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Vessel Sizing Wizard Petrogas Jahan; LTD; CO.

Version 2.0

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Nozzle Sizing Inlet Diverter

Oversizing factor % ( Typically 0~1 ) 20% Enter design criteria for Nozzle Sizing: You can customize the design criteria by entering them.

The inlet nozzle size should be between 24.9 & 29.8 inches (Velocity Basis).Also dF> 30.2" (Rho.V2 Basis) or 20.1" (CEP Method). Select proper NPS from below. User Input Criteria V min (m/s) V max (m/s)
r V 2 (Pa)
Inlet Nozzle size dF inch 26 u=9.2 m/s Inlet 7 10 7~13 m/s or 1000 Pa (for no inlet device) / 1500 Pa (for half open pipe) by default.

The heavy liquid outlet nozzle size should be between 1.8 & 2.6 inches. Select proper NPS from below. Liquid Outlet (W) - 2~4 m/s (Water) by default.
Heavy Liquid Outlet Nozzle size d HL inch 2.5 u=2.1 m/s

The light liquid outlet nozzle size should be between 2.9 & 5.1 inches. Select proper NPS from below. Liquid Outlet (HC) - 1~3 m/s (Hydrocarbon) by default.
Light Liquid Outlet Nozzle size d LL inch 3 u=2.9 m/s

The vapor outlet nozzle size should be between 14.4 & 20.3 inches (Velocity Basis) or greater than 22.9" (Rho.V2 Basis). Select proper NPS from below. Vapor Outlet 15~30 m/s or 3750 Pa by default.
Vapor Outlet Nozzle size dv inch 16 u=24.1 m/s

Extera Process Condition for K value modification Baffle Plate MeshPad

(Vapor velocity Modification):
Vapor Under Vaccume? Yes No

Glycol or Amin Solution? Yes No

Compressor suction scrubbers/mole sieve scrubbers/expander inlet seperator Yes No

As per Table.1 of Article, Calculated K is equal to 0.14 ft/s; Otherwise Enter Here: K ft/s Kalculator

Select a case to evaluate Holdup and Surge Time. Also you can enter them manually or enter surge+slug+ other extra volumes instead of surge time.

Select an operation case for the seperator: B1. Feed to column

Program's default value for your selected case is: TH=5min &Ts=3min.
if you wish to enter Holdup time and Surge time manually, check this checkbox and enter them. Use my own value for TH &Ts

Personal factor Exprienced Trianed Inexprienced muliply holdup time by 1;1.2 or 1.5 respectively. By default=1.
Instrument factor Well Standard Poorly muliply holdup time by 1;1.2 or 1.5 respectively. By default=1.

Surge volume based on Ts=3 min. is equal to 2.94 cubic meter. ( 104 cubic feet)
If you desire another one or needed to add extra volumes such as slug, enter Total Surge Volume here:

The Light Liquid Nozzle (H-L) assumed to be 0.31 m (1 ft) above the Liq-Liq Interface.
If you desire another one, enter here:

The Heavy Liquid Height (H-H) assumed to be 0.31m (1 ft).

If you desire another one, enter here:

The height of Light Liquid Nozzle to Main Baffle (H-R) is assumed by program and will be finalized at the end of calculation.
If you desire to force it to your costume value, enter here:

The Downcomer wide (WD) is assumed to be 101.6mm (4 inch).

If you desire another one, enter here:

Read Ks factor from the Table 1 [HL in LL]; [LL in HL] ks 0.163 0.163

Enter Operating or Design Tempereture and Material grade to evaluate Max. Stress and Density of alloy or Enter them manually.
Operating Temperature OT F 90
The design temp. calculated by program is equal to 60 C. (140 F)
If you desire another one enter here:

The design pressure calculated by program is equal to 38.7 Barg. (562 Psig)
Enter Design Pressure: Psia 500.0

Corrosion (Fluid Type) Noncorrosive Streams

Corrosion Allowance based on your selected fluid type is 3.81 mm. (0.15 in.)
Otherwise enter it:
Joint Efficiency (Typically=0.6~1.0) (0.85 for examined joints, 1.0 for 100% x-ray joints). Program default value is 0.85

Enter S and density of the alloy in below cells or Select the Alloy Type from this list: SA-285_C Carbon Steel S for this material in the design temp.= 13800 psi. You can costomize it by entering it in below cell.
Max tensile stress: S= 951 Bar (13800 psi). Otherwise enter here:
Density of theselected alloy =7850 kg/m3 (490 lb/ft3). Otherwise enter here: rM

All required data are filled. Now You can use Optimization Button.
Sizing Summary Vapor 16"
Diameter of Drum D mm 15713 Nozzle
Vessel Tan-Tan Length L mm 39283 L/D= 2.5 :OK

Shell Tickness ts mm 337 Feed quality= 0.82

Head tickness tH mm 167 Light liquid Residence time is OK
Weight of Vessel W kg 6246728 Heavy liquid Residence time is OK
HR is OK

Nozzle Sizing: HD= 17689 mm

Inlet Nozzle size dF inch 26 Feed Nozzle D= 15713 mm
Heavy Liquid Outlet Nozzle size dHL inch 2.5
Heavy Liquid Outlet Nozzle size dLL inch 3 Notice: 26"
Vapor Outlet Nozzle size dv inch 16 After Using find Button; Should Reset to recalculation all values! HBIN= 940 mm
Nozzle Oversizing Factor 20% User Input Option: Max. Liquid Level 1" Vent
D= mm Surge HS= 152 mm
Holdup Time TH min 68.1 Initial value of D=4250 mm
Surge Time TS min 30.1 HT Baffle HA= 152 mm
If you would like to costomize L/D Range; Enter them. WD
=39283mm AL
(L/D) ≥ 2.5 =102 mm HR= 229 mm
(L/D) ≤ 2.5 Light Liquid Nozzle
If you leave them empty; program sets 2.5 for Min and 2.5 for Max. Hpldup 3"
Baffle Plate No Light Liquid
MeshPad No HL= 10137 mm
Head Type Hemispherical Heads Interface
Material/Alloy grade and type: SA-285_C; Carbon Steel
Max. Operating Pressure MOP Barg 34.73 Heavy Liquid HH= 10137 mm
Dessign Pressure DP Barg 38.20
Dessign Temperature DT C 60.00

Corrosion Allowance C mm 3.81 Heavy Liquid

Joint Efficiency E 0.85 (Examined Joints) 2.5" Nozzle

Project: 0 Note:
Client: 0
Case No.: 0
Case Description: 0
Date: 0
Revision: 0

Prepare: 0
Check: 0
Approve: 0

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