Disclosable Restructuring Paper Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III P154523

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Public Disclosure Authorized

The World Bank

Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)



Public Disclosure Authorized



Public Disclosure Authorized



Regional Vice President: Hartwig Schafer

Country Director: Junaid Kamal Ahmad
Public Disclosure Authorized

Regional Director: Lynne D. Sherburne-Benz

Practice Manager/Manager: Mario Cristian Aedo Inostroza
Task Team Leader(s): Namrata Raman Tognatta
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)


AICTE All India Council for Technical Education

AM Aide Memoire
ATU Affiliating Technical University
CFI Centrally funded institutions
DBT Direct Benefit Transfer
DEA Department of Economic Affairs (Ministry of Finance)
DLI Disbursement-Linked Indicator
IP Implementation Progress
ISR Implementation Status Report
JRM Joint Review Mission
KPI Key Performance Indicator
MHRD Ministry of Human Resource Development
MTR Mid-term Review
NBA National Board of Accreditation
NPIU National Project Implementation Unit
PDO Project Development Objective
RF Results Framework
SC Scheduled Caste
ST Scheduled Tribe
TEQIP III Technical Engineering Educational Quality Improvement Project III
TPRM Tripartite Project Review meeting
UGC University Grants Commission
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)


Product Information

Project ID Financing Instrument

P154523 Investment Project Financing

Original EA Category Current EA Category

Partial Assessment (B) Partial Assessment (B)

Approval Date Current Closing Date

24-Jun-2016 30-Sep-2020


Borrower Responsible Agency

India Ministry of Human Resource Development

Project Development Objective (PDO)

Original PDO
The proposed project development objective (PDO) is "to enhance quality and equity in participating engineering
education institutes and improve the efficiency of the engineering education system in focus states".
Current PDO
The proposed project development objective (PDO) is "to enhance quality and equity in participating engineering
education institutes and improve the efficiency of the engineering education system in focus states".
Summary Status of Financing (US$, Millions)
Ln/Cr/Tf Approval Signing Effectiveness Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed

IDA-58740 24-Jun-2016 01-Feb-2017 03-Mar-2017 30-Sep-2020 186.97 118.91 68.06

Policy Waiver(s)

Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)?
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)


1. Background: The project was approved by the World Bank Board of Executive Directors on June 24, 2016. As per the
request from the Government of India, a level 2 restructuring was completed on January 25, 2017 to make changes to
the disbursement linked indicators (DLIs); and the results framework (RF) was modified accordingly. The Financing
Agreement was signed on February 1, 2017 and the project became effective on March 3, 2017. The project was
restructured a second time in June 2018 to better align DLIs with project activities and third time in February 2020 to
cancel US$14.53 million from the credit proceeds and change the cost of components based on savings in consultancies
under Component 2 and additional activities in Component 1.

2. Status of the project: A virtual Joint Review Mission (JRM) was held from May 21 to 26, 2020 and the project is rated
Satisfactory for progress against Project Development Objective (PDO) and Implementation Progress (IP). The PDO is
assessed based on the following key performance indicators (KPIs) and the most recent status of which is as shown
below (targets are in parentheses).
a. Average score of students participating in tests designed to measure technical and critical thinking skills –
Endline test administered, change in skills scores from baseline to be calculated (Test administered for a 2nd
time, 5% increase over baseline)
b. NBA-accredited and/ or applied for programs in participating institutes (UG programs in focus states and other
states) - 49% accredited UG programs in focus states, 60% accredited UG programs in non-focus states (50%,
c. Percentage of students from traditionally disadvantaged groups in total enrolment in participating institutes
(Disaggregated by SC/ST groups and gender) – 19% for SC/ST students, 29% for women (20%, 30%)
d. Transition rate of UG engineering students from the first year to second year in participating institutes
(Disaggregated by SC/ST groups and gender in focus states) – 44% for SC/ST students, 62% for women (45%,
The project has surpassed the final year target for accreditation in non-focus states and has almost met the target in focus
states. On transition rate, the project has met the overall target as well as transition rate among female students and is
falling short by 1 percentage point on the target for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe students. Similarly, the equity
target is also almost achieved.
3. Implementation Status: Despite considerable delays in the initial stages (partly owing to the time taken between Board
Approval and Effectiveness), the project has made good progress since the mid-term review (MTR) in February 2019.
Project activities and therefore expenditures picked up pace; between July 2019 and June 2020, the project disbursed
US$75 million. The project has already achieved or is on track to meet final year targets on all Disbursement Linked
Indicators (DLIs). The target for DLI 4 (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) and employability skills training) is
achieved and disbursement completed. The project has met targets for DLI 2 (Autonomy), DLI3 (Boards of Governors)
and DLI5 (Fund Utilization). As the project incurs expenditures, disbursement against achievement on these DLIs will be
processed. The project is expected to meet the target for DLI 1 (Accreditation) as institutions reopen post the COVID-
19 closures and apply for accreditation.
4. The project has two components – Component 1 is financed based on achievement of results using an IPF with DLIs
modality. Expenditures on Component 2 are reimbursed based on Statements of Expenditures for non-DLI based
activities, project management and monitoring and evaluation.

5. Component 1: Improving quality and equity in engineering institutes in focus states

The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)

The main thrust of the project is to improve quality and equity in engineering education in participating government
and aided colleges and affiliating technical universities (ATUs) in focus states. Focus state institutions and ATUs are
twinned with high-performing institutions and ATUs from TEQIP I and TEQIP II as mentors. The student and faculty
development activities under this component aim to improve student learning and employability (through trainings on
GATE and employability skills, internship opportunities and placements), promote faculty productivity (through
trainings and research opportunities) and ensure equity. Under this component, over 1,700 faculty graduating from
premier engineering institutions in the country have been recruited for focus state institutions alleviating faculty
shortages. The ATUs have undertaken activities such as the establishment of research hubs, competitive research grant
programs, establishment of management information systems (MIS) to promote research and data management among
affiliated colleges. Further, participating institutions have implemented the 10-point program promoted by the AICTE
for quality improvement which includes, curricular and examination reforms, induction programs for incoming students
and other student and faculty development activities.

6. Component 2: System-level Initiatives to strengthen sector governance and performance

The objective of this component is to support the MHRD and apex bodies in engineering education (AICTE and NBA) to
improve governance, management and accountability in the sector. The component supports studies such as the faculty
feasibility study and feedback on engineering graduates through employer surveys. Under this component, the project
has launched innovative activities such as the AICTE-Stanford student learning assessment which assess technical and
higher-order skills of students comparing engineering education in India to China and Russia. The project has completed
data collection for skills measurement of students and as a next step will help build capacity in the system to carry out
similar assessments in the future. The project has also launched a competitive research funding program to promote
collaborative research projects. Over 1,600 researchers have received funding for carrying out research in cutting-edge
domains. This component has also supported digital reforms in participating institutions – use of digital boards for
teaching and learning and training in digital pedagogy, development of e-content, faculty and student training in
FutureSkills areas identified in partnership with the National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM)
and setting up enterprise resource planning systems for improved institutional governance. Some of the activities under
this component have been disrupted by COVID-19-related closures and will need more time to complete.

7. Rationale for Restructuring: Owing to COVID-19 closures, all project institutions were closed from mid-March 2020
disrupting activities under the project. As the lockdown lifts, project institutions are expected to resume student and
faculty development activities. However, the closures and ongoing limitations on travel have significantly slowed down
some activities under component 2. More time may be needed to complete these activities as planned. However, owing
to limited time left under implementation, these activities will incur some savings. Two phases of digital board
distribution were planned under the project. The first phase is complete and covered 130 institutions. A second phase
may not be carried out. About 65,000 students were expected to benefit from the FutureSkills training initiative. 400
faculty from project institutions have completed training (and are now certified as trainers in about 4 out of 10
FutureSkills areas) and will be able to train about 20,000 students during the project period. The NPIU had identified
400 engineering courses where relevant e-content was not available and development of e-content for remote teaching
and learning was planned under the project. New e-content development may not be carried out under the project. As
a result of initial delays in implementing the employer feedback survey that were compounded by COVID-19-related
closures, the target for the employer feedback survey will be revised in the Results Framework. The savings resulting
from these activities is proposed for cancellation.
8. There are also some cost savings due to exchange rate fluctuation. The project was negotiated in 2016 at INR 66:US$1.
The exchange rate has fluctuated substantially during implementation going up to INR 75:US$1. Cost savings under the
project have been worked out by MHRD.
9. In view of the above, an amount of US$10.63 million is proposed for cancellation. Changes to the costs of components
and cancellation details are provided in the next section.
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)


10. The present restructuring introduces changes to (i) the definition of DLI2 in the verification protocol, (ii) the cost of
components, and (ii) targets for one indicator in the Results Framework.
11. DLI2: Percentage of Participating Institutes in Focus States with autonomy.
a. The definition of this indicator in the verification protocol notes that an autonomous institution means an
“institution which can revise/modify its curriculum which includes Centrally Funded Institutions (CFIs),
Unitary/Deemed to be University, University Department/Faculty/Single Constituent College and Institutions
declared autonomous by UGC”. The word “single” will be dropped in reference to constituent colleges. The
proposed change clarifies that an autonomous institution includes University Departments and Single or
Multiple constituent colleges declared autonomous by UGC.
b. Constituent colleges (whether single or multiple) are functionally the same in terms of revising curriculum,
conduct of examinations, administrative approvals and financial powers. The only difference is that in the case
of multiple constituent colleges, these may be located at some distance from the University to extend benefits
to different regions in the state. There is no difference in how UGC autonomy is granted to a constituent
college, whether single or multiple. This clarification is consistent with the definition followed by the National
Board of Accreditation while categorizing Tier 1 and Tier 2 colleges.
12. The cost of Component 2 (System-level Initiatives to strengthen sector governance and performance) will be reduced
by US$10.63 million – i.e. from US$27.97 million to US$17.34 million. There are two reasons for this reduction.
a. The project has accumulated savings from significant fluctuations in the exchange rate since January 2020.
b. Owing to COVID-19 related closures, the project experienced a slowdown in some activities under Component
2. The project may need more time to complete these activities as planned.
13. There are no proposed changes to the costs for Component 1 (Improving quality and equity in engineering institutes
in focus states) – the allocation for this component remains at US$159 million. Activities under this component have
progressed well and the project is on track to meet all the DLIs as noted above. The pace of expenditures is expected
to increase as institutions reopen and continue pending procurement and academic activities as the lockdown is lifted.
14. A change is proposed to one intermediate outcome indicator on employer satisfaction survey in the Results
Framework. Due to delays faced in carrying out this activity, the final year target will be revised so that employer
feedback is gathered for at least one cohort of TEQIP III graduates. Previous targets will be dropped. The proposed
change with the rationale is indicated in the table below and the revised Results Framework is included in Annex 1.

Table 1: Summary of and rationale for proposed change to the Results Framework (RF)

IOI# Indicator Indicator Type Proposed Change Rationale

Due to delays in start-up and COVID-19

Employer satisfaction with Intermediate closures, the project will gather
10. Targets modified
engineers recruited (Text) Outcome employer feedback on at least 1 cohort
of graduates from TEQIP III institutes.
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)


Changed Not Changed

Results Framework ✔
Components and Cost ✔
Cancellations Proposed ✔
Reallocation between Disbursement Categories ✔
Implementing Agency ✔
DDO Status ✔
Project's Development Objectives ✔
PBCs ✔
Loan Closing Date(s) ✔
Disbursements Arrangements ✔
Disbursement Estimates ✔
Overall Risk Rating ✔
Safeguard Policies Triggered ✔
EA category ✔
Legal Covenants ✔
Institutional Arrangements ✔
Financial Management ✔
Procurement ✔
Implementation Schedule ✔
Other Change(s) ✔
Economic and Financial Analysis ✔
Technical Analysis ✔
Social Analysis ✔
Environmental Analysis ✔
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)



Current Proposed Proposed
Cost Action
Component Name Component Name Cost (US$M)
Improving quality and equity in Improving quality and equity in
engineering institutes in focus 318.00 No Change engineering institutes in focus 318.00
states states
System-level initiatives to System-level initiatives to
strengthen sector governance 55.94 Revised strengthen sector governance 34.68
and performance and performance
TOTAL 373.94 352.68



Value Reason
Current Cancellation New
Ln/Cr/Tf Status Currency Date of for
Amount Amount Amount
Cancellation Cancellation
IDA-58740- Disburs 186,970,000.0 176,340,000.0 RESTRUCTUR
USD 10,630,000.00 29-Jun-2020
001 ing 0 0 ING, COST


Financing %
Current Allocation Actuals + Committed Proposed Allocation
(Type Total)
Current Proposed

IDA-58740-001 | Currency: USD

iLap Category Sequence No: 1 Current Expenditure Category: EEP under Part A

159,000,000.00 108,000,000.00 159,000,000.00 50.00 50.00

iLap Category Sequence No: 2 Current Expenditure Category: Gds,Wks,NCS,CS,IOC,Trng,Wkshp PartB

The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)

27,970,000.00 10,910,376.06 17,340,000.00 50.00 50.00

Total 186,970,000.00 118,910,376.06 176,340,000.00

The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)

Results framework
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III

Project Development Objectives(s)

The proposed project development objective (PDO) is "to enhance quality and equity in participating engineering education institutes and improve the
efficiency of the engineering education system in focus states".

Project Development Objective Indicators by Objectives/ Outcomes


Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target

1 2 3 4 5 6
Enhance quality and equity in participating engineering education institutes
Average score of
No target as the Test administered
students participating in Test administered Test administered Test administered
test will be for second time
tests designed to for first time and for third time and for third time and 5
n.a. designed and and 5 percent
measure technical and baseline 5 percent increase percent increase
piloted during this increase over
critical thinking skills established over previous cycle over previous cycle.
period baseline

a) Focus States UG (a) Focus States a) Focus States (a) Focus States (a) Focus States (a) Focus States (a) Focus States a) Focus States
-Applied and -Applied and - Applied and - Applied and -Applied and -Applied and -Applied and -Applied and
accredited: 10 accredited: 2 Accredited: 10 Accredited: 25 accredited: 40 accredited: 40 accredited: 40 accredited: 40
NBA-accredited and/ or Other States Other States Other States Other States Other States Other States Other States
Other States
applied for programs in
-Accredited: 17.8 -Accredited: 1 -Accredited: 4 -Accredited: 8 -Accredited:15 -Accredited: 15 -Accredited: 15 -Accredited: 15
participating institutes.
Indicator will track
increase in percentage (b) Focus States PG (b) Focus States - (b) Focus States (b) Focus States (b) Focus States (b) Focus States (b) Focus States
points (Text) -Applied and Applied and -Applied and -Applied and -Applied and -Applied and -Applied and
accredited: 4 accredited: 2 accredited: 5 accredited: 15 accredited: 20 accredited: 20 accredited: 20 (b) Focus States
Other States Other States Other States Other States Other States Other States Other States -Applied and
Accredited: 8.2 Accredited: 1 Accredited: 5 Accredited: 8 Accredited: 15 Accredited: 15 Accredited: 15 accredited: 20
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)


Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target

1 2 3 4 5 6
Other States
Accredited: 15

Percentage of students
from traditionally
disadvantaged groups in SC/ST:15 SC/ST: 16 SC/ST:17 SC/ST:18 SC/ST: 20 SC/ST:20 SC/ST:20 SC/ST:20
total enrolment in Women: 26 Women: 26.5 Women: 27 Women: 28 Women: 30 Women: 30 Women: 30 Women: 30
participating institutes (a)
SC/ST (b) Women (Text)
Improve the efficiency of the engineering education system

Focus States-All: Focus States Focus States Focus States Focus States Focus States Focus States
Transition rate of UG
50 -All: 51 -All: 53 -All: 55 -All: 60 -All: 60 -All: 60
engineering students
from the first year to -SC/ST: 40 -SC/ST: 41 -SC/ST: 43 -SC/ST: 45 -SC/ST: 50 -SC/ST: 50 -SC/ST: 50
second year in -Female: 45 -Female:46 -Female:48 -Female: 50 -Female:55 -Female:55 -Female:55
participating Other States Other States Other States Other States Other States Other States Other States
institutes.(Disaggregated -All: 67 -All: 68 -All: 70 -All: 75 -All: 77 -All: 77 -All: 77
by SC/ST groups and
-SC/ST: 54 -SC/ST: 56 -SC/ST: 58 -SC/ST: 60 -SC/ST: 65 -SC/ST: 65 -SC/ST: 65
gender) (Text)
-Female: 64 -Female: 66 -Female:68 -Female:70 -Female:75 -Female:75 -Female:75


Intermediate Results Indicators by Components


Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target

1 2 3 4 5 6
Component 1: Improving quality and equity in engineering institutes in focus states
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)


Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target

1 2 3 4 5 6
Direct project
1,469,441.00 1,496,759.00 1,541,801.00 1,614,472.00 1,690,643.00 1,690,643.00 3,210,204.00
beneficiaries (Number)
Female beneficiaries
26.00 26.50 27.00 28.00 30.00 30.00 30.00
Percentage of
participating institutes in
44.00 45.00 47.00 50.00 55.00 55.00 55.00
focus states with
autonomy (DLI 2) (Text)
Percentage of PhD
students in total
enrolment in engineering
Focus States: 1.6 Focus States:10 Focus States:30 Focus States:70 Focus States:100 Focus States:100 Focus States: 100
disciplines in
participating institutes.
Indicator will track Other States: 2.5 Other States:10 Other States:30 Other States:70 Other States:100 Other States:100 Other States: 100
percent increase over
baseline (Text)
Percentage of sanctioned
faculty positions in
participating institutes Focus States:40 Focus States: 42 Focus States: 50 Focus States: 65 Focus States: 85 Focus States: 85 Focus States:85
filled by regular or
contract faculty, Other States:65 Other States: 66 Other States: 68 Other States: 70 Other States: 85 Other States: 85 Other States:85
contracted as per AICTE
norms (Text)
Number of faculty
trained in either their Focus States:500 Focus States:1000 Focus States:2500 Focus States:5000 Focus States:5000 Focus States:5000
subject domain, 0.00
pedagogy or Other States:1000 Other States:2000 Other States:3000 Other States:6000 Other States:6000 Other States:6000
management in
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)


Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target

1 2 3 4 5 6
participating institutes
(cumulative) (Text)
Percentage of externally
funded research and Focus States:
Focus States:3 Focus States:4 Focus States:5 Focus States:7 Focus States:7 Focus States: 7
development projects 2
and consultancies in total Other States:
revenue in participating Other States:11 Other States:12 Other States:13 Other States :15 Other States:15 Other States: 15
institutes (Text)
Participation of affiliated
institutes in participating
Focus States: 5 Focus States: 10 Focus States: 15 Focus States: 30 Focus States: 30 Focus States: 30
ATUs in newly designed 0.00
Other States: 20 Other States: 30 Other States: 60 Other States: 150 Other States: 150 Other States: 150
research-hub related
activities (Text)
Number of engineering
education institutes in
focus states that meet
21.00 55.00 87.00 87.00
the enabling mechanisms
for participation in the
project (Number)
Component 2: System-level initiatives to strengthen sector governance and performance

Employer feedback Employer feedback

Employer satisfaction on at least 1 cohort on at least 1 cohort
with engineers recruited NA of engineers of engineers
(Text) recruited. Report recruited. Report
published. published.

Action: This indicator has
The project became effective in March 2017 and the first cohort of graduates to benefit from TEQIP III reforms graduated in May-June 2018. In the final year of the
been Revised
project, closures due to COVID-19 have disrupted final examinations and placements. There are therefore 2 cohorts of graduate students (those graduating in
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)


Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target

1 2 3 4 5 6
May/June 2018 and May/June 2019) for whom employer survey can be gathered. Further, the project has faced delays in carrying out this activity. The indicator is
therefore being revised from an annual exercise to a one-time exercise of gathering employer feedback on at least 1 cohort of engineering graduates recruited and
in the labor market.

15 percent 15 percent 15 percent increase

increase in average increase in average in average
satisfaction level satisfaction level satisfaction level
Report on first over the previous over the previous over the previous
Student, Staff and Faculty round published round round round
Satisfaction Survey (Text) and action plan
prepared Report on second Report on third Report on third
round published round published round published and
and action plan and action plan action plan
prepared prepared prepared.
Percentage of
participating institutes
with a BoG composed as
per prescribed structure
Focus States: 35 Focus States: 60 Focus States: 70 Focus States: 95 Focus States: 95 Focus States: 95
that meets at least 4
Other States: 60 Other States: 80 Other States: 95 Other States: 95 Other States: 95 Other States: 95
times every calendar and
which publicly discloses
the minutes of all
meetings (DLI #3) (Text)

Number of participating MIS designed: MIS developed: MIS functional: MIS functional: MIS functional: MIS functional:
ATUs with MIS capable of Focus States: At Focus States: At Focus States: At Focus States: At Focus States: At Focus States: At
producing annual report NA least 1 ATU least 3 ATUs least 5 ATUs least 5 ATUs least 5 ATUs least 5 ATUs
against prescribed Non-LIS: At least 1 Non-LIS: At least 2 Non-LIS: At least 3 Non-LIS: At least 3 Non-LIS: At least 3 Non-LIS: At least 3
indicators (Text) ATU ATUs ATUs ATUs ATUs ATUs
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)


Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target

1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of participating
ATUs in focus states that
publicly declare final
semester examination 0.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
results before the start of
the next academic year
Percentage of
participating institutes in
Focus states that train
final year engineering 25.00 30.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 60.00
students to take exit
examination (e.g. GATE)
(DLI#4) (Percentage)

In the previous six For the last two For the last two For the last two
(6) months: quarters: quarters: quarters:
(i) MHRD provides (i) Fund utilization (i) Fund utilization (i) Fund utilization
allocation in PFMS (eligible payments (eligible payments (eligible payments
i) Timeliness of
for at least 75% of made) are made) are made) are
allocations, and
the fund requests equivalent to 70% equivalent to 90% equivalent to at
utilization; and (ii)
NA submitted by the or more, of the or more, of the least 90% or more,
expenditure recognition
institutes, within approved approved of the approved
against the utilization
ten (10) calendar allocations for the allocations for the allocations for the
(DLI #5) (Text)
days from the start participating participating participating
of quarter; and institutes; and institutes; and institutes; and
(ii) 70% of the (ii) 70% of the (ii) 90% of the (ii) At least 90% of
payments requests funds utilized to funds utilized to the funds utilized to
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)


Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target

1 2 3 4 5 6
made by the date have been date have been date have been
institutes are accounted for as accounted for as accounted for as
honored within expenditures in the expenditures in the expenditures in the
thirty (30) calendar Books of Accounts Books of Accounts Books of Accounts of
days from the date of the participating of the participating the participating
on which the institutes. institutes. institutes.
institute requests
the payment for

Percentage of
participating institutes
that produce and publish Focus States
Focus States: 20 Focus States: 60
an annual report in the Focus States: Focus States: :85
prescribed format in 85Other States: 85 85Other States: 85
accordance with the Other States: 20 Other States: 60
Other States:85
requirements set out in
the PIP (Text)

The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)

Annex 1: Revised Results Framework

Cumulative Target Values

YR1 YR2 YR3 YR4 YR5 End Target

Indicator Name Baseline (July 2016–June (July 2017–June (July 2018–June (July 2019–June (July 2020– (September
2017) 2018) 2019) 2020) September 2020) 2020)

1. Average score of [No target as the Test Test Test

students participating in test will be administered administered administered for
tests designed to designed and for first time for second time third time and 5
measure technical and piloted during and baseline and 5 percent percent increase
critical thinking skills this period] established increase over over previous
baseline cycle

2. NBA-accredited and/ a) Focus States (a) Focus States (a) Focus States (a) Focus States (a) Focus States (a) Focus States (a) Focus States
or applied for programs -Applied and -Applied and - Applied and - Applied and -Applied and -Applied and -Applied and
in participating institutes accredited: 10 accredited: 2 Accredited: 10 Accredited: 25 accredited: 40 accredited: 40 accredited: 40
Other States Other States Other States Other States Other States Other States Other States
(a) UG programs
-Accredited: -Accredited: 1 -Accredited: 4 -Accredited: 8 -Accredited:15 -Accredited: 15 -Accredited: 15
(b) PG programs 17.8
(b) Focus States
(b) Focus States -Applied and
Indicator will track -Applied and accredited: 2 (b) Focus States (b) Focus States (b) Focus States
increase in percentage accredited: 4 Other States (b) Focus States (b) Focus States -Applied and -Applied and -Applied and
points Other States Accredited: 1 accredited: 20 accredited: 20 accredited: 20
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)

Cumulative Target Values

YR1 YR2 YR3 YR4 YR5 End Target

Indicator Name Baseline (July 2016–June (July 2017–June (July 2018–June (July 2019–June (July 2020– (September
2017) 2018) 2019) 2020) September 2020) 2020)

Accredited: 8.2 -Applied and -Applied and Other States Other States Other States
accredited: 5 accredited: 15 Accredited: 15 Accredited: 15 Accredited: 15
Other States Other States
Accredited: 5 Accredited: 8

3. Transition rate of UG Focus States- Focus States Focus States Focus States Focus States Focus States Focus States
engineering students All: 50
-All: 51 -All: 53 -All: 55 -All: 60 -All: 60 -All: 60
from the first year to
-SC/ST: 40
second year in -SC/ST: 41 -SC/ST: 43 -SC/ST: 45 -SC/ST: 50 -SC/ST: 50 -SC/ST: 50
participating institutes. -Female: 45
-Female:46 -Female:48 -Female: 50 -Female:55 -Female:55 -Female:55
(Disaggregated by SC/ST Other States
groups and gender) Other States Other States Other States Other States Other States Other States
-All: 67
-All: 68 -All: 70 -All: 75 -All: 77 -All: 77 -All: 77
-SC/ST: 54
-SC/ST: 56 -SC/ST: 58 -SC/ST: 60 -SC/ST: 65 -SC/ST: 65 -SC/ST: 65
-Female: 64
-Female: 66 -Female:68 -Female:70 -Female:75 -Female:75 -Female:75

4. Percentage of students SC/ST: 15 SC/ST: 16 SC/ST: 17 SC/ST: 18 SC/ST: 20 SC/ST: 20 SC/ST: 20

from traditionally
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)

Cumulative Target Values

YR1 YR2 YR3 YR4 YR5 End Target

Indicator Name Baseline (July 2016–June (July 2017–June (July 2018–June (July 2019–June (July 2020– (September
2017) 2018) 2019) 2020) September 2020) 2020)

disadvantaged groups in Women: 26 Women: 26.5 Women: 27 Women: 28 Women: 30 Women: 30 Women: 30
total enrolment in
participating institutes

(a) SC/ST

(b) Women

Intermediate Results Indicators

1. Direct project 1,469,441 1,496,759 1,541,801 1,614,472 1,690,643 1,690,643 3,210,204

(Number) -

2. Female beneficiaries 26 26.5 27 28 30 30 30

(Percentage - Sub-Type:
Supplemental) -

Quality indicators
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)

Cumulative Target Values

YR1 YR2 YR3 YR4 YR5 End Target

Indicator Name Baseline (July 2016–June (July 2017–June (July 2018–June (July 2019–June (July 2020– (September
2017) 2018) 2019) 2020) September 2020) 2020)

3. Percentage of 44 45 47 50 55 55 55
participating institutes in
focus states with
autonomy (DLI 2)

4. Percentage of PhD Focus States: Focus States:10 Focus States:30 Focus States:70 Focus Focus States:100 Focus States:100
students in total 1.6 States:100
enrolment in engineering
disciplines in Other States:10 Other States:30 Other States:70 Other States:100 Other States:100
participating institutes Other States: Other
2.5 States:100
Indicator will track
percent increase over

5. Percentage of Focus States: 40 Focus States: 42 Focus States: 50 Focus States: 65 Focus States: 85 Focus States: 85 Focus States: 85
sanctioned faculty
positions in participating
institutes filled by regular Other States: 65 Other States: 66 Other States: 68 Other States: 70 Other States: 85 Other States: 85 Other States: 85
or contract faculty,
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)

Cumulative Target Values

YR1 YR2 YR3 YR4 YR5 End Target

Indicator Name Baseline (July 2016–June (July 2017–June (July 2018–June (July 2019–June (July 2020– (September
2017) 2018) 2019) 2020) September 2020) 2020)

contracted according to
AICTE norms

6. Number of faculty 0 Focus States:500 Focus States: Focus States: Focus States: Focus States: Focus States:
trained in either their 1,000 2,500 5,000 5,000 5,000
subject domain,
pedagogy, or Other States:
management in 1,000 Other States: Other States: Other States: Other States: Other States:
participating institutes 2,000 3,000 6,000 6,000 6,000

7. Percentage of Focus States: Focus States: 3 Focus States: 4 Focus States: 5 Focus States: 7 Focus States: 7 Focus States: 7
externally funded R&D
projects and
consultancies in total Other States: Other States: 11 Other States: 12 Other States: 13 Other States: 15 Other States: 15 Other States: 15
revenue in participating
institutes 10

8. Participation of 0 Focus States: 5 Focus States: 10 Focus States: 15 Focus States: 30 Focus States: 30 Focus States: 30
affiliated institutes in
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)

Cumulative Target Values

YR1 YR2 YR3 YR4 YR5 End Target

Indicator Name Baseline (July 2016–June (July 2017–June (July 2018–June (July 2019–June (July 2020– (September
2017) 2018) 2019) 2020) September 2020) 2020)

participating ATUs in
newly designed research-
Other States: 20 Other States: 30 Other States: 60 Other Other States:150 Other States: 150
hub related activities

9. Student, Staff, and Report on first 15 percent 15 percent

Faculty Satisfaction round published increase in increase in
Survey and action plan average average
prepared satisfaction satisfaction level
level over the over the previous
previous round round

Report on Report on third

second round round published
published and and action plan
action plan prepared
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)

Cumulative Target Values

YR1 YR2 YR3 YR4 YR5 End Target

Indicator Name Baseline (July 2016–June (July 2017–June (July 2018–June (July 2019–June (July 2020– (September
2017) 2018) 2019) 2020) September 2020) 2020)

10. Employer satisfaction Employer

with engineers recruited feedback on at
least 1 cohort of

Report published.

11. Percentage of 25% 30% 50% 60% NA p60%

participating institutes in
Focus states that train
final year engineering
students to take exit
examination (e.g. GATE)
(DLI 4)


12. Number of 21 55 87
engineering education
institutes in focus states
that meet the enabling
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)

Cumulative Target Values

YR1 YR2 YR3 YR4 YR5 End Target

Indicator Name Baseline (July 2016–June (July 2017–June (July 2018–June (July 2019–June (July 2020– (September
2017) 2018) 2019) 2020) September 2020) 2020)

mechanisms for
participation in the

System efficiency

13. (i) Timeliness of NA In the previous For the last two For the last two
allocations, and six (6) months: quarters: quarters:
utilization; and (ii) (i) MHRD (i) Fund (i) Fund
provides utilization utilization
expenditure recognition allocation in (eligible (eligible
against the utilization public finance payments payments
(DLI 5). management made) made) are
system for at are equivalent equivalent to at
least 75% of the to at least 70% least 90% or
fund requests or more, of the more, of the
submitted by approved approved
the participating allocations for allocations for
institutes, the participating the participating
within ten (10) institutes; and institutes; and
calendar days (ii) At least 70% (ii) At least 90%
from the start of of the funds of the funds
quarter; and utilized to date utilized to date
have been have been
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)

Cumulative Target Values

YR1 YR2 YR3 YR4 YR5 End Target

Indicator Name Baseline (July 2016–June (July 2017–June (July 2018–June (July 2019–June (July 2020– (September
2017) 2018) 2019) 2020) September 2020) 2020)

(ii) At least 70% accounted for as accounted for

of the payments expenditures in as expenditures
requests made the Books of in the Books of
by the Accounts of the Accounts of the
participating participating participating
institutes are institutes. institutes.
honored within
thirty (30)
calendar days
from the date
on which the
requests the
payment for

14. Percentage of Focus States: 35 Focus States: 60 Focus States: 70 Focus States: 95 Focus States: 95 Focus States: 95
participating institutes
Other States: 60 Other States: 80 Other States: 95 Other States: 95 Other States: 95 Other States: 95
with a BoG composed as
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)

Cumulative Target Values

YR1 YR2 YR3 YR4 YR5 End Target

Indicator Name Baseline (July 2016–June (July 2017–June (July 2018–June (July 2019–June (July 2020– (September
2017) 2018) 2019) 2020) September 2020) 2020)

per prescribed structure

that meets at least 4
times every calendar and
which publicly discloses
the minutes of all
meetings (DLI 3)

15. Number of 0 MIS designed: MIS developed: MIS functional: MIS functional: MIS functional:
participating ATUs with
Focus States: At Focus States: At Focus States: At Focus States: At Focus States: At
MIS capable of producing
least 1 ATU least 3 ATUs least 5 ATUs least 5 ATUs least 5 ATUs
annual report against
prescribed indicators Non-LIS: At least Non-LIS: At least Non-LIS: At least Non-LIS: At least Non-LIS: At least
1 ATU 2 ATUs 3 ATUs 3 ATUs 3 ATUs

16. Percentage of 0 Focus States: 20 Focus States: 60 Focus States: 85 Focus States: 85 Focus States: 85
participating institutes
that produce and publish
an annual report in the Other States: 20 Other States: 60 Other States: 85 Other States: 85 Other States: 85
prescribed format in
accordance with the
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)

Cumulative Target Values

YR1 YR2 YR3 YR4 YR5 End Target

Indicator Name Baseline (July 2016–June (July 2017–June (July 2018–June (July 2019–June (July 2020– (September
2017) 2018) 2019) 2020) September 2020) 2020)

requirements set out in

the PIP

17. Number of
participating ATUs in
focus states that publicly
declare final semester 0 1 3 6 6 6
examination results
before the start of the
next academic year
The World Bank
Technical Education Quality Improvement Project III (P154523)

Annex 1: Revised Verification Protocol for DLI 2 (Autonomy)

DLI Verification Protocol

DLI# 2 Percentage of
Participating Institutes in Applicable to all institutes participating under Subcomponents 1.1, which have
Focus States with signed an MOU with the MHRD or respective state government (as the case may be)
autonomy for participation in the project.

An Autonomous Institution means the institution which can revise/modify its

curriculum which includes centrally funded institutions (CFIs), Unitary /Deemed to
be University, University Department/Faculty/Constituent Colleges and Institutions
declared autonomous by UGC.

UGC autonomy refers to the delegation of powers to an institute, by the UGC,

according to the UGC Guidelines for Autonomous Institutes 2012–17. An institute is
considered autonomous once it receives a formal notification from the UGC that it
has been granted autonomy.

(i) Project MIS. Institutes will upload the autonomy status to the MIS.
(ii) UGC/ University website

NPIU will provide the World Bank a list of institutes which have provided proof of
autonomy as per the guidelines above. The World Bank will verify this information
through a 10% sample check using publicly-available data from the UGC or
University’s website.

This DLI can be carried forward or met early.

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