Hass Assignment One Lesson Plan

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Claudia Rocha Due Date: 14th of September 2018


Year Level: Year One Time: 11:00-12:00pm Date: 14th Students’ Prior Knowledge:
of September 2018 -Students know what the seven continents of the world
Learning Area: HASS -Students can locate on the world map where the
Strand from the Australian Curriculum: Geography continents are.

Topic: Places have distinctive features/The World

Knowledge and Understanding Concept: Place -In Pre-Primary the students learn about the curriculum
point: The globe as a representation of the Earth on
Content Descriptor: which Australia and other familiar countries can be
-The location of the equator and the northern and southern located (ACHASSK014).
hemispheres, including the poles (ACHASSK031)

Humanities and Social Sciences Skill:

Questioning and Researching:
-Reflect on current understanding of a topic (e.g. think-pair-
share, brainstorm) (WAHASS13)
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative thinking behaviour Social understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Locate the position of the equator on the world map.
 Identify where the northern and southern hemispheres are on the world map.
 Identify where the north pole and south pole is on the world map.

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

-Have the YouTube video “Seven continents song” by -For students who may have missed the previous
Hopscotch open and ready to play. lesson on learning about the seven continents, the
-Have a large world map ready to use for demonstration teacher must explicitly explain the seven continents
during the mat session. again to the students and show them where the
-have a world globe ready to use for demonstration during location of the continents are on the world map.
the mat session. -For the weaker students of the class, the teacher
-Have the A3 world map activity sheets printed and ready to would expect them to colour in some of the continents
use. in the correct colours and attempt to locate the position
-Have the feature name tag strips printed and ready to use. of the features on the world map.
-Have coloured pencils, scissors and glue sticks ready for -For the stronger students the teacher would expect
the students to use during activity time. the students to identify correctly where the features on
-Have the assessment checklist printed and ready to use. the world map are as well as colour in all the
continents correctly.
LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Claudia Rocha Due Date: 14th of September 2018

Assessment of Lesson Objective:

Mode of Assessment: To assess whether or not the set objectives of the lesson were met, the teacher will collect all
of the completed activity sheets as evidence at the end of the lesson. This is a form of summative assessment as the
teacher will be assessing the student’s knowledge on the lesson at the end of the lesson by collecting the work
samples. The teacher will use a checklist as a means to see if students meet the required objectives and whether or
not another lesson must be taught on the same topic.

Assessment Strategy: The teacher will use an assessment checklist on the objectives to record how each student
performed against the set objectives. The checklist will contain four columns listed excellent (the student got the
colours correct on the continents and placed the labels in the correct spots on the map); good (the student may have
incorrectly coloured in a continent and/or incorrectly placed a label on the map); satisfactory (the student may have
incorrectly coloured in some of the continents and/or incorrectly placed multiple labels on the map); limited (the
student incorrectly coloured in most/all of the continents and/or incorrectly placed most/all of the labels on their map).
The teacher will record the student’s capability on each objective by using a different coloured pen to match a
corresponding objective.

Please attach assessment strategy to your lesson plan

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

Time Motivation and Introduction:
Align these with the
11:00am -The teacher will introduce the lesson by having all students seated on the segment where they will be
mat in front of the whiteboard. The teacher will then begin the lesson by introduced.
asking the students what they remembered learning from the last HASS
- “Can someone put their hand up and tell me what we learnt about in our last
HASS lesson?”
-In the previous HASS lesson, the students would have learnt about the
seven continents of the world, what they are called and where they are YouTube Video: Seven
located on the world map. Continents Song by
-To revise the seven continents with the students the teacher will play a short Hopscotch
YouTube video that was shown to the students in the previous lesson about https://www.youtube.com/
the continents. The students are encouraged by the teacher to sing along to watch?v=K6DSMZ8b3LE
the continent song.

The teacher will then begin teaching the students about the equator, northern
and southern hemispheres and the poles.

11:10am Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):
-The teacher will explain to the students that the large world map that they
have hanging up on the whiteboard has some other features on it that are Large world map.
important and can help us remember where the continents are found on the
world map.
-The teacher will introduce the new terms equator, northern and southern
hemispheres and the north and south poles to the students. The teacher will
also show where these features are found on the large world map.

Claudia Rocha Due Date: 14th of September 2018

- “The equator is an imaginary circle around our world globe. On our big world
map, we can see the equator as a line that goes right through the middle of
our world map.”
- “Now, the equator is there so then we know where the northern and
southern hemispheres are. The northern hemisphere is what we call the top
half of our world map above the equator. The southern hemisphere is what
we call the bottom half of our world map below the equator.”
- “At the very top of our world map in the northern hemisphere is a place that
we call the north pole. It is very cold because it is made out of ice!”
- “At the very bottom of our world map in the southern hemisphere is a place
that we call the south pole. It is mostly covered in water and ice as well!”

-Once the teacher has explained these terms to the students and has
11:20am demonstrated their location on the world map, the teacher will then introduce
her world globe to the students.
-The teacher will then ask students to put their hand up and help the teacher World globe.
find where the equator, northern and southern hemisphere as well as the
north and south poles are on the globe.
-The teacher will then ask the students to look back at the whiteboard at the
large world map. The teacher will ask students to look at where the northern
and southern hemispheres are on the world map, she will then get students
one by one to come up to the whiteboard and point to a continent. She will
then ask that student to tell her which hemisphere that continent is in.

- “Who can I choose to come up to the world map and point to one of our
seven continents?”
- “Which hemisphere is Asia found in?”
- “How do we know this?”

-Once the students have identified all of the continents in their hemispheres,
the teacher will ask the students to go back to their desks and complete an
activity sheet on the lesson.
-On the activity sheet the students will be presented with a world map and the
continents on the world map will be labelled. Beside the world map will be a A3 world map activity
key with the continent names and a corresponding colour that the students sheets, feature name tag
must colour in that continent. The students will also be given a strip of paper strips, coloured pencils,
with the words equator, northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere, north scissors, glue sticks.
pole and south pole written on it. The students must cut out these labels and
glue them in the correct places where they belong on their world map. This
activity sheet will be used as assessment for the teacher on the outlined

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

12:00pm -The teacher will close the lesson by asking the students to clean up their
working area and hand all activity sheets back to the teacher, then be seated
on the mat ready to be dismissed for lunch.

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

-Prior to the next HASS lesson, the teacher will go over the terms equator,
northern and southern hemisphere as well as the north and south pole. The
teacher will get out the world map and pick students at random to locate the
position of these features on the world map.

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