Ajax, Adrotator Control, Theme and Skin, Master

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Session I Introduction to ASP.Net, Variable Declaration, Loops, ASP.NET 4.

5 Page
Directives, Webserver Controls – label, textbox, button. Page Submission type,
Checkbox and Radio button Control.

Session II Redirection through Coding, Dropdown list and ListBox Control ,

Server.Mappath, File Upload, AJAX, AdRotator Control, Theme and Skin, Master

Session III Validation in ASP.NET

1) - RangeValidator
2) RequiredfieldValidator
3) CompareValidator
4) RegularexpressionValidatoe
5) CustomeValidator
6) ValidationSummary

Session IV State Management in ASP.Net

1) context
2) querystring
3) cookies
4) session
5) application
Session V Database Connectivity In ASP.Net
1) connection String
2) ASP ExecuteReader
3) ASP ExecuteScaler,
4) ASP ExecutNonquery
5) Dataset
6) Gridview

Session VI CRUD Operation in ASP.Net

1) Insert , Update, Delete, Select in ASP.Net
2) Web.config file
3) Repeater and Datalist Control

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