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19P215, Riya Kothari, DV

Ques 1:
Ans a) Visualising the terrain data can be done in two ways, based on the size
of the data
 One way is to use the bar charts to compare the heights of the different
terrains. However, bar charts should be used only if there are a small
number of terrains being compared
 A better method of visualising the terrain information is to use a
combination of Choropleth map and bubbles
 The choropleth map will help visualise which location has which terrain
(mountain, hill, etc) while bubble will help visualise the height of the
 This helps the viewer comprehend which part of the state/country/world
has what type of terrain
 Based on the requirements, as well as available information, further
details can be shown in this visualisation
 For example, if we gave data available about the rainfall received by
different terrains, we can show this effectively through visualisation. This
can help us decide which areas to avoid or be extra vigilant at
 Another example can be to provide information on the number of people
who have scalded the terrain and to what height. This would be attractive
to trekkers and mountaineers
Ans b) The following interactions would be useful to explore the height
I. Selection: Range selection and legend selection are both useful
here. Legend selection can be used to identify or select specific
terrain types while range selection can be used to view all the
regions that lie between a particular range of altitudes.
II. Brushing: Brushing can be used in cases where we want to see if
the altitude affects the query. Eg: To check if there is a link
between altitude and amount of rainfall received. Here, we would
use additional data to altitude information
III. Dynamic filtering: Using buttons or sliders we can filter the
terrain data to show information for a particular altitude or region
or time period. Such data can be useful for comparative analysis
between terrains. Time period filtering can be used to see if there
are any changes to terrain with passage of time. Eg: If more
number of people have scaled a mountain recently than in the past
Ques 2:
Ans a) There are 3 data types that enable conversion of conceptual
model into a data model:
I. Nominal/Categorical data: These are data that are
fundamentally different from each other information
would be exactly one in the range of data. ItInterval: is the
simplest form of data which cannot be ordered or measured Eg:
Country, gender, race or colour of people
II. Ordinal data: This is ordered data, which is categorical data
with an order. The variables are listed in an ordered manner. Eg:
Scale of happiness used to measure the happiness gradient
III. Numerical data: It is a data type expressed in numbers. This
can be further divided into 2 types:
a) Interval: Here the data cannot be compared directly.
Only intervals may be compared. Eg: Latitude &
b) Ratio: Here data is counted and amounted. Unlike
interval, there is a definite origin or xero value. Eg:

Ans b) For exploring the data visualisation lifecycle, I am taking an example of

a Pharma Company which is aiming to visualise the state-wise sales data of
a drug along with its growth in sales over the last period.
The questions that I would like to get answers to are to identify:
1. States contributing highest to the total sales revenue
2. States with high growth and high sales
3. States with high growth and low sales
4. States with low growth and high sales
5. Zonal sales value (Zones: North, South, East, West)
These questions would help the company decide on which states should
be focused to increase the total sales revenue and accordingly device a
marketing strategy for different states and zones
The lifecycle for this visualisation would be:

1. Discovery/ Acquisition: Data showing state-wise sales value and growth

over the last period needs to be acquired. This can be acquired from IMS
data or any other private firm working in the pharma market research
domain or company database.

2. Cleaning/Munging: The data collected in the previous step will be in

different formats, may have other irrelevant data or duplication might
occur. All such data needs to be removed and cleaned, and all the necessary
and relevant data needs to be brought in the same format

3. Analysis: All the data gathered can now be analysed using Web services/
applications to compare with each other and find out trends, growth or
decline in sales, contribution to total sales revenue etc. This will help
find states with high growth and high sales and answer other questions to
reach to a consensus

4. Publication: Once the analysis is done, and insights are generated, it is

necessary to highlight them to all the stakeholders to come to a solution or
design and implement a strategy. For this, it is essential that visualisation
tools are used to highlight the insights generated and other key points.

Life cycle visualisation:

Discovery/Acquisition Cleaning/Munging Analysis Publication

 Public data  Normalisation  Web services  HTML5
 Paid data  Format  Google  Adobe
 Company conversion spreadsheets Flash
database  Cleaning  Tableau
 Market reseach  PowerBI
 R

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