4 Utility Poles of Reinforced and Prestressed Pipe PDF

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Title NO .


Utility Poles of Reinforced

and Prestressed Pipe

Design of utility poles of circular section constructed of reinforced

concrete and prestressed pipe, which are subjected to relatively high
bending moments and to negligible axial forces and shear stresses, is
considered. Forces acting on simple, corner, and other poles are con-
sidered, as well as how to distribute the reinforcement to obtain best
results. Design formulas are suggested.

n POLES OR PYLONS SUPPORTING OVERHEAD utility lines are subdivided

as follows:
1. “In-between” poles on a straight line, subsequently called “simple poles”
2. End poles
3. Corner poles
4. Anchorage poles


Simple poles should be equidistant from each other to balance the
tension on both sides. The horizontal forces are wind pressure normal
to wires (or their enlarged sections due to snow and ice) and tension
in case of a one-sided rupture of wires. As a rule, these poles are de-
signed for wind pressure as the main horizontal force, with an allow-
ance in reinforcement for the possible rupture of a cable or two out of
a great number.
End poles usually contain anchorages in their lower portions and are
designed mainly for one-sided pull in their upper portions.
Corner poles, such as are used at street corners, often cannot be
anchored and are designed for the resulting pull of two lines on their
full height.
Anchorage poles are designed for one-sided traction.
In all cases, although reinforced concrete pipe used as utility poles
are subjected to axial forces and to bending moments, their design
usually takes into account only the bending moments, as the axial forces
due to dead load, wires, and snow load are of minor importance.* (In
*See Sachnowsky, Stahlbetonkonst7uktionen, VEB Verlag Technik, 1956 (translated from


E. Wolmrn. consulting structural engineer, Tel-Aviv, Israel, became interested

in concrete utility poles when consulted on this subject by some manufacturers
of reinforced concrete pipe. He holds a number of patents in the structural
field, including prestressed concrete pipe. Previously chief quantity surveyor
for bridges and culverts with the Israel Railways, most of his recent work has
been concerned with industrial buildings.

steel pole design, the axial forces are taken into account because of the
buckling of slender sections.)
The design of reinforced concrete poles should also take into account
the bending moments encountered during transportation and erection.
The allowable stresses in this paper are those of AC1 Code for flexure
or similar values.

The following three methods of distributing reinforcement are dealt
1. Reinforcement equally distributed around the circumference. This
can be used for any kind of pole.
2. Reinforcement concentrated at two opposite sides. This can be used
for simple poles against moments in the main direction, and for end and
anchorage poles, provided that some reinforcement distributed accord-
ing to Method No. 1 is added against.secondary moments. This arrange-
ment requires special marking of the poles for proper orientation during
3. Reinforcement distributed in accordance with a cosine function.
This is a refinement of Method No. 1. It can be used for any kind of
pole and it also requires marking for orientation.
The following notation will be used (other terms are explained where
they are used in the text):
D = outside diameter of pipe
t = wall thickness
r = medial radius
f. = permissible stress in concrete (compression)
f. = permissible stress in reinforcement (tension)
f.’ = permissible stress in reinforcement (compression)
Q = external force
P = total internal force (PC- for concrete; PAs-for reinforcement in
tension; PL8 - for reinforcement in compression)
a, = area of reinforcement per unit length of circumference
A, = total tensile reinforcement
A,’ = total compressive reinforcement
Ar = sum of A, and A,’ (total reinforcement)
n I ratio of modulus of elasticity of steel to that of concrete

Reinforcement equally distributed around circumference

Assuming no tensile stresses in concrete, to obtain simplified formulas
it is further assumed (a) that the reinforcement is located on the pipe’s
medial circumference, and (b) that the maximum permissible stress fC
is referred to point A and not to point A’ (Fig. 1).
Actually, (a) the longitudinal reinforcement is slightly outside the
medial line which ensures a slightly increased margin of safety; and
(b) taking into account the slenderness of the pipe wall, the maximum
compression at point A’ at the top is somewhat higher than fC, but the
error is negligible.
In accordance with Fig. 1:
f.’ = nfO 2r=D-t
T - X
x= nfc 2r sin a =
nfO + f. T

The compressive stress z at a point y distance above the mentioned

axis is:

z=fc +
where: y=rsin (++a) - (r-x)
The total concrete compressive force is then:
P, =
J 0
ztrcl$J = trf,

= trf,
o rsin (@+a) - (r-XE)d+

[2 eos a - sin 01 (T - 2a) ] ..,. ,... (1)

1 - sin a

If a, denotes the reinforcement per unit length of circumference, A,,

A z
n ?

Fig. l-Reinforcement equally distributed around circumference of pole


the total reinforcement, and A, and A,’ the tensile and compressive
reinforcement, respectively, then:
AT = A, + A; = 2rra,. .._......._........................... (2)
The total compressive force on A,’ is:
PA’R = a, f,t T r sin (+ + a) - (r - 2) d+
s0 2

ATf.’ [2 cos (I - sin a (T - ~cc)] ( 3 )

= 2~ (l-sina)

The tensile stress z’ in reinforcement at a point y’ distance below the

neutral axis is:
z’ III f# --!L.-
2r - x
where : y’ = r sin (q~ - CZ) + (r - 2)
The total tensile force on A, is therefore

PA8 :+2az.dry
_ A;.f# - f; /wt2G r sin t* TACT- ; (r - 5) dQ
1 0

= 2~ (1 + sin a) [2 cos a + sin (I (T + 2a) ] ( 4 )

The distance of application of forces [ and C are, respectively:

E = JydP, _ had@ _ S.“-‘” [r sin (# + a) - (r - x)l*d@
PC -x.x- JOT-^ [rsin (g + CC) - (r - x)d+
= T W (w-2~) -gsin2a +sin*a (T-2a) (5)
2 cos OL - sin (W - 2a)

E, = Jy’dPls _ fy’sdq _ 1.‘+‘” CT sin (or, - a) + (T - xl*d~

PAS -Sy’dll, - $.“‘^ [rsin (y,--(I) + (T-x)]dtp
=r +$ (7r+2ti) +ssin2a+sin*a (r+2a)
2 cos (I + sin (X (T + 20~) (6)

The lever arm of interior forces is:

l=E+y ..,.....,...,.......,,................................. (7)
If moments are taken about the centers of application of interior
forces G and G’ and are then made equal to the moment of exterior
forces, then:
M = PJ + PA’81 = P.J .._........................................ (8)

For each set of values of fB, fC, and n Eq. (8) gives the fundamental
formulas for calculating the medial radius T and the total reinforcement
AT, as explained in the following example.

f, = 24,000 psi; fc = 1209 psi; n= 10

MO 2r = -+ r; T - X
sin 01~ ___ 1
= -; (Y = 30 deg = 0.52 radians
x = nfo + f. X 2

* - 2lY = 2.10; = + 2cr = 4.28; f,'=nfc = 12,000 psi

sin 2 (I = 0.87; 2 cos a = 1.74

1 1 2
= 2;
1 - sin a 1 + sin u = 3
1 =1660tr (1.1)

P,'s = 2Ap F
1.74 - $ 2.10
1 = 2640A~ (3.1)

1.74 +.+ 4.28
1= 9900 AT (4.1)

f 2.10 - 4 0.87 + + 2.10 0.27

5x7 = ~ r = 0.39r (5.1)
1.74 - + 2.10 0.69

+4.28 + + 0.87 + +- 4.28 4.51

EJZf = - r = 1.16~ ( 6 . 1 )
1.74 + + 4.28 3.88

2 = 5 + 5' zz 1.557. ( 7 . 1 )
M = 1660 tr X 1.55 r + 2640 AT X 1.55 7 = 9900 AT X 1.55 r (6.1)

AT= &tr=L
15,200 r (9.1)

l-=l M
-...... . ..(lO.l)
59 d- t
Eq. (9.1) and (10.1) are sufficient for the determination of A and r.
Since D = 2r + t, the external diameter is easily obtained as shown in the
following numerical example.
Numerical example
A corner pole made of reinforced concrete pipe of a net height of h = 30 ft
is subjected to two traction forces T set at 90 deg, each equal to 400 lb and wind
force acting along the diagonal equal to 100 lb (Fig. 2).
Find the required diameter and reinforcement at the base if the thickness
of wall is t 2 2 in.


Fig. 2-Example problem

The total force is: Q=T~/2+W=400~~+100=666lb
and M = 666 x 30 x 12 = 240,000 in.-lb
According to Eq. (9.1) and (10.1)

r=591 240,000 2 = 5.85 in.; 4.38 2 x 5.85 = 2.61 s q in.


D = 2 x 5.85 + 2 = 13.7 in.

Reinforcement concentrated at opposite points

Since in case of rupture or removal of cables the pull may occur on
either side, the reinforcement should be equal at opposite points of the
section (Fig. 3)) i.e.:

The center of application of total force on the concrete remains G.

The centers of application of forces on reinforcement are assumed to be
A and B. Consequently, the fundamental equations will be obtained
by equalling inner and outer moments, and by equalling the inner

M = P, (27. - x + t) ++A& 27 ( 1 1 )

Pc++$Arf,'=MA~fa (12)

If the figures of the previous example are adopted, then:

M = 1660 tr (4/3 + 0.39) T + MAT 12,000 x 2r
1660 tr + W AT 12,000 = $ AT 24,000

M = 2850tr'+ 12,000 ATT

AT=&tc=~. (9.2)
22,ooor ".

Fig. 3-Reinforcement concentrated at opposite sides of pole

1 M (10.2)
r=78.5 Gt
Eq. (9.2) and (10.2) give the dimensions and reinforcement required
which, obviously, are much smaller than in the previous example.
It should be noted that (1) Some additional reinforcement should be
added to withstand forces in other directions. (2) Wind and traction
forces should be dealt with separately as the pole is normally subjected
to wind only and traction occurs only with the rupture of cables.
Cosine distribution of reinforcement
It is known from the exact theory of three-dimensional structures*
that in the case of a hollow vertical cylinder, fixed at its base and sub-
jected to a horizontal force Q (see Fig. 4 and 5)) the force at a section KL
x: distance below Q, and at an angle + to the direction of Q, is

The total force on the half section ACB is

P= n.rd+ = z
s --r/z
Now, if the reinforcement is distributed so that there is equal stress
at any section, i.e., f8 is constant, then

and the reinforcement for the whole section is


Fig. 4 ( l e f t ) - P I a n v i e w o f c y l i n d r i c a l p o l e . F i g . 5 ( r i g h t ) - E l e v a t i o n

AT = 2A, = s... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(13)

The amount of reinforcement in section KC is:

asI = -EL ’ TCOS$d(b= M sin +

df. s0 flf.
and in section KK’

a,* = + (sin 2+ - sin 9)

By this method the reinforcement is easily distributed along the cir-
At point D:
tp=--s; cosq5=-1
maximum compression is:
M = tfc + a.f,’
-& nlax = ~

a.=* sin
r9 c $4-0 =-

9-X M f. - f.’
-flfo (14)
According to the same theory, the shear force is
nzG = $ sin fp

If the shear is to be taken by concrete alone, then

V mar = ~Q (15)
Using the same permissible stresses as previously, i.e., fC = 1200 psi,
f8 = 24,000 psi, and f; = 12,000 psi, we get:
AT=L ..(13.1)

r=- M
- (14.1)
87 (-
This distribution of reinforcement enables the pole to withstand bend-
ing moments in the perpendicular direction, i.e., it is suited to withstand
wind action or traction at an angle. The theoretical determination in
the perpendicular direction involves, however, integration difficulties
which, if solved by development in series, would present formulas too
cumbersome for use; this part, therefore, has been omitted as it would
seem more reliably established by tests.

Only the case of prestressed reinforcement uniformly distributed
along the circumference is considered, all other cases can be similarly
computed. Accordingly, the reader is referred to p. 1049 and to Fig. 1.
At first, it is assumed that the concrete alone has to withstand the
bending moment; therefore, it is subjected to equal compression and
tension at both extremities (Fig. 6). Accordingly, referring to Fig. 1:
x = r and a = 0.
Introducing these values in Eq. (1) , (5)) (6)) and (7) :
P, = 1 - P, 1 = Ztrf, ., ( l p )

g=y=$ (5P)

l=F;+Y=J& .,, (7p)

According to Fig. 6:
M = P,Z = 2trf.T = &jet (8~)

*See Girkman. Flaechentragwerke, 2nd Edition pp. 324-332.


Fig. 6-Case for prestressed reinforce-


__- M
T= .,..,. ,...,.. (lop)
Rfc t
Next, the uniformly distributed reinforcement is prestressed in a
manner as to neutralize the maximum tensile stress in the concrete.
Consequently, if a, is as previously, the reinforcement per unit length
of the circumference, then:

and since
AT = Zrra. (see p. 1050, Eq. 2)

~.AT = 2~7. fct

A T = Zn-rt
+ (9p)
Now the concrete has been compressed by prestressing to the limit fc
and has then been subjected to a bending moment which has caused
additional compression of f. i.e., the total stress in the extreme fiber
is 2 fc (see Fig. 6).
Similarly, the reinforcement is strained to the limit 2 f8.*
According to the AC1 Code for flexure, the values of fO and f8 should
be taken as approximately half of the ultimate strength. In prestressing,
however, the permissible stresses can be taken much nearer to the
ultimate strength since there is no fear of cracks due to tensile stresses
in concrete. In this case it is proposed, therefore, to fix the permissible
stresses both for concrete and steel as 2/3 of ultimate strength stresses.
The values of f. and f8 to be introduced in Eq. (15~)) (16~)) and (17~)
will therefore be:
*Utility poles are subjected to cable traction or wind pressure from both sides, whereas
ordinary beams under vertical loads are subjected to forces in one direction only. There-
fore, ordinary beams are prestressed on the tension side only whereas poles are prestressed
symmetrically on both sides with the resulting doubled stress in concrete and double amount
of prestressing steel.

f. = +$ x 2/5 x ultimate concrete stress = l/3 ultimate concrete stress

f. = +4 X N x ultimate steel tensile stress = 4s ultimate steel tensile stress
The ultimate stresses for concrete and steel are respectively, 6000 and 120,000
psi; f. = r&, x 6000 = 2000 psi; f. = yd x 120,000 = 40,000 psi.

AT=1 tr= M
3.18 20,ooor
1 M (1OP.l)
l.=79.3 /-

Problems facing the designer of utility poles made of reinforced con-
crete pipes have been reviewed. Formulas have been established for
cylindrical and slightly conical pipe with circular sections serving as
poles. It has been shown that:
1. The most economical solution for poles with main moments in one direction
is to concentrate reinforcement at two opposite points.
2. The cosine distribution of reinforcement offers less reinforcement and a
smaller diameter than reinforcement uniformly distributed.
3. Prestressing does not offer as much material advantage over simple rein-
forcement as in cases of structures subjected to loads from one direction.

Received by the Institute Sept. 23, 1958. Title No. 56.52 is a part of copyrighted Journal, of the
American Concrete Institute, V. 31, No. 10, Apr. 1960 (Proceedings V. 56). Separate prints are
available at 50 cents each.

American Concrete Institute, P.O. Box 4754, Redford Station, Detroit 19, Mich

Discussion of this paper should reach ACI headquarters in triplicate by

July 1, 1960, for publication in the Part 2, December 1960 JOURNAL.

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