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Mathematical Investigations


Instructor’s Name:



Date of Submission:


Reach the Moon

Description and explanation

This mathematical investigation was carried out with the purpose of estimating the number of

times one can fold a piece of paper before it reaches its limits or rather becomes difficult to fold

anymore. My group members and I evaluated that a paper that is of 0.1mm thickness size can

only be folded six times with a maximum thickness of 6.4mm thickness being attained before it

reaches its limits of being folded further. I have an approximate height of 166cm, and converting

it into mm, it adds up to 1660mm, and below I compiled a table to create an identical pattern of

2,4,6,16, 32, and finally 64. That makes an appearance in both the thickness of the paper and the

number of times the paper doubles, and to evaluate the number of times the folded paper can take

to reach my height, 14 folds ad 1638.4mm is the nearest to my height.


The Sydney CenterPoint tower is estimated to have an approximate height of 305 meters, and

converting it into mm, the height of the tower becomes 305,000mm. In this case, therefore, it

would take 21 folds for an A4 sheet of paper to be able to reach the CenterPoint Tower because

having 22 folds would exceed the height of the tower. The moon, on the other end, is

384,400km. It would take at least 38 folds for a sheet of paper to be able to reach the moon. The

calculator may have creased to calculate the number of folds it would take to reach the moon

immediately after the 39th fold, so in my investigation, I tried and refined. The guess, check and

trial was utilized as my calculator was not able to work further than evaluating 29 folds and so I

made a guess of 2 to the powers of 10, 20 and 30, and they made it to be too far from the moon,

and further. For this case, I utilized the paper doubling pattern; 2,4,8,18,32 and 64 and I used the


check, guess and refine techniques with the help of the powers of 10 to create a jump ahead to be

able to come up with the answer 210 = 102.4mm, 220 = 104857.6mm, 230 = 107374182.4mm, 239

=54975581388, which apparently exceeds the distance of the moon. 238 = 27487790694 is,

therefore, the closest to the moon.

Extending the Investigation

Creating an extension to the investigation, I have opted to make the use of cardboard and ensures

that the thickness is doubled. Its thickness, in this case, becomes 0.2mm, and the activity is to

make an evaluation of evaluating the height of the Statue of Liberty. The thickness of the

cardboard and the number of folds it takes to reach it will also be evaluated. Taking a guess, it

would be 120 m high; however, upon evaluation and checking, I found that it was 93m or rather

93000mm, therefore, is is the approximated height of the Statue of Liberty. With the help of the

double pattern, the table of investigation below was acquired.


Mathematical Utilized Content

The patterns were evaluated through the use of a table to find the numbers 2,3,6,8,16,32,

and 64 were the numbers that were used throughout the doubles of the paper and the, thickness

as well. In my case, I used a guess, check and trial as my calculator ceased to make it further

than 29 fold, and therefore I used the powers of 10 to make guesses and then checked them and

further refined the answers until to the point where the number of folds was close enough to be

able to reach the moon. The moon, on the other end, is 384,400km. It would take at least 38 folds

for a sheet of paper to be able to reach the moon. The calculator may have creased to calculate

the number of folds it would take to reach the moon immediately after the 39th fold, so in my

investigation, I tried and refined. The conversion of the measurements was used to make the

conversion of the meters to millimeters as it was the chief measurement that was used in the

mathematical investigation.


Mathematical Language Usage

In this investigation, I converted cm to mm in order to make it easier to make the measurement

of the thickness of a paper. The guess, check and trial was utilized as my calculator was not able

to work further than evaluating 29 folds and so I made a guess of 2 to the powers of 10, 20 and

30, and they made it to be too far from the moon, and further, I made a guess of 2 to the powers

of 39 which further made an exceeding to the moon, and therefore, this made me refine it to the 2

to the powers of 38, and from there I achieved my answer.

Creepy Critters

Description and Explanation

I and my group member were acquitted with a pair of dice n which we were required to

make an estimation of numerous times it would assume the color to be able to critter in. It would

assume at least 40 rolls for player A, and 30 for the other player B. The guidelines for the

investigation would be; if we rolled a 1, then we were required to color the body, but if we were

to roll a two then the head was to be colored before the rest of the parts are colored. For the

antennas, one had to hold a three, and the eye was four, the proboscis was five while the leg was

6. The table below indicates further the data acquired. .

I was requested to make a discussion of exactly what transpired in the data while my group

member and I frolicked the game. I accrued that my partner completed ahead of me with 40 rolls,

and I had to keep on rolling the dices until I could acquire the correct numbers on the dices in


order to complete the critter. For this specific investigation, I have pinched a stalk leaf plan with

the help of the subsequent model of the numbers that the tutor provided. .

19 45 32 59 25 34 38 32 41 52 32 38 41 34 29 31 84 38 35 30 61 43 39 3.7 45 32 34 50 29 40

Stem Leaves.

1 9.
2 5 .9 9
3 0 1. 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 5 7 8 8 8 9
4 0 1 .1 3 5 5
5 0 2 9.
6 1
8 4.
Then, later on, I was required to evaluate the mean, mode, and median, as well as the range of

the data that I acquired. The mean, mode, and the median refer to the so-called measures of the

central tendency, expounding further. It refers to the ration that is crucial and quite distinctive of

all the figures. First, the numbers are put above into arising imperative in order to sort it quite

easy to know and find the data.

In order to acquire the mean of the data;

19+25+29+ 29+ 30+31+32+32+32+ 32+ 34+34 +34+35+37 +38+38+38+39+ 40+ 41+ 43+ 45+45+50+52+59

In order to acquire the mode, I looked at the exact number that was the most popular, which was

32, as it was being re.peated four times.


To evaluate the median, I worked all the way to the middle of the data provided in the stem plot;

the half acquired was .30, and so I started at 19 and counted 15, and the count led me to 37. I

carried on and did the .same thing, but this time is initiating from the bottom at the number 84,

and working my way b.ack 15 numbers, the count led me to 38. Therefore 37+38 =75/2 = 37.5

In order to find the rang.e as 84-19=65

For the investigation, we. were tasked to make an analysis of the data with the help of the

measures of the center and evaluate on what was found, as well as make a discussion of the

predictions and the assumptions that could have been made regarding the game with the aid of

the data. We argued that the mean and the median were the same, while the range was different

from the rest of the calculations, thus making the range quite an outlier as it is distant and larger

as compared from the rest. of the calculations. I then created a dot plot box that would effectively

display the data. It is as shown below;

.Extending the Investigation


In an effort to extend the investigation, the activity required a twelve-sided dice. The instructions

were if one was rolled, then the proboscis would be colored, if 2 were rolled then the. head

would be colored ahead of the rest of the body parts, 3-antenna, 4-right antenna, 5-the body, 6-

left arm, 7-right arm, 8-left upper arm, 9-left lower leg, 10-right upper leg, 11- right lower leg

and 12 for both of the eyes.

The data acquired was as shown below.

I found that player A completed with 47 rolls while player B completed with just six rolls.

The mean acquired for this extension was 36.3, the mode was 34, the median was 32, and the

range was 62.

Mathematical content and Language Utilized

.They give numbers that were placed into a stem and the plot leaf and the box plot and the

whiskers in order to indicate the data with effectiveness. I also utilized addition, subtraction,

division, and multiplication during the investigation in finding the mean, median, and mode.


Reflective Statement

The reach the moon study comprised on an investigation that involved the counting of the

number of folds and it took time to be able to range the stature of an individual, the height of the

Sydney’s Centerpoint as well as the moon as the broadsheet was just having a thickness of

0.1mm. On the other hand, the crimpy critters search comprised of progressing a dice and

creating a tally and then analyzing the data into both experimental and theoretical probabilities.

The patterns were evaluated through the use of a table to find the numbers 2,3,6,8,16,32, and 64

were the numbers that were used throughout the doubles of the paper and the thickness as well.

In my case, I used a guess, check and trial as my calculator ceased to make it further than

29 fold, and therefore I used the powers of 10 to make guesses and then checked them and

further refined the answers until to the point where the number of folds was close enough to be

able to reach the moon. The conversion of the measurements was used to make the conversion of

the meters to millimeters as it was the chief measurement that was used in the mathematical

investigation. Finally, the creepy critters, on the other hand, was an investigation that comprised

of the rolling of the dice and the creation of the tally so as to color in the critter. Therefore, from

all the data acquired the 30 of them, I had to evaluate the mean, median, and mode. As a result

of finishing up this investigation, I have learned what a plot box, whiskers, a leaf, and a stem plot


are, amongst other mathematical concepts, including; mean, mode, median, and range. I,

however, encountered a number of difficulties during the evaluation of the mode, median, and

the mean, as well as the range in both the experimental and theoretical probabilities. . I found

difficulties in theoretical and experimental probability and mean, mode, median and range. I

asked Emma to explain it a few times, so I could understand them. I also found it difficult to use

mathematical language to explain my activity and extension thoroughly. Additionally, it was

quite had to utilize the mathematical languages in the experiment. Thoroughly, all in all, I

enjoyed learning new mathematical concepts that will have a great influence on me becoming a

more advanced educator and mathematics tutor in the future.


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