Aim: Learn New Vocabuary To Talk Aboout Health and Lifestyle, Develop The Reading Skill

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03 de septiembre. Enviar a:
Complejo Educacional Chimbarongo
Depto. De Idiomas 3º Medio
Miss Makarena Silva Guía acumulativa n ° 8
Unit 3: Health and modern life

Name: _________________ Grade: 3°F Semana del 24 al 28 de Agosto

Aim: learn new vocabuary to talk aboout health and lifestyle, develop the reading skill.

I. Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs: (2pts) (complete las oraciones con los
phrasal verbs (expresiones) del recuadro “en negrita” , a su lado hay pistas de su significado)

work out = exercise pig out = eat a lot build up = increase burn off = eliminate
put on = increase (weight) keep up= maintain the same speed as others do in =
kill/hurt warm up = warm muscles before exercise stretch out = stretch tire out
= exhaust muscles
1. Resistance exercises (e.g. weight lifting) can help to _________ your muscles.
2. Arnold Schwarzenegger must ___________ a lot to maintain his physique.
3. I go to aerobics to ___________ the calories I __________ at the weekend.
4. I always feel guilty after I ____________ at the Chinese restaurant.
5. Yoga helps to _______________ my muscles.
6. You should ____________ before you exercise or you might do your muscles in.
7. I think I ate too much at Christmas. I’ve _________ two kilograms.
8. I’ll never go to a circuits class again. The last one nearly did me in. The other people were
really fit so I struggled to ____________.

II. Read and choose the phrasal verbs that best complete the text below. (2pts each one)
(lee y elige las expresiones que mejor completan el texto inferior)

I suppose I’m quite lucky because I don’t 1) put on/ keep out weight easily. I
never 2) work out/ pick out in the gym and the only time I 3) stretch out/
warms up is when I need something from the top shelf. I tried aerobics once
but I couldn’t 4) keep up/ build up with the others. I take my dog for a walk
three times a day though, and that helps to 5) burn off/ do in the calories. I
usually watch what I eat but I sometimes 6) warm up/ pig out on a pizza or a
Chinese at the weekend.

My brother is real fitness fanatic. Before he works out he 7) warms up/ work
out every day with press ups, sit ups, stretches and a jog around the park. He
says it’s important to 8) build up/ burn off good levels of strength, stamina and
suppleness. I don’t want to overdo it though. A fitness regime like his would
tire me out !
III. Complete the paragraph using the words from the box. (2pts) (complete el párrafo con las
palabras del recuadro)

Go on a diet - jogging - weight - stress - keep fit - relaxation -

overweight - aerobics

People are much more interested in their health these days. Many people try to ___________

by __________ in the park or going swimming or by playing tennis, __________ classes are helpful too.

Being _________ can be dangerous for health, so many doctors recommend to __________ and loose

_________. Another problema for our health is __________ there are simple ___________ techniques which help

our lifestyle.

IV. Read the text below and decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F). (1pt ) (lee el texto
inferior y luego decide si las oraciones son verdaderas o falsas)

I can’t stand smoking

The most difficult thing for me is to sit in a place that is

full of the smell of cigarettes. When you visit an internet
cafe’, the first thing you face is this big cloud of smoke
and the unpleasant smell of cigarettes. It’s completely not
healthy to stay in such place.
Many people suffer from public places full of smokers
who fill the air with their smoke. Even those who used to
smoke once they stay away from this bad habit when they
feel uncomfortable around smokers.
In the past people in Syria used to smoke only in public
cafes, but nowadays people smoke everywhere, in the
restaurant, offices, street, parks, even in the hall of the hospital. Smokers who used to smoke
one pack daily and stopped can feel how much they lost of their lungs capacity.
Lately the government has issued a law to prevent smoking in many places, but apparently
that didn’t help. And the most important thing still is to find a way to convince and help
people to stay away from the temporary pleasure of smoking.

A - ( ) The smell of cigarettes is very pleasant.

B - ( ) It´s healthy to stay in places full of smokers.
C - ( ) People suffer from public places full of smokers.
D - ( ) In the past, people in Syria smoked everywhere.
E - ( ) Actually people smoke in restaurants, offices, streets, parks and hospitals.
F - ( ) Smoking is a healthy habit.
G - ( ) The smokers loss of their lungs capacity.
H - ( ) We can help and convince people to stay away from this habit.

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