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This Report summarises the commitment, approach From March to August 2020, there has been a range
and engagement outcomes undertaken to develop of engagement on the Riverfront Project reported
the Concept and Schematic plans for the Wimmera through to the CRG:
Riverfront Activation project.
• Discussions with technical experts and groups in
There was a clear focus on improving engagement or located adjacent to the project
through: • One-on-one discussions with 32 community
• Building relationships and trust with the • On-line webinars – 1500+ views
community and key stakeholders • Social Media – 18 facebook posts and 5200
• Providing an opportunity for any member of the engagements
community to provide input • The Draft Concept Plan (maps and information)
for the Riverfront Activation project were viewed
The key to a more effective engagement process over 900 times online
with the establishment of a Community Reference • Double page spread in print media and weekly
Group (CRG) who helped design the engagement notices updates
process and provided oversight of the detailed • Two radio interviews
design process. • 6 small group on-line information sessions
• Display of designs at the Angling Clubrooms and at
The CRG endorsed the overall goal for the project: 43 Firebrace Street

‘to make the Wimmera Riverfront an even more Key themes that emerged during this engagement
inviting place for everyone now and for future were:
• Retain the natural amenity
• Improve connectivity and places to socially
• Promote broader community access and use
• Provide opportunities to tell our local indigenous

• 70 formal feedback submission received
• Four out of every 5 responses (81%) believe the
riverfront will be more inviting after the plans are
implemented - showing overwhelming support for
the draft riverfront designs
The top features people like about the draft plans in
priority order for implementation are:
• Natural Water Play Park
• Walking path upgrades
• Café
• Upgrades to BBQs, seating, shade and toilets
• New meeting place at the end of Firebrace Street
• New river edge connections

Eight responses voiced concern relating to the

cost of the project, possible impact on rates and
COVID-19. Seven responses discussed issues
around parking to be further considered and
eleven responses provided a range of comments
on specific elements of the design that have been
provided to the Landscape architect.

Horsham Rural City Council would like to thank

everyone in our community who has taken the
time to be involved with the Riverfront project
and to provide feedback. In particular we wish
to commend the CRG who worked intensively to
design and deliver a comprehensive engagement
plan and draft Concept Design with the support
of Council staff and the landscape architects. We
recognise that any one plan will not satisfy all needs
and interests of the community, however if the
majority are served well and are generally satisfied
and the feedback provided improves the process,
approach and plan, the CRG and Council view this as
a way forward to advance plans to the next stage.


The Riverfront Activation Project is the first stage
of the City to River Masterplan, a long term 20
year plan which aims to enhance and activate the
Wimmera River Precinct and its’ link to the Central
Activity District of Horsham. The City to River
project has been divided into sub-precincts to allow
projects to proceed in a staged, prioritized manner.
The Wimmera River is one of Horsham’s significant
The Masterplan was developed in 2019, drawn from natural, social and cultural assets. The Wimmera
a large number of current Council strategies and River Activation project seeks to build on this
plans along with community input and engagement strength by exploring the creation of new active
conducted throughout that year. The Master Plan spaces for recreation and build and improve access
was approved by the Council in Nov 2019, with and use of existing open space and recreational
amendments to the Plan. The Council endorsed the assets. Improving links to the central activity district
development of detailed concept and schematic is also important.
designs for the Riverfront, including identifying the
site for a café and a waterplay area. Purpose of Engagement
This approval allowed Council staff to progress Report
the next stage of the riverfront project with both This Report summarises the commitment, approach
Federal and State Government funding. This report and outcomes undertaken to develop the Concept
outlines the process and engagement undertaken and Schematic plans for the Wimmera Riverfront
to develop, advance and test this more detailed Activation project.
planning, including technical advice, assessments
and community input into the plan. The Plan will be Clear and direct community feedback provided
presented back to Council prior to the completion through the 2019 City to River Master planning
of the current Council’s term. process has informed how the Riverfront Activation
project has evolved. A deliberate focus on
improving engagement with the community to
develop the Riverfront Concept Plan has been set
What is being looked at? against the following objectives:
The Riverfront Precinct focusses on the area west
of the Rowing Clubroom to east of the Wimmera • Build relationships and trust with the community
Bridge. Assets located close to, or in the precinct and key stakeholders
include, Adventure Island and the Pump Track, • Provide an opportunity for any member of the
the Botanical Gardens playground, bike and community to provide input
walking tracks, the Rowing and Angling clubrooms, • Provide an open, transparent process so that the
Miniature Rail, the actual waterway, riverfront and community understands and supports the process
the caravan park. • Gain diverse community input into a plan
for making the riverfront more inviting
• Clearly communicate opportunities
to be engaged and project progress

These engagement objectives have been met and attracts people is key to maintaining and
through undertaking the following: growing our status as a regional city. Forward,
• Establishing a transparent and empowered strategic and often long term planning, thinking
Community Reference Group (CRG) to guide the and preparedness, enables our region to not just
project’s engagement; survive, but flourish.
• The CRG agreeing to parameters and principles
under which they would operate and undertaking a
clear challenge ‘to make the Wimmera Riverfront Establishment of the CRG
an even more inviting place for everyone now and The Community Reference Group (CRG) was
for future generations’; formed in April 2020 to guide effective engagement
• Encouraging discussion and debate about the for the project, taking on lessons learnt from the
project and ideas, negating personal attacks, and City to River Master Plan process, to ensure the
setting a tone of constructive input and active community’s voice has been heard and feedback
listening; is acknowledged. The CRG has worked closely with
• Following best practice engagement processes Council staff and the landscape architects - Tract,
(IAP2 Framework); to develop the draft concept design for the
• Establishing close and frequent feedback loops Riverfront. The group have met 12 times since
between Council staff, the landscape architects formation. Meetings have been held via Zoom and
(Tract) and the CRG to adapt and respond to generally last 2 hours. The group met on-site at the
feedback along the design journey; and Riverfront in July to sense check plans and
• Providing open avenues for a wide cross section undertake a site walk through.
of the public to participate through constructive
feedback loops. Who makes up the CRG?
The CRG includes representatives of key
The engagement objectives and processes have stakeholders located in or adjacent to the
shaped how the CRG works. They have designed Riverfront precinct, as well three community
and delivered a comprehensive engagement representatives.
plan to communicate, test, collate and refine
the draft plan for the Riverfront, guided by input Organisation representatives
and community needs. It is recognised that any • John Gorton, Aboriginal Advisory Committee (Chair)
one plan will not satisfy all needs and interests of • Stuart Harradine, Barengi Gadjin Land Council
the community, however if the majority are served • Steve Parish, Horsham Angling Club
well and are generally satisfied and the feedback • Sue Jones, Horsham Caravan Park
provided improves the process, approach and plan, • Ray White, Horsham City Rowing Club
the CRG and Council will view this as a way forward • Di Bell, Horsham Rural Ratepayers & Residents
to advance plans to the next stage. • Zach Currie, Youth Council (until Aug 2020)
• Brylee Taylor, Youth Council (from Aug 2020)
Having well scoped and costed projects, tested • Gary Aitken, Wimmera River
against community need and demand, guided by Improvement Committee
land holders, traditional owners and authorities,
supports Horsham Rural City to stay strong and
agile in a fast moving and highly competitive
economy and society. Taking full advantage of
future funding opportunities and private
investment that grows business, drives
opportunities, improves services and retains

Community representatives
• Bob Redden
Project Timeline
• Andrew Sostheim 2018 - 2019
• Phil Lohrey City to River 20 Year Masterplan developed
Council representatives Nov 2019
• Kevin O’Brien, Director Communities & Place Council endorses the Master Plan with
• Carolynne Hamdorf, Manager Arts, Culture & amendments. Requests detailed concept and
Recreation schematic designs for the Riverfront, including
• Sue Newall, City to River - Riverfront Precinct - identifying the site for a café and a waterplay area.
Project Manager
• Mandy Kirsopp - Coordinator Recreation & Open March 2020
Space Community Reference Group (CRG) is formed
to guide effective engagement for the project,
What have they done? taking on lessons learnt from the Master Plan
The CRG have developed a detailed engagement process, to ensure the community’s voice is heard
plan for the Riverfront precinct. They have spoken and feedback is acknowledged. Tract Landscape
to the broader public, canvassed their groups and Architects contracted to project.
liaised with the landscape architects to develop a
draft Concept Plan to take out to the community April 2020
that reflects the interests and needs of current and CRG & Tract meet for the first time.
future residents and visitors to our region. Review previous feedback from the Master plan
linked to the River & Riverfront, including 500+
individual comments on the riverfront area
CRG develop Engagement Framework to inform
development of draft Concept Plan

Timeline snapshot
2018-2019 Late 2019 March 2020 April-July 2020 July-August 2020
City to River Masterplans Funding Engagement Plan is Stage 1 - Draft Concept Plans Stage 1 - Draft Concept Plans
developed by HRCC, secured developed to support are progressed considering completed and displayed for
Urban Enterprise and for Stage 1 Stage 1 Concept. Community feedback from Community input in early
Tract Public Comment Development Community Masterplan and input from the August.
sought and received on Reference Group (CRG) CRG. Funding grant update is
Masterplan. for Stage 1 convened. lodged with Federal Government.
City to River Masterplan - Community feedback by location
Masterplan A selection of collated feedback received in response to the public
  display of the draft City to River Masterplan in August 2019.

The comments included are a selection of over 700 submissions that were received in response to the Masterplan and have been
selected to illustrate the breadth of ideas that relate specifically to the Riverfront Stage 1 of the Concept Development works. Some
  of the comments included have had minor edits made for ease and consistency of language. Any misrepresentations of the original

submissions are unintentional. They have also been loosely categorised as either things people liked, disliked or as general comments I love the way the plan is looking
and other ideas. to increase the use of the river as
a major asset for Horsham. The

  Some things people liked Some things people didn’t like

river is indeed an amazing feature
of our town and for years it has
seemed cut off from the shopping It is important for events at the
Some other ideas
district. This new plan solves this by City oval to be able to charge
providing a great link between the and would need to be fenced

  Horsham is a Regional City

Great vision and open space areas
for families
central shopping area and the river.
....we have this great river but no
It is also an important part of I think it is on the right track...
1. Shift Caravan Park e.g. to a:

A Masterplan for the study area has been Individual projects are subject to: City to River, Stage 1 Riverfront Precinct, scope of works – see section maps and the Wimmera River is one
of our greatest assets but to
The new idea to incorporate a
cafe, opening up of the river front
I dislike that this plan may not
be safe for young children 3-6
years old as there is no gates
“Transforming” infers we need
a total makeover. As per the “I would still like to see greater
where to go and even enjoy a
coffee. This plan would provide
country football to at least be
able to park cars for elderly and
those with disabilities.
I haven’t noticed any attention
to a children’s playground
other than the existing one.
Southbank opposite Bennett Road,
with another bridge from Bennett
my knowledge there has been and building new paths, meeting linkages between the CBD and scope for that. We love the plan Road; b: off Cameron Road. Keep
and safety towards the river and
prepared by landscape architects based on the   Horsham Community Plan I would think with Horsham Botanic ? for current tennis/hockey, The results of this Open Space
no strategic planning done to places and things to do on the the roads. the river, including a greater for a new river front restaurant and To do this you are removing so
2013, the key takeaway was to being a perfect rest stop small ponds, ? for leisure activities. Strategy need to be finalised
link the CBD to the river and river is fantastic and much needed. focus on the Botanical Gardens cafe many facilities used by members
“enhance” what we have. whether traveling Melbourne to
vision, objectives and directions for the area. · Council endorsement and are further develop the "Wimmera
River precinct ". This draft plan is
Personally I would spend a lot
more time down by the river if this PARKING - not enough parking
and other “”connectors””, such
as improved walking and bike
of the community but have made
no suggestions for where they Adelaide or Mildura to coast - a
2. Put small restaurant (coffee and
beer) on Old Caravan park site.
and addressed in the City to
River Plan before it is finalised.
huge new exciting playground
subject to detailed concept and visionary and has made me ( and
many others ) think about what we
masterplan went ahead.
I like:
“Children’s play water park in ANY of these masterplan.
near river at miniature railway The entire plan - no parking for
paths. "upgrade of walking/cycling trails,
might continue.
might be an attraction combined
3. Site Horsham and Indigenous
Cultural facility museum near Maybe a brewery would be
fishing and boating, Sound Shell with a cafe - toilets, tables etc. good. A celebrity chef?
schematic design, stakeholder and want for our city to have, and to - that HRCC is opening its location is not warranted as City Oval, River area.
... (it would ) be good to see the Turning the oval impinges
significantly on Sawyer Park
old caravan park, museum ? -
aboriginal, early pioneers, geology
The Masterplan shows the desired indicative long-
look like in the next 10 to 50 years. approach to alternative methods of would be in direct competition miniature trains incorporated Has there been provision
community consultation; and I like many of the options in the
draft plan particularly in relation to
treatment and consideration of the with swimming pool
lack of parking is a SERIOUS
upgrade street furniture, public
lighting, and public toilets
into the botanical gardens and will significantly affect
the ability to run Festivals and
made for large parks for buses, etc.
river precinct and its value to the design. It’s an attraction for kids caravans, those enormous
term layout of the study area, in particular those
concern. It is not practical
· Prioritisation and availability of Sound Shell   improvements to passive and active town of Horsham particularly for people with
What I dislike about the City to water play area. This sounds like a
safe area for people who do not
and that’s what this should be Events. recreational vehicles? I often
...accessible swimming access
to river
recreation opportunities. - the free form water play River Draft plan is the walk road geared towards, getting families see caravans driving round and Extending the botanical gardens
young families, elderly and wish to swim laps, to ‘cool off’ in - respect of riparian zone
areas that are proposed to transition from their funds as part of Council’s budget Perfect for families. We have 4 environment - consider potential
(Why remove?)...
people with disabilities to walk
on Firebrace Street because
some need the street to go the heat of summer without risking
down there.
Incorporate a free splash park
round looking for a park so
they can have a coffee or get
and getting rid of the history of the
lawn tennis courts
- Southbank re vegetation of
small children and it’ll be so nice to extension to more elaborate water long distances and in the case the unknown snags in the river. open space adjacent river
planning process and attraction play and rock climb options in area with more BBQs in this area. provisions.
existing uses to new or improved uses.
have places for them to play, while Horsham Lawn Tennis Club, of inclement weather. -upgrade of facilities at City Oval - pedestrian bridge extension
also spots to have coffee, a nice for colder months Similar to Mildura. Stuff like that Maybe a floating restaurant is
of funding from other sources (e.g. picnic or just meet up with friends
The central location of the
Horsham Croquet Club,
Wimmera Miniature Railway? Revitalising the riverfront area
and Sound Shell"
brings people. Cater for the kids something that an investor would ...the lack of an all abilities
from Firebrace St to Southbank”

in a beautiful environment that and cater for the parent and you Improved connections between try – if this didn’t work at least it regional playspace - that is a
government or private). WELCOMES you. proposed facilities provides These can be incorporated
into the botanical gardens,
will encourage more visitors
and locals to utilise the space
give them a reason to come and the city and the river precinct. could be removed and placed destination for travellers and
amazing opportunities for local live here. at another location away from a fabulous and much needed
The Masterplan shows an indication of potential and provide enjoyment for the provided more frequently. I also War Memorial being retained
community members to engage
Firebrace Street

I believe the river is a beautiful I like the idea to have a swimming Horsham that would work – then resource for our community.
wider community. These are like the boardwalk along the

place, whether it is for a swim in with one of Horsham's best features area in the river, a communal space "- I think it will be well utilised by we do not end up with an empty A space that enables our
  great assets to Horsham, and riverfront, the cultural facility, and
building locations, public realm upgrades, sporting summer or to sit at for a picnic of an
evening. But unfortunately, I tend to
- Wimmera River. It will also be a
great draw card for visitor's and facilities should be improved, not
scrapped. (Disagree with shifting the?)...
the new walks throughout the
redeveloped botanical gardens
next to the river, to improve the
soundshell, and to make the river River cafe needs to be nearer
to sound shell and retain car
both residents or Horsham and
piece of expensive infrastructure. community of all ages and
abilities, with excellent access,
improve the township on a whole. area more connected to town. - Maybe think about having public a changing places facility,
precincts and other open space proposals,
go elsewhere as there is not much area. I would hope that throughout Introduction of a cafe - like the idea
    surrounding the river that attracts The improved facilities are also
exciting for community members
Caravan Park– brings a lot of
tourists because of it’s location
the development, the course for
parking. Trains need to stay,
would be such a shame to lose
I dislike the idea of parking toilets near the cenotaph/War
Another “”dislike “” is I feel
nature play environment that is
sustainable and innovative
but I believe in the wrong place
me to going there. The river attracts parkrun would be able to continue along the oval and waterplay Memorial area. to receive the support it needs to
however the exact locations and layouts within and school groups with regard and many walk to the CBD to this asset. Caravan park needs the draft plan has missed an
a lot of people for walking there along the riverfront as it currently area continue to operate. As a result
to opportunities to participate in shop and eat while staying – to be improved not removed. opportunity to “”capitalise”” on
dogs etc. This plan would attract does. of conversations with some in
more physical activities with easier they comment when in store. It Link caravan park, adventure tourism opportunities around
each site may change depending on more
even more people by making the ...PROVISION for the ability hospitality (here and elsewhere,
access. As well as opportunities to could be enhanced though, by island and grass area along the area where the Western
river a more appealing place to go to host major events. PRIME supported by the failed trial pop
learn about the environment and not having ugly tanks etc. visible Barnes Blvd Highway crosses the Wimmera
Angling Club  and take your families etc. LOCATION to be redeveloped up cafe), believe a better idea
detailed planning. Would be great to see better use
develop valued connections with from the river – and removal of
or extended is soundshell and
• walking / cycling track River. We need to develop this
would be to investigate locating

the environment that encourages the fence separating the tennis/ upgrades area to encourage people “”to
of the opportunities presented by attached building and this is left it in the South West corner of the
the Horsham community to rear park area – both tennis and • street furniture upgrades stop””, at the moment this is not
Public Toilets  stormwater and drainage assets conserve and protect the park don’t seem to understand
as is?
•new / better lighting and toilets” the case.” Showgrounds....
in the area whilst also reducing environment. why it’s there. Perhaps this nice
Should be well signposted from
The most important role of the Masterplan is to   impact of the urban stormwater It recognises that the riverfront - Need to make it RV friendly i.e. fence could be moved and used
runoff on the river. This could be parking/access highways to each of the relative
through incorporation of WSUD
is an important place for the to re secure the showgrounds Stage 1 boundary areas.
community. It recognises the need near the bridge for ticketed
show the desired long term direction for land features, using stormwater to
passively irrigate street trees,
for improved bike and pedestrian
routes for children and families “Has space for youth been

within the area and an overarching physical

capturing stormwater for reuse connecting the river network and considered incorporating a
and irrigation, etc. Also a great CBD destinations such as the skate park, parkour, exercise,
opportunity for interpretive signage boulder wall, etc.? Case study: We need the extension of
library, pool and shops. The intent
aspiration that Council will seek to achieve   relating to stormwater aimed to
increase community awareness
to celebrate and improve our river
space and develop a shared vision
Fremantle Youth Space. This Firebrace St kept open for
type of hang out space doesn’t parking and access for elderly Stage 1 boundary
and disabled to events
through a range of actions, investment and
around the water cycle and the is reasonable. need a gates. The proposed
Wimmera river, for example at the open space/parkland zone will How are your elders and
water play space. I welcome a greater emphasis need ‘activation’ and a reason disabled meant to enjoy the river
partnerships over time. on utilising waterfront areas.
The Wimmera River is our
for people to gather other than
just open parkland. Integrating a
when 99percent find it hard to
walk even 500 minters not all Wim
greatest natural asset and is well
under utilised, currently. Eg: No
youth space can be a successful
way of providing space for ages
of us are 100percent fit to walk
and the new plan takes it way mera 1 boun

infrastructure for Parkrun (50- other than what the splash park from them.
Detailed elements of the Masterplan are shown 150ppl attending weekly, all year
my cater for.

on the following pages. Rowing Club 

...big mistake to over-develop
the river front, as its current
- I think there should be more
little shops around the river like
appearance is exactly why an ice cream caravan or a little There needs to be a
people go there - to enjoy that smoothie shop and more little concentration of art installations
snack places. highlighting sculptures, murals
Individual projects are subject to:
wonderful natural aspect of the
along the river and through the
  whole area.
green space to become a tourist

a Ri
Lack of structures and cover for
the wet & cold to encourage attraction for Horsham.
How easy will it be to lease the

It’s good but need to get more proposed cafe on the riverfront? use. Love the green area, Hopefully it is kept in mind that

• Council endorsement and are subject to

however considerations for the we love the river because it there are no pedestrian
  stuff going on the water. Rowing,

Running and bike riding racing wet 4 months of the year? is ‘nature’ and not get carried crossings over McPherson St
once a year with other town With the level of development away with the commercial planned too. You must link all
detailed concept and schematic design, dary competition skiing, other stuff. flagged for this entire area it
... create a playground for all
ages? Make it amazing, artistic,
opportunities that might
overshadow the serenity of a
these areas together properly.
boun is shortsighted not to include
nature based that attract visitors
stakeholder and community consultation; and   Stag Promotion of waterfront for all
further access from the south
side of the river especially
to stop off here and also to
come here to visit for the day.
walk along the river.
McPherson St will NOT be the
considering the ever increasing main road in the future when the
• Prioritisation and availability of funds as part Lots of concrete decking....
Timber Boardwalks - No to
residents. Access to river. Parkland
development residential developments to the
This would be great to be closer
to the splash park (walking by-pass is put in place - I do
not see any real inclusion of this
timber boardwalks and paved between the playground and
of Council’s budget planning process and  
which could be ok, but I would
hope much of the already
or concrete paths... enhance
the beautiful natural look like
Improvements along our beautiful
river is welcomed.
splashpark with 3 kids under
5 years old and through a
major change in the plan.”

established large natural trees

attraction of funding from other sources (e.g. ... dislike: - the urbanised and
domestic treatment of the rivers
and grassed areas could be
we have from the Bridge to
the Rowing Club. Concerned
caravan park is a test of not only
safety but sanity for the parent!)
Coming over the bridge into
riparian zone (e.g. Artists vision Don’t cut down any trees! also about the maintenance of
government or private).   1 & 2) showing off the shelf
treatment of a beautiful natural
Need to ensure wildlife corridor
along river.
extensive timber boardwalks - if
not kept pristine they become an
...remove caravan park, extend
to Treasure/Apex Island,
provide sections for different
Horsham is an eyesore and that
should be the number 1 priority
environment - the teared edge eyesore - also consider possible purposes (as in Battersea
Western Hwy

treatment, standard bench Be wary of allowing too much flood damage. Park London), lots of walking,
seats, traditional layout, mallee boating access to the river - this narrow paths, wide paths to
Introduction of gimmicky

09 / Horsham: City to River Vision and Masterplan Source: Tract, 2019

  trees and market umbrellas
communicates poorly the sense
only caters for a few people
but it may well keep potentially
artificial water features, paved
areas, and artificial surfaces.
allow biking etc., fountains, lots
of greenery and flora colours,
of place of Horsham - it is 100s away - those who want restaurant/the like, paddle
Enhancement of the area should
important to consider the natural peace and quiet in that natural boats, dancing fountain in river,
focus on the natural features -
materials & forms and offer a vicinity. cafeteria on pontoon. Study
river and vegetation.
  unique and bespoke treatment
that says more of Horsham - a
features of well loved parks
around the world!
blending of our historical &
cultural past with the trans-
formative vision for the future

City to River Masterplan Summary of comments received in

Stage 1 boundary
boundary response to City to River Masterplan
Stage 1 boundary

Project Timeline (cont.) 1. Initial Draft Plan- April 2020
Drawing on and honouring feedback provided
May 2020 through the 2019 City to River Masterplan.
Funding grant update is lodged with Federal Tract Consulting and Council staff provided the CRG
Government with details of the 550 submission comments
Draft Concept Plan for Riverfront presented to CRG. provided through the 2019 Masterplan process,
which specifically referenced the River or the
June 2020 Riverfront. This feedback was summarised and
Sport & Recreation Covid Stimulus grant informed the ‘first cut’ of the Draft Concept Plan.
application lodged for $3M Natural Waterplay Technical input included existing vegetation,
Park. geotech reports, features/levels surveys, as
CRG aware of funding opportunity and application well as consultation with located and adjacent
endorsed by Council at June Council meeting stakeholders. The first draft Concept Plan aimed to
Feedback on Draft Concept Plan provided by CRG. provide a starting point for the CRG, reflected the
Plans updated approved Council direction, identified information
gaps and future refinement and honoured public
June - Aug 2020 input up to that point in the project.
32 community groups, organisations, businesses,
City to River Masterplan - Community feedback by location
event organisers, technical/cultural experts, land A selection of collated feedback received in response to the public
display of the draft City to River Masterplan in August 2019.

The comments included are a selection of over 700 submissions that were received in response to the Masterplan and have been
selected to illustrate the breadth of ideas that relate specifically to the Riverfront Stage 1 of the Concept Development works. Some

managers and planners view draft Concept Plan

of the comments included have had minor edits made for ease and consistency of language. Any misrepresentations of the original
submissions are unintentional. They have also been loosely categorised as either things people liked, disliked or as general comments I love the way the plan is looking
and other ideas. to increase the use of the river as
a major asset for Horsham. The
river is indeed an amazing feature
Some things people liked Some things people didn’t like of our town and for years it has
Some other ideas
seemed cut off from the shopping It is important for events at the
district. This new plan solves this by City oval to be able to charge
providing a great link between the and would need to be fenced
Great vision and open space areas central shopping area and the river. I think it is on the right track... RECOGNISE AND CELEBRATE

and provide constructive feedback. Plans updated

It is also an important part of
Horsham is a Regional City for families ....we have this great river but no 1. Shift Caravan Park e.g. to a: OUR INDIGENOUS
I dislike that this plan may not country football to at least be I haven’t noticed any attention
and the Wimmera River is one The new idea to incorporate a where to go and even enjoy a Southbank opposite Bennett Road, CULTURAL HERITAGE AND
be safe for young children 3-6 “Transforming” infers we need able to park cars for elderly and to a children’s playground
of our greatest assets but to cafe, opening up of the river front “I would still like to see greater coffee. This plan would provide with another bridge from Bennett ARTS
years old as there is no gates a total makeover. As per the those with disabilities. other than the existing one.
my knowledge there has been and building new paths, meeting linkages between the CBD and scope for that. We love the plan Road; b: off Cameron Road. Keep
and safety towards the river and Horsham Community Plan I would think with Horsham
no strategic planning done to places and things to do on the the river, including a greater for a new river front restaurant and To do this you are removing so Botanic ? for current tennis/hockey, The results of this Open Space
the roads. 2013, the key takeaway was to being a perfect rest stop
link the CBD to the river and river is fantastic and much needed. focus on the Botanical Gardens cafe many facilities used by members small ponds, ? for leisure activities. Strategy need to be finalised
“enhance” what we have. whether traveling Melbourne to 2. Put small restaurant (coffee and and addressed in the City to
further develop the "Wimmera Personally I would spend a lot and other “”connectors””, such of the community but have made
River precinct ". This draft plan is no suggestions for where they Adelaide or Mildura to coast - a beer) on Old Caravan park site. River Plan before it is finalised.
more time down by the river if this PARKING - not enough parking as improved walking and bike huge new exciting playground
visionary and has made me ( and masterplan went ahead. “Children’s play water park in ANY of these masterplan. paths. might continue. 3. Site Horsham and Indigenous
many others ) think about what we near river at miniature railway The entire plan - no parking for "upgrade of walking/cycling trails, might be an attraction combined Cultural facility museum near Maybe a brewery would be
I like: fishing and boating, Sound Shell with a cafe - toilets, tables etc. good. A celebrity chef?
want for our city to have, and to location is not warranted as City Oval, River area. ... (it would ) be good to see the Turning the oval impinges old caravan park, museum ? -
- that HRCC is opening its upgrades,
look like in the next 10 to 50 years. would be in direct competition miniature trains incorporated significantly on Sawyer Park Has there been provision aboriginal, early pioneers, geology
approach to alternative methods of LACK OF PARKING - The upgrade street furniture, public
I like many of the options in the with swimming pool into the botanical gardens and will significantly affect made for large parks for buses, etc.
treatment and consideration of the lack of parking is a SERIOUS lighting, and public toilets
draft plan particularly in relation to improvements....... design. It’s an attraction for kids the ability to run Festivals and caravans, those enormous
river precinct and its value to the concern. It is not practical water play area. This sounds like a ...accessible swimming access
improvements to passive and active What I dislike about the City to and that’s what this should be Events. recreational vehicles? I often
town of Horsham particularly for people with safe area for people who do not to river
recreation opportunities. - the free form water play River Draft plan is the walk road geared towards, getting families see caravans driving round and Extending the botanical gardens
young families, elderly and wish to swim laps, to ‘cool off’ in - respect of riparian zone
environment - consider potential on Firebrace Street because down there. round looking for a park so and getting rid of the history of the
Perfect for families. We have 4 people with disabilities to walk the heat of summer without risking - Southbank re vegetation of
extension to more elaborate water (Why remove?)... some need the street to go Incorporate a free splash park they can have a coffee or get lawn tennis courts
small children and it’ll be so nice to long distances and in the case the unknown snags in the river. open space adjacent river
have places for them to play, while play and rock climb options in area of inclement weather. with more BBQs in this area. provisions.
Horsham Lawn Tennis Club, -upgrade of facilities at City Oval - pedestrian bridge extension
also spots to have coffee, a nice for colder months Similar to Mildura. Stuff like that Maybe a floating restaurant is
Horsham Croquet Club, and Sound Shell" from Firebrace St to Southbank”

11 - 23 Aug 2020
picnic or just meet up with friends brings people. Cater for the kids something that an investor would ...the lack of an all abilities
Wimmera Miniature Railway? Revitalising the riverfront area
in a beautiful environment that The central location of the and cater for the parent and you Improved connections between try – if this didn’t work at least it regional playspace - that is a
These can be incorporated will encourage more visitors
WELCOMES you. proposed facilities provides give them a reason to come and the city and the river precinct. could be removed and placed destination for travellers and
into the botanical gardens, and locals to utilise the space
amazing opportunities for local live here. War Memorial being retained at another location away from a fabulous and much needed
and provide enjoyment for the provided more frequently. I also
community members to engage
Firebrace Street
I believe the river is a beautiful I like the idea to have a swimming Horsham that would work – then resource for our community.
wider community. These are like the boardwalk along the
place, whether it is for a swim in with one of Horsham's best features area in the river, a communal space "- I think it will be well utilised by we do not end up with an empty A space that enables our
great assets to Horsham, and riverfront, the cultural facility, and
summer or to sit at for a picnic of an - Wimmera River. It will also be a next to the river, to improve the both residents or Horsham and piece of expensive infrastructure. community of all ages and
facilities should be improved, not the new walks throughout the River cafe needs to be nearer
evening. But unfortunately, I tend to great draw card for visitor's and (Disagree with shifting the?)... soundshell, and to make the river visitors. abilities, with excellent access,
scrapped. redeveloped botanical gardens to sound shell and retain car
go elsewhere as there is not much improve the township on a whole. area more connected to town. - Maybe think about having public a changing places facility,
area. I would hope that throughout parking. Trains need to stay, Introduction of a cafe - like the idea
surrounding the river that attracts The improved facilities are also Caravan Park– brings a lot of I dislike the idea of parking toilets near the cenotaph/War nature play environment that is
the development, the course for would be such a shame to lose but I believe in the wrong place
exciting for community members Another “”dislike “” is I feel

CRG invites broader public to provide feedback on

me to going there. The river attracts tourists because of it’s location along the oval and waterplay Memorial area. sustainable and innovative
parkrun would be able to continue this asset. Caravan park needs to receive the support it needs to
a lot of people for walking there and school groups with regard and many walk to the CBD to area the draft plan has missed an
along the riverfront as it currently to be improved not removed. continue to operate. As a result
dogs etc. This plan would attract to opportunities to participate in shop and eat while staying – opportunity to “”capitalise”” on
does. Link caravan park, adventure of conversations with some in
even more people by making the more physical activities with easier they comment when in store. It tourism opportunities around
island and grass area along ...PROVISION for the ability hospitality (here and elsewhere,
river a more appealing place to go access. As well as opportunities to could be enhanced though, by the area where the Western
Barnes Blvd to host major events. PRIME supported by the failed trial pop
and take your families etc. learn about the environment and not having ugly tanks etc. visible Highway crosses the Wimmera
LOCATION to be redeveloped up cafe), believe a better idea
develop valued connections with from the river – and removal of • walking / cycling track River. We need to develop this
Would be great to see better use or extended is soundshell and would be to investigate locating
the environment that encourages the fence separating the tennis/ upgrades area to encourage people “”to
of the opportunities presented by attached building and this is left it in the South West corner of the
the Horsham community to rear park area – both tennis and • street furniture upgrades stop””, at the moment this is not
stormwater and drainage assets as is? Showgrounds....
conserve and protect the park don’t seem to understand •new / better lighting and toilets” the case.”
in the area whilst also reducing environment. why it’s there. Perhaps this nice

Draft Concept Plans

impact of the urban stormwater - Need to make it RV friendly i.e. Should be well signposted from
It recognises that the riverfront fence could be moved and used
runoff on the river. This could be parking/access highways to each of the relative
through incorporation of WSUD
is an important place for the to re secure the showgrounds Stage 1 boundary areas.
community. It recognises the need near the bridge for ticketed
features, using stormwater to for improved bike and pedestrian events.
passively irrigate street trees, routes for children and families “Has space for youth been
capturing stormwater for reuse connecting the river network and considered incorporating a
and irrigation, etc. Also a great CBD destinations such as the skate park, parkour, exercise,
opportunity for interpretive signage boulder wall, etc.? Case study: We need the extension of
library, pool and shops. The intent
relating to stormwater aimed to Fremantle Youth Space. This Firebrace St kept open for
to celebrate and improve our river
increase community awareness space and develop a shared vision type of hang out space doesn’t parking and access for elderly Stage 1 boundary
around the water cycle and the need a gates. The proposed and disabled to events

Feedback collated & informs final Concept Plan &

is reasonable.
Wimmera river, for example at the open space/parkland zone will How are your elders and
water play space. I welcome a greater emphasis need ‘activation’ and a reason disabled meant to enjoy the river
on utilising waterfront areas.
for people to gather other than when 99percent find it hard to
The Wimmera River is our just open parkland. Integrating a walk even 500 minters not all
greatest natural asset and is well
under utilised, currently. Eg: No
youth space can be a successful
way of providing space for ages
of us are 100percent fit to walk
and the new plan takes it way mera 1 bo
Rive Stage
infrastructure for Parkrun (50- other than what the splash park from them.
150ppl attending weekly, all year my cater for.

development of detailed schematic plans

...big mistake to over-develop - I think there should be more
the river front, as its current little shops around the river like
appearance is exactly why an ice cream caravan or a little There needs to be a
people go there - to enjoy that smoothie shop and more little concentration of art installations
snack places. highlighting sculptures, murals

wonderful natural aspect of the
whole area. along the river and through the

Lack of structures and cover for green space to become a tourist
attraction for Horsham.

How easy will it be to lease the the wet & cold to encourage

It’s good but need to get more proposed cafe on the riverfront? use. Love the green area, Hopefully it is kept in mind that
stuff going on the water. Rowing, however considerations for the we love the river because it there are no pedestrian

Running and bike riding racing wet 4 months of the year? is ‘nature’ and not get carried crossings over McPherson St
once a year with other town With the level of development away with the commercial planned too. You must link all
da ry competition skiing, other stuff. flagged for this entire area it
... create a playground for all opportunities that might these areas together properly.
ages? Make it amazing, artistic, overshadow the serenity of a
is shortsighted not to include
1 nature based that attract visitors
age further access from the south walk along the river.
to stop off here and also to
St Promotion of waterfront for all side of the river especially come here to visit for the day. McPherson St will NOT be the
residents. Access to river. Parkland considering the ever increasing This would be great to be closer main road in the future when the
development residential developments to the to the splash park (walking by-pass is put in place - I do
Timber Boardwalks - No to
Lots of concrete decking.... south. not see any real inclusion of this
timber boardwalks and paved between the playground and
which could be ok, but I would Improvements along our beautiful major change in the plan.”
or concrete paths... enhance splashpark with 3 kids under
hope much of the already river is welcomed.

Late Sept 2020

the beautiful natural look like 5 years old and through a
established large natural trees
... dislike: - the urbanised and we have from the Bridge to caravan park is a test of not only
and grassed areas could be
domestic treatment of the rivers the Rowing Club. Concerned safety but sanity for the parent!)
maintained? Coming over the bridge into
riparian zone (e.g. Artists vision Don’t cut down any trees! also about the maintenance of ...remove caravan park, extend Horsham is an eyesore and that
1 & 2) showing off the shelf Need to ensure wildlife corridor extensive timber boardwalks - if to Treasure/Apex Island, should be the number 1 priority
treatment of a beautiful natural along river. not kept pristine they become an provide sections for different
environment - the teared edge eyesore - also consider possible purposes (as in Battersea

Western Hwy
treatment, standard bench Be wary of allowing too much flood damage. Park London), lots of walking,
seats, traditional layout, mallee boating access to the river - this narrow paths, wide paths to
Introduction of gimmicky
trees and market umbrellas only caters for a few people allow biking etc., fountains, lots
artificial water features, paved
communicates poorly the sense

Final Concept Plan to be presented back to CRG

but it may well keep potentially areas, and artificial surfaces. of greenery and flora colours,
of place of Horsham - it is 100s away - those who want restaurant/the like, paddle
Enhancement of the area should
important to consider the natural peace and quiet in that natural boats, dancing fountain in river,
focus on the natural features -
materials & forms and offer a vicinity. cafeteria on pontoon. Study
river and vegetation.
unique and bespoke treatment features of well loved parks
that says more of Horsham - a around the world!
blending of our historical &
cultural past with the trans-
formative vision for the future

and formally to Council

2. Speak directly with impacted stakeholders and
Late 2020- early 2021 technical experts first- April- June
Pending funding applications and Council Groups either located in or adjacent to the
endorsement, works commence on first stage precinct were consulted during this time,
• Horsham City Rowing Club
Engagement Approach • Horsham Angling Club
The following six stage approach guided the • Wimmera Live Steam and Model Engineering
detailed engagement plan for the Riverfront Society
Activation project, lead by the CRG and supported • Southern Cross Parks (Horsham Riverside Caravan
by Council staff. Park)
• Barengi Gadjin Land Council (Cultural
Heritage Management Plan advice)
• Wimmera CMA

3. Update Draft Concept Plan based on functional The CRG met on site at the Riverfront on 18 July
and constructive feedback- July- Aug and conducted a site walk through with the Project
32 different community groups, organisations, Manager, tested ideas, and concepts and settled
event organisers, businesses, technical and on a number of key feedback issues, i.e. Café site
cultural experts, land managers and planners were preferred location, access and car parking,
consulted with to provide feedback on the draft vegetation removal and preservation, waterplay
concept plan. The CRG and Council staff worked area.
closely with the landscape architects to ensure key
input from the community informed the plan. Tract Consulting updated the draft plans, based on
CRG and community group feedback.
These consultations were primarily held in
Covid safe ways, in small group ‘face to face’ Key themes identified from the community
meetings with representatives from the following engagement informing the plans at this point of the
organisations, events and businesses. The draft engagement included:
Concept plan was used to collect input and
feedback. Key feedback was passed onto the • Retain the natural amenity
landscape architects and signed off copies of A key piece of feedback from the 2019 City to River
meeting minutes were provided to the CRG. Master Plan was to retain and improve the River’s
Groups included: natural amenity. This important point has informed
much of the CRG and landscape architects thinking
• Horsham RSL and planning. Striking a balance between the needs
• Horsham City Rowing Club of river users and those that use the banks to
• Horsham Angling Club recreate, relax and socialise has been another
• Wimmera River Park Run important piece of feedback built into the concept
• Wimmera Live Steam and Model Engineering design.
• Wimmera River Improvement Committee • Improve connectivity and places to connect
• Kannamaroo, Horsham Country Music Festival, There has been strong support to improve many
Operation 19:14 elements of connections to and throughout the
• Horsham Fishing Competition precinct. There has been a focus on improving
• Natimuk Ski Club safety with mention of separating the paths and
• Planet Feelgood and My Yoga Well tracks for walkers and cyclists, or alternatively
• Horsham Showground CoM widening and improving the existing paths in high
• Horsham Aquatic Centre Advisory Committee traffic areas.
• Horsham Rural Residents and Ratepayers Assoc
• Horsham Bicycle Advisory Committee Creating new places for people to meet and gather
• HRCC Planning Dept, Wimmera CMA, DEWLP has also informed the Concept plan, including
Grampians Tourism, WDA, RDV, Wimmera improving linkages to Adventure Island (outside of
Regional Sports Assembly project scope), proposed improvement to the
• Horsham Youth Council Rowing Clubrooms, new and increased amenity at
• Letter drop to Firebrace St businesses (southern the natural waterplay area, outside extensions to
end) the Angling clubroom, identifying the site for a café
• Letter drop to residents along corner and increasing the number and places for people to
Wotonga Drive, Barnes Blvd safely interact with the water’s edge.
• Letter drop to residents along
southern side of the Wimmera
• Wilson Bolton Owners
• The Blood Bank
• Promote broader community access and use • 70 community submissions were received, either
Feedback to date has been clear, people want online, via email, or through the online
community facilities and our open public spaces to feedback sessions
be fully accessible, and useable by people of all • CRG members and staff were available to field
ages and abilities. The design and layout of the calls from the public
precinct is intended to encourage use in a range • Two information inserts and maps placed in local
of diverse ways, from relaxation and reflection, to papers
increased use by those running events, organised • A letter drop to homes along sections of Barnes
sports and informal activities, and to encourage Blvd, Wotonga Drive and the south bank of the
family and social gatherings at various locations river
across the site. The space is intended to be inviting • A letter drop to businesses along the southern
and its design welcomes any one to use the space. end of Firebrace St
• Hard copy large maps and feedback forms
• Provide opportunities to share our local stories on display at 43 Firebrace St and the Angling
There has been strong interest in supporting Clubrooms
how this precinct can respectfully celebrate and
promote our region’s rich Indigenous history and The feedback has been collated and is made
the ongoing value and importance of the Wimmera publically available in this report.
River to local Aboriginal people. There are many
opportunities for how the precinct can be used Next steps
to inform residents and visitors of our region’s full The CRG are presented with a number of more
history, through clever and contemporary use of detailed schematic plans reflecting feedback and
integrated public art, interpretive and wayfinding sentiments from the Public. CRG to sign off on the
signage; pedestrian level lighting and placement agreed Concept Plan and put forward a proposal
and design of public furniture including seating, to Council for first stage prioritised works.
picnic settings, bike hoops and shelters.
5. Present the Concept plan with detailed
4. Community Feedback on draft plan sought- schematics plans to Council for approval within
11-23 Aug 2020 the current term
Stage 3 Covid Restrictions take effect in regional The Engagement Report, Schematic plans, costings,
Victoria. Planned face to face consultations need to and first stage options to be presented to Council
pivot to online and offline options. prior to the current Councils’ term expiring on
22 September 2020.
Between 11 and 23 August, the Draft Concept
Plan for the Riverfront Activation Project was 6. Progress the first stages of the approved plan.
open for public feedback. The Draft Concept Plan Advocate and seek further funding
was distributed and feedback was received in the If endorsed by Council, the next stage will be to
following ways: undertake the first phase of works and to continue
to advocate for further funding. To review the first
• A third information webinar was hosted on phase community engagement process and seek
Thursday 13 August formal feedback from CRG re: establishment and
• The webinar was recorded and has been shared involvement and apply learnings to the next stage
on HRCC’s Facebook and website, with over 400 of the C2R Master Plan Sawyer Park/City Oval
• Six online Small Group Feedback Sessions were

Other formal Social media
18 Facebook posts with 5,200 engagements
undertaken Fact sheet and flyers
Flyer 1 - What is a natural waterplay space
Three webinars were hosted Flyer 2 - Who are the CRG?
Webinar 1 - 14 May 2020 Flyer 3 - Engagement so far
Focus: Introduce the CRG and a Project Update Flyer 4 - Themes from Engagement
Pre Registered: 100. Attended 54
Viewed once posted on-line: 474 Media Release summary
Webinar 2 - 30 July 2020 22 April, Riverfront Activation planning underway
Focus: Natural Waterplay Area - what is it? 7 May, Public invited to Riverfront Activation
Pre Registered: 46. webinar
Q&A on the Natural Waterplay space post webinar 7 May, Community Reference Group elects
viewed once posted on-line: 620 chairperson
Webinar 3 - 13 August 2020 18 May, State funding for Riverfront Activation
Focus: Sharing of Draft Concept Plan 26 June, Riverfront plans continue to develop
Open registration Attended 8 24 July, ‘Natural beauty’ key to water-themed
Viewed once posted on-line: 420 playground
20 August, Riverfront funding push will continue
Meetings and consultations with Government
Departments and funders CRG meetings
Meetings with DELWP, Wimmera CMA, BGLC, 12 zoom meeting held in total commencing 21
Sport & Recreation Victoria, Regional Development April- 15 Sept, plus one face to face on site meeting
Victoria, Federal Government at the Riverfront.

Governance Council Briefing & meetings

Internal Working Group established in Feb 2020. 22 June Councillor Briefing - Discuss & consider the
The group has met monthly to ensure appropriate Waterplay Park & Submission to SRV for Stimulus
governance of the project has been maintained. grant
29 June Council Meeting- resolution to allocate
Media $350K from the Federal Local Roads and
2 x ABC Radio interviews with Chairperson Johnny Community Infrastructure grant to support SRV
Gorton grant application for Waterplay Park
13 July Councillor Briefing -Presentation of
Community Notices Engagement Plan by CRG Chairperson to
Weekly and rotated through the Horsham Times Councillors, and schedule time to run through draft
and Weekly Advertiser commencing 23 July and Concept Plan
running until 16 September. 10 August Councillor Briefing - Update on
Engagement completed, feedback received on
Website Draft Concept Plan, changes made and view of
The project website can be located on the HRCC Draft Concept Plan to go out for public engagement
website at: 14 September Councillor Briefing- Presentation of draft Concept Plan- detailing engagement
riverfrontactivation feedback. Flagging focus for schematic plans
priority by CRG
21 September Council Meeting- Put forward final
Concept plan and schematic focus plans selected
through engagement and by CRG to Council for
10 - 23 AUGUST 2020

Draft Concept Plan

public engagement
A public engagement phase was held over a two
week period in August 2020 to seek community
feedback on the draft Concept Plans developed by What do people like
the Community Reference Group. This section of about the draft plan?
the report summarises feedback heard and what Natural water play park 25
the community told us about the plans. BBQ areas/toilets 21
Cafe 20
Art/Cultural heritage 14
River edge connections 14
The Draft Concept Plan (maps and information) for Increased activity 14
Walking track upgrades 14
the Riverfront Activation project were viewed over General enjoyment 12
990 times on-line. We would like to thank all Natural theme
Familes & young people 8

those that took the time to view the plans and meeting space 8
tourists 8
provide their feedback. connections to Apex island 5
restaurant 3
other 3
0 5 10 15 20 25
Feedback and comments were received through:
Many responses liked more than one aspect of the
• On-line surveys plans, and therefore from the 70 submissions there
• Hard copy surveys returned to Council are 180 tags across a range of themes.
• Emailed responses The top 6 things people liked about the project:
• Comments during small group information • The Natural Water Play Park liked in
sessions 36% of submissions (25)
• Upgrades to BBQs, seating, shade and toilets
70 survey responses were received in total. Four liked in 30% of submissions (21)
out of every 5 responses positively support the • The Cafe liked in 29% of submissions (20)
project - showing overwhelming support for the • Art, Cultural Heritage and History elements liked
draft riverfront designs. 57 (81%) respondents in 20% of submissions (14)
believe that the riverfront will be more inviting • Upgrades to walking tracks liked in
after the plans are implemented. Conversely 13 20% of submissions (14)
responses (19%) do not believe the riverfront • River edge connections liked in 20% of
would be more inviting after the plans are submissions (14)
implemented. In general, people indicated that the improvements
would increase activity and enjoyment of the
riverfront and in particular attract families, young
people and tourists to the riverfront.
19% I like that we are creating a hub for activity
in the riverfront area, with the natural water
park, botanical gardens, café, miniature
positive railway and bbq area all within walking
81% distance of each other

It is modern and visually appealing; it connects The remaining 11 comments were each related
people of all abilities to the river; cafe is a must to individual aspects of the plans that could be
have and overall the upgrades are necessary. improved such as: fencing and safety; accessibility;
Love the idea of bike path upgrades and and designs of paths and BBQs.
forming up the path better. My kids will LOVE
the water play area I feel that the riverfront space that is currently
a carpark behind the angling club could be
better utilised. It seems such a waste to use
this particular space as a car park, given it’s
What parts of the draft amazing views. I feel that a car park could be
plan would people like relocated and still be with-in walking distance
to improve? to the riverfront for those that are wanting to
have lunch with a view.

Other 13 I wonder if the cafe area could be extended to

Costs, rates and COVID 8
include a restaurant for night time eating. It
could be really beautiful to be able to have a
More parking 7 nice meal overlooking the river at all times of
Out of scope 5 the year
Cafe in stage 1 and enhancements 2
I am concerned about the parking availability
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 and the increased traffic flow through Eastgate
Drive. This will require close attention.
Included in the 70 submissions, were 35 Increased parking could allow for markets and
suggestions on ways the draft plans could be festivals to be integrated
improved. The only two negative themes about the
Project were:

• Cost/Rates/COVID-19 – 11% of total responses

(8) included negative comments around the cost
of the project, possible impact on rates and the
impact of COVID-19.
• Parking – 10% of responses (7) raised concerns
relating to the need to consider more parking
provision at either the water play park or the end
of Firebrace Street.

Two comments requested that the construction

of the Cafe be moved forward to the first stage,
while five comments related to areas outside the
riverfront precinct.

What parts of the
plan will benefit the
community most and
should be completed
Water play park 23
Walking path upgrades 19
Cafe 13
BBQ areas/seating/shade/toilets 12
Meeting place 8
River edge connections 8
Other 8
Angling club 2

0 5 10 15 20 25

Responses to this question provide some clear

guidance as to the priority areas for construction.
Most respondents included several priorities, with
only the top three for each submission tagged.
In priority order the most popular elements of the
project are:

• The Natural Water Play Park prioritised in 33% of

submissions (23)
• Walking path upgrade prioritised in 27% of
submissions (19)
• A Café was prioritised in 19% of submissions (13)
• Upgrade to BBQ areas, seating, shade and toilets
prioritised in 17% of submissions (12)
• A new meeting place prioritised in 11% of
submissions (8)
• River Edge connections prioritised in 11% of
submissions (8)

Water play area and general upgrades eg.

tables & shelters; bike track formation. Utilties
for future café

Creating the Meeting Place would be a great

start, getting more numbers down to the river
and appreciating how beautiful it is down

General comments
made by respondents
I believe the money could be better spent. The
Support the project 12 town hall would be better serviced by having
Other 11
Positive engagement 10
the restaurant there open.
Out of scope 7
Rates and COVID 3 This plan is much better than the original
Negative council comments 2
Tourism 2
Master Plan. It improves on the existing
Environmental issues 2 facilities rather than destroying all the work
Car parking 2 done by volunteers, clubs and Council in the
City to River 2
Restaurant/ wedding venue 1
past. I appreciate all the work being done to
Location 1 consult with the community and get decent
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 feedback
General comments included specific details on
areas that respondents both liked and could see
improvements in and these comments have been
tagged in the questions above as appropriate.
There were 53 general comments and from these
three clear themes were noted:

• overall support for the Riverfront project was

mentioned in 17% of comments (12);
• support for a positive engagement process was
mentioned in 14% of comments (10); and
• 10% of comments (7) related to areas outside the
riverfront precinct

As is the nature of general comments, there were

23 comments relating to a wide range of subjects
including: negative council comments; rates and
COVID-19 issues; wider City to River project;
carparking; tourism and environmental issues.

Thank you for pushing forward with this

project as I think it will be hugely beneficial for
our community

This benefits only a very small number of

people. Spending this amount of money at this
time shows how out if touch the council is.


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