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Correct Answer !

2 is the correct answer

Which of the following statements on Scrum team is INCORRECT?

1. A Scrum team generally has 6-10 members.

2. A Scrum Team should be in place before the project is initiated.
3. A Scrum Team will create the deliverables of the project.
4. Length of the Sprint will be agreed between the Product Owner and the Scrum Team.

Justification: It is not mandatory for a Scrum Team to be appointed prior to project initiation. The
Scrum Team members are appointed during the Initiate phase. 

The Scrum Team is sometimes referred to as the Development Team since they are responsible for
developing the product, service, or other result. It consists of a group of individuals who work on the
User Stories in the Sprint Backlog to create the Deliverables for the project. Refer Table 3-3, pages
47 & 48, SBOK Guide. Reference: A Guide to Scrum Body of Knowledge, SBOK Guide, pages 50 &

Correct Answer !
2 is the correct answer

As defined in the SBOK, which of the following is a Scrum Aspect?

1. Initiate
2. Organization
3. Scope
4. Plan

Justification: The Scrum aspects must be addressed and managed throughout a Scrum project. The
five Scrum aspects are: Organization, Business Justification, Quality, Risk, and Change. Reference:
A Guide to Scrum Body of Knowledge, SBOK Guide, page 10.

Correct Answer !
3 is the correct answer
As defined in the SBOK, which of the following is a Scrum Process?

1. Release
2. Business Justification
3. Create Deliverables
4. Delegate Responsibilities

Justification: Release is a project phase consisting of Ship Deliverables and Retrospect Project
processes. For more information on Scrum phases and processes, refer Table 1-1: Summary of
Scrum Processes. Reference: A Guide to Scrum Body of Knowledge, SBOK Guide, page 15.

Correct Answer !
4 is the correct answer

As defined in the SBOK, which of the following a Scrum Principle?

1. Create Sprint Backlog

2. Business Justification
3. Review and Retrospect
4. Value-based Prioritization

Justification: Scrum principles are the core guidelines for applying the Scrum framework and should
mandatorily be used in all Scrum projects. The six Scrum principles are: 1. Empirical Process
Control 2. Self-organization 3. Collaboration 4. Value-based Prioritization 5. Time-boxing 6. Iterative
Development Reference: A Guide to Scrum Body of Knowledge, SBOK Guide, page 8.

Wrong Answer !
4 is incorrect, 1 is the correct answer

Which of the following best defines a project?

1. A collaborative enterprise to either create new products or services or to deliver results as defined
in the Project Vision Statement.
2. A group of related projects, with the objective to deliver business outcomes as defined in the
Program Vision Statement.
3. A collaborative enterprise to sustain the improvements introduced in the operations of an
4. A group of related programs, with the objective to deliver business outcomes as defined in the
Portfolio Vision Statement.

Justification: A Scrum project involves a collaborative effort to create a new product, service, or other
result as defined in the Project Vision Statement. Projects are impacted by constraints of time, cost,
scope, quality, resources, organizational capabilities, and other limitations that make them difficult to
plan, execute, manage, and ultimately succeed. Reference: A Guide to Scrum Body of Knowledge,
SBOK Guide, page 2.

Correct Answer !
1 is the correct answer

As defined in the SBOK, which of the following is a phase in Scrum projects?

1. Release
2. Starting up
3. Delivering
4. Monitoring

Justification: Scrum processes address the specific activities and flow of a Scrum project. In total
there are nineteen processes which are grouped into five phases. These phases are presented in
chapters 8 through 12 of the SBOK™ Guide, as shown in Table 1-1. Reference: A Guide to Scrum
Body of Knowledge, SBOK Guide, table 1-1, page 15.

Correct Answer !
4 is the correct answer

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using Scrum to deliver projects?

1. It makes projects adaptable and open to incorporating change.

2. It minimizes non-essential work and leads to higher efficiency levels.
3. It leads to greater levels of motivation among employees.
4. It ensures that all the benefits are delivered at the end of the project.
Justification: Scrum projects are completed in an iterative manner delivering value throughout the
lifecycle of the project, not just at the end of the project. Reference: A Guide to Scrum Body of
Knowledge, SBOK Guide, figure 2-9, page 35.

Correct Answer !
3 is the correct answer

Which of the following meetings is conducted at the beginning of a Project?

1. Retrospect Sprint Meeting

2. Daily Standup Meeting
3. Project Vision Meeting
4. Sprint Review Meeting

Justification: A Project Vision Meeting is a meeting with the Program Stakeholder(s), Program
Product Owner, and Program Scrum Master. It helps identify the business context, business
requirements, and stakeholder expectations in order to develop an effective Project Vision
Statement. Reference: A Guide to Scrum Body of Knowledge, SBOK Guide, page 143.

Correct Answer !
3 is the correct answer

Which of the following is an output of the Project Vision  Meeting?

1. Product Backlog
2. Acceptance criteria
3. Project Vision Statement
4. Roles and Responsibilities

Justification: A Project Vision Meeting is a meeting with the Program Stakeholder(s), Program
Product Owner, and Program Scrum Master. It helps identify the business context, business
requirements, and stakeholder expectations in order to develop an effective Project Vision
Statement. Reference: A Guide to Scrum Body of Knowledge, SBOK Guide, page 143.
Correct Answer !
1 is the correct answer

Who among the following creates the Prioritized Product Backlog?

1. Product Owner
2. Customer
3. Scrum Team
4. Scrum Master

Justification: Table 3-1 summarizes the Product Owner’s responsibilities in the various Scrum
processes. Reference: A Guide to Scrum Body of Knowledge, SBOK Guide, Table 3-1, page 44 &

Correct Answer !
2 is the correct answer

Which of the following statements on Scrum framework is TRUE?

1. Focuses on detailed upfront project planning.

2. Allows Scrum Teams to take ownership of tasks.

3. Enables delegation of authority from one level to another.

4. Emphasizes individual accountability rather than group accountability.

Justification: Scrum believes that employees are self-motivated and seek to accept greater
responsibility. So, they deliver much greater value when self-organized. 

Self-organization as an essential principle in Scrum leads to the following:

        Team buy-in and shared ownership

         Motivation, which leads to an enhanced performance level of the team
         Innovative and creative environment conducive to growth
Reference: A Guide to Scrum Body of Knowledge, SBOK Guide, page 26.

Correct Answer !
2 is the correct answer

Which of the following meetings is conducted at the end of a Sprint to analyze improvement
opportunities for the future Sprints?

1. Sprint Review Meeting

2. Retrospect Sprint Meeting

3. Sprint Planning Meeting

4. Daily Standup Meeting

Justification: The Retrospect Sprint Meeting is Time-boxed to 4 hours for a one-month Sprint and
conducted as part of the Retrospect Sprint process. During this meeting, the Scrum Team gets
together to review and reflect on the previous Sprint in terms of the processes followed, tools
employed, collaboration and communication mechanisms, and other aspects relevant to the project.
The team discusses what went well during the previous Sprint and what did not go well, the goal
being to learn and make improvements in the Sprints to follow. Some improvement opportunities or
best practices from this meeting could also be updated as part of the Scrum Guidance Body
documents. Reference: A Guide to Scrum Body of Knowledge, SBOK Guide, page 34.

Correct Answer !
1 is the correct answer

What is sustainable pace?

1. The pace at which the Scrum Team can work and sustain comfortably for an indefinite period of

2. The pace at which the Scrum Team converts User Stories into deliverables in a Sprint.

3. The pace at which the Scrum Team releases project deliverables.

4. The pace at which the Scrum Team can work and sustain comfortably in a set of Sprints leading
to a product release.

Justification: Maintaining a sustainable pace is one of the most important tenets of Scrum.
Sustainable pace translates to increased employee satisfaction, stability, and increased estimation
accuracy, all of which ultimately leads to increased customer satisfaction. To develop a truly high
quality product and maintain a healthy work environment, it is important to carry out integration-type
activities regularly, rather than delaying the integration work until the end in such circumstances.
Reference: A Guide to Scrum Body of Knowledge, SBOK Guide, page 92.

Correct Answer !
4 is the correct answer

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using Scrum?

1. Ensures that the highest value requirements of the customer are satisfied first as it works on the
principle of value-based prioritization.

2. Leads to a high trust work environment ensuring low friction among employees as it promotes
transparency and collaboration.

3. Leads to an innovative and creative work environment as it creates an environment of

introspection, learning and adaptation.

4. Ensures that products are developed over an agreed period of time as it emphasizes detailed
planning at the beginning of the project.

Justification: Unlike traditional waterfall approach which focuses on detailed upfront planning, the
Scrum Framework is founded on the belief that the knowledge workers of today can offer much more
than just their technical expertise, and that trying to fully map out and plan for an ever-changing
environment is not efficient. Therefore, Scrum encourages data-based, iterative decision making. In
Scrum, the primary focus is on delivering products that satisfy customer requirements in small
iterative shippable increments. To deliver the greatest amount of value in the shortest amount of
time, Scrum promotes prioritization and time-boxing over fixing the scope, cost and schedule of a
project. An important feature of Scrum is self-organization, which allows the individuals who are
actually doing the work to estimate and take ownership of tasks. Reference: A Guide to Scrum Body
of Knowledge, SBOK Guide, page 37.

Correct Answer !
3 is the correct answer

Which of the following is a benefit of using Scrum?

1. It enables detailed planning at the beginning of the project hence ensures that all the risks are
identified and mitigated.

2. It provides complete control over the project to the Product Owner as he is responsible for all the
product development activities in a Sprint.
3. It is based on the principle value-based prioritization thus ensures that highest value is provided in
the shortest period possible.

4. It is based on the principle of managing by stages thus ensures that all the expected benefits are
realized at the end of the project.

Justification: The Scrum framework is driven by the goal of delivering maximum business value in a
minimum time span. One of the most effective tools for delivering the greatest value in the shortest
amount of time is prioritization. Prioritization can be defined as determination of the order and
separation of what must be done now, from what needs to be done later. The concept of
prioritization is not new to project management. The traditional Waterfall model of project
management proposes using multiple task prioritization tools. From the Project Manager’s point of
view, prioritization is integral because certain tasks must be accomplished first to expedite the
development process and achieve the project goals. Some of the traditional techniques of task
prioritization include setting deadlines for delegated tasks and using prioritization matrices.
Reference: A Guide to Scrum Body of Knowledge, SBOK Guide, page 31.

Correct Answer !
2 is the correct answer

Scrum framework is best suited for which of the following projects?

1. Projects with fixed scope and timelines.

2. Projects with changing requirements.

3. Projects with stable requirements.

4. Projects with defined roles and responsibilities.

Justification: Being adaptive to change is a key advantage of the Scrum framework. Although Scrum
works well for all projects in all industries, it can be very effective when the product or other project
requirements are not fully understood or cannot be well defined up front, when the product’s market
is volatile, and/or when the focus is on making the team flexible enough to incorporate changing
requirements. Scrum is especially useful for complex projects with a lot of uncertainty. Long-term
planning and forecasting is typically ineffective for such projects and they involve high quantities of
risk. Scrum guides the team through transparency, inspection, and adaptation to the most valuable
business outcomes. Reference: A Guide to Scrum Body of Knowledge, SBOK Guide, page 98.
Correct Answer !
4 is the correct answer

Which of the following is a constraint when planning, executing, managing, and delivering a
Scrum project? 

i. Time 

ii. Cost

1. Only i

2. Only ii

3. Neither i nor ii

4. Both i and ii

Justification: Projects are usually impacted by constraints of time, cost, scope, quality, people and
organizational capabilities. The objective of the project team is to create Deliverables as defined in
Prioritized Product Backlog. Reference: A Guide to Scrum Body of Knowledge, SBOK Guide, page


Question 1
Selected Choice: 2

Which of the following is true about Scrum?

1. The Scrum Core Team is synonymous to the Scrum Team.

2. The Product Owner has authority over the Scrum Master and the Scrum Team.

3. The Scrum Master is the final decision maker for a Scrum Team.

4. The Product Owner is part of the Scrum Core Team.

Question 2
Selected Choice: 3

Which of the following Scrum aspects translate(s) the Scrum principle Value-based Prioritization into

A. Business Justification
B. Risk
C. Change
D. Organization

1. A

2. A, C and D

3. A, B and C

4. A, B, C and D

Question 3
Selected Choice: 3
Which of the following is NOT true about Time-boxing?

1. It is one of the six Scrum principles.

2. A Sprint Planning meeting is usually Time-boxed to eight hours.

3. It reduces the team velocity.

4. A Sprint Review meeting is usually Time-boxed to four hours.

Question 4
Selected Choice: 1
Which role is identified in the Create Project Vision process?

1. Product Owner

2. Scrum Master

3. Stakeholder

4. Scrum Team
Question 5
Selected Choice: 3

How is performance measured in Scrum?

1. Plan conformity

2. Business value

3. Team performance

4. Attrition Level

Question 6
Selected Choice: 2

Risks should be identified, assessed, and responded to based on which two factors?

1. Possibility and Impact

2. Probability and Impact

3. Change and Impact

4. Probability and Severity

Question 7
Selected Choice:

Which role is responsible for providing guidelines about quality which may be relevant to all Scrum
projects in the organization?

1. Scrum Master

2. Chief Scrum Master

3. Scrum Guidance Body

4. Program Product Owner

Question 8
Selected Choice: 1

Which of the following statements best describes Iterative Development?

1. This principle highlights the focus of Scrum to deliver maximum business value, from
beginning early in the project and continuing throughout.

2. This principle defines and emphasizes how to better manage changes and build products that
satisfy customer needs. It also delineates the Product Owner’s and organization’s responsibilities
related to developing deliverables and products.

3. This principle describes how time is considered a limiting constraint in Scrum, and used to
help effectively manage project planning and execution. Time-boxed elements in Scrum include
Sprints, Daily Standup Meetings, Sprint Planning Meetings, Sprint Review Meetings.

4. This principle focuses on the three core dimensions related to collaborative work: awareness,
articulation, and appropriation. It also advocates project management as a shared value-creation
process with teams working and interacting together to deliver the greatest value.

Question 9
Selected Choice: 2

The Scrum cycle begins with which meeting?

1. Sprint Review Meeting

2. Stakeholder Meeting

3. Retrospect meeting

4. Daily Standup Meeting

Who plays the role of coordinating Scrum related activities in large projects?

1. Chief Scrum Master

2. Product Owner

3. Chief Product Owner

4. Vendor

Question 12
Selected Choice: 3

Every project, regardless of its method or framework used, is exposed to ________

1. Risk

2. Uncertainty

3. Change

4. Scope creep

Question 10
Selected Choice: 1

Which of the following statements is the best description of the Scrum Team role?

1. Responsible for understanding the requirements specified by the Product Owner and creating
the Deliverables of the project.

2. Responsible for achieving maximum business value for the project. Also responsible for
articulating customer requirements and maintaining business justification for the project.

3. A facilitator who ensures that an environment conducive to completing the project

successfully is present all the time. They guide, facilitate, and teach Scrum practices to everyone
involved in the project; clear impediments and ensure that Scrum processes are followed.

4. Responsible for coordinating Scrum-related activities in large projects which may require
multiple Scrum Teams to work in parallel.

Question 13
Selected Choice: 1

Who approves User Stories for a Sprint?

1. Product Owner
2. Scrum Master

3. Stakeholder

4. Scrum Team

Question 14
Selected Choice: 4

Every Scrum cycle begins with a _____________ meeting.

1. Release Planning

2. Sprint Planning

3. Retrospective Sprint

4. Project Vision

Question 15
Selected Choice: 3

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using Scrum in projects: :

1. Transparency

2. Customer centric

3. Individual Ownership

4. Continuous Improvement

Question 16
Selected Choice: 1

Which of the following documents the successful completion of a Sprint?

1. Product Backlog
2. Project Vision statement

3. Working Deliverables Agreement

4. Release Planning Schedule

Question 17
Selected Choice: 1

Which of the following are the core dimensions of collaborative work?

1. Awareness, Articulation, and Appropriation.

2. Aspects, Articulation, and Assurance.

3. Awareness, Adaptation, and Appropriation.

4. Aspects, Adaptati

Question 18
Selected Choice: 4

Which of the following meetings is not Time-boxed and can be conducted in a virtual environment?

1. Sprint Planning meeting

2. Retrospect Project meeting

3. Sprint Review meeting

4. Daily Standup Meeting

on, and Artifacts.

Question 19
Selected Choice: 3

Which of the following is the best description of the Demonstrate and Validate Sprint process?

1. To secure approval and acceptance of the product or service by the Product Owner.
2. To discuss dependencies across teams.

3. To retrospect the project and identify, document, and internalize the lessons learned.

4. To develop the functionality described in each User Story

Question 20
Which of the following is not a key role in Scrum?

1. Product Owner

2. Scrum Master

3. Team manager

4. Scrum Team Member

Question 21
Selected Choice: 2

Which of the following is/are a key characteristic of a project?

A. Permanent
B. Cross-functional
C. Unique
D. Uncertainty of outcomes

1. Only A and C

2. Only B and D

3. Only B

4. Only D

Question 22
Selected Choice: 4
Deliverables from Scrum projects, which are potentially shippable, are referred to as _________

1. Delivered

2. Closed

3. Completed

4. Done

Question 23
Selected Choice: 3

All of the following are the goals of a self-organizing team, EXCEPT

1. Increase knowledge on a continuous basis.

2. Strive to deliver maximum business value in minimum time frame.

3. Remove the impediments to development.

4. Create and manage tasks independently.

Question 24
Selected Choice: 3

Which document is created in the Create Project Vision process?

1. Product Backlog

2. Project Vision statement

3. Business case

4. Acceptance criteria

Question 25
Selected Choice: 1

The Product Owner accepts the Deliverables only when they meet the predefined ________
1. Acceptance Criteria

2. Product Owner expectations

3. Customer expectations

4. Project vision

Question 26
Selected Choice:

Continuous learning is an important aspect of Scrum. In fact, the Inspect-Adapt cycle is highly
suitable for continuous learning. Which of the following meetings present the Scrum Team with
opportunities for Inspection-Adaptation?

A. Release Planning meeting

B. Daily Scrum meeting
C. Sprint Retrospective meeting
D. Sprint Planning meeting

1. C

2. A and C

3. B and C

4. C and D

Question 27
Selected Choice: 3

What is the basis of performance measurement in Scrum?

1. Plan conformity

2. Business value

3. Team performance

4. Attrition Level
Question 28
Selected Choice: 4

The Scrum principle of Empirical Process Control is based on three main ideas. Which of the
following is NOT an idea in Empirical Process Control?

1. Adaptation

2. Inspection

3. Transparency

4. Velocity

Question 29
Selected Choice: 4

The Scrum Core Team reviews the User Stories in the Prioritized Product Backlog to develop

1. Product Backlog

2. Project Vision statement

3. Epic(s)

4. Release Planning Schedule

Question 30
Selected Choice: 1

Which role in Scrum consists of external individuals or organizations that provide products and/or
services that are not within the core competencies of the project organization?

1. Scrum Guidance Body

2. Vendors
3. Scrum Governance Body

4. Stakeholders

Question 31
Selected Choice: 4

Flexibility on Scrum projects is achieved through which of the following?

1. Specialized teams.

2. Detailed upfront planning.

3. Value-based Prioritization.

4. Non-iterative delivery.

Question 32
Selected Choice: 4

Which of the following roles is described as a Core role in Scrum?

1. Stakeholder

2. Chief Product Owner

3. Chief Scrum Master

4. Scrum Master

Question 33
Selected Choice: 2

Which three ideas emphasizes the core philosophy of Scrum?

1. Transparency, correction, and initialization

2. Transparency, inspection, and adaptation

3. Initiation, correction, and adaptation

4. Transparency, initiation, and adaptation

Question 34
Selected Choice: 3

Which principle highlights the focus of Scrum to deliver maximum business value, beginning early in
the project and continuing throughout?

1. Empirical Process Control

2. Collaboration

3. Value-based Prioritization

4. Self-organization

Question 35
Selected Choice: 3

________ is created during the Stakeholder meeting

1. Product Backlog

2. Acceptance criteria

3. Project Vision

4. Roles and Responsibilities

Question 36
Selected Choice: 2
Scrum follows the ________ style of management and is very different from the traditional
management of projects

1. Autocratic

2. Decentralized

3. Persuasive

4. Paternalistic

Question 37
Selected Choice: 1

Scrum places emphasis on ________

1. Processes

2. People

3. Products

4. Partners

Question 38
Selected Choice: 4

Which of the following is NOT a Scrum principle?

1. Collaboration.

2. Iterative Development.

3. Refined Reporting.

4. Value-based Prioritization.

Question 39
Selected Choice: 1
Which is a role that generally consists of a set of documents and/or a group of experts who are
typically involved in defining objectives?

1. Scrum Guidance Body

2. Chief Product Owner

3. Scrum Governance Body

4. Stakeholders

Question 40
Selected Choice: 4

During a Sprint Planning Meeting, ________ are considered for inclusion in the Sprint?

1. Product Backlog

2. Acceptance criteria

3. Customer requirements

4. User Stories

1. What does the Product Owner do during a Sprint?

 A. Protects the Team and the process

 B. Clarifies requirements and answers questions
 C. Guides the Team in its work
 D. Intervenes when required to make sure the pace of work is sustainable

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2. Which role is responsible for turning the Product Backlog into incremental pieces of

 A. Product Owner
 B. ScrumMaster
 C. Team
 D. Everyone within the Project
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3. If a Team member is consistently late for the Daily Scrum, what is usually the first thing a
Team should do?

 A. Report the Team member to his or her manager

 B. Have the Team member do the testing
 C. Meet with the Team member to determine a solution
 D. Ask the ScrumMaster to move the Team member off the Team

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4. During a Daily Scrum meeting, Olivia mentions she has found some open source code she
thinks will solve one of the problems she has been working on. She wants to implement it
immediately. What is the best next step?

 A. The ScrumMaster tells Olivia to prepare an example and presentation for the Team so they
can consider using the code
 B. After the Daily Scrum meeting is held, a separate meeting is conducted to discuss the
open source solution
 C. All members of the Team are told to evaluate Olivia’s solution and report back to the team at
the next Daily Scrum meeting.
 D. The Product Owner notes the impediment and solves the problem after the meeting

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5. Who is responsible for facilitating the Sprint Retrospective Meeting?

 A. Team
 B. Product Owner
 C. ScrumMaster
 D. No one

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6. Which role is MOST LIKELY to communicate an impediment during a Daily Scrum?

 A. Product Owner
 B. Team
 C. Stakeholders
 D. ScrumMaster

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Training $10
7. Who is primarily responsible for maintaining the Product Backlog?

 A. Scrum Development Team

 B. ScrumMaster
 C. Product Owner
 D. Stakeholders

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Training $10
8. What is the ScrumMaster’s role in the Sprint Retrospective?

 A. To determine the re-composition of the Team

 B. To facilitate the Team’s search for improvements
 C. To lead the Team in the evaluation of each individual Team member
 D. To provide answers to the challenges that the Team identifies

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9. Which of the following is true concerning impediments?

 A. The Team should not use daily Scrum meetings to report impediments
 B. It is the ScrumMaster’s top priority to remove impediments
 C. It is the Product Owner’s job to remove impediments.
 D. A slow running server is not considered an impediment

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10. Why should the Product Owner attend the Daily Scrum?

 A. To comment on the Team’s progress

 B. To make sure the Team is still on target for its Sprint goals
 C. To tell the Team which tasks to work on next and update the Product Backlog
 D. To see the progress being made and determine whether the Team needs help

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11. In a 30-day Sprint, how long is the Sprint Review Meeting?

 A. Four hours maximum

 B. Four to eight hours
 C. At least eight hours
 D. As long as required

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12. Which of the following is a responsibility of the Product Owner?

 A. Determine the appropriate release dates

 B. Determine the appropriate technical solution for the project.
 C. Determine the Team composition necessary for success
 D. Determine the length of the Sprints

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13. What are the desirable qualities of a Product Vision?

 A. Features a detailed overview that enlightens and inspires

 B. Provides a complete breakdown structure of the ROI formula
 C. Describes why the project is pursued and the product desired end state
 D. Outlines traceability back to overall corporate governance in IT investment

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14. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Scrum teams and planning?

 A. Scrum Teams place value in following a plan, but they value responding to change even more
 B. Planning is not important in Scrum.
 C. Scrum is intended to be an efficient way to carry out plans that have already been made
 D. Traditional planning is replaced by the Sprint Burndown chart

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Training $10
15. The ScrumMaster…

 A. Controls the priority order of items in the team’s backlog

 B. Is the Team’s Scrum expert.
 C. Creates, refines and communicates customer requirements to the Team
 D. Is the keeper of the product vision

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Training $10
16. According to Scrum guidelines, who is responsible for hiring or assigning a new person
into a Team?

 A. ScrumMaster
 B. Product Owner
 C. This is outside of the scope of Scrum
 D. The self-managing Team

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17. If a Team determines that it has over-committed itself for a Sprint, who should be present
when reviewing and adjusting the Sprint goal and work?

 A. Product Owner and Stakeholders

 B. Product Owner, ScrumMaster, and Team
 C. ScrumMaster, Project Manager, Team
 D. Team
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18. What does Scrum’s definition of done help a Team produce?

 A. Functionality that has been deployed to the users and delivers real business value
 B. Functionality that has been designed and analyzed
 C. Product functionality ready to be tested
 D. An increment of potentially shippable product

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19. How do the principles behind the Agile Manifesto suggest approaching architecture?

 A. Architecture emerges
 B. Architecture is not important, but functionality is important
 C. Architecture is defined and planned up front
 D. Architecture is defined and implemented in the first iterations

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20. How are the Product Owner’s responsibilities BEST described?

 A. Directing the Team’s daily activities

 B. Keeping stakeholders from distracting the Team
 C. Managing the project and ensuring that the work meets the commitments to the stakeholders
 D. Optimizing the business value of the work

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21. After a Team has committed to a Sprint goal, what authority does it have?

 A. The Team has authority to swap Sprint backlog items with Product Backlog items if it cannot
finish them.
 B. The Team works under the authority of the Product Architect, who has set the definition of
 C.The Team works according to the priorities set by the ScrumMaster, as the ScrumMaster is
committed to the Scrum framework
 D.The Team does whatever is necessary to achieve the goal

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22. Which of the following is a MAIN purpose of a Sprint Backlog?

 A. For the ScrumMaster to manage the progress during the Sprint

 B. For the Team to manage themselves during the Sprint
 C. For the Team to manage the number of hours spent on tasks in the Sprint
 D. For the Product Owner to understand what the Team has committed to for a Sprint

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Training $10
23. What is the main purpose of a Sprint Review?

 A. For the Team to review their work and to determine what is needed to complete the next set of
backlog items
 B. For Stakeholders to review what the Team has built and to give input on what to do next
 C. For Stakeholders to “hold the Team’s feet to the fire” – to make sure something is produced
during the Sprint
 D. For the Product Manager to be able to show progress to the Stakeholders

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Training $10
24. What does the Team do during the first Sprint?

 A. Delivers design documents

 B. Develops a plan for the rest of the Sprints
 C. Accomplishes the Sprint goal
 D. Predetermines the complete architecture and infrastructure

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25. When using Scrum, who is primarily responsible for making scope versus schedule trade-
off decisions?

 A. The Project Manager

 B. The Team
 C. The Product Owner
 D. The ScrumMaster

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26. Can the Product Owner and the ScrumMaster be the same person?

 A. No. The person would have too much power and it would create confusion
 B. Yes, if the person has the authority and empowerment to do both things
 C. No. It would take too much of one person’s time
 D. Yes, as long as the person can balance both responsibilities with care

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27. How does the Agile Manifesto address planning?
 A. Planning is not required in an agile project, as the project is focused on current status
 B. Responding to change is more important than following a plan
 C. Sign-off on the detail of Product Backlog items is mandatory before any item can be planned
into an iteration.
 D. Upfront planning and design is an integral stage before development can begin.

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28. When should the Burndown Chart be updated?

 A. After every Sprint

 B. After every day
 C. After every release
 D. After every week

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29. Once a Team starts a Sprint, who determines how the Team does its work?

 A. Project Manager
 B. Team lead
 C. ScrumMaster
 D. Team

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30. Which statement is accurate about the role of the Product Owner during the Daily Scrum?

 A. The Product Owner’s participation is defined by the Team

 B. The Product Owner outlines the additional changes that must be absorbed by the Team in the
 C. The Product Owner ensures the Burndown rate is maintained at the estimated rate
 D. The Product Owner provides instruction to the Team on how to implement a workable solution

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Training $10
31. The CEO asks the Team to add a story to the current Sprint. What should the Team do?

 A. Respect the CEO’s authority and add the story to the current Sprint without any adjustments
 B. Add the story to the next Sprint.
 C. Inform the Product Owner so he/she can work with the CEO
 D. Add the story to the current Sprint and drop a story of equal size

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Training $10
32. What is MOST likely to result if the Product Owner is not available during a Sprint?

 A. The Team extends the length of the Sprint until the Product Owner returns
 B. The ScrumMaster assumes the responsibilities of the Product Owner.
 C. The Sprint is abnormally terminated
 D. The product increment may not meet expectations

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33. Agile Manifesto says to value responding to change over following a plan. Which of the
following statements illustrates this?

 A. Changes are accepted only if other features are removed from the backlog such that a fixed
end-date is maintained
 B. Changes are accepted up until the point that the first Sprint begins. Then, changes are
deferred to a future release
 C. Changes are accepted at any time during the development effort depending on the business
value of the change, the Product Owner’s acceptance, and the ability of the team to respond in a
timeframe acceptable to the Product Owner
 D. Changes are accepted up until about halfway through the project, then all changes are
deferred to a future release

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34. What is the approach that Scrum encourages when a Team determines it will be difficult
to deliver any value by the end of a Sprint?

 A. Together with the Product Owner, focus on what can be done and identify a way to deliver
something valuable at the end of each Sprint
 B. Extend the Sprint by a few days to accommodate the extra work
 C. Suggest the Product Owner abnormally terminate the Sprint
 D. Immediately escalate to Senior Management.

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35. Who is required to attend the Daily Scrum?

 A. The Development Team.

 B. The Scrum team.
 C. The Development Team and Scrum Master.
 D. The Development Team and Product Owner.
 E. The Scrum Master and Product Owner.

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36. The CEO asks the Development Team to add a “very important” item to the current Sprint.
What should the Development Team do?

 A. Add the item to the current Sprint without any adjustments.

 B. Add the item to the current Sprint and drop an item of equal size.
 C. Add the item to the next Sprint.
 D. Inform the Product Owner so he/she can work with the CEO.

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37. The purpose of a Sprint is to have a working increment of product done before the Sprint

 A. True
 B. False

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38. Which two (2) things does the Development Team not do during the first Sprint?

 A. Deliver an increment of potentially shippable functionality.

 B. Nail down the complete architecture and infrastructure.
 C. Develop and deliver at least one piece of functionality.
 D. Develop a plan for the rest of the project.

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Training $10
39. Why is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and same place?

 A. The place can be named.

 B. The consistency reduces complexity and overhead.
 C. The Product Owner demands it.
 D. Rooms are hard to book and this lets it be booked in advance.

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Training $10
40. How much work must a Development Team do to a Product Backlog item it selects for a

 A. As much as it has told the Product Owner will be done for every Product Backlog item it
selects in conformance with the definition of done.
 B. As much as it can fit into the Sprint.
 C. The best it can do given that it is usually impossible for QA to finish all of the testing that is
needed to prove shippability.
 D. Analysis, design, programming, testing and documentation.
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41. What does it mean to say that an event has a timebox?

 A. The event must happen at a set time.

 B. The event must happen by a given time.
 C. The event must take at least a minimum amount of time.
 D. The event can take no more than a maximum amount of time.

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42. The time box for the complete Sprint Planning meeting is?

 A. 4 hours.
 B.8 hours for a monthly Sprint. For shorter Sprints it is usually shorter.
 C. Whenever it is done.
 D. Monthly.

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43. The three pillars of empirical process control are:

 A. Respect For People, Kaizen, Eliminating Waste

 B. Planning, Demonstration, Retrospective
 C. Inspection, Transparency, Adaptation
 D. Planning, Inspection, Adaptation
 E. Transparency, Eliminating Waste, Kaizen

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44. Who is responsible for registering the work estimates during a Sprint?

 A. The Development Team.

 B. The Scrum Master.
 C. The Product Owner.
 D. The most junior member of the Team.

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45. Scrum Master is a “management” position?

 A. True
 B. False
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46. What is the role of Management in Scrum?

 A. To continually monitor staffing levels of the Development Team.

 B. To monitor the Development Team’s productivity.
 C. Management supports the Product Owner with insights and information into high-value product
and system capabilities. Management supports the Scrum Master to cause organizational change
that fosters empiricism, self-organization, bottom-up intelligence, and intelligent release of
 D. To identify and remove people that aren’t working hard enough.

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Training $10
47. Which statement best describes a Product Owner’s responsibility?

 A. Optimizing the value of the work the Development Team does.

 B. Directing the Development Team.
 C. Managing the project and ensuring that the work meets the commitments to the stakeholders.
 D. Keeping stakeholders at bay.

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Training $10
48. During a Sprint, a Development Team determines that it will not be able to finish the
complete forecast. Who should be present to review and adjust the Sprint work selected?

 A. The Scrum Master, the project manager and the Development Team.

 B. The Product Owner and the Development Team.

 C. The Product Owner and all stakeholders.`
 D. The Development Team.

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49. Development Team membership should change:

 A. Every Sprint to promote shared learning.

 B. Never, because it reduces productivity.

 C. As needed, while taking into account a short term reduction in productivity.
 D. Just as it would on any development team, with no special allowance for changes in

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50. An abnormal termination of a Sprint is called when?

 A. When it is clear at the end of a Sprint that everything won’t be finished.

 B. When the Team feels that the work is too hard.
 C. When Sales has an important opportunity.
 D. When the Product Owner determines that it makes no sense to finish it

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51. The Product Backlog is ordered by

 A. Small items at the top to large items at the bottom.

 B. Safer items at the top to riskier items at the bottom.
 C. Least valuable items at the top to most valuable at the bottom.

 D. Items are randomly arranged.

 E. Whatever is deemed most appropriate by the Product Owner.

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52. When does the next Sprint begin?

 A. Next Monday.
 B. Immediately following the next Sprint Planning.
 C. When the Product Owner is ready.
 D. Immediately after the conclusion of the previous Sprint

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53. Which statement best describes the Sprint Review?

 A. It is a review of the team’s activities during the Sprint.

 B. It is when the Scrum Team and stakeholders inspect the outcome of the Sprint and figure out
what to do in the upcoming Sprint.
 C. It is a demo at the end of the Sprint for everyone in the organization to provide feedback on the
work done.
 D. It is used to congratulate the Development Team if it did what it committed to doing, or to
punish the Development Team if it failed to meet its commitments.

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54. Upon what type of process control is Scrum based?
 A. Empirical
 B. Hybrid
 C. Defined

 D. Complex

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Training $10
55. When is a Sprint over?

 A. When all Product Backlog items meet their definition of done.

 B. When the Product Owner says it is done.
 C. When all the tasks are completed.
 D. When the timebox expires.

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Training $10
56. When multiple teams are working together, each team should maintain a separate Product

 A. True
 B. False

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57. What is the primary way a Scrum Master keeps a Development Team working at its
highest level of productivity?

 A. By facilitating Development Team decisions and removing impediments.

 B. By ensuring the meetings start and end at the proper time.
 C. By preventing changes to the backlogs once the Sprint begins.
 D. By keeping high value features high in the Product Backlog.

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58. When many Development Teams are working on a single product, what best describes
the definition of “done?”

 A. Each Development Team defines and uses its own. The differences are discussed and
reconciled during a hardening Sprint.
 B. Each Development Team uses its own but must make their definition clear to all other Teams
so the differences are known.
 C. All Development Teams must have a definition of “done” that makes their combined work
potentially releasable.
 D. It depends.

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59. During the Daily Scrum, the Scrum Master’s role is to:

 A. Lead the discussions of the Development Team.

 B. Make sure that all 3 questions have been answered.
 C. Manage the meeting in a way that each team member has a chance to speak.
 D. Teach the Development Team to keep the Daily Scrum within the 15 minute timebox. All of the

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60. Which statement best describes Scrum?

 A. A complete methodology that defines how to develop software.

 B. A cookbook that defines best practices for software development.
 C. A framework within which complex products in complex environments are developed.
 D. A defined and predictive process that conforms to the principles of Scientific Management.

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61. Which of the below are roles on a Scrum Team

 a. Development Team
 b. Users
 c. Customers
 d. Product Owner
 e. Scrum Master

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62. Who is on the Scrum Team?

 A. The Scrum Master

 B. The Product Owner
 C. The Development Team
 D. Project Manager
 E. None of the above

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Training $10
63. What is the recommended size for a Development Team (within the Scrum Team)?

 A. Minimal 7
 B. 3 to 9
 C. 7 plus or minus 2
 D. 9

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Training $10
64. The Development Team should not be interrupted during the Sprint. The Sprint Goal
should remain intact. These are conditions that foster creativity, quality and productivity.
Based on this, which of the following is false?

 A. The Product Owner can help clarify or optimize the Sprint when asked by the Development
 B. The Sprint Backlog and its contents are fully formulated in the Sprint Planning meeting and do
not change during the Sprint.
 C. As a decomposition of the selected Product Backlog Items, the Sprint Backlog changes and
may grow as the work emerges.
 D. The Development Team may work with the Product Owner to remove or add work if it finds it
has more or less capacity than it expected.

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65. What is the approach that Scrum encourages when a team determines it will be difficult to
deliver any values by the end of a Spint?

 A. Together with the Product Owner, focus on what can be done and identify a way to deliver
something valuable at the end of each Sprint.
 B. Suggest the Product Owner abnormally terminate the Sprint.
 C. Extend the Sprint by a few days to accommodate the extra work.
 D. Immediately escalate to Senior Management

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66. What is MOST likely to result if the Product Owner is not available during a Sprint?

 A. The product increment may not meet expectations.

 B. The Sprint is abnormally terminated.
 C. The Development Team extends the length of the Sprint until the Product Owner returns.
 D. The ScrumMaster assumes the responsibilities of the Product Owner.

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67. Who is primarily responsible for maintaining the Product Backlog?

 A. Stakeholders
 B. ScrumMaster
 C. Product Owner
 D. Scrum Development Team

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68. Can the Product Owner and the ScrumMaster be the same person?

 A. No. The role responsibilities are in conflict.

 B. No. It would take too much of one person’s time.
 C. Yes, if the person has the authority and empowerment to do both things.
 D. Yes, as long as the person can balance both responsibilities with care.

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69. If a Development Team determines that it has over-committed itself for a Sprint, who
should be present when reviewing and adjusting the Sprint goal and work?

 A. Development Team
 B. ScrumMaster, Project Manager, Development Team.
 C. Product Owner and Stakeholders
 D. Product Owner, SCrumMaster and Development Team.

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70. During a Daily Scrum meeting, Olivia mentions she has found an available solution and
she thinks that will solve one of the problems she has been working on. She wants to
implement it immediately. What is the best next step?

 A. The ScrumMaster tells Olivia to prepare an example and presentation for the Team so they
can consider using the code.
 B. The Product Owner notes the impediment and solves the problem after the meeting.
 C. All members of the Team are told to evaluate Olivia’s solution and report back to the team at
the next Daily Scrum meeting.
 D. After the Daily Scrum a separate meeting is conducted to discuss the proposed solution.

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Training $10
71. Which of the following is true concerning impediments?

 A. A slow running serve is not considered an impediment.

 B. The Team should not use Daily Scrum meetings to report impediments.
 C. It is the ScrumMaster’s top priority to remove impediments.
 D. It is the Product Owner’s job to remove impediments.

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Training $10
72. The ScrumMaster… is the Scrum Team’s Scrum expert and focuses on continual

 A. Creates, refines and communicates customer requirements to the Development Team.

 B. Is the keeper of the product vision.
 C. Control the priority order of items in the Development Team’s backlog.
 D. Is the Scrum Team’s Scrum expert and focuses on continual improvement.

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73. Which of the following is likely the best option when a Product Owner is overworked?

 A. Free the Product Owner from other responsibilities.

 B. Split the Product Owner role and distribute the duties among more people.
 C. Limit the amount of the time the Product Owner spends with the Scrum Team.
 D. Ask, the Project Manager to pick up some of the Product Owner’s responsibilities.

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74. When using Scrum, who is primarily responsible for making scope versus schedule trade-
off decisions?

 A. The Project Manager.

 B. The Product Owner
 C. The Development Team

 D. The ScrumMaster

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75. Who is accountable for the business value delivered by a Scrum Team?

 A. ScrumMaster.
 B. Project Manager.
 C. Product Owner
 D. Program Sponsor

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76. What is the main purpose of a Sprint Review?

 A. For the Product Manager to be able to show progress to the Stakeholders

 B. For Stakeholders to “hold the Scrum Team’s feet to the fire”- to make sure something is
produced during the Sprint.
 C. For the Scrum Team and stakeholders to review what the Scrum Team has built, and to
collaborate on what could be done next to create value.
 D. For the Scrum Team to review their work and to determine what is needed to complete the
next set of backlog items.

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77. How do the principles behind the Agile Manifesto suggest approaching architecture?

 A. Architecture is not important, but functionality is important.

 B. Architecture is defined and planned up front.
 C. Architecture emerges.
 D. Architecture is defined and implemented in the first iterations.

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78. For what type of work is Scrum MOST suitable?

 A. Simple.
 B. Complex
 C. Pre-defined
 D. Low-risk

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Training $10
79. According to Scrum guidelines, who is responsible for hiring or assigning a new person
into a Team?

 A. This is outside of the scope of Scrum.

 B. ScumMaster
 C. Product Owner

 D. The self-managing Team

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Training $10
80. Why should the Product Owner attend the Daily Scrum?

 A. To help clarify requirements.

 B. To tell the Development Team members which task to work on next.
 C. To connect on the Development Team’s progress.
 D. To make sure the Development Team is still on target to meet its Sprint Goals.

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81. Who is primarily responsible for ensuring that everyone follows Scrum rules and

 A. The Product Owner.

 B. The ScrumMaster
 C. Each individual Scrum Team member
 D. All Scrum Team members collectively

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82. What are the desirable qualities of a Product Vision?

 A. Describe why the projects is pursued and the product desired end state.
 B. Features a detailed overview that enlightens and inspires
 C. Outlines traceability back to overall corporate governance in IT investment
 D. Provides a complete breakdown structure of the ROI formula

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83. Who is primarily responsible for facilitation, when required, in Scrum meetings?

 A. Product Owner
 B. ScrumMaster
 C. Development Team
 D. No one.

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84. In a 30-day Sprint, how long is the Sprint Review Meeting?

 A. Four hours maximum

 B. For to eight hours
 C. At least eight hours
 D. As long as required

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85. Considering the Agile Manifesto, which of the following statements best describes Scrum
Teams and planning?

 A. Scrum Team place value in following a plan, but they value responding to change even more.
 B. Scrum is intended to an efficient way to carry out plans that have already been made.
 C. Planning is not important in Scrum.
 D. Traditional planning is replaced by the Sprint Burndown Chart.

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86. During a Sprint planning meeting, the Product Owner…

 A. Divides selected stories in to specific tasks.

 B. Determines how the Development Team accomplishes it work.
 C. Present stories he/she would like the Development Team to complete during the Sprint.
 D. Decides how many stories will be delivered by the end of the Sprint.

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Training $10
87. When is the Sprint finished?

 A. As determined by the size of the Team

 B. When the timebox expires
 C. When committed items have met their definition of done
 D. When task are complete

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Training $10
88. Once a Sprint begins, who determines how the Development Team will do its work?

 A. Development Team
 B. ScrumMaster
 C. Project Manager
 D. Development Team Lead

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89. Which of the following is a MAIN purpose of a Sprint Backlog?

 A. For the Development Team to manage the number of hours spent on tasks in the Sprint
 B. For the ScrumMaster to manage the Development Team’s progress during the Sprint
 C. For the Product Owner to understand what the Development Team has committed to for a
 D. For the Development Team to organize themselves during the Sprint.
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90. What is the ScrumMaster’s role in the Sprint Retrospective?

 A. To lead the Scrum Team in the evaluation of each individual Scrum Team member.
 B. To determine the re-composition of the Scrum Team
 C. To provide answers to the challenges that the Scrum Team identifies
 D. To facilitate the Scrum Team’s search for improvements.

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91. The Agile Manifesto says that “[we] value responding to change over following a plan.”
Which of the following statements best illustrates this?

 A. Changes are accepted at any time at the discretion of the Product Owner.
 B. Changes are accepted only if other Product Backlog items are removed from the Product
Backlog so that a fixed end-date is maintained.
 C. Changes are accepted up until the point that the first Sprint begins. Then, changes are
deferred to a future release.
 D. Changes are accepted up until about halfway through the project, then all changes are
deferred to a future release.

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92. What does the Product Owner do during a Sprint?

 A. Protects the Development Team and the process

 B. Clarifies requirements and answers questions
 C. Guides the Development Team in its work
 D. Intervenes when required to make sure the pace of work is sustainable.

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93. Which of the following best describes the Agile Manifesto attitude towards customer

 A. The Team must communicate what functionality will be produced in a Sprint and the goal of
the Team for the release.
 B. Regular and frequent feedback from the customer is essential.
 C. Consensus from customers is required before new functional requirements can be inserted
into a Sprint.
 D. Collaborate closely with the customer and ensure all functionality is defined prior to the build
phase of a project.

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94. What should usually happen if, during a Sprint, the Product Owner identifies a new,
important Product Backlog Item (PBI)?

 A. The ScrumMaster encourages the Development Team to include the extra item.
 B. The Development Team works overtime to finish the PBI in the current Sprint.
 C. The Product Owner adds the new PBI to the Product Backlog
 D. The Scrum Team extends the Sprint duration to include the new item.

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Training $10
95. If a Team member is consistently late for the Daily Scrum, what is usually the first thing a
Team should do?

 A. Report the Team member to his or her manager.

 B. Have the Team member do the testing.
 C. Meet with the Team member to determine a solution.
 D. Ask the ScrumMaster to move the Team member off the Team.

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Training $10
96. Which role is MOST LIKELY to communicate an impediment during a Daily Scrum?

 A. Scrum Team
 B. ScumMaster
 C. Product Owner
 D. Stakeholders

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97. Which of the following BEST represents the Product Owner’s responsibility?

 A. Optimizing the business value of the work

 B. Directing the Development Team’s daily activities.
 C. Keeping stakeholders from distracting the Development Team
 D. Holding the Scrum Team responsible for commitments made to stakeholders

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98. Which statement accurately reflects the role of the Product Owner during the Daily

 A. The Product Owner provides instructions to the Development Team on how to implement a
workable solution.
 B. The Product Owner outlines the additional changes that the Development Team must add to
the Sprint.
 C. The Product Owner ensures the burndown rate is maintained so the Development Team can
satisfy the Sprint goals.
 D. The Product Owner’s participations is desirable but optional

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99. How are Development Teams guided during a Sprint?

 A. By project documentation and the Scrum process

 B. By the ScrumMaster who ensures they are not wasting time
 C. By their collective knowledge and experience
 D. By the Product Owner who attends the Daily Stand-up

Question was not answered

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Scrum – CSM Questions (Part2)


(*) Correct answers are marked in Green

1. Which of the following is a benefit of using Scrum?

A. It enables detailed planning at the beginning of the project hence ensures that all the
risks are identified and mitigated.
B. It provides complete control over the project to the Product Owner as he is responsible
for all the product development activities in a Sprint.
C. It is based on the principle of value-based prioritization thus ensuring that the
highest value is provided in the shortest period possible.
D. It is based on the principle of managing by stages thus ensures that all the expected
benefits are realized at the end of the project.
2. Scrum framework is best suited to which of the following environments?
A. Developing cutting-edge products
B. Frequently changing requirements
C. Volatile and hypercompetitive markets
D. All of the above
3. Who among the following is responsible for providing the Scrum Team with a
favorable environment for creating deliverables?
A. Scrum Master
B. Product Owner
C. Scrum Guidance Body
D. External stakeholders
4. Which of the following statements is not true with regard to the Scrum
A. User requirements are prioritized based on their business value
B. The Product Owner should follow a change control procedure to make any changes to
the Prioritized Backlog Items in the Prioritized Product Backlog
C. Business value is delivered incrementally
D. Deliverables are created on the basis of the business value they provide
5. Which of the following is the objective component by which a User Story’s
functionality is judged?
A. Customer Quality Expectations
B. Acceptance Criteria
C. Epics
D. User Needs
6. Which of the following Scrum principles guides planning in a Scrum project?
A. Time-boxing
B. Value-based prioritization
C. Self-organization
D. Collaboration
7. What is self-organization?
A. It refers to emphasizing achieving results by focusing on the needs of the Scrum
B. It refers to delivering maximum business value in a minimum time span.
C. It refers to prioritizing the creation of high-value deliverables over lower value
D. It refers to allowing all facets of the Scrum process to be observed by everyone.
8. What is a value-based prioritization?
A. It refers to emphasizing achieving results by focusing on the needs of the Scrum Team.
B. It refers to making improvements through adaptation.
C. It refers to prioritizing the creation of high-value deliverables over lower value
D. It refers to allowing all facets of the Scrum process to be observed by everyone.
9. What is time-boxing?
A. It refers to emphasizing achieving results by focusing on the needs of the Scrum Team.
B. It refers to delivering maximum business value in a minimum time span.
C. It refers to prioritizing the creation of high-value deliverables over lower value
D. It refers to fixing a certain amount of time for each process and activity in a Scrum
10. What is iterative development?
A. It refers to using more than one product development cycle to develop the final
project deliverables through the learning from the previous development cycles.
B. It refers to developing the final project deliverables in one product development cycle.
C. It refers to developing project deliverables using automated processes.
D. It refers to developing project outputs through detailed upfront planning with the
emphasis on fixing scope, quality, and other project aspects.
11. What of the following best defines collaboration?
A. It refers to individual Scrum Team members being aware of each other’s work.
B. It refers to the Scrum Core Team working together and interfacing with the
stakeholders to create and validate the deliverables of the project to meet the stated
C. It refers to achieving results by focusing on the needs of the Scrum Team.
D. It refers to proposes fixing a certain amount of time for each process and activity in a
Scrum project.
12. Which of the following is emphasized in the Scrum framework?
A. Self-motivation and team responsibility.
B. A delegation of authority through proper planning.
C. Individual responsibilities and accountability.
D. Extensive upfront planning and adherence to the approved plans.
13. Which of the following is a style of management used in the Scrum framework?
A. Authoritarian
B. Decentralized
C. Persuasive
D. Assertive
14. Time-boxing is not done in which of the following meetings?
A. Daily Standup Meeting
B. Sprint Planning Meeting
C. Retrospect Project Meeting
D. Retrospect Sprint Meeting
15. Which of the following statements on Time-boxing is INCORRECT?
A. It proposes fixing the certain timeframe for each activity.
B. It ensures that Scrum Team members do not take up too much or too little work for a
particular period of time.
C. It is a principle through which the Scrum framework addresses the project constraint
of ‘time’.
D. It ensures that there is detailed upfront planning before every Sprint begins.
16. Which of the following does not aid in ensuring transparency in a Scrum project?
A. Scrum ensures that the project has an open Prioritized Product Backlog with prioritized
User Stories that can be viewed by everyone, both within and outside the Scrum Team.
B. Scrum ensures that there is clear visibility into the team’s progress through the use of
a Scrum board, Burndown Chart, and other information radiators.
C. Scrum ensures transparency through detailed upfront planning in which all the key
stakeholders participate.
D. Scrum ensures transparency through a Project Vision Statement that is visible to all
the internal and external stakeholders.
17. Which of the following pairs, related to Tuckman’s Model of Group Dynamics, is
A. Storming: Team tries to accomplish work
B. Forming: Team is mature with experience
C. Norming: Team begins to sort out internal differences
D. Performing: Team’s efficiency is at its optimal level
18. According to SBOK, which of the following is NOT a core dimension of
A. Adaptation
B. Appropriation
C. Articulation
D. Awareness
19. Which of the following is NOT an example of the Scrum principle ‘Empirical
Process Control’?
A. Use of Scrum board to ensure clear visibility into the Scrum Team’s progress.
B. Use of Release Planning Schedule to ensure coordination across multiple Scrum
C. Use of Prioritized Product Backlog to be viewed by internal and external stakeholders.
D. Use of  the fixed  amount of time for each process and activity in a Scrum project.
20. All the following statements on the Scrum Team are correct, EXCEPT:
A. Provides inputs to the creation of Collaboration Plan.
B. Estimates User Stories approved by the Product Owner.
C. Prioritizes items in the Prioritized Product Backlog.
D. Develops Task List.
21. Through which of the following is Inspection in Scrum NOT depicted?
A. Determination of order and separation of what is done now from what is to be done
B. Use of information radiators to show the progress of the Scrum Team on completing
the tasks in a Sprint.
C. Collection of feedback from the customer and other stakeholders to ensure
continuous improvement.
D. Approval of completed deliverables after verification for compliance with Acceptance
22. Which of the following statements on colocation is INCORRECT?
A. It results in the low number of frictions among the Scrum Team members.
B. It facilitates formal and informal interaction among the team members.
C. It enables the team members to coordinate, resolve issues and learn from past
D. It enables determination of the order and separation of what must be done now,
from what needs to be done later in a Sprint.
23. Which of the following is NOT a principle of Scrum?
A. Value-based Prioritization
B. Time-boxing
C. Stage-by-stage project delivery
D. Self-organization
24. Which of the following does not aid in ensuring transparency in a Scrum project?
A. Scrum ensures that the project has an open Prioritized Product Backlog with
prioritized User Stories that can be viewed by everyone, both within and outside the
Scrum Team.s
B. Scrum ensures that there is clear visibility into the team’s progress through the use of
a Scrum board, Burndown Chart, and other information radiators.
C. Scrum ensures transparency through detailed upfront planning in which all the key
stakeholders participate.
D. Scrum ensures transparency through a Project Vision Statement that is visible to all
the internal and external stakeholders.
25. You are a member of a Scrum Team, and you are instructed by the general
manager of your company to work on an urgent task that is not part of the current
Sprint. What do you do?
A. Take responsibility for the task, and tell the Product Owner to postpone the deadline
for the current Sprint.
B. Talk with the other Scrum Team members and re-assign your tasks to someone else.
C. Talk to the Product Owner, and tell him or her to re-assign your tasks to someone else.
D. Inform the Scrum Master of the situation, and let him or her discuss the situation
with the GM.

Scrum – CSM Questions (Part1)


(*) Correct answers are marked in Green

1. Which statement best describes Scrum?

• A complete methodology that defines how to develop software.
• A cookbook that defines best practices for software development.
• A framework within which complex products in complex environments are developed.
• A defined and predictive process that conforms to the principles of Scientific Management

2. What is the recommended size for a Development Team (within the Scrum Team)?
• 3 plus or minus 1
• 6 plus or minus 3 
• 9 plus or minus 2
• 15 plus or minus 3

3. The CEO asks the Development Team to add a “very important” item to the current
Sprint. What should the Development Team do?
• Add the item to the current Sprint without any adjustments.
• Add the item to the current Sprint and drop an item of equal size.
• Add the item to the next Sprint.
• Inform the Product Owner so that he/she can work with the CEO.

4. Who is required to attend the Daily Scrum?

• The Development Team.
• The Scrum Team.
• The Development Team and Scrum Master.
• The Development Team and Product Owner.
• The Scrum Master and Product Owner.

5. Who has the last say on the order of the Product Backlog?
• The Stakeholders
• The Development Team
• The Scrum Master
• The Product Owner
• The CEO

6. What is the primary way a Scrum Master keeps a Development Team working at its
highest level of productivity?
• By facilitating Development Team decisions and removing impediments.
• By ensuring that the meetings start and end at the proper time.
• By preventing changes to the Backlog once the Sprint begins.
• By keeping high value features high in the Product Backlog

7. Why is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and at the same place?
• The place can be named.
• The consistency reduces complexity and overhead.
• The Product Owner demands it.
• Rooms are hard to book and this lets it be booked in advance.

8. When a Development Team determines that it has over-committed itself for a Sprint,
who has to be present when reviewing and adjusting the Sprint work selected?
• The Scrum Master, Project Manager and Development Team.
• The Product Owner and Development Team.
• The Product Owner and all stakeholders.
• The Development Team.

9. Scrum does not have a role called “project manager.”

• True

10. An organization has decided to adopt Scrum, but management wants to change the
terminology to fit the terminology which is already used. What will likely happen if this is
• Without a new vocabulary as a reminder of the change, very little change may actually
• The organization may not understand what has changed within Scrum and the benefits of
Scrum may be lost.
• Management may feel less anxious.
• All answers apply.

11. When many Development Teams are working on a single product, what best
describes the definition of “done?”
• Each Development Team has its own definition of “done”. The various differences in the
definition are discussed and reconciled during the stabilization phase.
• Each Development Team uses its own definition of “done”, but must make it clear to all other
Teams if there are differences.
• All Development Team must have a definition of “done” that when their work integrates
results in a definition of “done” that is potentially shippable.
• It depends.

12. When multiple teams are working together, each team should maintain a separate
Product Backlog.

13. Which statement best describes the Sprint Review?

• It is a review of the team’s activities during the Sprint.
• It is when the Scrum Team and stakeholders inspect the outcome of the Sprint and figure
out what to do in the upcoming Sprint.
• It is a demo at the end of the Sprint for everyone in the organization to provide feedback on
the work done.
• It is used to congratulate the Development Team if it did what it committed to doing, or to
punish the Development Team if it failed to meet its commitments.

14. Development Team membership should be changed

• Every Sprint to promote shared learning.
• Never, because it reduces productivity.
• As needed, while taking into account the short term reduction in productivity.
• Just as it would on any development team, with no special allowance for changes in

15. What does it mean to say that an event has a time box?
• The event must happen at a set time.
• The event must happen by a given time.
• The event must take at least a minimum amount of time.
• The event can take no more than a maximum amount of time.
16. Development Team members volunteer to own a Sprint Backlog item:
• At the Sprint planning meeting.
• Never. All Sprint Backlog Items are “owned” by the entire Development Team, even though
each one may be done by an individual team member.
• Whenever a team member can accommodate more work.
• During the Daily Scrum.

17. Which two (2) things does the Development Team not do during the first Sprint?
• Deliver an increment of potentially shippable functionality.
• Nail down the complete architecture and infrastructure.
• Develop and deliver at least one piece of functionality.
• Develop a plan for the rest of the project.

18. What is the role of Management in Scrum?

• To continually monitor staffing levels of the Development Team.
• To monitor the Development Team’s productivity.
• Management supports the Product Owner with insights and information into high value
product and system capabilities. Management supports the Scrum Master to cause
organizational change that fosters empiricism, self-organization, bottom-up intelligence and
intelligent release of software.
• To identify and remove people that aren’t working hard enough

19. Scrum Master is a “management” position?

• True

20. When is a Sprint over?

• When all Product Backlog items meet their definition of “done”.
• When the Product Owner says it is “done”.
• When all the tasks are completed.
• When the timebox expires.

21. The Development Team should have all the skills needed to
• Complete the project as estimated when the date and cost are committed to the Product
• Do all of the development work, but not the types of testing that require specialized testing
tools, and environments.
• Turn the Product Backlog it selects into an increment of potentially shippable product

22. The Product Backlog is ordered by:

• Small items at the top to large items at the bottom.
• Safer items at the top to riskier items at the bottom.
• Least valuable items at the top to most valuable at the bottom.
• Whatever is deemed most appropriate by the Product Owner. 
23. It is important that the product increment be released to production or shipped to
customers at the end of each Sprint.
• True

24. Which of the below is not a role in a Scrum Team?

• Development Team
• Customers
• Product Owner
• Scrum Master

25. The timebox for the completing Sprint Planning meeting is

• 4 hours.
• 8 hours for a monthly Sprint, proportionately less for shorter Sprints
• 16 hours

26. The role played by the Scrum Master in the Daily Scrum is:
• To make sure everyone answers the three questions in order of seniority.
• He or she does not have to be there; he or she only has to ensure the Development Team has
a Daily Scrum.
• To write down any changes to the Sprint Backlog, including adding new items, and tracking
progress on the burn down.
• So he or she knows what to report to management.

27. Who should know the most about the progress toward a business objective or a
release, and be able to explain the alternatives most clearly?
• The Product Owner. 
• The Development Team.
• The Scrum Master.
• The Project Manager.

28. When is an abnormal termination of Sprint called?

• When it is clear at the end of a Sprint that everything won’t be finished.
• When the Team feels that the work is too hard.
• When Sales has an important opportunity.
• When the Product Owner determines that it makes no sense to finish it.

29. Who is responsible for updating the work estimates during a Sprint?
• The Development Team.
• The Scrum Master.
• The Product Owner.
• The most junior member of the Team

30. Who is not in the Scrum Team?

• The Scrum Master
• The Product Owner
• The Development Team
• Project Manager

31. Which of the following best describes a sprint?

• A sprint is a condensed amount of time in which a development team works as many hours as
they need to in order to finish the work assigned to them.
• A sprint is a pre-specified amount of time in which the development team works at a
sustainable pace to complete a chosen set of work.
• A sprint is a fixed amount of time set aside for a team to run tests and fix any outstanding
bugs right before the product ships.
• A sprint is a pre-specified period of time during which team members choose individual items
from the product backlog to work on. As each item is completed, a new item is brought into the

32. What are the desirable qualities of a Product Vision?

• Outlines traceability back to overall corporate governance in IT investment
• Provides a complete breakdown structure of the ROI formula
• Features a detailed overview that enlightens and inspires
• Describes why the project is pursued and the product desired end state 

33. Which technique is a productive method for the Scrum Master to use to help
• Teach the Product Owner about the technologies employed during the sprints.
• Teach the Team to talk in terms of business needs and objectives.
• Facilitate collaborative meetings between them.
• All of these

34. Can the Product Owner and the Scrum Master be the same person?
• No. It would take too much of one person’s time.
• No. The person would have too much power and it would create confusion.
• Yes, as long as the person can balance both responsibilities with care.
• Yes, if the person has the authority and empowerment to do both things

35. According to Scrum guidelines, who is responsible for hiring or assigning a new
person into a Team?
• This is outside of the scope of Scrum
• Scrum Master
• Product Owner

1 - Which of the following processes facilitates coordination among Scrum Teams in a Scrum
project?1 - A Scrum Team will always have 8-10 members.2 - A Scrum Team should be in place
before the project is initiated.3 - A Scrum Team will create the deliverables of the project.4 - A
Scrum Team will determine the length of Sprint in a project.2 - As defined in the SBOK, which of
the following is a Scrum Aspect?1. Initiate2. Organization3. Scope4. Plan3 - As defined in the
SBOK, which of the following is a Scrum Process?1. Release2. Business Justification3. Create
Deliverables4. Develop User Stories4 - As defined in the SBOK, which of the following a Scrum
Principle?1. Create Sprint Backlog2. Business Justification3. Review and Retrospect4. Value-
based Prioritization5 - Which of the following best defines a project?1. A collaborative
enterprise to either create new products or services or to deliver results as defined in the Project
Vision Statement.2. A group of related projects, with the objective to deliver business outcomes
as defined in the ProgramVision Statement.3. A collaborative enterprise to sustain the
improvements introduced in the operations of an organization.4. A group of related
programs, with the objective to deliver business outcomes as defined in the Portfolio
Vision Statement.6 - As defined in the SBOK, which of the following is a phase in Scrum
projects?1. Release2. Starting up3. Delivering4. Monitoring

7 -Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using Scrum to deliver projects?1. It makes
projects adaptable and open to incorporating change.2. It minimizes non-essential work and leads
to higher efficiency levels.3. It leads to greater levels of motivation among employees.4. It ensures
that all the benefits are delivered at the end of the project.8 - Which of the following meetings is
conducted at the beginning of a Sprint?1. Retrospect Sprint Meeting2. Daily Stand-up Meeting3.
Stakeholder Meeting4. Sprint Review Meeting9 - Which of the following is an output of the
Stakeholder meeting?1. Product Backlog2. Acceptance criteria3. Project Vision4. Roles and
Responsibilities10 - Who among the following creates the Prioritized Product Backlog?1. Product
Owner2. Customer3. Scrum Team4. Scrum Master11 - Which of the following statements on
Scrum framework is TRUE?1. Focuses on detailed upfront project planning.2. Allows teams to
take ownership of tasks.3. Enables delegation of authority from one level to another.4. Emphasizes
individual accountability rather than group accountability.12 - Which of the following statements
on Scrum Team is CORRECT?1. A Scrum Team will always have 8-10 members.

1.How many phases are there in Scrum?




2.The Ship Deliverables and Retrospect Project processes are part of which phase?


 Plan and Estimate

3.How is performance measured in Scrum?

 Plan conformity

 Business Value

 Team Performance

 Attrition Level
4.The Convene Scrum of Scrums and Demonstrate and Validate Sprint processes are
part of which phase?


 Plan and Estimate


 Review and Retrospect

5.In Scum, Stakeholders influence the project through its development. All of the
following roles are collectively known as"Stakeholders" except




6.Which three ideas emphasizes the core philosophy of Scrum?

 Transparency, correction and initialization

 Transparency, inspection and adaption

 Initiation, correction and adaption

 Transparency, initiation and adaption

7.Which of the following is the best description of the Demostration and Validate Sprint
 To secure approval and acceptance of the product or service by the Product Owner

 To discuss the dependencies across teams

 To retrospect the project and identify, document and internalize the lessons learned

 To develop the functionality described in each User Story

8.The prioritized Product Backlog contains______

 User Stories

 Project Vision

 Acceptance Criteria

 Customer Requirements
9.Which principle is used to help effective manage project planning and execution?



 Value based prioritization

10.The word "Scrum" is derived from what sport?




11.All of the following are part of the Scrum Principles except:



 Value Based Prioritization

 Defined Process Control
12.Which of the following is a core Scrum Role?

 Product Owner


 Project Sponsor

 Project Manager
13.Who among the following is responsible for achieving the maximum business value of
the project?

 Product Owner


 Scrum Master

 Project Manager
14.Who among the following is responsible for creating deliverables in the Create
Deliverables process?

 Chief Scrum Master

 Product Owner

 Scrum Master

 Scrum Team
15.The advantages of using a cross functional team is/are

 improved communication between members of the team

 faster decision making

 individual responsibility can be assigned to each member of the team depending on their

 Both A and B
16.Which of the following statement is NOT true?
 Team velocity is a measure of the amount of work that a team can complete in a Sprint

 Historical team velocity is used as an indicator when assigning tasks for each Sprint

 Team velocity is independent of team composition

 Team velocity is used in deciding release deadlines

During the Sprint Review Meeting

 the team presents the end product among themselves

 the Scrum Master can accept or reject the end product deliverable

 the team presents the end product deliverable to the Product Owner

 each team member can accept or reject the end product deliverable
18.Which document is created in the Create Project Vision process?

 Product Backlog

 Project Vision Statement

 Business Case

 Acceptance Criteria
19.What kind of organizational structure is followed in Scrum?




20.The Product Owner selects team members in collaboration with

 Chief Scrum Master

 Scrum Master

 Scrum Governing Body
21.Acceptance Criteria

 Increase ambiguity regarding requirements

 Help the team adhere to the quality norms regarding functionality

 Are determined by the Scrum Master in consultation with the team members

 Are determined by the Scrum Master in consultation with the Product Owner
22.Which of the following is part of the Scrum of Scrums?

 Overview of the tasks to be completed in the Sprint

 Whether any of your decisions could impact other teams

 Discussing problems that may have come up for any of the Scrum Teams

 Resolving impediments that may have come up

23.Every Scrum cycle begins with a ______meeting

 Release Planning

 Sprint Planning

 Retrospective Sprint

 Project Vision
24.How many core roles are present in Scrum?




25.The Conduct Daily Standup process is a part of which phase?


 Plan and Estimate


 Review and Retrospect

How many phases are there in Scrum?

Answer Provided: 5
Correct Answer: 5
Comments Entered:
The Ship Deliverables and Retrospect Project processes are part of which phase?
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Release
Comments Entered:
How is performance measured in Scrum?
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Business Value
Comments Entered:
The Convene Scrum of Scrums and Demonstrate and Validate Sprint processes are
part of which phase?
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Review and Retrospect
Comments Entered:
In Scum, Stakeholders influence the project through its development. All of the following
roles are collectively known as"Stakeholders" except
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Users
Comments Entered:
Which three ideas emphasizes the core philosophy of Scrum?
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Transparency, inspection and adaption
Comments Entered:
Which of the following is the best description of the Demostration and Validate Sprint
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: To secure approval and acceptance of the product or service by the
Product Owner
Comments Entered:
The prioritized Product Backlog contains______
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Customer Requirements
Comments Entered:
Which principle is used to help effective manage project planning and execution?
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Value based prioritization
Comments Entered:
The word "Scrum" is derived from what sport?
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Rugby
Comments Entered:
All of the following are part of the Scrum Principles except:
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Defined Process Control
Comments Entered:
Which of the following is a core Scrum Role?
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Product Owner
Comments Entered:
Who among the following is responsible for achieving the maximum business value of
the project?
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Product Owner
Comments Entered:
Who among the following is responsible for creating deliverables in the Create
Deliverables process?
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Scrum Team
Comments Entered:
The advantages of using a cross functional team is/are
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Both A and B
Comments Entered:
Which of the following statement is NOT true?
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer:
Comments Entered:
During the Sprint Review Meeting

Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: the team presents the end product deliverable to the Product Owner
Comments Entered:
Which document is created in the Create Project Vision process?
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Project Vision Statement
Comments Entered:
What kind of organizational structure is followed in Scrum?
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Self-Organized
Comments Entered:
The Product Owner selects team members in collaboration with
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Scrum Master
Comments Entered:
Acceptance Criteria
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Help the team adhere to the quality norms regarding functionality
Comments Entered:
Which of the following is part of the Scrum of Scrums?
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Whether any of your decisions could impact other teams
Comments Entered:
Every Scrum cycle begins with a ______meeting
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Sprint Planning
Comments Entered:
How many core roles are present in Scrum?
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: 3
Comments Entered:
The Conduct Daily Standup process is a part of which phase?
Answer Provided:
Correct Answer: Implement

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