Worksheet Week1 RELED - (CLET)

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Grade 12 – Religious Education

Lesson 1: Jesus as a Youth Leader

NAME: ____________Gweny Clet_____________________ SECTION: TVL- GAS

TEACHER: John Michael R. Labajo DATE SUBMITTED: __________

Lesson 1: Worksheet 1

Instruction: Answer the following questions briefly by limiting your answer from five to six sentences
and underline the main points.

1. Differentiate a Good leader and an effective leader using the Venn diagram below.
Effective Leader Good leader

Effective leader is one

who leads the team to To be successful and
Good leader has moral
success, to transform
Have great sense of duty. This
everyone to their
teamwork method is shown
greatest potential not
throughout the members
just the member but Wants best for their to inspire them to do
also the leader herself. team their best. In courage
The result is base of
them to be passionate
their teamwork it is way
on their work and not
to identify the
treat them as un equal.

2. In your opinion, what are the most important qualities to be an effective leader?

The most important qualities to be an effective leader is;

To have the right attitude. Being the leader does not make you a boss or to boss
around the members, you are assigned on that task to bring harmony to the group.
The right attitude encourages everyone to work and to be passionate about it.
Respect, if you want to be respected you also need to show it, if someone makes
mistake the right and moral way of doing it is to educate them, rather shouting and
humiliating at them. It is a way for them to respect you and to do better. Integrity,
the importance of integrity should be obvious. Though it may not necessarily be a
metric in employee evaluations, integrity is essential for the individual and the
organization. It’s especially important for top-level executives who are charting the
organization’s course and making countless other significant decisions.


3 – The answer is correct and the explanation is convincing.

Grade 12 – Religious Education
Lesson 1: Jesus as a Youth Leader

2 – The answer is correct but the explanation is not convincing.

1 – The answer is correct but the explanation is not given.
0 – The answer is not correct and no explanation was given.

3. raw or illustrate the leadership style of Jesus.

Grade 12 – Religious Education
Lesson 1: Jesus as a Youth Leader


TEACHER: _____ John Michael R. Labajo DATE SUBMITTED: __________

Lesson 1: Worksheet 2

Instruction: Write your answer in the blank provided. Write the letter only.

______B___1. According to Jesus Christ how many times we should forgive others?

a. Seventy times b. seventy times seven c. seventy-seven times d. seven times seventy

_____C____2. “Whoever wants to be my _________ must deny themselves and take up their cross and
follow me” (Matthew 16:24).

a. apostle b. follower c. disciple d. family

______C___3. Who is the despised tax collector working in the Roman government?

a. Zachaeus b.Zachhaeus c. Zacchaeus d. Zaccheaus

_____B___4-5 “So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are ___
my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you _____.” John 8:31-32 

a. trust, free b. truly, free c. thrust, freedom d. truth, free

Activity 2.1Story Analysis


Growing up in Lebanon, Hesham Shehab was taught that his family descended directly from the tribe of
Muhammad, the prophet of Islam. He was also taught that Christians were “unclean infidels” descended from the
morally corrupt West. So when a “Christian” militia killed his beloved older brother during the Lebanese Civil War,
Hesham’s heart was filled with the poison of bitterness.

"My brother and I were best friends," he said. "We learned how to swim and bike with the same friends, and went to
school together. I thought that revenge would be sweet. So, I got a silencer and two pistols, and I started stalking my
enemies in the streets at night."

Meanwhile, in his university studies, he started reading selections from the Bible and the Qur'an. At the climax of his
hate and thirst for vengeance, he read Jesus’ words from the Sermon on the Mount: "Love your enemies and pray for
those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 5:44-45). Hesham said,
“I felt that I heard the voice of God in stereo. I, who knew what an enemy is, and who sought to kill my enemies, felt
that Jesus' exhortation was superhuman and could not emanate from an ordinary human being, but only from a divine
source. I was taught by Muslim clerics that the Bible was distorted by rabbis and bishops, but I was compelled to know
the truth of Christ's words. Even though I was suffering and grieving the loss of my brother, I thought, “There is
another way, a way of forgiveness.” Hesham chose to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior, and then he chose the way
of forgiveness.

Sometimes we forgive because Jesus did. He asks us to forgive and He lives within us and gives us the power to forgive.
Grade 12 – Religious Education
Lesson 1: Jesus as a Youth Leader

Instruction: Limit your answer from 5 to 6 sentences and underline your main point. Be guided with
the rubric below?

1. What characteristics of Jesus as a leader can be found in the story of Hesham?

Jesus always speaks the truth, Jesus asks for more and offers more, Jesus values us more,
Jesus values all of us, Jesus is motivated by compassion, Jesus forgives,

2. If you were Hesham, would you still do the same? Explain your answer.

Yes because he did the right thing. We are all sinners yet Jesus loves and forgives us, we should
Follow Jesus’s footstep and hid his words so we can be saved.

3. Did you hate someone for a long time? Elaborate your answer.

Yes, I think at some point in our lives we encounter people who have very unique characteristic
in which does not appeal to our standards. But as Jesus said we have to forgive to those who
have sinned us. So I chose to let go rather to hold my personal grudge against that person,
it is a way for me to live life to fullest without negative vibe living within me.

4. How important is forgiveness?

Forgiveness takes time, It is right but unjustly to be force on someone. It is a process of healing
and it eventually makes us strong and mold us to be a better person. With the guide of Jesus
it enable us to choose the right path rather continuously bothers us as we live.


3 – The answer is correct and the explanation is convincing.

2 – The answer is correct but the explanation is not convincing.
1 – The answer is correct but the explanation is not given.
0 – The answer is not correct and no explanation was given.

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