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Under Pressure


Improper care of aircraft tires treads a hazardous course.

By Mike Gamauf

ear midnight on Sept. 19, 2008, a Learjet Model 60 Aircraft Tire Basics
was departing Columbia, South Carolina, Metro- Although they look like their automo-
politan Airport (CAE) on a charter flight bound for tive cousins, aircraft tires are actually
quite different. They must be able to ab-
Van Nuys, California, with a rock band aboard. The tower sorb much greater loads. While traction
is not a major concern, the tires must
instructed the pilots to proceed to Runway 11 via taxi- be able to resist hydroplaning at higher
way Uniform, but the controller noticed that the Lear had speeds. Aircraft tires are not designed
with cornering properties like a car and
turned in the wrong direction and had the crew back taxi thus fast turns are harmful. The typical
on the runway and perform a U-turn at the departure end. service life of an aircraft tire is counted
in number of landings, versus road miles
for auto tires. In addition, the tire must
meet all of these demands while pro-
At that point, the captain and viding safe and affordable service.
copilot reviewed their rejected Unlike modern radial tire de-
takeoff procedures, readied sign, many aircraft tires em-
the aircraft and began their ploy bias ply construction
takeoff roll. since that was the technology
Shortly after reaching available when the aircraft
V1, the pilots heard a loud, they support were designed.
rumbling sound, followed Radial plied tires, which have
by more unexpected noises. just begun to penetrate the
Alarmed, the crew elected aircraft industry, feature
to abort, activated reversers cords running in the same di-
and hit the brakes. The air- rection, 90 deg. to the tread
craft began to decelerate, but centerline for better strength
it was clear to the crew that and handling response. By com-
they were going to depart the ISTOCK parison, bias ply tires use multiple
runway’s end. layers of nylon ply cords laid at al-
After passing through the runway ternating angles to the tread centerline.
safety area, the jet smashed into light The bead area is usually made up of lay-
poles, crashed through the perimeter ered steel wires to hold the tire shape,
fence and concrete posts, and crossed a as well as carry the heavy landing loads.
five-lane road before striking an embank- inadequate training standards for pilots in Many maintenance technicians (and
ment, where it exploded in a fireball. Both tire failure scenarios. In addition, the re- pilots as well) tend to regard pressure
pilots and two passengers were killed in port said that while the preflight checklist in aircraft and car tires similarly and
the crash; two passengers managed to states pilots should check tire condition, detect low pressure visually. However,
escape the burning wreckage, but were there was no visible means to determine if because of the high deflection involved
seriously injured. a tire is dangerously underinflated without in aircraft tires, it is nearly impossible to
NTSB accident investigators found using a gauge. detect when the pressure within is dan-
pieces of all four main aircraft tires on the Unlike car tires, aircraft tires do not gerously low.
runway, and later determined that one of necessarily appear underinflated when Before the introduction of radial au-
the probable causes of the accident was in- they’re unsafe. Tires can lose up to 5% of tomobile tires, it was essential to keep
adequate maintenance that resulted in se- their pressure daily and a loss of just 10% your car’s tires properly serviced or risk
vere underinflation of the tires, resulting in can lead to their overheating and failure. a blowout. As radial tires became domi-
their failure. The Safety Board noted that Maintenance technicians and pilots alike nant, most people tended to ignore their
while there were instructions for main- need to know proper care and inspection tires’ pressure. Unfortunately, this com-
taining tire pressure, the frequency of of tires to ensure their safety and good placency has crossed over to aviation,
checks were not adequate and there were service life. and this needs to end. There is really
no way around the fact that regular tire
pressure checks with a calibrated gauge
Tire Pressure Smarts
are necessary. Michelin Aircraft Tire Co., in conjunction with the FAA Safety Team, has created an
The accident in Columbia was a wake- online training course on the importance of maintaining proper tire pressure. The
up call for many business aircraft pilots course is available online and when completed, pilots earn wings and AMT credits,
and maintainers. It also hit close to home respectively. Visit the website at:
— literally — for Michelin Aircraft Tire
Co., which is based in nearby Green-
ville, South Carolina. That company or
had been working with its customers for
many years to extend tire life, but the
accident inspired its people to even fur- recommendations. This can extend the on how to correctly check pressure.
ther action. In conjunction with the FAA number of cycles before wear out and “When we are out on the road, we al-
Safety Team, they created a Web-based helps resist FOD [foreign object dam- ways check the tire pressure before the
course on tire safety (see “Tire Pres- age],” Pruszenski said. first flight of the day,” said Cliff Jenkins,
sure Smarts” sidebar) and talk about tire FOD is always a major concern, but es- director of aviation and chief pilot for
smarts in safety seminars. pecially when aircraft tires are involved. Milliken and Co. Inc., which also is based
Tire manufacturers test their products The crash of an Air France Concorde in Greenville. “We have a very high end,
to rated conditions, but it is the airframe in 2000 was caused by FOD destroying calibrated gauge and keep it in the back
manufacturers that set those operating the SST’s tires, which in turn caused of the airplane. One of the pilots will
conditions and determine the correct penetration of the aircraft fuel tank. The check the tire pressure to ensure it is
operating pressure. indelible image of the doomed, flaming in the acceptable range. It may not be at
“When you deviate from the operat- aircraft should be both a reminder and max pressure, but we will take off know-
ing pressure, which is a function of the a call to action to institute FOD control ing that the pressure is in the safe range.”
design deflection, you start to accelerate measures for all airports. Tire pressure monitoring systems
the wear rate,” cautions Keat Pruszenski, have been available for several years
manager of Customer Support Engineer-
ing at Michelin. “If pressure gets too low,
Maintenance or Check? now and come as standard equipment on
many new airframes. The system checks
the deflection increases and builds up Checking tire pressure is one of the more the tire pressure and alerts the crew
heat, which can damage the tire. Long basic tasks a maintenance technician can when servicing is required. For older air-
taxiways like Denver’s can greatly accel- perform. A calibrated gauge should al- craft, there are sensors that can be in-
erate heat damage on a tire.” ways be used to ensure accuracy. Even stalled on the wheel assemblies that can
Pressure is impacted by changes in though tire pressures are typically in the be checked with a wand that reads the
ambient temperature. For each 5-deg. 200-psi range, a small deviation can have pressure without touching the sensor. Es-
drop in temperature, a tire loses 1% of a huge effect on the gauge’s readout. New sentially this creates a handheld monitor-
its pressure. This is a major concern digital gauges are much more accurate ing system that pilots can use if operating
when leaving an aircraft parked on the and precise, and remove the possibility procedures prohibit them from touching
ramp overnight, or when flying to a cold of an incorrect reading. The maintenance the aircraft with a tool.
weather location from a warm one. Air- manual provides the specific tempera- Tires can be serviced through the sen-
craft tires demand a close tolerance to ture/pressure readings and they need to sor and pressure can be checked man-
specified operating pressure, with a be followed. ually without removal. Maintenance
narrow band of best operating pressure Checks should be performed before technicians can verify the wand’s ac-
between 95% and 105%. A preflight tire flight, but beware of atmospheric condi- curacy by cross checking tire pressure
pressure check should take this into ac- tions. If you are in a warm hangar and versus the output of the sensor. Servic-
count, especially if traveling from a warm the aircraft to going to roll out into the ing tires should only be done by properly
location to a cold one. freezing cold, be sure to service to the trained and qualified personnel. Always
When tires lose more than 5% of their outside conditions. After landing, tires use a calibrated pressure gauge on your
pressure in a day, you should investigate and wheels become very hot and should tires, and run the gauge past normal fill-
the cause. A good rule of thumb is that if be left to normalize temperature before ing pressure and then crank it back down
a tire’s pressure drops to 94-90%, make servicing. There are some charts that to check for a sticking needle.
a logbook entry and pay close attention. provide a correction factor, but this can As has been tragically demonstrated,
You should remove a tire if it drops below be difficult to validate. Always follow the the consequences of a tire failure can be
90% and send it to the repair shop for in- manufacturer’s recommendations. deadly. Keeping tires in safe operating
spection. A tire needs to be scrapped if its One major problem the NTSB noted condition is a critical part of any aircraft
pressure is found to be below 80% and its in its report on the Lear 60 crash is that maintenance program. Pilots need to be
mate must be scrapped as well. Always some FAR Part 135 operators may not aware of the importance of maintaining
consult the aircraft maintenance manual permit their pilots to check tire pressure correct pressure and, depending on op-
for the appropriate maintenance actions. since use of a tool is required to do so. erating rules, take a more active role in
Keeping tires properly serviced not But since there is no other way to verify ensuring tires are properly serviced.
only helps keep an aircraft safe, but it has safe pressure, this becomes a problem The old axiom of “kick the tires and
additional benefits. when operating away from home base. light the fires” needs rephrasing. Make
“Our customers have seen tremendous Part 91 operations do not have that re- it “check the tires to avoid any fires” and
gains in tire wear life just by following striction, but pilots need to be trained have a safe flight. B&CA

Posted with permission from June 2014. Business & Commercial Aviation, Penton Media, Inc. Copyright 2014. All rights reserved.
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