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Mrs. Nana : l’ d like to book a flight to Hong Kong, please.

Reni : Which airline would you like to use?
Mrs. Nana :Which liS the cheapest?
Reni : Well, when do you want to travel?
Mrs. Nana : On May 1
Reni : Would you like a return ticket?
Mrs. Nana : Yes. I’m coming back on the 9‘“
Reni : Let me see. KHJ Airline costs $288and JLK Airline costs $293.
Both are tourist class.
Mrs. Nana : I choose JLK Airline.
Reni : How many seats would you like?
Mrs. Nana : Just one.
Reni : Alright, Ma’ am. May I know what your name is?
Mrs. Nana : l’ m Nana Renata.
Reni : Your phone number and e-mail, please?
Mrs.Nana : 823 82380. My e-mail is Renata@
Reni : Thank you, Ma’am. We would like to send you the confirmation.
1. What is the topic of the dialogue?
a. Making arrangement
b. Booking a table at a restaurant
c. Booking a room for one person
d. Booking a flight
e. Making reservation of hotel room

2. How many does Mrs. Ida book for?

a. One
b. Four
c. Two
d. Five
e. Three
3. How many days will Mrs. Ida be‘in abroad?
a. One day
b. Ten days
c. Three days
d. A week
e. Eight days

4. What can we learn from the dialogue?

a. Mrs. Nana prefers JLK Airline to KHJ Airline
b. Mrs. Nana will go to Hong Kong with her family
c. Mrs. Nana chooses the cheapest flight
d. Mrs. Nana does not reserye a return ticket
e. Mrs. Nana will take a business class of the flight
5. Hasan Calls Beny to ...
a. make an appointment
b. reserve a room
c. book a table
d. book a ticket
e. arrange a meeting

6. Why does Hasan Want to meet Beny?

a. to help his homework
b. to talk about their assigment
c. to accompany him to the barbeshop
d. to have Beny cut his hair
e. to go to the barbershop together

7. when will they agree to meet?

a. Saturday at 4 a.m
b. Saturday at 4 p.m
c. Sunday at 4 a.m
d. Sunday at 4 p.m
e. Sunday at 3 o’clock
8. What is the suitable word to fill the missingword in the poster?
a. Body
b. Money
c. Energy
d. Lamp
e. Light

9. Nasya : How was your trip to Bali?

Via : . . .I love the beach very much.
Nasya : I want to go there again someday
a. It was terrific
b. I hate it
c. Ah, what it is
d. It was a relief
e. I don’t think so
10. A: Can you help me to lift this box?
B: …………………..
a. It was terrific
b. Ah, what it is
c. It was relief
d. Sure no problem
e. I don’t think so

11. A : Sorry, but is a cheque available here?

B : Yes, certainly
A : Thank goodness for that!
The underlined sentence express ……..
a. pain
b. pleasure
c. grant
d. request
e. relief
12. What is the genre of the text?
A. Notice
B. Banner
C. Label
D. Announcement
E. Label

13. “Enjoy the freedom of learning English …” Synonym of the uword “freedom” is ….
A. Inability
B. Difficulty
C. Liberty
D. Equality
E. Free

14. Based on the text above, How to learn English online for free?
A. You need to watch the Youtube channel
B. You should download the E-book
C. You must subscribe the website
D. You can visit the site
E. Learning independently

15. You will learn to appreciate foods ‘for being

”closest to the vine”. . . fresh apple is on the whole and colored list.
a. e.g. apples.
b. For example, we use apples.
c. SUch as apples
d. For instance, apples.
e. Let’s use apples as an example.

16. A pocket protector is a sheath designed to hold writing instruments, while preventing
them from damaging the wearer’s shirt pocket (. . ., by tearing or staining by a leaky pen)
a. e.g.
b. for example
c. i.e
d. for instance
e. such as.

17. Cabinet doors may feature a variety of i such as wood, metal, or glass.
a. products
b. ingredients
c. contents
d. shapes
e. materials

18. a. public
b. secret
c. private
d. crowded
e. big
19. a. e.g
b. as
c. like
d. for instance
e. such as

20. a. homes
b. open areas
c. buildings
d. sites
e. landmarks
21. The communicative purpose of the text is to...
a. explain how the smoking can be dangerous
b. retell about some positive effects of smoking
c. persuade readers with the smoking risk
d. describe how the smoking is not allowed
e. persuade readers that smoking must be banned
22. Smoking in a restaurant is impolite (paragraph 2) The synonym of the underlined word is
a. Rude
b. Sensitive
c. Polite
d. kind
e. delicate

23. The statements below are true based on the text, except...
a. Smoking is dangerous
b. Smoking makes us better
c. Smoking is unhealthy for the smoker
d. Smoking must not be allowed
e. Smoking harms to the others

24. What is the main idea of the second paragraph

a. Smoking in a restaurant is rude to do
b. Passive smoking is made by a smoker
c. Cigarettes cause heart and lung disease
d. Smoking in restaurants must not be allowed
e. The smell of the smoke affects all people
Boarding School Education
There are many arguments in favor of a boarding school education. Nevertheless, the
boarding school is not always the best education institution for everyone.
At an early age interacting and communicating with people is very important for a child’s
personal life and can be especially helpful for his/her future. In a boarding school, shy
children can take advantage of interaction through communal activities. The boarding
school also offers a great variety of activities such as arts, sports, and music that allow
children to demonstrate and develop specialized skills in their free time.
Furthermore, the structured way of life and strict rules at the boarding school may helps
students to get used to a well ordered way of life. The manners and social skills will help
them to become more responsible and confident, and to develop their talents in leadership.
Professionally trained teachers and educators in the boarding school can offer excellent
education without the parents’ constant supervision.
In spite of these good points, it is not advisable to send a child to a boarding school if he/she
is a dependent learner. A boarding school usually demands that student learn
independently. In addition, the boarding school should not be seen as a measure to solve
inappropriate behavior or unsatisfactory study performance. Instead of improving,
problematic children may close off their relationship with their peers and teachers.
In conclusion although a boarding school may provide good education to many children, it is
not recommended for those who are strongly attached to their families. They may become
frustrated and socially isolated.

25. According to the writer, children in a boarding school can develop specialized skills in…
A. Entrepreneurship
B. Community service
C. Reading
D. Drama
E. Music

Boarding School Education

There are many arguments in favor of a boarding school education. Nevertheless, the
boarding school is not always the best education institution for everyone.
At an early age interacting and communicating with people is very important for a child’s
personal life and can be especially helpful for his/her future. In a boarding school, shy
children can take advantage of interaction through communal activities. The boarding
school also offers a great variety of activities such as arts, sports, and music that allow
children to demonstrate and develop specialized skills in their free time.
Furthermore, the structured way of life and strict rules at the boarding school may helps
students to get used to a well ordered way of life. The manners and social skills will help
them to become more responsible and confident, and to develop their talents in leadership.
Professionally trained teachers and educators in the boarding school can offer excellent
education without the parents’ constant supervision.
In spite of these good points, it is not advisable to send a child to a boarding school if he/she
is a dependent learner. A boarding school usually demands that student learn
independently. In addition, the boarding school should not be seen as a measure to solve
inappropriate behavior or unsatisfactory study performance. Instead of improving,
problematic children may close off their relationship with their peers and teachers.
In conclusion although a boarding school may provide good education to many children, it is
not recommended for those who are strongly attached to their families. They may become
frustrated and socially isolated.

26. Why do parents send their children to boarding school? Because…

A. It is good for shy children
B. It gives good education for adults
C. Interacting and communicating with people is very important
D. It does not allow children demonstrate excellence and develop their skills
E. It is safe and makes children become responsible and develop talents in leadership

Boarding School Education

There are many arguments in favor of a boarding school education. Nevertheless, the
boarding school is not always the best education institution for everyone.
At an early age interacting and communicating with people is very important for a child’s
personal life and can be especially helpful for his/her future. In a boarding school, shy
children can take advantage of interaction through communal activities. The boarding
school also offers a great variety of activities such as arts, sports, and music that allow
children to demonstrate and develop specialized skills in their free time.
Furthermore, the structured way of life and strict rules at the boarding school may helps
students to get used to a well ordered way of life. The manners and social skills will help
them to become more responsible and confident, and to develop their talents in leadership.
Professionally trained teachers and educators in the boarding school can offer excellent
education without the parents’ constant supervision.
In spite of these good points, it is not advisable to send a child to a boarding school if he/she
is a dependent learner. A boarding school usually demands that student learn
independently. In addition, the boarding school should not be seen as a measure to solve
inappropriate behavior or unsatisfactory study performance. Instead of improving,
problematic children may close off their relationship with their peers and teachers.
In conclusion although a boarding school may provide good education to many children, it is
not recommended for those who are strongly attached to their families. They may become
frustrated and socially isolated.
27. From the text, we can conclude that…
A. The boarding school can be very expensive
B. There are good and bad boarding schools
C. The boarding school is the solution to our educational problems
D. It’s not necessary to send children to a boarding school because the students can live
E. Not everyone thinks that the boarding school is the best educational institution for

Anybody who is over the age of six knows that there is nowhere safe for skateboarders to
skate. This prevents young people from enjoying an active, energetic and adventurous
Just watch a local street for a short while and note the steady stream of skaters speeding up
and down the footpaths. Toddlers can be trampled on and old ladies can be knocked down
as they struggle home carrying their cat food from supermarkets.
Skateboarding is a serious sport that improves young people’s health. It increases fitness,
improves balance and strengthens the joints in knees and ankles. Although it appears to be
a solo sport, when groups practice together and c
ompete to perform stunts or runs they form firm friendships.
Young people should be prevented from becoming overweight couch potatoes. If they are
actively involved in skating, they do not smoke, take drugs or break laws for fun.
Kids will always seek thrills and excitement. They need to practice their 180s, 360s and
Ollie’s free from restrictions. We must build skate parks in the suburbs so that streets are
safe for small children and senior citizens and skaters have spaces where they can race,
chase, speed, and soar towards the sun.
28. Where do the kids usually ride their skateboard?
A. In the main roads and foot paths
B. In front of the supermarket
C. In front of their home
D. In the suburbs
E. In the park

Anybody who is over the age of six knows that there is nowhere safe for skateboarders to
skate. This prevents young people from enjoying an active, energetic and adventurous
Just watch a local street for a short while and note the steady stream of skaters speeding up
and down the footpaths. Toddlers can be trampled on and old ladies can be knocked down
as they struggle home carrying their cat food from supermarkets.
Skateboarding is a serious sport that improves young people’s health. It increases fitness,
improves balance and strengthens the joints in knees and ankles. Although it appears to be
a solo sport, when groups practice together and c
ompete to perform stunts or runs they form firm friendships.
Young people should be prevented from becoming overweight couch potatoes. If they are
actively involved in skating, they do not smoke, take drugs or break laws for fun.
Kids will always seek thrills and excitement. They need to practice their 180s, 360s and
Ollie’s free from restrictions. We must build skate parks in the suburbs so that streets are
safe for small children and senior citizens and skaters have spaces where they can race,
chase, speed, and soar towards the sun.
29. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. There is no safe place for skateboarders
B. Kids seek an excitement in skate
C. The goodness of skateboarding
D. The skateboarding is a serious sport
E. How to prevent overweight by skateboarding
Anybody who is over the age of six knows that there is nowhere safe for skateboarders to
skate. This prevents young people from enjoying an active, energetic and adventurous
Just watch a local street for a short while and note the steady stream of skaters speeding up
and down the footpaths. Toddlers can be trampled on and old ladies can be knocked down
as they struggle home carrying their cat food from supermarkets.
Skateboarding is a serious sport that improves young people’s health. It increases fitness,
improves balance and strengthens the joints in knees and ankles. Although it appears to be
a solo sport, when groups practice together and c
ompete to perform stunts or runs they form firm friendships.
Young people should be prevented from becoming overweight couch potatoes. If they are
actively involved in skating, they do not smoke, take drugs or break laws for fun.
Kids will always seek thrills and excitement. They need to practice their 180s, 360s and
Ollie’s free from restrictions. We must build skate parks in the suburbs so that streets are
safe for small children and senior citizens and skaters have spaces where they can race,
chase, speed, and soar towards the sun.
30. The writer’s purpose in writing the text is ….
A. To invite the local teenagers to skate in a park built specifically for skaters
B. To convince the readers that they need a safe place for skaters to skate
C. To provoke youngsters into the local government policy
D. To promote the writer’s business of skateboarding class
E. To inform parents about the goodness of skateboarding

Anybody who is over the age of six knows that there is nowhere safe for skateboarders to
skate. This prevents young people from enjoying an active, energetic and adventurous
Just watch a local street for a short while and note the steady stream of skaters speeding up
and down the footpaths. Toddlers can be trampled on and old ladies can be knocked down
as they struggle home carrying their cat food from supermarkets.
Skateboarding is a serious sport that improves young people’s health. It increases fitness,
improves balance and strengthens the joints in knees and ankles. Although it appears to be
a solo sport, when groups practice together and c
ompete to perform stunts or runs they form firm friendships.
Young people should be prevented from becoming overweight couch potatoes. If they are
actively involved in skating, they do not smoke, take drugs or break laws for fun.
Kids will always seek thrills and excitement. They need to practice their 180s, 360s and
Ollie’s free from restrictions. We must build skate parks in the suburbs so that streets are
safe for small children and senior citizens and skaters have spaces where they can race,
chase, speed, and soar towards the sun.
31. What must we do to let the skaters play?
A. Join with them anywhere
B. Give them space in the park
C. Let them play in the main roads
D. Let them play in the local street
E. Build a skate park in the suburbs

Anybody who is over the age of six knows that there is nowhere safe for skateboarders to
skate. This prevents young people from enjoying an active, energetic and adventurous
Just watch a local street for a short while and note the steady stream of skaters speeding up
and down the footpaths. Toddlers can be trampled on and old ladies can be knocked down
as they struggle home carrying their cat food from supermarkets.
Skateboarding is a serious sport that improves young people’s health. It increases fitness,
improves balance and strengthens the joints in knees and ankles. Although it appears to be
a solo sport, when groups practice together and c
ompete to perform stunts or runs they form firm friendships.
Young people should be prevented from becoming overweight couch potatoes. If they are
actively involved in skating, they do not smoke, take drugs or break laws for fun.
Kids will always seek thrills and excitement. They need to practice their 180s, 360s and
Ollie’s free from restrictions. We must build skate parks in the suburbs so that streets are
safe for small children and senior citizens and skaters have spaces where they can race,
chase, speed, and soar towards the sun.
32. They need to practice their 180s, 360s and Ollie’s free from restrictions. (Paragraph 5)
The synonym of the word “restrictions” is …
A. Approval
B. Allowance
C. Improvement
D. Prevention
E. Limitations

When I'm lost, in the rain, in your eyes

I know I'll find the light to light my way.
When I'm scared, losing ground, when my world is going crazy,
You can turn it all around
And when I'm down you're there pushing me to the top.
You're always there givin' me all you've got.
For a shield from the storm, for a friend for a love to keep me safe and warm, I turn to you.
For the strength to be strong, for the will to carry on,
For everything you do for everything that's true I turn to you,
33. The purpose of th song is ...the listeners
a. to amuse
b. to motivate
c. to inspire
d. to criticize
e. to express the feeling of
34. “when my world is going crazy, You can turn it all around”. The word it refers to ...
a. my world
b. the rain
c. the light
d. the ground
e. my way

35. You're always there givin' me all you've got. The sentence above belongs to ...
a. personification
b. metaphore
c. simile
d. hyperbole
e. repetition

36. For a shield from the storm. The underlined word means ...
a. cover
b. coat
c. rain
d. help
e. protection

37. “this world has lost its glory”. The underlined word has similar meaning to ...
a. celebrity
b. immortality
c. praise
d. dignity
e. renown

38. “ A smile can brng you near to me”. This sentence belong to...
a. personification
b. methapor
c. hyperbole
d. simile
e. repetition

When I'm lost, in the rain, in your eyes

I know I'll find the light to light my way.
When I'm scared, losing ground, when my world is going crazy,
You can turn it all around
And when I'm down you're there pushing me to the top.
You're always there givin' me all you've got.
For a shield from the storm, for a friend for a love to keep me safe and warm, I turn to you.
For the strength to be strong, for the will to carry on,
For everything you do for everything that's true I turn to you,
39. The title of the song is ...
a. i love you
b. i go to you
c. i turn to you
d. in the rain
e. in your eyes

40. For a shield from the storm, for everything that's true I turn to you,
The underlined sentences mean ...
A. untuk menghindar dari petaka
B. untuk melawan badai
C. untuk berlindung dari badai
D. untuk menjaga dari mu
E. untuk menyelamatkan mu

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