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Lesson 1: Understanding the Different Modalities

Activity 1

In your own words, define each modality:

Different Learning Modalities
a. Face-to-face (F2F) learning refers to a learning delivery modality where the teacher
and learner/s are physically present in the school.
b. Distance learning refers to a learning delivery modality where a learner is given
materials or access to resources and he/she undertakes self-directed study at home or
in another venue. It is a learning modality wherein the students and teachers are
remotely separated by geographical location.

c. Blended learning refers to a learning delivery modality using a combination of the

face to face learning and distance learning. There could be different types of blended
learning. It can be face to face and modular distance learning; face to face and online
distance learning; face to face and TV-based instruction/Radio-based instruction; or
face to face and any combination of the other types of distance learning.

d. Home-Schooling – refers to a learning delivery modality wherein the learners stay at

home while being given by formal education without having the chance to go to
school. Parents or tutors can facilitate learning.

 Which of the LDMs do not have F2F learning component?

Distance Learning and Home Schooling

Activity 2

Activity 3

Ranking (1-5
from easiest to
Type of DL Why?
hardest to
Modular learning is on the top of my
easiest learning modalities simply
because it is the most practical way to
continue the learning flow for the pupils
in our community. We are adapting the
Modular Learning approach since most of
1 MDL the population of the enrolment voted for
the said modality. The lack of internet
connection and funds to buy gadgets and
equipment’s for the new normal in
learning finds this modality easy to access
and convenient to many.
2 RBI In this age of modern technology, radio is
probably one of the most neglected tool
that can be used to deliver long-distance
learning. Though it is also convenient and
less expensive to use, the lack of visuals
to appeal to the interest of the young
learners makes it one of its biggest down
fall. Most pupils nowadays are visual
learners, so the concentration of auditory
sense can also trigger the imagination of
pupils, unfortunately, it is not that
applicable the generation of today.
Compared to the other modalities and
equipment’s needed for distance learning,
television is the most widely accessible
tool to almost every household in the
country. There is a small percentage of
enrolees that does not have a television at
home that is why delivery of lessons
through it can be considered efficient and
effective for the generation of today.
3 TVBI Most children are consumed by the
entertainment brought by television so
integrating lessons through this mode of
learning is ingenious, practical and has
been used for quite some time now.
Unfortunately, teacher’s trainings about
TV broadcasting is limited. And the
educational channel assigned is not
available for television without cable or
signal connections.
This is probably the most effective way to
deliver distance learning because it can
maximize multimedia platforms that can
boost the efficiency of the new approach
to learning. Having said that, the biggest
challenge for this modality is the lack of
monetary support for parents that will
have their children use this approach. The
reality is that, most families in the public-
school sectors relay on free education for
4 ODL their children, having to buy gadgets that
has the decent specifications to be used in
online classes and the monthly
obligations for reliable and fast internet
connection will be the biggest burden of
parents. Considering that at this time of
pandemic, most families now have lesser
income, that is why the effectively of the
modality is being over shadowed by its
price tag.

5 BL Blended Learning is the most practical

approach to this pandemics effects on
the education sector although this is also
the most impossible way to do in our
district. Simply because this approach
requires face to face interaction between
pupils and teachers which everybody is
very weary about. The fear, anxiety and
possibility that someone will acquire the
virus due to the face to face modality is
on top of the mind of everyone. Also, the
obligation to also have online resources
possess as a challenge for learners and
parents. Although this will combine all
the different modalities, the fact that
face to face instruction will deeply affect
the mind of both parents and teachers

Activity 4

Learner Group Targeted Intervention

Learners without parents or household  Endorse to the barangay HUB if
members who can guide and support their available.
learning at home.  Ask the help of the SK in the barangay
 Endorse to the LSB in the barangay
Beginning readers (K-3)  Orient parents how to undergo
beginning readers.
 Prepared learning materials in reading
to be given to the learners.
 Select educational videos regarding
 Download educational videos
 Provide learning materials for free
Struggling Readers (grades 4-12)  Orient parents how to undergo
struggling readers
 Prepared learning materials in reading
to be given to the learners.
 Select educational videos regarding
 Download educational videos
 Provide learning materials for free
No access to devices and internet  Inform the parents about the SK Hub
available in their barangay.
 Report to the SK Chairman so that they
assist them with the use of the free wifi
in the brgy.
 Provide printed self-learning modules.
Inaccessible (living in remote and /or  Teachers NEED/MUST do whatever it
unsafe areas) takes to reach those areas.
 Coordinate with the Local Government
Indigenous Peoples  Provide learning activities that are
localized and appropriate to their
Person with Disabilities  All learners should be given equal
rights to education.
 We have schools that can cater the
needs of the learners with disabilities.
 Upload recorded lessons in the google


Activity 1

1. What is lesson designing or lesson planning?

 Lesson designing or lesson planning is the process of determining what learning
opportunities students in school will have by planning “the content of instruction,
selecting teaching materials, designing the learning activities and grouping methods, and
deciding on the pacing and allocation of instructional time” (Virginia Department of
Education, as cited in DepEd Order No. 42, s.2016)

 This is to prepare the lesson by selecting the appropriate teaching methodology, teaching
materials, teaching activities, time frame and even proper behaviour of the learners to
target the ultimate goal, which is to transfer knowledge to the learners.

2. Why is lesson designing important?

time is maximized for instruction and learning
● lessons are responsive to learner’s needs
● teachers set learning targets for learners
● teachers carry out a lesson successfully
● teachers master their learning area content
● teachers become more reflective about their teaching
● learners successfully reach the set learning goals

3. What are the 3 elements or components of well-designed lessons?

● clearly articulated lesson objectives (What should be taught?)

● Well-selected and logically sequenced presentation of learning resources and activities

to help learners meet the objectives (How should it be taught?)

● Appropriate and timely assessment activities that provide relevant information and
feedback for both teachers and learners (How should learning be assessed?

Activity 2


Review previous Explain, model Wrap up activities
lesson demonstrate and Emphasize key information
Clarify concepts illustrate the and concepts discussed
from previous lesson concepts ideas Ask learners to recall key
Present warm up skills or process activities and concepts
activities the students discussed
Check learners prior Help learners Reinforce what teacher has
knowledge understand and taught
Present connection master new info Assess whether lesson has
between old and new Provide learners been transferred
lesson with feed back Transfer ideas and
State lesson Check learners concepts to new situations
objectives as a guide understanding Provide learners with feed
for learners. back
Check learners

Activity 3

Components of the DLP/DLL

I. Objectives
II. Content
III. Learning Materials and Resources
IV. Procedures
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection

Reflection is the part of the DLL and DLP that is being accomplished after the lesson is

Activity 4

Learning Delivery Modality (Select One):__ODL _/_MDL __TV/RBI __BL

Grade Level and Learning Area: Grade 7 - Science
Lesson Topic: The Scientific Investigation
Learning Objectives:
1. define what is a scientific investigation;
2. describe the different components of a scientific investigation
3. apply the different components of a scientific investigation solving problems

Learning Resources and Materials:

- Laptop
- Smart phones

Part of Check if already

Additional Remarks
Lesson/Learning Task present in the SLM
1. Review Previous lesson / - Learning
2. Clarify concepts from / ACTIVITY
previous lesson SHEETS
3. Present warm-up / - Can be presented
activities via an internet based
4. Check learners prior / resource
5. State lesson objectives /

1. Explain model and / - Learning
demonstrate concepts ACTIVITY
2. Help learners / SHEETS
understand and master - Can be presented
new information via an internet based
3. Provide learners with / resource
feedback - Printed students
4. Check for learners / query sheets
understanding - assessment

1. Wrap up activities / - Via printed
2. Emphasize key / materials
information - Printed assessment
3. Ask learners to / - Printed activity
recall key activities sheets
4. Reinforce what / - Questions in printed
teacher has taught materials
5. Assess whether / - Additional activity
lesson has been sheets
mastered - Periodic Test
6. Transfer ideas and /
concepts to new

1. Provide them prepared slides, enrichments activities from the internet that can
supplement the learning tasks that are not found in SLM.
2. Provide an orientation on how to accomplish the lessons in the module. Give them a
schedule so that they are guided on what to do and how long will the learners do the
activities in the module.
3. Ask the feedbacks, comments, suggestions through phone call, messaging in the FB
messenger or by means of accomplishing the query sheet.
Activity 5

Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment
 To make
Both are ways  To measure if
adjustments in
to assess the students met
the lesson
 Maybe Both can be the learning
integrated in all used for outcomes and to
parts of the student what extent at
lesson feedback the end of a unit
 To evaluate of study.
students’ own

Activity 6

How to Adapt the Assessment

Assessment Method
Method In DL
1. Interactive Games I will prepare and send a short
game via printed materials or via
(Crossword, Word Search/Hot online to assess my learners.
2. Quiz I will prepare and send a short quiz
via printed materials or via online.

3. Performance Task I will send prepared materials

indicating the process they will
undergo. (e.g. drawing, creating
video) so that they know what to
do even I am not on their side. In
case questions may arise, they can
contact me and ask a question.
4. Enrichment Activities I will provide activity sheets where
they can read and answer the
different questions that I will be
5. Periodical Test I will prepare test materials for
6. Journal I will let them write reflections and
what transpired in their learning.
This will be submitted weekly.

1. What assessment methods are common among the groups?


2. What are the challenges in doing assessment in DL?

We are challenged by assessing the difficulty of the assessment to be made. There are
some very fast learners and there are those slow learners.

There are also some materials needed in the assessment that may not be available for
some of our learners. All those things need to be considered.

Parents/ Guardians who will guide the learners at home may not understand fully the
given instruction on the module.

3. Despite the challenges, what should you do to make assessment doable in DL?
The teacher should profile and know his or her students. If he/she needs to give
remedial activities, to the slow learners, then do it.

Make sure to create assessment tools that don’t require materials which are not
available for the learners.

Give the parents or guardians proper orientation. Make the instructions brief and easy
to understand.

Activity 7


1. A portfolio mainly displays the academic achievements of the
learner. Correct statement: A learning portfolio demonstrates not
just the academic achievements but also the effort put forward
by the learner as well as the progress in achieving learning
2. Testimonies of parents/guardians and learning facilitators
regarding the learner’s progress may be included in a portfolio.
3. There is a fixed list of items that should be included in a portfolio.
Correct statement: There is no hard and fast rule that states a
clear list of items that should be included in a portfolio, as it
depends upon the requirements of the learning area. Teachers,
administrators, and students (and even parents) may decide
collectively on what to include in portfolios, which assessment
criteria to use, how to evaluate student outputs, and what to
expect from the end result.
4. The teacher can only comment on a learner's portfolio. Correct
statement: The teacher must address the students’ learning and
encourage self-assessment through their work samples. The
Learners may also be allowed to view and comment on their
peers’ portfolios.
5. For asynchronous learning, teachers allow learners to work on
their outputs during their own time. The latter will submit the
portfolio within the schedule that the teachers set.
6. The learners may submit, store, and manage their portfolio via
file sharing programs or they may submit the actual softcopies of
their work saved on a CD/DVD/USB flash drive.
7. Portfolios of DL learners with outputs in hard copies or physical
forms may be handed over to the teacher by the parents or
learning facilitators.


Activity 1

1. These are the knowledge, understanding, skills, and attitudes that learners need to demonstrate
in every lesson and/or learning task.
* c) learning competencies

2. These are the formative learning opportunities given to learners to engage them in the subject
matter and to enhance their understanding of the content.
* d) learning task

3. This refers to the prescribed subject that learners take.

* a) learning area

4. This refers to the method of submission of learning outputs preferred by the learner/parent
based on their context.
* b) mode of delivery

Activity 2
(See attached file Sample WEEKLY home learning Plan)

Activity 3

Weekly Home Learning Individual Monitoring Plan

Plan (WHLP) (IMP)
Purpose A tool to guide learners and A tool for monitoring
learning facilitators or learners who lag behind
household partners in based on the results of their
tracking the subject areas to formative and summative
be tackled and activities to be assessments
perform at home
For whom? Learners and learning Teachers and learning
facilitators or household facilitators or household
partner partner
Components Learning area, learning Learners needs, intervention
competencies, learning tasks, strategies, monitoring date
mode of delivery learners status
Has to be communicated to Yes Yes

Activity 4
(See attached file Individual Learning Monitoring Plan)

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