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Analytica Chimica Acta 1034 (2018) 85e91

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Kinetic study of continuous liquid-liquid extraction of wine with real-

time detection
Hui-Hsien Yang a, b, Ewelina P. Dutkiewicz a, Pawel L. Urban b, c, *
Department of Applied Chemistry, National Chiao Tung University, 1001 University Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan
Department of Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Sec 2, Kuang-Fu Rd., Hsinchu, 30013, Taiwan
Frontier Research Center on Fundamental and Applied Sciences of Matters, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Sec 2, Kuang-Fu Rd, Hsinchu, 30013, Taiwan

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 Continuous liquid-liquid extraction is

hyphenated on-line with mass
 The analysis process is automated
using an Arduino-based control
 The recorded real-time datasets are
used to characterize the extraction
 The on-line method is applicable to
analysis of volatile species in wine.
 It enables monitoring changes in
wine composition after opening

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Kinetic optimization of continuous liquid-liquid extraction (CLLE) can shorten sample preparation times
Received 29 March 2018 and reduce losses of labile or volatile analytes. Here, we coupled a downscaled CLLE apparatus with
Received in revised form atmospheric pressure chemical ionization interface of triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. Real-time
16 June 2018
sampling was guided by an Arduino-based programmable logic controller. The recorded datasets were
Accepted 23 June 2018
processed to compute the extraction rate constants for the target analytes. The extraction time in sub-
Available online 29 June 2018
sequent on-line experiments was set to 180 min as a compromise between the reduction of the analysis
time and maximizing its yield. Interestingly, off-line analysis of the extract produced different results
than on-line analysis pointing to the immanent degradation of the collected extract aliquots. Next, we
Continuous liquid/liquid extraction implemented this hyphenated system in the analysis of red wine samples, which were stored during
Hyphenated techniques different periods of time after opening the bottle. The results reveal differences in the depletion of the
Mass spectrometry volatile wine components during storage.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Among the sample preparation techniques employed by

chemists, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) occupies a prominent po-
* Corresponding author. Department of Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University, sition. Despite its long history, it cannot be completely replaced by
101, Sec 2, Kuang-Fu Rd., Hsinchu, 30013, Taiwan.
E-mail addresses: (H.-H. Yang), edutkiewicz123@gmail.
more modern extraction schemes. It is versatile because it can be
com (E.P. Dutkiewicz), (P.L. Urban). used to extract analytes with diverse properties: volatile and non-
0003-2670/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
86 H.-H. Yang et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 1034 (2018) 85e91

volatile, polar and non-polar, ionic and non-ionic [1e3]. Selectivity 2. Materials and methods
of LLE can readily be adjusted by using different extracting solvents
or additives. In many laboratory-scale implementations, LLE is 2.1. Materials
conducted manually. Attempts were made to automate liquid-
phase extractions (e.g. Refs. [4,5]) However, highly mechanized Ethanol (GC grade), water (LC grade), ethyl acetate, ethyl hex-
LLE systems are costly and have limited flexibility. Continuous anoate, ethyl 3-hydroxyhexanoate, ethyl octanoate, ethyl butyrate,
liquid-liquid extraction (CLLE) enables self-sustained extraction of and ethyl 2-methylbutyrate were all purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
samples with immiscible solvents in the presence of a heat source (St. Louis, MO, USA). Ethyl propionate, ethyl phenylacetate, and
[6]. Though it circumvents mechanization, it facilitates unsuper- diethyl succinate were purchased from Alfa Aesar (Heysam, UK).
vised extraction of dilute samples over extended periods of time, Ethyl 3-phenylpropionate and ethyl lactate were purchased from TCI
what is necessary when analyzing low-abundance organic Chemicals (Chennai, India). Hexane (LC or GC grade; extraction
compounds. liquid) was purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). Isotopi-
While extractions are mostly conducted off-line (e.g. Ref. [7]), cally labeled diethyl succinate (1,2,3,4-13C4; isotopic enrichment:
it is appealing to combine this sample preparation step with on- 99%; chemical purity: 98%) was purchased from Cambridge Isotope
line detection systems. Detecting the extracted analytes in real Laboratories (Andover, USA), and used as internal standard. In this
time (or with little delay) eliminates one of the steps in the study, the extraction techniques were tested on samples of a selected
analysis workflow e minimizing the risk of extract degradation (undisclosed) brand of Spanish red wine (Syrah/Garnacha grapes)
and reducing the manual operation burden [5,8e12]. Moreover, from 2011, with the alcohol content of 13.5% (vol.), purchased in a
as shown for Soxhlet extraction [10], coupling extractions with local supermarket (Hsinchu, Taiwan). The samples were normally
on-line detection systems provides the data necessary for kinetic collected within one week from opening the bottles, which were
characterization of the extraction process. Obtaining kinetic in- refrigerated (4  C), except for the study of storage time, in which case
formation on the extraction of the target analytes from any the previously opened bottles were stored for ~ 7 months.
sample of interest is useful because it enables rapid optimization
of the sample preparation procedure. Extraction rates and yields 2.2. Miniature continuous liquid-liquid extraction system
may be affected by the type of sample matrix, extracting solvent,
their volumes, as well as the geometry of the extraction chamber, In this study, we downscaled the CLLE apparatus and coupled it
and the temperature. Monitoring the extraction of a test sample on-line with MS to enable analysis of the extracted compounds in
in real time can provide sufficient number of data points to real time (Fig. 1A). The miniature CLLE system with distillation
compute kinetic parameters based on one of the available stage was fabricated by the glass blowing workshop in the National
extraction models. These values can later be used to select the Tsing Hua University (Hsinchu, Taiwan). The system was designed
optimum extraction times for further analyses. That advantage is for extracting solvents lighter than the sample matrix (condenser
important because too short extraction times lead to low output tube was dipped in the sample). The nominal volume of the
extraction yields while too long extractions cause analyte losses extracting solvent spherical flask was 100 mL. It was filled with
(e.g. due to evaporation, adsorption, or degradation). 30 mL of hexane. The typical volume of the aqueous sample was
The self-sustained CLLE combines extraction with distillation. 47 mL (~10  smaller than in a typical commercial CLLE apparatus).
Thus, unlike in the conventional LLE methods, the same sample The extracting solvent flask was dipped in silicone oil bath placed
aliquot is constantly exposed to a flux of pure solvent that ex- on a hot plate (temperature setting: 90  C; MR Hei-Tec; Heidolph,
tracts the residual analytes even after an equilibrium condition is Schwabach, Germany). When hexane was boiling, it condensed and
established in the previous step. However, CLLE requires the dripped into the sample reservoir through a coaxial glass tube.
supply of thermal energy. We hypothesized that heating the Hexane layer accumulated in the upper part of the sample reser-
extracting solvent during CLLE may contribute to analyte losses. voir. The excess of hexane extract drained to the solvent flask in the
Therefore, it is important to transfer the extract to the detector as course of the extraction process through a side channel of the
quickly as possible to prevent extract degradation. The ultimate sample reservoir. To enable the flow of the extract to the solvent
reduction in the time gap between the extraction and detection flask, the valve on that channel was open during the entire
steps would be seen if the extraction and detection steps were extraction process.
combined. This goal can be achieved by hyphenating the
extraction apparatus with the detector. Moreover, the extraction 2.3. Real-time mass spectrometry
time should be carefully optimized by taking into account the
temporal concentration profile of the extract. This kind of opti- The extraction apparatus was coupled with the DUIS ion source
mization would be straightforward if the analyte concentrations of a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (LCMS-8030; Shimadzu,
in the extract could be monitored over time. Mass spectrometry Tokyo, Japan) via tubing: 70-cm fused silica capillary (I.D. 0.05 mm,
(MS) has broadly been utilized to perform temporal character- O.D. 0.375 mm); 18-cm Fluran tubing (I.D. 0.51 mm, O.D. 0.91 mm);
ization of dynamic processes (e.g. Ref. [13]; for reviews, see 80-cm fused silica capillary (I.D. 0.05 mm, O.D. 0.375 mm); and 3-
[14,15]), andddue to its high selectivitydit is also the first choice cm polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) tubing (I.D. 0.3 mm, O.D.
for real-time monitoring of CLLE. 1.58 mm). The DUIS ion source was set to APCI mode. The voltage
In order to verify the above hypothesis, we assembled a simple applied to the APCI needle was 4.5 kV. The temperature of the
sampling and sample transfer system for real-time monitoring of heated block was set to 400  C, while the temperature of the des-
liquid extracts and temporal characterization of the CLLE process. olvation line was set to 250  C. The drying gas (nitrogen) flow and
This system integrates an Arduino-based programmable logic the nebulizing gas (nitrogen) flow rates were set to 10 L min1 and
controller (PLC). The liquid extracts are automatically fed to the 1.5 L min1, respectively. In most experiments, the mass spec-
atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) inlet of a triple trometer was operated in the positive-ion Q3 scan and multiple
quadrupole (QqQ) mass spectrometer. The entire analysis process reaction monitoring (MRM) modes. The collision gas was argon. Its
occurs without the intervention of the analyst. The recorded tem- pressure was set to 230 kPa. The dwell time of each MRM transition
poral datasets are subsequently treated to obtain the extraction rate was 25 ms. The collision voltages were optimized individually for
constants for the target analytes. every compound (from 30 to 10 V). The total loop time for Q3
H.-H. Yang et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 1034 (2018) 85e91 87

calibration plots for 9 volatile compounds (Fig. S1), which are

normally present in red wine [21e25]: (1) ethyl propionate; (2)
ethyl butyrate; (3) ethyl 2-methylbutyrate; (4) diethyl succinate;
(5) ethyl 3-hydroxyhexanoate; (6) ethyl hexanoate; (7) ethyl octa-
noate; (8) ethyl phenylacetate; and (9) ethyl 3-phenylpropionate.
Calibration was carried out by infusion of standard solutions at
constant flow rate (~70 mL min1) at five or six calibration levels.
The standards were divided into two groups according to the
anticipated concentrations in extracts: low (5  107, 106,
2  106, 5  106, 105 M), medium (5  107, 106, 2  106,
5  106, 105, 5  105 M), and high (5  106, 105, 2  105,
5  105, 104, 5  104 M). The calibration datasets were fitted
with linear functions (Table S1 and Fig. S1). When using ESI-MS for
monitoring an extraction process, matrix effects were a major
problem. Although APCI is less prone than ESI to suffer from inhi-
bition/enhancement of the signal [26e29], such undesirable effects
still need to be considered. In order to evaluate possible matrix
effects, an experiment was conducted in which 4  diluted 3-h
hexane extract of red wine sample was spiked with standards.
The slope of the resulting equation was compared with the slope of
the calibration plot without normalization (cf. ref. [30]). In most
cases, the slopes were similar showing low or negligible matrix
effect (Table S2 and Fig. S2). However, in case of compound 6, the
matrix effect was strong. Therefore, it was crucial to normalize the
raw data, e.g. using an internal standard (cf. [28,31]), to compensate
for the matrix effect.
The repeatabilities were evaluated without and with the inter-
nal standard, and expressed by relative standard deviation (RSD):
10.6e13.5% and 4.8e8.1%, respectively (10 injections; Table S3). The
concentrations of the analyte standards in these tests were in the
order of the concentrations anticipated for the extracts based on
preliminary tests (106 e 104 M). The limits of detection spanned
from 4.89  107 to 1.76  105 M (calculated as the average of
3.3  standard deviation of intercept divided by slope of calibration
equation and 3.3  residual standard deviation of the regression
Fig. 1. Real-time monitoring of continuous liquid-liquid extraction (CLLE) by triple data divided by slope; Table S4). The compounds extracted from red
quadrupole mass spectrometry. (A) Layout of the experimental system. (B) Arduino- wine sample to hexane were putatively identified by product-ion
based PLC unit utilized to control the sampling and analysis process. scan measurement and comparison of the resulting tandem
spectra with the corresponding tandem spectra of chemical stan-
scan and all MRM events was 2.544 s. The extract was infused to the dards (cf. Table S5). The identification stage was facilitated by the
ion source by peristaltic pump (ISM404B; Ismatec, Glattbrugg- literature data on the typical composition of red wine studied with
Zürich, Switzerland) operated at the flow rate of ~70 mL min1 different analytical approaches [32e34].
for ~ 2 min every 30 min during 6 h. The MRM and Q3 scan data
were conducted by the mass spectrometer's software (LabSolu- 3.2. Temporal characterization of CLLE by real-time MS
tions, version 5.82, Shimadzu) for 1 min.
As discussed previously [12,16e20], universal electronic mod- Further on, we monitored CLLE of wine in real time by on-line
ules such as Arduino can replace the professional laboratory control APCI-QqQ-MS. The sample was transferred to the APCI interface
and data acquisition systems in many applications. Therefore, here for ~2 min every 30 min (Table 1). The sample transfer was
the peristaltic pump and the mass spectrometer were triggered by controlled by the control system shown in Fig. 1B. Such discon-
a custom-built control system (Fig. 1B) incorporating an Arduino- tinuous extract introduction was devised to prevent excessive
based PLC unit (ARDBOX PLC 20 I/Os RELAY 7.0; Industrial contamination of the ion source of the mass spectrometer and to
Shields, Barcelona, Spain) according to a time sequence pro- minimize the consumed extract volume. Related systems were
grammed in a variant of Cþþ language (Script S1). The MS datasets previously implemented in our laboratory to follow solid-liquid
were exported to ASCII files, and further processed in the Origin extraction [8,35], Soxhlet extraction [10] and distillation pro-
software (version 9.0; OriginLab, Northampton, MA, USA). The cesses [36]. In the present study, we have simplified the elec-
(normalized) ion current values were averaged over 1 min to obtain tronic control unit by implementing an Arduino-based PLC.
the final values. Moreover, the current system uses APCI-MS/MS detection, which
is advantageous for detecting medium polarity compounds
without separation. While one of the previous systems involved
3. Results and discussion separation by GC (what complicated real-time analysis) [10], here
we present an optimized real-time monitoring method that en-
3.1. Characterization of the real-time sample delivery interface for ables recording kinetic profiles of another extraction process e
The applied sampling rate (2 analyses per hour) was adequate
The real-time monitoring system was characterized by building for sampling the extract produced in the course of liquid-liquid
88 H.-H. Yang et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 1034 (2018) 85e91

Table 1
Event sequence in the CLLE-APCI-QqQ-MS. See Script S1 for the PLC code.

Event No. Event name Pump QqQ-MS Time/s

1 Flush and fill the transfer tubing with extract Running Idle 60
2 Analyze the extract Running Running 60
3 Switch off the pump Running Idle 1
4 Wait for the next analysis Idle Idle 1679

extraction process. The 6-h extraction routine yielded more than  

ten prominent signals (Fig. S3). The raw data (Fig. S4, red markers) C ¼ Ceq 1  ekt (1)
were converted to concentration-time profiles (Fig. 2) if calibration
equations were available (cf. Table S1). Importantly, blank analyses
where Ceq and k are the fitting parameters: equilibrium concen-
did not reveal any prominent signals at the target m/z values
tration and extraction rate constant, respectively. Similar models
(Fig. S4, blue markers). The profiles of the extracted compounds
were previously used to characterize other extraction processes
followed ascending curves (Fig. 2). These experimental datasets
[10,37]. The computed fitting parameters are listed in Table 2. The
were readily fitted with the exponential equation:
obtained rate constants ranged from 0.0037 to 0.0152 min1,

Fig. 2. Temporal extraction profiles for nine compounds. Symbols: (1) C5H10O2, (2) C6H12O2, (3) C7H14O2, (4) C8H14O4, (5) C8H16O3, (6) C8H16O2, (7) C10H20O2, (8) C10H12O2, (9)
C11H14O2. Symbols: (,) 1st replicate, day 1; (B) 2nd replicate, day 2; (△) 3rd replicate, day 3. Solid lines represent the fitted function (eq. (1), Table 2). Normalization was first
conducted by dividing the MRM ion currents of analytes by the corresponding ion currents of the internal standard. The average values were then converted to concentrations using
the calibration equations (Table S1). For compound 2, only the data points up to 150 min could be converted to concentrations due to the limited dynamic range of the calibration
plot. The error bars represent standard deviations (n ¼ 23). The bold number labels correspond to the mass spectrometric signals listed in Table S5.
H.-H. Yang et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 1034 (2018) 85e91 89

indicating differences in the extractabilities of various analytes by isotopically labeled diethyl succinate does not compensate
the organic phase. equally experimental variation for every compound.
Although momentary concentrations of the majority of the It should also be noted that the internal standard is an iso-
analyzed compounds were stable after 180-min CLLE, some topologue of compound 4. Thus, similar to all the other analytes, it
decrease was observed at long extraction times in a few cases (cf. is volatile. We noticed that solutions of the internal standard are
compounds 1 and 9, Fig. 2). Therefore, 180 min was selected as typically stable for ~3 days if refrigerated. While using volatile in-
the extraction time for further tests (sections 3.3 and 3.4), as a ternal standards is not preferred, it is hard to avoid when analyzing
compromise between the reduction of the extraction time and volatile compounds. Another issue is the high cost of isotopically
maximizing its yield. It should be noted that the ratios of frag- labeled standards. The on-line analysis of the liquid extract helps to
ment ions remained approximately constant during the extrac- minimize the concerns related to evaporation of the volatile extract
tion (Fig. S5A), what points to negligible isobaric interferences components while performing kinetic characterization of the
from the compounds with remarkably different rate constants extraction process.
(except compound 9). In fact, as expected, some variations of
fragment ion intensity ratios are also seen in the calibration
datasets at low concentrations (Fig. S5B). However, in the final
result (Fig. 2), the calibration was conducted for one specific pair 3.4. Degradation of wine during storage
of parent and fragment ions (cf. Table S1 and Fig. S1), and
normalization was performed to obtain quantitative results. The datasets shown in Fig. 2 reveal systematic differences in the
Nonetheless, due to the selectivity limitation of MRM-MS, some concentrations of target analytes among the three replicates during
of the obtained values may be contributed by species with the three consecutive days (note the differences between squares, cir-
same nominal mass. Further improvement of selectivity is cles, and triangles). The decrease of analyte level in this case
anticipated if the proposed system (Fig. 1) is coupled with a high- correlated with the time elapsed from opening the bottle of wine
resolution mass spectrometer and/or ion mobility cell installed in till the analysis (day 1, 2, and 3, respectively). Therefore, we sus-
front of the mass analyzer. pected thatddespite refrigerationdsome of the analytes were
degraded or evaporated from the wine matrix. To verify this sus-
3.3. On-line vs. off-line analysis of the extract picion, we further analyzed wine stored during longer times (up to
224 days) after opening the bottle. The results confirmed the
To demonstrate the usefulness of coupling continuous liquid- depletion of some of the studied analytes within 50 days of storage
liquid extraction on-line with mass spectrometry, we further (Fig. 3 and Table S6). It should be noted that the decrease of analyte
performed on-line and off-line analysis of the same extract. abundances here cannot only be explained by evaporation of vol-
Following the on-line extraction/analysis of red wine sample atile components because wine matrix is a complex and dynamic
over 180 min, the remaining portion of hexane extract was system. Especially when it is exposed to the air oxygen, depletion
collected and analyzed off-line by APCI-MS (after ~ 20 min), using and synthesis of certain components can occur simultaneously.
exactly the same analytical settings as those applied during the Moreover, evaporation of some highly volatile components from
on-line analysis. The rest of the extract was split into two parts: red wine matrix may also be inhibited by the colligative properties
one part was refrigerated at ~4  C while the other part was stored of this multi-component solution.
at the room temperature (~20  C; in 20-mL glass vials with It is generally known that chemical composition of bottled wine
plastic caps). The extracts stored for 3 days were also analyzed undergoes changes over time. Moreover, factors such as tempera-
off-line by APCI-MS. Comparison of the on-line and off-line re- ture and the amount of oxygen introduced to the bottle were
sults reveals some differences (Fig. S6). The normalized in- shown to affect concentrations of the wine components such as
tensities of some analytes decreased or increased due to the flavan-3-ol derivatives, glycosylated flavonols, vitamins, esters and
delayed analysis. For example, the off-line results for compounds anthocyanins [38e40]. The current result points to the fast deple-
5 and 7 were significantly lower than the corresponding on-line tion of some of the highly volatile species (esters) after opening the
results (p < 0.001). That observation could be explained by the bottle. It highlights a relatively short shelf life of open red wine
evaporation of volatile analytes, internal standard, and extraction bottles. The result of this chemical analysis is in agreement with the
solvent. The above result shows that analysis of fresh extracts general public perception that red wine is palatable for up to 5 days
(immediately after the extraction, as it takes place in the on-line after opening bottle [41e43].
experiment) helps to prevent artefacts due to the possible
evaporation of highly volatile species involved in the extraction
process. Nevertheless, an alternative explanation is that

Table 2
Fitting parameters (eq. (1)) for the temporal CLLE profiles (cf. Fig. 2).

No. Putative formula Ceq  106/M k/min1

1 C5H10O2 8.28 ± 0.24 0.0148 ± 0.0017

a a
2 C6H12O2
3 C7H14O2 2.57 ± 0.14 0.0063 ± 0.0008
4 C8H14O4 205.74 ± 9.41 0.0044 ± 0.0004
Fig. 3. Comparison of relative abundances of the target analytes in red wine stored
5 C8H16O3 12.95 ± 1.33 0.0037 ± 0.0006
during different times revealing depletion of some of the wine ingredients. Patterns:
6 C8H16O2 1.92 ± 0.15 0.0062 ± 0.0011
black e 1st day; dense lines e 50 days; spaced lines e 62 days; white e 224 days.
7 C10H20O2 1.49 ± 0.10 0.0069 ± 0.0011
Normalization was conducted by dividing the MRM ion currents of analytes by the
8 C10H12O2 0.44 ± 0.01 0.0081 ± 0.0050
corresponding ion currents of the internal standard. Average values are reported
9 C11H14O2 2.74 ± 0.10 0.0152 ± 0.0023
(n ¼ 23). The error bars represent standard deviations (n ¼ 23). Bold number labels
The extraction parameters could not be obtained for compound 2 because of too correspond to the mass spectrometric signals listed in Table S5. The results of statistical
small number of data points. analysis using one-way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis H test are presented in Table S6.
90 H.-H. Yang et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 1034 (2018) 85e91

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