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Voltage and Current Ripple Depending upon the characteristics of the load circuit, the fluctu- ations of the direct current are computed from either the time integral of the ripple voltage or the amplitude of the principal harmonic, These quantities will be derived as a function of the operating conditions and graphically presented. In conclusion, some aspects of filter design will be discussed. In the previous chapters we described the performance of the various rectifier connections under different load and operating conditions, and we understood that the direct voltage fluctuates in accordance with the pulses of operation, unless a high value of capacitance or another source Of constant voltage is connected in parallel to the d-c circuit. The voltage ripple, again, causes fluctuations of the current, and since many appli- cations demand that these fluctuations do not exceed a certain specified value, itis necessary to compute and eventually to reduce them by a choke or a ripple filter. ‘These computations will now be treated. Basic Relations Ina regular d-c circuit the supply voltage is divided between the internal ‘and external values of resistance, and only thc last portion is delivered 10 the output of the voltage source. However, all calculations are usually. ‘based on the total voltage, i, the no-load voltage ofthe supply. A similar situation exists foF the uctuations‘of the Voltage generated in a rectifier connection. These fluctuations aré:partflly absorbed by the internal impedance of the connection, and partially by the impedance of the load ‘circuit, and only the last portion appears across the fectifier output, ‘The ‘ealculations, however, should be based onthe total fluctuations, the fiue- tuations of the output voltage if the load cireuit contains infinite inductance. In ofder to distinguish these total (thedtetical) fluctuations from those that appear across the output we call them “ripple voltage.” This term at the 6 Voltage and Current Ripple 247 same time accents the fact that these fluctuations can be regarded as an independent voltage that is superimposed on the average value of the direct voltage. Tn other chapters of this book the direct voltage under highly inductive oad has been thoroughly investigated so that the ripple voltage is known for all different kinds of connections and operating conditions. Based on this knowledge we now have to define a quantity that expresses the intensity of the ripple by a single value, and we have to compute this quantity as a function of the operating conditions. If the ripple voltage were sinusoidal, the rms or the crest value would give complete information. However, the curve of the ripple voltage is very complex, and with a single value only certain properties of this curve can be expressed. In this case we are interested in the fluctuations of the current and therefore define a quantity that is directly related to the current fluctuations, This quantity is the ‘TIME INTEGRAL of the ripple voltage, if the load circuit is inductive, and it js the amplitude of the PRINCIPAL HARMONIC if an L-C filter is connected between rectifier and load, Current Ripple in an Inductive Cireuit In an inductive circuit (ig. 15.1a) the voltage across the inductance deter- ines the rate of rise or decay of the current, and the integral of this | voltage taken over a certain period of time represents the total change of the current during this period, according to the law of induction in integral form, (as.t) time integral of voltage * ‘across inductance L f If the interval of integration is identical with the interval during which the current rises (from at, to ox in fig. 15.1) or decays (from wr, to wr), ff represents the total swing of the current between the maximum and ‘minimum values, "This is illustrated by figs. 15.10 aad c where the voltage- time integral is represented by the crosshatched area, and the total current swing by AI. ‘This swing is superimposed on the average value of the Current, which is the average value of the voltage divided by the resistance fof the circuit, In fig. 15.1 the voltige across the inductance isthe difference between F the output voltage and the voltage across the resistance. If we disregard 248 D-C Characteristies the current fluctuations in relation to the average value of the current, i.e, if we assume a constant voltage drop across the resistance, itis just the ripple voltage that is absorbed by the total inductance of the circuit (internal inductance of the rectifier connection in series with the inductance of the @ wer 3a Soe egal of vote ie naga eae SSotndiy mixince = tines ans “rng mst carer fing et rt totes veg acon ” vestorce nani o ove caret ult hae as . ices voltage and caren with ndustive fad. load circuit), Hence, under this assumption, the current swing AJ can be easily computed from the time integral of the sipple voltage, according to ‘equation (15.1). ‘ime Integral of the Ripple Voltage ‘The time integral of the ripple voltage is represented by the crosshatched areas in fig, 15.2. For computing this value we introduce the auxiliary angle 8 which is defined by sin = Ee (15.2) Voltage and Current Ripple 4 [ELF ano Fig. 15.2, Area representing time integral of ripple voltage. and which determines the upper limit of iniegration. The lower limit is set by either the same angle (8g. 15.22), or by the end of the commutation (Gigs15.2b and c), depending on the operating conditions. For the first case we read from the illustration: ett? 5, not — inf fostm2 nl nor sn pd festa nL Botecus—(e—20oAl 089 do 09 =f = b oSeyon adds yo ps <— afaseye D-C Characteristies T Voltage and Current Ripple 251 ‘With larger angles « or w, the lower limit of integration is determined by the end of the commutation, as shown in fig 15.26, and the computations result in fettm bane OB x foos(e4v +E = @+a]sing} (asd) ‘This condition exists if Relations (15.3) and (15.4) permit the coraputation of the time integral of the ripple voltage and are presented in such a form that F,,, which intro- duces the voltage scale, is accompanied by a factor that is a function of 0, us and B, and thus represents the operating conditions (phase control and commutation). For the circuit design, however, the operating conditions fare usually specified in terms of voltage because they are coordinated in a voltage-current presentation with the characteristic of the load circuit. ‘Therefore the ratio £,/Ey has been selected for the variable, andthe rat E,JBq as a parameter for the graphic presentation of the results. This F rather unusual but very practical way of expressing the operating charac- teristics has already been used in other chapters. In accordance with these other presentations the voltage ratio is vertically plotted so that the time integral of the ripple voltage can be read from the horizontal scale. For F the various pulse numbers the curves are presented by figs. 153-15.6, assumingy'= 60 eps. Ifthe supply frequency isferept from that value, the resulis have to be multiplied by 60/supply frequency in cycles per second. ‘Under free-wheeling operation the curve of the direct voltage is shaped ‘as shown in fig, 15.2c, and it can be seen that the crosshatched area is F defined-by the same angles as in section (6). Hence, the mathematical F development and the equation that describes the area as a function of the F angles, equation (15.4), are the same, ‘The only differences are the relations between the angles and the voltage reductions and lence the curves in the graphic presentations, ‘The most striking point is that under regular ‘operation the time integral of the ripple voltage approaches a maximum if the voltage is reduced to zero while it approaches zero under free- F wheeling operation. It further will be noticed that there is only one curve for the free-wheeling mode. This is because under free-wheeling operation E the shape ofthe voltage curve is commonly determined by « and u so that ee n D-C Characteristics s é & D-C Characteristics Jo vonewomud ondED -yST —ald Voltage and Current Ripple 285 there is only one relation between the waveshape and the average value of the direct voltage. This reveals one more advantage of presenting the results as a function of E/E, Example (Computing current swing in an inductive circuit) ‘A S-phase bridge connection feeds a d-c circuit with an inductance of 50mH; £,, = 250 V, reduced to 10% by phase control. In addition, there is a 9% reactive voltage drop. Determine the total swing of the ‘current in the d-c cirouit. chart offi. 155 feattba. i 157. Guide for sample clelaton. Solution. Guided by fig, 15.7 we find Ee Ea and read from fig, 15.5 for.E,/Eg, = 9% 0.61 fecieo nea = stn ‘This voltage-time integral is absorbed by the inductance of 50 mH during aolirrent swing of ap a 50Le0Vse<] eed = 11 Harmonie Composition of the Ripple Voltage For cireuits with an Z-C filter connected between rectifier and load, the ‘method just presented cannot be used because the current carried by the choke is not identical with the current in the load circuit. Therefore, 256 D-C Characteristies another approach is used: The ripple voltage is interpreted as a compo- sition of harmonics that are individually weakened by the filter. Thus the next step is to determine the harmonic composition of the ripple voltage. ‘The basic idea of the method is outlined in Chapter 17, and with this knowledge we now analyze, as a start, the simplest curve of the direct, voltage, the one with instantaneous commutation and zero phase control, Such a curve is shown in fig. 15.8. There are q identical sections during ano Fig. 15:8, Analyzed section of direct voltage curve, 2 = 0, u each eyele, and each section is symmetrical in itself. Hence all information about the curve is contained in one half-ection, and we analyze just this part of the curve. As a further simplification, we select the middle of a section for wf = 0, which eliminates any sine components because sine components are not symmetrical to wf = 0. Finally, in order to obtain a general result, we express the pulse number by g, and the order of the ‘harmonics by n,-6Tt recognize that q must be a whole number other:than 1,,and 1a whole multiple of g. Thus we compute the amplitudes of the cosine terms, by, according to relation (17.6): 2 « by En, Co8 et C05 noot dest ‘ald Je’ Raa Ces net Alot) analyzing function With a few conversions, this leads to En Gti fm cosetsin nan — sn ot cos nat = Dita [rn Zoot] by Voltage and Current Ripple and finally results in ‘The term 2/(n* ~ 1) is the basic law; it defines the individual amplitudes. The factor —cos(m/q) defines the polarity and equals +1 for n/q = 1, 3, S.1+, and —1 for nlq = 2,4, 6, This result, which does not apply to a connection with g = 1 (single- phase single-way connection), discloses the remarkable fact that the ampli- tude of a certain harmonic in relation to F,, is independent of the pulse number q. The pulse number only specifies the existing harmonics as Well as their polarity. As an example, the amplitude of a harmonic with six times the supply frequency (1 = 6) is, according to equat by = Bay Z = 5.11% of Bay regardless of whether this harmonic exists in the direct voltage of a 2-, 3- or 6-pulse connection, Based on this law, table 15.1 gives a survey of the harmonic composition of the direct voltage at a = 0 and w = 0 for various pulse numbers, For operation with phase control and a certain commutating angle the section of the voltage curve to be analyzed is shown in fig, 15.9a for regular and in fig. 15.96 for free-wheeling operation. In.both cases the calculations are rather complex. Therefore, only the principal harmonic will be com- puted; this satisfies in most cases since the higher harmonics are usually less intensive and are weakened by an L-C filter in a higher ratio. Thus we set n = 4g, and with the point of = 0 defined according to fig. 15.94, and J with a, and 6, representing the sine and the cosine components of the f principal harmonic of order g, we state for regular operation: BL [BacosZ costar + 00a don 7 Kot) ne asia[ot +e 2 —2](22 204 don 5) Fon 44 ey 4 D-C Characteristics Table 15.1. Amplitudes of the Harmonics of the Direct Voltage in % of Egy 2 =0,u=0 4 " 2 6 2 1 — — _ = 2 663 = = 3 — 250 = 4 133 = = = 3 = = = = 6 sm sm smu 7 1 = = 8 37 = : 9 = 2.50 = = 10 2.02 = n sy = = — 2 1.40 41.40 1.40 1.40 B = a = = “4 1.03 7 Si 15 = 0.89 = 16 078 = = = "7 = = = ~ B 0.02, 0.82, 0.62 = 19 S 7 = = 20 0.50 — = - 21 — 04s = = 2 oat ss - 8 wr, = = = 4 035 035 03s 03s The integration results in Ea info o ary (a Drala + Ga + Ded +(q + Dsinfe — q— tu] + 2¢sina} (15.7) E, a bem gee (a= Meosle ++ DH) = @ + Neosfa = (a= Nu] — 2082} (15.8) ‘he total amplitude ofthe harmonic the geomet sum of both eom- ponents, een NTFS Voltage and Current Ripple Fig. 159. Analyzed section of direct voltage curve. () Regular operation, () Free- welng operation. With a, and b, inserted this leads to 2G X, Ts 4(q* + 1) ‘cos{2a + (q + 1)u)) +2(q— 1)*cos(q + 1)u]* cos[2a —(g — 1)u) | +2(q + 1)cosq— Iu cos(2a + 2u) 08 2a —2q'- 1) (15.10) For the free-inheeling mode the situation is illustrated by fig. 15.95. In order to simplify the arithmetical treatment, we introduce the conducting. angle y, and select a different point for «= 0, as shown in fig. 15.9b. This leads to s=8 le Egl—sin By singe dot asa lcos gay fot) 260 D-C Characteristics and finally results in a — 1sin( y— jsin(g — a= Fla Dain + Dy — + Daina Dy] 5:12) = 1 2G theos Jeos(g — Ny — 6, aE Ia Deosta + By + G+ Noosa — Dy ~ 21 (1s) Ew a? + 3) — Ag" = Neos 2y + Mg — 1) HGF DsinGwlgN x costa + Dy — Ala + Noosa ~ Dy (asa) ‘Again the results are functions of « and u, or y, whereas it is more practical to present them as functions of the corresponding voltage reductions or Of EyEq and E,lEqs 98 explained before. This has been done in figs, 15,10-15.13, where the amplitude of the principal harmonic, expressed in, terms of E,,, is horizontally plotted and the voltage ratio E,/Eq vertically, with £,/E,, a8 a parameter. Example (Determining principal harmonic) Determine for a half-controlled single-phase bridge connection with 115 V input the maximum value that the principal harmonic assumes under any ‘operating condition. Solution. We.irst determine Ey Bag = 2 By =? fF % 115 [V] = 104 1V] ‘Then we recognize that, according to Chapter 13, the direct voltage of @ half-controlled single-phase bridge connection is identical with that of fully controlled single-phase bridge connection with a free-wheeling diode, Figure 15.10 ‘shows for free-wheeling operation and Eyl, = 0.75 maximum principal harthonic of <= 087 ‘and we compute: : © = 0.87 x 104 [V] = 90[V] (crest value) = = S Z “DC Characteristies Voltage and Current Ripple ‘9 = bonowuey yedeutid jo apragdure jo uommussad anydeo “erst “Bix opel sedan Pa fucaseyyedoud jo opmgde z ro. a “T= 5 oywouey pedioud jo apragdune jo uopshuseasd agdesD “EPSE “AE lt tw caret a Fig. 15.16. Circuit for sample calculation, Solution, The time integral of the ripple voltage, divided by Ry, is the time integral of the current that periodically charges or discharges the capacitor (if we disregard the much smaller fluctuations of the current flowing through Ry, With E AE Fe = 10[ma} and AE 0.1 (ma Rang THOMA) and FP = 04 ma Akg = 2 x ime integral ofthe ripple voltage CR, ‘and with-a time integral of the ripple voltage of 0.3 [msec] x Ey taken from the chart of fig. 15.5 for E,/E,, = 0.6, we compute the desired time f) constant Rika _ 10ImAI 9.3 ensec} = 30 {rnsec] t+ Ry 0.1 [mA] i [2 reading from chart a of R, and R, in parallel connection © SECTION C A-C Characteristics In this section the rectifier circuit is conceived as a LoAD to the a-c supply system, and the INPUT CHARACTERISTICS of this load, such as displacement and distortion of the current, are investigated. ‘These characteristics are usually derived from an investigation of the phenomena that occur within the rectifier connection. Thanks to certain correlations between the a-c and d-c quantities, however, it is possible to

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