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Department of Education

San Carlos City Division

English 9
First Quarter Assessment
Name:_________________________________ Score:______________

Teacher:_______________________________ Gr. /Section:__________

I. Direction: Identify the word that best answers what is asked for below. Encircle the letter.
1. These are your achievements, accomplishments or success.
a. Heap b. stoop c. triumph d. virtue

2. It means “strength”
a. Heap b. sinew c. trap d. triumph
3. Is the sound device used by poets to suggest actions, movements and meanings.
a. Alliteration b. Assonance c. onomatopoeia d. rhyme
4. Is a central part of a poetry that adds to the enjoyment of a poem.
a. Assonance b. imagery c. repetition d. rhyme
5. The ____ celebrated the defeat of Grendel.
a. Beowulf b. danes c. heorot d. hrothgar
6. ____ went to the sea to escape from Beowulf after his shoulder was cut.
a. Danes b. Grendel c. heorot d. hrothgar
7. The words: I’ll, climbin’ are examples of
a. Apostrophe b. command c. contraction d. semi colon
8. The opposite meaning of smart is ____.
a. Dumb b. forlon c. muffled d. sublime
9. ___ is used to enclose the exact words of the speaker.
a. Colon b. period c. quotation mark d. semi colon
10. Which is an example of informative text?
a. Feature story b. instruction c. poem d. sports news
11. Infer on what the speaker in the poem “Psalm of Life” says Life is not ____
a. Act b. enjoyment c. labor d. sacrifice
12. Interpret the poem (Psalm of Life). What does our destined end or purpose
a. When one dies
b. When one successes amidst the earth’s stoop
c. When one works hard
d. When one prays
13. Infer on what the speaker in the poem “Mother to Son” compare her life?
a. Flower b. Glass c. Stairway d. wave
14. – 17. Distinguish the literary devices used in the examples below.
a. Alliteration b. assonance c. consonance d. figure of speech
15. Doubting, dreading dreams no mortal entered dared to dream before.
a. Alliteration b. assonance c. consonance d. figure of speech
16. Enter dared to dream before.
a. Alliteration b. assonance c. consonance d. figure of speech.

17.-19. Evaluate the kind of tone that signifies the mood below.

17. The tone which signifies seriousness.

a. admiring b. envious c. happy d. hungry
18. The tone that signifies formality.
a. approving b. anxious c. critical d. mysterious
19. The tone which signifies light
a. afraid b. doubtful c. fearing d. happy
20. – 22. Appraise the following situations and choose the best actions to take
20. If one provokes you to do evil actions.
a. accept the provocation
b. don’t mind him
c. fight him
d. understand him
21. When we meet challenges in life, what will we do?
a. face and accept it
b. be realistic
c. be true to oneself
d. don’t let them beat it
22. When one has achieved his goal, one should
a. be humble b. be proud c. let everyone know it d. strike your enemy
23. Which is not true in blank verse?
a. captures moments in time
b. does not have rhyme
c. none of the above
d. shows feelings and thoughts
24. =- 25. Distinguish what the following situation suggests.
24. It is important to recognize and perform role in life effectively in order to
a. to be recognized
b. to command
c. to gain power
d. to perform well
25. We should not waste time. Therefore we should _____
a. use it in many things
b. set up your goals
c. spend it wisely
d. spend more time
26. – 30. Distinguish the types of text on the examples below. Write a if it is informative, b if
journalistic and c if it is literature .
26. I sprung from a hardy race, child of many generations removed of ancient Malayan
27. A low pressure has entered in Philippine Area of Responsibility and was seen in Abra
yesterday afternoon moving eastern part of Luzon.
28. Nap is needed by our body everyday. When nerves and tissues are tired they need to a rest.
Though nap only takes an hour or few minutes, it relaxes our body.
29. This seed within him is an immortal seed that marks his manhood, symbol of dignity as a
human being.
30. Salinap National High School has conducted an INTRAMS 2017 last Thursday and Friday last
week to scout best players to compete in the Division Meet.
Subject-Verb Agreement: Choose/Give the correct verb usage in the sentences below .
31. Everybody ___ a winner
a. love b. loves c. loved
32. The funny shows on TV ___ my sources of laughter.
a. are b. is c. was d. were
33. Miss Angela Reyes is one of the teachers ___
a. that b. which c. who d. whom
34. The program committee ___ the invitation .
a. distribute b. distributes c. distributed
35. There ___ pieces of paper on the floor .
a. is b. are c. was d. were
36. Either Nora or her friends ___ coming .
a. is b. are c. was d. were
37. His family including their pets ___ in the ancestral home.
a. stay b. stays c. stayed d. was staying
38. My instructor and friend ___ abroad .
a. is b. are c. was d. were
39. The latest news about the sea mishap ___ as a shock to us.
a. come b. comes c. came d. coming
40. A number of students ___ required to undergo a training.
a. is b. are c. was d. were
41.-50. Identify the correct kind of punctuation mark to be used the sentences below.
41. It is found after salutations in a formal letter.
a. semi – colon b. colon c. dash d. hymen
42. It is used with certain numbers, after a certain prefixes, with two or more words used as
a. colon b. dash c. hyphen d. semi-colon
43. Are used to enclose direct quotation.
a. colon b. dash c. semi-colon d. quotation mark
44. Are used to end declarative and imperative sentences, indirect question and abbreviations.
a. comma b. exclamatory point c. period d. question mark.
45. Are used to separate three or more words, phrases, or phrases in a series.
a. colon b. dash c. period d. semi-colon.
46. Are used to join independent clauses that are not joint by a conjuction.
a. comma b colon c. comma d. semi – colon
47. Are used to introductory word, phrase or clause.
a. comma b. colon c. period d. semi-colon
48. Are used to introduce a list of items following an independent clauses.
a. colon b. dash c. period d.semi-colon
49. Are used to indicate places, dates and titles.
a. comma b. dash c. period d. semi-colon
50. Are used to end a direct question, an incomplete question, or a statement that is intended
as a question.
a. comma b. exclamatory mark c. period c. question

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Department of Education
San Carlos City Division
English 10
First Quarter Assessment
Name:_________________________________ Score:______________

Teacher:_______________________________ Gr. /Section:__________

I .Direction: Read each item carefully and follow directions as indicated. Write the letter of
the most appropriate answer on your answer sheet.

A. Vocabularies and Special Terms

Identify and match each item in column A with the most appropriate meaning or description
in column B.

1. Abashed a. called forth
2. Summoned b. non-verbal language
3. Explicit signals, directly stated c. words or expressions
4. Implicit d. ashamed
B. Grammar:

Modals: Identify the kind of modals used in the underlined words below. Write letter only.

a. Ability b. obligation c. probability d. willingness

5. It’s true, sorrows in life may bring despair.
6. We must find courage even in small things that we do.
7. We will endure even the greatest sufferings that will come our way.
8. Ordinary trials can be turned into extraordinary moments.

Intensive and Reflexive Pronoun: Determine whether each underlined word is used as intensive or
reflexive pronoun. Write a for intensive and b for reflexive.

9. Judge how much you know about yourself.

10. Life itself offers you many opportunities.

Reading and Literature:

Read and infer each of the following short passages carefully and copy the letter of the word or
phrase that best completes each numbered item.

Exploring the Sea of Goodness

Do you believe that a sea of goodness is possible in this world ? I always believe it is possible.
Doing something good, no matter what the consequence are will always make me contented and

There are a lot of ways I can do such, especially in doing something “good” for others. The steps
are easy but zealousness, humility and consistency are the subtle ways, Here are the simple ones:

The first one is I imagine that I am in the place of the other person I’ll do good to. I’ll imagine
how she’ll feel and react. That way, I’ll think doing good to significant others will make me least a
better person. That will make me be grateful that I have done something good.
With this simple but notable ways I can prove to myself to others and to God that I can explore
the sea of goodness in this ever changing world. How about you, an you explore it also ? I bet you can !

11. The main point of the article is best expressed in sentence n. _________
a. 3 b. 4 c. 10 d. 12
12. Exploring the sea of goodness, means you are practicing___.
a. Conscientiousness b. humility c. righteousness d. sympathy
13. The kind of evidence used by the writer to support her stand is through ___
a. Anecdotes b. examples c. statistics d. video
14. The generalization of statement about life or human experience the passage make is to
a. Bring out the best in you
b. Stand up for one’s belief
c. Struggle against the odds.
d. Take strength to bear up the odds.

The best way to overcome a disability is to face it head – on and not to let it prevent you
from achieving great things. This is the lesson I draw from the lives of two people whom I
admire – the musician Stevie Wonder and the track – and – field star Jackie Joyner-Kersee. I
respect them for their courage and strength in overcoming obstacles in order to be
successful in their fields. They taught me never to give up no matter how intimidating the
obstacles I face.

15. This passage would probably interest a / an___

a. Adolescent b. adult c. child d. old man
16. The passage is most probably a part of a / an ___
a. Anecdote b. autobiography c. letter d. statistics
17. To support his claim, the writer uses ___
a. Facts b. opinion c. reasons d. statistics
18. An effective persuasive technique used by the author to emphasize his point is though appealing
to ___.
a. Emotion b. moral c. reasons d. statistics

“When the world looks hopeless

And life is not fair,
Throw back your shoulders
And do not despair,”
19. – 28. Interpret the passage and answer the questions correctly.
19.The expression to “throw back your shoulders “ means _____
a. exercise your shoulders
b. forget your responsibilities
c. ignore your problem
d. show your feelings
20. The passage appeals more to the sense of ____.
a. Feeling b. Sight c. sound d. taste
21. Most probably, the writer’s purpose in this passage is to ___
a. Express a feeling
b. give an advice
c. reveal the truth
d. win other’s approval

An excerpt from : Rabbi BEN EZRA

By Robert Browning
Then, welcome each rebuff
That turns earth’s smoothness rough,
Each sting the bids no sit nor stand nor go!
Be our joys three parts pain!
Strive, and hold cheap the starin’,
Learn, nor account the pang; dare, never
Grudge the three.
22. The word in the poem which is the opposite of “acceptance” is___.
a. bids b. joys c. pangs d. rebuff
23. Lines no. 5 to 7 appeal more to the sense of ___
a. feeling b. sight c. taste d. touch
24. The tone of the poem is more of _____
a. admiration b. criticism c. inspirational d. pride

If you have endured a great despair

Then you did it alone.
Getting a transfusion from a fire,
Picking the scabs off your heart,
Then wringing it out like a sock.
- From courage by Anne Sexton
25. The feeling that the writer intends us to have toward life is ___.
a. contentment b. courage c. fear d. hopelessness
26. The word in the poem that gives hint to the mood it evokes is ___.
a. aspired b. sail c. sink d. succeed
27. The figures of speech used in the poem is ____.
a. alliteration b. metaphor c. personification d. simile
28. The last two lines of the poem express___
a. arrogance b. courage c. optimism d. warning

If were a man, a young man, and knew what I know to-day,

I would look into the eyes of Life undaunted
By any fate that might threaten me,
I would give to the world what the world most wanted –
Manhood that knows it can do and be:
Courage that dares, and faith that can see
Clear into the depths of the human soul,
And find God there, and ultimate goal…..
29. The passage appeals more to the sense of ____
a. feelings b. sight c. sound d. taste
30. The writer’s attitude toward inner strength is best describe as ___
a. admiration b. criticism c. inspiration d. support
Logical Organization: Arrange the following events from the story “Orpheus” in their logical
order. Write letter a, if it comes first, b if comes second, c if comes third and d if
Is comes last.

31. Hades told Orpheus not to look back on Eurydice until they got on earth.
32. Orpheus fell in love with a young woman named Eurydice and got married. Soon after their
marriage, Eurydice died because of a poisonous snake.
33. Orpheus wandered the earth alone and longed for the time when he, too would die and be
reunited with Eurydice.
34. Orpheus roamed around the earth, played music to overcome his grief but it was no use.
He decided to go to underworld.

Create a timeline of the movie Life of Pi by arranging the sequence of the story by writing a, b, c
and d respectively to first, second, third and end of the story.

35. Pi found means to feed Richard Parker and tamed him. They arrived in Mexico where
Richard ran into the wild and Pi being rescued and brought into custody.
36. Pi’s family decided to immigrate to Canada on a cargo ship named Tsimtsum.
37. A terrible storm occurred during the voyage which left Pi together with four animals on the
38. The hyena wounded and ate the zebra, then went after the orangutan but Richard Parker,
the Bengal tiger finally made himself killed the hyena. Only Pi and Richard survived on the
Language Watch: Use the correct conjunctive adverbials in the sentences below.
39. The wealthy socialite wore only designer clothes. ___ her beau wore only suits by Inno
a. also b. consequently c. for the reason d. otherwise
40. The whole family cleaned up all the drainage. ____they planted young saplings in
a.Also b. consequently c. for the reason that d. otherwise
41. The younger brother was a charming young man, full of life and vigor. ___the other one
was a serious withdrawn who preferred to stay in the background.
a. also b. consequently c. the contrast d. otherwise
42. Only royalty, the rich and the powerful wore fashionable footwear . ___ the tradesmen and
craftsmen of the shoemaking industry became wealthy.
a. also b. consequently c. however d. otherwise
43. In the countryside, there is quiet which is the mere absence of noise . In the wilderness,
___the voice of the living earth is the voice of sentence.
a. consequently b. for the reason that c. however d. otherwise
44. By remaining faithful to a calling , we can create the conditions for a purpose and pattern
in our days . ___ we should endeavor to find those few causes peculiarly our own.
a. consequently b. for that reason c. otherwise d similarly
45. Any community worth having in must have a web of people faithful to one another
____there will be stagnation and decay.
a. consequently b. in contrast c. otherwise d. similarly
46. Many people invest too much in tomorrow, they hardly live at all. ___ we should use and
embrace life right now.
a. also b. for that reason c. otherwise d. similarly
47. You cannot give anybody in this world what you do not have . ___ you must concentrate
on being the best you can be, to be able to give back your best to the world
a. however b. otherwise c. similarly d. therefore
48. The next time you really get annoyed and angry, examine the situation. ____ it is crazy and
you just get the giggles.
a. otherwise b. similarly c. therefore d. usually
49.Animal communication system are closed . ___ human systems are open
a. consequently b. instead c. nevertheless d. on the contrary
50. Air envision exists in the Los Angeles Basin. ___pollution is high
a. consequently b. for that reason c. however D. instead

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