Novavax and SK Bioscience Collaborate For NVXCoV2373 Covid19 Vaccine Candidate

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Industry Brief - Novavax And SK Bioscience Collaborate For NVX-CoV2373 Covid-19 Vaccine Candidate
14 Aug 20 20 So uth Ko re a Vaccine s

Novavax and SK bioscience have unveiled a development and s upply ag reement for the antig en component of Novavax's Covid-19 vaccine candidate, NVX-
CoV2373, for s upply to g lobal markets including the COVAX Facility. The two firms have als o s ig ned a letter of intent with the South Korean Minis try of Health
and Welfare to improve acces s to NVX-CoV2373 for the g lobal market, as well as to make the vaccine available in South Korea.

Under the deal, SK bios cience will manufacture the vaccine antig en component for us e in the final drug product g lobally during the pandemic period, with
production to s tart at its vaccine facility in Andong L-hous e, South Korea, later in Aug us t 2020.

NVX-CoV2373 has been developed us ing Novavax's recombinant nanoparticle technolog y to g enerate a s table, prefus ion antig en derived from the
coronavirus s pike (S) protein. It contains Novavax's patented s aponin-bas ed Matrix-M adjuvant to boos t the immune res pons e and s timulate hig h levels of
neutralis ing antibodies .

The efficacy and s afety of NVX-CoV2373 was s hown in Phas e I data from a Phas e I/II randomis ed, obs erver-blinded, placebo-controlled trial, which
demons trated that the vaccine was g enerally well-tolerated and s howed g ood antibody res pons es numerically s uperior to that s een in human convales cent
s era.

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