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Problem XIII

1. Distribution of income for 20x4:

Norr Caylor Total

Interest P 12,000 P 9,600 P 21,600
Compensation __10,000 __14,000 __24,000
Subtotals P 22,000 P 23,600 P 45,600
Allocation of remainder __14,640 __9,760 __24,400
Totals P 36,640 P 33,360 P 70,000

2. Capital account balances at the end of 20x4:

Norr Caylor
Beginning capital balances P 100,000 P 80,000
Share of income 36,640 33,360
Withdrawals _(12,000) _(12,000)
Ending capital balances P 124,640 P 101,360

3. Distribution of income for 20x5:

Norr Caylor Total
Interest P 14,957 P 12,163 P 27,120
Compensation __8,000 __12,000 __240,000
Subtotals P 22,957 P 24,163 P 47,120
Allocation of remainder __13,872 __9,248 _(23,120)
Totals P 9,085 P 14,915 P 24,000

4. Capital account balances at the end of 20x5:

Norr Caylor
Beginning capital balances P 124,640 P 101,360
Share of income 9,085 14,915
Withdrawals _(12,000) _(12,000)
Ending capital balances P 121,725 P 104,275

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