Roles and Responsibilities of Family and Members

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Roles and Responsibilities of Family and Members

•Family members must live together in peace and harmony. To achieve this, each member of the family must be
aware of the duties and responsibilities.
Family members
•The father is the breadwinner and chief provider of the family.
•The mother is the manager and treasurer of the family.
•The girls help the mother in doing the household chores.
•The boys are usually assigned the heavy work in the house.
• Nowadays, father and mother, as well as girl sand boys in the family, share in almost all the house works.
Performing the roles expected of each member can lead to family harmony and happiness.

Fundamentals of strong Family life

7 keys to building strong families
The Power of Modeling
Giving the Gift of Time
Power of Nourishing Love
Cultivating an Encouraging Environment
The Gift of Healthy Anger
Nurturing Quality Communication
Conflict: Pathway to Intimacy
• The quality of family life influences every other part of our life. Surveys tell us that the greatest source of
happiness in life is the family. The same surveys tell us that the greatest source of frustration and
disappointment in people’s lives is dealing with family problems. Every one of us, including you, is part of a
family. In fact, we’re part of several families. You didn’t have any choice in the matter. God has designed the
family as the basic unit of all society. As goes the family, so go our communities. As go our communities so go
our states. As go our states so go our nations. As go our nations so go entire civilization
Responsible Parenthood
What is responsible parenthood?
• Responsibility parenthood is an ability of parents to detect the need of happiness and desire of children and
helping them to become responsible and responsible children.
• It is the shared responsibility of husband and wife to determine and achieve the desired number, spacing, and
timing of their children according to their own family life aspirations, and concerns.
• Responsible parenthood doesn’t limit only on fulfilling the demand of children and rearing them up properly
but goes beyond that.
Necessities of Responsible parenthood
• a) Maintain healthy family size
Responsible parenting is concerned with the maintaining the desired size of family, maintaining the spacing
and having desired family size.
• b) Support
Children require the support of the parents
Responsible parenting will help in building the supportive relation between children and parents
Parents would be able to support their children in every steps of their life
• c) Morality
Children learns from the parents Responsible parenting is necessary to teach children the right behavior,
culture the healthy habits and morals and also to guide in right direction throughout.
Teen Problems
The Teenager and His/Her Friends
The Beginning of a Good Relationship

Teenager should learn to cope with stress and tension of growing up. Many of the problem and stresses of
adolescence involved the following
1. Physical Changes. Some teenagers worry about their height, weight, skin problems, physical features, and
2. Emotional Changes. These changes are usually triggered by the hormone activity in the body. Teenagers
usually seek fun, they get bored easily, and long for more freedom and constant change in lifestyle.
3. Being Unpopular. Generally, Teenagers would like to be among with friends.
4. Coping with new Experiences, Situations. As Teenagers grow, Parents and teachers give them new roles to
do at home and in school.
5. Resources. There are many kinds of resources. As a teenagers,you are more concerned with basic resources
which include time, energy, and money. With them, you can obtain the goods and services you need and want.


Part of the process of growing up is learning to tell when people are your friends and when they are not.
Friends are people who share our joys, respect us, believe in us, help us face our problems, appreciate, and trust


1. Rapport- It means you are at case and comfortable with your friend.
2. Empathy- It is the ability to see the world through other person’s eye, meaning to understand the feelings
and actions of your friend.
3. Trust- It means you can rely and depend on each other and accept and support one another.
4. Respect- To accept and appreciate and other person in his/her own right are important qualities of good

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