Scheme On Labeling of Ecofriendly Products (Ecomark)

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Scheme on labeling of Eco-friendly products


PPT Prepared by
Mr. Niladri Sekhar Roy
Asst. Professor
Department of Environmental Science
AKS University, Satna, M.P.
Email ID-
Criteria for awarding Ecomark
Ecomark Products
Organizational Structure & Composition
Functions of Steering Committee
Functions of Technical Committee
Ecomark or Eco-Labeling is a certification mark issued
by MoEFCC with the Bureau of Indian Standards
(BIS) to products complying with a set of standards
aimed at the least impact on the ecosystem. The
marking scheme was started in 1991 as a part of
India’s Environmental Policy. Bureau of Indian
Standards is the National Standards Organization of

Ecomark logo- An Earthen pot

The specific objectives of the ECOMARK scheme are as
– To provide an incentive for manufacturers and importers to
reduce environmental impact of products.
– To reward good initiatives by companies to reduce adverse
environmental impact of their products.
– To assist consumers to become environmentally responsible
in their daily lives by providing information to take account
of environmental factors in their purchase decisions.
– To ensure citizens to purchase products which have less
harmful environmental impacts.
– Ultimately to improve the quality of the environment and
to encourage the sustainable management of resources.
Criteria for awarding Ecomark
The products that come up for certification will be assessed for the following main
environmental impacts:
• They have substantially less potential for pollution when compared to similar
products in terms of usage, production and disposal.
• They are recycled, recyclable or made from recycled or biodegradable materials.
• They make a significant contribution towards preserving non-renewable resources.
• They must contribute to the decrease in the adverse primary criteria that has the
highest environmental impact associated with the product’s use.
Points to be considered while determining the primary criteria for a product:
• The process of production including the source of raw material.
• The case of natural resources.
• Likely impact on the environment.
• Energy conservation in the product’s production.
• Effect and extent of the waste emanating out of the process of production.
• Product and product container disposal.
• Use of waste and recycled materials.
• Sustainability for recycling or packaging.
• Biodegradability
ECOMARK Products
The MoEFCC has so far identified 16 products categories to be  covered
under the scheme of ECOMARK.

Soaps and detergents Paints Paper

Food items Food additives and Wood Substances

Textiles Batteries Lubricating oil 

Packaging Plastics Aerosols

Cosmetics Pesticides & drugs Electronic goods

Vegetable Oils    
Organizational Structure
The MoEFCC has constituted two committees namely Steering
Committee and Technical Committee to identify product categories, develop
criteria and to coordinate related activities. The Bureau of Indian Standards is to
assess and certify products and draw up a contract with the manufacturer,
allowing the use of the label, on payment of a fee. The terms of committees shall
be for three years or until reconstituted.
Composition of Steering Committee (संचालन समिति)
Composition of Technical Committee (तकनीकी समिति)
Functions of Steering Committee
• Selection of the logo for ECOMARK.
• Activities related to creation of mass awareness for promotion and  acceptance
of the scheme.
• Determining the product category to be taken up under the scheme.
• Coordinating ways of ensuring that industry is actively involved in the scheme.
• Securing the involvement of other Ministries, Government Departments, Industry
Associations and other Non-Government Organizations and consumer
• For emulation of strategies for future development of the scheme.
• Identifying institutions in India or outside which are engaged in the
standardization of any article or process or improvement of quality of any article
or process and recommending assistance to build consumer awareness.
• Promoting programme of comparative testing of products by consumer
organizations and disseminate their results to the general public.
• Supporting any research for the formulation of ECOMARK  products in the
interest of consumer groups.
Functions of Technical Committee
• Identification of specific products for classifying as
environment friendly.
• Reviewing the existing State of knowledge and the
environmental criteria being followed in other countries.
• Recommend the most appropriate criteria and parameters to
designate various products as environment friendly.
• Review various technologies available for determining criteria.
• Recommend various laboratories and analysis for products
assessment to the MoEF.
• Evaluation of Environmental Import of products.
• To review implementation of the scheme by BIS.
• Set up Sub-committee for each product category.
• Setting up of expert panels to advise it for specific products.
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