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Criminology 2 – Philippine Criminal Justice System

Multiple Choice
Directions: Choose the best answer by shading the space corresponding to the letter of your answer
on the answer sheet. Use black ink only. Erased answer will be marked wrong.

1. He is the present director of the BJMP.

a. Charles S. Modejar b. Antonio A. Peña
c. Oscar C. Calderon d. Rosendo M. Dial
2. It is the BFP and BJMP Professionalization Act of 2004.
a. Republic Act 6975 b. Republic Act 9263
c. Republic Act 8551 d. Republic Act 9256
3. Corrections shall deprive any offender of the hope and the possibility of his returned to full and responsible
member of society. This statement is incorrect.
a. true b. untrue c. doubtful d. possibly true
4. How many days shall be good time allowance given to inmates who already in his 8 th year of serving his
a. 8 b. 5 c. 10 d. 20
5. It is the highest punishment in our country today.
a. reclusion perpetua b. life imprisonment
c. lethal injection d. corporal punishment
6 This punishment is ranging from 12 years and one day to 20 years of imprisonment.
a. reclusion temporal b. prision correctional
c. prision mayor d. reclusion perpetua
7. It is the witness, security and benefit act of 1991.
a. Republic Act 6982 b. Republic Act 6981
c. Republic Act 6975 d. Republic Act 6980
8. He is the present director of the BuCor.
a. Charles S. Modejar b. Antonio A. Peña
c. Oscar C. Calderon d. Rosendo M. Dial
9. What is the section and chapter in the Revised Administrative Code where can you find the mandates of
the reorganization of Bureau of Corrections?
a. section 1705 – 1721 b. section 1706 – 1720
c. section 1705 – 1720 d. section 1704 – 1720
10. No jail officer shall not use force except in the legitimate self-defense or in case of an attempted escape of
prisoner. This statement is correct
a. false b. wholly true c. wholly false d. true
11. How many days shall be good time allowance given to inmates who already in his 3 rd year of serving his
a. 8 b. 5 c. 10 d. 20
12. This punishment is ranging from 6 years and one day to 12 years of imprisonment.
a. reclusion temporal b. prision correctional
c. prision mayor d. reclusion perpetua
13. What law abolished the death penalty of our country?
a. Republic Act 9231 b. Republic Act 9346
c. Republic Act 9345 d. neither of these
14. This is the concept which involves teamwork with the citizenry in combating crimes.
a. community relations b. team policing
c. PLEB d. IAS
15. What is the division of criminology that focus with the philosophy and practice of society in its efforts to
repress criminal activities?
a. correction b. crime prevention c. punishment d. penology
16. It is regarded by many as an effective means of social control which signifies pain by the infliction of
penalty for every violation of the law.
a. correction b. crime prevention c. punishment d. penology
17. They are inmates who are put in penal institutions like Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm.
a. maximum security b. minimum security
c. colonist d. medium security
18. This was the primitive form of inflicting punishment by way of personal vengeance.
a. expiation b. Retribution c. deterrence d. reformation
19. This is similar to retribution wherein the penalty is commensurate with the gravity of the offense based on
the norms observed by he members of the society.
a. expiation b. Retribution c. deterrence d. reformation
20. It is a change made by the president of the courts’ decision by reducing the degree of penalty imposed by
a. commutation b. Probation c. parole d. pardon
21. It is the suspension of sentence of a convict after serving the minimum term of indeterminate sentence
without granting pardon.
a. commutation b. Probation c. parole d. pardon
22. A code which promote the naked revenge.
a. Code of Hammurabi b. King Ur Nammu’s Code
c. Burgundian Code d. Justinian Code
23. This code is a revision of the Twelve Tables of Roman Law.
a. Code of Hammurabi b. King Ur Nammu’s Code
c. Burgundian Code d. Justinian Code
24. What code introduces the concept of restitution but punishments were meted according to the social class
of offenders?
a. Code of Hammurabi b. King Ur Nammu’s Code
c. Burgundian Code d. Justinian Code
25. Who is the first pope who fully expresses approval for killing?
a. Pope Leo I b. Pope Gregory IX
c. Pope John Paul II d. Pope Innocent VIII
26. He advocated humane treatment of the convicts as opposed to corporal punishment.
a. Alexander Maconochie b. Domets of France
c. Sir Walter Crofton d. Manuel Montesinos
27. It is the final consideration and determination of a court of competent jurisdiction upon the matters
submitted to it in an action or proceedings.
a. judgment b. appeal
c. arraignment d. motion for reconsideration
28. Who introduce the progressive stage system?
a. Alexander Maconochie b. Domets of France
c. Sir Walter Crofton d. Manuel Montesinos
29. It is considered as the forerunner in modern penology.
a. Federal Prison System b. Irish Prison
c. Iwahig Penal colony d. Elmira Reformatory
30. Who is regarded as the Father of Modern Penology?
a. Manuel Montesinos b. Cesare Lombroso
c. Sir Walter Crofton d. Alexander Maconochi
31. Who advocated humane treatment of the convicts as opposed to corporal punishment?
a. Manuel Montesinos b. Cesare Lombroso
c. Sir Walter Crofton d. Alexander Maconochi
32. He organized the prisoners into companies and appointed a petty officer in charge.
a. Manuel Montesinos b. Cesare Lombroso
c. Sir Walter Crofton d. Alexander Maconochi
33. He advocates an hour of academic classes was implemented on prisoners less than 20 years old.
a. Manuel Montesinos b. Cesare Lombroso
c. Sir Walter Crofton d. Alexander Maconochi
34. What law creates the organization of BJMP?
a. RA 6975 b. RA 8551 c. RA 7160 d. RA 9263
35. In this satellite facility under NBP located the minimum security prisoners.
a. Bukang Liwayway Camp b. Sampaguita Camp
c. San Ramon d. Camp Tagumpay
36. This prison facility is located in southern Zamboanga to be the house of political prisoners.
a. New Bilibid Prison b. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
c. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm d. Davao Prison and Penal Farm
37. Who founded the construction of San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm and disregarded the old practice of
having political prisoners shot?
a. General Paulino Santos b. Ferdinand Marcos
c. Ramon Blanco d. Jose Rizal
38. This prison facility is established to house of incorrigibles or those prisoners beyond reform.
a. New Bilibid Prison b. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
c. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm d. Davao Prison and Penal Farm
39. It is considered as the best open institution in the world.
a. New Bilibid Prison b. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
c. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm d. Davao Prison and Penal Farm
40. What is site dedicated for deserving convicts who desires to live in the Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm?
a. Tanglaw Settlement b. Bukang Liwayway Settlement
c. Tagumpay Settlement d. Tagong Paraiso Settlement
41. The following are sub-colonies found in Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm, except;
a. sta. Lucia b. Inawagan c. panabo d. central
42. What Act mandated for the creation of Correctional Institution for Women?
a. Act 3579 b. Act 3732 c. Proclamation 72 d. Act 3597
43. What is the site which is given to release prisoners in Davao Prison and Penal Farm?
a. Tanglaw Settlement b. Bukang Liwayway Settlement
c. Tagumpay Settlement d. Tagong Paraiso Settlement
44. The following is not a sub-colony found in Davao Prison and Penal Farm, except;
a. inawagan b. montible c. central d. panabo
45. It is the order from the court bearing it seals, signature of the judge and the attestation of the clerk of court
thereof for the custody of prisoner.
a. some of these b. Mittimus c. commitment order d. 201 file
46. What is the color of uniform of medium security inmates?
a. blue b. brown c. gray d. tangerine
47. What is the color of uniform of minimum security inmates?
a. blue b. brown c. gray d. tangerine
48. These shall include those who cannot be trusted in less secured areas.
a. maximum security b. minimum security
c. colonist d. medium security
49. The clerk of court reads the decision of the judge after hearing of the case.
a. judgment b. plea bargaining c. arraignment d. promulgation
50. It refers to all courts in general.
a. bar b. Venue c. bench d. jurisdiction
51. It is a collegiate court that sits either as a trial court or as an appeal court when the accused is a
government employee charged with a crime in connection with his office.
a. family court b. military court
c. sandiganbayan d. court of tax appeals
52. It is the court which has the power to discipline judges of lower courts or orders their dismissal by a vote of
a. inferior court b. court of appeals c. regional trial court d. supreme court
53. The number of associate justices in the highest court of our country.
a. 14 b. 15 c. 12 d. 13
54. It is a conference between or among the parties, held in court primarily to make certain that all issues
necessary to disposition of a caused are properly raised and simplified.
a. objection b. pre-trial c. plea bargaining d. arraignment
55. How jurisdiction over the accused can be attained by court?
a. flee of the accused b. arraignment
c. surrender of the accused d. guilty plea of the accused
56. It satisfies the reason and conscience of those who are to act in a given matter.
a. proclamation b. promulgation
c. beyond reasonable doubt d. moral certainty
57. It is the period where both parties present their evidences in order to prove and disprove allegation that
has been filed before the court of law.
a. trial b. some of these
c. appeal d. motion for reconsideration
58. It is the degree of proof in the decisions made by judges on the case submitted to them.
a. proclamation b. promulgation
c. beyond reasonable doubt d. moral certainty
59. It is constituted for each dispute brought before the lupon which consist of three members.
a. pangkat tagausig b. pangkat tagapagkasundo
c. lupong tagapamayapa d. lupong tagapagkasundo
60. This court has the jurisdiction over cases where the penalty that may be imposed does not exceed prision
a. inferior court b. court of appeals c. regional trial court d. supreme court
61. It is the site and location where the case is to be tried on the merits.
a. bar b. venue c. bench d. jurisdiction
62. It is a collegiate appellate court that reviews judgments form the court of general jurisdiction.
a. inferior court b. court of appeals c. regional trial court d. supreme court
63. The number of days where the first level court renders decision.
a. 90 days b. 365 days c. 120 days d. 60 days
64. It exercise jurisdiction over men and women in the AFP who violates Article of War.
a. family court b. military court
c. sandiganbayan d. court of tax appeals
65. It is the court of final appeal that confirms, modifies or reverses judgments of the lower court.
a. regional trial court b. supreme court
c. inferior court d. court of appeals
66. It is the authority to hear and decide a case.
a. bar b. venue c. bench d. jurisdiction
67. It refers to person authorized to practice the legal profession.
a. bar b. judge c. professional d. appointment
68. This is the entire body of law enacted jurisdiction and applied in that jurisdiction.
a. civil law b. political law
c. municipal law d. international law
69. What is the core mission of the police?
a. crime prevention b. criminal apprehension
c. law enforcement d. order maintenance
70. It is the forgotten or neglected man in the Criminal Justice System.
a. suspect b. victim c. judge d. police prober
71. It is the principal character of the Criminal Justice System.
a. some of these b. suspect c. offender d. offended party
72. What is the taking or person into custody for which he is bound to answer the commission of an offense?
a. seizure b. search c. arrest d. warrant
73. What is the political will of the state to punish criminals in accordance with the law?
a. crime control b. crime deterrence
c. crime prevention d. all of the forging
74. This is tasked by law with the efficient and effective implementation of the provisions of Republic Act 9165
of 2001.
a. Phils. Drug Enforcement Agency b. Philippine Coast Guard
c. Bureau of Customs d. Optical Media Board
75. This is tasked by law with the efficient and effective implementation of the provisions of Republic Act 9239
of 2003.
a. Phils. Drug Enforcement Agency b. Philippine Coast Guard
c. Bureau of Customs d. Optical Media Board
76. What is the authority conferred by law to act in certain condition or situation in accordance with an official
agency’s own considered judgment or conscience?
a. police discretion b. discernment
c. decision making d. all of the above
77. What is the machinery of the state which society uses in the prevention and control of crime?
a. criminal justice system b. police
c. law enforcement d. some of these
78. What is the basic responsibility of the police?
a. crime prevention b. criminal apprehension
c. law enforcement d. order maintenance
79. They are charged wit the internal security and the maintenance of peace and order.
a. Armed Forces of the Philippines b. Philippine National Police
c. Philippine Constabulary d. Integrated National Police
80. The Miranda Doctrine is mandatory to police officer to recite if the person was arrested even it will imperil
the arrest.
a. this statement is correct b. this statement is cannot be judged
c. this statement is incorrect d. this statement is vague
81. It is the warrant issued to unmanned party.
a. John Dog Warrant b. John Travolta Warrant
c. John Doe Warrant d. neither of these
82. What Republic Act creates National Bureau of Investigation?
a. 167 b. 6975 c. 147 d. 157
83. Upon the receipt of the subpoena by the respondent, how many days shall be given to him to submit his
a. 30 days b. 5 days c. 10 days d. 15 days
84. After the filing of the complaint or information in court without preliminary investigation, how many days
shall be given to him from the time he learns of its filing to ask preliminary investigation?
a. 10 days b. 15 days c. 30 days d. 5 days
85. What is the ground for the issuance of warrant arrest?
a. motive b. opportunity c. nether of these d. intent
86. In crimes of concubinage, who can file a criminal case?
a. any other person b. neither of these
c. their offspring d. the offended husband
87. How many days shall the investigating officer acts with the complaint submitted to him?
a. 10 days b. 15 days c. 30 days d. 5 days
88. This is task to conduct preliminary investigation to those cases cognizable by the Sandigangbayan.
a. Office of the Ombudsman b. national Prosecution Service
c. Metropolitan Trial Court d. Regional Trial Court
89. The minimum penalty of an offense where preliminary investigation is required to be conducted before
filing a complaint or information to the court.
a. 5 years 2 months and 1 day b. 4 years 6 months and 1 day
c. 6 years 4 months and 1 day d. 4 years 2 months and 1 day
90. If there is no probable cause, the investigating fiscal can recommend filing of the case in the proper court.
This statement is correct.
a. untrue b. true c. wholly false d. wholly true
91. It is a recommendation or declaration of a council, evincing some purpose or intent to do some act.
a. appeal b. neither of these c. resolution d. motion
92. The following officers empowered to conduct preliminary investigation, except;
a. judges of municipal trial court b. none of these
c. judges of regional trial court d. provincial or city prosecutor
93. It shall be conducted if respondent cannot be subpoenaed or failed to appear during the scheduled
hearing despite of due notice.
a. make a resolution b. file the information in court
c. wait for the accused d. resolve the compliant even w/o the respondent
94. What is not the part of complaint or information?
a. none of the above b. address of the offended party
c. name of the accused d. designation of offense by statute
95. How many days shall be given to the provincial or city prosecutor or chief state prosecutor or to the
ombudsman and his deputy to review the resolution made by the investigating prosecutor?
a. 10 days b. 15 days c. 30 days d. 5 days
96. It is the inquiry or proceedings for the purpose of determining whether there is sufficient ground that the
crime is committed and probably guilty thereof and should be held for trial.
a. preliminary investigation b. initial investigation
c. inquest procedure d. preliminary hearing
97. It is the order issued by court if the accused has already been arrested pursuant to a warrant issued by
the judge who conducted preliminary investigation.
a. detention order b. investigation
c. commitment order d. warrant of arrest
98. This proceeding is made when the suspect was arrested without warrant in order to continue the detention
of the suspect beyond what is prescribed by law.
a. preliminary investigation b. cross examination
c. inquest d. direct examination
99. It is an accusation in writing charging a person with an offense, subscribed by the prosecutor and filed
with the court.
a. offense b. complaint c. information d. charge
100. It is the result of evidence.
a. probable cause b. either of these c. proof d. evidence

Good Luck!!!

Prepared by: Approved by:


Instructor I Dean, College of Criminology
Final Examination
Criminology 2 – Philippine Criminal Justice System
Second Semester, SY 2009 – 2010
Multiple Choice
Directions: Choose the best answer by shading the space corresponding to the letter of your answer
on the answer sheet. Use black ink only. Erased answer will be marked wrong.

1. It is a recommendation or declaration of a council, evincing some purpose or intent to do some act.

a. appeal b. neither of these c. resolution d. motion
2. The following officers empowered to conduct preliminary investigation, except;
a. judges of municipal trial court b. none of these
c. judges of regional trial court d. provincial or city prosecutor
3. It shall be conducted if respondent cannot be subpoenaed or failed to appear during the scheduled hearing
despite of due notice.
a. make a resolution b. file the information in court
c. wait for the accused d. resolve the compliant even w/o the respondent
4. What is not the part of complaint or information?
a. none of the above b. address of the offended party
c. name of the accused d. designation of offense by statute
5. How many days shall be given to the provincial or city prosecutor or chief state prosecutor or to the
ombudsman and his deputy to review the resolution made by the investigating prosecutor?
a. 10 days b. 15 days c. 30 days d. 5 days
6. It is the inquiry or proceedings for the purpose of determining whether there is sufficient ground that the
crime is committed and probably guilty thereof and should be held for trial.
a. preliminary investigation b. initial investigation
c. inquest procedure d. preliminary hearing
7. It is the order issued by court if the accused has already been arrested pursuant to a warrant issued by the
judge who conducted preliminary investigation.
a. detention order b. investigation
c. commitment order d. warrant of arrest
8. This proceeding is made when the suspect was arrested without warrant in order to continue the detention
of the suspect beyond what is prescribed by law.
a. preliminary investigation b. cross examination
c. inquest d. direct examination
9. It is an accusation in writing charging a person with an offense, subscribed by the prosecutor and filed with
the court.
a. offense b. complaint c. information d. charge
10. It is the result of evidence.
a. probable cause b. either of these c. proof d. evidence
11. It is the warrant issued to unmanned party.
a. John Dog Warrant b. John Travolta Warrant
c. John Doe Warrant d. neither of these
12. What Republic Act creates National Bureau of Investigation?
a. 167 b. 6975 c. 147 d. 157
13. Upon the receipt of the subpoena by the respondent, how many days shall be given to him to submit his
a. 30 days b. 5 days c. 10 days d. 15 days
14. After the filing of the complaint or information in court without preliminary investigation, how many days
shall be given to him from the time he learns of its filing to ask preliminary investigation?
a. 10 days b. 15 days c. 30 days d. 5 days
15. What is the ground for the issuance of warrant arrest?
a. motive b. opportunity c. nether of these d. intent
16. In crimes of concubinage, who can file a criminal case?
a. any other person b. neither of these
c. their offspring d. the offended husband
17. How many days shall the investigating officer acts with the complaint submitted to him?
a. 10 days b. 15 days c. 30 days d. 5 days
18. This is task to conduct preliminary investigation to those cases cognizable by the Sandigangbayan.
a. Office of the Ombudsman b. national Prosecution Service
c. Metropolitan Trial Court d. Regional Trial Court
19. The minimum penalty of an offense where preliminary investigation is required to be conducted before
filing a complaint or information to the court.
a. 5 years 2 months and 1 day b. 4 years 6 months and 1 day
c. 6 years 4 months and 1 day d. 4 years 2 months and 1 day
20. If there is no probable cause, the investigating fiscal can recommend filing of the case in the proper court.
This statement is correct.
a. untrue b. true c. wholly false d. wholly true
21. This was the primitive form of inflicting punishment by way of personal vengeance.
a. expiation b. Retribution c. deterrence d. reformation
22. How many days shall be good time allowance given to inmates who already in his 3 rd year of serving his
a. 8 b. 5 c. 10 d. 20
23. He is the present director of the BJMP.
a. Oscar C. Calderon c. Rosendo M. Dial
c. Charles S. Modejar d. Antonio A. Peña
24. It is the principal character of the Criminal Justice System.
a. some of these b. suspect c. offender d. offended party
25. What is the taking or person into custody for which he is bound to answer the commission of an offense?
a. seizure b. search c. arrest d. warrant
26. What is the political will of the state to punish criminals in accordance with the law?
a. crime control b. crime deterrence
c. crime prevention d. all of the forging
27. This is tasked by law with the efficient and effective implementation of the provisions of Republic Act 9165
of 2001.
a. Phils. Drug Enforcement Agency b. Philippine Coast Guard
c. Bureau of Customs d. Optical Media Board
28. This is tasked by law with the efficient and effective implementation of the provisions of Republic Act 9239
of 2003.
a. Phils. Drug Enforcement Agency b. Philippine Coast Guard
c. Bureau of Customs d. Optical Media Board
29. What is the authority conferred by law to act in certain condition or situation in accordance with an official
agency’s own considered judgment or conscience?
a. police discretion b. discernment
c. decision making d. all of the above
30. What is the machinery of the state which society uses in the prevention and control of crime?
a. criminal justice system b. police
c. law enforcement d. some of these
31. What is the basic responsibility of the police?
a. crime prevention b. criminal apprehension
c. law enforcement d. order maintenance
32. They are charged wit the internal security and the maintenance of peace and order.
a. Armed Forces of the Philippines b. Philippine National Police
c. Philippine Constabulary d. Integrated National Police
33. The Miranda Doctrine is mandatory to police officer to recite if the person was arrested even it will imperil
the arrest.
a. this statement is correct b. this statement is cannot be judged
c. this statement is incorrect d. this statement is vague
34. This punishment is ranging from 6 years and one day to 12 years of imprisonment.
a. reclusion temporal b. prision correctional
c. prision mayor d. reclusion perpetua
35. What law abolished the death penalty of our country?
a. Republic Act 9231 b. Republic Act 9346
c. Republic Act 9345 d. neither of these
36. This is the concept which involves teamwork with the citizenry in combating crimes.
a. community relations b. team policing
c. PLEB d. IAS
37. What is the division of criminology that focus with the philosophy and practice of society in its efforts to
repress criminal activities?
a. correction b. crime prevention c. punishment d. penology
38. It is regarded by many as an effective means of social control which signifies pain by the infliction of
penalty for every violation of the law.
a. correction b. crime prevention c. punishment d. penology
39. They are inmates who are put in penal institutions like Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm.
a. maximum security b. minimum security
c. colonist d. medium security
40. This is similar to retribution wherein the penalty is commensurate with the gravity of the offense based on
the norms observed by he members of the society.
a. expiation b. Retribution c. deterrence d. reformation
41. It is a change made by the president of the courts’ decision by reducing the degree of penalty imposed by
a. commutation b. Probation c. parole d. pardon
42. It is the site and location where the case is to be tried on the merits.
a. bar b. venue c. bench d. jurisdiction
43. It is a collegiate appellate court that reviews judgments form the court of general jurisdiction.
a. inferior court b. court of appeals c. regional trial court d. supreme court
44. The number of days where the first level court renders decision.
a. 90 days b. 365 days c. 120 days d. 60 days
45. It exercise jurisdiction over men and women in the AFP who violates Article of War.
a. family court b. military court
c. sandiganbayan d. court of tax appeals
46. It is the court of final appeal that confirms, modifies or reverses judgments of the lower court.
a. regional trial court b. supreme court
c. inferior court d. court of appeals
47. It is the authority to hear and decide a case.
a. bar b. venue c. bench d. jurisdiction
48. It refers to person authorized to practice the legal profession.
a. bar b. judge c. professional d. appointment
49. This is the entire body of law enacted jurisdiction and applied in that jurisdiction.
a. civil law b. political law
c. municipal law d. international law
50. What is the core mission of the police?
a. crime prevention b. criminal apprehension
c. law enforcement d. order maintenance
51. It is the forgotten or neglected man in the Criminal Justice System.
a. suspect b. victim c. judge d. police prober
52. It is the BFP and BJMP Professionalization Act of 2004.
a. Republic Act 6975 b. Republic Act 9263
c. Republic Act 8551 d. Republic Act 9256
53. Corrections shall deprive any offender of the hope and the possibility of his returned to full and
responsible member of society. This statement is incorrect.
a. true b. untrue c. doubtful d. possibly true
54. How many days shall be good time allowance given to inmates who already in his 8 th year of serving his
a. 8 b. 5 c. 10 d. 20
55. It is the highest punishment in our country today.
a. reclusion perpetua b. life imprisonment
c. lethal injection d. corporal punishment
56 This punishment is ranging from 12 years and one day to 20 years of imprisonment.
a. reclusion temporal b. prision correctional
c. prision mayor d. reclusion perpetua
57. It is the witness, security and benefit act of 1991.
a. Republic Act 6982 b. Republic Act 6981
c. Republic Act 6975 d. Republic Act 6980
58. He is the present director of the BuCor.
a. Charles S. Modejar b. Antonio A. Peña
c. Oscar C. Calderon d. Rosendo M. Dial
59. What is the section and chapter in the Revised Administrative Code where can you find the mandates of
the reorganization of Bureau of Corrections?
a. section 1705 – 1721 b. section 1706 – 1720
c. section 1705 – 1720 d. section 1704 – 1720
60. No jail officer shall not use force except in the legitimate self-defense or in case of an attempted escape of
prisoner. This statement is correct
a. false b. wholly true c. wholly false d. true
61. It is a collegiate court that sits either as a trial court or as an appeal court when the accused is a
government employee charged with a crime in connection with his office.
a. sandiganbayan b. court of tax appeals
c. family court d. military court
62. It is the court which has the power to discipline judges of lower courts or orders their dismissal by a vote of
a. inferior court b. court of appeals c. regional trial court d. supreme court
63. The number of associate justices in the highest court of our country.
a. 14 b. 15 c. 12 d. 13
64. It is a conference between or among the parties, held in court primarily to make certain that all issues
necessary to disposition of a caused are properly raised and simplified.
a. objection b. pre-trial c. plea bargaining d. arraignment
65. How jurisdiction over the accused can be attained by court?
a. surrender of the accused b. guilty plea of the accused
c. flee of the accused d. arraignment
66. It satisfies the reason and conscience of those who are to act in a given matter.
a. beyond reasonable doubt b. moral certainty
c. proclamation d. promulgation
67. It is the period where both parties present their evidences in order to prove and disprove allegation that
has been filed before the court of law.
a. appeal b. motion for reconsideration
c. trial d. some of these
68. What law creates the organization of BJMP?
a. RA 6975 b. RA 8551 c. RA 7160 d. RA 9263
69. It is the degree of proof in the decisions made by judges on the case submitted to them.
a. proclamation b. promulgation
c. beyond reasonable doubt d. moral certainty
70. It is constituted for each dispute brought before the lupon which consist of three members.
a. lupong tagapamayapa b. lupong tagapagkasundo
c. pangkat tagausig d. pangkat tagapagkasundo
71. This court has the jurisdiction over cases where the penalty that may be imposed does not exceed prision
a. inferior court b. court of appeals c. regional trial court d. supreme court
72. It is the suspension of sentence of a convict after serving the minimum term of indeterminate sentence
without granting pardon.
a. commutation b. Probation c. parole d. pardon
73. A code which promote the naked revenge.
a. Code of Hammurabi b. King Ur Nammu’s Code
c. Burgundian Code d. Justinian Code
74. This code is a revision of the Twelve Tables of Roman Law.
a. Code of Hammurabi b. King Ur Nammu’s Code
c. Burgundian Code d. Justinian Code
75. What code introduces the concept of restitution but punishments were meted according to the social class
of offenders?
a. Code of Hammurabi b. King Ur Nammu’s Code
c. Burgundian Code d. Justinian Code
76. Who is the first pope who fully expresses approval for killing?
a. Pope Leo I b. Pope Gregory IX
c. Pope John Paul II d. Pope Innocent VIII
77. He advocated humane treatment of the convicts as opposed to corporal punishment.
a. Alexander Maconochie b. Domets of France
c. Sir Walter Crofton d. Manuel Montesinos
78. It is the final consideration and determination of a court of competent jurisdiction upon the matters
submitted to it in an action or proceedings.
a. judgment b. appeal
c. arraignment d. motion for reconsideration
79. Who introduce the progressive stage system?
a. Alexander Maconochie b. Domets of France
c. Sir Walter Crofton d. Manuel Montesinos
80. It is considered as the forerunner in modern penology.
a. Federal Prison System b. Irish Prison
c. Iwahig Penal colony d. Elmira Reformatory
81. Who is regarded as the Father of Modern Penology?
a. Manuel Montesinos b. Cesare Lombroso
c. Sir Walter Crofton d. Alexander Maconochi
82. Who advocated humane treatment of the convicts as opposed to corporal punishment?
a. Manuel Montesinos b. Cesare Lombroso
c. Sir Walter Crofton d. Alexander Maconochi
83. He organized the prisoners into companies and appointed a petty officer in charge.
a. Manuel Montesinos b. Cesare Lombroso
c. Sir Walter Crofton d. Alexander Maconochi
84. He advocates an hour of academic classes was implemented on prisoners less than 20 years old.
a. Manuel Montesinos b. Cesare Lombroso
c. Sir Walter Crofton d. Alexander Maconochi
85. In this satellite facility under NBP located the minimum security prisoners.
a. Bukang Liwayway Camp b. Sampaguita Camp
c. San Ramon d. Camp Tagumpay
86. This prison facility is located in southern Zamboanga to be the house of political prisoners.
a. New Bilibid Prison b. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
c. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm d. Davao Prison and Penal Farm
87. Who founded the construction of San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm and disregarded the old practice of
having political prisoners shot?
a. General Paulino Santos b. Ferdinand Marcos
c. Ramon Blanco d. Jose Rizal
88. This prison facility is established to house of incorrigibles or those prisoners beyond reform.
a. New Bilibid Prison b. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
c. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm d. Davao Prison and Penal Farm
89. It is considered as the best open institution in the world.
a. New Bilibid Prison b. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
c. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm d. Davao Prison and Penal Farm
90. What is site dedicated for deserving convicts who desires to live in the Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm?
a. Tanglaw Settlement b. Bukang Liwayway Settlement
c. Tagumpay Settlement d. Tagong Paraiso Settlement
91. The following are sub-colonies found in Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm, except;
a. sta. Lucia b. Inawagan c. panabo d. central
92. What Act mandated for the creation of Correctional Institution for Women?
a. Act 3579 b. Act 3732 c. Proclamation 72 d. Act 3597
93. What is the site which is given to release prisoners in Davao Prison and Penal Farm?
a. Tanglaw Settlement b. Bukang Liwayway Settlement
c. Tagumpay Settlement d. Tagong Paraiso Settlement
94. The following is not a sub-colony found in Davao Prison and Penal Farm, except;
a. inawagan b. montible c. central d. panabo
95. It is the order from the court bearing it seals, signature of the judge and the attestation of the clerk of court
thereof for the custody of prisoner.
a. some of these b. Mittimus c. commitment order d. 201 file
96. What is the color of uniform of medium security inmates?
a. blue b. brown c. gray d. tangerine
97. What is the color of uniform of minimum security inmates?
a. blue b. brown c. gray d. tangerine
98. These shall include those who cannot be trusted in less secured areas.
a. maximum security b. minimum security
c. colonist d. medium security
99. The clerk of court reads the decision of the judge after hearing of the case.
a. judgment b. plea bargaining c. arraignment d. promulgation
100. It refers to all courts in general.
a. bar b. Venue c. bench d. jurisdiction

Good Luck!!!

Prepared by: Approved by:


Instructor I Dean, College of Criminology

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