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An Overview of Pharmaceuticals industries in Bangladesh:

In Bangladesh Pharmaceutical sector is one of the most developed hi tech sector which is
contributing in the country's economy. After the promulgation of Drug Control Ordinance -
1982, the development of this sector was accelerated. The professional knowledge, thoughts and
innovative ideas of the pharmacists working in this sector are the key factors for this
development. Due to recent development of this sector we are exporting medicines to global
market including European market. This sector is also providing 95% of the total medicine
requirement of the local market. Leading Pharmaceutical Companies are expanding their
business with the aim to expand export market.

There are several sectors on which Bangladesh can be proud of and undoubtedly the
pharmaceutical sector is one of these sectors, rather it is the sector, which is the second-largest
contributor to the government exchequer. There are about 231 companies in this sector and the
approximate total market size is about Taka 76,500 million per year of which about 94% of the
total requirement of medicines is created by the local companies and the rest 6% is imported.
The imported drugs mainly comprise of the cancer drugs, vaccines for viral diseases, hormones

Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Industry is now heading towards self-sufficiency in meeting the

local demand. The industry is the second highest contributor to the national exchequer after
garments, and it is the largest white-collar intensive employment sector of the country. There are
about 460 generics registered in Bangladesh. Out of these 460 generics, 120 are in the controlled
category i.e. in the essential drug list. The remaining 340 generics are in the decontrolled
category, The total number of brands /items that are registered in Bangladesh is currently
estimated to be 5,300, while the total number of dosage forms and strengths are 8,300.
Bangladesh pharmaceutical industry is mainly dominated by domestic manufacturers. Of the
total pharmaceutical market of Bangladesh, the local companies are enjoying a market share
reaching around 75%, while the MNCs are having a market share of 25%.

A corporate scenario of

Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Incepta began its operation with a handful of highly skilled and dedicated professionals guided
by an able leadership. Proper strategic planning, technical excellence, swift and timely decisions
helped us achieve our objectives leading to much faster growth. Incepta was able to anticipate
the need of the market and provide the right product at the right time. High focus on R&D
investment from the very beginning made possible the introduction of quality products ahead of
its competitors in most cases.
Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is now the 2nd largest company of the country and recognized as
the fastest growing of the top five manufacturing company in the country. Established in the year
1999, the company has come a long way. Since its inception, Incepta Pharmaceuticals has been
launching drug products in the Bangladeshi market. The company produces various types of
dosage forms which include tablets, capsules, oral liquids, ampoules, dry powder vials, powder
for suspension, nasal sprays, eye drops, creams, ointments, lotions, gels, prefilled syringes, liquid
filled hard gelatin capsules, lyophilized injections, and human vaccines.

Currently the Zirabo plant consists of several buildings with state of the art technology.
Dedicated cephalosporin manufacturing building, a specialized manufacturing building for the
production of lyophilized products, insulin and amino acids and newly built liquid and semisolid
manufacturing building and large warehouse is also in operation.

Another multipurpose building for housing the Research & Development operation along with
the canteen facility is also there. Currently all the products are coming from the plant at Zirabo.
The company now produces almost all types of dosage forms covering nearly all therapeutic

Incepta now has one of the largest and competent sales force and large distribution network of its
own, operated from 18 different locations throughout the country. A most dynamic skilled and
dedicated marketing team comprising of pharmacists and doctors are at the core of the marketing
operation. These highly skilled professionals play a crucial role in providing the necessary
strategic guideline for the promotion of its product.

Incepta also conducts research and development in order to fulfill unmet needs of the medical
community in Bangladesh and abroad.The company sells its products in Bangladesh and also has
begun exporting to both developed and developing countries around the world.In 2011, the
company became the first firm to start manufacturing vaccines for the local Bangladesh market.

Chronological Events of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd.:

 December 16th 1998, the construction of the factory began.
 January 2000, sales began formally.
 April 2000, with the launching of Osartil (Losartan Potassium) the first prescription
product of Incepta was launched in the market. The company started off in a new
 A total of 23 new generics with 35 presentations were launched this year. 4 of these
generics were first ever in Bangladesh. By the end of 2000 Incepta was the number 31st
company of the country.
 In 2002,The company registered an excellent growth of 55.85% over the previous year.
By the end of the year Incepta was ranked the 10th company of the country (IMS).
 In 2003,The company registered an excellent growth of 28.5% over the previous year.
By the end of the year 2003, Incepta was ranked the 8th company of the country (IMS).
 By 2006 Incepta had positioned itself as an innovative research oriented and knowledge
based pharmaceutical company specializing in analysis, design and development of new
 Continued investment in our core strength that is our manufacturing plant led to
recognition from European authorities and on January 11, 2008 Incepta attained
European "Certificate of GMP Compliance".
 Incepta became the first Bangladeshi Company to get GMP Compliance Certificate from
Turkey (Tablets, Capsules and Lyophilized products) on January 08, 2009. Incepta was
accepted and became enlisted with the Copenhagen office of UNICEF, UNDP and
UNESCO as global supplier of medicine.
 Incepta was awarded GMP certificate from Uganda, National Drug Authority on 5th
August 2010 (Sterile Products, Non-sterile products and Cephalosporins). Incepta
launched 56 product presentations. 10 of which were first ever in Bangladesh market.
 Incept a maintained the 2nd largest (IMS) position in Bangladesh pharmaceutical market
in 2010. The company showed the strongest growth among the top 10 companies with a
growth rate of 34.97% (IMS).

Quality Management System:

The QMS of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited is established in a frame to describe its operations
in different documents and practices which is based on the principles of PICS and WHO
guidelines. The Quality Manual describes the Quality Policy of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Limited.

The responsibilities for the technical aspects of Quality Assurance are defined in the Quality
Manual. It encompasses all activities necessary to generate, maintain and verify the quality of

Quality Surveillance is responsible for the implementation of the Quality Management System in
different areas in collaboration with different departments. Quality Surveillance play active role
in conducting external and internal audits with their follow-ups.

Research & Development is responsible for formulation development and method development,
implementing technical transfer to Production and Quality Control, and also covers process
validation, cleaning validation, method validation and follow up stability.
Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd.:
The Market Leader’s Vision and Mission

The vision of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. wants to become a research based global
pharmaceutical company in addition to being a highly efficient generic manufacturer. It would
also like to discover and develop innovative, value-added products that improve the quality of
life of people around the world and significantly contribute towards the growth of Bangladesh.

Provide people globally with high quality health care products at affordable prices in order to
improve access to medicine and to provide employees an enabling environment that facilitates
realization of their full potential.

Quality and teamwork:

Since 1999, the Incepta name has been synonymous with the trust and reliability inherent in the
word Quality. Quality is ingrained in the work of our colleagues and all our Values. We are
dedicated to the delivery of quality healthcare throughout the nation. Our business practices and
processes are designed to achieve quality results that exceed the expectations of patients,
customers, colleagues, business partners and regulators. We have a relentless passion for Quality
in everything we do.

We know that to be a successful company we must work together, frequently transcending
organizational and geographical boundaries to meet the changing needs of our customers.


We strive for continuous improvement in our performance, measuring results carefully, and
ensuring that respect for people are never compromised.


We aim to become nation's most admirable business enterprise through our honest and intelligent
approach to everything that we do. We strive to support the community where we live and to also
support our nation as far as possible at the time of its need. We truly believe that we can only
survive and grow if our nation remains healthy.
PESTEL Analysis of Incepta Pharmaceuticals:


1. Growing political focus and pressure on healthcare

2. With the change of government power, export- import policies changes.
3. For pharmaceutical industry, government do not allocate proper budget through fiscal policy
4. Foreign Governments looking for healthcare savings
5. Harmonization of healthcare across the country.

1. Currency fluctuation has significant impact on pharmaceutical industry.
2. Increased pressure on pricing of drugs.
3. Cheap labor cost lead to an increase in profit margin for this industry.
4. Recent growth figures have proved to be better than the projection, which demonstrates that
the growth prospect of the sector is justified.
5. Recession in Global economy.

1. 1. Population of Bangladesh is continuously increasing which boost this industry.
2. 2. Poor people cannot buy the expensive medicines.

3. 3. Patent awareness increasing with changing expectations..

4. 4. Patient and public activism is also increasing (harnessing new social networking
1. Incepta is trying to upgrade and adopt new technology in production, quality control,
distribution and administration of its products.
2. Pharmaceutical is a high-tech rapidly propagating industry.
3. More responsive service facilities for direct communication with the patients are required.
4. The machinery and raw materials for API manufacturing are also have to be imported.
5. environmental
6. According to UN, business should support a precautionary approach to environmental
7. Growing environmental agenda and community awareness.
8. Concern for the ecosystem is very high
9. Compliance with the anti-pollution legislation and regulation of disposal of waste streams.

1. WHO's current good manufacturing practices (CGMP) should be strictly followed by the
2. Global inconstancy increasing
3. Increased litigation in the pharmaceutical Industry
4. The industry requires more rationalization.
Basic Strategies of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd:

Marketing Strategy:

Marketing strategy is developed with the goal of increasing sales and achieving a sustainable
competitive advantage. It includes all basic and long-term activities in the field of marketing that
deal with the analysis of the strategic initial situation of a company and the formulation,
evaluation and selection of market-oriented strategies. Incepta has its own marketing stategy and
core marketing concept based on which it’s been successfully marketed its products to the
consumes throughout the years. Product: Filastin 30 (Filastin 30 pre-filled syringe injection):
Each pre-filled syringe contains 0.5 ml sterile solution which contains Filgrastim (G-CSF) 300
microgram (30 MU) as Filgrastim concentrated solution EP.

channel strategy:

Incepta has alarge distribution network that covers whole country and products available in every
single drug house. The distribution centers are in 18 major cities in Bangladesh. products are
supplied in daily basis in all the major cities and towns of the country. Remote areas are also
supplied rhythmically to ensure timely availability of products to all customers.

Pricing Strategies:

Incepta Pharma use market competitor based pricing for Filastin 30. Main competitor of Filastin
30 is Filgrast 30 which is produced by Beacon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and Neupogen which is
produced by Roche Bangladesh Ltd. If there is strong competition in a market, customers are
faced with a wide choice of who to buy from. They may buy from the cheapest provider or
perhaps from the one which offers the best customer service. But customers will certainly be
mindful of what is a reasonable or normal price in the market. Filastin 30 in a competitive drug
market do not have sufficient power to be able to set prices above their competitors. They tend to
use "going-rate" pricing – i.e. setting a price that is in line with the prices charged by direct
competitors. In effect such businesses are "price-takers" – they must accept the going market price
as determined by the forces of demand and supply. An advantage of using competitive pricing is
that selling prices should be line with rivals, so competitive disadvantage. The main problem is
that the business needs Some other way to attract customers. It has to use non-price methods to
compete – e.g. providing distinct customer service or better availability. In case of increase the
market share of Filastin 30, Penetration pricing can be associated with a marketing objective of
increasing market share or sales volume. In the short term, penetration pricing is likely to result in
lower profits than would be the case if price were set higher. However, there are some significant
benefits to long- term profitability of having a higher market share, so the pricing strategy of
Filastin 30 can often be justified.
pricing strategy of a new products: since the government strictly control price of the pharmacetical
product, a company new product should be adopt ‘shadow or indirect’ pricing method.

Focused Differentiation:
Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. also focuses on market niche, concentrating competitively on a
specific market segment. These types of products are usually charged with premium price and
only a few numbers of companies produces or imports those drugs. In this regard square
pharmaceuticals achieved a good reputation in medicine sector.

Branding strategies:

Branding: Traditionally, pharmaceutical brands were created to build awareness. When

pharmaceutical marketers talked about branding what they really meant was brand awareness and
whether or not a physician recognizes your product. Incepta has a very competent sales team,
which promotes the specialties throughout the country. The company virtually covers every single
corner of the rural as well as urban area of Bangladesh. It has its own large distribution network
having 18 depots all over the country. The company has a clear vision to become a leading
research based dosage form manufacturing company with global presence within a short period of
time. With this view in mind the company started to expand its business in overseas markets.
Currently Incepta exports to 40 different countries around the world. With hundreds of brands
registered in different countries, and many more in the pipeline, Incepta is gradually expanding its
global footprint across all the continents. Labeling and branding through attractive packaging.

Square pharmaceutical follows functional-level strategies:

Functional strategy concerns the managerial game plan for running a major functional activity or
process within a business- Research and development, production, marketing, customer service,
distribution, finance, Human resources, and so on; a business needs as many functional strategies
as it has major activities.

Mass Communication strategy:

Pharmaceutical companies commonly spend a large amount on advertising, marketing and
lobbying. In the Bangladesh, drug companies spend $19 million a year on promotions. Advertising
is common in healthcare journals as well as through more mainstream media routes.
Pharmaceutical companies generally employ sales people (often called 'drug reps' or, an older
term, 'detail men') to market directly and personally to physicians and other healthcare providers
which has no exception in case of Incepta as well. There promotional activities and
communication on new cancer product like Filastin 30 are limited to
Marketing representation
Sending Newsletter
Publishing on Health care journals
Maintaining public relation
Organizing Health events
Direct Marketing
Specimen Seminar
Relying on key opinion leader and word of mouth
Online marketing

Global-level Strategies:
Global-level strategies focus Multi domestic, International, Global and Transnational activities. In
this regard Square pharmaceuticals are not maintained above features.

Multinational strategies:
On the above discussion we can say that square pharmaceuticals properly maintain multinational
strategies. Incepta pharma diversified various products in the market; they are exporting their
products from one country to another country. Now they are trying to enter in the foreign marker
with their product.
SWOT analysis of
Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

 A widely recognized company worldwide
 Incepta has state-of-the-art facility, robust technology, validated processes and high quality standard.
 Over the last decade Incepta has continuously invested in expanding and modernization
and proven tract record in defect-free manufacturer.
 Quality and timely introduction of much needed essential medications-nasal sprays, eye
drops,prefilled syringes, vaccine etc


Weaknesses of Incepta Pharmaceutical Ltd. are

• Patent law is not updated to accommodate benefits of LDCs. In Bangladesh patents are more
prohibited under Patents and Drugs Act 1911 as amended for time to time and patents and Drugs
Rules 1933. In order to make best use of compulsory licensing and parallel imports, recent patent
law needs to be updated.

• A Task Force was created comprising members from EPB, Drug Authority, Ministry of Health,
Ministry of Commerce, NBR, Bangladesh Bank, Income Tax, Customs and so many but
unfortunately this committee could not work up to level of the requirement.

• Dependency on imported raw materials or absence of API plants.

• Absence of international standard quality control and testing laboratory.

• Absence of bio-equivalence testing and clinical facilities.

• Inadequate knowledge on TRIPS and trade related matters.

 Countrywide strong distribution. It has its own large distribution network having 18
depots all over the country.
 Transferring sector’s skill or technological know- how to a new business or a new product.
 Large production capacity
 Launching new and innovative products-facility for biologically derived products has
started its operation.

Threats for Incepta Pharmaceutical Ltd.

• Cheaper medicine from China and India.

• TRIPS may bring tough competition in the local and export market.

• India has amended 1970 Patents Act as favorable as possible.

• The sector is dependent on imported raw materials, any fluctuation in raw material prices or rate•
of exchange will have negative affect on competitive prices.

• Entry of multinationals with large-scale investment and strong backward linkage support.

• Neighbouring countries supplying products to Bangladesh through unauthorized channel.

• Imported drugs will be in the local market after enactment of revised drug policy.

• Increase of price of raw materials.

• WTO members with strong generic industries that supply Bangladesh must give full patent

• Availability and increase of the active ingredients to Bangladeshi Industry.

• WHO GMP has changed to cGMP (Current Good Manufacture Practice) which is very much
stringent to be complied by the new entrant specifically.

• Little research and development on new molecule development etc.

Porter’s 5 Forces Model involving Square:

Porter’s 5 force model is a standard analysis process to identify the external environment of a
company. For Square pharmaceutical ltd we analyzed the external environment of the
pharmaceutical industry of Bangladesh and the analysis revealed the following result.

Bargain Power of Customer: Low

Bargain Power of Supplier: Low

Rivalry among Existing Firms: High

Threat of Substitute Products: Very Low

Threat of New Entrants: Very High

Research & Development facility:

Research is a critical thrust area for us because it is the foundation upon which our strategy to
introduce new products and delivering quality products to customers' stand. As a result of our
efforts in R & D we have been successful in developing and introducing quality products faster
than our competitors. We have built up a sophisticated R & D facility equipped with state-of-the-
art equipment and facilities. Our R & D is a highly experienced multidisciplinary team. The
objective of this R & D strength is to develop new drug delivery system and various dosage
forms like controlled release, immediate release, melt in the mouth, effervescent formulations,
nasal preparations, cream & ointment preparations, liquid injections like Insulin and large
volume amino acid solution for injection, powder filled vials, prefilled syringe injections, Depot
injections, ophthalmic products, lyophilized products in key therapeutic segments in addition to
the conventional dosage forms.

Formulation & Development at Incepta R & D ensures:

 Pre-formulation studies to check bio-chemical action of ingredients.

 Trials to assess efficiency and reproducibility of formulation (process validation)
 Stability study following ICH guide-line to check physical, chemical, and
microbiological aspects of formulation. Standardize processes for uniform quality.
 Transfer of technology to production department.
 Analytical method validation.
Equipment Facilities for R & D:

We have a separate Galenical laboratory for R & D, equipped with all the necessary machineries
& equipments of GMP standard in small scale for the team to develop products.

Analytical development is supported by our Quality Control Department. Quality Control

Department is equipped with highly sophisticated instruments like UPLC, Gas Chromatography,
Atomic absorption spectrophotometer, FTIR, etc. A dedicated team is involved in the
development and validation of methods of API, raw materials & finished products. A highly
sophisticated microbiology laboratory has been setup to cater to the need for quality control of
regular products as well as control of all the different biological products that the company

Our R & D team has pioneered the technology development and subsequent introduction of 138
new products for the first time in Bangladesh market (up to June, 2013). Following are a few of
this long list of products:

 Losartan Potassium tablet

 Pantoprazole Sodium delayed release tablet
 Loratadine melt in the mouth (Flash) tablet
 Verapamil hydrochloride SR tablet
 Calcium with Vitamin C effervescent tablet
 Multivitamin with multi-mineral tablet which contains 32 Vitamins & minerals
 Insulin Glargine (rDNA) injection and other Insulin products
 Prefilled injection technology products like Enoxaparin
 Lyophilized injections of Pantoprazole, Esomeprazole and Omeprazole
 Filgrastim injection
 Erythropoetin injection
 Zoledronic Acid injection


Incepta strongly believes that commitment towards people and the society as a whole positively
contributes towards its business objective. Incepta adopts different strategies which create a
sustainable advantage for the company. It is the first Bangladeshi pharmaceutical company to
implement SAP to manage resources throughout the company operation. This world class
resource management system allows the company to become more efficient and effective in its
day to day operation. Incepta is taking special efforts to ensure presence in the rest of the globe.
Incepta currently sells its product in many countries of Asia, Africa, Central and Latin America
and has started to sell in Europe. In Europe the company has registered its own product in UK
and has started selling. It is evident that Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. will be maintaining its
position and also trying to gain a competitive market share by implementing innovative
strategies in the coming years as it is demanded by the highly competitive local and global
pharmaceutical industry environment.

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