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What do you think is the importance of studying organizational

behavior to your future job in relation to the program you are taking

2. What is self-efficacy and how can you apply it to your life?

1. Understanding the concept of organizational behavior is important

especially I’m at the right age and right track taking BS Accountancy.
My career path will take me to variety of different organizations with
this, learning organizational behavior I will be more prepared and
unworried. It makes me envision of how to behave and perform in the
workplace. Being equipped on how to handle group of people,
understand my own behavior, observe my attitude and measure my
performance, as well as those people with whom I’ll be working tends
to put success and accomplish goals. Therefore, applying all of these
will lead to build better interactions, relationship between employees
at all level and actions acquiring better knowledge and skills.

2. Self-efficacy is an individual’s belief in his or her own capacity to

execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance
attainments (Bandura 1977). Also, a confidence in the ability to exert
control over one’s own motivation. Applying self-efficacy into my life
made me reached satisfaction level through self-awareness, reach goal
and complete task. What I do in my everyday learning process, I
always want to develop deeper interest in the activities which I
participate. Sometimes, I lost control even lost myself but with my
vision to attain achievements I can overcome this concern. I am a
student which is determined and view every challenging problem as
tasks to be mastered. Barriers are everywhere and surrounds me
especially during these times, but I am motivated and satisfied on
whatever I can do/have even though my greatest enemy is my mind
(myself) still I can exert control over my own motivation and

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