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The Hexing ill Scrolls Introduction The creaking of the rotted wood underneath your boot alerts the crone to your presence. ‘Ah... welcome. Have you come for pastries?” She asks in her old weathered voice. You pull out the bottle given to you by the Warlock from the tower, and uncork it. A dark swirling cloud spews from the bottle, the shadow engulfs the room in blackness. You hear a sickening crunch and a scream from the crone, The darkness fades, and you see a tome lying on the ground, oozing with dark energy. You don't know what you've done... but you've enacted some ritual for knowledge. ‘The Hexing Scrolls is fully packed with new witch themed content to add to your D&D 5e Games. You've bargained for these scrolls, and now at the cost of something foul they are yours, This collection incluces a new spell “Jinx”, a new feat “Dark Arcanum Initiate’, an encounter “A Veiled Exchange” and a new Druid Subelass Circle of the Occult”. We hope you enjoy this homebrew expansion for Dungeons and Dragons 5e Spell Jinx ‘2ndb-level transmutation sting Time: 1 reaction Range: 30 feet Components: V, S Duration: instantaneous Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock. Channeling darker powers, you curse good fortune. When a creature within range makes an attack roll or ability check they must succeed a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure the result of the roll is treated as a one. Rule reminder: A creature's modifiers still apply ona natural one ability check, but not attack rolls. Feat Dark Arcanum Initiate You've unlocked the secrets of foul magic When you roll damage for a spell you deals necrotic damage, you can treat any 1 on a damage die as a2. Additionally, you learn the spells Chill Touch, Toll the Dead, and Hex. Your spellcasting ability modifier for these spells is your choice of Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma. st that Encounter A Veiled Exchange Location: Swamps, Forest, or any other wooded area, ‘Suggested Level: 3 to 10 Background A Green Hag by the name of Beatrice had kidnapped a seven year old girl named Fay, from her family. Her older brother, Jory, sought revenge and to save his sister. He delved into darker powers and stole his father Shield Guardian, Unfortunately, Jory met his end to the traps laid by Beatrice. However, the Shield Guardian found Fay and took her from Beatrice. Without any other orders from its dead master, it awaits in the swamp and protects Fay. ‘Summary The adventurers encounter Beatrice in disguise, she begs the party to find her daughter in the dangerous forest. The adventurers can track the Shield Guardian to the Pixie Hive and find an unconscious Fay. There they will also find the corpse of her brother and can make their decision there. Introduction While travelling, the adventurers find Beatrice, disguised. She appears as a crying human woman. The woman is in rags and looks to be in her mid thirties, Upon seeing the adventurers she begs them for help, claiming her daughter is lost in the dangerous forest and likely dead. She only wants what they can find, and if she’s alive she will be eternally grateful. Beatrice knows she is no match for the Shield Guardian which is why she sends the adventurers. A successful insight check of 20 will reveal some sort of deceit behind her words and behaviour, but she does seem in true distress over this young girl. Beatrice also possesses a special ring that shields against spells that would attempt to discover her true form. Only a detect magic spell will reveal the ring under abjuration, ‘The adventurers ean track large heavy footprints, with a successful survival check of 8, The Pixie Hive The tracks lead fifteen minutes into the forest and to a lange gnarled tree. This tree is covered in a sticky resin that Beatrice concocted. The resin attracts pixies and sprites, and the corpses of pixies cover this tree. If any creature touches the tree, they must succeed a DC 14 Constitution save or take 4d10 poison damage. When necessary, Beatrice will come by and pick some of their corpses for alchemical concoctions with special gloves. Near the tree is the body of Jory, Fay’s brother, He touched the tree in hopes to question one of the pixies and died. Also near the tree is his eld Guardian who carries an unconscious Fay in its hand, Due to holding Fay, the Shield. guardian cannot perform its multiattack action, On the body of Jory is his Master's Amulet that controls the Shield Guardian, and a letter he received from his family that reads ‘Jory, please come back to Arlinton. Fay is gone and there's nothing we can do about her. That awful woman took her from us and we don't want to lose you too. Return your father's Guardian and stay alive. Please. Mom and Dad” Conclusions The party can control the shield guardian by taking the amulet and note to discover Fay’s true parents. They may kill Beatrice once taking Fay, who won't put up a fight and will take every chance to run away. They could also destroy the shield guardian and take Fay back to Beatrice. If Fay is awoken by the party, she will recognize Jory as her brother and be very reluctant to return to Beatrice claiming she isn't her mother. Beatrice will cast a Charm person spell to force Fay to come with her in this scenario. Druid Circle Circle of the Occult Druids of the Occult have delved into the strange as pects af the world and have learned rites and rituals to contact trickster nature spirits. These Druids are studiers of forgotten dark magic that to some, serves an evil purpose in the world. Occult Druids harness this power for other motives and use it to protect and help nature by learning it. Occult Druids are often mistaken for Hags or Witches, but they are only conduits for its power and do not necessarily have nefarious needs. Vooboo Macic 2ncd.level Ciree ofthe Ocealt feature You have performed a rite to drive power from a Loa spirit,an intermediary being between the planes, Your link with this spirit grants you access to certain spells. At 2nd level, you learn the vicious mockery cantrip. When you reach certain levels in this class, you gain access to the spells listed for that level in the Cirele of Occult table. Once you gain access to one of these spells, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. Ifyou gain access to a spell that doesnt appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonethe- less a druid spell for you. Circle of the Occult Spells Druid Level Spells, 3rd augury, crown of madness. 5th bestow curse, spirit guardians 7th phantasmal killer, compulsion oth danse macabre, dominate person CURSED TRANSFORMATION 2ndevel Circle of the Occult feature Also at 2nd level you gain the ability to share your Druidic powers with others. Your Wild Shape can be used to transform creatures other than yourself Choose one humanoid creature within touch range’ of you, if they are willing you ean transform them using the same rules and statistics as your Wild Shape RITE OF THE DaRK SPIRITS th level Circle of the Occult feature At 6th level you can converse directly with the whim: sical Loa spirits, After finishing a Long Rest, choose one spirit to attune to. You can only be attuned to one spirit at a time. Spirit of Intermediaries While attuned to this spirit, you can telepathically communicate with any creature within 30 feet. The Ianguage used in this telepathy is strange and un- known, but any that speaks a language can under: stand it ha Spirit of Healing While attuned to this spirit, you have a pool of spirit ‘energy represented by a number of d10s equal to your druid level, As an action, you can choose one creature: you can see within 30 feet of you and spend a number of those dice equal to half your cruid level or less. Roll the spent dice and add them together. The target regains a ‘umber of hit points equal to the total Spirit of Creation ‘While attuned to this spirit you can imbue drunkenness ina person. Choose one creature within 30 feet, that creature becomes poisoned, prone, and incapacitated for I minute. The creature can make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns, on a suc- cess they remove the effects, You cannot use this ability again until after you finish a long rest. Spirit of Charm ‘While attuned to this spirit you gain advantage on all Charisma ability checks and saving throws, Additionally, creatures have disadvantage on charisma checks against you. Spirit of Reflection ‘While attuned to this spirit you gain a +2 to armor class and advantage on dexterity saving throws, IMPROVED CURSED TRANSFORMATION 10th level Circle ofthe Oceult feature At 10th level your Wild Shape can be used on human: cds who are not willing, The target must succeed a ‘Wisdom save with the DC being equal to your spell save. The target transforms into a creature of your choosing and cannot transform back into their orignal state unless you choose so, or by any’ other reasons detailed inthe Wild Shape feature rules. FRIENDS ON THE OTHER SIDE 1 Athelevel Circle ofthe Occult feature ‘You have now earned the respect ofthe spirits and they grant you a gift for you fealty, Once every 30 days you can cast the wish spell. The spirits are the bringers of this wish and may not be exactly as you expect. The DM is the inal arbiter in the terms of the granted wish.

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