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For me, the demographic change best suited for the Philippines

should be in terms of fertility rate, and because of its continuous

increase, it is probably one of the factors that makes the
Philippines an overpopulated country. The Philippines is an
example of a developing country that is experiencing rapid
population growth, fuelled by high fertility, presents a barrier to
reducing poverty levels and reaching other internationally agreed
development goals. A growing population definitely serves as an
advantage for an economy only if it meets the quality of labor
required by businesses but the problem with the Philippines, is that
growth in its population is driven by poor households who cannot
afford to provide education and other basic needs for their
children. Consequently, these children grow up finding difficulty in
getting jobs and end up being poor themselves. The population
growth of the Philippines is undeniably unsustainable and there
are humane ways to limit it such as, raising awareness among
people regarding family planning; let them know about various safe
sex techniques and contraceptives methods available to avoid any
unwanted pregnancy; and educating the masses that helps them
understand the need to have one or two children at the most.

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