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STI College Makati

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game

A Thesis Project Presented to STI College Makati

In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

By: Saliente, Peter John C. Ulama, Bernoullie M. Cuarteros, Ron Jyro L.

Engr. Roel U. Viera Thesis Adviser

March 2011

STI CollegeMakati


This Thesis Project Entitled

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game

By: Saliente, Peter John C. Ulama, Bernoullie M. Cuarteros, Ron Jyro L.

And submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering degree has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval

Engr. Roel U. Viera Thesis Adviser

March 2011

STI College Makati


The Thesis ProjectEntitled

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game

After having been recommended and approved is hereby accepted by the STI College Makati

Engr. Laura M. Altea Thesis Coordinator

Engr. Laura M. Altea Dean

March 2011

STI College Makati


This Thesis Project Entitled

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game

Developed by: Saliente, Peter John C. Ulama, Bernoullie M. Cuarteros, Ron Jyro L.

after having been presented is hereby approved by the following members of panel

Mr. Riegie D. Tan Panelist

Mr. Antonio M. Lazona Panelist

Engr. Leodigario R. Bongco Lead Panelist

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Current State of Technology 1.2 Statement of the Problem 1.2.1 1.2.2 General Problem Specific Problem 1-1 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-6 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-9 1-9 1-10 1-10

1.3 Objectives 1.3.1 1.3.2 General Objectives Specific Objectives

1.4 Scope and Limitations 1.5 Review of Related Studies 1.5.1 Foreign Studies Remote chess MCU (chess robot) The DGT Electronic Chessboard

2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Electromagnetic Theory 2.3. Reed Switch 2.4. Logic Gate 2.5. Parallel Theory 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-4 2-4

3. PC-BASED ELECTRONIC CHESS BOARD GAME 3.1. Introduction 3.2. System Design Specification 3.2.1. Hardware 3.2.2. Software 4. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Experimental 4.2.1. Programming Program Interface / Parallel Port 4.2.2. Hardware Logic Gates Touch Plates Reed Switch PIC Microcontroller 4.3. Results and Analysis 4.3.1. Programming 4.3.2. Hardware 4.4. Summary 5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Conclusion 5.2 Recommendation 5-1 5-2 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-2 4-3 4-3 4-3 4-3 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-5 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-3

Bibliography Appendices Technical Vitae


Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F

GANTT Chart Calendar of Activities List of Materials Program Listing Users Manual Projects Photos/Screenshots


Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 Figure 1.3 Figure 1.4 Figure 1.5 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 Figure 3.4

Wooden Chess Board Magnetic chess set Analog Chess Clock Chess Application LED Chess Board Hardware Block Diagram Reed Switch Software Block Diagram Program User Interface

1-1 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-4 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4


Table 4-1 Table 4-2

Schedule of Experimental Activities Hardware Experimental Results

4-1 4-4

Acknowledgement First of all, the developers would like to thank the people who unselfishly extend their help. Mr. Joel Jimenez for giving the idea to develop the PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game. Mr. Ronald Hermida for the information of the official rules of the Chess game which the developers applied on the project. The groups beloved parents who give their unconditional support and understanding. To Mr. Roel Viera, adviser of the group. Dean Laura Altea, college dean of STI Makati. Mr.Riegie Tan, and Mr. Antonio Lazona. Without their help it would be more difficult for the developers to create the project. The group would like to thank, especially to their respective families for their support. This project is dedicated to the parents of the developers for years of hardship just for them to be educated. And to God, thanks for his guidance. To him is all the glory.

ABSTRACT Chess is one of the most popular board game all over the world. It can be played by two persons or an Artificial Intelligent (A.I.) opponent on the net. The board has 64 squares where the chess piece is placed. The chess piece has two colors which is white and black. Each player has 16 chess pieces. White player is always the first one to move. The goal of the player is to checkmate his opponents king. The professional players of chess are using clock because one way of determining who is the winner is the player that does not consume most of his time. The group develops the PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game to enhance the existing chess game and also to add other features that would make the game more exciting and more fun. Using another alternative equipment to like acrylic glass and other electronics component to make project possible for the developers. The group designs a circuit that could interact to the PC for the simulation of the whole game. The series of experiment that conducted by the group were very successful. As the game are being played, the program is the one responsible for saving, loading, and recording the moves. The board has sensors for communicating to the program through parallel port. The rules of chess are still the same and it is applied to the program. The PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game is already functioning well and can be played by both amateurs and professional players. The features that the developers included are also properly working. Every player will enjoy the chess game because of the said features and beginners will be familiar to the game as the project has a tutorial. The group meets all the objectives of the project.

INTRODUCTION Chess is a strategy game played by two players on a checkered square board. The board is made up of 64 alternating light and dark squares in eight rows and columns. The board is always placed for play with a light square in the corner to the right of each player. The pawns are placed on the second rank of each player. The chess pieces are used to both attack and defend from attack, against the other players chessmen. Each players goal is to attack the enemy king such that the king cannot deflect or remove the attack and cannot escape.When either sides king is trapped to where it cannot move without being taken, it's called checkmate" or the shortened version "mate". Checkmate ends the game at once.

1.1 Current State of Technology

Figure 1.1Wooden Chess Set

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


Figure 1.2Magnetic Chess set On a regular game, players typically use a wooden chess board and pieces although some (usually professional players) prefer using a mouse pad,especially on a tournament. Magnetic chess set arent that much used by most of the players, it is only commonly used by children who plays chess.Chess pieces for the compact magnetic board are made of plastic and under each piece are magnets. (See Figure 1.1 and Figure 1.2) Like on the wooden chess set, the developers chess board is based on the standard size of a regular chess board that commonly used by most of the players (20 x 20). From the magnetic chess set, the developers got the idea of having a magnet placed under each chess piece that will act as a trigger to the sensors.

Figure 1.3Analog Chess Clock

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


Analog chess clocks were one of the most common chess clocks being used by professional players on a tournament and on a regular game, although some players use digital chess clocks. (See Figure 1.3)Tournament games are played under time constraints, called time controls, using a game clock. Each player must make his moves within the time control or forfeit the game. There are different types of time controls. In some cases each player will have a certain amount of time to make a certain number of moves. In other cases each player will have a limited amount of time to make all of his moves. Also, the player may gain a small amount of additional time for each move made, either by a small increment added for each move made, or by the clock delaying a small amount of time each time it is started after the opponent's move The developers use a timer that is represented digitally. The players will no longer tap the clocks like on the typical chess game because the clocks are already being automated by the developers.

Figure 1.4Chess Application

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


Computer chess applications are becoming to be more popular, because people who want to play against another human opponent, plays chess on the computer and whenever an internet connection is available, some plays online. (See Figure 1.4) Most computer chess game shows all the possible moves of the piece to be moved and some dont. Though some computer chess applications are by default shows the legal moves of a piece. The developers created a program that will be simulating and recording the moves done by each player. The created program also had the option of showing the possible moves of a lifted piece.

Figure 1.5LED Chess Board The LED Chess Board is a stand alone project existing outside the country that has been developed by students from a university, has the function of showing legal moves(through LEDs)of the player who is on his turn. The LED Chess Board can save the current game and load it anytime. Its timer is represented by LEDs that decrease the number of glowing LEDs as time passes. (See Figure 1.5)

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


From the LED Chess Board, the project also has LEDs that will be showing every possible moves of a lifted piece. The saving and loading of the current game is only implemented at the software part of the project. 1.2 Statement of the Problem People who are wanting to play chess that has less knowledge about playing the game takes tutorial from other people who know more about playing chess or buying and reading a book about the rules of playing chess. The project has some added features that can bring more excitement and fun especially for the beginners. Tutorial on the actual board are some of the features that are implemented in this project for those who wants to learn more about Chess game. 1.2.1 General Problem: How to design and develop a PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game? 1.2.2 Specific Problems: Hardware How will the circuit interact to the PC? How to detect the presence of a piece on the board? How to scan 64 squares using 8 pins of the parallel port?

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


Software How will the visual basic program communicate using the parallel port? How will the developers determine if there has been a lifted piece on the chess board? How will the amateur players know the initial position of each piece? How will the amateur players know the possible legal moves of a lifted piece on its turn? How to simulate the moves of the players to the PC to eliminate the manual recording? How to notify a player of an illegal move for Amateur Game Mode? How to create a system that will record every legal move and make an algorithm that will recognize what piece is on a specific square, special moves like castling, en passant, or a pawn promotion and determine if there is a check, checkmate, or stalemate? 1.3 Objectives 1.3.1 General Objective To design and develop a PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game.=

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game



Specific Objectives Hardware To make an electronic chess board that will interact to the PC via the parallel port. To sense the presence of a piece on the board by using pair of reed switch as the trigger. To scan 64 squares with only using 8 inputs of the parallel port by scanning the board per column. Software To make a program communicate with the parallel port using a certain DLL. To determine if there has been a lifted piece on the chess board by comparing the previous values and the current values that is sent through the parallel port. To create a program that will show the initial positions of each piece To create an algorithm in the program that will display the possible moves of a lifted piece on its turn. To simulate the moves of the players to the PC to eliminate the manual recording. To notify a player of an illegal move for Amateur Game Mode. To create a system that will record every legal move and make an algorithm that will recognize what piece is on a specific square, special moves like castling, en passant, or a pawn promotion and determine if there is a check, checkmate, or stalemate?

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


1.4 Scope and Limitations Scope Hardware There is an indicator for the players turn There is a switch button to pause and resume the timer of the players after their turn Software The game is simulated to the PC The program will show the possible moves of the player in Amateur mode. The program has an option to select between amateur and professional game mode. The project records the legal moves. The program checks if the move is legal or not. If it is an illegal move, the program will not record it. The square of the losing players king will be blinking that indicates that it has been checkmated. The system can save and load the game.

Limitations There are no Artificial Intelligence (AI) opponent or has the ability to suggest the best move to win. Each piece does not have the capability to move on its own.

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


The project can not be used without a computer unit and a power supply.

The players could not control the game or play on PC. The arbiter is the only one who can control the program.

Each piece must be lifted at least 1 inch from the board and should not be done in a sliding way, as the sensors used were really sensitive and the program would treat the closest square as the final position of the piece.

Amateur Game has no touch move rule.

1.5 Review of the Related Studies 1.5.1 Foreign Studies Studies from other countries that were related either by their functions and materials they usedthat were seen relevant and essential to the development of the system. Remote Chess

Remote Chess allows you play chess in real time against opponents anywhere in the world so long as there is an internet connection. All that it requires is a Remote Chess chessboard, a NTSC television, and a computer running Matlab. [ANON2008]

In the project, the developers used the concept of using reed switches from the Remote Chess as a sensor to detect the presence of each

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


chess piece on the board, as this type of sensor is seen by the developers to be easily implementedwith the design of the circuitry and on the chess board.

MCU Chess (chess robot)

MCU chess or the chess robot that is also had been developed by university students is a microcontroller based robot that plays chess against a human player whereas MCU chess moves the chess pieces on its own. [ANON2006]

In the project, the microcontroller is used to control 64 LEDs that will be showing all the possible moves of a chess piece.The microcontroller will be getting an input from the program and will be using the data to display a certain pattern on the LED array depending on the situation or on what piecebeing is lifted by the player.

The DGT Electronic Chessboard

DGT electronic chessboard is a product by Digital Game Technology which is made from a genuine beautifully-inlaid wood board and with the Classic Staunton wooden chess pieces with a king height of 95mm. DGT electronic chessboard can be connected to the computer to play against with a chess program or an internet opponent. A DGT XL clock can also be connected to the board. [ANON2009a]

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


The project can also be connected to a computer to be able to automatically record a game, the program also had an option to save and load the current game. A digital timer can also be connected to the board itself.

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 Introduction Theories are important in the completion of a project or any system. These are the theories the proponents need to achieve the objectives set. 2.2 Electromagnetic Theory

Electricity is treated jointly with magnetism, because both generally appear together; wherever electricity is in motion, magnetism is also present. The phenomenon of magnetism was observed early in the history of magnetism, but was not fully explained until the idea of magnetic induction was developed. The phenomenon of electricity was observed early in the history of electricity, but was not fully explained until the idea of electric charge was fully developed. Originally electricity and magnetism were thought of as two separate forces. Treatise on Electricity and Magnetismshows the interactions of positive and negative charges were shown to be regulated by one force. There are four main effects resulting from these interactions, all of which have been clearly demonstrated by experiments:

1. Electric charges attract or repel one another with a force inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them: unlike charges attract, like ones repel.

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


2. Magnetic poles (or states of polarization at individual points) attract or repel one another in a similar way and always come in pairs: every North Pole is yoked to a south pole. 3. An electric current in a wire creates a circular magnetic field around the wire, its direction depending on that of the current. 4. A current is induced in a loop of wire when it is moved towards or away from a magnetic field, or a magnet is moved towards or away from it, the direction of current depending on that of the movement. [ANON2010b]

When the electricity is in motion, the magnetism is present. Magnetunder each piece has a magnet that serves as the trigger for the reed switch. When the magnet is near to the reed switch, the metal conductor attract to the other magnetic conductor and it will trigger to the system. In terms of polarity of the magnet, reed switch will not triggerif the orientation of the magnet is incorrect.

2.3 Reed Switch

A reed switch consists of a pair of ferrous metal contacts or three springy metal reeds located inside a sealed glass tube. The reedswitch is enclosed in a small tube, which is controlled by a magnet or magnetic field The two-reed switch normally has open contacts that are closed while in operation, referred to as (NO) contacts. The three-reed switch type, on the other hand, has a pair of (NO) and a pair of normally closed contacts, which is referred to as (NC).

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


The reed switch contains a pair (or more) of magnetically, flexible, metal reeds whose end portions are separated by a small gap when the switch is open. The reeds are hermetically sealed in opposite ends of a tubular glass envelope.

A magnetic field (from an electromagnet or a permanent magnet) will cause the reeds to come together, thus completing an electrical circuit.

One important quality of the switch is its sensitivity, the amount of magnetic field necessary to actuate it. Sensitivity is measured in units of Ampere-turns, corresponding to the current in a coil multiplied by the number of turns. Typical pull-in sensitivities for commercial devices are in the 10 to 60 AT range. The lower the AT, the more sensitive the reed switches. Also, smaller reed switches, which have smaller parts, are more sensitive to magnetic fields, so the smaller the reed switch's glass envelope is, the more sensitive it is.

It works with the help of an additional magnet, which is placed within close range of the switch. When the magnets make contact, they pull together and complete an electrical circuit. This results in a change in the contacts to an opposite state. As the magnetic field diminishes in the reedswitch, the switch and its contacts immediately return to their original state. [ANON2010a]

The developers installed a pair of reed switch under the chess board that acts as sensor. If a piece is on top of a square, then the reed switch will be triggered on. Otherwise it is switched off as it is normally open.

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


2.4 Logic Gate A logicgate performs a logical operation on one or more logic inputs and produces a single logic output. The logic normally performed is Boolean logic and is most commonly found in digital circuits. Logic gates are primarily implemented electronically using diodes or transistors, but can also be constructed using electromagnetic relays, fluidics, optics, molecules, or even mechanical elements. Logic gates can have one or more inputs and produced an output depending on its inputs. The developers take use of its function for taking 8 inputs from each square on row and use its output in the program.

2.5 Parallel Theory ParallelPort, also called as PrinterPort is a 25 pin type of interface found on computers to connect various peripherals. This is the most commonly used interface for controlling electronic devices and projects. This port will allow the input of up to 9 bits or the output of 12 bits at any one given time, thus requiring minimal external circuitry to implement many simpler tasks. The port is composed of 4 control lines, 5 status lines and 8 data lines [ANON2009b]. The parallel port is used by the developers as the physical connection between the Electronic Chess Board and the Program. The developers choose the parallel port because they are practically easy to control and use their outputs.

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


PC-BASED ELECTRONIC CHESS BOARD GAME 3.1 Introduction The groups system design includes all the description and functionalities of the prototype. In order to simulate the actual game, the group used a programming language that will fit to the project. Visual Basic 6.0 is the one that the group used. Then the signal coming from the Chess Board through the parallel port will be send to the pc for the simulation of the program.

3.2 System Design Specification 3.2.1 Hardware

Figure 3.1 Hardware Block Diagram First the CPU send signal to the Electronic Chess Board for the Scanning Module to scan each column if theres a piece on top of it. Then sends signal back to the CPU. In Professional Game Mode, the players turn ends until a player tap the button that will send signal to the CPU.Then the CPU sends back a signal to the LEDs of the Electronic Chess Board for the indicator of players turn for both game mode. The Electronic Chess Board will send signal to the CPU for the program to run the timer of the players on his turn and pause the opponents timer.

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


Scanning Module circuit that give signals to the PC simulator to detect the certain piece moved by the players alternately.

Figure 3.2 Reed Switch Reed Switch switches on when it sense magnetic field produce under each piece CPU record the moves of each player. Simulates and record the moves of each player in the board.

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game




Figure 3.3 Software Block Diagram The block diagram shown above shows the communication and function of the program. Visual Basic cannot directly communicate with the parallel port, so the developers used a certain DLL to make the program interact with the parallel port and communicate with the chessboard.From the initialization of the program, the program sends a signal to the chessboard through the parallel port to scan the chessboard per column and then sends back the status of the column to the program. The program continually scans the chessboard and compares the previous values to determine the location, type, and color of each piece.

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


Figure 3.4Program User Interface The program serves as the simulator of the actual chess game. If a player lifted one of his pieces, the lifted piece will be simulated and it will just wait for the player where would it be placed as the destination of that certain piece or the new position of that piece. 1. The chess board where the simulation of the moves of the pieces is done. 2. Where the moves of each player is recorded automatically and ready to be printed after the game. 3. It detects or scans whether a piece is on a certain block. It is represented as 1 or 0 (for debugging purposes). 4. Represents the game mode that appropriate to the players. 5. Shows the previous and the current position. 6. Shows the whose player is on turn.

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


7. Represents the time of each plyers. 8. For the game saved by the players which can be review.

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction The developers conducted a series of experiments to determine the actual performance of the project.The proponents are to discuss the end result of numerous experiments and theories that the group has done. The analysis will determine that the proposed project had already achieved its objectives.

4.2 Experimental The developers used a prototyping methodology, the theories and Experiments are conducted to acquire the adjustments that the project needed to achieve. Below are the series of experimental activities to aid the proponents.

Table 4-1 Schedule of Experimental Activities May 2010 June 2010 Logic Gates for Scanner Module Program Interface Scanner Module July 2010 August 2010 ParallelPort Touch Plates September 2010 Reed Switch Magnet October 2010 November 2010 PIC Microcontroller


Programming The toughest part in making this system to work is the creation of an algorithm to scan and record the moves for both amateur and

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


professional players, also in the PIC Microcontroller for the indicator of the possible moves of each piece as a tutorial using Light Emitting Diode (LEDs). Though the idea is simple that every move of the players is recorded, the next thing is the consistency of our hardware and software to send and receive signals. The indicator is another module to indicate the possible moves for the beginner but the consistency of sending signal is still the factor on the project.

Program Interface / ParallelPort Visual Basic 6.0 was used to create the program interface that will interact to the circuit via parallel port. Since VB6 can not directly access the parallel port, certain DLL was used to be able to access the port and had it tested on how it will work with VB6 so that we can easily manipulate the data that the circuit will be transmitting.


Hardware The stage focuses more on implementing the actual structure of the project; this includes the actual size of the chess board, the chess pieces will be used, and proper wiring. This is to test how the overall hardware implementation of the project works. The proponents subjected the prototype to a test run by trying to play an actual game in succession. All problems during the batch run will be analyzed so they can be properly addressed.

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


Logic Gates To be able to connect 64 sensors to a much fewer 8 data port of the parallel port, logic gates were tested on how it will efficiently work to reduce its number.

Touch Plates Touch plates are inexpensive and easy to use as a sensor for every block. It will work like a switch and will trigger when the conductive material under each piece touches the pair of plates.

Reed Switch Reed switch were efficient enough to be used as a sensor for every block, it produce less noise than that of a touch plate as it only use nearby magnetic field as its trigger. Reed switch were tested with the circuit while usingmagnets under each chess piece as its trigger.

PIC Microcontroller Parallel ports outputs were no longer enough to be used for the manipulation of 64 LEDs on the chess board, as an alternative, the Serial Port was connected to a microcontroller that will interpret the data and control the 64 LEDs. An experiment has been conducted to the PIC16F877A on how it will work and what will be the easiest way to program the PIC.

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


4.3 Results and Analysis 4.3.1 Programming After examining and debugging the code that would control our hardware and software, it is now possible to play the chess using our project and the other features in it especially for the amateur players.The program has successfully been able to communicate with the parallel port as the result of the conducted experiment. 4.3.2 Hardware To achieve the objectives of the project, a series of experiments was conducted. The following table below shows the results of each experiment. Table 4-2 Hardware Experimental Results Experiment Results Logic gates were able to demultiplex 64 data inputs into 8 data output The touch plates causes fluctuation because of the uneven surface and poor contact between the conductive material under each piece It produces less noise than the touch plates and is more effective in transmitting digital signalbut wasnt able to sense some of the magnets Actions Taken / Improvement Logic Gateswere used and included in the scanner module

Logic Gates

Touch Plates

Touch plates were replaced

Reed Switch

Magnets were replaced with more stronger magnetic field and was oriented properly

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


4.4 Summary Based on the developers objective on the project, the results of the experiments were satisfying and had greatly helped and improved the systems development. The hardware is functioning as well as the program. The transmission of signals between the hardware and the program is responding very well. The actual chess board must be more presentable enough for the next presentation.

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Conclusion The developers were able to meet the expected objectives and function of the projects based on the research that are conducted. The interaction between the module and the program are functioning as well as the scanning of the 64 squares of the chess board. The reed switches which serves as the triggering device can already detect the presence of the chess pieces. On the software part, the program are working properly by using certain DLL for the Visual Basic 6.0 to communicate to the parallel port. For determining a lifted piece, the program has a piece tracker that indicates logic 1 and 0 means there is a certain piece or it has no piece on a specific square respectively. The amateur players will be familiar because the program shows the standard position of the chess piece before the game starts and also the possible moves of each piece. The program also shows an error message to notify them that they committed an illegal move. The actual game of the chess is simulated on the program and also the rules of the chess are applied to the program. After all the conducted experimentations and the researches, the results were very satisfying to the developers. The projects can now be played by both amateur and professional players. Therefore, developing the PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game, giving the players a unique experience and enjoyment of playing chess.

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game


5.2 Recommendation For future enhancements, the developers recommends to make use of a more accurate and faster sensor or a better type of reed switch, the digital clock which is more preferable to the professional players to see their time, and the showing of the possible legal moves on the actual chess board created by the developers.

PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game



World Wide Web


MCUCHESS[2006] h3_fcf3/index.html REMOTECHESS[2008] 24_wpb3/eaj24_wpb3/index.html DGTCHESS[2009] -Boards/ PARALLELPORT[2009] Interfacing the standard parallel port









Appendix A - GANTT Chart of Activities

Projected Actual


Appendix A


Appendix A


APPENDIX B Calendar of Activities

Appendix B - Calendar of Activities

Requirements Analysis November 2009 March 2010 - Data Gathering Searched inside and outside the school using internet on what possible projects will the group proposing. November 2009 March 2010 System Analysis Analyze all applications about the system including parts, functions, etc. March 2010 June 2010 Prototype Designing Choosing thebetter design for the upcoming prototype.

Prototype Construction April 2010 August 2010 Software Coding VB6 The proponents will encode a program that will simulate the movement of the pieces on the board as well as communicating with the board. April 2010 September 2010 HardwareBuilding Prototype construction includes all aspects of prototype building like cutting, drilling, etc. Circuits making - designing and developing circuits needed like the Logic gates.

Appendix B


APPENDIX C List of Materials

Appendix C Cost of Materials

Materials Fiber Glass Glass Chess Set Magnets Plywood / Wood /

Cost P 1080 P 700 P 437

P 1,650 Nails Circuit Components P 11,851.50 (IC, Resistors, etc.) Other Expenses P 4347

Total Materials Expenses: P 20,065.50

APPENDIX D Program Listing

Appendix D Program Listing

Form1 Dim blackturn As Boolean, whiteturn As Boolean Dim picked As Boolean, bpicked As Boolean Dim pawnpromoted As Boolean, opponentpiecelifted As Boolean, posopl As Integer, opl As Integer, beyondenemylines As Boolean Dim position As Integer, piecenum As Integer, piece As String, movefrom As String, moveto As String, tagcounter As Integer, counter As Integer Dim piecechose As Integer, stops As Boolean, castling As Boolean, rook As Integer, rookdes As Integer Dim blocked As Boolean Dim checked As Boolean Dim kingpos As Integer Dim enpassantpiecew(1 To 8) As Boolean, enpassantpieceb(1 To 8) As Boolean Dim whitepawnmoved(1 To 8) As Boolean, blackpawnmoved(1 To 8) As Boolean Dim kingblackmoved As Boolean, kingwhitemoved As Boolean Dim rightrookwhitemoved As Boolean, leftrookwhitemoved As Boolean, rightrookblackmoved As Boolean, leftrookblackmoved As Boolean Dim block(1 To 64) As Integer, tmp(1 To 64) As Integer Dim datainput As Integer Dim column As Integer, trigger As Boolean Dim anong_bit As Integer, maliwanag_ang_buhay As Integer, meralco(1 To 64) As Integer, num As Integer, num2 As Integer Dim pieceischeck(16) As Boolean Dim loadfilelocation As String Dim error As Integer, timer4cnt As Integer Dim piecepromoted As String, bturn2 As Integer Dim blk(1 To 64) As Integer, sum1 As Integer, sum2 As Integer, trgr As Boolean, listcnt As Integer Dim boolforpatong As Boolean, posdes As Integer ' -- manny's variables -Dim changed_tiles(1 To 35) As Integer, changed_tiles_count As Integer, draw As Boolean Dim castling_king_side As Boolean, castling_queen_side As Boolean, mcastling As Boolean Dim castling_king_sideb As Boolean, castling_queen_sideb As Boolean, mcastlingb As Boolean Dim led_array(1 To 64) As Integer, led_column(1 To 8) As Integer, sqctr As Integer, checkmate As Boolean Dim mpassed_pawn As Integer, black_piece As Integer, white_piece As Integer, squares_to_be_blocked(1 To 64) As Integer Dim blink_trigger As Boolean, manny_piece As String, move_count As Integer, lala As Integer Dim black_pos(1 To 16, 500) As String, white_pos(1 To 16, 500) As String, OpenCheckTiles(1 To 64) As Integer Dim OpenCheckTilesCount As Integer, takboctr As Integer, kukai As String, run_cnt As Integer, hula As Boolean Dim ppp As Integer, ProSw As Integer, ProTaba As Integer Private Function alamin_ang_pwesto(c As Integer, r As Integer) As Integer alamin_ang_pwesto = r + (8 * (c - 1)) End Function Private Function autoseyb()

listcnt = lst_moves.ListCount Open App.Path & "\save\" & currentsavefile & ".txt" For Output As #1 For i = 1 To 16 Print #1, Image6(i).Left Next i For i = 1 To 16 Print #1, Image6(i).Top Next i For i = 1 To 16 Print #1, Image6(i).Tag Next i For i = 1 To 16 Print #1, Image7(i).Left Next i For i = 1 To 16 Print #1, Image7(i).Top Next i For i = 1 To 16 Print #1, Image7(i).Tag Next i Print #1, turn Print #1, gamemode Print #1, timerw(0) Print #1, timerw(1) Print #1, timerb(0) Print #1, timerb(1) Print #1, listcnt - 1 For i = 0 To listcnt - 1 Print #1, lst_moves.List(i) Next i Print #1, kingblackmoved Print #1, kingwhitemoved Print #1, rightrookwhitemoved Print #1, leftrookwhitemoved Print #1, rightrookblackmoved Print #1, leftrookblackmoved Print #1, mcastling Print #1, castling_queen_side Print #1, castling_king_side Print #1, mcastlingb Print #1, castling_queen_sideb Print #1, castling_king_sideb Print #1, checkmate Print #1, draw Print #1, move_count - 1 Print #1, hula For t = 1 To 8 Print #1, whitepawnmoved(t) Print #1, blackpawnmoved(t) Print #1, enpassantpiecew(t) Print #1, enpassantpieceb(t) Next t For i = 0 To move_count - 1

Appendix D


For j = 1 To 16 Print #1, white_pos(j, i) Print #1, black_pos(j, i) Next j Next i Print #1, "pogi ako" Close #1 End Function Private Function check() As Boolean Dim pos_c As Integer, pos_r As Integer, squares As Integer Dim kl As Integer, kr As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer Dim mlimit As Integer, hakbang As Integer check = False sqctr = 0 If whiteturn Then For i = 1 To 64 If Image6(13).Top = Image1(i).Top And Image6(13).Left = Image1(i).Left Then kingpos = i pos_c = what_column(kingpos) pos_r = what_row(kingpos) i = 64 End If Next i For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 ' 1 right, -1 left If pos_c + j <= 8 And pos_c + j >= 1 And pos_r > 1 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(pos_c + j, pos_r - 1) If is_black_piece(squares, 1) Then check = True inc_blocks (squares) j = -1 End If End If Next j For i = 0 To 7 Select Case i Case 0, 5 kl = -1 Case 1, 4 kl = 1 Case 2, 3 kl = 2 Case 6, 7 kl = -2 End Select Select Case i Case 0, 1 kr = -2 Case 2, 7 kr = -1 Case 3, 6 kr = 1 Case 4, 5 kr = 2 End Select If (pos_c + kl) <= 8 And (pos_c + kl) >= 1 And (pos_r + kr) <= 8 And (pos_r + kr) >= 1 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(pos_c + kl, pos_r + kr) If is_black_piece(squares, 0) Then If black_piece > 0 Then If Image7(black_piece).Tag = "N" Then check = True inc_blocks (squares) GoTo end_check End If End If

End If End If Next i For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = pos_c kr = pos_r If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If 'lbldebug.Caption = "W" & vbCrLf If mlimit <> j Then For k = mlimit + hakbang To j Step hakbang If i = 0 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(k, kr) Else squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, k) End If inc_blocks (squares) 'lbldebug.Caption = lbldebug.Caption & squares_to_be_blocked(sqctr) & "," & block(squares) & vbCrLf If block(squares) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(squares, 0) Then 'If black_piece > 0 Then If (Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "R") Then check = True GoTo end_check End If 'End If End If k=j End If If k = j Then sqctr = 0 End If Next k End If Next j Next i '************ '* diagonal * '************ For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = kingpos - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then inc_blocks (j) If block(j) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(j, 0) Then 'If black_piece > 0 Then If (Image7(black_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q") Then check = True GoTo end_check End If 'End If End If j=1 End If If j <= 1 Then sqctr = 0 End If End If

Appendix D


Next j For j = kingpos + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then inc_blocks (j) If block(j) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(j, 0) Then 'If black_piece > 0 Then If (Image7(black_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q") Then check = True GoTo end_check End If 'End If End If j = 64 End If If j >= 64 Then sqctr = 0 End If End If Next j Next i End If 'whiteturn If blackturn Then For i = 1 To 64 If Image7(13).Top = Image1(i).Top And Image7(13).Left = Image1(i).Left Then kingpos = i pos_c = what_column(kingpos) pos_r = what_row(kingpos) i = 64 End If Next i For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 ' 1 right, -1 left If pos_c + j <= 8 And pos_c + j >= 1 And pos_r < 8 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(pos_c + j, pos_r + 1) If is_white_piece(squares, 1) Then check = True inc_blocks (squares) GoTo end_check j = -1 End If End If Next j '********** '* kabayo * '********** For i = 0 To 7 Select Case i Case 0, 5 kl = -1 Case 1, 4 kl = 1 Case 2, 3 kl = 2 Case 6, 7 kl = -2 End Select Select Case i Case 0, 1 kr = -2 Case 2, 7 kr = -1 Case 3, 6 kr = 1 Case 4, 5 kr = 2 End Select

If (pos_c + kl) <= 8 And (pos_c + kl) >= 1 And (pos_r + kr) <= 8 And (pos_r + kr) >= 1 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(pos_c + kl, pos_r + kr) If is_white_piece(squares, 0) Then If white_piece > 0 Then If Image6(white_piece).Tag = "N" Then check = True inc_blocks (squares) GoTo end_check End If End If End If End If Next i For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = pos_c kr = pos_r 'sqctr = 0 If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If 'lbldebug.Caption = "B" & vbCrLf If mlimit <> j Then For k = mlimit + hakbang To j Step hakbang If i = 0 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(k, kr) Else squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, k) End If inc_blocks (squares) 'lbldebug.Caption = lbldebug.Caption & squares_to_be_blocked(sqctr) & "," & block(squares) & vbCrLf If block(squares) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(squares, 0) Then 'If white_piece > 0 Then If (Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "R") Then check = True GoTo end_check End If 'End If End If k=j End If If k = j Then sqctr = 0 End If Next k End If Next j Next i '************ '* diagonal * '************ For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = kingpos - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then inc_blocks (j) If block(j) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image6(white_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q") Then

Appendix D


check = True GoTo end_check End If End If j=1 End If If j <= 1 Then sqctr = 0 End If End If Next j For j = kingpos + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then inc_blocks (j) If block(j) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image6(white_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q") Then check = True GoTo end_check End If End If j = 64 End If If j >= 64 Then sqctr = 0 End If End If Next j Next i End If 'blackturn end_check: checked = check 'Label4.Caption = check If check Then kukai = "CHECK!" Timer6.Enabled = True may_threat (kingpos) End If End Function Private Function checkmate_ba() As Boolean Dim kolum As Integer, kurow As Integer, loops As Integer, pwesto_ng_kalaban As Integer, mlimit As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, hakbang As Integer, piecete As String, local_pos As Integer Dim kl As Integer, kr As Integer checkmate_ba = True For local_pos = 1 To 64 kolum = what_column(local_pos) kurow = what_row(local_pos) If whiteturn Then If is_white_piece(local_pos, 0) Then piecete = Image6(white_piece).Tag Select Case piecete Case "P" '********************* '* walang nakaharang * '********************* If Not blocked Then If kurow = 7 Then loops = 2 Else loops = 1 End If For i = 1 To loops If block(local_pos - i) = 0 Then If checked And naharangan_ba(local_pos - i) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If

End If Next End If 'not blocked '**************** '* may makakain * '**************** For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 If kolum + j <= 8 And kolum + j >= 1 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + j, kurow - 1) If is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If End If Next j '*************** '* passed pawn * '*************** For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 If kolum + j <= 8 And kolum + j >= 1 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + j, kurow) If is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 1) And mpassed_pawn <> 0 Then If enpassantpieceb(mpassed_pawn) Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If End If End If Next j '********** '* kabayo * '********** Case "N" If Not blocked Then For i = 0 To 7 Select Case i Case 0, 5 kl = -1 Case 1, 4 kl = 1 Case 2, 3 kl = 2 Case 6, 7 kl = -2 End Select Select Case i Case 0, 1 kr = -2 Case 2, 7 kr = -1 Case 3, 6 kr = 1 Case 4, 5 kr = 2 End Select If (kolum + kl) <= 8 And (kolum + kl) >= 1 And (kurow + kr) <= 8 And (kurow + kr) >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + kl, kurow + kr) If is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba

Appendix D


End If End If End If Next i End If 'not blocked '******** '* tore * '******** Case "R" If Not blocked Then For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = kolum kr = kurow If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) Do Until mlimit = j + hakbang Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) =1 pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) If i = 0 Then kl = kl + hakbang mlimit = kl Else kr = kr + hakbang mlimit = kr End If If local_pos <> pwesto_ng_kalaban Then If (is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0) Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If End If Loop Next j Next i End If '********** '* bishop * '********** Case "B" If Not blocked Then '************ '* diagonal * '************ For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = local_pos - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If (block(j) = 0 Or is_black_piece(j, 0)) And Image1(local_pos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked And naharangan_ba(j) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j=1 End If Next j For j = local_pos + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If (block(j) = 0 Or is_black_piece(j, 0)) And Image1(local_pos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked And naharangan_ba(j) Then

checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j = 64 End If Next j Next i End If 'blocked '********* '* reyna * '********* Case "Q" If Not blocked Then For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = kolum kr = kurow If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) Do Until mlimit = j + hakbang Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) =1 pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) If i = 0 Then kl = kl + hakbang mlimit = kl Else kr = kr + hakbang mlimit = kr End If If local_pos <> pwesto_ng_kalaban Then If (is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0) Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If End If Loop Next j Next i '************ '* diagonal * '************ For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = local_pos - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If (block(j) = 0 Or is_black_piece(j, 0)) And Image1(local_pos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked And naharangan_ba(j) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j=1 End If Next j For j = local_pos + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If (block(j) = 0 Or is_black_piece(j, 0)) And Image1(local_pos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked And naharangan_ba(j) Then checkmate_ba = False

Appendix D


GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j = 64 End If Next j Next i End If Case "K" '************* '* left side * '************* If kolum <= 8 And kolum > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 1, kurow) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If '************** '* right side * '************** If kolum < 8 And kolum >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 1, kurow) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If '********* '* above * '********* If kurow <= 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum, kurow - 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If '********* '* below * '********* If kurow < 8 And kurow >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum, kurow + 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If '************ '* top left * '************ If kolum <= 8 And kolum > 1 And kurow <= 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 1, kurow - 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then

checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If '************* '* top right * '************* If kolum < 8 And kolum >= 1 And kurow <= 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 1, kurow - 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If '*************** '* bottom left * '*************** If kolum <= 8 And kolum > 1 And kurow < 8 And kurow >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 1, kurow + 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If '**************** '* bottom right * '**************** If kolum < 8 And kolum >= 1 And kurow < 8 And kurow >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 1, kurow + 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If End Select End If 'white piece End If 'white turn '******** '* ITIM * '******** If blackturn Then If is_black_piece(local_pos, 0) Then piecete = Image7(black_piece).Tag Select Case piecete Case "P" If Not blocked Then If kurow = 2 Then loops = 2 Else loops = 1 End If For i = 1 To loops If block(local_pos + i) = 0 Then If checked And naharangan_ba(local_pos + 1) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If

Appendix D


End If Next End If For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 If kolum + j <= 8 And kolum + j >= 1 And kurow < 8 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + j, kurow + 1) If is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If End If Next j '*************** '* passed pawn * '*************** For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 If kolum + j <= 8 And kolum + j >= 1 And kurow < 8 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + j, kurow) If is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 1) And mpassed_pawn <> 0 Then If enpassantpiecew(mpassed_pawn) Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If End If End If Next j '********** '* kabayo * '********** Case "N" If Not blocked Then For i = 0 To 7 Select Case i Case 0, 5 kl = -1 Case 1, 4 kl = 1 Case 2, 3 kl = 2 Case 6, 7 kl = -2 End Select Select Case i Case 0, 1 kr = -2 Case 2, 7 kr = -1 Case 3, 6 kr = 1 Case 4, 5 kr = 2 End Select If (kolum + kl) <= 8 And (kolum + kl) >= 1 And (kurow + kr) <= 8 And (kurow + kr) >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + kl, kurow + kr) If is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If End If

Next i End If 'not blocked '******** '* tore * '******** Case "R" If Not blocked Then For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = kolum kr = kurow If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) Do Until mlimit = j + hakbang Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) =1 pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) If i = 0 Then kl = kl + hakbang mlimit = kl Else kr = kr + hakbang mlimit = kr End If If local_pos <> pwesto_ng_kalaban Then If (is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0) Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If End If Loop Next j Next i End If '********** '* bishop * '********** Case "B" If Not blocked Then '************ '* diagonal * '************ For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = local_pos - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If (block(j) = 0 Or is_white_piece(j, 0)) And Image1(local_pos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked And naharangan_ba(j) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j=1 End If Next j For j = local_pos + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If (block(j) = 0 Or is_white_piece(j, 0)) And Image1(local_pos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked And naharangan_ba(j) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If

Appendix D


End If If block(j) = 1 Then j = 64 End If Next j Next i End If '********* '* reyna * '********* Case "Q" If Not blocked Then For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = kolum kr = kurow If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) Do Until mlimit = j + hakbang Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) =1 pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) If i = 0 Then kl = kl + hakbang mlimit = kl Else kr = kr + hakbang mlimit = kr End If If local_pos <> pwesto_ng_kalaban Then If (is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0) Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If End If Loop Next j Next i '************ '* diagonal * '************ For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = local_pos - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If (block(j) = 0 Or is_white_piece(j, 0)) And Image1(local_pos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked And naharangan_ba(j) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j=1 End If Next j For j = local_pos + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If (block(j) = 0 Or is_white_piece(j, 0)) And Image1(local_pos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked And naharangan_ba(j) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If

If block(j) = 1 Then j = 64 End If Next j Next i End If Case "K" '************* '* left side * '************* If kolum <= 8 And kolum > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 1, kurow) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If '************** '* right side * '************** If kolum < 8 And kolum >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 1, kurow) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If '********* '* above * '********* If kurow <= 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum, kurow - 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If '********* '* below * '********* If kurow < 8 And kurow >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum, kurow + 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If '************ '* top left * '************ If kolum <= 8 And kolum > 1 And kurow <= 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 1, kurow - 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If

Appendix D


End If '************* '* top right * '************* If kolum < 8 And kolum >= 1 And kurow <= 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 1, kurow - 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If '*************** '* bottom left * '*************** If kolum <= 8 And kolum > 1 And kurow < 8 And kurow >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 1, kurow + 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If '**************** '* bottom right * '**************** If kolum < 8 And kolum >= 1 And kurow < 8 And kurow >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 1, kurow + 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then checkmate_ba = False GoTo end_checkmate_ba End If End If End Select End If End If 'black turn Next local_pos end_checkmate_ba: checkmate = checkmate_ba End Function Private Function glow_tile() Dim kolum As Integer, kurow As Integer, loops As Integer, pwesto_ng_kalaban As Integer, mlimit As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, start As Integer, hakbang As Integer, uno As Integer, dos As Integer Dim kl As Integer, kr As Integer kolum = what_column(position) kurow = what_row(position) If whiteturn Then Select Case piece Case "P" '********************* '* walang nakaharang * '********************* If Not blocked Then If kurow = 7 Then loops = 2 Else loops = 1

End If For i = 1 To loops If block(position - i) = 0 Or ((Not is_white_piece(position 1, 0)) And (Not is_black_piece(position - 1, 0))) Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(position - i) Then lit_on (position - i) End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then lit_on (position - i) Else If OnOpenCheckTiles(position - i) Then lit_on (position - i) End If End If End If End If Next End If 'not blocked '**************** '* may makakain * '**************** For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 If kolum + j <= 8 And kolum + j >= 1 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + j, kurow - 1) If is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) Else If OnOpenCheckTiles(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If End If End If End If Next j '*************** '* passed pawn * '*************** For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 If kolum + j <= 8 And kolum + j >= 1 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + j, kurow) If is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 1) And mpassed_pawn <> 0 Then If enpassantpieceb(mpassed_pawn) Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban - 1) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban - 1) End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban - 1) Else If OnOpenCheckTiles(pwesto_ng_kalaban - 1) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban - 1) End If End If End If End If End If End If Next j

Appendix D


'********** '* kabayo * '********** Case "N" If Not blocked Then For i = 0 To 7 Select Case i Case 0, 5 kl = -1 Case 1, 4 kl = 1 Case 2, 3 kl = 2 Case 6, 7 kl = -2 End Select Select Case i Case 0, 1 kr = -2 Case 2, 7 kr = -1 Case 3, 6 kr = 1 Case 4, 5 kr = 2 End Select If (kolum + kl) <= 8 And (kolum + kl) >= 1 And (kurow + kr) <= 8 And (kurow + kr) >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + kl, kurow + kr) If is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If Else lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If End If Next i End If 'not blocked '******** '* tore * '******** Case "R" If Not blocked Then For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = kolum kr = kurow If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) Do Until mlimit = j + hakbang Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) =1 pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) If i = 0 Then kl = kl + hakbang mlimit = kl Else kr = kr + hakbang mlimit = kr

End If If position <> pwesto_ng_kalaban Then If (is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) Else If OnOpenCheckTiles(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If End If End If End If Loop Next j Next i '********************************************* '* disable castling on their side after move * '********************************************* If piecenum = 16 Or mcastling = False Then castling_king_side = False End If If piecenum = 9 Or mcastling = False Then castling_queen_side = False End If End If '********** '* bishop * '********** Case "B" If Not blocked Then '************ '* diagonal * '************ For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = position - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If (block(j) = 0 Or is_black_piece(j, 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(j, 0))) And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(j) Then lit_on (j) End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then lit_on (j) Else If OnOpenCheckTiles(j) Then lit_on (j) End If End If End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j=1 End If Next j For j = position + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If (block(j) = 0 Or is_black_piece(j, 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(j, 0))) And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(j) Then

Appendix D


lit_on (j) End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then lit_on (j) Else If OnOpenCheckTiles(j) Then lit_on (j) End If End If End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j = 64 End If Next j Next i End If 'blocked '********* '* reyna * '********* Case "Q" If Not blocked Then For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = kolum kr = kurow If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) Do Until mlimit = j + hakbang Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) =1 pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) If i = 0 Then kl = kl + hakbang mlimit = kl Else kr = kr + hakbang mlimit = kr End If If position <> pwesto_ng_kalaban Then If (is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) Else If OnOpenCheckTiles(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If End If End If End If Loop Next j Next i '************ '* diagonal * '************

For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = position - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If (block(j) = 0 Or is_black_piece(j, 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(j, 0))) And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(j) Then lit_on (j) End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then lit_on (j) Else If OnOpenCheckTiles(j) Then lit_on (j) End If End If End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j=1 End If Next j For j = position + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If (block(j) = 0 Or is_black_piece(j, 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(j, 0))) And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(j) Then lit_on (j) End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then lit_on (j) Else If OnOpenCheckTiles(j) Then lit_on (j) End If End If End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j = 64 End If Next j Next i End If '******** '* hari * '******** Case "K" If Not blocked Then '************************************* '* left side / queen's side castling * '************************************* If kolum <= 8 And kolum > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 1, kurow) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If If block(16) = 0 And block(24) = 0 And block(32) = 0 And (Not square_on_threat(24)) And (Not square_on_threat(32)) And (Not checked) And position = 40 And castling_queen_side Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 2, kurow) lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If

Appendix D


End If '************************************* '* right side / king's side castling * '************************************* If kolum < 8 And kolum >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 1, kurow) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If If block(48) = 0 And block(56) = 0 And (Not square_on_threat(48)) And (Not square_on_threat(56)) And (Not checked) And position = 40 And castling_king_side Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 2, kurow) lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If '********* '* above * '********* If kurow <= 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum, kurow - 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If '********* '* below * '********* If kurow < 8 And kurow >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum, kurow + 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If '************ '* top left * '************ If kolum <= 8 And kolum > 1 And kurow <= 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 1, kurow - 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If '************* '* top right * '************* If kolum < 8 And kolum >= 1 And kurow <= 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 1, kurow - 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not

is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If '*************** '* bottom left * '*************** If kolum <= 8 And kolum > 1 And kurow < 8 And kurow >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 1, kurow + 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If '**************** '* bottom right * '**************** If kolum < 8 And kolum >= 1 And kurow < 8 And kurow >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 1, kurow + 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If mcastling = False End If 'case wala na End Select End If 'white turn '------------------------------------------------'******** '* ITIM * '******** If blackturn Then Select Case piece Case "P" If Not blocked Then If kurow = 2 Then loops = 2 Else loops = 1 End If For i = 1 To loops If block(position + i) = 0 Or (Not is_black_piece(position + i, 0)) Or (Not is_white_piece(position + i, 0)) Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(position + 1) Then lit_on (position + i) End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then lit_on (position + i) Else If OnOpenCheckTiles(position + i) Then lit_on (position + i) End If End If End If End If Next End If

Appendix D


For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 If kolum + j <= 8 And kolum + j >= 1 And kurow < 8 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + j, kurow + 1) If is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) Else If OnOpenCheckTiles(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If End If End If End If Next j '*************** '* passed pawn * '*************** For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 If kolum + j <= 8 And kolum + j >= 1 And kurow < 8 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + j, kurow) If is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 1) And mpassed_pawn <> 0 Then If enpassantpiecew(mpassed_pawn) Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban + 1) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban + 1) End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban + 1) Else If OnOpenCheckTiles(pwesto_ng_kalaban + 1) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban + 1) End If End If End If End If End If End If Next j '********** '* kabayo * '********** Case "N" If Not blocked Then For i = 0 To 7 Select Case i Case 0, 5 kl = -1 Case 1, 4 kl = 1 Case 2, 3 kl = 2 Case 6, 7 kl = -2 End Select Select Case i Case 0, 1 kr = -2 Case 2, 7 kr = -1 Case 3, 6 kr = 1

Case 4, 5 kr = 2 End Select If (kolum + kl) <= 8 And (kolum + kl) >= 1 And (kurow + kr) <= 8 And (kurow + kr) >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + kl, kurow + kr) If is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If Else lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If End If Next i End If 'not blocked '******** '* tore * '******** Case "R" If Not blocked Then For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = kolum kr = kurow If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) Do Until mlimit = j + hakbang Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) =1 pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) If i = 0 Then kl = kl + hakbang mlimit = kl Else kr = kr + hakbang mlimit = kr End If If position <> pwesto_ng_kalaban Then If (is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) Else If OnOpenCheckTiles(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If End If End If End If Loop Next j Next i

Appendix D


'********************************************* '* disable castling on their side after move * '********************************************* If piecenum = 16 Or mcastlingb = False Then castling_king_sideb = False End If If piecenum = 9 Or mcastlingb = False Then castling_queen_sideb = False End If End If '********** '* bishop * '********** Case "B" If Not blocked Then '************ '* diagonal * '************ For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = position - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If (block(j) = 0 Or is_white_piece(j, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(j, 0))) And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(j) Then lit_on (j) End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then lit_on (j) Else If OnOpenCheckTiles(j) Then lit_on (j) End If End If End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j=1 End If Next j For j = position + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If (block(j) = 0 Or is_white_piece(j, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(j, 0))) And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(j) Then lit_on (j) End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then lit_on (j) Else If OnOpenCheckTiles(j) Then lit_on (j) End If End If End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j = 64 End If Next j Next i End If '********* '* reyna * '********* Case "Q" If Not blocked Then

For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = kolum kr = kurow If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) Do Until mlimit = j + hakbang Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) =1 pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) If i = 0 Then kl = kl + hakbang mlimit = kl Else kr = kr + hakbang mlimit = kr End If If position <> pwesto_ng_kalaban Then If (is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) Else If OnOpenCheckTiles(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If End If End If End If Loop Next j Next i '************ '* diagonal * '************ For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = position - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If (block(j) = 0 Or is_white_piece(j, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(j, 0))) And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(j) Then lit_on (j) End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then lit_on (j) Else If OnOpenCheckTiles(j) Then lit_on (j) End If End If End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j=1 End If Next j

Appendix D


For j = position + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If (block(j) = 0 Or is_white_piece(j, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(j, 0))) And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(j) Then lit_on (j) End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then lit_on (j) Else If OnOpenCheckTiles(j) Then lit_on (j) End If End If End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j = 64 End If Next j Next i End If '******** '* hari * '******** Case "K" If Not blocked Then '************************************* '* left side / queen's side castling * '************************************* If kolum <= 8 And kolum > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 1, kurow) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If If block(9) = 0 And block(17) = 0 And block(25) = 0 And (Not square_on_threat(17)) And (Not square_on_threat(25)) And (Not checked) And position = 33 And castling_queen_sideb Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 2, kurow) lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If '************************************* '* right side / king's side castling * '************************************* If kolum < 8 And kolum >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 1, kurow) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If If block(41) = 0 And block(49) = 0 And (Not square_on_threat(41)) And (Not square_on_threat(49)) And (Not checked) And position = 33 And castling_king_sideb Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 2, kurow) lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If '*********

'* above * '********* If kurow <= 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum, kurow - 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If '********* '* below * '********* If kurow < 8 And kurow >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum, kurow + 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If '************ '* top left * '************ If kolum <= 8 And kolum > 1 And kurow <= 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 1, kurow - 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If '************* '* top right * '************* If kolum < 8 And kolum >= 1 And kurow <= 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 1, kurow - 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If '*************** '* bottom left * '*************** If kolum <= 8 And kolum > 1 And kurow < 8 And kurow >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 1, kurow + 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If '**************** '* bottom right * '****************

Appendix D


If kolum < 8 And kolum >= 1 And kurow < 8 And kurow >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 1, kurow + 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then lit_on (pwesto_ng_kalaban) End If End If mcastlingb = False End If 'case wala na End Select End If 'black turn End Function Private Function inc_blocks(square As Integer) sqctr = sqctr + 1 squares_to_be_blocked(sqctr) = square End Function Private Function inc_changed_tiles(pos As Integer) changed_tiles_count = changed_tiles_count + 1 changed_tiles(changed_tiles_count) = pos End Function Private Function is_black_piece(square_number As Integer, pawn As Integer) As Boolean Dim limit As Integer is_black_piece = False If pawn = 0 Then limit = 16 Else limit = 8 End If For i = 1 To limit If Image7(i).Top = Image1(square_number).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(square_number).Left And block(square_number) = 1 Then is_black_piece = True mpassed_pawn = i black_piece = i i = limit End If Next i End Function Private Function is_white_piece(square_number As Integer, pawn As Integer) As Boolean Dim limit As Integer is_white_piece = False If pawn = 0 Then limit = 16 Else limit = 8 End If For i = 1 To limit If Image6(i).Top = Image1(square_number).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(square_number).Left And block(square_number) = 1 Then is_white_piece = True mpassed_pawn = i white_piece = i i = limit End If Next i End Function Private Function led_array_out() Dim x As Integer For i = 1 To 8

Out 890, 42 'sets the led array timer to high x=1 For j = 1 To 8 If led_array(j * i) = 1 Then led_column(i) = led_column(i) + x End If x=x*2 Next j Out 888, led_column(i) 'output the status of the LEDs to the data port led_column(i) = 0 Out 890, 34 'sets the led array timer to low Next i End Function Private Function lit_off(pwesto As Integer) If Image1(pwesto).Tag = "white" Then Image1(pwesto).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/white.jpg") End If If Image1(pwesto).Tag = "black" Then Image1(pwesto).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/black.jpg") End If led_array(pwesto) = 0 End Function Private Function lit_on(pwesto As Integer) If block(pwesto) = 0 Then Image1(pwesto).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/white_glow.jpg") End If If block(pwesto) = 1 Then Image1(pwesto).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/black_glow.jpg") End If led_array(pwesto) = 1 changed_tiles_count = changed_tiles_count + 1 changed_tiles(changed_tiles_count) = pwesto End Function Private Function may_threat(pwesto As Integer) Image1(pwesto).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/on_threat.jpg") led_array(pwesto) = 1 changed_tiles_count = changed_tiles_count + 1 changed_tiles(changed_tiles_count) = pwesto End Function Private Function naharangan_ba(square_number As Integer) As Boolean naharangan_ba = False For i = 1 To sqctr If square_number = squares_to_be_blocked(i) Then naharangan_ba = True i = sqctr End If Next i End Function Private Function nenah() As Boolean Dim kolum As Integer, kurow As Integer, loops As Integer, pwesto_ng_kalaban As Integer, mlimit As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, hakbang As Integer Dim kl As Integer, kr As Integer kolum = what_column(position) kurow = what_row(position) nenah = False If Not checked Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If If whiteturn Then

Appendix D


Select Case piece Case "P" '********************* '* walang nakaharang * '********************* If Not blocked Then If kurow = 7 Then loops = 2 Else loops = 1 End If For i = 1 To loops If block(position - i) = 0 Then If checked And naharangan_ba(position - i) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If Else i = loops End If Next End If 'not blocked '**************** '* may makakain * '**************** For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 If kolum + j <= 8 And kolum + j >= 1 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + j, kurow - 1) If is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If End If End If Next j '*************** '* passed pawn * '*************** For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 If kolum + j <= 8 And kolum + j >= 1 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + j, kurow) If is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 1) And mpassed_pawn <> 0 Then If enpassantpieceb(mpassed_pawn) Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If End If End If End If Next j '********** '* kabayo * '********** Case "N" If Not blocked Then For i = 0 To 7 Select Case i Case 0, 5 kl = -1 Case 1, 4 kl = 1 Case 2, 3 kl = 2 Case 6, 7 kl = -2 End Select

Select Case i Case 0, 1 kr = -2 Case 2, 7 kr = -1 Case 3, 6 kr = 1 Case 4, 5 kr = 2 End Select If (kolum + kl) <= 8 And (kolum + kl) >= 1 And (kurow + kr) <= 8 And (kurow + kr) >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + kl, kurow + kr) If is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If End If End If Next i End If 'not blocked '******** '* tore * '******** Case "R" If Not blocked Then For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = kolum kr = kurow If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) Do Until mlimit = j + hakbang Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) =1 pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) If i = 0 Then kl = kl + hakbang mlimit = kl Else kr = kr + hakbang mlimit = kr End If If position <> pwesto_ng_kalaban Then If (is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0) Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If End If End If Loop Next j Next i End If '********** '* bishop * '********** Case "B" If Not blocked Then '************

Appendix D


'* diagonal * '************ For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = position - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If (block(j) = 0 Or is_black_piece(j, 0)) And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked And naharangan_ba(j) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j=1 End If Next j For j = position + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If (block(j) = 0 Or is_black_piece(j, 0)) And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked And naharangan_ba(j) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j = 64 End If Next j Next i End If 'blocked '********* '* reyna * '********* Case "Q" If Not blocked Then For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = kolum kr = kurow If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) Do Until mlimit = j + hakbang Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) =1 pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) If i = 0 Then kl = kl + hakbang mlimit = kl Else kr = kr + hakbang mlimit = kr End If If position <> pwesto_ng_kalaban Then If (is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0) Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If End If End If Loop Next j Next i '************ '* diagonal *

'************ For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = position - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If (block(j) = 0 Or is_black_piece(j, 0)) And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked And naharangan_ba(j) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j=1 End If Next j For j = position + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If (block(j) = 0 Or is_black_piece(j, 0)) And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked And naharangan_ba(j) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j = 64 End If Next j Next i End If Case "K" nenah = True End Select End If 'white turn '******** '* ITIM * '******** If blackturn Then Select Case piece Case "P" If Not blocked Then If kurow = 2 Then loops = 2 Else loops = 1 End If For i = 1 To loops If block(position + i) = 0 Then If checked And naharangan_ba(position + 1) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If Else i = loops End If Next End If For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 If kolum + j <= 8 And kolum + j >= 1 And kurow < 8 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + j, kurow + 1) If is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If End If End If Next j '*************** '* passed pawn *

Appendix D


'*************** For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 If kolum + j <= 8 And kolum + j >= 1 And kurow < 8 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + j, kurow) If is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 1) And mpassed_pawn <> 0 Then If enpassantpiecew(mpassed_pawn) Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If End If End If End If Next j '********** '* kabayo * '********** Case "N" If Not blocked Then For i = 0 To 7 Select Case i Case 0, 5 kl = -1 Case 1, 4 kl = 1 Case 2, 3 kl = 2 Case 6, 7 kl = -2 End Select Select Case i Case 0, 1 kr = -2 Case 2, 7 kr = -1 Case 3, 6 kr = 1 Case 4, 5 kr = 2 End Select If (kolum + kl) <= 8 And (kolum + kl) >= 1 And (kurow + kr) <= 8 And (kurow + kr) >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + kl, kurow + kr) If is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If End If End If Next i End If 'not blocked '******** '* tore * '******** Case "R" If Not blocked Then For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = kolum kr = kurow If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr

End If pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) Do Until mlimit = j + hakbang Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) =1 pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) If i = 0 Then kl = kl + hakbang mlimit = kl Else kr = kr + hakbang mlimit = kr End If If position <> pwesto_ng_kalaban Then If (is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0) Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If End If End If Loop Next j Next i End If '********** '* bishop * '********** Case "B" If Not blocked Then '************ '* diagonal * '************ For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = position - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If (block(j) = 0 Or is_white_piece(j, 0)) And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked And naharangan_ba(j) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j=1 End If Next j For j = position + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If (block(j) = 0 Or is_white_piece(j, 0)) And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked And naharangan_ba(j) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j = 64 End If Next j Next i End If '********* '* reyna * '********* Case "Q" If Not blocked Then For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = kolum

Appendix D


kr = kurow If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) Do Until mlimit = j + hakbang Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) =1 pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, kr) If i = 0 Then kl = kl + hakbang mlimit = kl Else kr = kr + hakbang mlimit = kr End If If position <> pwesto_ng_kalaban Then If (is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0) Then If checked And naharangan_ba(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If End If End If Loop Next j Next i '************ '* diagonal * '************ For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = position - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If (block(j) = 0 Or is_white_piece(j, 0)) And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked And naharangan_ba(j) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j=1 End If Next j For j = position + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If (block(j) = 0 Or is_white_piece(j, 0)) And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If checked And naharangan_ba(j) Then nenah = True GoTo end_nenah End If End If If block(j) = 1 Then j = 64 End If Next j Next i End If Case "K" nenah = True End Select End If 'black turn end_nenah: End Function Private Function reset_changed_tiles() Dim tongue As Integer For i = 1 To changed_tiles_count tongue = changed_tiles(i)

changed_tiles(i) = 0 If tongue <> 0 Then If Image1(tongue).Tag = "white" Then Image1(tongue).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/white.jpg") End If If Image1(tongue).Tag = "black" Then Image1(tongue).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/black.jpg") End If led_array(tongue) = 0 End If Next changed_tiles_count = 0 End Function Private Function run_command() Dim strTemp1 As String If move_count >= 0 And run_cnt <= move_count Then For i = 1 To 16 For j = 1 To 64 strTemp1 = Str(Image1(j).Top) & Str(Image1(j).Left) If white_pos(i, run_cnt) = strTemp1 Then Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left End If If black_pos(i, run_cnt) = strTemp1 Then Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left End If Next j Next i End If run_cnt = run_cnt + 1 End Function '************************ '* magre-return ng true * '* kapag may banta ng * '* check sa lalapagan * '************************ Private Function square_on_threat(pos As Integer) As Boolean Dim pos_c As Integer, pos_r As Integer, squares As Integer Dim kl As Integer, kr As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer Dim mlimit As Integer, hakbang As Integer square_on_threat = False pos_c = what_column(pos) pos_r = what_row(pos) If whiteturn Then For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 ' 1 right, -1 left If pos_c + j <= 8 And pos_c + j >= 1 And pos_r > 1 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(pos_c + j, pos_r - 1) If is_black_piece(squares, 1) Then square_on_threat = True j = -1 End If End If Next j '************ '* diagonal * '************ For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = pos - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If Image1(pos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If block(j) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image7(black_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q") Then

Appendix D


square_on_threat = True GoTo end_SOT End If End If j=1 End If End If Next j For j = pos + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If Image1(pos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If block(j) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image7(black_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q") Then square_on_threat = True GoTo end_SOT End If End If j = 64 End If End If Next j Next i For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = pos_c kr = pos_r If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If If mlimit <> j Then For k = mlimit + hakbang To j Step hakbang If i = 0 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(k, kr) Else squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, k) End If If block(squares) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(squares, 0) Then If (Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "R") Then square_on_threat = True GoTo end_SOT End If End If k=j End If Next k End If Next j Next i i=0 Do Until i = 7 Or square_on_threat Select Case i Case 0, 5 kl = -1 Case 1, 4 kl = 1 Case 2, 3 kl = 2 Case 6, 7 kl = -2 End Select Select Case i

Case 0, 1 kr = -2 Case 2, 7 kr = -1 Case 3, 6 kr = 1 Case 4, 5 kr = 2 End Select If (pos_c + kl) <= 8 And (pos_c + kl) >= 1 And (pos_r + kr) <= 8 And (pos_r + kr) >= 1 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(pos_c + kl, pos_r + kr) If is_black_piece(squares, 0) Then If black_piece > 0 Then If Image7(black_piece).Tag = "N" Then square_on_threat = True End If End If End If End If i=i+1 Loop End If 'whiteturn If blackturn Then For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 ' 1 right, -1 left If pos_c + j <= 8 And pos_c + j >= 1 And pos_r < 8 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(pos_c + j, pos_r + 1) If is_white_piece(squares, 1) Then square_on_threat = True End If End If Next j '************ '* diagonal * '************ For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = pos - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If Image1(pos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If block(j) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image6(white_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q") Then square_on_threat = True GoTo end_SOT End If End If j=1 End If End If Next j For j = pos + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If Image1(pos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If block(j) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image6(white_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q") Then square_on_threat = True GoTo end_SOT End If End If j = 64 End If End If Next j Next i For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing

Appendix D


hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = pos_c kr = pos_r If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If If mlimit <> j Then For k = mlimit + hakbang To j Step hakbang If i = 0 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(k, kr) Else squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, k) End If If block(squares) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(squares, 0) Then If (Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "R") Then square_on_threat = True GoTo end_SOT End If End If k=j End If Next k End If Next j Next i i=0 Do Until i = 7 Or square_on_threat Select Case i Case 0, 5 kl = -1 Case 1, 4 kl = 1 Case 2, 3 kl = 2 Case 6, 7 kl = -2 End Select Select Case i Case 0, 1 kr = -2 Case 2, 7 kr = -1 Case 3, 6 kr = 1 Case 4, 5 kr = 2 End Select If (pos_c + kl) <= 8 And (pos_c + kl) >= 1 And (pos_r + kr) <= 8 And (pos_r + kr) >= 1 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(pos_c + kl, pos_r + kr) If is_white_piece(squares, 0) Then If white_piece > 0 Then If Image6(white_piece).Tag = "N" Then square_on_threat = True End If End If End If End If i=i+1 Loop End If 'blackturn end_SOT: End Function Private Function stalemate_ba() As Boolean

Dim kolum As Integer, kurow As Integer, pwesto_ng_kalaban As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, hakbang As Integer, leche As String Dim kl As Integer, kr As Integer, local_pos As Integer stalemate_ba = True For local_pos = 1 To 64 kolum = what_column(local_pos) kurow = what_row(local_pos) '******** '* PUTI * '******** If whiteturn Then If is_white_piece(local_pos, 0) Then leche = Image6(white_piece).Tag Select Case leche '******** '* pawn * '******** Case "P" If block(local_pos - 1) = 0 Or ((Not is_white_piece(local_pos - 1, 0)) And (Not is_black_piece(local_pos - 1, 0))) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If '**************** '* may makakain * '**************** For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 If kolum + j <= 8 And kolum + j >= 1 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + j, kurow - 1) If is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If Next j '*************** '* passed pawn * '*************** For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 If kolum + j <= 8 And kolum + j >= 1 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + j, kurow) If is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 1) And mpassed_pawn <> 0 Then If enpassantpieceb(mpassed_pawn) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If End If Next j '********** '* kabayo * '********** Case "N" For i = 0 To 7 Select Case i Case 0, 5 kl = -1 Case 1, 4 kl = 1 Case 2, 3 kl = 2 Case 6, 7 kl = -2 End Select Select Case i Case 0, 1

Appendix D


kr = -2 Case 2, 7 kr = -1 Case 3, 6 kr = 1 Case 4, 5 kr = 2 End Select If (kolum + kl) <= 8 And (kolum + kl) >= 1 And (kurow + kr) <= 8 And (kurow + kr) >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + kl, kurow + kr) If is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If Next i '******** '* tore * '******** Case "R" For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 If i = 1 Then If kurow < 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum, kurow + hakbang) If is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If Else If kolum < 8 And kolum > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + hakbang, kurow) If is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If End If Next j Next i '********** '* bishop * '********** Case "B" '************ '* diagonal * '************ For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For k = 1 To -1 Step -2 '1 towards right, -1 towards left j = local_pos + (i * k) If ((Not is_white_piece(j, 0)) Or block(j) = 0 Or is_black_piece(j, 0)) And Image1(local_pos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag And j > 0 And j < 65 Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If Next k

Next i '********* '* reyna * '********* Case "Q" For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 If i = 1 Then If kurow < 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum, kurow + hakbang) If (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If Else If kolum < 8 And kolum > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + hakbang, kurow) If (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If End If Next j Next i '************ '* diagonal * '************ For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For k = 1 To -1 Step -2 '1 towards right, -1 towards left j = local_pos + (i * k) If (block(j) = 0 Or is_black_piece(j, 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(j, 0))) And Image1(local_pos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag And j > 0 And j < 65 Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If Next k Next i Case "K" '************* '* left side * '************* If kolum <= 8 And kolum > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 1, kurow) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If '************** '* right side * '************** If kolum < 8 And kolum >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 1, kurow) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not

Appendix D


is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If '********* '* above * '********* If kurow <= 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum, kurow - 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If '********* '* below * '********* If kurow < 8 And kurow >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum, kurow + 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If '************ '* top left * '************ If kolum <= 8 And kolum > 1 And kurow <= 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 1, kurow - 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If '************* '* top right * '************* If kolum < 8 And kolum >= 1 And kurow <= 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 1, kurow - 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If '*************** '* bottom left * '*************** If kolum <= 8 And kolum > 1 And kurow < 8 And kurow >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 1, kurow + 1)

If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If '**************** '* bottom right * '**************** If kolum < 8 And kolum >= 1 And kurow < 8 And kurow >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 1, kurow + 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If End Select End If 'white piece End If 'white turn '-------------------------------------------------------------'******** '* ITIM * '******** If blackturn Then If is_black_piece(local_pos, 0) Then leche = Image7(black_piece).Tag Select Case leche Case "P" If block(local_pos + 1) = 0 Or ((Not is_white_piece(local_pos + 1, 0)) And (Not is_black_piece(local_pos + 1, 0))) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If '**************** '* may makakain * '**************** For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 If kolum + j <= 8 And kolum + j >= 1 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + j, kurow + 1) If is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If Next j '*************** '* passed pawn * '*************** For j = 1 To -1 Step -2 If kolum + j <= 8 And kolum + j >= 1 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + j, kurow) If is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 1) And mpassed_pawn <> 0 Then If enpassantpieceb(mpassed_pawn) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If End If Next j '**********

Appendix D


'* kabayo * '********** Case "N" If Not blocked Then For i = 0 To 7 Select Case i Case 0, 5 kl = -1 Case 1, 4 kl = 1 Case 2, 3 kl = 2 Case 6, 7 kl = -2 End Select Select Case i Case 0, 1 kr = -2 Case 2, 7 kr = -1 Case 3, 6 kr = 1 Case 4, 5 kr = 2 End Select If (kolum + kl) <= 8 And (kolum + kl) >= 1 And (kurow + kr) <= 8 And (kurow + kr) >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + kl, kurow + kr) If is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If Next i End If 'not blocked '******** '* tore * '******** Case "R" For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 If i = 1 Then If kurow < 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum, kurow + hakbang) If is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If Else If kolum < 8 And kolum > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + hakbang, kurow) If is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If End If Next j

Next i '********** '* bishop * '********** Case "B" '************ '* diagonal * '************ For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For k = 1 To -1 Step -2 '1 towards right, -1 towards left j = local_pos + (i * k) If (block(j) = 0 Or is_white_piece(j, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(j, 0))) And Image1(local_pos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag And j > 0 And j < 65 Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If Next k Next i '********* '* reyna * '********* Case "Q" For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 If i = 1 Then If kurow < 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum, kurow + hakbang) If is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If Else If kolum < 8 And kolum > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + hakbang, kurow) If is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0)) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If End If Next j Next i '************ '* diagonal * '************ For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For k = 1 To -1 Step -2 '1 towards right, -1 towards left j = local_pos + (i * k) If (block(j) = 0 Or is_white_piece(j, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(j, 0))) And Image1(local_pos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag And j > 0 And j < 65 Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If Next k Next i Case "K" '************* '* left side * '*************

Appendix D


If kolum <= 8 And kolum > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 1, kurow) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If '************** '* right side * '************** If kolum < 8 And kolum >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 1, kurow) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If '********* '* above * '********* If kurow <= 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum, kurow - 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If '********* '* below * '********* If kurow < 8 And kurow >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum, kurow + 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If '************ '* top left * '************ If kolum <= 8 And kolum > 1 And kurow <= 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 1, kurow - 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If '************* '* top right * '*************

If kolum < 8 And kolum >= 1 And kurow <= 8 And kurow > 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 1, kurow - 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If '*************** '* bottom left * '*************** If kolum <= 8 And kolum > 1 And kurow < 8 And kurow >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum - 1, kurow + 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If '**************** '* bottom right * '**************** If kolum < 8 And kolum >= 1 And kurow < 8 And kurow >= 1 Then pwesto_ng_kalaban = alamin_ang_pwesto(kolum + 1, kurow + 1) If (block(pwesto_ng_kalaban) = 0 Or is_white_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0) Or (Not is_black_piece(pwesto_ng_kalaban, 0))) And Not square_on_threat(pwesto_ng_kalaban) Then stalemate_ba = False GoTo end_stalemate_ba End If End If End Select End If End If 'black turn Next local_pos end_stalemate_ba: draw = stalemate_ba End Function Private Function step_back() Dim strTemp1 As String If move_count >= 0 And run_cnt > 0 Then run_cnt = run_cnt - 1 For i = 1 To 16 For j = 1 To 64 strTemp1 = Str(Image1(j).Top) & Str(Image1(j).Left) If white_pos(i, run_cnt) = strTemp1 Then Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left End If If black_pos(i, run_cnt) = strTemp1 Then Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left End If Next j Next i End If End Function

Appendix D


Private Function takbo(mensahe As String) lblmessage.Caption = mensahe lblmessage.Top = Me.Height / 3 If lblmessage.Left > (Me.Width / 100) Then lblmessage.Left = lblmessage.Left - (Me.Width / 150) End If End Function Private Function what_column(pwesto As Integer) As Integer For i = 1 To 8 If pwesto < (1 + (i * 8)) Then what_column = i i=8 End If Next End Function Private Function what_row(pwesto As Integer) As Integer For i = 1 To 8 If pwesto = i Or pwesto = (i + 8) Or pwesto = (i + (8 * 2)) Or pwesto = (i + (8 * 3)) Or pwesto = (i + (8 * 4)) Or pwesto = (i + (8 * 5)) Or pwesto = (i + (8 * 6)) Or pwesto = (i + (8 * 7)) Then what_row = i i=8 End If Next End Function Private Function append_list() Dim str_players_moves As String, kukuro As Integer, ddd As String If Not hula Then hula = Not hula If piece = "P" Then ddd = "" Else ddd = piece End If If checked Then str_players_moves = ddd & moveto & "+" lst_moves.AddItem str_players_moves Else If there_is_pawn_promote Then str_players_moves = ddd & moveto & " " & piecepromoted lst_moves.AddItem str_players_moves Else If Not castling Then str_players_moves = ddd & moveto lst_moves.AddItem str_players_moves Else If rook = 16 Then str_players_moves = "O-O" lst_moves.AddItem str_players_moves Else str_players_moves = "O-O-O" lst_moves.AddItem str_players_moves End If End If End If End If there_is_pawn_promote = False Else hula = Not hula If piece = "P" Then ddd = "" Else ddd = piece End If If checked Then

str_players_moves = ddd & moveto & "+" lst_moves.List(bturn2) = lst_moves.List(bturn2) & " " & str_players_moves Else If there_is_pawn_promote Then str_players_moves = ddd & moveto & " " & piecepromoted lst_moves.List(bturn2) = lst_moves.List(bturn2) & " " & str_players_moves Else If Not castling Then str_players_moves = ddd & moveto lst_moves.List(bturn2) = lst_moves.List(bturn2) & " " & str_players_moves Else If rook = 16 Then str_players_moves = "O-O" lst_moves.List(bturn2) = lst_moves.List(bturn2) & " " & str_players_moves Else str_players_moves = "O-O-O" lst_moves.List(bturn2) = lst_moves.List(bturn2) & " " & str_players_moves End If End If End If End If bturn2 = bturn2 + 1 there_is_pawn_promote = False End If kukuro = lst_moves.ListCount - 1 lst_moves.ListIndex = kukuro End Function Private Function obstruction(ind As Integer) As Boolean stops = False obstruction = False If picked Then '*********************** '* RIGHTSIDE If ind = 56 Then '******************* '* HORSE For j = 38 To 62 Step 8 For i = 1 To 16 If Image1(j).Top = Image7(i).Top And Image1(j).Left = Image7(i).Left Then If Image7(i).Tag = "N" Then obstruction = True End If End If Next i Next j '******************* '* ROOK & QUEEN For j = 48 To 56 Step 8 For k = j - 1 To 1 Step -1 For i = 1 To 16 If Not stops Then If Image1(k).Left = Image1(j).Left Then If Image1(k).Left = Image6(i).Left And Image1(k).Top = Image6(i).Top Then stops = True Else If Image1(k).Left = Image7(i).Left And Image1(k).Top = Image7(i).Top Then If Image7(i).Tag = "R" Or Image7(i).Tag = "Q" Then obstruction = True End If End If End If

Appendix D


End If End If Next i Next k stops = False Next j '*********************** '* BISHOP & QUEEN & PAWN For j = 48 To 56 Step 8 For k = j - 9 To 1 Step -9 For i = 1 To 16 If Not stops Then If Image1(j).Tag = Image1(k).Tag Then If Image6(i).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(k).Left Then stops = True Else If Image7(i).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(k).Left Then If k = j - 9 And Image7(i).Tag = "P" Then stops = True obstruction = True Else If Image7(i).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(i).Tag = "B" Then obstruction = True End If End If End If End If End If End If Next i Next k stops = False For k = j + 7 To 64 Step 7 For i = 1 To 16 If Not stops Then If Image1(j).Tag = Image1(k).Tag Then If Image6(i).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(k).Left Then stops = True Else If Image7(i).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(k).Left Then If k = j + 7 And Image7(i).Tag = "P" Then obstruction = True stops = True Else If Image7(i).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(i).Tag = "B" Then obstruction = True End If End If End If End If End If End If Next i Next k stops = False Next j End If '*********************** '* LEFTSIDE If ind = 24 Then '******************* '* HORSE For j = 14 To 38 Step 8 For i = 1 To 16 If Image1(j).Top = Image7(i).Top And Image1(j).Left = Image7(i).Left Then

If Image7(i).Tag = "N" Then obstruction = True End If End If Next i Next j '******************* '* ROOK & QUEEN For j = 24 To 32 Step 8 For k = j - 1 To 1 Step -1 For i = 1 To 16 If Not stops Then If Image1(k).Left = Image1(j).Left Then If Image1(k).Left = Image6(i).Left And Image1(k).Top = Image6(i).Top Then stops = True Else If Image1(k).Left = Image7(i).Left And Image1(k).Top = Image7(i).Top Then If Image7(i).Tag = "R" Or Image7(i).Tag = "Q" Then obstruction = True End If End If End If End If End If Next i Next k stops = False Next j '*********************** '* BISHOP & QUEEN & PAWN For j = 24 To 32 Step 8 For k = j - 9 To 1 Step -9 For i = 1 To 16 If Not stops Then If Image1(j).Tag = Image1(k).Tag Then If Image6(i).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(k).Left Then stops = True Else If Image7(i).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(k).Left Then If k = j - 9 And Image7(i).Tag = "P" Then obstruction = True stops = True Else If Image7(i).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(i).Tag = "B" Then obstruction = True End If End If End If End If End If End If Next i Next k stops = False For k = j + 7 To 64 Step 7 For i = 1 To 16 If Not stops Then If Image1(j).Tag = Image1(k).Tag Then If Image6(i).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(k).Left Then stops = True Else If Image7(i).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(k).Left Then If k = j + 7 And Image7(i).Tag = "P" Then obstruction = True

Appendix D


stops = True Else If Image7(i).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(i).Tag = "B" Then obstruction = True End If End If End If End If End If End If Next i Next k stops = False Next j End If End If If bpicked Then '*********************** '* RIGHTSIDE If ind = 49 Then '******************* '* HORSE For j = 35 To 59 Step 8 For i = 1 To 16 If Image1(j).Top = Image6(i).Top And Image1(j).Left = Image6(i).Left Then If Image6(i).Tag = "N" Then obstruction = True End If End If Next i Next j '******************* '* ROOK & QUEEN For j = 41 To 49 Step 8 For k = j + 1 To 64 For i = 1 To 16 If Not stops Then If Image1(k).Left = Image1(j).Left Then If Image1(k).Left = Image7(i).Left And Image1(k).Top = Image7(i).Top Then stops = True Else If Image1(k).Left = Image6(i).Left And Image1(k).Top = Image6(i).Top Then If Image6(i).Tag = "R" Or Image6(i).Tag = "Q" Then obstruction = True End If End If End If End If End If Next i Next k stops = False Next j '*********************** '* BISHOP & QUEEN & PAWN For j = 41 To 49 Step 8 For k = j - 7 To 1 Step -7 For i = 1 To 16 If Not stops Then If Image1(j).Tag = Image1(k).Tag Then If Image7(i).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(k).Left Then stops = True Else If Image6(i).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(k).Left Then

If k = j - 7 And Image6(i).Tag = "P" Then obstruction = True stops = True Else If Image6(i).Tag = "Q" Or Image6(i).Tag = "B" Then obstruction = True End If End If End If End If End If End If Next i Next k stops = False For k = j + 9 To 64 Step 9 For i = 1 To 16 If Not stops Then If Image1(j).Tag = Image1(k).Tag Then If Image7(i).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(k).Left Then stops = True Else If Image6(i).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(k).Left Then If k = j + 9 And Image6(i).Tag = "P" Then obstruction = True stops = True Else If Image6(i).Tag = "Q" Or Image6(i).Tag = "B" Then obstruction = True End If End If End If End If End If End If Next i Next k stops = False Next j End If '*********************** '* LEFTSIDE If ind = 17 Then '******************* '* HORSE For j = 11 To 35 Step 8 For i = 1 To 16 If Image1(j).Top = Image6(i).Top And Image1(j).Left = Image6(i).Left Then If Image6(i).Tag = "N" Then obstruction = True End If End If Next i Next j '******************* '* ROOK & QUEEN For j = 17 To 25 Step 8 For k = j + 1 To 64 For i = 1 To 16 If Not stops Then If Image1(k).Left = Image1(j).Left Then If Image1(k).Left = Image7(i).Left And Image1(k).Top = Image7(i).Top Then stops = True Else If Image1(k).Left = Image6(i).Left And Image1(k).Top = Image6(i).Top Then

Appendix D


If Image6(i).Tag = "R" Or Image6(i).Tag = "Q" Then obstruction = True End If End If End If End If End If Next i Next k stops = False Next j '*********************** '* BISHOP & QUEEN & PAWN For j = 17 To 25 Step 8 For k = j - 7 To 1 Step -7 For i = 1 To 16 If Not stops Then If Image1(j).Tag = Image1(k).Tag Then If Image7(i).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(k).Left Then stops = True Else If Image6(i).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(k).Left Then If k = j - 7 And Image6(i).Tag = "P" Then obstruction = True stops = True Else If Image6(i).Tag = "Q" Or Image6(i).Tag = "B" Then obstruction = True End If End If End If End If End If End If Next i Next k stops = False For k = j + 9 To 64 Step 9 For i = 1 To 16 If Not stops Then If Image1(j).Tag = Image1(k).Tag Then If Image7(i).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(k).Left Then stops = True Else If Image6(i).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(k).Left Then If k = j + 9 And Image6(i).Tag = "P" Then obstruction = True stops = True Else If Image6(i).Tag = "Q" Or Image6(i).Tag = "B" Then obstruction = True End If End If End If End If End If End If Next i Next k stops = False Next j End If End If End Function Private Function Castable(ind As Integer) As Boolean

Castable = False If picked Then If ind = 56 And Not kingwhitemoved And Not rightrookwhitemoved Then Castable = True rook = 16 rookdes = 48 End If If ind = 24 And Not kingwhitemoved And Not leftrookwhitemoved Then Castable = True rook = 9 rookdes = 32 End If End If If bpicked Then If ind = 49 And Not kingblackmoved And Not rightrookblackmoved Then Castable = True rook = 16 rookdes = 41 End If If ind = 17 And Not kingblackmoved And Not leftrookblackmoved Then Castable = True rook = 9 rookdes = 25 End If End If End Function Private Function endbottom() As Boolean endbottom = False For i = 8 To 64 Step 8 If Image1(position).Top = Image1(i).Top And Image1(position).Left = Image1(i).Left Then endbottom = True End If Next i End Function Private Function OnOpenCheckTiles(square_number As Integer) As Boolean OnOpenCheckTiles = False For i = 1 To OpenCheckTilesCount If square_number = OpenCheckTiles(i) Then OnOpenCheckTiles = True i = OpenCheckTilesCount End If Next i End Function Private Function opencheck() As Boolean Dim blo As Boolean, OPCrow As Integer, OPCcolumn As Integer, pctr As Integer, meron As Boolean Dim andyan As Boolean, kl As Integer, kr As Integer, k As Integer, squares As Integer, hakbang As Integer Dim mlimit As Integer, j As Integer opencheck = False blo = False OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 OPCrow = what_row(position) OPCcolumn = what_column(position) If whiteturn Then For i = 1 To 64 If Image6(13).Top = Image1(i).Top And Image6(13).Left = Image1(i).Left Then kingpos = i i = 64 End If

Appendix D


Next i If piece <> "K" Then Select Case piece Case "N" For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = what_column(kingpos) kr = what_row(kingpos) If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If If mlimit <> j Then For k = mlimit + hakbang To j Step hakbang If i = 0 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(k, kr) Else squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, k) End If If position = squares Then andyan = True End If If block(squares) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(squares, 0) Then If (Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "R") Then meron = True k=j End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If Next k If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then opencheck = True GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If End If Next j Next i '****** pahalang ****** For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = kingpos - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If position = j Then andyan = True End If If block(j) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image7(black_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q") Then meron = True j=1 End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If End If Next j If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then

opencheck = True GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If For j = kingpos + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If position = j Then andyan = True End If If block(j) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image7(black_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q") Then meron = True j = 64 End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If End If Next j If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then opencheck = True GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If Next i '* * '* BISHOP * '* * Case "B" For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = what_column(kingpos) kr = what_row(kingpos) If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If If mlimit <> j Then For k = mlimit + hakbang To j Step hakbang If i = 0 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(k, kr) Else squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, k) End If If position = squares Then andyan = True End If If block(squares) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(squares, 0) Then If (Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "R") Then meron = True k=j End If End If pctr = pctr + 1

Appendix D


End If Next k If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then opencheck = True GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If End If Next j Next i '>>>>PAGHAHANAP NG PWEDENG LAPAGAN PARA DI OPEN CHECK<<<< For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = kingpos - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If position = j Then andyan = True Else OpenCheckTilesCount = OpenCheckTilesCount + 1 OpenCheckTiles(OpenCheckTilesCount) = j End If If block(j) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image7(black_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q") Then meron = True j=1 End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If End If Next j If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If For j = kingpos + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If position = j Then andyan = True Else OpenCheckTilesCount = OpenCheckTilesCount + 1 OpenCheckTiles(OpenCheckTilesCount) = j End If If block(j) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image7(black_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q") Then meron = True j = 64 End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If End If Next j If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0

meron = False andyan = False End If Next i '* * '* ROOK * '* * Case "R" '****** pahalang ****** For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = kingpos - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If position = j Then andyan = True End If If block(j) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image7(black_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q") Then meron = True j=1 End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If End If Next j If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then opencheck = True GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If For j = kingpos + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If position = j Then andyan = True End If If block(j) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image7(black_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q") Then meron = True j = 64 End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If End If Next j If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then opencheck = True GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If Next i '>>>>PAGHAHANAP NG PWEDENG LAPAGAN PARA DI OPEN CHECK<<<< For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = what_column(kingpos)

Appendix D


kr = what_row(kingpos) If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If If mlimit <> j Then For k = mlimit + hakbang To j Step hakbang If i = 0 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(k, kr) Else squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, k) End If If position = squares Then andyan = True Else OpenCheckTilesCount = OpenCheckTilesCount + 1 OpenCheckTiles(OpenCheckTilesCount) = squares End If If block(squares) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(squares, 0) Then If (Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "R") Then meron = True k=j End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If Next k If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If End If Next j Next i '* * '* PAWN * '* * Case "P" '****** horizontal ****** If Image1(kingpos).Top = Image1(position).Top Then If kingpos > position Then For i = position - 8 To 1 Step -8 If Image1(i).Top = Image1(position).Top Then For j = 1 To 16 If Image1(i).Top = Image7(j).Top And Image1(i).Left = Image7(j).Left Then If Image7(j).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(j).Tag = "R" Then For k = i + 8 To kingpos Step 8 If k <> position Then For l = 1 To 16 If (Image7(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Or (Image6(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Then blo = True End If If Not blo Then opencheck = True End If Next l End If Next k End If End If

Next j End If Next i End If If kingpos < position Then For i = position + 8 To 64 Step 8 If Image1(i).Top = Image1(position).Top Then For j = 1 To 16 If Image1(i).Top = Image7(j).Top And Image1(i).Left = Image7(j).Left Then If Image7(j).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(j).Tag = "R" Then For k = i - 8 To kingpos Step -8 If k <> position Then For l = 1 To 16 If (Image7(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Or (Image6(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Then blo = True End If If Not blo Then opencheck = True End If Next l End If Next k End If End If Next j End If Next i End If End If '****** vertical ****** If Image1(kingpos).Left = Image1(position).Left Then If kingpos > position Then For i = position - 1 To 1 Step -1 If Image1(i).Left = Image1(position).Left Then For j = 1 To 16 If Image1(i).Top = Image7(j).Top And Image1(i).Left = Image7(j).Left Then If Image7(j).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(j).Tag = "R" Then For k = i + 1 To kingpos If k <> position Then For l = 1 To 16 If (Image7(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Or (Image6(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Then blo = True End If If Not blo Then If OPCrow = 2 Then If block(position - 1) = 0 Then OpenCheckTilesCount = 1 OpenCheckTiles(1) = position - 1 End If If block(position - 2) = 0 Then OpenCheckTilesCount = 2 OpenCheckTiles(2) = position - 2 End If Else If block(position - 1) = 0 Then OpenCheckTilesCount = 1 OpenCheckTiles(1) = position - 1 End If End If End If Next l End If Next k End If

Appendix D


End If Next j End If Next i End If If kingpos < position Then For i = position + 1 To 64 If Image1(i).Left = Image1(position).Left Then For j = 1 To 16 If Image1(i).Top = Image7(j).Top And Image1(i).Left = Image7(j).Left Then If Image7(j).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(j).Tag = "R" Then For k = i - 1 To kingpos Step -1 If k <> position Then For l = 1 To 16 If (Image7(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Or (Image6(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Then blo = True End If If Not blo Then If OPCrow = 2 Then If block(position + 1) = 0 Then OpenCheckTilesCount = 1 OpenCheckTiles(1) = position + 1 End If If block(position + 2) = 0 Then OpenCheckTilesCount = 2 OpenCheckTiles(2) = position + 2 End If Else If block(position + 1) = 0 Then OpenCheckTilesCount = 1 OpenCheckTiles(1) = position + 1 End If End If End If Next l End If Next k End If End If Next j End If Next i End If End If '****** pahalang ****** If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If kingpos > position Then For i = position - 7 To 1 Step -7 If Image1(i).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then For j = 1 To 16 If Image1(i).Top = Image7(j).Top And Image1(i).Left = Image7(j).Left Then If Image7(j).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(j).Tag = "B" Then For k = i + 7 To kingpos Step 7 If k <> position Then For l = 1 To 16 If (Image7(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Or (Image6(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Then blo = True End If If Not blo Then opencheck = True End If Next l End If Next k

End If End If Next j End If Next i End If '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If position - 9 > 0 Then If block(position - 9) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(position - 9, 0) And Image1(position 9).Tag = Image1(kingpos).Tag And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(kingpos).Tag Then If Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "B" Then For i = position + 9 To kingpos Step 9 If block(i) = 1 And Image1(i).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If i = kingpos Then OpenCheckTilesCount = 1 OpenCheckTiles(1) = position - 9 Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 GoTo exit_loop1 End If End If Next i exit_loop1: End If End If Else meron = False For j = position - 9 To 1 Step -9 If Image1(j).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If is_black_piece(j, 0) Then If Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "B" Then meron = True j=1 End If End If 'Else ' j=1 End If Next j For j = position + 9 To kingpos Step 9 If Image1(j).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If meron Then opencheck = True meron = False GoTo exit_open_check End If 'Else ' j = kingpos End If Next j End If End If '>>>>>>>>>>>>> If position + 7 < 65 Then If block(position + 7) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(position + 7, 0) And Image1(position + 7).Tag = Image1(kingpos).Tag And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(kingpos).Tag Then If Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "B" Then For i = position - 7 To kingpos Step -7 If block(i) = 1 And Image1(i).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If i = kingpos Then OpenCheckTilesCount = 1

Appendix D


OpenCheckTiles(1) = position + 7 Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 GoTo exit_loop2 End If End If Next i exit_loop2: End If End If Else meron = False For j = position + 7 To 64 Step 7 If Image1(j).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If is_black_piece(j, 0) Then If Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "B" Then meron = True j=1 End If End If 'Else ' j=1 End If Next j For j = position - 7 To kingpos Step -7 If Image1(j).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If meron Then opencheck = True meron = False GoTo exit_open_check End If 'Else ' j = kingpos End If Next j End If End If If kingpos < position Then For i = position + 9 To 64 Step 9 If Image1(i).Left = Image1(position).Left Then For j = 1 To 16 If Image1(i).Top = Image7(j).Top And Image1(i).Left = Image7(j).Left Then If Image7(j).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(j).Tag = "B" Then For k = i - 9 To kingpos Step -9 If k <> position Then For l = 1 To 16 If (Image7(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Or (Image6(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Then blo = True End If If Not blo Then opencheck = True End If Next l End If Next k End If End If Next j End If Next i End If End If '* * '* QUEEN * '* * Case "Q"

'>>>>PAGHAHANAP NG PWEDENG LAPAGAN PARA DI OPEN CHECK<<<< For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = kingpos - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If position = j Then andyan = True Else OpenCheckTilesCount = OpenCheckTilesCount + 1 OpenCheckTiles(OpenCheckTilesCount) = j End If If block(j) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image7(black_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q") Then meron = True j=1 End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If End If Next j If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If For j = kingpos + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If position = j Then andyan = True Else OpenCheckTilesCount = OpenCheckTilesCount + 1 OpenCheckTiles(OpenCheckTilesCount) = j End If If block(j) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image7(black_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q") Then meron = True j = 64 End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If End If Next j If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If Next i '>>>>PAGHAHANAP NG PWEDENG LAPAGAN PARA DI OPEN CHECK<<<< For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = what_column(kingpos) kr = what_row(kingpos) If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl

Appendix D


Else mlimit = kr End If If mlimit <> j Then For k = mlimit + hakbang To j Step hakbang If i = 0 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(k, kr) Else squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, k) End If If position = squares Then andyan = True Else OpenCheckTilesCount = OpenCheckTilesCount + 1 OpenCheckTiles(OpenCheckTilesCount) = squares End If If block(squares) = 1 Then If is_black_piece(squares, 0) Then If (Image7(black_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(black_piece).Tag = "R") Then meron = True k=j End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If Next k If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If End If Next j Next i End Select End If End If '***************************** If blackturn Then For i = 1 To 64 If Image7(13).Top = Image1(i).Top And Image7(13).Left = Image1(i).Left Then kingpos = i i = 64 End If Next i If piece <> "K" Then Select Case piece '* * '* black knight * '* * Case "N" For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = what_column(kingpos) kr = what_row(kingpos) If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If If mlimit <> j Then For k = mlimit + hakbang To j Step hakbang

If i = 0 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(k, kr) Else squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, k) End If If position = squares Then andyan = True End If If block(squares) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(squares, 0) Then If (Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "R") Then meron = True k=j End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If Next k If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then opencheck = True GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If End If Next j Next i '****** pahalang ****** For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = kingpos - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If position = j Then andyan = True End If If block(j) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image6(white_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q") Then meron = True j=1 End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If End If Next j If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then opencheck = True GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If For j = kingpos + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If position = j Then andyan = True End If If block(j) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image6(white_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q") Then meron = True

Appendix D


j = 64 End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If End If Next j If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then opencheck = True GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If Next i '* * '* BLACK BISHOP * '* * Case "B" For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = what_column(kingpos) kr = what_row(kingpos) If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If If mlimit <> j Then For k = mlimit + hakbang To j Step hakbang If i = 0 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(k, kr) Else squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, k) End If If position = squares Then andyan = True End If If block(squares) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(squares, 0) Then If (Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "R") Then meron = True k=j End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If Next k If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then opencheck = True GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If End If Next j Next i '>>>>PAGHAHANAP NG PWEDENG LAPAGAN PARA DI OPEN CHECK<<<< For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = kingpos - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left

If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If position = j Then andyan = True Else OpenCheckTilesCount = OpenCheckTilesCount + 1 OpenCheckTiles(OpenCheckTilesCount) = j End If If block(j) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image6(white_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q") Then meron = True j=1 End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If End If Next j If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If For j = kingpos + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If position = j Then andyan = True Else OpenCheckTilesCount = OpenCheckTilesCount + 1 OpenCheckTiles(OpenCheckTilesCount) = j End If If block(j) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image6(white_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q") Then meron = True j = 64 End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If End If Next j If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If Next i '* * '* BLACK ROOK * '* * Case "R" 'pahalang For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = kingpos - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If position = j Then andyan = True End If If block(j) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(j, 0) Then

Appendix D


If (Image6(white_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q") Then meron = True j=1 End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If End If Next j If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then opencheck = True GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If For j = kingpos + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If position = j Then andyan = True End If If block(j) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image6(white_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q") Then meron = True j = 64 End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If End If Next j If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then opencheck = True GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If Next i '>>>>PAGHAHANAP NG PWEDENG LAPAGAN PARA DI OPEN CHECK<<<< For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = what_column(kingpos) kr = what_row(kingpos) If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If If mlimit <> j Then For k = mlimit + hakbang To j Step hakbang If i = 0 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(k, kr) Else squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, k) End If If position = squares Then andyan = True Else OpenCheckTilesCount = OpenCheckTilesCount + 1

OpenCheckTiles(OpenCheckTilesCount) = squares End If If block(squares) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(squares, 0) Then If (Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "R") Then meron = True k=j End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If Next k If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If End If Next j Next i '* * '* BLACK PAWN * '* * Case "P" '****** horizontal ****** If Image1(kingpos).Top = Image1(position).Top Then If kingpos > position Then For i = position - 8 To 1 Step -8 If Image1(i).Top = Image1(position).Top Then For j = 1 To 16 If Image1(i).Top = Image6(j).Top And Image1(i).Left = Image6(j).Left Then If Image6(j).Tag = "Q" Or Image6(j).Tag = "R" Then For k = i + 8 To kingpos Step 8 If k <> position Then For l = 1 To 16 If (Image7(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Or (Image6(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Then blo = True End If If Not blo Then opencheck = True End If Next l End If Next k End If End If Next j End If Next i End If If kingpos < position Then For i = position + 8 To 64 Step 8 If Image1(i).Top = Image1(position).Top Then For j = 1 To 16 If Image1(i).Top = Image6(j).Top And Image1(i).Left = Image6(j).Left Then If Image6(j).Tag = "Q" Or Image6(j).Tag = "R" Then For k = i - 8 To kingpos Step -8 If k <> position Then For l = 1 To 16

Appendix D


If (Image7(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Or (Image6(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Then blo = True End If If Not blo Then opencheck = True End If Next l End If Next k End If End If Next j End If Next i End If End If '****** vertical ****** If Image1(kingpos).Left = Image1(position).Left Then If kingpos > position Then For i = position - 1 To 1 Step -1 If Image1(i).Left = Image1(position).Left Then For j = 1 To 16 If Image1(i).Top = Image6(j).Top And Image1(i).Left = Image6(j).Left Then If Image6(j).Tag = "Q" Or Image6(j).Tag = "R" Then For k = i + 1 To kingpos If k <> position Then For l = 1 To 16 If (Image7(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Or (Image6(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Then blo = True End If If Not blo Then If OPCrow = 7 Then If block(position + 1) = 0 Then OpenCheckTilesCount = 1 OpenCheckTiles(1) = position + 1 End If If block(position + 2) = 0 Then OpenCheckTilesCount = 2 OpenCheckTiles(2) = position + 2 End If Else If block(position + 1) = 0 Then OpenCheckTilesCount = 1 OpenCheckTiles(1) = position + 1 End If End If End If Next l End If Next k End If End If Next j End If Next i End If If kingpos < position Then For i = position + 1 To 64 If Image1(i).Left = Image1(position).Left Then For j = 1 To 16 If Image1(i).Top = Image6(j).Top And Image1(i).Left = Image6(j).Left Then If Image6(j).Tag = "Q" Or Image6(j).Tag = "R" Then For k = i - 1 To kingpos Step -1 If k <> position Then

For l = 1 To 16 If (Image7(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Or (Image6(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Then blo = True End If If Not blo Then If OPCrow = 7 Then If block(position + 1) = 0 Then OpenCheckTilesCount = 1 OpenCheckTiles(1) = position + 1 End If If block(position + 2) = 0 Then OpenCheckTilesCount = 2 OpenCheckTiles(2) = position + 2 End If Else If block(position + 1) = 0 Then OpenCheckTilesCount = 1 OpenCheckTiles(1) = position + 1 End If End If End If Next l End If Next k End If End If Next j End If Next i End If End If '****** pahalang ****** If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If kingpos > position Then For i = position - 9 To 1 Step -9 If Image1(i).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then For j = 1 To 16 If Image1(i).Top = Image6(j).Top And Image1(i).Left = Image6(j).Left Then If Image6(j).Tag = "Q" Or Image6(j).Tag = "B" Then For k = i + 9 To kingpos Step 9 If k <> position Then For l = 1 To 16 If (Image7(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Or (Image6(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Then blo = True End If If Not blo Then opencheck = True End If Next l End If Next k End If End If Next j End If Next i End If '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If position - 7 > 0 Then If block(position - 7) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(position - 7, 0) And Image1(position 7).Tag = Image1(kingpos).Tag And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(kingpos).Tag Then If Image7(white_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image7(white_piece).Tag = "B" Then

Appendix D


For i = position + 7 To kingpos Step 7 If block(i) = 1 And Image1(i).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If i = kingpos Then OpenCheckTilesCount = 1 OpenCheckTiles(1) = position - 7 Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 GoTo exit_loop1 End If End If Next i exit_loop1b: End If End If Else meron = False For j = position - 7 To 1 Step -7 If Image1(j).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If is_white_piece(j, 0) Then If Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "B" Then meron = True j=1 End If End If 'Else ' j=1 End If Next j For j = position + 7 To kingpos Step 7 If Image1(j).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If meron Then opencheck = True meron = False GoTo exit_open_check End If 'Else ' j = kingpos End If Next j End If End If '>>>>>>>>>>>>> If position + 9 < 65 Then If block(position + 9) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(position + 9, 0) And Image1(position + 9).Tag = Image1(kingpos).Tag And Image1(position).Tag = Image1(kingpos).Tag Then If Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "B" Then For i = position - 9 To kingpos Step -9 If block(i) = 1 And Image1(i).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If i = kingpos Then OpenCheckTilesCount = 1 OpenCheckTiles(1) = position + 9 Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 GoTo exit_loop2 End If End If Next i exit_loop2b: End If End If Else meron = False For j = position + 9 To 64 Step 9 If Image1(j).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then

If is_white_piece(j, 0) Then If Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "B" Then meron = True j=1 End If End If 'Else ' j=1 End If Next j For j = position - 9 To kingpos Step -9 If Image1(j).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If meron Then opencheck = True meron = False GoTo exit_open_check End If 'Else ' j = kingpos End If Next j End If End If If kingpos < position Then For i = position + 7 To 64 Step 7 If Image1(i).Left = Image1(position).Left Then For j = 1 To 16 If Image1(i).Top = Image6(j).Top And Image1(i).Left = Image6(j).Left Then If Image6(j).Tag = "Q" Or Image6(j).Tag = "B" Then For k = i - 7 To kingpos Step -7 If k <> position Then For l = 1 To 16 If (Image7(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image7(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Or (Image6(l).Top = Image1(k).Top And Image6(l).Left = Image1(k).Left) Then blo = True End If If Not blo Then opencheck = True End If Next l End If Next k End If End If Next j End If Next i End If End If '* * '* BLACK QUEEN * '* * Case "Q" '>>>>PAGHAHANAP NG PWEDENG LAPAGAN PARA DI OPEN CHECK<<<< For i = 7 To 9 Step 2 ' 7=downward , 9=upward For j = kingpos - i To 1 Step -i 'towards left If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If position = j Then andyan = True Else OpenCheckTilesCount = OpenCheckTilesCount + 1 OpenCheckTiles(OpenCheckTilesCount) = j End If If block(j) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(j, 0) Then

Appendix D


If (Image6(white_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q") Then meron = True j=1 End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If End If Next j If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If For j = kingpos + i To 64 Step i 'towards right If Image1(kingpos).Tag = Image1(j).Tag Then If position = j Then andyan = True Else OpenCheckTilesCount = OpenCheckTilesCount + 1 OpenCheckTiles(OpenCheckTilesCount) = j End If If block(j) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(j, 0) Then If (Image6(white_piece).Tag = "B" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q") Then meron = True j = 64 End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If End If Next j If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If Next i '>>>>PAGHAHANAP NG PWEDENG LAPAGAN PARA DI OPEN CHECK<<<< For i = 0 To 1 '0=horizontal, 1=vertical hakbang = 1 For j = 1 To 8 Step 7 '1=decreasing, 8=increasing hakbang = hakbang * -1 kl = what_column(kingpos) kr = what_row(kingpos) If i = 0 Then mlimit = kl Else mlimit = kr End If If mlimit <> j Then For k = mlimit + hakbang To j Step hakbang If i = 0 Then squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(k, kr) Else squares = alamin_ang_pwesto(kl, k) End If If position = squares Then andyan = True Else

OpenCheckTilesCount = OpenCheckTilesCount + 1 OpenCheckTiles(OpenCheckTilesCount) = squares End If If block(squares) = 1 Then If is_white_piece(squares, 0) Then If (Image6(white_piece).Tag = "Q" Or Image6(white_piece).Tag = "R") Then meron = True k=j End If End If pctr = pctr + 1 End If Next k If pctr = 1 And meron And andyan Then GoTo exit_open_check Else OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 pctr = 0 meron = False andyan = False End If End If Next j Next i End Select End If End If exit_open_check: End Function Private Sub blink_timer_Timer() If draw Then If Not blink_trigger Then blink_all blink_trigger = Not blink_trigger Else reset_changed_tiles blink_trigger = Not blink_trigger End If End If If checkmate Then If Not blink_trigger Then blink_loser blink_trigger = Not blink_trigger Else reset_changed_tiles blink_trigger = Not blink_trigger End If End If End Sub Private Sub cmd_next_Click() run_command End Sub Private Sub cmd_prev_Click() step_back End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim ind As Integer piecechose = -1 For i = 1 To 4 If image10(i).BorderStyle = 1 Then piecechose = i End If Next i If piecechose > -1 Then If bpicked Then Image7(piecenum).Picture = image10(piecechose).Picture

Appendix D


Image7(piecenum).Tag = image10(piecechose).Tag piecepromoted = image10(piecechose).Tag Command2.Visible = False For i = 1 To 4 image10(i).Visible = False image10(i).BorderStyle = 0 Next i Label3.Visible = False 'checked = check If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else If ProSw = 110 Then Call blackturnoff(ind) End If End If Timer2.Enabled = True Timer3.Enabled = True End If If picked Then Image6(piecenum).Picture = image10(piecechose).Picture Image6(piecenum).Tag = image10(piecechose).Tag piecepromoted = image10(piecechose).Tag Command2.Visible = False For i = 1 To 4 image10(i).Visible = False image10(i).BorderStyle = 0 Next i Label3.Visible = False 'checked = check If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else If ProSw = 94 Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) End If End If Timer2.Enabled = True Timer3.Enabled = True End If End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() boolforpatong = False bturn2 = 0 trgr = True trigger = False counter = 0 column = 0 opl = 0 posopl = 0 Out 890, 41 kingblackmoved = False kingwhitemoved = False rightrookwhitemoved = False leftrookwhitemoved = False rightrookblackmoved = False leftrookblackmoved = False blackturn = False whiteturn = False picked = False bpicked = False position = 0 castling = False checked = False move_count = 1 mcastling = True castling_queen_side = True

castling_king_side = True mcastlingb = True castling_queen_sideb = True castling_king_sideb = True checkmate = False draw = False takboctr = 0 kukai = "" run_cnt = 0 hula = False ppp = 0 Call load_color Frame1.Visible = False lblmessage.Top = Me.Top lblmessage.Left = Me.Width For t = 1 To 8 whitepawnmoved(t) = False blackpawnmoved(t) = False enpassantpiecew(t) = False enpassantpieceb(t) = False Next lst_moves.Clear For i = 0 To 1 Label7(i).Caption = "" Next i For i = 1 To 8 Image7(i).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/pionblack.gif") Image6(i).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/pionwhite.gif") Image7(i).Tag = "P" Image6(i).Tag = "P" enpassantpiecew(i) = False enpassantpieceb(i) = False Next i g=0 For t = 7 To 63 Step 8 g=g+1 Image6(g).Top = Image1(t).Top Image6(g).Left = Image1(t).Left Next g=8 For t = 8 To 64 Step 8 g=g+1 Image6(g).Top = Image1(t).Top Image6(g).Left = Image1(t).Left Next g=0 For t = 2 To 58 Step 8 g=g+1 Image7(g).Top = Image1(t).Top Image7(g).Left = Image1(t).Left Next g=8 For t = 1 To 57 Step 8 g=g+1 Image7(g).Top = Image1(t).Top Image7(g).Left = Image1(t).Left Next For i = 1 To 16 Image6(i).Visible = False Image7(i).Visible = False Next i

Appendix D


Label10.Caption = "" End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) End End Sub Private Sub Image10_Click(Index As Integer) For i = 1 To 4 image10(i).BorderStyle = 0 Next i image10(Index).BorderStyle = 1 End Sub Private Function blackturnoff(ind As Integer) Out 890, 35 Call resetenpassant whiteturn = True blackturn = False bpicked = False Call findlabel(ind) moveto = Label7(0).Caption reset_changed_tiles checked = check Call append_list If checked Then If checkmate_ba Then Timer2.Enabled = False Timer3.Enabled = False Timer6.Enabled = False blink_timer.Enabled = True lst_moves.AddItem " 0-1" MsgBox ("Checkmate Black Wins!") End If Else If stalemate_ba Then Timer2.Enabled = False Timer3.Enabled = False Timer6.Enabled = False blink_timer.Enabled = True lst_moves.AddItem " 1/2-1/2" MsgBox ("Stalemate Draw!") End If End If If perpetual_check Then Timer2.Enabled = False Timer3.Enabled = False blink_timer.Enabled = True lst_moves.AddItem " 1/2-1/2" MsgBox ("Draw!") MsgBox ("The positions has been repeated three times!") End If '(1).FillColor = &H0& Call movesave If mnuAutoSave.Caption = "AutoSave OFF" Then Call autoseyb End If Label7(1).Caption = "W" Out 890, 34 End Function Private Function blink_all() For i = 1 To 64 If block(i) = 1 Then Image1(i).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\images\black_glow.jpg") inc_changed_tiles (i) End If Next i End Function Private Function blink_loser()

Dim i As Integer If whiteturn Then For i = 1 To 64 If is_white_piece(i, 0) And block(i) = 1 Then If white_piece = 13 Then Image1(i).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\images\on_threat.jpg") inc_changed_tiles (i) End If End If Next i End If If blackturn Then For i = 1 To 64 If is_black_piece(i, 0) And block(i) = 1 Then If black_piece = 13 Then Image1(i).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\images\on_threat.jpg") inc_changed_tiles (i) End If End If Next i End If End Function Private Function movesave() Open App.Path & "\movesave\" & currentsavefile & ".txt" For Output As #1 For i = 0 To lst_moves.ListCount Print #1, lst_moves.List(i) Next i Close #1 End Function Private Function whiteturnoff(ind As Integer) Out 890, 35 Call resetenpassant whiteturn = False blackturn = True picked = False Call findlabel(ind) moveto = Label7(0).Caption reset_changed_tiles checked = check Call append_list If checked Then If checkmate_ba Then Timer2.Enabled = False Timer3.Enabled = False Timer6.Enabled = False blink_timer.Enabled = True lst_moves.AddItem " 1-0" MsgBox ("Checkmate White Wins!") End If Else If stalemate_ba Then Timer2.Enabled = False Timer3.Enabled = False Timer6.Enabled = False blink_timer.Enabled = True lst_moves.AddItem " 1/2-1/2" MsgBox ("Stalemate Draw!") End If End If If perpetual_check Then Timer2.Enabled = False Timer3.Enabled = False blink_timer.Enabled = True lst_moves.AddItem " 1/2-1/2" MsgBox ("Draw!") MsgBox ("The positions has been repeated three times!") End If

Appendix D


'(0).FillColor = &H0& Call movesave If mnuAutoSave.Caption = "AutoSave OFF" Then Call autoseyb End If Label7(1).Caption = "B" Out 890, 34 End Function Private Function piecemoves(ind As Integer) If bpicked Then If gamemode = "Amateur" Then If ind = position Then Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Call reset_changed_tiles bpicked = False End If End If Select Case piece Case "P" If opponentpiecelifted Then ' |||||||| kain ||||||| If Not pawnpromote Then ' |||||||| not promoted ||||||||||| If ind = position - 7 Or ind = position + 9 Then If ind = posopl Then If checked Then ' kung check If naharangan_ba(ind) Then ' kung mahaharangan yung nagcheck Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top opponentpiecelifted = False blackpawnmoved(piecenum) = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If GoTo ExitPieceMoves Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else ' hindi check Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top opponentpiecelifted = False blackpawnmoved(piecenum) = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If GoTo ExitPieceMoves End If Else 'passed pawn If (posopl = position - 8 Or posopl = position + 8) And beyond(position) Then If enpassantpiecew(opl) Then If posdes = ind Then If checked Then 'check If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top opponentpiecelifted = False blackpawnmoved(piecenum) = True

If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If GoTo ExitPieceMoves Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else 'check Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top opponentpiecelifted = False blackpawnmoved(piecenum) = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If GoTo ExitPieceMoves End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else 'pawn promoted If (ind = position - 7 Or ind = position + 9) Then If ind = posopl Then 'kain lang If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top pawnpromotion (ind) opponentpiecelifted = False blackpawnmoved(piecenum) = True GoTo ExitPieceMoves Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top pawnpromotion (ind) opponentpiecelifted = False blackpawnmoved(piecenum) = True GoTo ExitPieceMoves End If Else 'passed pawn If (posopl = position - 8 Or posopl = position + 8) And beyond(position) Then If enpassantpiecew(opl) Then If posdes = ind Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top pawnpromotion (ind) opponentpiecelifted = False

Appendix D


blackpawnmoved(piecenum) = True GoTo ExitPieceMoves Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top pawnpromotion (ind) opponentpiecelifted = False blackpawnmoved(piecenum) = True GoTo ExitPieceMoves End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If Else 'galaw lang If Not pawnpromoted Then If ind = position + 1 Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top opponentpiecelifted = False blackpawnmoved(piecenum) = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If GoTo ExitPieceMoves Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top opponentpiecelifted = False blackpawnmoved(piecenum) = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If GoTo ExitPieceMoves End If Else If ind = position + 2 Then If Not blackpawnmoved(piecenum) Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top blackpawnmoved(piecenum) = True For i = 1 To 8

If ind + 8 < 65 Then If Image1(ind + 8).Top = Image6(i).Top And Image1(ind + 8).Left = Image6(i).Left Then enpassantpieceb(piecenum) = True End If End If If ind - 8 > 0 Then If Image1(ind - 8).Top = Image6(i).Top And Image1(ind 8).Left = Image6(i).Left Then enpassantpieceb(piecenum) = True End If End If Next i If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on CHeck!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else For j = 1 To 16 If (Image1(ind).Top = Image7(j).Top And Image1(ind).Left = Image7(j).Left) Or (Image1(ind).Top = Image6(j).Top And Image1(ind).Left = Image6(j).Left) Then boolforpatong = True End If Next j If Not boolforpatong Then Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top blackpawnmoved(piecenum) = True For i = 1 To 8 If ind + 8 < 65 Then If Image1(ind + 8).Top = Image6(i).Top And Image1(ind + 8).Left = Image6(i).Left Then enpassantpieceb(piecenum) = True End If End If If ind - 8 > 0 Then If Image1(ind - 8).Top = Image6(i).Top And Image1(ind 8).Left = Image6(i).Left Then enpassantpieceb(piecenum) = True End If End If Next i If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If Else If ind = position + 1 Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left

Appendix D


Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top pawnpromotion (ind) opponentpiecelifted = False blackpawnmoved(piecenum) = True Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top pawnpromotion (ind) opponentpiecelifted = False blackpawnmoved(piecenum) = True End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If End If Case "N" If opponentpiecelifted Then If ind = posopl Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on CHeck!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else For i = 1 To 16 If Image1(ind).Top = Image7(i).Top And Image1(ind).Left = Image7(i).Left Then boolforpatong = True End If Next i If Not boolforpatong Then If Image1(position).Tag <> Image1(ind).Tag And (ind = position - 6 Or ind = position - 10 Or ind = position - 15 Or ind = position - 17 Or ind = position + 6 Or ind = position + 10 Or ind = position + 15 Or ind = position + 17) Then If checked Then

If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If End If Case "K" If opponentpiecelifted Then 'kain If ind = posopl Then If Not square_on_threat(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False kingblackmoved = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else 'galaw lang For i = 1 To 16 If Image1(ind).Top = Image7(i).Top And Image1(ind).Left = Image7(i).Left Then boolforpatong = True End If Next i If Not boolforpatong Then If Not square_on_threat(ind) Then If Not endtop And Not endbottom Then If (ind = position - 1 Or ind = position + 1 Or ind = position 8 Or ind = position + 8 Or ind = position - 9 Or ind = position + 9 Or ind = position - 7 Or ind = position + 7) Then

Appendix D


Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left kingblackmoved = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If endtop Then If (ind = position - 8 Or ind = position + 8 Or ind = position + 9 Or ind = position - 7 Or ind = position + 1) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left kingblackmoved = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else If Castable(ind) And Not blocked And Not checked And Not obstruction(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left kingblackmoved = True castling = True reset_changed_tiles If gamemode = "Amateur" Then lit_on (rookdes) If ind > rookdes Then lit_on (57) Else lit_on (1) End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If Else If endbottom Then If (ind = position - 8 Or ind = position + 8 Or ind = position 9 Or ind = position + 7 Or ind = position - 1) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left kingblackmoved = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True

End If End If End If Case "R" If opponentpiecelifted Then If ind = posopl Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If piecenum = 16 Then rightrookblackmoved = True Else leftrookblackmoved = True End If If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount > 0 Then If OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If piecenum = 16 Then rightrookblackmoved = True Else leftrookblackmoved = True End If If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Open Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If piecenum = 16 Then rightrookblackmoved = True Else leftrookblackmoved = True End If If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True

Appendix D


End If Else For i = 1 To 16 If Image1(ind).Top = Image7(i).Top And Image1(ind).Left = Image7(i).Left Then boolforpatong = True End If Next i If Not boolforpatong Then If Not blocked Then If Image1(position).Top = Image1(ind).Top Or Image1(position).Left = Image1(ind).Left Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If piecenum = 16 Then rightrookblackmoved = True Else leftrookblackmoved = True End If If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount > 0 Then If OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If piecenum = 16 Then rightrookblackmoved = True Else leftrookblackmoved = True End If If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Open Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If piecenum = 16 Then rightrookblackmoved = True Else leftrookblackmoved = True End If If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind

protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If End If Case "B" If opponentpiecelifted Then If ind = posopl Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount > 0 Then If OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Open Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else For i = 1 To 16

Appendix D


If Image1(ind).Top = Image7(i).Top And Image1(ind).Left = Image7(i).Left Then boolforpatong = True End If Next i IMBcnt = 0 If Not boolforpatong Then If Not blocked Then If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(ind).Tag Then For j = 7 To 9 Step 2 For i = position - j To 1 Step -j If ind = i Then IMBcnt = IMBcnt + 1 If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount > 0 Then If OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Open Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If End If Next i For i = position + j To 64 Step j If ind = i Then IMBcnt = IMBcnt + 1 If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False

If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount > 0 Then If OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Open Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If End If Next i Next j If IMBcnt = 0 Then kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If End If Case "Q" If opponentpiecelifted Then If ind = posopl Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If

Appendix D


Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount > 0 Then If OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Open Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else For i = 1 To 16 If Image1(ind).Top = Image7(i).Top And Image1(ind).Left = Image7(i).Left Then boolforpatong = True End If Next i If Not boolforpatong Then If Not blocked Then If Image1(position).Top = Image1(ind).Top Or Image1(position).Left = Image1(ind).Left Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount > 0 Then If OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top

Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Open Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If GoTo ExitPieceMoves Else IMBcnt = 0 If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(ind).Tag Then For j = 7 To 9 Step 2 For i = position - j To 1 Step -j If ind = i Then IMBcnt = IMBcnt + 1 If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount > 0 Then If OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Open Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left

Appendix D


opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If End If Next i For i = position + j To 64 Step j If ind = i Then IMBcnt = IMBcnt + 1 If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount > 0 Then If OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Open Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If End If Next i Next j If IMBcnt = 0 Then kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!"

Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If End If End Select End If If picked Then Select Case piece Case "P" If opponentpiecelifted Then If Not pawnpromote Then If (ind = position - 9 Or ind = position + 7) Then If ind = posopl Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top opponentpiecelifted = False whitepawnmoved(piecenum) = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top opponentpiecelifted = False whitepawnmoved(piecenum) = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If Else If (posopl = position - 8 Or posopl = position + 8) And beyond(position) Then If enpassantpieceb(opl) Then If posdes = ind Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If

Appendix D


Else Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else ' promoted If position - 9 Or ind = position + 7 Then If ind = posopl Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top pawnpromotion (ind) opponentpiecelifted = False whitepawnmoved(piecenum) = True Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top pawnpromotion (ind) opponentpiecelifted = False whitepawnmoved(piecenum) = True End If Else If (posopl = position - 8 Or posopl = position + 8) And beyond(position) Then If enpassantpieceb(opl) Then If posdes = ind Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left pawnpromotion (ind) opponentpiecelifted = False Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left pawnpromotion (ind) opponentpiecelifted = False End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If

End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If Else If Not pawnpromoted Then If ind = position - 1 Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left whitepawnmoved(piecenum) = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If GoTo ExitPieceMoves Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left whitepawnmoved(piecenum) = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If GoTo ExitPieceMoves End If Else If ind = position - 2 Then If Not whitepawnmoved(piecenum) Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top whitepawnmoved(piecenum) = True For i = 1 To 8 If ind + 8 < 65 Then If Image1(ind + 8).Top = Image7(i).Top And Image1(ind + 8).Left = Image7(i).Left Then enpassantpiecew(piecenum) = True End If End If If ind - 8 > 0 Then If Image1(ind - 8).Top = Image7(i).Top And Image1(ind 8).Left = Image7(i).Left Then enpassantpiecew(piecenum) = True End If End If Next i If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else

Appendix D


kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else For j = 1 To 16 If (Image1(ind).Top = Image7(j).Top And Image1(ind).Left = Image7(j).Left) Or (Image1(ind).Top = Image6(j).Top And Image1(ind).Left = Image6(j).Left) Then boolforpatong = True End If Next j If Not boolforpatong Then Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top whitepawnmoved(piecenum) = True For i = 1 To 8 If ind + 8 < 65 Then If Image1(ind + 8).Top = Image7(i).Top And Image1(ind + 8).Left = Image7(i).Left Then enpassantpiecew(piecenum) = True End If End If If ind - 8 > 0 Then If Image1(ind - 8).Top = Image7(i).Top And Image1(ind 8).Left = Image7(i).Left Then enpassantpiecew(piecenum) = True End If End If Next i If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If Else If ind = position - 1 Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Call pawnpromotion(ind) Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Call pawnpromotion(ind) End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If End If Case "N" If opponentpiecelifted Then

If ind = posopl Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else For j = 1 To 16 If Image1(ind).Top = Image6(j).Top And Image1(ind).Left = Image6(j).Left Then boolforpatong = True End If Next j If Not boolforpatong Then If Image1(position).Tag <> Image1(ind).Tag And (ind = position - 6 Or ind = position - 10 Or ind = position - 15 Or ind = position - 17 Or ind = position + 6 Or ind = position + 10 Or ind = position + 15 Or ind = position + 17) Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If

Appendix D


End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If End If Case "K" If opponentpiecelifted Then If ind = posopl Then If Not square_on_threat(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False kingwhitemoved = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else For j = 1 To 16 If Image1(ind).Top = Image6(j).Top And Image1(ind).Left = Image6(j).Left Then boolforpatong = True End If Next j If Not boolforpatong Then If Not square_on_threat(ind) Then If Not endtop And Not endbottom Then If ind = position - 1 Or ind = position + 1 Or ind = position 8 Or ind = position + 8 Or ind = position - 9 Or ind = position + 9 Or ind = position - 7 Or ind = position + 7 Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left kingwhitemoved = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If endbottom Then If ind = position - 8 Or ind = position + 8 Or ind = position 9 Or ind = position + 7 Or ind = position - 1 Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left kingwhitemoved = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind

protime.Enabled = True End If Else If Castable(ind) And (Not blocked) And (Not checked) And (Not obstruction(ind)) And Not square_on_threat(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left kingwhitemoved = True castling = True reset_changed_tiles If gamemode = "Amateur" Then lit_on (rookdes) If ind > rookdes Then lit_on (64) Else lit_on (8) End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If Else If endtop And (ind = position - 8 Or ind = position + 8 Or ind = position + 9 Or ind = position - 7 Or ind = position + 1) And Not square_on_threat(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left kingwhitemoved = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If End If Case "R" If opponentpiecelifted Then If ind = posopl Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If piecenum = 16 Then rightrookwhitemoved = True Else leftrookwhitemoved = True End If If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else

Appendix D


kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount > 0 Then If OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If piecenum = 16 Then rightrookwhitemoved = True Else leftrookwhitemoved = True End If If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Open Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If piecenum = 16 Then rightrookwhitemoved = True Else leftrookwhitemoved = True End If If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else For j = 1 To 16 If Image1(ind).Top = Image6(j).Top And Image1(ind).Left = Image6(j).Left Then boolforpatong = True End If Next j If Not boolforpatong Then If Not blocked Then If Image1(position).Top = Image1(ind).Top Or Image1(position).Left = Image1(ind).Left Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If piecenum = 16 Then rightrookwhitemoved = True Else leftrookwhitemoved = True End If If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else

ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount > 0 Then If OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If piecenum = 16 Then rightrookwhitemoved = True Else leftrookwhitemoved = True End If If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If piecenum = 16 Then rightrookwhitemoved = True Else leftrookwhitemoved = True End If If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If End If Case "B" If opponentpiecelifted Then If ind = posopl Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True

Appendix D


End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount > 0 Then If OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Open Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else For j = 1 To 16 If Image1(ind).Top = Image6(j).Top And Image1(ind).Left = Image6(j).Left Then boolforpatong = True End If Next j IMBcnt = 0 If Not boolforpatong Then If Not blocked Then If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(ind).Tag Then For j = 7 To 9 Step 2 For i = position - j To 1 Step -j If ind = i Then IMBcnt = IMBcnt + 1 If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount > 0 Then If OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else

ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Open Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If End If Next i For i = position + j To 64 Step j If ind = i Then IMBcnt = IMBcnt + 1 If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount > 0 Then If OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If End If Next i Next j If IMBcnt = 0 Then kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True

Appendix D


End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If End If Case "Q" If opponentpiecelifted Then If ind = posopl Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount > 0 Then If OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left opponentpiecelifted = False If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else For j = 1 To 16 If Image1(ind).Top = Image6(j).Top And Image1(ind).Left = Image6(j).Left Then boolforpatong = True End If Next j If Not boolforpatong Then

If Not blocked Then If Image1(position).Top = Image1(ind).Top Or Image1(position).Left = Image1(ind).Left Then If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount > 0 Then If OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Open Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If GoTo ExitPieceMoves Else IMBcnt = 0 If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(ind).Tag Then For j = 7 To 9 Step 2 For i = position - j To 1 Step -j If ind = i Then IMBcnt = IMBcnt + 1 If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount > 0 Then If OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top

Appendix D


Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Open Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If End If Next i For i = position + j To 64 Step j If ind = i Then IMBcnt = IMBcnt + 1 If checked Then If naharangan_ba(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Still on Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If OpenCheckTilesCount > 0 Then If OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Open Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(ind) Else ProTaba = ind protime.Enabled = True End If End If End If End If Next i Next j

If IMBcnt = 0 Then kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If End If End Select End If boolforpatong = False ExitPieceMoves: End Function Private Function blockway(ind As Integer) As Boolean Dim kolum As Integer, kurow As Integer, loops As Integer kolum = what_column(position) kurow = what_row(position) blockway = False counter = 0 tagcounter = 0 If whiteturn Then Select Case piece '******** '* PAWN * '******** Case "P" For i = 1 To 16 If (Image1(position - 1).Top = Image6(i).Top And Image1(position - 1).Left = Image6(i).Left) Or (Image1(position - 1).Top = Image7(i).Top And Image1(position - 1).Left = Image7(i).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next i '******** '* ROOK * '******** Case "R" If Not picked Then If position - 1 > 0 Then If Image1(position).Left = Image1(position - 1).Left Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image6(j).Top = Image1(position - 1).Top And Image6(j).Left = Image1(position - 1).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position + 1 < 65 Then If Image1(position).Left = Image1(position + 1).Left Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image6(j).Top = Image1(position + 1).Top And Image6(j).Left = Image1(position + 1).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position - 8 > 0 Then

Appendix D


If Image1(position).Top = Image1(position - 8).Top Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image6(j).Top = Image1(position - 8).Top And Image6(j).Left = Image1(position - 8).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position + 8 < 65 Then If Image1(position).Top = Image1(position + 8).Top Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image6(j).Top = Image1(position + 8).Top And Image6(j).Left = Image1(position + 8).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If tagcounter = counter Then blockway = True End If Else If Image1(ind).Left = Image1(position).Left Then If ind < position Then For i = 1 To 16 For j = ind + 1 To position - 1 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j Next i End If If ind > position + 1 Then For i = 1 To 16 For j = ind - 1 To position + 1 Step -1 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j Next i End If End If If Image1(ind).Top = Image1(position).Top Then If ind < position Then For i = 1 To 16 For j = ind + 8 To position - 8 Step 8 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j Next i End If If ind > position Then For i = 1 To 16 For j = ind - 8 To position + 8 Step -8 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j

Next i End If End If End If '********* '* HORSE * '********* Case "N" For j = 6 To 10 Step 4 If position - j > 0 Then If Image1(position).Tag <> Image1(position - j).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For i = 1 To 16 If Image6(i).Top = Image1(position - j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(position - j).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next i End If End If Next j For j = 15 To 17 Step 2 If position - j > 0 Then If Image1(position).Tag <> Image1(position - j).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For i = 1 To 16 If Image6(i).Top = Image1(position - j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(position - j).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next i End If End If Next j For j = 6 To 10 Step 4 If position + j < 65 Then If Image1(position).Tag <> Image1(position + j).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For i = 1 To 16 If Image6(i).Top = Image1(position + j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(position + j).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next i End If End If Next j For j = 15 To 17 Step 2 If position + j < 65 Then If Image1(position).Tag <> Image1(position + j).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For i = 1 To 16 If Image6(i).Top = Image1(position + j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(position + j).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next i End If End If Next j If tagcounter = counter Then blockway = True End If '**************** '* QUEEN & KING * '**************** Case "Q", "K" If Not picked Then If position - 1 > 0 Then If Image1(position).Left = Image1(position - 1).Left Then

Appendix D


tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image6(j).Top = Image1(position - 1).Top And Image6(j).Left = Image1(position - 1).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position + 1 < 65 Then If Image1(position).Left = Image1(position + 1).Left Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image6(j).Top = Image1(position + 1).Top And Image6(j).Left = Image1(position + 1).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position - 8 > 0 Then If Image1(position).Top = Image1(position - 8).Top Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image6(j).Top = Image1(position - 8).Top And Image6(j).Left = Image1(position - 8).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position + 8 < 65 Then If Image1(position).Top = Image1(position + 8).Top Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image6(j).Top = Image1(position + 8).Top And Image6(j).Left = Image1(position + 8).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position - 9 > 0 Then If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(position - 9).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image6(j).Top = Image1(position - 9).Top And Image6(j).Left = Image1(position - 9).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position - 7 > 0 Then If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(position - 7).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image6(j).Top = Image1(position - 7).Top And Image6(j).Left = Image1(position - 7).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position + 9 < 65 Then If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(position + 9).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image6(j).Top = Image1(position + 9).Top And Image6(j).Left = Image1(position + 9).Left Then

counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position + 7 < 65 Then If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(position + 7).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image6(j).Top = Image1(position + 7).Top And Image6(j).Left = Image1(position + 7).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If tagcounter = counter Then blockway = True End If Else If piece = "K" Then If ind = 56 Then For i = 1 To 16 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(48).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(48).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(48).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(48).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next i End If If ind = 24 Then For i = 1 To 16 For j = 16 To 32 Step 16 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j Next i End If End If If piece = "Q" Then If Image1(ind).Left = Image1(position).Left Then If ind < position Then For i = 1 To 16 For j = ind + 1 To position - 1 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j Next i End If If ind > position + 1 Then For i = 1 To 16 For j = ind - 1 To position + 1 Step -1 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j Next i End If Else If Image1(ind).Top = Image1(position).Top Then If ind < position Then For i = 1 To 16

Appendix D


For j = ind + 8 To position - 8 Step 8 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j Next i End If If ind > position Then For i = 1 To 16 For j = ind - 8 To position + 8 Step -8 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j Next i End If Else If Image1(ind).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If ind < position Then For i = 1 To 16 For k = position To 1 Step -9 If ind = k Then For j = ind + 9 To position - 9 Step 9 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j End If Next k For k = position To 1 Step -7 If ind = k Then For j = ind + 7 To position - 7 Step 7 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j End If Next k Next i End If If ind > position Then For i = 1 To 16 For k = position To 64 Step 9 If ind = k Then For j = ind - 9 To position + 9 Step -9 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j End If Next k For k = position To 64 Step 7 If ind = k Then For j = ind - 7 To position + 7 Step -7 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j

End If Next k Next i End If End If End If End If End If End If '********** '* BISHOP * '********** Case "B" If Not picked Then If position - 9 > 0 Then If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(position - 9).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image6(j).Top = Image1(position - 9).Top And Image6(j).Left = Image1(position - 9).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position - 7 > 0 Then If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(position - 7).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image6(j).Top = Image1(position - 7).Top And Image6(j).Left = Image1(position - 7).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position + 9 < 65 Then If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(position + 9).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image6(j).Top = Image1(position + 9).Top And Image6(j).Left = Image1(position + 9).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position + 7 < 65 Then If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(position + 7).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image6(j).Top = Image1(position + 7).Top And Image6(j).Left = Image1(position + 7).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If tagcounter = counter Then blockway = True End If Else If Image1(ind).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If ind < position Then For i = 1 To 16 For k = position To 1 Step -9 If ind = k Then For j = ind + 9 To position - 9 Step 9

Appendix D


If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j End If Next k For k = position To 1 Step -7 If ind = k Then For j = ind + 7 To position - 7 Step 7 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j End If Next k Next i End If If ind > position Then For i = 1 To 16 For k = position To 64 Step 9 If ind = k Then For j = ind - 9 To position + 9 Step -9 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j End If Next k For k = position To 64 Step 7 If ind = k Then For j = ind - 7 To position + 7 Step -7 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j End If Next k Next i End If End If End If End Select End If If blackturn Then Select Case piece '****** '*PAWN* '****** Case "P" For i = 1 To 16 If (Image1(position + 1).Top = Image6(i).Top And Image1(position + 1).Left = Image6(i).Left) Or (Image1(position + 1).Top = Image7(i).Top And Image1(position + 1).Left = Image7(i).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next i '******** '* ROOK * '******** Case "R"

If Not bpicked Then If position - 1 > 0 Then If Image1(position).Left = Image1(position - 1).Left Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image7(j).Top = Image1(position - 1).Top And Image7(j).Left = Image1(position - 1).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position + 1 < 65 Then If Image1(position).Left = Image1(position + 1).Left Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image7(j).Top = Image1(position + 1).Top And Image7(j).Left = Image1(position + 1).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position - 8 > 0 Then If Image1(position).Top = Image1(position - 8).Top Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image7(j).Top = Image1(position - 8).Top And Image7(j).Left = Image1(position - 8).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position + 8 < 65 Then If Image1(position).Top = Image1(position + 8).Top Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image7(j).Top = Image1(position + 8).Top And Image7(j).Left = Image1(position + 8).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If tagcounter = counter Then blockway = True End If Else If Image1(ind).Left = Image1(position).Left Then If ind < position Then For i = 1 To 16 For j = ind + 1 To position - 1 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j Next i End If If ind > position + 1 Then For i = 1 To 16 For j = ind - 1 To position + 1 Step -1 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j

Appendix D


Next i End If End If If Image1(ind).Top = Image1(position).Top Then If ind < position Then For i = 1 To 16 For j = ind + 8 To position - 8 Step 8 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j Next i End If If ind > position Then For i = 1 To 16 For j = ind - 8 To position + 8 Step -8 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j Next i End If End If End If '********* '* HORSE * '********* Case "N" For j = 6 To 10 Step 4 If position - j > 0 Then If Image1(position).Tag <> Image1(position - j).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For i = 1 To 16 If Image7(i).Top = Image1(position - j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(position - j).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next i End If End If Next j For j = 15 To 17 Step 2 If position - j > 0 Then If Image1(position).Tag <> Image1(position - j).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For i = 1 To 16 If Image7(i).Top = Image1(position - j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(position - j).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next i End If End If Next j For j = 6 To 10 Step 4 If position + j < 65 Then If Image1(position).Tag <> Image1(position + j).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For i = 1 To 16 If Image7(i).Top = Image1(position + j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(position + j).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next i End If End If

Next j For j = 15 To 17 Step 2 If position + j < 65 Then If Image1(position).Tag <> Image1(position + j).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For i = 1 To 16 If Image7(i).Top = Image1(position + j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(position + j).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next i End If End If Next j If tagcounter = counter Then blockway = True End If '**************** '* QUEEN & KING * '**************** Case "K", "Q" If Not bpicked Then If position - 1 > 0 Then If Image1(position).Left = Image1(position - 1).Left Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image7(j).Top = Image1(position - 1).Top And Image7(j).Left = Image1(position - 1).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position + 1 < 65 Then If Image1(position).Left = Image1(position + 1).Left Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image7(j).Top = Image1(position + 1).Top And Image7(j).Left = Image1(position + 1).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position - 8 > 0 Then If Image1(position).Top = Image1(position - 8).Top Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image7(j).Top = Image1(position - 8).Top And Image7(j).Left = Image1(position - 8).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position + 8 < 65 Then If Image1(position).Top = Image1(position + 8).Top Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image7(j).Top = Image1(position + 8).Top And Image7(j).Left = Image1(position + 8).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position - 9 > 0 Then If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(position - 9).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16

Appendix D


If Image7(j).Top = Image1(position - 9).Top And Image7(j).Left = Image1(position - 9).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position - 7 > 0 Then If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(position - 7).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image7(j).Top = Image1(position - 7).Top And Image7(j).Left = Image1(position - 7).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position + 9 < 65 Then If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(position + 9).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image7(j).Top = Image1(position + 9).Top And Image7(j).Left = Image1(position + 9).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position + 7 < 65 Then If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(position + 7).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image7(j).Top = Image1(position + 7).Top And Image7(j).Left = Image1(position + 7).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If tagcounter = counter Then blockway = True End If Else If piece = "K" Then If ind = 49 Then For i = 1 To 16 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(41).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(41).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(41).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(41).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next i End If If ind = 17 Then For i = 1 To 16 For j = 9 To 25 Step 16 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j Next i End If End If If piece = "Q" Then If Image1(ind).Left = Image1(position).Left Then If ind < position Then For i = 1 To 16

For j = ind + 1 To position - 1 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j Next i End If If ind > position + 1 Then For i = 1 To 16 For j = ind - 1 To position + 1 Step -1 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j Next i End If Else If Image1(ind).Top = Image1(position).Top Then If ind < position Then For i = 1 To 16 For j = ind + 8 To position - 8 Step 8 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j Next i End If If ind > position Then For i = 1 To 16 For j = ind - 8 To position + 8 Step -8 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j Next i End If Else If Image1(ind).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If ind < position Then For i = 1 To 16 For k = position To 1 Step -9 If ind = k Then For j = ind + 9 To position - 9 Step 9 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j End If Next k For k = position To 1 Step -7 If ind = k Then For j = ind + 7 To position - 7 Step 7 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j End If Next k

Appendix D


Next i End If If ind > position Then For i = 1 To 16 For k = position To 64 Step 9 If ind = k Then For j = ind - 9 To position + 9 Step -9 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j End If Next k For k = position To 64 Step 7 If ind = k Then For j = ind - 7 To position + 7 Step -7 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j End If Next k Next i End If End If End If End If End If End If Case "B" If Not bpicked Then If position - 9 > 0 Then If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(position - 9).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image7(j).Top = Image1(position - 9).Top And Image7(j).Left = Image1(position - 9).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position - 7 > 0 Then If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(position - 7).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image7(j).Top = Image1(position - 7).Top And Image7(j).Left = Image1(position - 7).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position + 9 < 65 Then If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(position + 9).Tag Then tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image7(j).Top = Image1(position + 9).Top And Image7(j).Left = Image1(position + 9).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If position + 7 < 65 Then If Image1(position).Tag = Image1(position + 7).Tag Then

tagcounter = tagcounter + 1 For j = 1 To 16 If Image7(j).Top = Image1(position + 7).Top And Image7(j).Left = Image1(position + 7).Left Then counter = counter + 1 End If Next j End If End If If tagcounter = counter Then blockway = True End If Else If Image1(ind).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If ind < position Then For i = 1 To 16 For k = position To 1 Step -9 If ind = k Then For j = ind + 9 To position - 9 Step 9 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j End If Next k For k = position To 1 Step -7 If ind = k Then For j = ind + 7 To position - 7 Step 7 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j End If Next k Next i End If If ind > position Then For i = 1 To 16 For k = position To 64 Step 9 If ind = k Then For j = ind - 9 To position + 9 Step -9 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j End If Next k For k = position To 64 Step 7 If ind = k Then For j = ind - 7 To position + 7 Step -7 If (Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Or (Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left) Then blockway = True End If Next j End If Next k Next i End If End If End If End Select End If

Appendix D


end_blockway: End Function Private Function pawnpromote() As Boolean If bpicked = True Then For i = 8 To 64 Step 8 If (position + 1) = i Then pawnpromote = True End If Next i End If If picked = True Then For i = 1 To 57 Step 8 If (position - 1) = i Then pawnpromote = True End If Next i End If End Function Private Function pawnpromotion(ind As Integer) Label3.Visible = True For i = 1 To 4 image10(i).Visible = True Next i Command2.Visible = True If bpicked = True Then image10(1).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/axiomblack.gif") image10(2).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/horseblack.gif") image10(3).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/pirgoblack.gif") image10(4).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/QueenBlack.gif") Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left End If If picked = True Then image10(1).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/axiomwhite.gif") image10(2).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/horsewhite.gif") image10(3).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/pirgowhite.gif") image10(4).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/QueenWhite.gif") Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(ind).Top Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(ind).Left End If Timer2.Enabled = False Timer3.Enabled = False End Function Private Function perpetual_check() As Boolean Dim bilang As Integer, bilang2 As Integer bilang2 = 0 perpetual_check = False For i = 1 To 16 white_pos(i, move_count) = Str(Image6(i).Top) & Str(Image6(i).Left) black_pos(i, move_count) = Str(Image7(i).Top) & Str(Image7(i).Left) Next i If move_count > 7 Then For j = move_count To 0 Step -1 bilang = 0 For i = 1 To 16 If white_pos(i, j) = white_pos(i, move_count) And black_pos(i, j) = black_pos(i, move_count) Then

bilang = bilang + 1 End If Next i If bilang = 16 Then bilang2 = bilang2 + 1 If bilang2 = 3 Then perpetual_check = True GoTo end_perpetual_check End If End If Next j End If move_count = move_count + 1 end_perpetual_check: draw = perpetual_check End Function Private Function restart() boolforpatong = False bturn2 = 0 trgr = True trigger = False counter = 0 column = 0 opl = 0 posopl = 0 Out 890, 41 kingblackmoved = False kingwhitemoved = False rightrookwhitemoved = False leftrookwhitemoved = False rightrookblackmoved = False leftrookblackmoved = False blackturn = False whiteturn = False picked = False bpicked = False position = 0 castling = False checked = False opponentpiecelifted = False move_count = 1 mcastling = True castling_queen_side = True castling_king_side = True mcastlingb = True castling_queen_sideb = True castling_king_sideb = True checkmate = False draw = False takboctr = 0 kukai = "" run_cnt = 0 hula = False ppp = 0 For i = 1 To 16 white_pos(i, 0) = Str(Image6(i).Top) & Str(Image6(i).Left) black_pos(i, 0) = Str(Image7(i).Top) & Str(Image7(i).Left) Next i Call load_color lblmessage.Top = Me.Top lblmessage.Width = Me.Width Frame1.Visible = False For t = 1 To 8 whitepawnmoved(t) = False blackpawnmoved(t) = False enpassantpiecew(t) = False enpassantpieceb(t) = False Next

Appendix D


lst_moves.Clear For i = 0 To 1 Label7(i).Caption = "" Next i For i = 1 To 8 Image7(i).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/pionblack.gif") Image6(i).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/pionwhite.gif") Image7(i).Tag = "P" Image6(i).Tag = "P" enpassantpiecew(i) = False enpassantpieceb(i) = False Next i g=0 For t = 7 To 63 Step 8 g=g+1 Image6(g).Top = Image1(t).Top Image6(g).Left = Image1(t).Left Next g=8 For t = 8 To 64 Step 8 g=g+1 Image6(g).Top = Image1(t).Top Image6(g).Left = Image1(t).Left Next g=0 For t = 2 To 58 Step 8 g=g+1 Image7(g).Top = Image1(t).Top Image7(g).Left = Image1(t).Left Next g=8 For t = 1 To 57 Step 8 g=g+1 Image7(g).Top = Image1(t).Top Image7(g).Left = Image1(t).Left Next For i = 1 To 16 Image6(i).Visible = False Image7(i).Visible = False Next i Label10.Caption = "" End Function Private Sub mnuabout_Click() x = MsgBox("PC-Based Electronic Chess Board Game---simulator----" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Developers:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & " -Peter John Saliente" & vbCrLf & " -Bernoullie Ulama" & vbCrLf & " -Ron Jairo Cuarteros", vbOKOnly, "About") = vbOK End Sub Private Sub mnuAutoSave_Click() If mnuAutoSave.Caption = "AutoSave ON" Then mnuAutoSave.Caption = "AutoSave OFF" Else mnuAutoSave.Caption = "AutoSave ON" End If End Sub Private Sub mnuExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub

Private Sub mnuLoadGame_Click(): Dim file As String ' show open box CommonDialog1.InitDir = App.Path & "\save" CommonDialog1.ShowOpen file = Right(CommonDialog1.FileName, 4) If file = ".txt" Then loadfilelocation = CommonDialog1.FileName End If Me.Tag = CommonDialog1.FileTitle ' input files into text1.text If loadfilelocation <> "" Then Out 890, 32 'sets clock to low Call load_color column = 0 Timer2.Enabled = False Timer3.Enabled = False sum1 = 0 sum2 = 0 For i = 1 To 16 Image6(i).Visible = False Image7(i).Visible = False Next i lst_moves.Clear Open loadfilelocation For Input As #1 For i = 1 To 16 If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data Image6(i).Left = Data End If Next i For i = 1 To 16 If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data Image6(i).Top = Data End If Next i For i = 1 To 16 If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data Image6(i).Tag = Data If i < 9 Then For j = 9 To 16 If Image6(i).Tag = Image6(j).Tag Then Image6(i).Picture = Image6(j).Picture End If Next j End If End If Next i For i = 1 To 16 If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data Image7(i).Left = Data End If Next i For i = 1 To 16 If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data Image7(i).Top = Data End If Next i For i = 1 To 16 If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data Image7(i).Tag = Data If i < 9 Then

Appendix D


For j = 9 To 16 If Image7(i).Tag = Image7(j).Tag Then Image7(i).Picture = Image7(j).Picture End If Next j End If End If Next i Input #1, Data Label7(1).Caption = Data If Data = "W" Then whiteturn = True blackturn = False Else blackturn = True whiteturn = False End If Input #1, Data Label10.Caption = Data Input #1, Data timerw(0) = Data Input #1, Data timerw(1) = Data Input #1, Data timerb(0) = Data Input #1, Data timerb(1) = Data If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data bturn2 = Data End If For i = 0 To bturn2 If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data If Data <> "" Then lst_moves.List(i) = Data End If End If Next i '************************************************* ********* If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data kingblackmoved = Data End If If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data kingwhitemoved = Data End If If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data rightrookwhitemoved = Data End If If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data leftrookwhitemoved = Data End If If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data rightrookblackmoved = Data End If If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data leftrookblackmoved = Data End If If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data

mcastling = Data End If If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data castling_queen_side = Data End If If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data castling_king_side = Data End If If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data mcastlingb = Data End If If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data castling_queen_sideb = Data End If If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data castling_king_sideb = Data End If If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data checkmate = Data End If If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data draw = Data End If If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data move_count = Data Input #1, Data hula = Data End If For t = 1 To 8 If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data whitepawnmoved(t) = Data End If If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data blackpawnmoved(t) = Data End If If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data enpassantpiecew(t) = Data End If If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data enpassantpieceb(t) = Data End If Next t For i = 0 To move_count For j = 1 To 16 If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data white_pos(j, i) = Data End If If Not EOF(1) Then Input #1, Data black_pos(j, i) = Data End If Next j Next i Close #1

Appendix D


'MsgBox ("Set the time on the chess board" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "White" & vbCrLf & timerw(1) & ":" & timerw(0) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Black" & vbCrLf & timerb(1) & ":" & timerb(0)) If Label10.Caption = "Professional" Then gamemode = "Professional" time = 0 For i = 1 To 16 Image6(i).Visible = True Image7(i).Visible = True Next i Else gamemode = "Amateur" time = 0 End If blink_timer.Enabled = False Timer4.Enabled = True mnuLoadGame.Enabled = False End If cmd_next.Visible = False cmd_prev.Visible = False CommonDialog1.FileName = "" loadfilelocation = "" End Sub Private Sub mnuNewGame_Click() mnuSaveGame.Enabled = False savefilelocation = "" Call restart Timer2.Enabled = False Timer3.Enabled = False Label7(1).Caption = "W" whiteturn = True Me.Enabled = False Form3.Show cmd_next.Visible = False cmd_prev.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub mnuRun_Click() If move_count > 0 Then cmd_next.Visible = True cmd_prev.Visible = True Timer1.Enabled = False Timer2.Enabled = False Timer3.Enabled = False Timer4.Enabled = False Timer5.Enabled = False Timer6.Enabled = False For i = 1 To 16 For j = 1 To 64 strTemp1 = Str(Image1(j).Top) & Str(Image1(j).Left) If white_pos(i, 0) = strTemp1 Then Image6(i).Top = Image1(j).Top Image6(i).Left = Image1(j).Left End If If black_pos(i, 0) = strTemp1 Then Image7(i).Top = Image1(j).Top Image7(i).Left = Image1(j).Left End If Next j Next i mnuLoadGame.Enabled = True For i = 1 To 16 Image6(i).Visible = True Image7(i).Visible = True Next i End If End Sub

Private Sub mnuSaveGame_Click() If Not picked And Not bpicked Then listcnt = lst_moves.ListCount turn = Label7(1).Caption ' loads save as box On Error GoTo errhandler With CommonDialog1 .CancelError = True .InitDir = App.Path & "\save" .ShowSave End With savefilelocation = CommonDialog1.FileName errhandler: If Err.Number = 32755 Then GoTo Cancel End If ' append saves over file if it assists If Dir(savefilelocation) = "" Then If savefilelocation <> "" Then over: Open savefilelocation For Output As #1 For i = 1 To 16 Print #1, Image6(i).Left Next i For i = 1 To 16 Print #1, Image6(i).Top Next i For i = 1 To 16 Print #1, Image6(i).Tag Next i For i = 1 To 16 Print #1, Image7(i).Left Next i For i = 1 To 16 Print #1, Image7(i).Top Next i For i = 1 To 16 Print #1, Image7(i).Tag Next i Print #1, turn If gamemode = "Professional" Then Print #1, "Professional" Else Print #1, "Amateur" End If Print #1, timerw(0) Print #1, timerw(1) Print #1, timerb(0) Print #1, timerb(1) Print #1, listcnt - 1 For i = 0 To listcnt - 1 Print #1, lst_moves.List(i) Next i '************************************************* ***** Print #1, kingblackmoved Print #1, kingwhitemoved Print #1, rightrookwhitemoved Print #1, leftrookwhitemoved Print #1, rightrookblackmoved Print #1, leftrookblackmoved Print #1, mcastling Print #1, castling_queen_side Print #1, castling_king_side Print #1, mcastlingb

Appendix D


Print #1, castling_queen_sideb Print #1, castling_king_sideb Print #1, checkmate Print #1, draw Print #1, move_count - 1 Print #1, hula For t = 1 To 8 Print #1, whitepawnmoved(t) Print #1, blackpawnmoved(t) Print #1, enpassantpiecew(t) Print #1, enpassantpieceb(t) Next t For i = 0 To move_count - 1 For j = 1 To 16 Print #1, white_pos(j, i) Print #1, black_pos(j, i) Next j Next i Close #1 Timer2.Enabled = False Timer3.Enabled = False If overwrite = 7 Then MsgBox ("File Saved") overwrite = -1 End If End If Else MsgBox ("Filename already exist") overwrite = MsgBox("Over write existing file?", vbYesNo) = vbYes And vbNo If overwrite = 7 Then GoTo over End If End If Else error = MsgBox("Error saving!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Please end the turn" & vbCrLf & "before you save the game" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "The game is not yet save..", vbOKOnly, "Error") = vbOK End If CommonDialog1.FileName = "" savefilelocation = "" Timer2.Enabled = True Timer3.Enabled = True cmd_next.Visible = False cmd_prev.Visible = False Cancel: End Sub Private Sub protime_Timer() ProSw = Inp(889) If ProSw = 94 Then whiteturnoff (ProTaba) protime.Enabled = False End If If ProSw = 110 Then blackturnoff (ProTaba) protime.Enabled = False End If End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Dim tmr1var As Integer If gamemode = "Amateur" Then If time < 8 Then Out 890, 34 datainput = Inp(888) For j = 0 To time - 1

tmr1var = datainput anong_bit = 128 For i = (1 + (j * 8)) To (8 + (j * 8)) If tmr1var >= anong_bit Then block(i) = 1 tmr1var = tmr1var - anong_bit Else block(i) = 0 End If anong_bit = anong_bit / 2 Next i Next j For i = 1 To 64 If block(i) = 1 Then Label5(i).BackColor = &HFF& Else Label5(i).BackColor = &H8000000F End If Next i If datainput = 195 Then time = time + 1 For i = 1 To 64 For j = time To time + 8 Step 8 If Image1(i).Top = Image6(j).Top And Image1(i).Left = Image6(j).Left Then Image6(j).Visible = True End If If Image1(i).Top = Image7(j).Top And Image1(i).Left = Image7(j).Left Then Image7(j).Visible = True End If Next j Next i Out 890, 38 End If Else anong_bit = 128 Out 890, 34 datainput = Inp(888) For j = 0 To time - 1 tmr1var = datainput anong_bit = 128 For i = (1 + (j * 8)) To (8 + (j * 8)) If tmr1var >= anong_bit Then block(i) = 1 tmr1var = tmr1var - anong_bit Else block(i) = 0 End If anong_bit = anong_bit / 2 Next i Next j For i = 1 To 64 If block(i) = 1 Then Label5(i).BackColor = &HFF& Else Label5(i).BackColor = &H8000000F End If Next i If datainput = 195 Then time = 0 Timer1.Enabled = False Form2.Text1.Text = "" Form2.Show turn = "W" Me.Enabled = False mnuSaveGame.Enabled = True Out 890, 32

Appendix D


End If End If Else time = time + 1 If time < 16 Then If Not trigger Then Out 890, 34 trigger = Not trigger anong_bit = 128 datainput = Inp(888) tmr1var = datainput For i = (1 + column) To (8 + column) If tmr1var >= anong_bit Then meralco(i) = 1 tmr1var = tmr1var - anong_bit Else meralco(i) = 0 End If anong_bit = anong_bit / 2 block(i) = meralco(i) Next i column = column + 8 Else Out 890, 38 trigger = Not trigger End If Else Out 890, 32 trigger = False time = 0 column = 0 End If For i = 1 To 64 If block(i) = 1 Then timer4cnt = timer4cnt + 1 End If Next i If timer4cnt = 32 Then Timer1.Enabled = False mnuSaveGame.Enabled = True Form2.Text1.Text = "" Form2.Show turn = "W" Me.Enabled = False Else timer4cnt = 0 End If End If End Sub Private Function load_color() 'Loading every blocks/Squares Image and adds tag in every blocks For i = 1 To 7 Step 2 Image1(i).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/white.jpg") Image1(i).Tag = "white" Image1(i + 1).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/black.jpg") Image1(i + 1).Tag = "black" Image1(i + 16).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/white.jpg") Image1(i + 16).Tag = "white" Image1(i + 17).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/black.jpg") Image1(i + 17).Tag = "black" Image1(i + 32).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/white.jpg") Image1(i + 32).Tag = "white"

Image1(i + 33).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/black.jpg") Image1(i + 33).Tag = "black" Image1(i + 48).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/white.jpg") Image1(i + 48).Tag = "white" Image1(i + 49).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/black.jpg") Image1(i + 49).Tag = "black" Next i For g = 9 To 15 Step 2 Image1(g).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/black.jpg") Image1(g).Tag = "black" Image1(g + 1).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/white.jpg") Image1(g + 1).Tag = "white" Image1(g + 16).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/black.jpg") Image1(g + 16).Tag = "black" Image1(g + 17).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/white.jpg") Image1(g + 17).Tag = "white" Image1(g + 32).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/black.jpg") Image1(g + 32).Tag = "black" Image1(g + 33).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/white.jpg") Image1(g + 33).Tag = "white" Image1(g + 48).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/black.jpg") Image1(g + 48).Tag = "black" Image1(g + 49).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/images/white.jpg") Image1(g + 49).Tag = "white" Next g End Function Private Sub Timer2_Timer(): Dim placed As Integer time = time + 1 If time < 16 Then If Not trigger Then Out 890, 43 trigger = Not trigger anong_bit = 128 datainput = Inp(888) maliwanag_ang_buhay = datainput For i = (1 + column) To (8 + column) placed = i If maliwanag_ang_buhay >= anong_bit Then meralco(i) = 1 maliwanag_ang_buhay = maliwanag_ang_buhay - anong_bit Else meralco(i) = 0 End If anong_bit = anong_bit / 2 block(i) = meralco(i) If block(i) <> tmp(i) Then If block(i) = 0 Then Label5(i).BackColor = &H8000000F For j = 1 To 16 If whiteturn Then Out 890, 42 If Not picked Then If Image6(j).Left = Image1(i).Left And Image6(j).Top = Image1(i).Top Then piece = Image6(j).Tag piecenum = j position = i

Appendix D


If Not opencheck Then If Not blockway(placed) And nenah Then Image6(j).Left = Me.Width Image6(j).Top = Me.Width picked = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then glow_tile End If Call findlabel(position) movefrom = Label7(0).Caption Else If abletomove Then Image6(j).Left = Me.Width Image6(j).Top = Me.Width picked = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then glow_tile End If Call findlabel(position) movefrom = Label7(0).Caption Else kukai = "Can not be Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If Else kukai = "Open Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If Else If castling Then If Image6(j).Top = Image1(i).Top And Image6(j).Left = Image1(i).Left Then If j = rook Then Image6(j).Top = Me.Width Image6(j).Left = Me.Width End If End If Else If Not opponentpiecelifted Then Call yeswiz(placed) Else Image7(opl).Top = Me.Width Image7(opl).Left = Me.Width End If End If End If End If If blackturn Then Out 890, 35 If Not bpicked Then If Image7(j).Left = Image1(i).Left And Image7(j).Top = Image1(i).Top Then piece = Image7(j).Tag piecenum = j position = i If Not opencheck Then If Not blockway(placed) And nenah Then Image7(j).Left = Me.Width Image7(j).Top = Me.Width bpicked = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then glow_tile End If Call findlabel(position) movefrom = Label7(0).Caption Else

If abletomove Then Image7(j).Left = Me.Width Image7(j).Top = Me.Width bpicked = True If gamemode = "Amateur" Then glow_tile End If Call findlabel(position) movefrom = Label7(0).Caption Else kukai = "Can not be Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If Else kukai = "Open Check!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If Else If castling Then If Image7(j).Top = Image1(i).Top And Image7(j).Left = Image1(i).Left Then If j = rook Then Image7(j).Top = Me.Width Image7(j).Left = Me.Width End If End If Else If Not opponentpiecelifted Then Call yeswiz(placed) Else Image6(opl).Top = Me.Width Image6(opl).Left = Me.Width End If End If End If End If Next j Else ' block =1 Label5(i).BackColor = &HFF& pawnpromoted = False If whiteturn And picked Then If castling Then If i = rookdes Then reset_changed_tiles kukai = "CASTLING!" Timer6.Enabled = True Image6(rook).Top = Image1(i).Top Image6(rook).Left = Image1(i).Left If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call whiteturnoff(rookdes) Else ProTaba = rookdes protime.Enabled = True End If castling = False Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If i <> position Then blocked = blockway(placed) pawnpromoted = pawnpromote Call piecemoves(placed) Else If gamemode = "Amateur" Then If Not opponentpiecelifted Then

Appendix D


Image6(piecenum).Left = Image1(i).Left Image6(piecenum).Top = Image1(i).Top Call reset_changed_tiles picked = False Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Touch Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If End If End If If blackturn And bpicked Then If castling Then If i = rookdes Then reset_changed_tiles kukai = "CASTLING!" Timer6.Enabled = True Image7(rook).Top = Image1(i).Top Image7(rook).Left = Image1(i).Left If gamemode = "Amateur" Then Call blackturnoff(rookdes) Else ProTaba = rookdes protime.Enabled = True End If castling = False Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else If i <> position Then blocked = blockway(placed) pawnpromoted = pawnpromote Call piecemoves(placed) Else If gamemode = "Amateur" Then If Not opponentpiecelifted Then Image7(piecenum).Left = Image1(i).Left Image7(piecenum).Top = Image1(i).Top Call reset_changed_tiles bpicked = False Else kukai = "Illegal Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If Else kukai = "Touch Move!" Timer6.Enabled = True End If End If End If End If End If End If Label5(i).Caption = block(i) tmp(i) = block(i) Next i column = column + 8 Else If blackturn Then Out 890, 39 trigger = Not trigger

End If If whiteturn Then Out 890, 46 trigger = Not trigger End If End If Else If blackturn Then Out 890, 33 trigger = False time = 0 column = 0 End If If whiteturn Then Out 890, 40 trigger = False time = 0 column = 0 End If End If End Sub Private Function yeswiz(ind As Integer) opponentpiecelifted = False If picked Then Select Case piece Case "P" If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then For i = 1 To 16 If Image7(i).Left = Image1(ind).Left And Image7(i).Top = Image1(ind).Top Then opl = i posopl = ind If ind = position - 9 Or ind = position + 7 Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If If i < 9 And beyond(position) Then If ind = position + 8 Then posdes = ind - 1 opponentpiecelifted = True Else If ind = position - 8 Then posdes = ind - 1 opponentpiecelifted = True End If End If End If End If Next i Else For i = 1 To 16 If Image7(i).Left = Image1(ind).Left And Image7(i).Top = Image1(ind).Top And OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then opl = i posopl = ind If ind = position - 9 Or ind = position + 7 Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If If i < 9 And (ind = position + 8 Or ind = position - 8) And beyond(position) Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If End If Next i If Not OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then End If End If Case "N"

Appendix D


For i = 1 To 16 If Image7(i).Left = Image1(ind).Left And Image7(i).Top = Image1(ind).Top Then opl = i posopl = ind If Image1(position).Tag <> Image1(ind).Tag And (ind = position - 6 Or ind = position - 10 Or ind = position - 15 Or ind = position - 17 Or ind = position + 6 Or ind = position + 10 Or ind = position + 15 Or ind = position + 17) Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If End If Next i Case "R" For i = 1 To 16 If Image7(i).Left = Image1(ind).Left And Image7(i).Top = Image1(ind).Top Then opl = i posopl = ind If Not blockway(ind) And (Image1(ind).Left = Image1(position).Left Or Image1(ind).Top = Image1(position).Top) Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If End If Next i Case "B" For i = 1 To 16 If Image7(i).Left = Image1(ind).Left And Image7(i).Top = Image1(ind).Top Then opl = i posopl = ind If Not blockway(ind) And Image1(ind).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If ind < position Then For k = 7 To 9 Step 2 For j = position To 1 Step -k If ind = j Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If Next j Next k End If If ind > position Then For k = 7 To 9 Step 2 For j = position To 64 Step k If ind = j Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If Next j Next k End If End If End If Next i Case "Q" For i = 1 To 16 If Image7(i).Left = Image1(ind).Left And Image7(i).Top = Image1(ind).Top Then opl = i posopl = ind If Not blockway(ind) Then If Image1(ind).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If ind < position Then For k = 7 To 9 Step 2 For j = position To 1 Step -k If ind = j Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If Next j

Next k End If If ind > position Then For k = 7 To 9 Step 2 For j = position To 64 Step k If ind = j Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If Next j Next k End If End If If Image1(ind).Left = Image1(position).Left Or Image1(ind).Top = Image1(position).Top Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If End If End If Next i Case "K" For i = 1 To 16 If Image7(i).Left = Image1(ind).Left And Image7(i).Top = Image1(ind).Top Then opl = i posopl = ind If Not endbottom() And Not endtop() And (ind = position - 1 Or ind = position + 1 Or ind = position - 8 Or ind = position + 8 Or ind = position - 9 Or ind = position + 9 Or ind = position - 7 Or ind = position + 7) Then opponentpiecelifted = True Else If endbottom() And (ind = position - 1 Or ind = position - 9 Or ind = position + 7 Or ind = position - 8 Or ind = position + 8) Then opponentpiecelifted = True Else If endtop() And (ind = position + 1 Or ind = position + 9 Or ind = position - 7 Or ind = position - 8 Or ind = position + 8) Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If End If End If End If Next i End Select End If If bpicked Then Select Case piece Case "P" If OpenCheckTilesCount = 0 Then For i = 1 To 16 If Image6(i).Left = Image1(ind).Left And Image6(i).Top = Image1(ind).Top Then opl = i posopl = ind If ind = position + 9 Or ind = position - 7 Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If If i < 9 And (ind = position + 8 Or ind = position - 8) And beyond(position) Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If End If Next i Else For i = 1 To 16 If Image6(i).Left = Image1(ind).Left And Image6(i).Top = Image1(ind).Top And OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then

Appendix D


opl = i posopl = ind If ind = position + 9 Or ind = position - 7 Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If If i < 9 And beyond(position) Then If ind = position + 8 Then opponentpiecelifted = True posdes = ind + 1 Else If ind = position - 8 Then opponentpiecelifted = True posdes = ind + 1 End If End If End If End If Next i If Not OnOpenCheckTiles(ind) Then End If End If Case "N" For i = 1 To 16 If Image6(i).Left = Image1(ind).Left And Image6(i).Top = Image1(ind).Top Then opl = i posopl = ind If Image1(position).Tag <> Image1(ind).Tag And (ind = position - 6 Or ind = position - 10 Or ind = position - 15 Or ind = position - 17 Or ind = position + 6 Or ind = position + 10 Or ind = position + 15 Or ind = position + 17) Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If End If Next i Case "R" For i = 1 To 16 If Image6(i).Left = Image1(ind).Left And Image6(i).Top = Image1(ind).Top Then opl = i posopl = ind If Not blockway(ind) And (Image1(ind).Left = Image1(position).Left Or Image1(ind).Top = Image1(position).Top) Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If End If Next i Case "B" For i = 1 To 16 If Image6(i).Left = Image1(ind).Left And Image6(i).Top = Image1(ind).Top Then opl = i posopl = ind If Not blockway(ind) And Image1(ind).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If ind < position Then For k = 7 To 9 Step 2 For j = position To 1 Step -k If ind = j Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If Next j Next k End If If ind > position Then For k = 7 To 9 Step 2 For j = position To 64 Step k If ind = j Then

opponentpiecelifted = True End If Next j Next k End If End If End If Next i Case "Q" For i = 1 To 16 If Image6(i).Left = Image1(ind).Left And Image6(i).Top = Image1(ind).Top Then opl = i posopl = ind If Not blockway(ind) Then If Image1(ind).Tag = Image1(position).Tag Then If ind < position Then For k = 7 To 9 Step 2 For j = position To 1 Step -k If ind = j Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If Next j Next k End If If ind > position Then For k = 7 To 9 Step 2 For j = position To 64 Step k If ind = j Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If Next j Next k End If End If If Image1(ind).Left = Image1(position).Left Or Image1(ind).Top = Image1(position).Top Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If End If End If Next i Case "K" For i = 1 To 16 If Image6(i).Left = Image1(ind).Left And Image6(i).Top = Image1(ind).Top Then opl = i posopl = ind If Not endbottom() And Not endtop() And (ind = position - 1 Or ind = position + 1 Or ind = position - 8 Or ind = position + 8 Or ind = position - 9 Or ind = position + 9 Or ind = position - 7 Or ind = position + 7) Then opponentpiecelifted = True Else If endbottom() And (ind = position - 1 Or ind = position - 9 Or ind = position + 7 Or ind = position - 8 Or ind = position + 8) Then opponentpiecelifted = True Else If endtop() And (ind = position + 1 Or ind = position + 9 Or ind = position - 7 Or ind = position - 8 Or ind = position + 8) Then opponentpiecelifted = True End If End If End If End If Next i End Select End If

Appendix D


If Not opponentpiecelifted Then opl = 0 posopl = 0 End If End Function Private Function resetenpassant() If picked Then For i = 1 To 8 enpassantpieceb(i) = False Next i End If If bpicked Then For i = 1 To 8 enpassantpiecew(i) = False Next i End If End Function Private Function beyond(ind As Integer) As Boolean If bpicked = True Then For i = 5 To 61 Step 8 If ind = i Then beyond = True End If Next i End If If picked = True Then For i = 4 To 60 Step 8 If ind = i Then beyond = True End If Next i End If End Function Private Function abletomove() As Boolean abletomove = False tagcounter = 0 counter = 0 If whiteturn Then Select Case piece Case "P" For i = 1 To 16 If (position - 9) > 0 Then If Image7(i).Top = Image1(position - 9).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(position - 9).Left Then abletomove = True Else If i < 9 Then If Image1(position - 8).Top = Image7(i).Top And Image1(position - 8).Left = Image7(i).Left And enpassantpieceb(i) Then abletomove = True End If End If End If End If If (position + 7) < 65 Then If Image7(i).Top = Image1(position + 7).Top And Image7(i).Left = Image1(position + 7).Left Then abletomove = True Else If i < 9 Then If Image1(position + 8).Top = Image7(i).Top And Image1(position + 8).Left = Image7(i).Left And enpassantpieceb(i) Then abletomove = True

End If End If End If End If Next i End Select End If If blackturn Then Select Case piece Case "P" For i = 1 To 16 If (position - 7) > 0 Then If Image6(i).Top = Image1(position - 7).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(position - 7).Left Then abletomove = True Else If i < 9 Then If Image1(position - 8).Top = Image6(i).Top And Image1(position - 8).Left = Image6(i).Left And enpassantpiecew(i) Then abletomove = True End If End If End If End If If (position + 9) < 65 Then If Image6(i).Top = Image1(position + 9).Top And Image6(i).Left = Image1(position + 9).Left Then abletomove = True Else If i < 9 Then If Image1(position + 8).Top = Image6(i).Top And Image1(position + 8).Left = Image6(i).Left And enpassantpiecew(i) Then abletomove = True End If End If End If End If Next i End Select End If End Function Private Function findlabel(posit As Integer) Select Case posit Case 1 To 8: Label7(0).Caption = "a" Case 9 To 16: Label7(0).Caption = "b" Case 17 To 24: Label7(0).Caption = "c" Case 25 To 32: Label7(0).Caption = "d" Case 33 To 40: Label7(0).Caption = "e" Case 41 To 48: Label7(0).Caption = "f" Case 49 To 56: Label7(0).Caption = "g" Case 57 To 64: Label7(0).Caption = "N" End Select Select Case posit Case 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64: Label7(0).Caption = Label7(0).Caption & "1" Case 7, 15, 23, 31, 39, 47, 55, 63: Label7(0).Caption = Label7(0).Caption & "2" Case 6, 14, 22, 30, 38, 46, 54, 62: Label7(0).Caption = Label7(0).Caption & "3" Case 5, 13, 21, 29, 37, 45, 53, 61: Label7(0).Caption = Label7(0).Caption & "4" Case 4, 12, 20, 28, 36, 44, 52, 60: Label7(0).Caption = Label7(0).Caption & "5" Case 3, 11, 19, 27, 35, 43, 51, 59: Label7(0).Caption = Label7(0).Caption & "6"

Appendix D


Case 2, 10, 18, 26, 34, 42, 50, 58: Label7(0).Caption = Label7(0).Caption & "7" Case 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, 57: Label7(0).Caption = Label7(0).Caption & "8" End Select End Function Private Function endtop() As Boolean endtop = False For i = 1 To 57 Step 8 If Image1(position).Top = Image1(i).Top And Image1(position).Left = Image1(i).Left Then endtop = True End If Next i End Function Private Sub Timer3_Timer() If gamemode = "Professional" Then If whiteturn Then timerw(0) = timerw(0) - 1 If timerw(0) = -1 Then timerw(0) = 59 timerw(1) = timerw(1) - 1 If timerw(1) = -1 Then Timer3.Enabled = False Timer2.Enabled = False End If End If End If If blackturn Then timerb(0) = timerb(0) - 1 If timerb(0) = -1 Then timerb(0) = 59 timerb(1) = timerb(1) - 1 If timerb(1) = -1 Then Timer3.Enabled = False Timer2.Enabled = False End If End If End If For i = 0 To 1 If timerw(i) < 10 Then timerwhite(i).Caption = "0" & timerw(i) Else timerwhite(i).Caption = timerw(i) End If If timerb(i) < 10 Then timerblack(i).Caption = "0" & timerb(i) Else timerblack(i).Caption = timerb(i) End If Next i If timerw(1) = 0 And timerw(0) = 0 Then Timer2.Enabled = False Timer3.Enabled = False mnuSaveGame.Enabled = False MsgBox ("Out of Time! BLACK wins!") End If If timerb(1) = 0 And timerb(0) = 0 Then Timer2.Enabled = False Timer3.Enabled = False mnuSaveGame.Enabled = False MsgBox ("Out of Time! WHITE wins!") End If End If End Sub Private Sub Timer4_Timer()

Dim tmr4var As Integer If trgr Then Out 890, 34 sum1 = 0 trgr = Not trgr anong_bit = 128 If gamemode = "Amateur" Then For j = (1 + time) To (8 + time) For i = 1 To 16 If (Image1(j).Top = Image6(i).Top And Image1(j).Left = Image6(i).Left) Then If Image6(i).Visible = False Then Image6(i).Visible = True block(j) = 1 sum1 = sum1 + anong_bit End If End If If (Image1(j).Top = Image7(i).Top And Image1(j).Left = Image7(i).Left) Then If Image6(i).Visible = False Then Image7(i).Visible = True block(j) = 1 sum1 = sum1 + anong_bit End If End If Next i anong_bit = anong_bit / 2 Next j Else For j = (1 + time) To (8 + time) For i = 1 To 16 If Image1(j).Top = Image6(i).Top And Image1(j).Left = Image6(i).Left Then sum1 = sum1 + anong_bit End If If Image1(j).Top = Image7(i).Top And Image1(j).Left = Image7(i).Left Then sum1 = sum1 + anong_bit End If Next i anong_bit = anong_bit / 2 Next j End If Else anong_bit = 128 datainput = Inp(888) If sum1 = datainput Then time = time + 8 trgr = Not trgr Out 890, 38 End If End If If time > 56 Then time = 0 trgr = True Out 890, 32 MsgBox ("Start game") Timer2.Enabled = True Timer3.Enabled = True Timer4.Enabled = False column = 0 mnuSaveGame.Enabled = True mnuLoadGame.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub Timer5_Timer() If savefilelocation = "" Then Form2.Show Form1.Enabled = False

Appendix D


Timer5.Enabled = False End If End Sub Private Sub Timer6_Timer() takboctr = takboctr + 1 If takboctr < 100 Then takbo (kukai) Else takboctr = 0 Timer6.Enabled = False lblmessage.Left = Me.Width End If End Sub Form 2 Private Sub Command1_Click() If Text1.Text <> "" Then savefilelocation = App.Path & "\save\" & Text1.Text & ".txt" If Dir(savefilelocation) = "" Then over: Open savefilelocation For Output As #1 For i = 1 To 16 Print #1, Form1.Image6(i).Left Next i For i = 1 To 16 Print #1, Form1.Image6(i).Top Next i For i = 1 To 16 Print #1, Form1.Image6(i).Tag Next i For i = 1 To 16 Print #1, Form1.Image7(i).Left Next i For i = 1 To 16 Print #1, Form1.Image7(i).Top Next i For i = 1 To 16 Print #1, Form1.Image7(i).Tag Next i Print #1, turn If gamemode = "Professional" Then Print #1, "Professional" Else Print #1, "Amateur" End If Print #1, timerw(0) Print #1, timerw(1) Print #1, timerb(0) Print #1, timerb(1) Close #1 Me.Hide Form1.Show Form1.Enabled = True Form1.Timer2.Enabled = True If gamemode = "Professional" Then Form1.Timer3.Enabled = True End If If overwrite = 7 Then MsgBox ("File Saved") overwrite = -1 End If MsgBox ("Start Game") If gamemode <> "Amateur" Then Form1.Frame1.Visible = True End If

Else MsgBox ("Filename already exist") overwrite = MsgBox("Over write existing file?", vbYesNo) = vbYes And vbNo If overwrite = 7 Then GoTo over End If End If currentsavefile = Text1.Text savefilelocation = "" End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Form1.Show Form1.Enabled = True Form1.Timer5.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then Call Command1_Click End If End Sub Form3 Private Sub Command1_Click() If Option1(0).Value = True And Option1(1).Value = False Then gamemode = "Amateur" Form1.Label10.Caption = "Amateur" Form1.Image6(9).Visible = True Form1.Image6(1).Visible = True Form1.Image7(1).Visible = True Form1.Image7(9).Visible = True time = 1 Form1.Timer1.Enabled = True Me.Hide Form1.Enabled = True Form1.Show Else If Option1(0).Value = False And Option1(1).Value = True Then gamemode = "Professional" time = 0 Form1.Label10.Caption = "Professional" Do While (settime < 1 Or settime > 90) settime = Val(InputBox("Set Time Lapse:", "Set Time")) Loop timerw(0) = 0: timerw(1) = settime timerb(0) = 0: timerb(1) = settime For i = 1 To 16 Form1.Image6(i).Visible = True Form1.Image7(i).Visible = True Next i Form1.Timer1.Enabled = True Me.Hide Form1.Enabled = True Form1.Show End If End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Form1.Show Form1.Enabled = True End Sub

Appendix D


Private Sub Option1_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then Call Command1_Click End If End Sub Module1 Public Declare Function Inp Lib "inpout32.dll" Alias "Inp32" (ByVal PortAddress As Integer) As Integer Public Declare Sub Out Lib "inpout32.dll" Alias "Out32" (ByVal PortAddress As Integer, ByVal Value As Integer) Public Declare Function Beep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwFreq As Long, ByVal dwDuration As Long) As Long Public IMBcnt As Integer, gamemode As String, time As Integer, settime As Integer, timerw(1) As Integer, timerb(1) As Integer, savefilelocation As String, currentsavefile As String, turn As String, overwrite As Integer

Appendix D


APPENDIX E Users Manual

Appendix E Users Manual In regards with the users safety and for the project to function properly, the following must be properly followed. Connect 5v power supply of the chess board Ikabit ang 5v power supply sa chess board.

DC Source

Connect Parallel port from the chess board to the PC.

Parallel Port

Ikabit ang Parallel port mula sa chess board papuntang PC.

Check the communication between the board and the PC by running the test program. Download the DLL.

Tingnan kung ang communication ng board at PC ay gumagana sa pamamagitan ng pagbukas ng test program.

Appendix E


Run the simulator program.

Patakbuhin ang simulator program.

Click the file >new game to start a new game.

i-click ang file > new game para makapag simula ng bagong laro.

Select game mode. (Amateur or Professional)

Pumili kung anong mode ang gagmitin. (Amateur o Professional)

Appendix E


Amateur Place the pieces on the chess board according to what is shown on the screen.

Ilagay ang mga piyesa sa chess board ayon sa ipinpakita sa screen

Next column will appear if the pieces on the board occupy the square where the image on the screen is located.

Ipapakita sa susunod na column ang piyesa n dapat ilagay sa board na makikita sa screen.

After all of the pieces were placed on there respective positions the program prompts you to save the game. Type the filename for the save game.

Pagkatapos mailagay lahat ng piyesa sa tamang posisyon ay kelangan munang Isave ang laro bago ito mag simula. Itype ang nais na pangalan ng laro.

Appendix E


After saving the game, it automatically starts the game.

Ang laro ay magsisimula pagkatapos itong mai-save.

Professional Set time, then click OK.

I-set ang time tapos i-click ang OK button.

After setting the time, all the pieces must be placed in their respective positions.

Pagkatapos ma-set ang oras, kealangang ipwesto ang lahat ng pyesa sa tamang posisyon.

Appendix E


After all the pieces were placed in their proper positions, the program prompts the user to save the game. Type the filename for the save game.

Pagkatapos i-set ang time kailangan munang i-save ang laro bago ito mag simula. Itype ang nais na pangalan ng laro.

The game will start automatically, after saving the game. White timer will also run.

Ang laro ay magsisimula agad pagkatapos itong mai-save. Ang oras ng puting player ay kusa ring aandar.

How to move the piece: The piece must be lifted atleast 1 inch from the board. On placing the piece, the magnets should be aligned to the sensor.

Sa pag tira ng pyesa kelangang nakaangat ito ng 1 inch mula sa board. At sa pag lapag ay kelangan naka align sa sensor.

Appendix E


To capture a piece, the piece of the player that is on his turn must be (1) lifted then the (2) opponents piece must be lifted before (3) placing the capturing piece. During castling,(1 and 2) the king must be first moved before (3 and 4) moving the rook in place.

Sa pag-capture ng piece ng kalaban, kailangan munang i-angat ang huhuling piece bago i-angat ang piece ng kalaban

Kapag magkacastling, kailangan munang i-move ang king bago ang rook.

When a (1) pawn has been promoted, the program temporarily pauses and (2) prompts the users to select a piece to replace the promoted pawn. Then (3) replace the pawn with the selected piece on the board. Before (4) clicking the OK button. Then the game will resume automatically.

Kapag ang pawn ay na-promote na, ang program ay panandaliang hihinto at papipiliin kung anong piece ang ipapalit sa napromote na piece, kailangan munang palitan ang piece sa board bago i-click ang OK na button.

Appendix E


APPENDIX F Projects Photos/Screenshots

Appendix F Project Photos/Screenshots

Appendix F


Appendix F


Appendix F


Appendix F


Appendix F


Appendix F


Resource Person

Name: Position: School:

Joel Jimenez Instructor STI College-Makati

Name: Position: School:

Ronald Hermida Student STI College-Makati

Technical Vitae

Name: Address:

Saliente, Peter John C. 54 Masias Compound Electrical RoadPasayCity

Contact no. Email add:


PERSONAL DATA Age Gender Date of Birth Civil Status Religion : 20 : Male : December 28, 1989 : Single : Christian

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Tertiary Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering STICollegeMakati 2006 2011

Secondary BaclaranHigh School (PNHS ANNEX) 2002 2006

Name: Address:

Ulama, Bernoullie M. 118 Central Kalayaan Bo. Balagbag, PasayCity

Contact no. Email add:


PERSONAL DATA Age Gender Date of Birth Civil Status Religion : 21 : Male : August 11, 1989 : Single : Catholic

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Tertiary Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering STICollegeMakati 2006 2011

Secondary Pasay City South High School 2002 2006

Name: Address:

Cuarteros, Ron Jyro L. B 29 L 33 EP Housing Western Bicutan, Taguig City

Contact no. Email add:


PERSONAL DATA Age Gender Date of Birth Civil Status Religion : 22 : Male : February 25, 1987 : Single : Catholic

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Tertiary Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering STICollegeMakati 2006 2011

Secondary Saint Patricia Foundation School 2000 2004

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