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Now that you have already understood the meaning of volunteerism and its impact to your

life, how do you plan to continue volunteering in the school or in the community? Come up with
just a simple action plan on how you think you can be able to volunteer in the school or in the
community. You will be guided with these questions.
1. What would be the Program or Project? Or is it going to be your own initiative?
 The program or the project that I will surely support and that is connected to my
interest is about environmental issues. I am very aware that our environment
needs help. I want to volunteer myself in a various activities that engage about
environmental concerns. I will used my enthusiasm and passion to help and create
a clean and healthy environment.

2.    How can you be of help? How will you volunteer? What would be your significant role
 As a human, I know that sometimes I’ve made a lot of wrong doings and with that
I am willing to volunteer to any activities that involves our environmental issues. I
will manage my time when it comes to my studies and volunteering so that I will
accomplish and improves any aspect of my life.

3. What would be the impact of your contribution?

 The impact of my contribution is that I will inspire my fellow youth to volunteer
in every ways. It would create a big change especially in our environment and in
our society. My willingness would be a great impact and that is enough to make a
change in the community.

4.   How can you sustain your involvement?

 As a people living in this community, I can sustain my responsibility as a
volunteer by using my time properly. I can also maintain this involvement by my
willingness and compassion to help everybody. I will use my voice to encourage
others to volunteer and to use their capabilities to help.
Objectives Tasks Success criteria
To lessen the garbage in the Throw the garbage properly When the garbage are throw in
community every place in the community an appropriate trash cans
should have trash cans
To plant a trees every 3 People must participate in a When the trees are really
months tree planting growing healthy
Clean and green environment Everyone should plant and When their area is clean and
campaign clean their own area they are very passionate of
what they are doing
To improve people awareness People should be aware in every Some people are willing to be a
program in the community volunteer and have initiative to
about environment clean their area

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