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23 mm 25 mm 28 mm
30 mm 35 mm Pmid

Power/Qmax [MPa]




7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0
Pressure [MPa]

Fig. 2.18 Variation of pump power with variation of valve spring initial compression at

different delivery pressures

Figure 2.18 shows that sensible variations in the valve spring initial compression from the

design value lead to considerable variations in the pump power. It reveals again that at the

values of the initial compression different from the design value, only one of the two lines

touches the hyperbola which represents the maximum power. This means that the maximum

power, in these cases, is utilized at only one value of the delivery pressure. This pressure is

high when the initial compression is less than the design value. For the initial compressions

of 23 mm, 25 mm and 28 mm, the maximum power occurs at the pump delivery pressures of

about 22 MPa. At the valve initial compression of 35mm, which is higher than the design

initial compression, the maximum power occurs at the low pressure of 11 MPa.


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