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NAME: ___Kenneth Drapite________


Myth Title: The Story of Isis and Osiris

A long time ago, the god Osiris came to Egypt to rule as king. He brought the Egyptian people new laws and
taught them how to farm well and live peacefully in their villages. Osiris was a very wise and powerful king,
and was loved and respected by the Egyptian people. Unfortunately, his brother Seth, was very jealous of
his brother’s power in Egypt, and began to form a plan to kill Osiris and take over his throne. Late one
night, Seth tiptoed into Osiris’s bedroom. Careful to not wake up Osiris, or his queen, the goddess, Isis, Seth
measured Osiris’s body from top to bottom and from side to side. The next morning, Seth took the
measurements to a carpenter who made a beautiful wooden chest decorated with bright paint and sheets of
gold. One by one, each of Seth’s friends climbed into the chest. Unsurprisingly, no one was able to fit into
the chest, which was made perfectly for Osiris. Finally, Seth and his friends convinced. Osiris to try his luck
with the chest. Osiris stepped into the chest and lay down. The chest fit him perfectly, just as Seth had
planned. Just as Osiris lay down, Seth slammed the lid and sealed it shut. Seth and his friends took the
chest down to the Nile River and dumped it in, knowing that Osiris would never be able to survive. When
Isis heard the news of her husband’s death she was extremely upset. She rushed to the riverbank, and after
several days of searching, found the wooden chest. Isis opened it and removed the dead body of her
beloved Osiris. Crying, Isis hid Osiris’ body in the river grass. She didn’t want Seth to find Osiris’s corpse
before she could perform the proper rituals that would allow him to pass into the Afterlife. On the night of
the full moon, Isis used powerful magic to bring her husband back to life. Osiris embraced Isis, and thanked
her sister and her friends. He told them he would not be able to stay in the world of the living. He explained
that having died; he needed to travel to the world of the dead, where he would become the King of the
Afterlife. Before he left, Osiris told Isis not to worry. He told her that she would soon give birth to a son,
Horus, who would defeat Seth and become a great protector of the Egyptian people. By taking back the
throne from Seth, Horus would restore order and peace to the Universe.
Conflict: Characterization:
Seth was very to Osiris because he is the king of The similar character of Osiris is Uranus in Greek
Egypt. In order for Osiris to be dethroned, he mythology and Seth is Cronus. Both Cronus and
planned to kill his brother by making wooden Seth planned to dethroned their brother (Osiris)
chest that is perfectly fit for Osiris. After he and father (Uranus). The archetype of Cronus and
succeeded in his plan, he threw the wooden Osiris are villain because they want to stop the
chest into the Nile River and Seth takes over the hero archetype from achieving his or her goal.
The main conflict in the story is Man vs Man
because it was evident that there is a rivalry
between Seth and Osiris.

The type of myth in this story is myths of rebirth and renewal. When Isis, Osiris’ husband, knew that her
king was dead. He was furious to Seth and aggressively look for the body of his husband. She even asked
for help of her sisters and friends. She looked for the body of his husband and with the help of his sisters
and friends, they sew them until it was formed into a body again. And in a one full moon, Isis uses her
magical power so that she can bring her husband back to life.
The function of this myth is etiological myth because it explains why a certain thing is the way it is. For
example, when Osiris died, and he was retrieved by his wife, Isis. It is like, he knows that he was destined
to be the God of the Underworld even if he was given another life. And maybe, that’s the believed of
Egyptian people about rebirth and renewal.
Module 2
Kenneth Drapite

Enuma Elish Character’s List

Tiamat - Mother Earth who nourishes all life; wife of Apsu & mother of Anshar, Kishar, and Mummu
Apsu - ruler of all gods and sweet waters; husband of Tiamat & father of Anshar, Kishar, and Mummu
Mummu - god of mist; son of Tiamat and Apsu
Anshar - son of Tiamat and Apsu, brother and husband of Kishar
Kishar - daughter of Tiamat and Apsu, sister and wife of Anshar
Anu - god of the sky, father and ruler of all gods; husband of Nintu
Nintu - Mother Goddess like Tiamat who created the first human beings; wife of Anu and mother of all gods

The main conflict in the story is man vs man and it is about the rivalry of Tiamat and Ea. Ea kills his husband
Apsu which to a fight between Tiamat and the younger gods and Marduk.

Exposition: In the beginning the universe begins in a chaos of waters until they separate into Apsu, the ruler
of the sweet waters, and Tiamat, ruler of the salt waters. Apsu and Tiamat give birth to the first gods, the
oldest of them being Ea. Ea and his younger siblings are noisy and annoying to Tiamat, who became to hate
their behavior, and they disturb Apsu's sleep.
Rising Action: Apsu, Tiamat, and Mummu sit down together and decide the best solution is to destroy all of
them. Tiamat warns Ea, who takes action and kills Apsu first. Tiamat is outraged that her husband has been
murdered and she decides to declare wars on all of the younger gods.
Climax: The older gods led by Kingu, went to Tiamat and tell her she should avenge Apsu and Mummu by
going after the younger gods. Tiamat likes the idea and creates monster to help her revolt against the younger
gods. Tiamat chooses Kingu to be commander in chief of her monsters and the rebellious gods.
Falling Action: Ea lost his courage to fight Tiamat, then he decided that Marduk the hero could avenge
The gods met in assembly and glorified Marduk. The gods revealed Marduk's power and gave him many
weapons, then Marduk constructed a bow for himself. Marduk brought forth many winds to stir up inside of
Tiamat. The sight of Marduk terrorized Kingu and Tiamat. Tiamat lost her senses, and she cried using all of
her magic.
Resolution: Tiamat and Marduk fought in a single combat. Tiamat tried to eat Marduk, but the many winds
were too strong. Marduk thens hot Tiamat with his bow, the arrow tore into her stomach and ripped through
her body.

After consulting Kingu, Tiamat declares war on all of the younger gods. With the help of Kingu, she rewarded
it with the Tablet of Destiny where he can control the fates of people.

Tragic Flaw
After a long fight with Ea, Ea decided to ask for help to Marduk. Marduk, then plans on how to kill Tiamat by
creating a bow and an arrow. He hit the body of Tiamat which it causes them to split into two.

The theme of the story is about rivalry of the throne and revenge.

Point of View
Third person point of view
Literary Devices
Hyperbole – Marduk hits Tiamat body and it splits into two.

The Epic of Gilgamesh Character’s List

Gilgamesh – hero of the epic; son of Goddess Ninsun; King of Uruk
Ishtar – goddess of love and sexuality. After rejection by Gilgamesh she wreaked havoc.
Enlil – god of earth; he is the one who sent the flood and sent Humbaba to the cedar forest.
Enkidu – created by Aruru to become rival of Gilgamesh.
Anu – father of all gods; father of Ishtar.
Shamash – encourage Gilgamesh to kill the Humbaba.
Urshanabi – conveys Gilgamesh to go to Utnapishtim (the only mortal that gods grant immortality)
Utnapishtim – legendary survivor of the great flood; the one that Gilgamesh seeks immortality.
Humbaba – natured god; killed by Gilgamesh and Enkidu

The conflict in the story is man vs self because after the death of Enkidu, Gilgamesh fear about himself being
a mortal. Though he was strong than any other, still he is afraid to die.

Exposition: Gilgamesh is the wisest, strongest, and most handsome of mortals, for he is two-thirds god and
one-third man. As king of the city-state of Uruk he builds a monumental wall around the city, but in doing so
he overworks the city’s inhabitants unmercifully, to the point where they pray to the gods for relief.
Rising Action: The god Anu hears their plea and calls the goddess Aruru to fashion another demigod like
Gilgamesh in order that the two heroes might fight and thus give Uruk peace. Aruru creates the warrior Enkidu
out of clay and sends him to live among the animals of the hills. A hunter of Uruk finds Enkidu and in terror
reports his existence to Gilgamesh.
Climax: Soon enough, Enkidu goes to Uruk and faces down Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh wins, natch, but there are
no hard feelings, and the two warriors become best buds.
Falling Action: One day, Gilgamesh decides to go to the distant Cedar Forest and kill Humbaba, the monster
who guards it. Against the advice of the elders of Uruk and Enkidu himself, the two friends set out on their
quest. Once they make it to the Cedar Forest, the sun god Shamash helps them overpower Humbaba, who
starts pleading for mercy. Gilgamesh is about to grant it, but then gives in to peer pressure from Enkidu, and
kills him. However, he regrets his curses when Shamash speaks from heaven and points out how unfair Enkidu
is being. He also points out that Gilgamesh will become but a shadow of his former self if Enkidu were to die.
Nevertheless, the curse takes hold and day after day Enkidu becomes more and more ill.
Resolution: Gilgamesh is determined to avoid Enkidu‘s fate and decides to make the perilous journey to visit
Utnapishtim and his wife, the only humans to have survived the Great Flood and who were granted
immortality by the gods, in the hope of discovering the secret of everlasting life. Unfortunately, he places the
plant on the shore of a lake while he bathes, and it is stolen by a serpent, which loses its old skin and is thus
reborn. Gilgamesh weeps at having failed at both opportunities to obtain immortality, and he disconsolately
returns to the massive walls of his own city of Uruk.

The anagnorisis in the story is when Gilgamesh is afraid to die after the sudden loss of his best friend. He even
looked for someone whom he can ask for immortality.

Tragic Flaw
After asking for Utnapishtim to grant him immortality, Gigalmesh went to a river where he can find a magical
plant that will restore him into a youth. Gilgamesh succeeded in getting the plant., but while he was taking a
bath in the river, a serpent came and took the magical plant. Gilgamesh went to Uruk City disappointed to

 Immortality
 Friendship
 Power

Point of View
Third person point of view

Literary Devices
Hyperbole - "I'm so thirsty I could drink up a river."
Repetition – “Mourn for you now, lament for you now, my brother.”
Alliteration – moaning like a woman mourning

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