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ESc201A Home Assignment 2 Aug. 11, 2019.

Solutions of the HA#2 will be on Brihaspati on 17/08/19.

Consider all voltage and current sources to be ideal.

1. In the circuit shown in fig. 2.1, RL is an adjustable resistive load. What is the value of this load
(RL) for which maximum power is dissipated at the load? What is this maximum power
dissipation at RL?
15k 1k 1 2
+ 
+ 5A
20k t=0
4k 3mA 10k RL C V R 1kΩ R
10V + 8mH

Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 2.3

2. In the R-C circuit shown in fig. 2.2 the voltage and the current expressions are: v(t)=
72e500t V, t  0, and i(t)=9e500t mA for t  0+. Find (i) R, (ii) C, (iii)  [ms], (d) the
initial energy stored in the capacitor, and (e) how many ms it takes to dissipate 75% of the
initial energy stored in the capacitor?
3. The switch in the circuit seen in fig. 2.3 has been in position 1 for a long time. At t = 0 the
switch moves instantaneously to position 2. Find the value of R so that half of the initial energy
stored in the 8-mH inductor is dissipated in R in 10µs.
4. The capacitor in the circuit shown in fig. 2.4 has been charged to 300V. At t=0, switch S1
closes and the switch S2 closes 200s after switch S1 has closed. Find the current through the
switch S2 at a time t=300s.
S1 20k S2
S1 t=5ms
+ t=0 S2 t=0 t=1ms
30k 60k
5nF t=0+200s 10k 7.5mA 40k 0.5F
 120k 40k

Figure 2.4 Figure 2.5

5. In the circuit of fig. 2.5, switch S1 disconnects from the 10k resistance and instantaneously
connects to the 40k resistor at time t =0, with the switch S2 closed (connected to the 20k
resistor). At t = 1ms, switch S2 opens out. Again at t = 5ms, switch S2 closes.
(a) Find the voltage across the capacitor (vC) at all times.
(b) What percentage of the total energy stored on the capacitor is dissipated in the 30k
resistor till 15ms?
6. The switch in the circuit of fig. 2.6 has been closed for a long time. The switch opens at time t
= 0. Find the inductor voltage vL(t) for all t ≥ 0 .
5A 5 5vL vL 2mH

Figure 2.6
ESc201A Home Assignment 2 Aug. 11, 2019.
7. The switch in fig. 2.7 has been open for a long time. At t = 0 the switch closes. Find the
inductor voltage vL(t) for all t ≥ 0 .
8. For the 2F capacitor circuit, shown in fig. 2.8, the switch has been closed for a long time. The
capacitor is rated for a maximum voltage of 1.5kV, after which the dielectric breaks down and
shorts it. If the switch opens at time t = 0, then at what time does the capacitor reach the
dielectric breakdown voltage?
10 t=0 1k
10 +i
o t=0
4mA 5 8.6mH vL(t)4 4io 1mA 5io 5k 2F io 4k 1mA
Figure 2.7 Figure 2.8
9. The voltage waveform in Fig. 9(a) is applied to the circuit in Fig. 9(b). If the initial voltage on the
capacitor is zero, (a) Calculate vo(t), and (b) Sketch vo(t) versus t.
+ + + 20k +
50V 0.01F 100V
Vs Vo Vs Vo
400k 40mH
   
0 1ms t 0 2s t
Figure 2.9(a) Figure 2.9(b) Figure 2.10(a) Figure
10. The voltage waveform shown in Fig. 10(a) is applied to the circuit of Fig. 10(b). If the initial current in
the inductor is zero, then (i) calculate vo(t) and (ii) sketch vo(t) versus t.

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