Application For Student PERMIT

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Application for Student PERMIT

Documents Required
1. Duly accomplished Application for Driver's License
2. Proof of identity
- Original Birth Certificate with photocopy
- NSO authenticated Birth Certificate with Official Receipt and photocopy
- Original valid Passport with photocopy
- A joint affidavit of two (2) disinterested persons who know the applicant and who
can attest to the applicant's identity, accompanied by non-availability of record issued
by the Local Civil Registry Office or NSO
3. Any legal or government issued document to prove his age and identity (SSS ID,
PhilHealth ID, GSIS ID, TIN ID, Pag-ibig ID, Office ID)
4. Taxpayer's Identification Number (TIN)

1. Proceed to the Customer Service Counter to have your documents checked for
completeness, and secure a Driver's License Application Form. (This form is available
for download here. You can accomplish this form prior to transacting your business at
the LTO.) Get a queue number and wait for your number to be called.

2. When your number is called, proceed to the transaction counters to submit all
required documents to the Evaluator.

3. Proceed to the Phototaking/Signature Area to have your picture and signature taken
when your name is called.

4. Proceed to the Cashier when your name is called to pay the necessary fees and
obtain an Official Receipt.

5. Proceed to the Releasing Counter, present the Official Receipt and claim the
temporary student permit/license.

ONE TIME TAXPAYERS (With No Previously Issued TIN)


Tax Form
BIR Form 1904 - Application for Registration of One Time Taxpayer And Persons
Registering Under EO 98 (securing a TIN to be able to transact with any government

Documentary Requirements
-Birth certificate or any valid identification showing name, address and birth date of
applicant (buyer and seller)

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