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Lesson Plan Sample #1

Student Goal/s Activities Materials Modifications Sensory

Main idea: -Today we’re going -If this activity -Student will
Student will accurately to practice saying Carrier is too easy, the have time to
produce the phonemes some words and phrase student can get up and
/l/, /g/, /k/. then do a scavenger written on practice the move during
Short term: hunt. First, I want to board (i.e. phonemes on the scavenger
Student will practice practice saying “I found the sentence hunt.
aforementioned these words 5 times ___”) level (e.g., “I
phonemes at the each. Now I want to 40 picture found a pink
phrase level. practice saying I “I cards card on the
Session goal: found...” five times hidden shelf”.)
Student will produce each. 5 picture -If the activity
target phonemes at the -Now, there are cards to is too hard,
phrase level with 80% pieces of paper practice at the student
accuracy given models, hidden all over this the word can practice
verbal cues, and visual room with pictures level with. saying
cues. on them. When you phonemes at
Why is this goal find each picture, the word level.
important for this you’re going to say
student? “I found...” There
Improved accuracy of are 40 pictures
phoneme production hidden in this room.
will improve overall I’ll keep track of
intelligibility thereby how many you find!
improving the student’s Go ahead!
ability to participate in
academic and social

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