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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
District of Taysan
Mahanadiong, Taysan, Batangas

Grade: 12 Subject Title: Trends, Network and Critical

Date: November 14, 2019 Thinking in the 21st Century
Time: 1:16-2:15 Section: HUMSS Dignity
A. Content Standard
The learner understands the emergence of trends and patterns.

A. Performance Standard
The learner will be able to derive an idea from instances and present this idea through 100-word
essay, artwork, and other graphic representations.

B. Learning Competency
HUMMS_MCT12-Ia-b-8 See, discover and differentiate relationships between causes and consequences.

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. To identify relationship of causes and consequences of a trend.
2. To discover the cause of trends on 21st century learner
3. To differentiate the causes and consequences of a trend.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: 1.2. The Causes and Consequences of a trend
Materials: Laptop,Board and chalk
Resources/References: What Causes a Trend to Explode

III. Teaching Procedure

A. Daily Routine (5minutes)
 Prayer

 Greeting the Class

 Checking of Attendance

 Checking of assignment

B. Priming
Review on Preview Topic: The students will present their assignment which is a web organizer showing
differences of trends from a fad.

C. Motivation
The teacher will ask a representative from respective group to make a trending post, talent, etc. that
represents who they are.

D. Lesson Proper
What are the causes and consequences of a Trend?
Experts say there are several factors that need to work together.
1. Advocates. A well respected evangelist or promoter of the trend, such as a celebrity chef.
2. Validity. Trends that are supposed by ‘’credible’’ scientific fact or more likely to catch on.
3. Buzz Appeal. The exoticness or uniqueness of the trend can help it, spread, especially with social
media effort behind it.
4. Economic conditions. One of the factors that have vegetables popular has been movement away
from meat due to cost.
5. Larger Social Benefits. Consumers like ingredients that are healthy for the planet as well as the
body, which and society.
6. Consumer Boredom. Most of the trends are short term, running their course in 18 months because
of the underpinning of any trend is naturally curious and demand among consumers for the things that are
new and different.

IV. Application
The students will make 100-word essay that shows the cause why 21st century learners are hook
and always follow trends in terms of their:
I. Personality
II. Perspective
III. Everyday living

V. Generalization
Trends are complex synthesis of information from a wide variety of fields. All trends use pattern
indicators and recognitions to make predictions of cause and consequences when talking about the future.
They used time frames to evaluate their evolutions.
VI. Evaluation
Factors Causes Consequences
Buzz Appeal
Economic conditions
Larger Social Benefits
Consumer Boredom

Write your answer in one whole sheet of paper.From your own perspective what are the causes and
consequences of trend in terms of following factors:

VII. Assignment
Answer the following questions write your answer in one whole sheet of paper.
1. What is Local Networks?
2. Define strategic analysis and intuitive thinking in understanding Local Networks.

Prepared by:

Teacher 1

Noted by:

Principal II

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