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Stherlande Faustin

Ms. Parker


August 19, 2020

My Career Plan

During high school so far, I have explored many career pathways. I took courses such as

healthcare, early childhood education, and drafting and design. Currently, I am in business and

technology to gain a better insight for my future career. My lifelong career is to own a tech

company after getting my master’s in business management. I have always been someone that

loved dealing with a team of my own where we are supporting each other’s growth. Ways to

achieve my goal is to graduate from a university/college with a more than satisfactory GPA. Get

internships during my time in college to prepare me for an office job. Have a workplace that

allows me to gain experience being in an office setting and how to deal with clients and

employees. These experiences will help to add on to the skills I already gained from prior

settings. Leadership is the most important skill when it comes to owning a company. Knowing

how to help guide your team to the right position as a group is important because there will be

conflicts. Being a quick thinker and problem solver helps when there is an issue at hand that

needs to be solved. Many things will be beneficial to my lifelong career in business management.

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