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GRADO: 11-02. Código: 20

PAST PERFECT-class activity

1. Watch this video

2. write a sequence of events according what Mr Bean did- USING PAST SIMPLE

3. Now using PAST PERFECT describe what happened earlier the other action took

4. Discussion: Social Etiquette What is acceptable social behavior?

What advice would you give to Mr. Bean on social etiquette? What advice would you
give to the businessman sitting next to Mr. Bean? What do you think about
students who don´t respect teachers during virtual classes? and give them an advice


2. write a sequence of events according what Mr Bean did- USING PAST


1. Mr. Bean watched the businessman eat a sandwich and savored himself.

2. Mr. Bean looked for into his blazer for a loaf, and took out scissors to cut

3. Mr. Bean cut off the tip of the bread and threw it away.

4. Mr. Bean cut two pieces of bread.

5. Mr. Bean took a butter and card out of his blazer.

6. Mr. Bean spread the card butter on the two pieces of bread that he cut

7. Mr. Bean took the bread on the edge of the chair.

8. Mr. Bean took a bag with lettuce inside, of his blazer.

9. Mr. Bean washed the lettuce in a trough.

10. Mr. Bean took off his shoe and his socks.

11. Mr. Bean stuffed the lettuce into his sock, and twirled his sock.

12. Mr. Bean took the lettuce out of his sock, put it on the bread, and put his
sock on the chair.

13. Mr. Bean took a flask of two sardines from his blazer; He opened it and took
them in his hand, to put them on the bread.

14. Mr. Bean took a white handker out of his blazer.

15. Mr. Bean took a buttle of peppercorns out of his blazer, and emptied them
into the handker.

16. Mr. Bean bent the handker, and hit it with his shoe.

17. Mr. Bean finished assembling his sandwich with the peppercorns.

18. Mr. Bean observed the businessman with a drink.

19. Mr. Bean took an aromatic from his blazer.

20. Mr. Bean took a thermal bag with water of his blazer, in which he introduced
the aromatic.
21. Mr. Bean took a bottle of milk out of his blazer, drank it, and spat into
the thermal bag.

22. Mr. Bean sneezed and spilled the water.

23. The businessman looked at Mr. Bean with an astonished face and gave him his

3. Now using PAST PERFECT describe what happened earlier the other
action took place
PAST PERFECT-what happened next

1. Mr. Bean had watched the businessman eat a sandwich and savored himself.

2. Mr. Bean had looked for into his blazer to a bread; with a scissors cut it,
and it emptied a part.

3. Mr. Bean had tooked a butter, and card out of his blazer, later for spread
the butter in two pieces of bread; he used the card. Then, he put the bread on the
edge of the chair.

4. Mr. Bean had taken a bag with lettuce inside of his blazer, then washed the
lettuce in a trough.

5. Mr. Bean had tooked off his shoe and his socks for stuffed the lettuce into
his sock, and spun it. Then, took the lettuce out of his sock, put it on the bread,
and put his sock on the chair.

6. Mr. Bean had tooked a flask of two sardines from his blazer; He opened it
and took them in his hand, to put them on the bread.

7. Mr. Bean had taken a white handkerchief out of his blazer, then took a
bottle of peppercorns out of his blazer, and emptied them into the handkerchief.

8. Mr. Bean had bent the handkerchief, and hit it with his shoe. Then he
finished assembling his sandwich with the peppercorns.

9. Mr. Bean had observed the businessman with a drink. then, took an
aromatic from his blazer.
10. Mr. Bean had tooked a thermal bag with water of his blazer, after he
introduced the aromatic.

11. Mr. Bean had tooked a bottle of milk out of his blazer, drank it, and after
spat into the thermal bag.

12. Mr. Bean had sneezed, then spilled the water.

13. The businessman had looked at Mr. Bean with an astonished face and gave
him his sandwich.

4. Discussion:

What is acceptable social behavior?

● It is the way of behavior that people have in relation to their environment,
and this is reflected depending on the breeding, culture, beliefs, etc.

What advice would you give to Mr. Bean on social etiquette?

● I would say to MR. Bean that he should behave appropriately before society,
since for people his way of acting is not well regarded.

What advice would you give to the businessman sitting next to Mr.
● I would say to the businessman that if he feels uncomfortable in some
situations, he should leave the place.

What do you think about students who don´t respect teachers during
virtual classes?
● I think that students should behave appropriately during classes, since the
teacher makes a great effort to explain to us.
● advice:I would tell my classmates to have a proper attitude, and to take the
class seriously and with a lot of respect.

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