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Green Chemistry

The protection of environment and human health depends on the kind of wastes produced from
chemical plants, what are arises from smokestacks of plants and thrown into the environment
.Gases arises from chemical plants affects health and has dangerous effects on environment;
some of these gases are prejudicial.

In the mid of 1990s, the two chemists Paul Anastasia and Johan Warner were put new strategies
to fight pollution. The aim of new strategies is to clean up the messes instead of preventing them.
The controlling of starting material used as row material is better than to find the solution how to
dispose it and minimizing energy used in the reactors. The use of solar energy is much clear than
the energy generated from exothermic reactions. The solar panels which used to produce solar
energy may contain scarce metals and petrochemical derivatives which become toxic.

In the USA some of 1o present of all petroleum consumed goes to make drugs, food wrappings,
computer cases, cosmetics and other products under the regulations of American Chemistry
Council through green chemistry principles. From ten years ago the term green chemistry was
used in in the drug industry by Buzz Cue. In the pharmaceutical industry the applying of green
chemistry is very important and is being used, some companies for the pharmaceutical drug
manufacture have been recognized by the EPAs green chemistry awards, as example BASF
Company makes 2 billion tablets of painkiller ibuprofen in three steps rather than six step process.

By applying green chemistry, the chemotherapy drug paclitaxel is now made by growing tree cells
in fermentation vat instead before it was made by extracting chemicals from yew tree bark which
used a lot of solvent and killed the tree.

Carbon Dioxide is widely used in our food and drinks because it is a cheap and nontoxic. It can be
used as gas under pressure and it can be used as a liquid solvent .Now about 20 per cent of
global decaf products uses super critical carbon dioxide .Before coffee beans was often washed
free of their unwanted caffeine by using solvent such as methylene chloride, a suspected
carcinogen (cause cancer) .Supercritical carbon dioxide is now used in some 125 food and drink
manufacturing plants over all the world.

Our purchase was enveloped by plastics which derived from fossil – fuel sources which have
taken a million years to build up .Now alternative plastics derived from renewable sources such as
a polymer called Ingeo derived from corn starch.

Now the manufacturing of cosmetics using more safe ingredients derived from renewable
materials such as palm and coconut oil, but some manufactures of cosmetics still derived the row
material from fossil sources.

Clothing industry used more unsustainable row material such as chemical fertilizers ,herbicides,
pesticides and synthetic textiles such as polyester derived from petrochemical ,all these row
material have dangerous effect on environment ,more than 60 per cent of clothing manufactures
still uses row material derived from petroleum .

Toxic chemicals such as xylene ,mercury, sulphuric acid carcinogenic solvents are used in
electronic industry and then throw it away to environment such as mobiles ,laptops some
electronic games and computers which is widely used these days .To make microcircuit takes
between 800-1000 steeps.

So all the government organisations and some chemists, they have put the new regulations and
principles to use the green chemistry in various industries but there are some trespassers do not
care about the environment and human health


News scientist, published on 13march 2010

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