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Rubric For Written Ouput

4 3 2 1
Neatness Beautiful Good handwriting, Sloppy handwriting, Cannot read what is
handwriting, clean clean paper, ripped paper, hard written
paper, easy to read readable to read
Spelling All words are 1-2 spelling 5-6 spelling More than 6
spelled correctly mistakes mistakes spelling mistakes
Effort Wrote more pieces Wrote what was Wrote less than Did very little work
of information than expected what was expected
what was expected
Correct All information is One piece of Two piece of Many pieces of
Information correct incorrect incorrect incorrect
information information information
Followed All directions were Missed the Missed 2 directions Missed many
Directions followed direction directions

Rubric for Venn Diagram

Strong Grasp (3) Progressing (2) Not in Evidence (1)

Text support of All statement are Most statements are Few or none of the
comparison statements supported by the text. supported by the text. statements are supported
by the text.
Placement of statements All statements noting Most statements are Few statements are
within the Venn diagram similarities are placed in placed in the correct placed in the correct
the center circle and all circle, but student mixed circle.
statements that note up a few statements.
differences are placed in
the correct outer circle.
Number of Quality Student is able to make Student is able to make 3- Student makes two or
Staments five or more comparison 4 comparison statements fewer comparison
in each circle. in each circle. statements in each circle.

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