Plasmodium Vivax Malaria: Is It Actually Benign?: Harpal Singh, Ankit Parakh, Srikanta Basu, Bimbadarh Rath

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Journal of Infection and Public Health (2011) 4, 91—95

Plasmodium vivax malaria: Is it actually benign?

Harpal Singh ∗, Ankit Parakh, Srikanta Basu, Bimbadarh Rath

Department of Pediatrics, Lady Hardinge Medical College and Kalawati Saran Children’s Hospital, New
Delhi 110001, India

Received 12 December 2010 ; received in revised form 7 March 2011; accepted 9 March 2011

KEYWORDS Summary Plasmodium vivax (Pv) malaria is being increasingly recognized as a

Children; cause of severe malaria in children.
Plasmodium vivax; Objectives: To describe the various severe manifestations associated with vivax
Severe malaria malaria by retrospective analysis of records.
Methods: Children between the ages of 0 and 18 years with a confirmed diagnosis
of Pv malaria monoinfection done by peripheral blood film (PBF) and/or rapid diag-
nostic test (RDT) admitted between June and September 2009 were included. Their
clinical, hematological and biochemical manifestations were analyzed.
Results: Twenty-three patients of Pv malaria were retrospectively analyzed. Throm-
bocytopenia was present in 22 (96%) patients with counts less than 50,000/␮L in 9
patients. Severe anemia (hgb < 5 mg/dl) was present in 8 (34%) patients. Cerebral
malaria was present in 3 patients. Liver enzymes were elevated (>3 times normal)
in 4 (17.3%) patients while jaundice (bilirubin > 2.5 mg/dl) was present in 2 patients
(total bilirubin 5.2 mg/dl and 14.3 mg/dl). Renal dysfunction (creatinine > 3 mg/dl)
was present in 6 (26%) patients with 2 patients showing severely deranged renal func-
tions (blood urea 168 mg/dl, 222 mg/dl and serum creatinine 5.0 mg/dl, 5.6 mg/dl,
respectively). Hypernatremia was present in one patient. One patient expired within
12 h of presentation because of severely deranged hepatic and renal dysfunction.
Conclusion: Pv malaria can lead to unusual and fatal complications. All new guide-
lines should include ‘‘Severe Vivax malaria’’ as a clinical entity. Further research
into the etiopathogenesis and treatment would be important.
© 2011 King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. Published by Elsevier
Ltd. All rights reserved.

∗ Corresponding author at: Room No. 20, New Registrar Block,

Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi 110001, India.

E-mail address: dr (H. Singh).

1876-0341/$ — see front matter © 2011 King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
92 H. Singh et al.

Introduction monoinfection was retrospectively analyzed. Ten

(44%) of these patients were female and mean age
Plasmodium vivax (Pv) also called as benign tertian of presentation was 5.4 years (±3.67) with range
malaria accounts for more than 50% of infection from 1 month to 12 years [<1 year 4 (17%); 1—5
in South East Asia region [1]. Although it is usu- years 9 (39%); 5—10 years 7 (30%); >10 years 3
ally associated with benign course recent literature (14%)]. Seventy percent of the children had moder-
suggests that Pv can lead to serious manifestations ate malnutrition (as per World Health Organization
[2—12] similar to Plasmodium Falciparum (Pf). The classification) but there was no child with severe
present report highlights the serious manifestation malnutrition. In four patients PBF was negative but
of Pv malaria in children from India. RDT was positive while one patient had positive PBF
but negative RDT.
Gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting)
were present in significant number (43.4%) of
Methods patients while seizures presented in 4 (17.3%)
patients. Three patients with seizures had cere-
Case records of children between 0 and 18 years of bral malaria but in fourth patient it was because of
age with diagnosis of Pv malaria between June and hypernatremia (173 meq/L). Hepatosplenomegaly
September 2009 were retrospectively analyzed. was present in all patients with mean size of liver
Children with mixed infection with Pf/any other and spleen being 2.7 cm (SD ± 1.19 cm) and 2.4 cm
malarial species or any other associated infection (SD ± 1.6 cm) below costal margins, respectively.
were excluded. Diagnosis of Pv was confirmed by Various severe manifestations of vivax malaria
peripheral blood film (PBF) examination and/or have been described in Table 1. Severe anemia
rapid diagnostic test (RDT). Severe manifestations (<5 mg/dl) was present in 8 (34%) cases. Throm-
of malaria [13] like seizure, jaundice, coma, severe bocytopenia (less than 150 × 103 /␮L) was a very
pallor, bleeding, oliguria, hypoglycemia, acidosis common (95.6%) manifestation while severe throm-
and ARDS were reviewed. Routine hematological bocytopenia (<50 × 103 /␮L) was present in 9 (39%)
and biochemical investigations were done in all patients. Three patients who had platelet counts
patients. less than 10 × 103 /␮L presented with bleeding man-
ifestation in the form of petechiae and purpura
which improved after platelet transfusion. Five
Results (21%) patients presented with pancytopenia.
Two patients presented with jaundice. One of
Among 232 patients of malaria infection presented those had indirect hyperbilirubinemia (total bil.
to our hospital during study period, 110 (47%) were 6.2 mg/dl, indirect bil. 5.1 mg/dl) with normal liver
of Pf monoinfection, 108 (46%) of Pv monoinfec- enzymes (AST 35 IU/L, ALT 18 IU/L, ALP 240 IU/L)
tion and 14 (6%) of mixed infection. Thirty-two who improved subsequently. This patient had no
patients of Pf monoinfection, 23 patients of Pv feature suggestive of hemolytic anemia in the form
monoinfection and 5 patients of mixed (Pf and Pv) of increased reticulocyte count, hemoglobinuria
infection presented with severe manifestation were or decreased haptoglobin. The one with direct
admitted. The record of these 23 patients of Pv hyperbilirubinemia (total bil. 14.3 mg/dl, direct bil.

Table 1 Manifestations of severe malaria positive for Plasmodium vivax.

S. no. Manifestation No. (%) of patients (n = 23)
1 Severe anemia (<5 mg/dl) 8 (34.7)
2 Thrombocytopenia (<150 × 103 /␮L) 22 (95.6)
3 Jaundice (bilirubin > 2.5 mg/dl) 2 (8.6)
4 Renal failure (creatinine > 3 mg/dl) 6 (26)
5 Cerebral malaria (Glasgow coma score < 9/14) 3 (13)
6 Disseminated intravascular coagulation 1 (4)
7 Deranged liver enzymes (>3 fold elevation) 4 (17.3)
8 Leucocytosis (>12,000/cumm) 3 (13)
9 Persistent vomiting 4 (17.3)
10 Multi organ dysfunction 1 (4)
11 Repeated generalized convulsions 4 (17.3)
Plasmodium vivax malaria: Is it actually benign? 93

9.3 mg/dl) had severely deranged liver and renal severe neutropenia, hydrocephalus [12] and multi-
parameters. Liver enzymes were elevated (>3 fold organ dysfunction [16,17] also have been reported
of normal) in 4 (17.3%) patients. Deranged coag- in children. All patients fulfilled the criteria of
ulation parameters were present in two patients. severe malaria [13] except that the parasites seen
In one patient (INR-1.8, aPTT — 78 s) it improved on PBS examination were of Pv and parasite load
conservatively while in other (INR — 3.2, aPTT — was not determined.
140 s) it required FFP (fresh frozen plasma) trans- Our clinical data strongly indicate that Pv
fusion. Deranged renal functions (serum creatinine malaria can cause sequestration related compli-
>2.5 mg/dl) were present in 6 patients. One of cation of severe malaria like cerebral malaria,
these had complete renal shutdown (urine output hepatic dysfunction, renal dysfunction, all of which
<0.1 ml/kg/h, serum creatinine −5.6 mg/dl) and usually associated with Pf malaria. Other non-
required peritoneal dialysis while other (urine out- sequestration related complications like severe
put — 0.3 ml/kg/h, serum creatinine — 5.0 mg/dl) anemia, thrombocytopenia, DIC are multifactorial,
improved conservatively in 5 days. None of these were more commonly seen. Possible mecha-
patients with renal involvement had albuminuria, nism underlying the anemia includes hemolytic
hematuria or hypertension. In one neonate cold effect of parasites, decreased deforming capac-
antibody Coomb Test positive hemolytic anemia, ity of parasitized cells and parasite product
with the peripheral smear showing Red blood cells mediated effect on erythropoisis. Newer mecha-
(RBC) agglutinates around the parasitized RBC was nisms like invasion of erythroblasts by parasites
present. We found no patient with hypoglycemia, have also been reported [18]. Thrombocytopenia
acidosis and acute respiratory distress syndrome has been attributed to increased splenic clear-
(ARDS). Three patients presented with cerebral ance, reduction of platelet survival, decreased
malaria had seizures and altered sensorium without platelet production and increased splenic uptake
any focal neurological deficit. Their cerebrospinal of platelet. Immunological reaction [19] and oxida-
fluid examination findings were normal. Neuroimag- tive stress [20] are also suggested mechanisms of
ing (CECT Scan) showed diffuse cerebral edema thrombocytopenia.
without any focal infarct or hypoattenuation. Although derangement of liver enzymes was
All patients were treated with intravenous qui- a common finding, severe malarial hepatitis was
nine and supportive care as per standard guidelines. found in only one child. Malarial hepatitis is known
Repeat PBF after 2 days showed clearance of par- to be caused by direct injury to hepatocytes by the
asite. Follow up which is routinely done in severe parasite [5—7]. There may be a wide variety of renal
malaria patients, showed no residual neurological manifestation associated with malaria but these
deficit in any patient with cerebral malaria. are more common with Pf infection. Acute renal
One nine-year-old boy expired with compli- failure, electrolyte abnormality, increased urinary
cation of Pv. This boy presented with severe protein excretion and abnormal urinary sediments
pallor, GI bleeding and oliguria who had severely have been reported in patient with Pv malaria [8,9].
deranged hepatic (AST 288 U/L, 340 U/L, total bil. We also observed deranged renal functions in sig-
14.3 mg/dl, direct bil. 6.7 mg/dl) and renal func- nificant number of patients however severe renal
tions (urea 222 mg/dl, creatinine 5.6 mg/dl) with failure was seen in only two patients.
abnormal coagulation profile. The child developed Our results are similar to other published data
disseminated intravascular coagulation (platelet from Indonesia, Pakistan and other studies from
count 20 × 103 /␮L, INR — 3.2, aPTT — 140 s, D dimer India. In a large study from Papua New Guinea,
— positive) and expired within 12 h of presentation. Indonesia which included both inpatient and
outpatients of malaria found that risk of severe
disease in the terms of severe anemia, respiratory
distress and coma were more common in Pv (23%)
Discussion as compared to Pf (20%) [21]. Another prospective
study conducted in two rural health facilities in
Pv which was initially thought to cause a mild Papua New Guinea reported 9537 cases of malaria,
infection with a benign course is now increasingly the risk of severe malaria was comparable in Pv
being recognized as a cause of severe malaria sim- and Pf especially in children less than 5 years of
ilar to Pf in adults and children including infants age [22]. One more study from Indonesia which
[14] and neonates [15]. Serious complications like included 1560 infants of less than 3 months of age
severe anemia [2], thrombocytopenia [3,4], bleed- of malaria. In these young infants, infection with Pv
ing, jaundice, hepatic dysfunction [5—7], renal was associated with a greater risk of severe anemia
dysfunction [8,9], cerebral malaria [10], ARDS [11], (odds ratio, 2.4; 95% CI 1.03—5.91) and severe
94 H. Singh et al.

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