Termination Criteria Report in Case of D

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Termination criteria Report in case of D/wall:

This report is prepared due to variation in ground condition occurs in CMRL project site. As the
ground profile is varying throughout the Project stretch and geotechnical investigation may not
be possible to carry out at all locations, the penetration criteria need to be developed and to be
utilized for smooth operation.

The termination criteria where established based on the machinery deployed and experience in
other projects.

1. The D/wall will be terminated in either as mentioned in below table-1.

2. 1m in the Rock, where UCS value shall be more than 50MPa, below base slab.

3. The depth of socketing below base slab shall be Maximum of 1 and 2 in D/wall to
prevent the overturning and earth pressure consideration.

The graph used for termination criteria is following:

As per above chart for the BC-30 if production rate shall be 5m3/h then the rock UCS value shall
be around 500 kg/cm2.

Cutter Dimension = 2.8m.

Let assume if cutter will penetrate 0.5m depth in 30 minute hence the production capacity shall
be 2.8m3/h hence the Rock UCS value shall be more than 500 kg/cm2.
The D/wall shall be terminated based on below Table:

Table: 1- Weather Rock is below base Slab bottom

Minimum DW Minimum DW Total

Penetration in Further Required Penetration

Grade V Penetration in
Grade IV or better

5.5 m
5m 0.5 m

5.1 m
4.5 m 0.6 m

4.75 m
4m 0.75 m

4.4 m
3.5 m 0.9 m

3m 1m

3.75 m
2.5 m 1.25 m

3.5 m
2m 1.5 m

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