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4 The Pulley

George Herbert (1593-1633) was a Welsh poet. He was a priest by profession. He wrote religious poems
with a lot of imagery and conceits. The poem exhibits a strange but two way relationship between
God and his worshippers. Though He has showered / bestowed His worshipper with all his blessings,
somewhere He holds them up with a pulley drawn, to be grateful to Him in all our endeavour.
God gives so many precious gifts to the devotee but at the same time God also expects something
in return ! What does He expect? Why does He withhold?
“The Pulley” shows how God lifts man towards Himself with the pulley of restlessness. What is distinctly
metaphysical about the poem is that a religious notion is conveyed through a secular scientific image.

When God at first made Man,

Having a glass of blessings standing by; Let us (said He) “pour on him all we can:” Let the world’s riches,
which dispersed lie, Contract into a span.
So strength first made a way;
Then beauty flow’d, then wisdom, honour, pleasure: When almost all was out, God made a stay,
Perceiving that alone of all His treasures
Rest in the bottom lay.
For if I should (said He)
Bestow this jewel also on my creature, He would adore my gifts instead of me, and rest in Nature, not
the God of Nature. So both should losers be.
Yet let him keep the rest,
But keep them with repining restlessness: Let him be rich and weary, that at last,
If goodness lead him not, yet weariness May toss him to my breast.
- George Herbert

Riches: wealth bounties
Dispersed: scattered
Contract: collect together
Span: small space
Perceiving: noticing, becoming conscious of
Bestow on: give as a gift to
Jewel: precious valuable thing, (here) contentement (rest)
Adore: love very much
Repining restlessness: continuous anxiety due to dissatisfaction
Weary: very tired
Toss: (here) bring, throw close


I. Explain the Figures of Speech in the following lines

(a) Rest in the bottom lay-PUN because
Ans. It is a Pun because the word ‘rest’ has two meanings-‘the last one remaining’ and ‘a quality that
helps us to stop doing something and to relax’.

(b) Bestow this jewel also on my creature-METAPHOR because

Ans. The gift of rest is implicitly compared to a ‘jewel’.

(c) And rest in nature, not the God of Nature-REPETITION because

Ans. The word ‘Nature’ is repeated for emphasis.

II. Choose the correct alternative from the following. (Answer given directly)

1. Herbert’s poem ‘The Pulley’ displays Origins and Morality/Spirituality as the two main themes.
a. Origins and Morality/Spirituality
b. Origin of species
c. Origin of the universe/galaxy
d. Origin of the earth/space

2. The summary of the poem ‘The Pulley’ is to remind man about his creator in his exhaustion./ God
pulled man towards Him by making him restless and weary. (Find two correct statements from the given
a. to focus on the mechanical operation of a pulley.
b. to teach a lesson to a creation (man) by the Creator (God)
c. to know the different gifts bestowed on man by God.
d. to remind man about his creator in his exhaustion.
e. God pulled man towards Him by making him restless and weary.

3. In the poem, ‘The Pulley’ is considered - a gift to mankind / an image by which God compels people to
become devout.
a. a mechanical device.
b. a gift to mankind
c. an image to lift objects.
d. an image by which God compels people to become devout.

4. Rest in the bottom lay is an example of Pun from the poem.

a. Rest in the bottom lay.
b. So strength first made a way.
c. Having a glass of blessings . . . . . .
d. So both should losers be

5. Let him be rich and weary is an example of Paradox from the poem.
a. And rest in Nature, not the God of Nature.
b. He would adore my gifts instead of me.
c. Let him be rich and weary.
d. When God at first made man.

6. May toss him to my breast is an example of Synecdoche from the poem.

a. So both should losers be.
b. Then beauty flowed.
c. “Let us” said he pour on him.
d. May toss him to my breast.
7. Repining restlessness is an example of Alliteration from the poem.
a. made a way
b. bottom lay.
c. repining restlessness
d. keep the rest.

8. So both should losers be is an example of Inversion from the poem.

a. Contract into a span.
b. So both should losers be.
c. Bestow this jewel.
d. And rest in nature.

9. The rhyme scheme of the poem is a b a b a.

a. a a b b c
b. a b c b c
c. a b c c b
d. a b a b a

III. Pick out 3 lines that contain Monologues of God.

1. For if I should bestow this jewel also on my creature…
2. He would adore my gifts instead of me.
3. If goodness lead him not, yet weariness may toss him to my breast.

IV. Answer the following questions.

1. The poet has used the word REST thrice in the poem. Write what the word implies in each of the three
lines it occurs.

2. What does God want in return from man, for the gift he has bestowed upon him?

3. Why did God withhold the gift of ‘Rest’ from man?

4. Besides those given in the poem, what other gifts has God blessed mankind with above his other
creations? Enlist them.

5. When does man generally turn to God? Give one example to support your response.

V. Your own response

Discuss with your group and justify the title of the poem ‘The Pulley’ in your own words.

Appreciation of a Poem (Point wise)

The title of the poem: ‘The Pulley’

The poet: George Herbert

Theme/Central idea: The main theme of the poem is that this poem shows us how God lifts man
towards Himself with the pulley of restlessness.

Rhyme scheme: a-b-a-b-a

Figure of speech: Metaphor

Special Features (Type of poem, imagery, implied meaning if any, etc.): This poem is rich in imagery of
human qualities. It also explain human nature beautifully.

Favourite line/lines: But keep them with repining restlessness:

Let him be rich and weary, that at last,
If goodness lead him not, yet weariness
May toss him to my breast.

Why I like/don’t like the poem: I like this poem for its inspiring and beautiful message that human
beings should be grateful for all the Lord’s blessings and gifts and how we should love God who is the
Giver of all our gifts, more than the gifts itself.

Appreciation of a Poem (Paragraph Format)

The poem ‘The Pulley’ is written by George Herbert. The main theme of the poem is that this poem
shows us how God lifts man towards Himself with the pulley of restlessness. Rhyme scheme of each
verse is a-b-a-b-a. The main figure of speech used in this poem is Metaphor. The ‘glass of blessing can be
compared to the sum of all human qualities bestowed on man. This poem is rich in imagery of human
qualities. It also explain human nature beautifully. My favourite lines in this poem are ‘But keep them
with repining restlessness Let him be rich and weary, that at last, If goodness lead him not, yet weariness
may toss him to my breast’. I like this poem for its inspiring and beautiful message that human beings
should be grateful for all the Lord’s blessings and gifts and how we should love God who is the Giver of
all our gifts, more than the gifts itself.

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