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Design and calculation permanent CP system

1. Design parameter
Required current density for coated carbon steel in soil (ir)* ir 10 mA/m^2
System design life for permanent CP system (Yl) Yl 20 years
Average soil resistivity at groundbed active section (pG)* Pg 3393
Silicon iron anode practical consumption rate (Ca)** Ca 0.1 kg/A.y
Calcined petroleum (graphite) coke practical consumption rate (Cb)** Cb 1 kg/A.y

* JST-IR-PI17-581 ‘Cathodic Protection system Investigation and Current Drainage Test

Report for Ca Mau Fertilizer Plant’
** NACE Corrosion Engineer’s Reference Book Third Edition – Page 172
2. Design calculation
2.1. Current requirement
The permanent cathodic protection protective current requirements shall be calculated as follows:
Current Required (IT) =Total Pipe-work & Tank Surface Area (∑SA)x Current density(i r)
IT=∑SAT x ir 160,850 mA
160.85 A
Full surface area calculations for all buried pipe-work sections and buried tanks are
Total Surface Area to be Protected ∑SA 13,404 m^2
Additional Surface Area Allowance at 20% ∆SA 2,681 m^2
Total Design Surface Area to be Protected ∑SAT = ∑SA+∆SA 16,085 m^2

Existing TRU’s Combined Current Output Capacity (IEX)

IEX =sum (Iexi) 260 A
TRU-001 East Side Main Office Building 40A 50V IEX1 40 A
TRU-002 Cathodic Protection Room 40A 50V IEX2 40 A
TRU-003 North of Dosing Unit Building 40A 50V IEX3 40 A
TRU-004 East Side Flare Tower Yard 40A 50V IEX4 40 A
TRU-005 North East of Tank T20206 40A 50V IEX5 40 A
TRU-006 West of Dual Transformer Rooms 60A 50V IEX6 60 A
Additional System Current Output Capacity IEX - IT 99.15 A
2.2. Deepwell Groundbed Calculations 62%
To ensure that full protection is provided to the buried pipe work and tanks the current
output of the deepwell groundbed when coupled to the pipe work is calculated.
IT is the total required current and equal to I A the current output from the deepwell
groundbed and Applying Ohm’s Law
∆VD = IT x RT and IA = ∆VD/RT
VD is the circuit driving voltage provided by the transformer rectifier unit.
RT is the total circuit resistance of the deepwell/pipe work/tank circuit and is calculated
from the formula:
RT = RA + RP+ RC
RA = Deepwell groundbed resistance (Anode resistance)
RP = pipe work and tanks resistance
RC = circuit cabling resistance.
2.2.1 Anode resistance to remote earth Ra
The resistance of semi-deepwell groundbed is calculated from the modified H.B.
Dwight’s formula:
pg = Soil Resistivity at Groundbed Location* pg 3,393
33.93 Ohm.m
La = Length (depth) of active groundbed = ‘X’ m
For groundbeds GB001 thru GB005 Lg1-5 30 m
For groundbed GB006 Lg6 50 m
Dg = Diameter of groundbed Dg 0.2 m
RAGBED001-GBED005 1.09679568 Ohm
RAGBED006 0.71327586 Ohm

* The maximum recorded soil resistivity at depths equal to or below 20m depth as per
JST-IR-PI17-581 ‘Cathodic Protection system Investigation and Current Drainage Test
Report for Ca Mau Fertilizer Plant
2.2.2 Pipe and tank resistance (pipeline resistance to remote earth) Rp
Pipe work and tank resistance is calculated as follows:-
Note: Pipe work and tanks Potential Difference (∆E P) which is a scalar quantity with
respect to CSE.
∆EP = EPprotected pipe/tank - EPnative pipe/tank ∆EP 0.35 V
EPprotected pipe/tank 0.85 V
EPnative pipe/tank 0.5 V
Estimated specific Coating Resistance (C R)
CR = ∆EP / ir CR 0.035 V.m^2/mA
35 Ohm.m^2
Where, ir is the applied/required current density

Pipe work and tanks resistance to remote earth (R P)

RP = CR / ∑SAT Rp 0.00218 Ohm
Where, ∑SAT is the total design surface area to be protected
2.2.3 Cable resistance Rc
Cable resistance (Rc) Rc = fR x Lc x ft
Lc = Length of cable run (m)
fR = Cable resistance factor Ohm/km
ft = Temperature correction factor at 30 C = 1
Considering deepwell/pipeline circuit cabling as follows for groundbeds GB001 thru
Resistance of 16mm2 cable (fR16mm2) fR16mm2 1.15 Ohm/km
Resistance of 25mm2 cable (fR25mm2) fR25mm2 0.727 Ohm/km
Resistance of cable from TRU to PJB
RcTRU-PJB = LcTRU-PJB x fR25mm2 RcTRU-PJB 0.03635 Ohm
Header cable from TRU to Positive Junction Box (PJB) size 25 mm^2
Header cable from TRU to PJB length (LcTRU-PJB) 50 m

Resistance of cable from TRU to NJB

RcTRU-NJB = LcTRU-NJB x fR25mm2 RcTRU-NJB 0.03635 Ohm
Header cable from TRU to Negative Junction Box size (NJB) 25 mm^2
Header cable from TRU001 to NJB length (LcTRU-NJB) 50 m

Resistance of cable from NJB001 to Pipe work

RcNJB-Pipe = LcNJB-Pipe x fR25mm2 RcNJB-Pipe 0.00727 Ohm
Header cable from NJB to Pipe work size 25 mm^2
Header cable from NJB to Pipe work length (LcNJB-Pipe) 10 m
Resistance of Anode cable PJB to Anode
RcPJB-Anode = LcPJB-Anode x fR16mm2 RcPJB-Anode 0.069 Ohm
Anode cable from PJB to Anode for all anodes 16 mm^2
Anode cable from PJB to deepest anode, length (LcPJB-Anode) 60 m
However, there are four anode circuits in parallel so that:
R’cPJB-Anode = RcPJB-Anode/n R’cPJB-Anode 0.01725 Ohm
Where: n: number of anode in each ground bed n 4 Anode

Therefore, total cable resistance of each ground bed 1 to 5

RcGBED001-GBED005 = RcTRU-PJB + RcTRU-NJB + RcNJB-Pipe + R’cPJB-Anode 0.09722 Ohm

Considering deepwell/pipeline circuit cabling as follows for groundbeds GB006

Resistance of 16mm2 cable (fR16mm2) fR16mm2 1.15 Ohm/km
Resistance of 35mm2 cable (fR35mm2) fR35mm2 0.524 Ohm/km
Resistance of cable from TRU to PJB
RcTRU-PJB = LcTRU-PJB x fR35mm2 RcTRU-PJB 0.0262 Ohm
Header cable from TRU to Positive Junction Box (PJB) size 35 mm^2
Header cable from TRU to PJB length (LcTRU-PJB) 50 m

Resistance of cable from TRU to NJB

RcTRU-NJB = LcTRU-NJB x fR35mm2 RcTRU-NJB 0.0262 Ohm
Header cable from TRU to Negative Junction Box size (NJB) 35 mm^2
Header cable from TRU006 to NJB length (LcTRU-NJB) 50 m

Resistance of cable from NJB006 to Pipe work

RcNJB-Pipe = LcNJB-Pipe x fR35mm2 RcNJB-Pipe 0.00524 Ohm
Header cable from NJB to Pipe work size 25 mm^2
Header cable from NJB to Pipe work length (LcNJB-Pipe) 10 m

Resistance of Anode cable PJB to Anode

RcPJB-Anode = LcPJB-Anode x fR16mm2 RcPJB-Anode 0.092 Ohm
Anode cable from PJB to Anode for all anodes 16 mm^2
Anode cable from PJB to deepest anode, length (LcPJB-Anode) 80 m
However, there are four anode circuits in parallel so that:
R’cPJB-Anode = RcPJB-Anode/n R’cPJB-Anode 0.01533333 Ohm
Where: n: number of anode in each ground bed 6 n 6 Anode

Therefore, total cable resistance of ground bed 6

RcGBED006 = RcTRU-PJB + RcTRU-NJB + RcNJB-Pipe + R’cPJB-Anode 0.07297333 Ohm

2.2.4 Total circuit resistance

RT = RA + RP+ RC
RA = Deepwell groundbed resistance (Anode resistance)
RP = pipe work and tanks resistance
RC = circuit cabling resistance.
RTGbed 01- Gbed 05 = RAGbed 01- Gbed 05 + RP+ RCGbed 01- Gbed 05 1.20 Ohm
RTGbed 06 = RAGbed 06 + RP+ RCGbed 06 0.79 Ohm
2.3 Transformer Rectifier Voltage Output Calculations
The voltage requirements of the system are those normally necessary to permit the
system to provide the required protective current and are dependent upon the voltage
available at the transformer rectifier unit (E T).
ET = (ITRU x RT) + Back EMF+ Potential swing at pipe
The required TRU output from design with the required total current equally divided
between the 6 TRU’s is calculated as follows:
ITRU-req = IT /6 ITRU-req 26.81 A
The maximum TRU output based on the unit output rating
ITRU-maxGBED001-GBED005 40 A
VTRU-maxGBED001-GBED005 50 V
ITRU-maxGBED006 60 A
VTRU-maxGBED006 50 V
Back EMF 1.5 V
Potential swing at pipe (due to pipe polarisation) 1 V
Therefore, under required output conditions:
ETGBED001-GBED005-req = ( ITRU-req x RT)+Back EMF+ Potential swing at pipe 34.5679038 V
ETGBED006-req = ( ITRU-req x RT)+Back EMF+ Potential swing at pipe 23.6363638 V
Under maximum rated output conditions:
ETGBED001-GBED005-max = ( ITRU- maxGBED001-GBED005x RT)+Back EMF+ Potential swing at pipe 50.35 V
Not satisfy
ETGBED006-max = ( ITRU-maxGBED006 x RT)+Back EMF+ Potential swing at pipe 49.81 V
2.4 Groundbed Consumption Calculation
The consumption of anode materials and hence the total weight of materials required at
a given system life for a single anode installation is calculated from:
Weight Required (WR) = Yl x Ca/b x ITRU
ITRU = TRU Output Current = IG = Groundbed Output Current
ITRU-req 26.81 A
ITRU-maxGBED001-GBED005 40 A
ITRU-maxGBED006 60 A
Yl = Required system life = 20 years 20 year
Ca = Anode consumption rate encased in backfill* 0.1 kg/A.y
Cb = Backfill consumption rate* 1 kg/A.y

Considering, weight of silicon iron anode required (WRa)

When ITRU-req = 26.81 A, WRa-req 53.6166667 kg
When ITRU-maxGBED001-GBED005= 40 A, WRaTRU-maxGBED001-GBED005 80 kg
When ITRU-maxGBED006= 60 A, WRaTRU-maxGBED006 120 kg

Using 58mm diameter and 2134mm length tubular silicon iron anodes of weight 21kg
Weight of single anode (Wa) = 21 kg 21 kg
Number of Anodes Required (Na) = WRa / Wa
Na-req = WRa-req/Wa Na-req 2.5531746
Roundup 3 Anode
Na-maxGBED001-GBED005=WRa-maxGBED001-GBED005/Wa Na-maxGBED001-5 3.80952381
Roundup 4 Anode
Na-maxGBED006 = WRa-maxGBED006/Wa Na-maxGBED006 5.71428571
Roundup 6 Anode
Number of anodes to be supplied (Ns) shall be based on ITRU-max output current
conditions, such that:
Ns-maxGBED001-GBED005 4 Anode
Ns-maxGBED006 6 Anode

Weight of calcined petroleum coke breeze backfill required (WRb)

When ITRU-req = 26.81 A, WRb-req 536.17 kg
When ITRU-maxGBED001-GBED005= 40 A, WRbTRU-maxGBED001-GBED005 800 kg
When ITRU-maxGBED006= 60 A, WRbTRU-maxGBED006 1200 kg

Total weight of carbonaceous backfill supplied = volume of active groundbed x density

of calcined petroleum coke breeze backfills.
Consider groundbeds GB001 thru GB005, which are of
Length (LgGBED001-GBED005) 30 m
Diameter (da) and active 0.2 m
Anode length 2.134 m
Number of anode 4 anode
Anode diameter 0.058 m
Minimum volume of coke breeze column = total vol. of active-total vol. of anode 0.91945864 m^3
Density of calcined petroleum coke breeze backfill = 1,185 kg/m^3
Total weight calcined petroleum coke breeze backfill supplied per groundbed (WSb)
WSb GBED001-GBED005 1089.55849 kg
Consider groundbeds GB006, which are of satisfy
Length (LgGBED006) 50 m
Diameter (da) and active 0.2 m
Anode length 2.134 m
Number of anode 6 anode
Anode diameter 0.058 m
Minimum volume of coke breeze column = total vol. of active - total vol. of anode 1.54745864 m^3
Density of calcined petroleum coke breeze backfill = 1,185 kg/m^3
Total weight calcined petroleum coke breeze backfill supplied per groundbed (WSb)
WSb GBED006 1833.73849
satisfy kg
Therefore, in all cases under both conditions of both required current (ITRU-req) and
maximum (ITRU-max ) current output WSb (supply)>WRb(require) and the total weight of calcined petroleum
coke breeze backfill supplied in the deepwell groundbed installations exceeds the total
weight required to achieve a minimum 20 year system operating life and is acceptable.

2.5. Anode discharge current density

Limiting maximum anode discharge current density (i anode-lim) ianode-lim 80 ADC/m^2
Diameter of anode (Danode) Danode 0.058 m
Length of anode (Lanode) Lanode 2.134 m
Surface area of anode (SAanode) SAanode 0.38864408 m^2

All ground bed

Nominal current output of each anode (Ianode-nom)=I TRU-req/number of anode Ianode-nom 6.70 A
Number of anode 4.00 anode
Nominal anode discharges current density (i anode-nom)=Ianode-nom/SAanode ianode-nom 17.24 A/m^2
If ianode-nom < ianode-lim satisfy

Ground bed 01-05

Max current output of each anode (Ianode-max)=I TRU-max/number of anode Ianode-max 10.00 A
Number of anode 4.00 anode
Max anode discharges current density (i anode-nom)=Ianode-max/SAanode ianode-max 25.73 A/m^2
If ianode-max < ianode-lim satisfy
Ground bed 06
Max current output of each anode (Ianode-max)=I TRU-max/number of anode Ianode-max 10.00 A
Number of anode 6.00 anode
Max anode discharges current density (i anode-nom)=Ianode-max/SAanode ianode-max 25.73 A/m^2
If ianode-max < ianode-lim satisfy

2.6. Anode spacing within active groundbed section

To ensure uniform discharge of current from the active groundbed section it is
necessary to determine the maximum anode spacing within active groundbed section.
In accordance with the guidance laid down in NACE publication ‘ Deep Anode Systems
– Design Installation and Operation authored by T.H. Lewis’ the discharge current
density variation shall be limited to 25% along the column.
Table 5, provides details of maximum anode spacing to ensure that current density
variation is limited to 25%.
The soil resistivity at groundbed depths (ρG) = 3,393 Ωcm
Carbon backfill resistivity (ρc) with 20m inactive depth soil loading = <3 Ωcm
Maximum anode spacing within groundbed from Table 5 (Smax) = 10m
Anode spacing (Sa) = La/Ns
Anode spacing GBED001 to GBED005 (SactualGBED001-GBED005)= 30m/4anodes = 7.5m
Anode spacing GBED006 (Sactual-GBED006) = 50m/6anodes = 8.4m
Therefore, in all instances Sactual < Smax = Acceptable.
Design and calculation permanent CP system Notes: Red text: Has changed
(Document no. ED-PI17-581-001) Back text: Not change

5.2. Design parameter

Required current density for coated carbon steel in soil (ir)* ir 10 mA/m^2
System design life for permanent CP system (Yl) Yl 20 years
Average soil resistivity at groundbed active section (pG)* Pg 3393
MMO anode
MMO tubular anode 2.5cm diameter, 100cm length, wire size #6 was selected
Maximum output of each anode to achieve 20 years lifetime*** imax anode 11 A/anode
Calcined petroleum (graphite) coke practical consumption rate (Cb)** Cb 1 kg/A.y

* JST-IR-PI17-581 ‘Cathodic Protection system Investigation and Current Drainage Test

Report for Ca Mau Fertilizer Plant’
** NACE Corrosion Engineer’s Reference Book Third Edition – Page 172
*** LIDA MMO anode by DE NORA
5.3. Design calculation
5.3.1. Current requirement
The permanent cathodic protection protective current requirements shall be calculated as follows:
Current Required (IT) =Total Pipe-work & Tank Surface Area (∑SA)x Current density(i r)
IT=∑SAT x ir 160,850 mA
160.85 A
Full surface area calculations for all buried pipe-work sections and buried tanks are
Total Surface Area to be Protected ∑SA 13,404 m^2
Additional Surface Area Allowance at 20% ∆SA 2,681 m^2
Total Design Surface Area to be Protected ∑SAT = ∑SA+∆SA 16,085 m^2

Existing TRU’s Combined Current Output Capacity (IEX)

IEX =sum (Iexi) 260 A
TRU-001 East Side Main Office Building 40A 50V IEX1 40 A
TRU-002 Cathodic Protection Room 40A 50V IEX2 40 A
TRU-003 North of Dosing Unit Building 40A 50V IEX3 40 A
TRU-004 East Side Flare Tower Yard 40A 50V IEX4 40 A
TRU-005 North East of Tank T20206 40A 50V IEX5 40 A
TRU-006 West of Dual Transformer Rooms 60A 50V IEX6 60 A
Additional System Current Output Capacity IEX - IT 99.15 A
5.3.2. Deepwell Groundbed Calculations
To ensure that full protection is provided to the buried pipe work and tanks the current
output of the deepwell groundbed when coupled to the pipe work is calculated.
IT is the total required current and equal to I A the current output from the deepwell
groundbed and Applying Ohm’s Law
∆VD = IT x RT and IA = ∆VD/RT
VD is the circuit driving voltage provided by the transformer rectifier unit.
RT is the total circuit resistance of the deepwell/pipe work/tank circuit and is calculated
from the formula:
RT = RA + RP+ RC
RA = Deepwell groundbed resistance (Anode resistance)
RP = pipe work and tanks resistance
RC = circuit cabling resistance.

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5.3.3 Anode resistance calculation
The resistance of semi-deepwell groundbed is calculated from the modified H.B.
Dwight’s formula:

pg = Soil Resistivity at Groundbed Location* pg 3,393
33.93 Ohm.m
La = Length (depth) of active groundbed = ‘X’ m
For groundbeds GB001 thru GB005 Lg1-5 30 m
For groundbed GB006 Lg6 50 m
Dg = Diameter of groundbed Dg 0.2 m
RAGBED001-GBED005 1.09679568 Ohm
RAGBED006 0.71327586 Ohm

* The maximum recorded soil resistivity at depths equal to or below 20m depth as per
JST-IR-PI17-581 ‘Cathodic Protection system Investigation and Current Drainage Test
Report for Ca Mau Fertilizer Plant
5.3.4 Pipeline resistance Rp
Pipe work and tank resistance is calculated as follows:-
Note: Pipe work and tanks Potential Difference (∆E P) which is a scalar quantity with
respect to CSE.
∆EP = EPprotected pipe/tank - EPnative pipe/tank ∆EP 0.35 V
EPprotected pipe/tank 0.85 V
EPnative pipe/tank 0.5 V
Estimated specific Coating Resistance (C R)
CR = ∆EP / ir CR 0.035 V.m^2/mA
35 Ohm.m^2
Where, ir is the applied/required current density

Pipe work and tanks resistance to remote earth (R P)

RP = CR / ∑SAT Rp 0.00218 Ohm
Where, ∑SAT is the total design surface area to be protected
5.3.5 Cable resistance Rc
Cable resistance (Rc) Rc = fR x Lc x ft
Lc = Length of cable run (m)
fR = Cable resistance factor Ohm/km
ft = Temperature correction factor at 30 C = 1
Considering deepwell/pipeline circuit cabling as follows for groundbeds GB001 thru
Resistance of wire #6 cable 13.3mm^2 (f R #6) fR16mm2 1.296 Ohm/km
Resistance of 25mm2 cable (fR25mm2) fR25mm2 0.727 Ohm/km
Resistance of cable from TRU to PJB
RcTRU-PJB = LcTRU-PJB x fR25mm2 RcTRU-PJB 0.03635 Ohm
Header cable from TRU to Positive Junction Box (PJB) size 25 mm^2
Header cable from TRU to PJB length (LcTRU-PJB) 50 m

Resistance of cable from TRU to NJB

RcTRU-NJB = LcTRU-NJB x fR25mm2 RcTRU-NJB 0.03635 Ohm
Header cable from TRU to Negative Junction Box size (NJB) 25 mm^2

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Header cable from TRU001 to NJB length (LcTRU-NJB) 50 m

Resistance of cable from NJB001 to Pipe work

RcNJB-Pipe = LcNJB-Pipe x fR25mm2 RcNJB-Pipe 0.00727 Ohm
Header cable from NJB to Pipe work size 25 mm^2
Header cable from NJB to Pipe work length (LcNJB-Pipe) 10 m

Resistance of Anode cable PJB to Anode

RcPJB-Anode = LcPJB-Anode x fR16mm2 RcPJB-Anode 0.07776 Ohm
Anode cable from PJB to Anode for all anodes 13.3 mm^2
Anode cable from PJB to deepest anode, length (LcPJB-Anode) 60 m
However, there are four anode circuits in parallel so that:
R’cPJB-Anode = RcPJB-Anode/n R’cPJB-Anode 0.01944 Ohm
Where: n: number of anode in each ground bed n 4 Anode

Therefore, total cable resistance of each ground bed 1 to 5

RcGBED001-GBED005 = RcTRU-PJB + RcTRU-NJB + RcNJB-Pipe + R’cPJB-Anode 0.09941 Ohm

Considering deepwell/pipeline circuit cabling as follows for groundbeds GB006

Resistance of wire #6 cable (fR #6) fR16mm2 1.296 Ohm/km
Resistance of 35mm2 cable (fR35mm2) fR35mm2 0.524 Ohm/km
Resistance of cable from TRU to PJB
RcTRU-PJB = LcTRU-PJB x fR35mm2 RcTRU-PJB 0.0262 Ohm
Header cable from TRU to Positive Junction Box (PJB) size 35 mm^2
Header cable from TRU to PJB length (LcTRU-PJB) 50 m

Resistance of cable from TRU to NJB

RcTRU-NJB = LcTRU-NJB x fR35mm2 RcTRU-NJB 0.0262 Ohm
Header cable from TRU to Negative Junction Box size (NJB) 35 mm^2
Header cable from TRU006 to NJB length (LcTRU-NJB) 50 m

Resistance of cable from NJB006 to Pipe work

RcNJB-Pipe = LcNJB-Pipe x fR35mm2 RcNJB-Pipe 0.00524 Ohm
Header cable from NJB to Pipe work size 25 mm^2
Header cable from NJB to Pipe work length (LcNJB-Pipe) 10 m

Resistance of Anode cable PJB to Anode

RcPJB-Anode = LcPJB-Anode x fR16mm2 RcPJB-Anode 0.10368 Ohm
Anode cable from PJB to Anode for all anodes 13.3 mm^2
Anode cable from PJB to deepest anode, length (LcPJB-Anode) 80 m
However, there are four anode circuits in parallel so that:
R’cPJB-Anode = RcPJB-Anode/n R’cPJB-Anode 0.01728 Ohm
Where: n: number of anode in each ground bed 6 n 6 Anode

Therefore, total cable resistance of ground bed 6

RcGBED006 = RcTRU-PJB + RcTRU-NJB + RcNJB-Pipe + R’cPJB-Anode 0.07492 Ohm

5.3.6 Total circuit resistance

RT = RA + RP+ RC
RA = Deepwell groundbed resistance (Anode resistance)
RP = pipe work and tanks resistance
RC = circuit cabling resistance.

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RTGbed 01- Gbed 05 = RAGbed 01- Gbed 05 + RP+ RCGbed 01- Gbed 05 1.20 Ohm
RTGbed 06 = RAGbed 06 + RP+ RCGbed 06 0.79 Ohm

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5.3.7 Transformer Rectifier Voltage Output Calculations
The voltage requirements of the system are those normally necessary to permit the
system to provide the required protective current and are dependent upon the voltage
available at the transformer rectifier unit (E T).
ET = (ITRU x RT) + Back EMF+ Potential swing at pipe
The required TRU output from design with the required total current equally divided
between the 6 TRU’s is calculated as follows:
ITRU-req = IT /6 ITRU-req 26.81 A
The maximum TRU output based on the unit output rating
ITRU-maxGBED001-GBED005 40 A
VTRU-maxGBED001-GBED005 50 V
ITRU-maxGBED006 60 A
VTRU-maxGBED006 50 V
Back EMF 1.5 V
Potential swing at pipe (due to pipe polarisation) 1 V
Therefore, under required output conditions:
ETGBED001-GBED005-req = ( ITRU-req x RT)+Back EMF+ Potential swing at pipe 34.6266141 V
<= rate of TRU Satisfy
ETGBED006-req = ( ITRU-req x RT)+Back EMF+ Potential swing at pipe 23.6885507 V
<= rate of TRU Satisfy
Under maximum rated output conditions:
ETGBED001-GBED005-max = ( ITRU- maxGBED001-GBED005x RT)+Back EMF+ Potential swing at pipe 50 V
<= rate of TRU Satisfy
ETGBED006-max = ( ITRU-maxGBED006 x RT)+Back EMF+ Potential swing at pipe 49.92 V
<= rate of TRU Satisfy
Under both conditions of ITRU-req and ITRU-max, for all TRU’s, ET is less than the rated output
voltage of the TRU’s and is therefore acceptable
5.3.8 Groundbed Consumption Calculation
The consumption of anode materials and hence the total weight of materials required at
a given system life for a single anode installation is calculated from:
Weight Required (WR) = Yl x Ca/b x ITRU
ITRU = TRU Output Current = IG = Groundbed Output Current
ITRU-req 26.81 A
ITRU-maxGBED001-GBED005 40 A
ITRU-maxGBED006 60 A
Yl = Required system life = 20 years 20 year
Ca = Anode consumption rate encased in backfill* kg/A.y
Cb = Backfill consumption rate* 1 kg/A.y
as a function of DESIGN LIFETIME
MMO anode 2.5cm diameter, 100cm length
Maximum output of each anode to achieve 20 years lifetime imax anode 11 A/anode
Number of Anodes Required (Na) = ITRU / i max anode
Nareq = ITRU-req/imax anode Na-req 2.44
Roundup 3 Anode
NamaxGBED001-GBED005=I TRU-maxGBED001-GBED005/imax anode NamaxGBED001-5 3.63636364
Roundup 4 Anode
NamaxGBED006 = I TRU-maxGBED006/imax anode NamaxGBED006 5.45454545
Roundup 6 Anode

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Number of anodes to be supplied (Ns) shall be based on ITRU-max output current
conditions, such that:
Ns-maxGBED001-GBED005 4 Anode
Ns-maxGBED006 6 Anode

Weight of calcined petroleum coke breeze backfill required (WRb)

When ITRU-req = ### A, WRb-req 536.17 kg
When ITRU-maxGBED001-GBED005= 40 A, WRbTRU-maxGBED001-GBED005 800 kg
When ITRU-maxGBED006= 60 A, WRbTRU-maxGBED006 1200 kg

Total weight of carbonaceous backfill supplied = volume of active groundbed x density

of calcined petroleum coke breeze backfills.
Consider groundbeds GB001 thru GB005, which are of
Length (LgGBED001-GBED005) 30 m
Diameter (da) and active 0.2 m
Minimum volume of coke breeze column = total vol. of active 0.942 m^3
Density of calcined petroleum coke breeze backfill = 1,185 kg/m^3
Total weight calcined petroleum coke breeze backfill supplied per groundbed (WSb)
WSb GBED001-GBED005 1116.27 kg
>= weight require satisfy
Consider groundbeds GB006, which are of
Length (LgGBED006) 50 m
Diameter (da) and active 0.2 m
Minimum volume of coke breeze column = total vol. of active - total vol. of anode 1.57 m^3
Density of calcined petroleum coke breeze backfill = 1,185 kg/m^3
Total weight calcined petroleum coke breeze backfill supplied per groundbed (WSb)
WSb GBED006 1860.45
>= weight require satisfy kg
Therefore, in all cases under both conditions of both required current (ITRU-req) and
maximum (ITRU-max ) current output WSb (supply)>WRb(require) and the total weight of calcined petroleum
coke breeze backfill supplied in the deepwell groundbed installations exceeds the total
weight required to achieve a minimum 20 year system operating life and is acceptable.
5.3.9. Anode consideration
Anode discharge current
Limiting maximum anode discharge current of MMO anode 2.5cm diameter, 100cm length (I anode-lim) 11 A
to achive 20 years lifetime. 0.025 m
Nominal current output of anode (Ianode-nom)=ITRU-req/4 6.70 A
Maximum current output of anode (Ianode-max) = 40A DC/4 10 A
Therefore, in all instances Ianode-max < Ianode-lim = Acceptable

Anode spacing within active groundbed section

To ensure uniform discharge of current from the active groundbed section it is
necessary to determine the maximum anode spacing within active groundbed section.
In accordance with the guidance laid down in NACE publication ‘ Deep Anode Systems
– Design Installation and Operation authored by T.H. Lewis’ the discharge current
density variation shall be limited to 25% along the column.
Table 5, provides details of maximum anode spacing to ensure that current density
variation is limited to 25%.
The soil resistivity at groundbed depths (ρG) = 3,393 Ωcm
Carbon backfill resistivity (ρc) with 20m inactive depth soil loading = <3 Ωcm
Maximum anode spacing within groundbed from Table 5 (Smax) = 10m
Anode spacing (Sa) = La/Ns

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Anode spacing GBED001 to GBED005 (SactualGBED001-GBED005)= 30m/4anodes = 7.5m
Anode spacing GBED006 (Sactual-GBED006) = 50m/6anodes = 8.4m
Therefore, in all instances Sactual < Smax = Acceptable.

*** Technical specification of LIDA MMO anode by DE NORA

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p 1.724E-08 Ohm.m
L 1000 m
S 1.33E-05 mm^2
R 1.2962406 Ohm/km

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