component in formative students are
assessment informing doing
students’ activities they
are doing and helping  helps
students decide fresh students

targets and plans to decide what

achieve their goals. to do

 helps
students plan
to achieve the

Indirect feedback is  indicates the  students  The feedback

provided when the location of know where given by the
teacher indicates the error they make teacher is
location of the error on errors located
the paper without appropriately
providing the correct
form.  The feedback
given by the
indicates the

 provides no

Letting the writer  lets the  students are  The feedback

knows that there is a students helped to given by the
problem but leaving it solve by revise their teacher helps
for students to solve it. themselves writing by me solve the
themselves error by

 The feedback
given by the
teacher makes
me confused
to revise my

Napaporn also states  using codes

that when giving to indicate
indirect feedback, the error
errors are underlined
and codes or symbols
are used to indicate the
type of errors.

Indirect correction is  improve  students can  The feedback

useful to improve more students’ increase their given by the
to students’ accuracy, accuracy teacher

benefits teacher for the accuracy in improves my

time to provide writing accuracy in
feedback, and makes writing
students be more
engaged in learning.  make  students feel  The feedback
students more that they are given by the
engaged in involved teacher helps
learning during the me be more
leaning engaged in
process learning

 The feedback
given by the
teacher helps
me interact
with the

Indirect feedback  strengthens  students  The feedback

strengthens students’ memory for remember given by the
memory for longer longer period their errors teacher lets me
period of time and remember the
brings greater error I make
opportunity to the for a long time
desired result, such as
decreasing students’  students’  The feedback
errors. error given by the
awareness is teacher
increased increases my

 decreases  students can  The feedback

students’ avoid the given by the
error same error teacher makes
they made me try to
avoid the same

Indirect feedback could  instructional   The feedback

be more instructional for students given by the
for both learner and and teacher teacher is
teacher as discovering instructional
the correct answer is for me and my
done by the learner. teacher

Students' Number
Total Percent.
Score (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
1 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 84 90.32
2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 90 96.77
3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 82 88.17
4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 80 86.02
5 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 86 92.47
6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 93 100
Questionnaire Number

7 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 83 89.25
Appendix 15. Results of Questionnaire

8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 93 100
9 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 2 1 3 3 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 74 79.57
10 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 80 86.02
11 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 1 3 3 78 83.87
12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 93 100
13 3 1 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 75 80.65
14 3 2 1 1 3 2 2 3 3 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 3 3 72 77.42
15 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 93 100

Appendix 16. Documentation (Photos)


Appendix 17. Surat Bimbingan Skripsi


Appendix 18. Surat Keterangan Penelitian dari Sekolah


Appendix 19. Correction Symbols


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