Lesson 2 Differences of Trends and Fads

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
District of Taysan
Mahanadiong, Taysan, Batangas

Grade: 12 Subject Title: Trends, Network and Critical

Date: November 12, 2019 Thinking in the 21st Century
Time: 1:16-2:15 Section: HUMSS Dignity
A. Content Standard
The learner understands the emergence of trends and patterns.

A. Performance Standard
The learner will be able to derive an idea from instances and present this idea through 100-word
essay, artwork, and other graphic representations.

B. Learning Competency

HUMSS_MCT12-Ia-b-3- Differentiate a trend from a fad.

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. To distinguish the difference between trend from a fad.
2. To make a graphic representation showing the difference between trend and fad.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: 1.1 Differentiating a trend from a fad
Materials: Laptop,Board and chalk
Resources/References: Explain the Difference between Trend and Fad

III. Teaching Procedure

A. Daily Routine (5minutes)
 Prayer

 Greeting the Class

 Checking of Attendance

 Checking of assignment

B. Priming
Review on Preview Topic: What is a trend?

C. Motivation
The students will watch a video regarding the difference between trends and fad. Through a Venn
diagram, the students will compare and contrast trends and fads.

D. Lesson Proper
Difference between a fad and a trend.
A fad by definition is a short-term event, what some may call a "flash in the pan." A trend, on the
other hand, has the potential of becoming a long-term influence on the future of a market. The two may
resemble each other at first, but there is almost always a definite beginning and a definite end to a fad.
Major differences between a fad and a trend
1. One major difference is duration.
A fad has unexpected popularity, but disappears just as quickly as it appears. The lifespan of most fads
is notoriously short, but if a fad item becomes a trend, it can remain popular for decades.
2. The number of industries it affects.
A fad often appears in a single industry and rarely crosses over into others. The 1980s fashion fad of
parachute pants, trousers made from a thin nylon material, did not become an accepted element of the
youth culture or the music culture. The recent introduction of Apple's iPod, on the other hand, crossed over
into the worlds of fashion, wireless communications and music. Portable electronic devices have become a
trend, while fashions such as leg warmers or parachute pants remain fads hopelessly trapped in time.
3. Another difference is industry acceptance.
Investing in a fad item can be risky for companies known for setting trends. It can be very difficult to tell
the difference one and the other before the product or service reaches the buying public. Smaller
companies often have the flexibility necessary to promote a faddish item, while larger companies tend to
wait until the initial smoke clears and a trend can be determined. A similar difference between a fad and a
trend also appeared in the fitness industry. An emphasis on core exercises and the reduction of abdominal
fat became a trend, but a number of faddish exercise devices appeared suddenly on television screens
everywhere. Some of these exercise devices were shown to be ineffective or even dangerous for the user,
while others became part of the trend towards better health and weight reduction.
4. The perception of overall quality.
Fad items are rarely expected to endure, but trends tend to survive the decade in which they were

IV. Application
The students will be group into 3. The students will present an activity that shows a trend or fad in
our society, it may be in a form of:
Group 1- News reporting
Group 2- Dancing
Group 3- Singing
V. Generalization
Distinguishing between fad and trend is an art not a science because we can’t easily distinguish
when and how a fad becomes trend in a period of time. It is depending upon the demand of the society in a
specific period of time. Fads didn’t stay for long and does stick around while trend doesn’t disappear
suddenly and have a long period of time. It can cross over into industries and generation as well.

VI. Evaluation
Using a web organizer, write the difference between trends and fad. Write this in a one whole sheet
of paper.

Trend Vs Fad

VII. Assignment
Identify the elements that make up a trend in terms of social trends, economic trends and political
trends. Write your answer in a short bond paper.

Prepared by:

Teacher 1

Noted by:

Principal II

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