Safety and Reliabity in Operation

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Paper 2d

Safety and Reliability in Operation of

Indian Ammonia and Urea Plants
High reliability of plants and equipment is essential for continuous and safe operation of plants. This
paper presents the results of a survey of 27 ammonia and 27 urea plants in India for the three-year
period of April 2005 to March 2008. The survey included data on causes of downtime, frequency, se-
verity of loss time and human injuries. The downtime data has been classified into forced (plant and
business related) and planned shutdown. Based on the nature of downtime, three operating indices
e.g. operating factor, service factor and reliability factor have been worked out. The data for plant re-
lated downtime has been analyzed in detail to identify specific sections and equipment causing forced
shutdown. A few case studies are also included. Accident frequency rate and severity rate for the ferti-
liser industry as a whole and only for ammonia and urea plants are also reported.

Dr. S. Nand and Manish Goswami

The Fertiliser Association of India, New Delhi

1350 MTPD. A number of these plants are now

capable of producing 1500-1600 MTPD of am-
1. Introduction monia. Similarly, urea plants with two synthesis
streams but single finishing section produce up to

ommercial production of ammonia started
in India about 60 years back. The first 3000 MTPD. There has been no new plant com-
commercial plant for production of urea missioned after the year 1999 in India. Ammonia
was commissioned in 1959 with the ca- and urea industry is struggling now with the prob-
pacity of 70 Metric Tonnes per Day (MTPD). The lems associated with aging of plants on the one
growth of ammonia and urea industry was slow hand, and shortage in availability of natural gas
during the first 25 years. However, the decade of on the other.
1980s was marked by construction of large single
stream ammonia plants and rapid expansion in the The Fertiliser Association of India (FAI) has been
production capacity of both ammonia and urea. recording the performance of ammonia and urea
The driving factors for the rapid growth during industry in the country for more than three dec-
the decade of 1980s and early 1990s were spurt in ades with respect to a large number of perfor-
demand for fertilisers in the country and concur- mance parameters which include the causes of
rent availability of natural gas as feedstock. In the downtime, onstream efficiency, energy efficiency,
recent years there has been consolidation of am- lost time accidents, water consumption and envi-
monia industry with closure of a number of old ronmental parameters. Analysis of causes of
plants and increase in capacity of later generation downtime and frequency of loss time injuries re-
plants through debottlenecking measures. The flects on the reliability of the plants. The analysis
typical design capacity of ammonia plants com- of causes of downtime in ammonia and urea
missioned during 1980s and 1990s was plants is carried out every 3 years. The last report
on the analysis on downtime for the 3-year period


of April 2002 – March 2005 was published in 3.2 Duration of Planned Shutdown
2006 (1). The frequency and severity of loss time
injuries tells about the safety of plant operation. Average duration of plant turnaround for main-
Results of last safety survey of the data for the 5- tenance of 27 ammonia plants was 21.7 DDPY
year period of 2000-05 were also published in compared to 19.1 DDPY during 2002-05. The du-
2006 (2). The present paper reports the results of ration of plant turn around has been around 20
analysis of causes of downtime in ammonia and DDPY for last 10 years. During the current survey
urea plants, and safety survey for the industry for period of 2005-08, a number of ammonia plants
the 3-year period of April 2005 – March 2008. implemented various revamp measures for debot-
tlenecking of capacity, improving the energy effi-
ciency and switch of feedstock from naphtha to
natural gas. These units had to take a longer shut-
2. Downtime Analysis
down than that taken for normal maintenance ac-
The downtime data for the 3-year period was tivities. The plants based on feedstock other than
available for 27 ammonia and 27 urea plants. natural gas had a restriction on the quantum of
These plants accounted for a production of total of urea production due to the high cost of produc-
27.3 million metric tonnes (MMT) of ammonia tion. These plants usually achieved their quota of
and 60.2 million metric tonnes of urea during the production early and had taken shutdown for pro-
3-year period which constitutes 88% each of the longed periods at the end of production year. Ga-
total production of ammonia and urea during this sification plants had a longer duration of turna-
period. The characteristics of ammonia plants ac- round of 25.5 DDPY compared to 21.0 DDPY for
cording to vintage, size and feedstock are shown the reforming plants.
in Table 1. Vintage of urea plants is similar to
those of ammonia plants. Detailed data obtained
from the plants was converted into Downtime in 3.3 Number of Shutdowns
Days per Plant per Year (DDPY) as follows:
The numbers of Shutdown per Plant per Year
DDPY = Number of days of downtime / number
(SPY) were 6.3 compared to 6.5 SPY during pre-
of plants / number of years.
vious survey period of 2002-05, thus not showing
any significant improvement.
3. Downtime in Ammonia Plants
3.4 Analysis of Downtime Data
An analysis was carried out for the downtime due
3.1 Causes of Loss of Production to plant related problems. Downtime due to plant
Table 2 shows all causes of loss of productive related problems was segregated into groups un-
days and causes of loss of production of ammonia der mechanical, electrical, instrumentation,
during the survey period. Of the total loss of pro- process and miscellaneous failures. Maximum
duction of 1.68 million metric tonnes of ammonia forced downtime was 7.6 DDPY due to mechani-
57.7% loss was due to plant related problems. cal failures. A comparison of downtime due to
Shortage of inputs like natural gas, naphtha, fuel plant related problems is shown in Table 3 for last
oil, etc. accounted for 19.2% of total loss of am- 4 survey periods. It can be seen that downtime
monia production. due to miscellaneous failures has come down
drastically during the most recent survey. This is
mainly because of better identification and classi-


fication of data according to specific nature of of ammonia plants. Preliminary investigations
failures. showed that inferior quality of timber was respon-
sible for the premature failure of cooling towers.
3.5 Downtime due to Mechanical Failures Fertiliser units have become more careful about
quality of timber in repair / replacements of tim-
Section wise downtime data due to mechanical ber cells. Certain design modifications have also
failures for 23 plants based on reforming process been implemented by a few units to reduce weight
and 4 plants on gasification process are shown in load in the tower. More attention is also being
Table 4 and Table 5, respectively. Reforming paid to the treatment of cooling water.
plants accumulated total downtime of 527 days.
One of the 23 plants operated exceptionally bad 3.6 Case Study 1: Leakage in Synthesis Loop
and it accumulated 119 days of shutdown due to Piping
mechanical failures. Section wise data shows that
synthesis gas compressor alone contributed 30% Several equipments like S-50 Converter, MP Boi-
of downtime due to mechanical failures. Failures ler etc. in synthesis section were added in an am-
in synthesis and refrigeration loop accounted for monia plant of IFFCO Kalol unit during 2005-
almost 22% downtime in reforming plants. For 2006 as a part of the energy saving project. There
plants based on gasification process, synthesis and were frequent leakage problems faced in the el-
refrigeration loop section was again responsible bows of the piping loop. A shutdown was taken in
for 45.3% of downtime due to mechanical fail- October 2007 to change the suspect elbows,
ures. GNFC-Bharuch, MCFL-Mangalore, CFCL- which could have otherwise led to an unplanned
Gadepan, NFCL-Kakinada, RCF-Thal, RCF- loss of production or other avoidable damage. To-
Trombay and IFFCO-Aonla encountered signifi- tal loss of downtime due to this job of elbow re-
cant downtime due to problems related to synthe- placement was about 11 days.
sis gas compressor. Common problems were high
vibration and leakage in inter-stage coolers. During this shutdown, a comprehensive inspec-
IFFCO-Phulpur, IFFCO-Kalol, CFCL-Gadepan, tion was carried out of all the components of the
KRIBHCO- Hazira and IFFCO-Aonla faced prob- new piping loop and a total of 5 elbows, which
lems in synthesis section. Most problems in the were found having crack-like defects, were re-
synthesis and refrigeration section were related to placed with new elbows. On detailed inspection
leakage in the waste heat boiler and heat exchang- and destructive tests on samples from the failed
ers. There was a case of fire in one of the units at elbows, it could be confirmed that the failure was
the top of synthesis converter due to leakage of attributable to manufacturing defects in the parent
synthesis gas. It caused a downtime of 9 days. material of the elbows. It was concluded that the
crack-like defects, which showed up in the elbows
In the primary reformer section, there were loss soon after being put into service, could have been
time incidents of leakage in various heat exchang- due to improper heat treatment in the shop. Low
ers located in the convection zone of the reformer alloy steels are susceptible to cracks if not proper-
furnace. Leakage in tubes of the process preheater ly treated after forming operations. As a remedial
caused a downtime of 11.7 days in one of the measure, stringent quality control is ensured ac-
plants. There were also failures of reformer tubes. cording to relevant ASME code, in manufacture
One of the plants lost production of 14.8 days due of new elbows for replacement of defective ones.
to bulging of the collector which had to be re-
placed. There were other miscellaneous reasons
for forced downtime. Prominent amongst those
had been the collapse of cooling towers in half a
dozen plants causing varying period of shutdown


3.7 Case Study 2: Fire near Naphtha be due to preventive maintenance carried out
Vaporizer whenever there is a forced shutdown due to prob-
lems in ammonia plant. Details of downtime due
Fire occurred near the Naphtha Vaporizer in 2007 to major equipment items in urea plants are given
causing production interruption in one of the in Table 7. The reactor, carbon dioxide compres-
naphtha based plants. Process naphtha vapour sor, HP stripper, piping and valves remain the ma-
leaked from the passing bleed valve in the vapo- jor items contributing to closure of plants. GSFC-
rizer outlet line, it accumulated near the burners Vadodara suffered a downtime of more than 27
and caught fire. One Operator got superficial days due to leakage in titanium lining of reactor.
minor burn injury on his hand. The bleed valve CFCL-Gadepan and NFL-Vijaipur also faced the
was replaced and the valve downstream pipe was problem of liner leakage. GNFC-Bharuch,
spaded to ensure no leakage in case of passing of IFFCO-Phulpur, MCFL-Mangalore, KRIBHCO-
the valve. Hazira and RCF-Thal also encountered significant
downtime due to reactor problems. There was a
4 Downtime in Urea Plants downtime of almost 12 days in one of the units
due to leakage in top manhole cover of the reac-
Downtime data of 27 urea plants were analyzed tor. Leakages in liner, tubes and weep holes of HP
for the period of 2005-08. The production of urea stripper caused downtime in CFCL-Gadepan,
being dependent on availability of ammonia and RCF-Thal, NFL-Vijaipur, KRIBHCO-Hazira and
carbon dioxide from ammonia plants, the trend in IFFCO-Aonla. Leakage in carbamate condenser
downtime for urea plants is generally similar to also caused downtime at NFCL-Kakinada, RCF-
ammonia plants. The figure of downtime for Thal and NFL-Vijaipur.
planned (maintenance) turn around shows that the
duration of turn around was 19.3 DDPY which is
lower than 21.4 DDPY for the period of 2002-05. 4.1 Case Study 1: Urea Reactor Liner
Number of forced shutdowns per plant per year Leakage
were about same at 11.8 during the period of
2005-08 as during the last survey period of 2002- GSFC is operating two urea plants at Vadodara
05. which are more than 40 years old. GSFC Urea-2
Plant is having 2 numbers of Urea reactors. In the
The average downtime due to forced shutdown in past, both reactors were repaired for leakage of ti-
urea plants for all causes has come down to 20.2 tanium liner.
DDPY compared to 31.0 DDPY in the previous
survey of 2002-05. Table 6 shows major reasons On 15/11/2007, Urea-2 plant was shutdown due to
for loss of production of urea. Most prominent leakage from titanium liner. Repaired spare reac-
reason was non – availability of ammonia, when- tor was lined up, but its liner also showed leakage
ever there was loss of production in ammonia during loop testing. Hence plant was restarted
plants. It accounted for 53.2% of total loss of 2.1 again with the first reactor on 20/11/2007 with
million tonnes of urea production. The plant re- minute leakage from liner. On 26/11/2007, lea-
lated problems accounted for loss of 26.7% of the kage was observed near ammonia feed nozzle in
total loss of production. bottom dome. Hence, plant was shut down on
27/11/2007 for attending the Ti liner leakage.
The downtime due to mechanical failures in urea Reactor was thoroughly inspected from inside,
plants has maintained a downward trend for the cracked liner was welded, hydro tested, and re-
last several years registering a figure of 4.2 inspected. Finally plant was restarted on
DDPY during the current survey period. This may 21/12/2007.


As remedial action, the liner of spare reactor was total operating days
repaired by putting additional titanium liner = x 100
365-business related downtime
(doublers plate) on original liner by M/s TiTaN of
Chennai. Titanium liner of first reactor is being
replaced by M/s Larson & Toubro. c. Reliability Factor
total operating days
4.2 Case Study 2: Leakage in HP Stripper = 365-business related and planned x 100
shutdown time in days
Urea plants (4 streams) at KRIBHCO, Hazira
were commissioned in 1984 and 1985. Due to
high pressure and high liquid velocity at the en- The average on-stream efficiency factors for am-
trance of the tube, tube thickness has been re- monia and urea plants for last 2 survey periods are
duced. Most of the tube leakages were observed shown in Table 8. The detailed analysis of ammo-
near the tube sheet and tube to tube-sheet weld- nia plant data shows that 25% of poor performing
ing. So, all four strippers were reversed to en- plants achieved an average of 297 on-stream days
hance the life of the equipment. The equipment is and the best 25% plants achieved and average of
in service since commissioning of the plant and 346 on-stream days (Figure 1). On-stream effi-
running at more than 100% plant load. Each fail- ciency of urea plants is dependent to a great ex-
ure of the exchanger leads to a production loss of tent on the performance of ammonia plants. Aver-
4-5 days. Considering the repeated failure, which age on-stream days achieved for urea plants were
appears to be due to the aging of the equipment, it also 326 days, same as for ammonia plants. It can
was proposed to replace the exchanger with new be seen that average operating factors both for
Bi-metallic stripper. ammonia and urea plants are low inspite of rela-
tively high reliability factors and need to be im-
proved significantly. The operating factors can be
5 On-stream Efficiency improved by reducing the period of planned
(maintenance) shutdown and also reducing the
Operating stream days or on-stream days of a business related downtime to the extent possible.
plant are achieved after subtracting all the days
when production was interrupted for any reason
from 365 days. Forced shutdown could be due to
plant related problems (failures of various nature) 6 Safety Performance
or other problems which could be grouped under In order to review the safety performance includ-
business related problems e.g. shortage of feeds- ing human injury and loss of life in fertiliser in-
tock and utility, labour problems, market con- dustry, safety surveys are carried out periodically.
straints, etc. There is also downtime due to The results of the latest survey for the 3-year pe-
planned shutdown for maintenance. Taking these riod of 2005-08 are reported here. The survey in-
factors into consideration three different on- cluded data for 26 fertiliser sites with production
stream efficiency factors are defined as follows: of a wide range of fertiliser intermediates and
products viz. ammonia, urea, sulphuric acid,
a. Operating Factor phosphoric acid and complexes. Only reportable
accidents are included in the analysis. An injury
total operating days which requires absence from work of minimum
= x 100 24 hours is called a reportable accident. The two
indices indicating frequency of accidents and their
b. Service Factor impact on life are presented here.


6.1 Incident Rate 6.5 Causes of Accidents
The detailed analysis of the accident data during
Incident rate is defined as total number of report- previous surveys had shown that the largest num-
able accidents per million man-hours employed. It bers of accidents were caused due to slip and fall,
is also sometimes defined as lost time injury rate. fall from heights and falling objects. Hot conden-
It is a simple index used for presentation of acci- sate / steam / chemical burn was the next major
dent analysis. An average of 95 million man- cause of injury in the plants. The other major
hours was employed by the plants included in this causes included road / rail / vehicle accidents,
analysis. The incident rate varied from 0.53 in burn due to fire, injury due to moving machines,
2007-08 to 0.85 in 2005-06 with an average of electric flash, etc.
0.71 (Table 9). Maximum number of 81 reporta-
ble accidents occurred during the year 2005-06.
These incident rates are lower than average of 7 Conclusion
1.27 reported for the previous survey period of 5 7.1 Indian ammonia and urea industry is
years from 2000-01 to 2004-05. showing the aging effect. There have been no new
plants commissioned since 1999. The aging of
plants and frequent disruption in supply of feeds-
6.2 Severity Rate tock have affected continuous operation of plants.
The man-hours lost due to reportable accidents as The operating factors for ammonia and urea plants
a percentage of total man-hours employed is de- remain about the same as in the previous survey
fined as severity rate. The severity rate varied period of 2002-05. Continuous up-gradation of
from 0.24 in 2005-06 to 0.53 in 2006-07 with an technology and equipments are helping to main-
average of 0.35 for the 3-year period (Table 10). tain the performance.
The average severity rate in previous survey pe-
riod was 0.30. The safety record of sites having 7.2 In ammonia plants, heat exchanger in syn-
only ammonia and urea plants is better than the thesis loop, synthesis compressor and heat ex-
average performance of all plants. The average changers in other sections of the plant have ac-
severity rate only for 20 ammonia and urea plants counted for major downtime due to plant related
was 0.13 for the present survey compared to an problems. Business related downtime accounted
average of 0.35 for all the plants. for almost 40% of total downtime and 42% of to-
tal loss of production due to forced shutdown of
plants. The average period of plant shutdown for
6.3 Accident Free Period maintenance also remains causes of concern. A
few plants took longer shutdown for tying up the
The longest accident free period during the new facilities for debottlenecking of capacity and
present survey period for ammonia and urea improvement in energy efficiency. Others took
plants varied from 533 days to 1666 days or more longer than normal shutdown due to upward limit
than 4 years. on the production of non-gas based fertiliser

6.4 Fatal Accidents 7.3 Safety performance of the fertiliser indus-

try has been satisfactory in terms of incident rate.
There were 3 fatalities in 20 ammonia-urea plants. But severity rate is higher due to fatal accidents.
However, a total of 10 deaths occurred during the The incident rate for the industry for the period of
3-year period in all the plants at 26 locations. 2005-08 at 0.71 was much lower than 1.27 regis-


tered in the previous survey period. However, the prove the operating factors of existing plants and
severity rate at 0.35 was higher than 0.30 mainly encourage investment in debottlenecking and
due to higher number of fatalities. The record of modernization projects. Capital investment in new
ammonia – urea plants is much better than that of projects is also expected.
overall industry with incidence rate of 0.15 and
severity rate of 0.13. Three fatalities occurred in
ammonia and urea plants during the 3-year period.
8 References
7.4 Fertiliser plants have been allocated natu- 1. Nand, S. and Goswami, Manish, Indian Journal of Ferti-
ral gas from new finds in Krishna Godavari lisers, 2(5), 15-18 (2006).
Bassein on priority basis. This would help to 2. Swaminathan, B. and Sinha, R. A., Indian Journal of Fer-
make up for the shortfall in availability of natural tilisers 2(11), 11-16 (2006).
gas. Fuel oil based plants would switch to natural
gas as feedstock during next 2-3 years. The new 9 Acknowledgements
pricing policy for urea allows for import parity
price for additional domestic production through Authors are grateful to the management of the Fertiliser As-
debottlenecking, brown-field and green-field sociation of India for permitting to prepare and present the
paper. Help of Shri R. A. Sinha, Deputy Chief (Technical
projects. Further reforms are expected in the sec-
Services), and FAI for providing support in preparation of
tor in near future. The production of urea at the paper is also acknowledged.
present is lagging behind the demand by almost 8
million tonnes. All these factors should help im-

Years No. Size
40 or more 1 MTPD No. Feedstock
30 or more 7 < 900 4 Type No.
20 or more 10 900 to < 1500 11 Gas 9
10 or more 9 ≥ 1500 12 Gas + Naphtha 10
Total 27 Total 27 Naphtha 4
Fuel Oil 4
Total 27
Table 1. Characteristics of Ammonia Plants


Category Loss of Production (‘000 MT) Loss of Production (%)
1. Plant Related Problems 972.0 57.7
2. Power Plant / Supply 48.0 2.9
3. Shortage of Raw Materials 323.0 19.2
4. Labour 0.0 0.0
5. Water 25.0 1.5
6. Others 315 18.7
Overall 1683.0 100.0
Table 2. Causes of Loss of Production of Ammonia (2005-08)

Reasons 1996-1999 1999-2002 2002-2005 2005-2008

1. Mechanical 14.7 14.7 5.9 7.6
2. Electrical 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.6
3. Instrumentation 1.1 1.0 1.4 1.4
4. Process 1.6 1.9 0.6 0.6
5. Miscellaneous 10.3 11.9 6.1 0.9
Total 28.3 30.2 14.8 11.0
Table 3. Plant Related Downtime in Ammonia Plants for Various Survey Periods
(All the Plants) - (DDPY–Downtime in Days / Plant / Year)

(2002-05) (2005-08)
(24 Plants) (23 Plants)
Major Sections
Downtime Downtime
Days % Days %
1. Pre-treatment Sections 8.0 1.8 20.3 3.9
2. Pre-reformer 15.8 3.6 11.2 2.1
3. Primary reformer 72.4 16.4 85.6 16.2
4. Secondary reformer 48.7 11.1 13.6 2.6
5. Purification 46.0 10.5 49.6 9.4
6. Synloop & Refrigeration 21.2 4.8 116.7 22.1
7. Syngas Compressor 68.0 15.4 158.7 30.1
8. Other Compressors & Turbines 87.0 19.8 30.5 5.8
9. Miscellaneous Major Equipments 73.0 16.6 41.2 7.8
Total 440.1 100.0 527.4 100.0
Table 4. Details of Plant Related Downtime due to Mechanical Failures in Ammonia Plants
(Based on Reforming Process)


(2002-05) (2005-08)
(4 Plants) (4 Plants)
Major Sections
Downtime Downtime
Days % Days %
1. Gasifier 1.0 16.5 0.3 0.3
2. Air Separation Unit 12.0 20.7 18.0 18.7
3. Purification 7.0 12.0 15.1 15.7
4. Synloop & Refrigeration 2.0 3.4 43.7 45.3
5. Syngas Compressor 23.0 38.9 4.1 4.3
6. Other Compressors & Turbines 2.0 2.9 0.2 0.2
7. Miscellaneous Major Equipments 12.0 20.2 15.0 15.6
Total 59.0 100.0 96.4 100.0
Table 5. Details of Plant Related Downtime due to Mechanical Failures in Ammonia Plants
(Based on Gasification Process)

Category Loss of Production (‘000 MT) Loss of Production (%)

1. Plant Related Problems 563.0 26.7
2. Power Plant / Supply 143.0 6.8
3. Shortage of Raw Materials 1120.0 53.2
4. Labour 0.0 0.0
5. Water 0.0 0.0
6. Others 280.0 13.3
Overall 2106.0 100.0
Table 6. Causes of Loss of Production of Urea (2005-08)


Equipment Items 1996-99 1999-2002 2002-05 2005-08
1. Ammonia pre-heater 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1
2. Ammonia Pump 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.1
3. Carbamate Pump 1.8 0.1 0.3 0.1
4. Slurry & Other Pumps 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5. CO2 Compressor 1.7 1.1 0.4 0.4
6. Autoclave/Reactor 1.1 1.6 0.6 0.5
7. Heat Exchangers 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4
8. Decomposer/Stripper 0.8 1.3 1.4 0.8
9. NH3/CO2 Recovery Column 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
10. Absorber/Recovery Vessels 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.0
11. Evaporator/Crystallizer 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1
12. Centrifuge 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
13. Steam Ejector/Vacuum Generator 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
14. Dryer/Cooler 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0
15. Blower/Fan 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
16. Conveyer/Elevator 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.1
17. Prill Tower 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.0
18. Piping/Valves 0.5 0.4 0.4 1.1
19. Miscellaneous 0.6 0.6 1.2 0.4
Total 10.5 6.2 5.9 4.2

Table 7. Details of Plant Related Downtime due to Mechanical Failures in Urea Plants
(DDPY = Downtime Days / Plant / Year)

Operating Factor % Service Factor % Reliability Factor %

2002-05 2005-08 2002-05 2005-08 2002-05 2005-08
Ammonia 90.3 89.3 91.9 91.0 97.1 96.9
Urea 85.0 89.3 91.7 92.8 97.9 98.3
Table 8. Operating, Service and Reliability Factors for Ammonia and Urea Plants

Million Man-hour Number of Reportable Incident Rate

Year Worked Accident (RA)
2005-06 95.1 81 0.85
2006-07 100.9 76 0.75
2007-08 104.1 55 0.53
Yearly Average 100.0 71 0.71
Table 9. Incident Rate of Accidents in All Fertiliser Plants


Year Million Man-hour Million Man-hour lost Severity Rate (%)
Worked due to Reportable Ac-
cidents (RA)
2005-06 95.1 0.22 0.24
2006-07 100.9 0.54 0.53
2007-08 104.1 0.30 0.29
Yearly Average 100.0 0.35 0.35
Table 10. Severity Rate of Accidents in All Fertiliser Plants

On-Stream Days
350 346
340 336
330 323 326
297 On-Stream Days
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Overall

Figure 1: Quartiles of On-Stream Days of Ammonia Plants



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