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Paper 3e

Failure of a Titanium Lined Vessel

due to Sudden Application of
The titanium liner inside a separator collapsed due to rapid vacuum formation during startup, when the
normal startup procedure was not followed.
This paper describes the initial unsuccessful attempts to repair the failed liner in situ, and its subsequent
successful replacement with a new duplex stainless steel liner. The root cause of the vacuum formation is
explained, and modifications to prevent recurrence are described.

Les Farbotko, Angus Dowrie, Steve McGuire

Incitec Pivot Limited

Introduction Modifications to prevent recurrence were in the

form of an instrumented protective system, as

ncitec Pivot Limited (IPL) is the largest man-
ufacturer and distributor of nitrogen products well as changes to the format and structure of op-
and fertilizers on the East coast of Australia. erating procedures.
At the Gibson Island site in Brisbane, Queen-
sland, IPL operates a Vulcan urea plant, of na- Some important lessons were learned regarding
meplate capacity 640 MTPD, which has been de- operations culture and “blind spots” in relation to
bottlenecked to about 900 MTPD. equipment reliability risk assessment.

In late September 2007, a titanium-lined separator The CPI-Allied Urea Process

in the urea plant was observed leaking ammonia
gas from its telltales during plant startup. On in- IPL’s urea plant is based on the CPI-Allied urea
spection, the titanium liner was found to have col- process. It was engineered by Vulcan Cincinnati
lapsed. Inc., and was commissioned in 1969.
Initial attempts to repair the liner in situ were un- This is a once-through process (NH3 and CO2
successful. The vessel was removed to a work- feeds only), with a reactor operating at 5400 psig
shop, where the titanium liner was removed and a (37 MPag), at an NH3/CO2 ratio of about 4.6 and
new duplex stainless steel liner installed. an outlet temperature of 430 oF (220 C).
The collapse was attributed to a vacuum forming
rapidly in the plant on startup, when the normal
startup procedure was not followed.


NH3 Vapor

NH3 Reflux
Lean MEA


T-745 to Desorption

Urea Solution
to Evaporation

Figure 1: CPI-Allied Urea Process – Front End

Unconverted ammonia and carbon dioxide are When the system was repressurized on startup,
treated in an anhydrous MEA (monoethanola- gas was seen coming from the telltales on T-745.
mine) separation system where they are separated
and recovered. On inspection, the titanium internal liner of T-745
was found severely damaged: bulged and buckled,
After letdown, reactor contents flow through the with a number of creases, folds and tears.
steam-heated Primary Decomposer, where uncon-
verted ammonium carbamate is decomposed, and
into the Separator T-745. Here urea solution is se-
parated from the excess ammonia and uncon-
verted carbon dioxide, which are sent to the Pri-
mary Absorber of the MEA system. T-745
normally operates at about 265 psig (1830 kPag)
and 310 oF (154 C).

The Incident
The plant had been shut down three days pre-
viously to replace a rupture disc at the inlet of the
Primary Decomposer that had failed prematurely.
This required the entire synthesis section, includ- Figure 2: Bulges and creases in bottom head.
ing T-745, to be drained and depressured.


The damage was clearly the result of application nent. The pressure vessel is enclosed in a steam
of vacuum, followed by repressurization. jacket. The outer wall of the steam jacket is
welded to the pressure vessel at the nozzles leav-
Within a matter of minutes, we had destroyed the ing an annulus for steam underneath. The vessel
integrity of a liner which had provided superb has tell-tales which are designed to leak in the
service for 38 years. event of a failure of the internal liner.

The titanium liner is 1/8” (3.2 mm) thick, and (be-

fore the incident) conformed very closely to the
shape of the pressure shell.

Figure 3: One of several liner tears.

The immediate challenge was to repair the vessel Figure 4: T-745 through-wall section
as quickly as possible, however it was essential
that we also identify the root cause and implement Internals consist of an entry pipe that provides a
preventive measures. tangential flow below a baffle and skirt, which fa-
cilitate disengagement of the urea solution from
Repairs the vapors. Apart from a cone at the vapor outlet,
there is no demister or other secondary liquid se-
paration device. The urea solution flows through a
Vessel and Liner Details
heated falling-film stripping section at the bottom.
T745 is a vertical cylindrical pressure vessel de-
signed to ASME VIII, originally fabricated by The two basic options open to us were to repair it
Wyatt Industries of Houston, Texas. It has a di- in situ or to remove the vessel to an external
ameter of 10’0” (3.05 m) with 7’7” (2.31 m) tan- workshop. In either case removal of the damaged
to-tan length, semi-elliptical ends, with a design areas was required and this commenced imme-
pressure of 300 psig (2070 kPag). The vessel has a diately.
steam jacket and a loose titanium liner to protect
the carbon steel shell from the highly corrosive
urea solution.

The titanium liner is not capable of resisting the

normal process pressure. It deforms elastically
under pressure to push against the carbon steel
shell, which is the main pressure resisting compo-


inal plate. Every effort was made to achieve a
tight fit-up, however, the liner failed at one of the
lap welds under hydrotest. Excessive deformation
under pressure was the cause, simply because the
new titanium sections did not conform closely
enough to the shell.
Inlet Several attempts were made to limit liner deflec-
tion by injecting ”Belzona” between the shell and
liner where gaps existed. This was partly success-
ful, but the method required a trial-and-error ap-
proach which took valuable time. After several
more unsuccessful hydrotests and further streng-
thening of the welds, we believed we were closer
Figure 5: T-745 schematic to success; however no one could predict how
long it would take to get there.

In situ Repairs There was also no guarantee of the robustness of

the final product – the failures under hydrotest
T-745 is in a confined area of the plant, which suggested that failures in service would be likely.
makes its removal a difficult and time-consuming
exercise. In the past, we had successfully repaired Workshop Repairs
another lined vessel, the Primary Absorber, in si-
tu. These two factors pushed us towards the in situ While the in situ repair attempts were taking
repair option at first, although some planning ef- place, a lot of planning was happening in the
fort was also spent on the remove-to-workshop background with regard to removing the vessel to
option as a back-up. a workshop. Once the plan had been fully devel-
oped, the decision was taken to proceed with that
When the vessel was originally constructed, we option. We accepted the likely additional down-
believe the titanium liner was fabricated first, time that would entail, however there was greater
(with butt-weld joints), which provided full access certainty of plant reliability down the track.
to both sides of the liner, allowing a back-purge
during the titanium welding process. The pressure The major concerns were to ensure a robust and
shell was subsequently built around the liner using reliable repair, and to carry it out in as short a
backing bars on the carbon steel shell welds. It time as possible. Consultation with industry ex-
was not possible to duplicate this arrangement perts and previously successful application in sim-
during the in situ repair, so we had to use fillet or ilar service in our plant led to us choose a duplex
lap welds, which are fundamentally weaker. stainless steel, Sandvik SAF2205, for the new lin-
Close fitment of the repair pieces was required, as er. This had advantages in availability and welda-
fillet welds are inherently less able to elastically bility in comparison with titanium.
deform. This factor was known from the start, but
our previous successes and the likelihood of a Stelform, a company in Newcastle (approx 500
significantly shorter repair time overcame those miles or 800 km south of Brisbane) with which
concerns. IPL have a long association, were able to make
space in their workshop at short notice. The
New titanium plate was sourced, cut and bent to pressed sections around the semi-elliptical ends
shape, then positioned and lap-welded to the orig- were provided by Wenco, a company located near


Perth on the opposite side of the country, so there lected to permit full vacuum (and thus design out
was a significant logistical angle to the whole re- the problem), however this was not possible due
pair. to time constraints and material availability.

All of the titanium liner and internals were to be

replaced. Rather than working through a manway,
we cut the vessel in two to facilitate access for
men and materials. A lot of care was taken with
match-marking and ensuring flange stand-offs Root Cause of the Vacuum
were the same as original, since we did not want That we had experienced a vacuum event was un-
to have to make field corrections to the connecting deniable. What was not known was when exactly
steam-jacketed piping. this had happened, and how?
The duplex plate used was ¼” (6.4 mm) thick, in- We examined the shutting down and starting up
stead of the original 1/8” (3.2 mm) thick titanium phases in great detail.
plate. This was due partly to availability, but also
to a desire to provide better vacuum capability. Procedures
The SAF2205 plates were butt welded, and also
fused to the carbon steel shell through the weld Both our shutting down and startup procedures
root. The consequence of attaching the shell to had been in use since at least 1970. We had a
the liner was that leakage paths no longer existed. wealth of successful experience with both, and
To counter this, bridges were made in sections of had been confident in them, yet some aspect had
the welds to ensure there was always a leakage failed.
path from any point on the new liner, to provide
early indication of a liner failure. A review of the original Vulcan Operating Ma-
nual revealed that the original designers had envi-
A detailed quality plan which covered all aspects saged the use of nitrogen to purge air from the
of vessel removal, transport, repairs, re- system on startup, however this procedure was
installation and commissioning was developed never used.
and applied to ensure a successful repair.
Shutdown Procedure
Total urea plant downtime from this incident was
twelve weeks. Our standard shutdown procedure for this section
requires it to be depressurised to the low-pressure
Vacuum Capability of New Liner section downstream for ammonia recovery. The
last traces of ammonia are then steamed out
The original liner clearly had negligible vacuum through the Primary Absorber top vent, the system
capacity. (We estimated less than 1 psig or 7 kPag is finally air blown, and the vent left open.
of vacuum.) Ideally, the new liner would have
been rated for full vacuum, however this was not Nothing untoward was found in the technicians’
possible with the ¼” (6.4 mm) material used. We logs or in questioning. Similarly, nothing in the
were able to design it for a “half-vacuum” (-7 plant data trends suggested we had pulled a va-
psig, -50 kPag). Coupled with other measures cuum during any of these operations.
such as an instrumented protective system, this
was considered sufficient to prevent another fail- (One of the difficulties here was the fact that all of
ure at any future time. In the ordinary course of our pressure transmitters in this part of the plant
events, the material thickness would have been se- are ranged from zero gauge pressure upwards.


None are calibrated to read vacuum - no one ever this step is normally done AFTER pressurizing
expected to need to read negative pressures - so the system with ammonia vapor.
inferences needed to be made from other process
variables, such as temperatures.) By the simple reversal of these steps, we had de-
stroyed our titanium liner.
Startup Procedure
When steam purging had stopped, the system was
Typical startup procedure is the reverse of shut- full of steam at near-atmospheric pressure. Start-
ting down: Air in the system is steamed out, the ing a flow of MEA across the trays of the Primary
vent is closed and the system is immediately pres- Absorber tower created ideal conditions for rapid
surised with ammonia vapor. Only then is MEA condensation of the steam into the cold MEA.
circulation started, since it needs pressure in the With the vent valve closed, there was no opportu-
Primary Absorber to push the liquid level out. nity to draw in air to break any vacuum that de-
Close examination found that some pressures and
temperatures had fallen part way through startup, How much vacuum we pulled is not certain.
an unusual occurrence. Caution was needed inter- Based on temperature indications in different
preting the pressure transmitter readings: Ranged places, we believe it was definitely below -3 psig
0-400 psig (0-2800 kPag), how accurate would (-20 kPag). There are indications it may have been
they be at 2-3 psig (14-20 kPag)? We also found reached as low as -11 psig (-75 kPag), in less than
that many temperature indicators were ranged a minute.
from 200-400 oF (93-204 C), so were out of range
during the abnormal conditions of shutdown and Pressurization with Ammonia
When the system was finally pressurized with
By cross-referencing the changes in the process ammonia vapor (almost two hours later), the dam-
variables that we could trust against the techni- age to the liner had already occurred. However, to
cians’ activities, it became evident that there had compound matters, the pressurization rate was
been deviations from the usual startup procedure. unusually rapid, which probably was responsible
for some of the tearing and creasing we found on
System Blocked in after Steaming the titanium liner, as the deformed liner was ra-
pidly forced back against the pressure shell.
We observed that the steam purge, which had
been started on night shift, had been turned off at
about 07:30. The vent valve had been blocked in Other Consequential Damage
when steam was turned off, but the system had not
been pressurised with ammonia. We needed to reassure ourselves that the vacuum
had not damaged any other equipment. Rather
This in itself had the potential to pull a vacuum, than open up and inspect everything, we opted to
however the thermal mass of the system is large do a detailed desktop evaluation of all compo-
enough that it does not cool rapidly. We con- nents that may have been affected. In some cases
cluded this did not create the damaging vacuum. this required considerable engineering calcula-
MEA Flow Started
The Urea Reactor was our greatest concern. Our
It is normal to start an MEA flow and establish a reactor has an inner basket of zirconium, which
level of MEA in the Primary Absorber. However, contains the reaction mixture, and is surrounded
by purge water which overflows into the inner


basket at the top. The pressure shell itself has an Preventing a Recurrence
inner lining of 316L stainless steel, which is
welded at intervals to the carbon steel shell.
Process Hazard Analysis
Having our minds focused on vacuum, we brains-
tormed all possible causes, and reviewed their li-
kelihood and potential to cause damage.
CS Shell
We identified two situations where deep vacuum
could be created rapidly:
316L Liner 1. Absorption of steam by an applied liquid
flow (MEA or water) – as had happened,
Steam Jacket and
2. Absorption of ammonia vapor by an ap-
plied liquid flow (MEA or water).
Basket There were also a number of other causes identi-
fied (natural cooling and condensation of blocked
in steam; rapid draining of a liquid-filled system;
cooling of a hot non-condensable gas; and exter-
Figure 6: Reactor schematic nally applied vacuum) however these were either
unable to reach very low and damaging pressures,
The vapor space connection between the inside of or low pressures would only form slowly.
the zirconium basket and the purge water annulus
allowed pressure to be equalized on both sides, so All of these scenarios only occur during abnormal
the basket was believed safe. Calculations con- operating states: starting up, shutting down, or
vinced us that the stainless steel liner on the pres- while the plant is offline for maintenance. How do
sure shell was adequately fastened to the shell, so we guard against all of them?
that it would withstand full vacuum. In any case,
the actual vacuum reached inside the reactor was We considered reverting to use of nitrogen to
limited by the small size of the orifice in the reac- purge the system on startup, however this would
tor letdown valve (open at the time of the inci- have added considerably to startup time and cost.
dent), and boiling off of purge water in the annu- It would also not have eliminated all of the other
lus. possible causes (e.g. ammonia absorption) or cov-
ered the other situations.
We physically inspected the trays in the Primary
Absorber, to ensure they had not suffered any We had lost the opportunity to design out the
damage. problem when we decided not to make the new
liner full vacuum rated. Hence we were forced to
We found no other damage. consider add-on vacuum protection facilities.

Protective Systems
Our initial focus was on a vacuum breaker, how-
ever we soon realized that letting air into a system
that might contain hot (and flammable) MEA was


not the smartest move. Using nitrogen (instead of No one had made the mental connection that the
air) would have worked, except for the large vo- titanium liner was not a structural part of the ves-
lume that would be needed in a very short time. sel. It was a classic blind spot that cost us dearly.

We finally opted for an instrumented protective (A slightly different mental leap is the considera-
system, which, in summary, achieves the follow- tion of applied external pressure to vessel liners
ing: e.g. applying air pressure to a vessel’s telltale to
1. To prevent rapid vacuum formation: find an internal liner leak.)
• Shuts off the MEA flow if pressure
falls below a preset minimum (80 psig Training, Procedures and Operating Culture
or 550 kPag);
2. To prevent slow vacuum formation: Until fairly recently, our operating workforce had
• If pressure is low (< 5 psig or 35 been quite stable, with average length of service
kPag) AND the vent valve is shut, of 18-20 years, and had considerable experience.
starts a steam flow to the Primary Ab-
sorber. These older operators were predominantly trained
on the job by their predecessors and therefore
• If pressure goes negative, starts a
many had learned to complete tasks in different
steam flow to the Primary Absorber
(irrespective of vent valve position).
About 10 years ago, we set up our own internal
These responses are activated by a 2 out of 3 vot-
Training Group, and developed Training Guides
ing system in a high integrity PLC, in a system
and Competency Testing, which were applied to
with an overall SIL rating (Safety Integrity Level)
new hires and anyone learning a new plant area.
of 1.
There was also a greater focus on written proce-
General Lessons dures, and we had gone through various formats.
Our original procedures had evolved from the
Clearly, failure to adhere to our startup procedures Vulcan operating manuals, however many were
was the root cause of the vacuum event; however used as guidelines to achieve an outcome in the
there are some important lessons here that are plant, i.e. plant startup, but weren’t necessarily
broadly applicable. prescriptive on the actions to take. Consequently,
different shifts, for example, would start the plant
Risk Assessment in slightly different ways.
IPL has a strong focus on equipment risk assess-
(The smaller percentage of newer employees that
ment as a means of minimizing safety hazard and
had trained on the new system were generally
maximizing plant reliability. Nevertheless, the
more consistent in following procedures.)
possibility of vacuum occurring and causing a ma-
jor vessel failure had never occurred to anyone.
It is also probably fair to say that some of our key
Rule-of-thumb is that a vessel designed for 300
procedures were generally wordy, with a lot of
psig (2 MPag) will withstand full vacuum. T-745
specific cautions and detail about hazards to
had been designed for 300 psig (2 MPag) (and our
Reactor for 6600 psig or 45.5 MPag). How could
such vessels fail under vacuum?
We believe that the combination of the culture of
operator discretion and the absence of a clear “DO
THIS; THEN DO THAT” message contributed to


the failure of T-745 when the procedure steps got
out of sequence. This was one of the root causes
of the vacuum event.

We have since introduced prescriptive procedures

that remove discretion and require signoff after
each step. These new procedures may not be de-
viated from without authorization.

1. Vessel liners may not have the same struc-
tural integrity as the vessel they form part
of, and need to be considered separately
and carefully in any risk assessment. In
particular, vacuum rating needs to be tak-
en into account, as well as applied exter-
nal pressure.

2. Operating procedures need to be re-

viewed, to ensure that steps taken out-of-
order will not have unwanted conse-
quences. If such situations exist, then no
discretion to deviate from the written pro-
cedure can be allowed without formal au-



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