Air Density PDF

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QJ. Density is ........... at poles than equator

(a)Higher (b) Lower (c) Same
Q2. Above 8 km density is . ... . ... ... at poles than at equator
(a)Higher (b) Lower (c) Same
Q3. The altitude in ISA at which air density is the same as the observed density is
(a) Density Altitude (b) ISA Density (c) Real Density

Q4. Density is usually expressed as ... . .. ... ..

(a) Kg/sq m (b) g/cu m (c) N/sq m

Q5. Higher density altitude means . . .... .. ... density

(a) Higher (b) Lower (c) Same

Q6. For given pressure and temperature moist air has density
(a) Higher (b) Lower (c) Same

Q7. Air is less denser in

(a) High Altitudes (b) Warm Air ( c) High humidity (d) All these

Q8. Density altitude may be defined as:

(a) The altitude in ISA at which the prevailing pressure occurs.
(b) The altitude in ISA at which the prevailing density occurs.
( c) The altitude in actual atmosphere at which the prevailing density occurs.

Q9. Temperature being constant, if pressure increases the density altitude

(a) increases (b) lowers (c) remains the same

Q 10. For every 1°C change in temperature, density altitude differs from pressure altitude by
(a) 33 ft (b) 100 ft (c) 120 ft
(d) 210 ft


Q. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. a b a b b b d b a C


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