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*Sample Work*




Do a quick check of your knowledge of the four modalities prescribed in the LCP—face- to-face
(F2F) learning, DL, blended learning (BL), and home schooling. In your own words, define each modality.
Write your own definitions in your Study Notebook. When you are done, check Lesson 1, Activity 1 Answer
Key 1 to see how well you did.

Now, answer this question: Which of the LDMs do not have an F2F learning component? Write
down your answer in your Study Notebook, and then check it against Lesson 1, Activity 1

1. Face-to-face (F2F) learning refers to a learning delivery modality where the teacher and learner/s are
physically in one venue. There are opportunities for active engagement, immediate feedback and socio-
emotional development of learners. It may be conducted in any available physical learning space.

2. Distance learning refers to a learning delivery modality where a learner is given materials or access to
resources and he/she undertakes self-directed study at home or in another venue. Learners engage in
independent learning at home or in any physical learning space applicable, by using learning materials that
are accessible either online, stored on CD/DVD/USB Flash drive, or in printed form, or by viewing TV
lessons or listening to radio-based instruction while being geographically distant from the teacher. The
teacher supervises and monitors the learner’s progress and provides remediation and enhancement when
needed and possible. Assistance may be provided by a learning facilitator who may be a parent or any
member of the family, or a community stakeholder.

3. Blended learning refers to a learning delivery modality using a combination of the features of F2F
learning and distance learning. It can be (1) F2F and modular distance learning; (2) F2F and online distance
(3) F2F and TV-based instruction/Radio-based instruction; or (4) F2F and any combination of the other
types of distance learning.

4. Home schooling refers to an alternative learning delivery mode (ADM) that provides learners with access
to formal education while staying in an out-of-school environment, with parents, guardians, or tutors as
authorized facilitators instead of classroom teachers. This does not preclude going to a school on specific
periods to develop learning competencies that require the use of laboratory, equipment, and others. It uses
any or a combination of the various learning delivery modalities.

Read two documents: Guidance on Distance Learning and Non-Negotiable Minimum Requirements
for Distance Learning. As you go through the readings, complete the Distance Learning Matrix. Share your
completed matrix at your next LAC Session. Your goal is to come to a shared understanding with your peers
on the different DL modalities and their defining features and requirements.

Distance Learning Matrix

Distance Distinguis Essential Role of Teacher Role of Parent Role of

Learning hing Resources or Household School
Modalities Feature Member
Modular Individualiz -Self-Learning - Provide Self- -Serve as learning -Availability of
Distance ed Modules Learning Modules facilitators the complete
Learning instructions (SLMs) in print (SLMs) printed or set of SLMs in
(MDL) where or digital format digital -Supervise and print or digital
learners use monitor the format as well
self- - - Monitor the progress of their as textbooks/
learning Textbook/Learn learners’ progress children’s modular Learners’
modules ers’ Materials through text distance learning Material
(SLMs) (LMs) messaging or
audio/video calls
Online Teacher -Various -Facilitates -Supervise and -Ensure that
Distance facilitates technologies Learning monitor the screen learning
Learning learning and connected to the time of the learners facilitators are
(ODL) engages internet (laptops, -Gives oriented on the
learners’ tablets, assignments and - Attend orientation recommended
active smartphones, learning tasks to be capacitated in screen time, as
participatio desktop the use of the well as break
n using computers) -Monitor the Learning time from the
various learner’s Management screen.
technologie -Internet difficulties and to System (LMS),
s Connectivity see how they have DepEd Commons - Ensure that
connection been progressing and LR Portal ICT
to the -DepEd in the lesson coordinator
internet Commons and teachers
-Provide are
-LR Portal interventions to knowledgeable
the learner’s on managing
difficulties LMS and
navigating the
Commons and
the LR Portal
Distance Distinguis Essential Role of Role of Parent Role of
Learning hing Resources Teacher or Household School
Modalities Feature Member
TV-Based Use of Television on -Facilitate -Ensure children’s -Orient the
Instruction television channels or learning through access to television teachers,
(TVBI) on channel stations the allotted parents and
or stations airtime in the -Supervise and learners about
dedicated to television monitor the the Television
providing network progress of their instruction
learning children’s learning policies and
context to -Provide complete as well as provide directions to
learners and appropriate guidance to their ensure that
context (Learning children everyone is
Modules in video properly
format as well as informed and
in print/e-copy) guided

-Distribute -Availability of
references/ MOA/ MOU
supplementary with a
materials to the television
learners Network for
the needed

complete and
Modules/ Self-
Modules in
video format
as well as in
materials for
distribution to
the learners’
Radio-Based Use of radio Radio Programs -Facilitate -Ensure children’s -Orient the
Instruction programs on stations learning through access to radio teachers,
(RBI) on stations the allotted parents and
dedicated to airtime/ slot in the -Supervise and learner about
providing radio station monitor the the Radio-
learning progress of their based
context to -Provide complete children’s learning instruction
learners and appropriate as well as provide policies and
context (Learning guidance to their directions to
Modules in radio- children ensure that
based lesson everyone is
format/ radio properly
script as well as informed and
in print/ e-copy guided
for quarter 1
-Availability of
-Distribute MOA/MOU
references/supple with a Radio
mentary materials station for the
to the learners needed airtime/

complete and
Modules in
video format
as well as in
for quarter 1

-Availability of
materials for
distribution to
the learners
Blended Any -Self-Learning -Provide Self- -Serve as learning -Provide the
Distance combination Modules Learning Modules facilitators complete set of
Learning of the (SLMs) print or (SLMs) print or SLM in print
different digital digital -Supervise and or digital as
distance monitor the well as
learning -Various -Monitor the progress of their textbooks,
types Technologies learners progress children Learners’
connected to the Materials
internet -Facilitates -Attend orientation (LMs) and
learning to be capacitated supplementary
-Internet on the difference materials
Connectivity -Give distance modalities
assignments and -Ensure that
-DepEd learning task -Ensure children’s facilitators,
Commons access to teachers and
-Provide television, radio learners are
-LR Portal interventions to and internet well oriented.
the learners’ connectivity.
-Television or difficulties
Radio programs
on channels or -Distribute
stations references/
materials to the

Consider the situation in your School/Division-your organizational capabilities, your level of

resources (infrastructure, financial, human), level of experience in DL, health and safety status, context and
capacities of your leaners and their household, etc.

Then rank the DL types-MDL, ODL, TVBI, RBI, and BL-from easiest to most difficult to
implement. Give the reasons for your ranking of each. Replicate the following table to write your answers in
your Study Notebook.

Be prepared to discuss your ranking at your next LAC Session.

Ranking (1 to 5, from Type of DL Why?

easiest to hardest to
-Most of our neighboring barangay were on
-Our school serves as quarantine facility for LSI
1 Modular Distance Learning -Socio-economic status (not all parents afford to
(MDL) buy gadgets for their children)
-Access to internet connection (not all learners
have internet connections at home)
-No child should be left behind, access to quality
education through individualized instruction
where learners use self-learning modules
- Most of our learners at home have televisions
2 TV-Based Instruction where they can watch different channels or
(TVBI) stations. I believed that the Schools Division of
Iloilo City is able to provide learning context
through the use of TV-Based Instruction
-There are many local radio channels or stations
3 Radio-Based Instruction in Iloilo that could help our Division in
(RBI) providing learning context to the learners since
most of our learners enrolled have radios at
-Socio-economic status (not all parents afford to
4 Online Distance Learning buy gadgets for their children)
(ODL) -Access to internet connection (not all learners
have internet connections at home)
-Any combination of the difference distance
5 Blended Distance Learning learning types
-Most of our neighboring barangay were on
-Our school serves as quarantine facility for LSI

The LCP assures that all possible measures will be taken to ensure that no child will be excluded
from learning during the COVID-19 crisis. Think about groups of learners in your School/Division who
might require special consideration to be able to participate in DL. Describe what targeted interventions you
would develop to include them. Listed below are some examples which may be relevant to your context.
Add others as appropriate. Write down your answers in your Study Notebook and share your ideas at your
next LAC Session.

Learner Group Targeted Intervention

Learners without parents or -Create a school climate and structures that support family
household member who can involvement.
guide and support their learning at -Provide families with a list of required mastery skills for each
home subject taught at your grade level.
-Invite families to share hopes for and concerns about children and
then work together to set student goals.
Beginning readers (K to 3) -Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies exercises pair strong and weak
readers who take turns reading, rereading, and retelling.
-Teacher read aloud perhaps one of the most effective methods for
improving student fluency and comprehension, as the teacher is the
expert in reading the text and models how a skilled reader reads
using appropriate pacing and inflection.
Struggling readers (Grades 4-12) -Have them read the same thing several times.
-Make use of a variety of books and materials.
No access to devices and Internet -Encourage parents to take advantage of community resources.
-Have students identify resources within their family.
Inaccessible (living in remote and/or -Encourage parents to take advantage of community resources.
unsafe areas) -Have students identify resources within their family.
Indigenous Peoples -Acknowledging the existence of a community beyond the classroom
to which the teacher is responsible.
-Participate and initiate activities outside the classroom, many
involving the local IP community.
Persons with Disabilities -Keep things in perspective. A learning disability isn’t
-Be an advocate for your child.
Others? Specify.

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